Search results for ""Transcript Verlag""
Transcript Verlag Visiting the Visitor: An Enquiry Into the Visitor Business in Museums
The study of the museum visitor has undergone radical transformation. Each author here has asked unfamiliar questions and responded with fresh answers. Some of these questions involve the visitor's identity, what she brings to her museum experience. Can we gain entry into this experience? Does more technology really increase access to the objects themselves? Others probe the very nature of museum going and exhibition making, demanding that we reexamine the traditional exhibition to reposition the visitor and her meaning-making at the centre. The volume provokes imaginative research and encourages new conclusions.
Transcript Verlag Photography in Latin America: Images and Identities Across Time and Space
Historical photographs taken in Latin America have now become key sites for memory politics, ethnographic imagination, and the negotiation of identity. This volume opens up a set of questions relating to the contemporaneous agency of images as well as their current appropriation via new technologies. Case studies of pictures taken in Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Brazil analyze these processes by tracing how the images have been resignified over time and space. The contributions examine photographs that have been recently rediscovered by such diverse actors as European museums, human rights organizations, anthropologists, shamans, local historians, and communities of internet users.
Transcript Verlag Serializing Age: Aging and Old Age in TV Series
Serialized storytelling provides intriguing opportunities for critical representations of age and aging. In contrast to the finite character of films, television narratives can unfold across hundreds of episodes and multiple seasons. Contemporary viewing practices and new media technologies have resulted in complex television narratives, in which experimental temporalities and revisions of narrative linearity and chronological time have become key features. As the first of its kind, this volume investigates how TV series as a powerful cultural medium shape representations of age and aging, such as in "Orange Is The New Black", "The Wire" or "Desperate Housewives", to understand what it means to live in time.
Transcript Verlag Improvisation erforschen -- improvisierend forschen / Researching Improvisation -- Researching by Improvisation: Beitrge zur Exploration musikalischer Improvisation / Essays About the Exploration of Musical Improvisation
Dieser durchgehend zweisprachige Band versammelt Beiträge zu ästhetischen, künstlerischen und pädagogischen Fragestellungen der musikalischen Improvisation. Er beinhaltet Reflexionen und Modelle, die sich mit der Kunst der Improvisation und den in ihr handelnden Menschen befassen und darüber hinaus faszinierende Perspektiven auch für Kultur und Wissenschaft bieten.This book, bilingual throughout, brings together essays providing aesthetic, artistic and pedagogical interrogations of the art of musical improvisation. It contains reflections and models which deal both with the art of improvisation and with the people who carry it out and offers fascinating perspectives for culture and for scholarship more generally.Contributions by Alan Bern, Rogério Costa, Nina Polaschegg, Edwin Prévost, and others.
Transcript Verlag Moving (Across) Borders: Performing Translation, Intervention, Participation
As performative and political acts, translation, intervention, and participation are movements that take place across, along, and between borders. Such movements traverse geographic boundaries, affect social distinctions, and challenge conceptual categorizations - while shifting and transforming lines of separation themselves. This book brings together choreographers, movement practitioners, and theorists from various fields and disciplines to reflect upon such dynamics of difference. From their individual cultural backgrounds, they ask how these movements affect related fields such as corporeality, perception, (self-)representation, and expression.
Transcript Verlag The New Formula For Cool: Science, Technology, and the Popular in the American Imagination
"Our society has undergone a paradigm shift. In the information age, you and I are the alpha males," Dr Leonard Hofstadter, experimental physicist and protagonist of the hit sitcom "The Big Bang Theory", assures himself and his fellow scientists. The success of this and similar formats in American popular culture proves his point: Science has finally discovered the formula for cool. This interdisciplinary study examines how "cool", a key aesthetic and affective category in the American imagination, informs contemporary representations of technoscience. Analyzing selected audiovisual productions, Judith Kohlenberger sheds light on current processes of interaction between science and popular culture, two pivotal sources for change in post-industrial America.
