Search results for ""Transcript Verlag""
Transcript Verlag Post–Apartheid Criticism – Perceptions of Whiteness, Homosexuality, and Democracy in South Africa
South Africa's post-apartheid narrative is one of democracy and equality - but its flaws run deep, argues Ives S. Loukson. Disclosing prejudices about whiteness, homosexuality and democracy in the "staged society", he claims the concept of relation as an adequate framework for the embodiment of "profane democracy" understood in Agambian terms. Its fluidity is equated to openness and transparency that are relevant dimensions for profane democracy. A demonstration of literary criticism practiced as a fecund interdisciplinary activity, Loukson's study lays the foundation for post-apartheid criticism different from post-colonial criticism.
Transcript Verlag Subjects of Substance – Recent American Literature and the Materiality of Mind
Recent U.S. literature has both been informed by, and critically engaged with, materialist conceptions of selfhood. Over the past decades, disciplines like neuroscience and evolutionary biology have increasingly recast the human self as a malleable construct produced by physiological processes. In a parallel development, literary authors have created their own conceptions of somatic subjectivity in conjunction or contrast with scientific and medical discourses. Subjects of Substance examines the forms, functions, and effects of materialist models of mind in selected memoirs and novels. Authors discussed include Michael W. Clune, Don DeLillo, Kay Redfield Jamison, Siri Hustvedt, Richard Powers, Elyn R. Saks, and David Foster Wallace.
Transcript Verlag Bodies of Democracy – Modes of Embodied Politics
Where are all the bodies? Political institutions are populated by living, breathing human beings, who eat, sleep, gesture, desire and suffer. And yet participants of the political realm are often depicted as disembodied minds, detached and distinct from their corporeal existence. Amanda Machin considers six embodied modes of democratic politics: representation, deliberation, disagreement, protest, occupation and counsel. Drawing on diverse thinkers such as Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Michael Polanyi, Simone de Beauvoir, Donna Haraway and Judith Butler, she offers an absorbing illustration of the ways human bodies are not only the disciplined objects of politics, but the generative subjects of democracy.
Transcript Verlag Postmigration – Art, Culture, and Politics in Contemporary Europe
The concept of "postmigration" has recently gained importance in the context of European societies' obsession with migration and integration along with emerging new forms of exclusion and nationalisms. This book introduces ongoing debates on the developing concept of "postmigration" and how it can be applied to arts and culture. While the concept has mainly gained traction in the cultural scene in Berlin, Germany, the contributions expand the field of study by attending to cultural expressions in literature, theatre, film, and art across various European societies, such as the United Kingdom, France, Finland, Denmark, and Germany. By doing so, the contributions highlight this concept's potential and show how it can offer new perspectives on transformations caused by migration.
Transcript Verlag Creating Learning Spaces – Experiences from Educational Fields
What can we learn from a teacher's journal about working with challenging youth? Why does the Training Room Program in German schools impede the development of an empowering learning culture? What experiences transpire during a train trip to the sea with an unruly crew of school boys? Or: what happens when children plan a trip on their own? Anyone who has accumulated experiences in teaching faces creative choices when putting that legacy to paper. The author chose to use this selection of studies to illustrate formative and inspirational moments from his years as a dedicated teacher and father.
Transcript Verlag Moving Images – Mediating Migration as Crisis
In recent years, spectacular images of ruined boats, makeshift border camps, and beaches littered with life vests have done much to consolidate the politics of movement in Europe. Indeed, the mediation of migration as a crisis has worked to shore up various forms of militarized surveillance, humanitarian response, legislative action, and affective investment. Bridging academic inquiry and artistic and activist practice, the essays, documents, and artworks gathered in Moving Images interrogate the mediation of migration and refugeeism in the contemporary European conjuncture, asking how images, discourses, and data are involved in shaping the visions and experience of migration in increasingly global contexts.
Transcript Verlag The Transformative Potential of Black British an – Heterotopic Spaces and the Politics of Destabilisation
This study investigates power, belonging and exclusion in British society by analysing representations of the mosque, the University of Oxford, and the plantation in novels by Leila Aboulela, Robin Yassin-Kassab, Diran Adebayo, David Dabydeen, Andrea Levy, and Bernardine Evaristo. Lisa Ahrens combines Foucault's theory of heterotopia with elements of Wolfgang Iser's reader-response theory to work out Black British and British Muslim literature's potential for destabilising exclusionary boundaries. In this way, new perspectives open up on the intersections between space, power and literature, intertwining and enriching the discourses of Cultural and Literary Studies.
