Search results for ""author erik"
Random House USA Inc The Secret of Shazam! (DC Super Friends)
Shazam(TM), the World's Mightiest Mortal, swoops in to save the day in this DC Super Friends Step into Reading book with shiny stickers! Shazam(TM), Wonder Woman(TM), Superman(TM), and the rest of the DC Super Friends(TM) star in this all-new Step 2 Step into Reading leveled reader that features a sheet of shiny stickers. Boys and girls ages 4 to 6 will love learning about the World's Mightiest Mortal in this fun reader with a shiny foil cover. Step 2 readers use basic vocabulary and short sentences to tell simple stories. Step 2 is for children who recognize familiar words and can sound out new words with help.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Organisationsberatung: Gestaltungshinweise zur Entwicklung einer produktiven Beratungsbeziehung
Klienten und Berater haben unterschiedliche Bilder und Vorstellungen über Beratungsprozesse. Diese unausgesprochenen Bilder sind handlungsleitend und damit von zentraler Bedeutung für die Arbeitsbeziehung und die Erfolgschancen in der Beratung. Aufgrund ihrer empirischen Forschung ermitteln die Autoren drei typische Bilder und die damit verbundenen Spiele in der Beratungspraxis und geben konkrete Empfehlungen, wie Praktiker ihre eigenen Bilder erkunden und damit ihre Beratungspraxis überprüfen und neu ausrichten können.
Verlag Herder Eine Kirche Fur Viele Statt Heiligem Rest
Emerald Publishing Limited Space Tourism: The Elusive Dream
There is an unbridged gap between human aspirations to travel into space and the barriers to realizing such dreams. Despite optimistic predictions, a viable space tourism industry has yet to emerge, with only a handful of 'millionaire' space tourists having experienced travel in outer space. Space tourism remains an elusive dream. This is the first comprehensive, multidisciplinary work on the emergent phenomenon of space tourism. Leading specialists from a range of fields cover a wide spectrum of topics including the space history and technology underpinning current developments; space tourists' motivations; and the environmental, social, and legal aspects concomitant with a space tourism industry. The book is unique in its focus on virtual forms of space travel, such as those manifesting in virtual reality, films, and games. The volume takes a nuanced and critical approach to the development of aspirations to leave Earth, stressing the far-reaching implications for the environment and for human life and society on Earth. The book is written in an approachable manner, making it accessible to both academics and the interested general reader. Owing to its interdisciplinary character, it should be of interest to practitioners and teachers across the sciences, humanities, and social sciences.
Verso Books Foucault's Analysis of Modern Governmentality: A Critique of Political Reason
Lemke offers the most comprehensive and systematic account of Michel Foucault's work on power and government from 1970 until his death in 1984. He convincingly argues, using material that has only partly been translated into English, that Foucault's concern with ethics and forms of subjectivation is always already integrated into his political concerns and his analytics of power. The book also shows how the concept of government was taken up in different lines of research in France before it gave rise to "governmentality studies" in the Anglophone world.A Critique of Political Reason: Foucault's Analysis of Modern Governmentality provides a clear and well-structured exposition that is theoretically challenging but also accessible for a wider audience. Thus, the book can be read both as an original examination of Foucault's concept of government and as a general introduction to his "genealogy of power".
Taylor & Francis Inc Evolutionary Biology of the Atlantic Salmon
Nanotechnology offers a revolutionary and definitive approach for the efficient delivery of drug molecules to non-healthy tissues and cells. This first volume of a series of two volumes analyzes the basics in the development of drug-loaded nanoplatforms, the so-called nanomedicines. Special attention is given to physicochemical engineering, pharmacokinetics, biocompatibility and biodegradability, representative nanoplatforms (based on lipids, polymers, cyclodextrins, metals, carbon, silica, iron oxides, etc.), and advanced nano-engineering strategies for passive, ligand-mediated, and/or stimuli-sensitive drug delivery and release.
Rangjung Yeshe Publications,Nepal Dakini Teachings: A Collectin of Padmasambhava's Advice to the Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal
Uitgeverij WBOOKS The Persecution of the Jews in Photographs: The Netherlands 1940-1945
The Persecution of the Jews in Photographs, the Netherlands 1940-1945 is the first book of its kind on the subject. Both the professional photographers commissioned by the occupying forces and amateurs took moving photographs. On 10 May 1940, the day of the German invasion, there were 140,000 Jewish inhabitants living in the Netherlands. The full extent of their terrible fate only became known after the war: at least 102,000 were murdered, died of mistreatment or were worked to death in the Nazi camps. This tragedy has had a profound effect on Dutch society. Photographic archives and private collections were consulted in the Netherlands and abroad. Extensive background data was researched, which means that the moving pictures have an even greater force of expression. The result is an overwhelming collection of almost 400 photographs, accompanied by detailed captions.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Falsifying Beckett: Essays on Archives, Philosophy & Methodology in Beckett Studies
The dozen essays brought together here, alongside a newly-written introduction, contextualise and exemplify the recent "empirical turn" in Beckett studies. Characterised, above all, by recourse to manuscript materials in constructing revisionist interpretations, this approach has helped to transform the study of Samuel Beckett over the past generation. In addition to focusing upon Beckett's early immersion in philosophy and psychology, other chapters similarly analyse his later collaboration with the BBC through the lens of literary history. The book thus offers new readings of Beckett by returning to his archive of notebooks, letters, and drafts. In reassessing key aspects of his development as one of the 20th century's leading artists, this collection is of interest to all students of Beckett's writing as well as "historicist" scholars and critics of modernism more generally.