Transcript Verlag Kompositionen für hörbaren Raum / Compositions f – Die frühe elektroakustische Musik und ihre Kontexte / The Early Electroacoustic Music and Its
The integration of audible space is a central aspect of electroacoustic music. Ever since the earliest analogue days of electroacoustic music, pioneers of the genre - including Pierre Schaeffer, Iannis Xenakis, Karlheinz Stockhausen, and Luigi Nono - used special devices and methods for their compositions and refined the possibilities of integrating the sound of space into music.In this anthology, analytical portraits of compositions and groups of compositions show the wide spectrum of spatial practices in early electroacoustic music. Additionally, retrospective views on the use of spatial composition in earlier epochs and in instrumental music of the 20th century portray the practice of spatial composition in different eras and genres, as well as the universality of spatial music as a topic. In this way the book contributes to a more differentiated understanding of the term "spatial music".Die Integration des hörbaren Raums ist ein zentraler Aspekt der elektroakustischen Musik. Schon auf Basis der Analogtechnik entstanden spezielle Geräte und Verfahren, die Pioniere des Genres wie Pierre Schaeffer, Iannis Xenakis, Karlheinz Stockhausen oder Luigi Nono für ihre Vorstellungen von Raummusik heranzogen und weiter entwickelten.In diesem Band, der englisch- und deutschsprachige Beiträge gleichermaßen versammelt, zeigen analytische Portraits einzelner Kompositionen oder Kompositionsgruppen das breite Spektrum spatialer Praktiken in der frühen elektroakustischen Musik. Geschichtliche Rückblicke auf spatiale Kompositionsweisen früherer Epochen bis hin zur instrumentalen Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts stellen den epochen- und genrespezifischen Umgang mit Raum dar und belegen nicht nur die Universalität des Themas Raummusik, sondern leisten auch einen Beitrag zu deren begrifflicher Differenzierung.
Transcript Verlag Negotiations of the "New World": The Omnipresence of "Global" as a Political Phenomenon
"Global" is everywhere - recent years have seen a significant proliferation of the adjective "global" across discourses. But what do social actors actually do when using this term? Written from within the political studies and International Relations disciplines, and with a particular interest in the US, this book demonstrates that the widespread use of "global" is more than a linguistic curiosity. It constitutes a distinct political phenomenon of major importance: the negotiation and reproduction of the "new world". As such, the analysis of the use of "global" provides fascinating insights into an influential and politically loaded aspect of contemporary imaginations of the world.
Transcript Verlag Humour and Laughter in History: Transcultural Perspectives
Humour can be used as a "weapon" or as a means of coping with problematic historical events, especially in times of war and crisis. The book presents examples from different cultures (Russia, Europe, USA), from different historical epochs (from the Napoleonic era up to the current time) and from different medias (caricature, journalism, film). By looking at the individual cases it becomes possible to recognize some general structural patterns and to gain a deeper insight into the "functioning" of humour and laughter.
Transcript Verlag Architects and Post-Disaster Housing: A Comparative Study in South India
This book examines the different roles of architects in rural post-disaster housing and their impact on the degree of success of the projects from villagers' perspective. It is based around the building process of three case studies affected by the tsunami of 2004 in rural South India. It identifies the critical parameters and skills required at project level during the course of the building process. The results from villages and interviews with experienced international and Indian architects, engineers and NGO representatives show that architects are often poorly equipped to work in this context. Gertrud Tauber concludes with a proposal for a course to help architects in the building of people-oriented housing in post-disaster environments.
Transcript Verlag The Transcription of Identities: A Study of V. S. Naipaul's Postcolonial Writings
Based on a study of V. S. Naipaul's postcolonial writings, this book explores the process of postcolonial subjects' special route of identification. This enables the readers to see how in our increasingly diverse and fragmented post-modern world, identity is a vibrant, complex, and highly controversial concept. The old notion of identity as a prescribed and self-sufficient entity is now replaced by identity as a plural, floating and becoming process. Min Zhou shows how postcolonial literature, among other artistic forms, is one of the most representative reflections of this floating identity.
Transcript Verlag City of Crisis: The Multiple Contestation of Southern European Cities
The ongoing crisis in Europe has dramatic impact on the life in many Southern European cities: Unemployment, social deprivation, poverty, political instability, severe cuts in the welfare state budgets and a wide spread feeling of despair have eroded much of the social foundation of the cities. In this book, contributors from Spain, Greece, Portugal and Italy provide an insight into the complex interference between the different aspects of the crisis. They show that the recent urban crisis is not purely a result of the budgetary problems of the nation state ("austerity urbanism") but needs to be seen as multiple contestations. The Crisis of the City is therefore understood as a result of a changing nation state, cultural diversity, challenged urban planning and politics and a globalized economy.