Transcript Verlag Mediated Bordering – Eurosur, the Refugee Boat, and the Construction of an External EU Border
The external border of the EU remains under permanent construction. Sabrina Ellebrecht engages with two of its primary building sites - the European Border Surveillance System (Eurosur) and the Refugee Boat. She analyzes how the function and quality of the EU's current political border is crafted, shaped, produced and eventually stabilized through these two mediators. Eurosur and the Refugee Boat mediate a level of Europeanization which has hitherto - and would otherwise have - been impossible. While Eurosur mobilizes the limits of border policing in various ways, the Refugee Boat functions as the vacillating European Other to legitimize both control and humanitarian interventions. The study shows the specific, if not constitutive, ambivalences of EU border policies, and explores the emergence of viapolitics.
Transcript Verlag Skateboarding Between Subculture and the Olympic – A Youth Culture Under Pressure from Commercialization and Sportification
The inclusion of skateboarding as an official discipline in the 2020 Olympic Games marks the pinnacle of a decades-long process of commercialization and sportification. Is the tightly-knit subculture in danger of losing its very identity? This anthology creates an analytical framework for understanding the fundamental conflict between skateboarding's core ethos and the tenets of institutionalized sports. Eleven acclaimed international authors from the fields of architecture, philosophy, sociology, sports sciences and gender studies provide a unique perspective on the manifold manifestations of skateboarding previously ignored by academic discourse.
Transcript Verlag Medial Bodies Between Fiction and Faction – Reinventing Corporeality
In the past decades, developments in the fields of medicine, new media, and biotechnologies challenged many representations and practices, questioning the understanding of our corporeal limits. Using concrete examples from literary fiction, media studies, philosophy, performance arts, and social sciences, this collection underlines how bodily models and transformations, thought until recently to be only fictional products, have become a part of our reality. The essays provide a spectrum of perspectives on how the body emerges as a transitional environment between fictional and factual elements, a process understood as faction.
Transcript Verlag Townscapes in Transition – Transformation and Reorganization of Italian Cities and Their Architecture in the Interwar Period
How did urban Italy come to look the way it does today? This collection of essays assembles recent studies in architectural history and theory exploring the historical paradigms guiding architecture and landscape design between the world wars. The authors explore physical changes in townscapes and landscapes, covering a wide range of architectural designs from strict modernist solutions to variations of regionalism, mediterraneanism and national style from all over Italy. Specifically, the volume explains how conservation, restoration and town planning for historic areas led to the production of heritage, and elucidates the role played by architects like Marcello Piacentini, Innocenzo Sabbatini, Mario De Renzi and Giulio Ulisse Arata.
Transcript Verlag Post–Digital Cultures of the Far Right – Online Actions and Offline Consequences in Europe and the US
How have digital tools and networks transformed the far right's strategies and transnational prospects? This volume presents a unique critical survey of the online and offline tactics, symbols and platforms that are strategically remixed by contemporary far-right groups in Europe and the US. It features thirteen accessible essays by an international range of expert scholars, policy advisors and activists who offer informed answers to a number of urgent practical and theoretical questions: How and why has the internet emboldened extreme nationalisms? What counter-cultural approaches should civil societies develop in response?
Transcript Verlag Pierre Rosanvallon′s Political Thought – Interdisciplinary Approaches
The work of Pierre Rosanvallon has increasingly found itself at the center of debates in democratic and political theory - although only few of his numerous monographs have thus far been translated from French. This interdisciplinary volume, the first comprehensive collection on his political thought in English, seeks to lay the groundwork for the study of this eminent political thinker and historian. Following a hitherto untranslated opening essay by Rosanvallon, the chapters - written from a variety of disciplinary perspectives including political theory, political science, philosophy, and history - cover a wide range of topics from the history of democracy to sovereignty, populism, and the function of the press in liberal democratic regimes.
Transcript Verlag What is the Avatar?: Fiction and Embodiment in Avatar-Based Singleplayer Computer Games
What are the characteristic features of avatar-based singleplayer videogames, from Super Mario Bros. to Grand Theft Auto? Rune Klevjer examines this question with a particular focus on issues of fictionality and realism, and their relation to cinema and Virtual Reality. Through close-up analysis and philosophical discussion, Klevjer argues that avatar-based gaming is a distinctive and dominant form of virtual self-embodiment in digital culture. This book is a revised edition of Rune Klevjer's pioneering work from 2007, featuring a new introduction by the author and afterword by Stephan Günzel, Jörg Sternagel, and Dieter Mersch.