Oro Editions Renovating Carbon: Re-imagining the Carbon Form
Carbon is everywhere — in the soil, in the air, in life. Carbon is the foundation of architecture and the built environment. Carbon is also infamous for intensifying the climate catastrophes around us. And architects — by the nature of their education and practice are transforming this carbon into the built environment. Twelve critical essays in this book present a constellation of voices surrounding carbon and its relationship with architecture, renovation, material, form, and design pedagogy. The renovation of two buildings on the Equator — at the School of Design and Environment (SDE), National University of Singapore — serve as the protagonists for these reflections. The essays raise key questions on the values embedded in the architecture of architecture schools. What principles might a low-carbon future embody? What do renovations mean for rapidly urbanising Asia? How can they transform the relationship between climate and architecture on the Equator? Do they demand new equatorial forms? How can material innovations influence their design? How can the design of architecture schools influence a new generation of architects towards a sustainable future? These and other questions are set forth within while illustrating the models of thought that have shaped the architecture of SDE 1 & 3, offering ways to sustainably transform carbon in the context of our warming world.
Insight Editions Ghostbusters: The Official Cookbook: (Ghostbusters Film, Original Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters Movie)
John Wiley & Sons Inc Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Secrets
Tips, tricks, and little-known methods used by professional SEO consultants to rank in some of the most competitive search phrases Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of creating, formatting and promoting web pages in a manner that ensures that they are ranked highly for chosen keyword phrases after a user performs a Web search. This unique book taps the relatively unknown market of advanced SEO knowledge, and reveals secrets used by only the best SEO consultants. You'll take your Internet marketing skills to the next level as you gain a thorough understanding of standard SEO techniques such as on-page optimization, off-page optimization, and link building. Packed with real-world examples, this essential guide demonstrates how real SEO consultants work with Fortune 500 companies to get the results they desire. Coverage includes: Understanding Search Engine Optimization Relearning How You See the Web Picking the Right SEO Tools Finding SEO Problems Solving SEO Problems SEO Best Practices The SEO Consulting Process Comprehensive Site Audit (Informational Website) Comprehensive Site Audit (E-Commerce Website) Understanding the SEO Industry Search Engine Verticals Optimizing for Alternative Search Engines Setting Up a Testing Platform SEO Resources Attending SEO Conferences
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Tech Stress: Living Smart with Screen-Dependence
Duke University Press The Second Battle for Africa
Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch Vigencia ordinaria de los convenios colectivos ultraactividad y contractualización judicial de sus condiciones de trabajo
Esta obra analiza las soluciones que ofrece nuestra jurisprudencia y doctrinajudicial a los problemas interpretativos que plantean los estadios enque se desdobla la vigencia de un convenio colectivo ?inicial, prórroga yultraactividad-. Su intención es proporcionar claves para asimilar adecuadamenteel funcionamiento de elementos ancilares de la duración de todoconvenio colectivo, como su entrada en vigor y aplicación retroactiva, suprórroga automática, su renovación ante tempus, su denuncia y la legitimaciónnecesaria para llevarla a cabo así como todos los aspectos inherentesa la ultraactividad del convenio colectivo. La monografía prestaatención particular a este último punto y se detiene en asuntos polémicosy de máxima actualidad como los referidos a la naturaleza del pacto encontrario sobre el que se articula el vigente régimen legal, al dies a quode la ultraactividad o a la concurrencia del convenio colectivo en fase deultraactivid
Chicago Review Press A Seat at the Table
When Shriley Chisholm was asked why she would dare run for president, her response was, why not her?Shirley Anita St. Hill Chisholm rose from being the child of immigrants to the United States to running for the highest office in the land. Her achievement in doing this as a Black woman was not in spite of her background but rather because of it. She became both the first African American woman elected to the US Congress and the first female African American of a major political party to make a serious run for president of the United States. She persevered by being steadfast in her political convictions and unwillingness to compromise on the issues she believed in. Chisholm directly challenged the political establishment and was successful because she galvanized women, minorities, young people, and the poor not only in her home district in Brooklyn, New York, but across the country. She was that catalyst for change who gave a political voice to so many segments of society who were,
Blue Snake Books Jiu Jitsu: The Essential Guide to Mastering the Art
Adams Media Corporation The Everything Kids Travel Activity Book Games to Play Songs to Sing Fun Stuff to Do Guaranteed to Keep You Busy the Whole Ride
Simon & Schuster Molly and the Mutants
Molly and her friends take on giant mutant creatures in this second book in the hilarious and poignant Far Flung Falls middle grade sci-fi series set in 1980s Ohio—perfect for fans of Stuart Gibbs and James Ponti!The mystery of the giant brother-stealing robot may have been solved, but a new set of troubles for Molly and her friends has just begun. Strange things are happening once again in Far Flung Falls. Where have all the pets gone? And who—or what—is behind the disappearances? Naturally, everyone is looking to Molly for answers. Only this time, she’s as clueless as anybody else. What’s more, between dad’s new girlfriend, fifth grade homework, and her friend Margo’s wild schemes, Molly’s already got more than enough to deal with. Still, she feels the pressure of everyone’s expectations, and that pressure only mounts when the list of vanished pets grows to include her beloved cat, Crank. Determined to find her, Molly hops back on her revamped bike, Pink Lightning, and together with Arvin, Leonard, and a few new faces, Molly sets off in search of answers. But nothing can prepare them for what they find…or what to do when it finds them.