Transcript Verlag Interpreting Networks: Hermeneutics, Actor-Network Theory, and New Media
After postmodern critique has deconstructed, decentered, and displaced order and identity on all levels, we are faced with the Humpty Dumpty question of how to put the pieces back together again. This book brings together the seldom associated discourses of hermeneutics, actor-network theory, and new media in order to formulate a theory of a global network society. Hermeneutics re-opens the question of unity in a fragmented world. Actor-network theory reinterprets the construction of meaning as networking. New media studies show how networking is done. Networks arise, are maintained, and are transformed by communicative actions that are governed by network norms that make up a social operating system. The social operating system offers an alternative to the imperatives of algorithmic logic, functionality, and systemic closure that dominate present day solutions to problems of over-complexity in all areas. The world of meaning constructed by the social operating system is a mixed reality in which filters and layers replace the physical restraints of space and time as parameters of knowing and acting. Society and nature, humans and non-humans come together in a socio-sphere consisting of hybrid, heterogeneous actor-networks. This book proposes reinterpreting hermeneutics as networking and networking as guided by a social operating system whose norms are based on new media. There emerges a theory for a global network society described by different concepts than those typical of Western modernity.
Transcript Verlag Cool Istanbul: Urban Enclosures and Resistances
This volume investigates the "cool city" phenomenon with an empirical focus on Istanbul. The book approaches "cool Istanbul" not only as a consumable brand but also as a socially produced and politically performed phenomenon. The contributions draw attention to the significance of thinking production, consumption and performance of cities in relation to their imagination, and trigger critical questions beyond disciplinary academic boundaries.
Transcript Verlag From Mutual Observation to Propaganda War – Premodern Revolts in Their Transnational Representations
The Arab spring, protest movements in the EU, Russia, Turkey or elsewhere, are often labeled as twitter-revolutions. A crucial role is attributed to the new media, coverage of events abroad and ensuing mutual reactions. With the dissemination of print, revolts in early-modern times faced the challenge of a similar media-revolution. This influenced the very face of the events that could become full-fledged propaganda wars once the insurgents had won access to the printing press. But it also had an impact on revolt-narratives. Governments severely persecuted dissident views in such delicate issues as revolts. Observers abroad had no such divided loyalties and were freer to reflect upon the events. Therefore, the book focuses mainly on representations of revolts across borders.
Transcript Verlag Religion, Tradition, and the Popular: Transcultural Views from Asia and Europe
A rapid development of religious popular cultures and lifestyles can be observed across the globe. This book provides unique case studies from Asia and Europe illustrating new religious practices, forms of articulation and mass mediatization, all of which render religious traditions significant for contemporary issues and concerns. The essays examine experiences of spirituality in combination with commercialization and expressive performative practices as well as everyday politics of identity. Based on innovative theoretical reflections, the essays take into consideration what the transcultural negotiation of religion, tradition and the popular signifies in different places and social contexts. With contributions by Anthony Reid, Hubert Knoblauch, Ariel Heryanto, Stefanie von Schnurbein and others.
Transcript Verlag Real Virtuality: About the Destruction and Multiplication of World
Increasingly, the virtual became reality by a hybridization of the world as we knew it: the process that went on in recent years is one of a technically assisted hybridization of both space and self, the "old" world is becoming virtualized and functionalized to a degree never experienced before. For the first time in human history, we have reached a threshold where we have not only to re-assert but to redefine ourselves, as regards our fundamental terms of understanding what world means for us, our base of existence and now an assemblage of mixed realities; and connected, what being human means. With a Preface by Gerd Stern.
Transcript Verlag Making Sense as a Cultural Practice: Historical Perspectives
In the cultural and social formations of the past, practices exist for the generation and integration of moments having and giving sense with the objective of strengthening the cultural and social cohesion. Such practices and processes have a constructive character, even if this is not always the intention of the actors themselves. As the production of sense is one of the central fields of action of cultural and political practice, the articles examine with an interdisciplinary perspective how, in different contexts, the construction of sense was organized and implemented as a cultural practice.
Transcript Verlag Beware of the Other Side(s): Multiple Personality Disorder and Dissociative Identity Disorder in American Fiction
This interdisciplinary study examines the still vivid phenomenon of the most controversial psychiatric diagnosis in the United States: multiple personality disorder, now called dissociative identity disorder. This syndrome comprehends the occurrence of two or more distinct identities that take control of a person's behavior paired with an inexplicable memory loss. Synthesizing the fields of psychiatry and the dynamics of the disorder with its influential representation in American fiction, the study researches how psychiatry and fiction mutually shaped a mysterious syndrome and how this reciprocal process created a genre fiction of its own that persists until today in a very distinct self-referential mode.