Transcript Verlag Fugitive Borders – Black Canadian Cross–Border Literature at Mid–Nineteenth Century
Fugitive Borders explores a new archive of 19th-century autobiographical writing by black authors in North America. For that purpose, Nele Sawallisch examines four different texts written by formerly enslaved men in the 1850s that emerged in or around the historical region of Canada West (now known as Ontario) and that defy the genre conventions of the classic slave narrative. Instead, these texts demonstrate originality in expressing complex, often ambivalent attitudes towards the so-called Canadian Promised Land and contribute to a form of textual community-building across national borders. In the context of emerging national discourses before Canada's Confederation in 1867, they offer alternatives to the hegemonic narrative of the white settler nation.
Transcript Verlag Digital Culture & Society (DCS) Vol. 5, Issue 2 – Laborious Play and Playful Work I
This double issue of Digital Culture & Society addresses the complex thematic field of the dialectics of play and labour. We will take a closer look at the problem of play and work from two overlapping, albeit not mutually exclusive, perspectives: laborious play and playful work. The term laborious play points to practices and processes that turn playful activities into hard work. Laborious play happens whenever playfulness turns into work, and may be observed in such activities such as e-sports, excessive play, "goldfarming", and Twitch gameplay broadcasting, amongst many others. A complementary phenomenon to that of laborious play is the practice and concept of playful work. The promises of a joyful and rewarding working experience have been promoted as "gamification" while critical voices denounce such attempts as ideology, exploitation or simply "bullshit".
Transcript Verlag The Ghosts Within – Literary Imaginations of Asian America
The ghost as a literary figure has been interpreted multiple times: spiritually, psychoanalytically, sociologically, or allegorically. Following these approaches, Janna Odabas understands ghosts in Asian American literature as self-reflexive figures. With identity politics at the core of the ghost concept, Odabas emphasizes how ghosts critically renegotiate the notion of 'Asian America' as heterogeneous and transnational and resist interpretation through a morally or politically preconceived approach to Asian American literature. Responding to the tensions of the scholarly field, Odabas argues that the literary works under scrutiny openly play with and rethink conceptions of ghosts as mere exotic, ethnic ornamentation.
Transcript Verlag The Construction of Analogy–Based Research Progr – The Lock–and–Key Analogy in 20th Century Biochemistry
When the German chemist Emil Fischer presented his lock-and-key hypothesis in 1899, his analogy to describe the molecular relationship between enzymes and substrates quickly gained vast influence and provided future generations of scientists with a tool to investigate the relation between chemical structure and biological specificity. Rebecca Mertens explains the appeal of the lock-and-key analogy by its role in model building and in the construction of long-term, cross-generational research programs. She argues that a crucial feature of these research programs, namely ascertaining the continuity of core ideas and concepts, is provided by a certain way of analogy-based modelling.
Transcript Verlag What Is Rape? – Social Theory and Conceptual Analysis
What exactly is rape? And how is it embedded in society?Hilkje Charlotte Hänel offers a philosophical exploration of the often misrepresented concept of rape in everyday life, systematically mapping out and elucidating this atrocious phenomenon. Hänel proposes a theory of rape as a social practice facilitated by ubiquitous sexist ideologies. Arguing for a normative cluster model for the concept of rape, this timely intervention improves our understanding of lived experiences of sexual violence and social relations within sexist ideologies.
Transcript Verlag Living Together – Roland Barthes, the Individual and the Community
Is it possible to create a community where everyone lives according to their own rhythm, and yet respects the individual rhythms of others? This volume contains new essays which investigate and actualize the concepts that Roland Barthes discussed in his famous 1977 lecture series on "How to Live Together" at the Collège de France.The anthology presents original and thought-provoking approaches to questions of conviviality and "idiorrhytmic life forms" in literature, arts and other media.The essays are written by 32 highly competent scholars from seven countries, representing literary studies, philosophy, social sciences, theology, church history, psychoanalysis, art history, architecture, media studies, history of ideas, and biology.
Transcript Verlag Resilient Bodies, Residual Effects – Artistic Articulations of Borders and Collectivity from Lebanon and Palestine
What does it take to cross a border, and what does it take to belong? Sandra Noeth examines the entangled experiences of borders and of collectivity through the perspective of bodies. By dramaturgical analyses of contemporary artistic work from Lebanon and Palestine, Noeth shows how borders and collectivity are constructed and negotiated through performative, corporeal, movement-based, and sensory strategies and processes. This interdisciplinary study is made urgent by social and political transformations across the Middle East and beyond from 2010 onwards. It puts to the fore the residual, body-bound structural effects of borders and of collectivity and proceeds to develop notions of agency and responsibility that are immanently bound to bodies in relation.