Aladdin Paperbacks Molly and the Mutants
HarperCollins Publishers Inc All That's Left in the World
Turia + Kant, Verlag Slavoj iek und die Künste
Holistika Verlag Es begann in Babylon Biblische Wurzeln in den sumerischen Keilschrifttafeln Zeugnisse auerirdischen Eingreifens
Chiron Verlag Klassische Prognosemethoden
Chiron Verlag Die Gunst der Stunde
Ahriman- Verlag GmbH Die RechtsLinksVerwirrung
Ahriman- Verlag GmbH Wie unrecht hatte Marx wirklich
Ahriman- Verlag GmbH Röpers epochales CoronaBuch wo hat er recht wo liegt er daneben
Waxmann Verlag GmbH Die Kunst präsent zu sein
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Choral am Ende der Reise
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Ein Hummerleben
Goldmann TB Dunkelhaus
Goldmann TB Nachtjagd
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Rethinking Corporate Governance: The Forming of Operative and Financial Strategies in Global Corporations
Rethinking Corporate Governance's extensive and insightful empirical investigation offers a radically new approach to corporate governance. This ground-breaking volume describes and analyzes the key nature-based and actor-based forces that ultimately determine corporate governance processes and long-term corporate paths. Generally, such forces work in complex and intricate interplays that to a large extent vary among corporations. A theory of shareholder governance is developed and integrated into the established - and more comprehensive - theory of corporate governance to create a revised theory of the corporation (firm). The new possibilities that this creates for explaining how processes develop and ultimately influence corporate paths are presented in-depth. Featuring conclusions based on an empirical material that is both rich and exclusive, the book also contains extensive non-anonymized materials from authentic corporate governance processes. A general conclusion is that actions taken by individuals have a special status among those forces, as they not only generate impact in themselves, but also involve interpretations of the possible effects of all the other forces.Among those actions, the ones taken by the shareholders stand out as particularly decisive both for the governance processes as such and for how corporations develop over time. Offering a degree of openness, detail and realism that is hard to find in any other case-based study this innovative and enlightening volume is essential for both academics and practitioners involved in corporate governance, corporate strategy and the theory of the firm.
O'Reilly Media Perl & XML
XML is a text-based markup language that has taken the programming world by storm. More powerful than HTML yet less demanding than SGML, XML has proven itself to be flexible and resilient. XML is the perfect tool for formatting documents with even the smallest bit of complexity, from Web pages to legal contracts to books. However, XML has also proven itself to be indispensable for organizing and conveying other sorts of data as well, thus its central role in web services like SOAP and XML-RPC. As the Perl programming language was tailor-made for manipulating text, few people have disputed the fact that Perl and XML are perfectly suited for one another. The only question has been what's the best way to do it. That's where this book comes in. Perl & XML is aimed at Perl programmers who need to work with XML documents and data. The book covers all the major modules for XML processing in Perl, including XML::Simple, XML::Parser, XML::LibXML, XML::XPath, XML::Writer, XML::Pyx, XML::Parser::PerlSAX, XML::SAX, XML::SimpleObject, XML::TreeBuilder, XML::Grove, XML::DOM, XML::RSS, XML::Generator::DBI, and SOAP::Lite. But this book is more than just a listing of modules; it gives a complete, comprehensive tour of the landscape of Perl and XML, making sense of the myriad of modules, terminology, and techniques. This book covers: *parsing XML documents and writing them out again *working with event streams and SAX *tree processing and the Document Object Model *advanced tree processing with XPath and XSLT Most valuably, the last two chapters of Perl & XML give complete examples of XML applications, pulling together all the tools at your disposal. All together, Perl & XML is the single book that gives you a solid grounding in XML processing with Perl.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Cognitive Finance: Behavioral Strategies of Spending, Saving & Investing
Nova Science Publishers Inc Progress in Quantum Chemistry Research
Libri Publishing Behind Closed Doors: Stories from the Coaching Room
Cantata Learning The Tortoise and the Hare