Transcript Verlag Dancing Archives—Archive Dances: Exploring Dance Histories at the Radcliffe College Archives
This book presents the first in-depth archival exploration of a lost history of dance as an extracurricular activity at Radcliffe College, the women's liberal arts college of Harvard University, during the first half of twentieth century. Using archival story-ing, an innovative methodology that brings the researcher's lived experience at the Radcliffe College Archives into the historical discourse, three archive stories were created. These vivid narratives thrive in the researcher's personal encounters with the surroundings of the archive and the interpretation and reading of what is to be found giving profound insights into what it means to walk in the footsteps of Radcliffe dance history.
Transcript Verlag The Berlin Reader: A Compendium on Urban Change and Activism
By drawing together widely dispersed yet central writings, the Berlin Reader is an essential resource for everyone interested in urban development in one of the most interesting and important metropolises in Europe. It provides scholars as well as students, journalists and visitors with an overview of the most central discussions on the tremendous changes Berlin experienced since the fall of the wall. It covers a wide range of issues, including inner city renewal, housing and the local economy, gentrification and other urban conflicts. The book breaks ground in two dimensions: first, by offering also non-German speakers an insight into the very controversial debates after reunification, and, second, by highlighting the ambivalent consequences of Berlin's urban transformation in the past decades.
Transcript Verlag Animal Minds and Animal Ethics: Connecting Two Separate Fields
Animal minds and animal ethics - different origins, connecting similarities. Philosophers working on questions of animal ethics usually draw on research into animal cognition and subscribe to strong positions regarding animal minds. Whereas philosophers interested in the question of animal minds sometimes draw ethical conclusions from the positions they argue for. In spite of such overlaps, these two areas of research have grown up separately. One reason for this separation stems from the institutional distinction between theoretical and practical philosophy. The principal aim of this anthology is to build bridges between the fields and different philosophical approaches of animal ethics and of animal minds and cognition.
Transcript Verlag Spaces of the Poor: Perspectives of Cultural Sciences on Urban Slum Areas and Their Inhabitants
What do we know about the urban impoverished areas of the world and the living environment of its inhabitants? How did the urban poor cope with their surroundings? How did they interpret and adopt urban space in order to fight against their position at the periphery of society? This volume takes up these questions and investigates how far approaches of cultural sciences can contribute to overcome the "exoticization of the ghetto" (Loïc Wacquant) and instead to look at the heterogeneity and individuality behind the facades. It opens new perspectives for the research of poverty and inequalities that do not stop at collective categories.
Transcript Verlag Ornamenting the "Cold Roast": The Domestic Architecture and Interior Design of Upper-Class Boston Homes, 1760-1880
This book presents the meticulous case studies of three individual houses from different eras, which serve to depict the social, political, and cultural effects that domestic architecture and interior design had on the upper class, the city of Boston, and a national American identity. It takes the reader on a journey to 18th and 19th century Boston and provides insight into the lives of these prominent men and women as seen through the perspective of their homes. It is a novel examination of the cultural significance of domestic architecture and interior design and, because of its story-telling character and extensive attention to detail, it is fascinating for curious readers and cultural historians alike.
Transcript Verlag The Cop and the Sociologist: Investigating Diversity in German Police Forces
Drawing on the sociology of Max Weber, Barbara Thériault investigates today's relations toward difference within German police forces. Accompanying and interviewing police officers whose job it is to contribute to the acknowledgement of difference, the sociologist outlines three ideal types of actors - an empathetic, a principled, and an opportunist one - and the motives underlying their actions. A fourth type, the specialist, is conspicuously absent. Why is that so? Solving this enigma helps depicting the relations to difference within police forces: it points to a specific "spirit" of diversity and a singular way to apprehend the individual in Germany.
Transcript Verlag Resonant Alterities: Sound, Desire, and Anxiety in Non-Realist Fiction
"Resonant Alterities" bridges the gap between sound studies and literary criticism. A queer ghost story by Vernon Lee, an occultist novel of psychic adventure by Algernon Blackwood, a dystopian science fiction tale by J.G. Ballard and a post-traumatic short novel by Don DeLillo are its primary objects of analysis. Each is explored within the context of its contemporary cultural debates on sound. Meanwhile, all four theory-enriched readings focus on intersecting and desire-laden processes of meaning making, knowledge production and subject formation. Focal points are aurally/audio-visually structured phenomena expressive of both collective and individual anxieties.