Transcript Verlag Embodied Narration – Illness, Death, and Dying in Modern Culture
Do liminal embodied experiences such as illness, death and dying affect literary form? In recent years, the concept of embodiment has been theorized from various perspectives. Gender studies have been concerned with the cultural implications of embodiment, arguing to move away from viewing the body as a prediscursive phenomenon to regarding it as an acculturated body. Age studies have extended this view to the embodied experience of ageing, while drawing attention to the ways in which the ageing body, through its materiality and plasticity, restricts the possibilities of (de)constructing subjectivity. These current debates on embodiment find a strong counterpart in literary representation. The contributions to this anthology investigate how and to what extend physical borderline experiences affect literary form.
Transcript Verlag Network Publicy Governance – On Privacy and the Informational Self
The information age has brought about a growing conflict between proponents of a data-driven society on the one side and demands for protection of individual freedom, autonomy, and dignity by means of privacy on the other. The causes of this conflict are rooted in the modern Western opposition of individual and society and a self-understanding of the human as an autonomous rational subject with an inalienable right to informational self-determination. Andréa Belliger and David J. Krieger propose a theory of information as a common good and redefine the individual as an informational self who exists in networks made up of both humans and nonhumans. Privacy is replaced by publicy and issues of data use and data protection are described in terms of governance instead of government.
Transcript Verlag Finding, Inheriting or Borrowing? – Construction and Transfer of Knowledge in Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Since the dawn of humanity, people have developed concepts about themselves and the natural world in which they live. This volume aims at investigating the construction and transfer of such concepts between and within various ancient and medieval cultures. The single contributions try to answer questions concerning the sources of knowledge, the strategies of transfer and legitimation as well as the conceptual changes over time and space. After a comprehensive introduction, the volume is divided into three parts: The contributions of the first section treat various theoretical and methodological aspects. Two additional thematic sections deal with a special field of knowledge, i.e. concepts of the moon and of the end of the world in fire.
Transcript Verlag Topographies of ′Borderland Schengen′ – Documental Images of Undocumented Migration in European Borderlands
Analysing recent documentary films dealing with undocumented migration at the Schengen Area's fringes and against the backdrop of what has been termed the `European refugee crisis', Jan Kühnemund investigates the interface between migration discourses and image discourses. As an analytical framework, he conceptualises `Borderland Schengen' as a visual-political transnational space emerging from the interplay of migration movements and border policies. Putting the spaces and iconologies of `illegal' migration under scrutiny and aiming at establishing their protagonists as subjects, Kühnemund in this regard reads the films as attempts at discursive participation as an aesthetic political practice.
Transcript Verlag Sustainability and the American Naturalist Tradi – Revisiting Henry David Thoreau, Aldo Leopold, Rachel Carson, and Edward O. Wilson
Humanity is failing at solving complex socio-ecological problems like global climate change, biodiversity loss and population growth. The existing 'sustainable development' paradigm and its reliance on trade-offs between the three pillars of environment, economics, and equity is not robust enough to maintain global carrying capacity. In this timely intervention, Thomas argues that the holistic and transdisciplinary thinking of four iconic American naturalists - Henry David Thoreau, Aldo Leopold, Rachel Carson, and Edward O. Wilson - can instead help to solve our biggest twenty-first century challenges by synthesizing values from four eras of cultural and environmental history.
Transcript Verlag Who Can Speak and Who Is Heard/Hurt? – Facing Problems of Race, Racism, and Ethnic Diversity in the Humanities in Germany
Ethnic diversity, race, and racism have been subject to discussion in American Studies departments at German universities for many years. It appears that especially in the past few decades, ethnic minorities and 'new immigrants' have increasingly become objects of scholarly inquiry. Such research questions focus on the U.S. and other traditionally multicultural societies that have emerged out of historical situations shaped by (settler) colonialism, slavery, and/or large-scale immigration. Paradoxically, these studies have overwhelmingly been conducted by white scholars born in Germany and holding German citizenship. Scholars with actual experience of racial discrimination have remained largely unheard. Departing from a critique of practices employed by the German branch of American Studies, the volume offers (self-)reflective approaches by scholars from different fields in the German Humanities. It thereby seeks to provide a solid basis for thorough and candid discussions of the mechanisms behind and the implications of racialized power relations in the German Humanities and German society at large.
Transcript Verlag Where the Everyday Begins – A Study of Environment and Everyday Life
Where the Everyday Begins is a study of environment and everyday life. It uses innovative research methods to bear witness to the ways by which environment defines everyday life. And its lively narrative pulls together a multitude of observations that reveal incredible details about the social and material ecologies that bind the world.