Transcript Verlag Peripheral Memories: Public and Private Forms of Experiencing and Narrating the Past
After a period of intense work on national memory cultures, we are observing a growing interest in memory both as a social and an individual practice. Memory studies tend to focus on a particular field of memory processes, namely those connected with war, persecution and expulsion. In this sense, the memory - or rather the trauma - of the Holocaust is paradigmatic for the entire research field. The Holocaust is furthermore increasingly understood as constitutive of a global memory community which transcends national memories and mediates universal values. The present volume diverges from this perspective by dealing also with everyday subjects of memory. This allows for a more complete view of the interdependencies between public and private memory and, more specifically, public and family memory.
Transcript Verlag Thick Space: Approaches to Metropolitanism
Could the concepts of "metropolitanism" and "thick space" aid our understanding of historical and contemporary urban change? Essays by scholars from both sides of the Atlantic provide interdisciplinary approaches to the complex dynamics of large-scale urbanization. The book opens with conceptual questions regarding the development of metropoles and metropolitan studies. The following sections provide analyses of the social, environmental, and cultural dimensions of metropolitan spaces from both a theoretical and an empirical perspective, such as the role of planning and urban parks, the impact of ethnic diversity and segregation, the place of cinematic visions or the centrality of infrastructures and architecture.
Transcript Verlag Prayer in the City: The Making of Muslim Sacred Places and Urban Life
This volume envisions social practices surrounding mosques, shrines and public spaces in urban contexts as a window on the diverse ways in which Muslims in different regional and historical settings imagine, experience, and inhabit places and spaces as "sacred". Unlike most studies on Muslim communities, this volume focuses on cultural, material and sensuous practices and urban everyday experience. Drawing on a range of analytical perspectives, the contributions examine spatial practices in Muslim societies from an interdisciplinary perspective, an approach which has been widely neglected both in Islamic studies and social sciences.
Transcript Verlag Fusing Lab and Gallery: Device Art in Japan and International Nano Art
Why do Japanese artists team up with engineers in order to create so-called "Device Art"? What is a nanoscientist's motivation in approaching the artworld? In the past few years, there has been a remarkable increase in attempts to foster the exchange between art, technology, and science - an exchange taking place in academies, museums, or even in research laboratories. Media art has proven especially important in the dialogue between these cultural fields. This book is a contribution to the current debate on "art & science", interdisciplinarity, and the discourse of innovation. It critically assesses artistic positions that appear as the ongoing attempt to localize art's position within technological and societal change - between now and the future.
Transcript Verlag Reconciliation, Civil Society, and the Politics – Transnational Initiatives in the 20th and 21st Century
How did civil society function as a locus for reconciliation initiatives since the beginning of the 20th century? The essays in this volume challenge the conventional understanding of reconciliation as a benign state-driven process. They explore how a range of civil society actors - from Turkish intellectuals apologizing for the Armenian Genocide to religious organizations working towards the improvement of Franco-German relations - have confronted and coped with the past. These studies offer a critical perspective on local and transnational reconciliation acts by questioning the extent to which speech became an alternative to silence, remembrance to forgetting, engagement to oblivion.
Transcript Verlag Camp Comforts: Reparative Gay Literature in Times of AIDS
"Camp Comforts" investigates the wide-ranging impact of camp on AIDS literature and places this impact within two different traditions of camp analysis: a politically subversive one that aims at social change and an aesthetically uplifting one that aims at personal healing. Christian Lassen argues that camp may in fact serve both ends, social change and personal healing, and goes on to explore reparative reading practices in order to rehabilitate alleviation and relief as vital objectives in literary representations of gay grief. In this way, "Camp Comforts" reveals the workings that make camp so crucial a strategy for survival in times of AIDS.
Transcript Verlag Between Self-Determination and Social Technology: Medicine, Biopolitics and the New Techniques of Procedural Management
The book critically examines how concepts such as self-determination, participation, ethics, or dialogue, developed not least by the feminist movement and directed against repression, heteronomy and professional paternalism, have been integrated into new contexts and transformed into new social technologies. Crossing a variety of fields from birthing, genetic counselling, living wills, hospital ethics, to population policies and politics of biomedicine, it shows that medicine and medicine-related policies and practices form crucial arenas of these transformations. What we see emerging is procedural management as a new set of social techniques. With a preface by William Ray Arney.
Transcript Verlag Urban Hacking: Cultural Jamming Strategies in the Risky Spaces of Modernity
Urban spaces became battlefields, signifiers have been invaded, new structures have been established: Netculture replaced counterculture in most parts and also focused on the everchanging environments of the modern city. Important questions have been brought up to date and reasked, taking current positions and discourses into account. The major question still remains, namely how to create culturally based resistance under the influence of capitalistic pressure and conservative politics. This collection of essays and contributions attempts to address this question and its implications for different scientific and artistic fields.
Transcript Verlag Humanism in East Asian Confucian Contexts
The past 60 years have seen the rediscovery of the immense cultural depth of Confucian humanist thought and its power to shape the way human beings are understood in East Asia. In this volume, renowned Confucian scholar Chun-chieh Huang analyzes various East Asian contexts to identify the central pillars of the Confucian humanist spirit: a continuum between mind and body, harmony between oneself and others, the unity of heaven and humanity, and a profound historical consciousness. Scholars of religion, history, philosophy and Asian studies will find this volume an indispensable guide to the rich tradition of East Asian Confucian humanism.
Transcript Verlag Historico-genetic Theory of Culture: On the Processual Logic of Cultural Change
The book focuses on the modern understanding of human life-forms as constructs that followed an evolutionary history. The author thus finds science confronted with two questions: firstly, how the transgression of the virtual threshold between natural and cultural history was possible, secondly, how the socio-cultural constructs were able to develop in the course of history the way they did. The discussion concentrates on the problem of determining a processual logic in the development of societal structures as well as in the development of cognition. The focus of attention is the historico-genetic reconstruction of cognition.The book was originally published in German as "Historisch-genetische Theorie der Kultur" (Weilerswist 2000: Velbrück).
Transcript Verlag Implanted Minds: The Neuroethics of Intracerebral Stem Cell Transplantation and Deep Brain Stimulation
Intracerebral interventions raise particular ethical issues. For instance, attempts at replacing lost or altered brain cells with the help of stem cells or the therapeutic application of Deep Brain Stimulation would have morally relevant implications. Many medically relevant questions and ethical concerns need to be clarified before these intracerebral interventions can become routine procedure: If the brain is conceived as the carrier of an individual's personality or of the self then operations on the brain can be seen as intrusions upon one's personality. The book addresses historical, philosophical, social and legal implications of these new developments in the neurosciences and aims at resolving some of the dilemmas that go hand in hand with "implanted minds".
Transcript Verlag Screening Nostalgia: 100 Years of German Heimat Film
The Heimat film genre, assumed to be outdated by so many, is very much alive. Who would have thought that this genre - which has been almost unanimously denounced within academic circles, but which seems to resonate so deeply with the general public - would experience a renaissance in the 21st century? The genre's recent resurgence is perhaps due less to an obsession with generic storylines and stereotyped figures than to a basic human need for grounding that has resulted in a passionate debate about issues of past and present. This book traces the history of the Heimat film genre from the early mountain films to Fatih Akin's contemporary interpretations of Heimat.
Transcript Verlag Deconstructing Gender in Carnival: A Cross Cultural Investigation of a Social Ritual
This book explores the complexity of the dialectic relationship between ritual-like activities and social structure; focusing on women's increasing presence in Trinidad Carnival and the ways in which their participation becomes part of the conflict over the efforts to change the basic distribution of power within society. Femininity comes forward in Caribbean carnival as the sexualized body that unmasks power relations which are simultaneously affirmed and denied. Giving attention to the ideological process through which gender relations are constructed, this event is analysed in relation to economic, political, and social factors, as well as a consequence of the changes caused by the cultural clash of colonial and postcolonial society.
Transcript Verlag Octavio Paz: Humanism and Critique
Octavio Paz is one of the most recognized Latin American writers. His essays offer a sophisticated critique of global modernity. Although his work has advanced many of the arguments that orient our contemporary debates in the social sciences and in philosophy, it has hardly ever been seriously taken into consideration in these disciplines. The volume suggests that this may have been a mistake. Its authors indicate ways in which Paz' essays can be read as substantial contributions to the contemporary debates in various fields. The aim of this book is to present to a non-Spanish speaking audience some of the discussions about Paz' offerings to the ongoing debates. It also wants to make a clear statement: a critique of our contemporary modernity must go hand in hand with a non-exclusive intercultural understanding of Humanism.
Transcript Verlag Rewind, Play, Fast Forward: The Past, Present, and Future of the Music Video
Due to shifts in the contexts of the production and presentation of the music video, more and more people start to talk about a possible end of this genre. At the same time disciplines such as visual-, film- and media-studies, art- and music-history begin to realize that despite the fact that the music video obviously has come of age, they still lack a well defined and matching methodical approach for analyzing and discussing videoclips. For the first time this volume brings together different disciplines as well as journalists, museum curators and gallery owners in order to take a discussion of the past and present of the music video as an opportunity to reflect upon suited methodological approaches to this genre and to allow a glimpse into its future.
Transcript Verlag Beyond the Screen: Transformations of Literary Structures, Interfaces and Genres
While literature in computer-based and networked media has so far been experienced by looking at the computer screen and by using keyboard and mouse, nowadays human-machine interactions are organized by considerably more complex interfaces. Consequently, this book focuses on literary processes in interactive installations, locative narratives and immersive environments, in which active engagement and bodily interaction is required from the reader to perceive the literary text. The contributions from internationally renowned scholars analyze how literary structures, interfaces and genres change, and how transitory aesthetic experiences can be documented, archived and edited.
Transcript Verlag Internationalization of the Social Sciences – Asia–Latin America–Middle East–Africa–Eurasia
Internationalization of the social sciences rests on the setup of international scientific infrastructures, networks, and research agendas. Yet it has also stimulated discussions on academic dependency and the need for the indigenization of theories and methods. This book traces phenomena that accompany the internationalization of social sciences in different parts of the world. Contributions from East Asia, India, Russia, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, South Africa, and Latin America offer manifold perspectives on the pathways and desiderata of internationalization and make this volume an important basis for future debates.
Transcript Verlag Buddhist Approaches to Human Rights: Dissonances and Resonances
The demonstrations of monks in Tibet and Myanmar (Burma) in recent times as well as the age-old conflict between a predominantly Buddhist population and a Hindu minority in Sri Lanka raise the question of how the issues of human rights and Buddhism are related. The question applies both to the violation of basic rights in Buddhist countries and to the defence of those rights which are well-grounded in Buddhist teachings. The volume provides academic essays that reflect this up to now rather neglected issue from the point of view of the three main Buddhist traditions, Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana. It provides multi-faceted and surprising insights into a rather unlikely relationship.
Transcript Verlag An Organon of Life Knowledge – Genres and Functions of the Short Story in North America
Can fiction teach us how to live? This study offers a fresh take on the North American short story, exploring how the genre has engaged in the construction and circulation of 'life knowledge'. Echoing the resurgence of short story scholarship in recent years, it thus contributes a genre-focused perspective to the growing field of 'literature and knowledge' studies. Drawing on stories from the late 19th century to the present by authors such as Henry James, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Eudora Welty, Junot Díaz, and Alice Munro, Michael Basseler examines how knowledge about life and how to live it is generically constituted and, vice versa, how literary genres such as the short story are embedded in broader cultural frameworks of knowledge production.
Transcript Verlag Jacob Moleschott – A Transnational Biography – Science, Politics, and Popularization in Nineteenth–Century Europe
This is the first academic biography of the scientist and politician Jacob Moleschott (1822-1893). Based on a vast range of primary sources in German, Italian, Dutch, French, and Latin, it not only sheds new light on the history of materialism in the natural sciences, but also shows the deep entanglement of science, politics, and popularization in 19th-century Europe. Applying new methods from cultural history and the history of science, Laura Meneghello focuses on processes of knowledge circulation, transnational mobility, and the role of translation in 19th-century science.
transcript Verlag Change the Record Punk Women Music Politics
Transcript Verlag Music Practices Across Borders – (E)Valuating Space, Diversity, and Exchange
Connecting migration studies and the theory of valuation, this collection offers an interdisciplinary approach to the study of transnational music practices. Conceiving music as a practice not confined to audibility, the contributions reveal how music emerges in concrete situations through people, objects, techniques, meanings, and emotions in different parts of the world and during different historic periods. Values are thereby created and shared, and creative processes are evaluated in terms of diversity, space and exchange. This book presents cases of contemporary, popular and traditional music, festivals and trade fairs, albums and band projects, shedding light on the tensions between the transfer, reconstruction and creation of music in different contexts.