Transcript Verlag The Future of the Eurozone – How to Keep Europe Together: A Progressive Perspective from Germany
Europe is stumbling from crisis to crisis. The financial and debt crises are endangering the European currency union; referenda in several EU countries show widespread Euroscepticism; the economy is only slowly regaining momentum; unemployment remains high in many Member States; and the refugee crisis has deepened political divisions. We need an answer to the question of how to rescue the Euro and keep Europe together. In this volume, renowned German researchers and leading practitioners provide pragmatic recommendations. Their plea for a democratically legitimized Euro Finance Minister, a new economic approach, a common Eurozone budget, and minimum social standards are the prerequisites for a fair, stable, and prosperous Europe.
Transcript Verlag Cultures of Video Game Concerns – "The Child" Across Families, Law, Science, and Industry
The same computer games are played by youths all over the world, and worldwide games become matters of concern in relation to children: worries rise about addiction, violence, education, time, and economy. Yet, these concerns vary depending upon where they are situated: in families, legal contexts, industry or science. They also play out differently across countries and cultures. This situated nature of computer game concerns is generally neglected. Not in this book: It gives a detailed mosaic of the complex and multiple everyday realities of computer game concerns in relation to children, as they are variably situated throughout society and across cultures.
Transcript Verlag Imagining Earth – Concepts of Wholeness in Cultural Constructions of Our Home Planet
While concepts of Earth have a rich tradition, more recent examples show a distinct quality: Though ideas of wholeness might still be related to mythical, religious, or utopian visions of the past, "Earth" itself has become available as a whole. This raises several questions: How are the notions of one Earth or our Planet imagined and distributed? What is the role of cultural imagination and practices of signification in the imagination of "the Earth"? Which theoretical models can be used or need to be developed to describe processes of imagining Planet Earth? This collection invites a wide range of perspectives from different fields of the Humanities to explore the means of imagining Earth.
Transcript Verlag Psychopolitics of Speech – Uncivil Discourse and the Excess of Desire
The human capacity for speech is forever celebrated as evidence of its innate civility. Why, then, is public discourse often - and today more than ever, it would seem - so uncivil, even delusional? The reason, argues James Martin in this timely book, lies in the way speech works to organise desire. More than knowledge or rational interests, public speech services an unconscious urge for a lost enjoyment, stimulating an excess in subjectivity that moves us in body and mind. James Martin draws upon the work of psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan as well as other Continental thinkers to set out a new approach to the analysis of rhetoric and answer the troubling question of whether civil discourse can ever hope to escape its obscene underside.
Transcript Verlag Transnationalizing Radio Research – New Approaches to an Old Medium
Transnationalizing Radio Research presents a theoretical and methodological guide for exploring radio's multiple "global ages", from its earliest years through its recent digital transformations. It offers radio scholars theoretical tools and concrete case studies for moving beyond national research frames. It gives radio practitioners inspiration for production and archiving, and offers scholars from many disciplines new ways to incorporate radio's vital voices into work on transnational institutions, communities, histories and identities.
Transcript Verlag Digital Image Systems – Photography and New Technologies at the Düsseldorf School
In Digital Image Systems, Claus Gunti examines the antagonizing reactions to digital technologies in photography. While Thomas Ruff, Andreas Gursky and Jörg Sasse have gradually adopted digital imaging tools in the early 1990s, other photographers from the Düsseldorf School have remained faithful to film-based technologies. By evaluating the aesthetic and discursive preconditions of this situation and by extensively analyzing the digital work of these three photographers, this book shows that the digital turn in photography was anticipated by the conceptualization of images within systems, and thus offers new perspectives for understanding the "digital revolution".
Transcript Verlag Digital Culture & Society (DCS) Vol. 3, Issue 2/ – Mobile Digital Practices
"Digital Culture & Society" is a refereed, international journal, fostering discussion about the ways in which digital technologies, platforms and applications reconfigure daily lives and practices. It offers a forum for critical analysis and inquiries into digital media theory and provides a publication environment for interdisciplinary research approaches, contemporary theory developments and methodological innovation. This issue, edited by Anna Lisa Ramella, Asko Lehmuskallio, Tristan Thielmann and Pablo Abend, discusses the mobility of people, data and devices from the perspective of digital mobile practices. As the authors of various empirical case studies show, these need to be studied both situationally, and on the move. With contributions by Marion Schulze, Jamie Coates, Geoffrey Hobbis, Samuel Gerald Collins, among others, and an interview with Heather Horst, David Morley, and Noel B. Salazar.
Transcript Verlag Transformations of the Supernatural – Problems of Representation in the Work of Daniel Defoe
Daniel Defoe's work displays a keen interest in stories of supernatural encounters. Once considering how one might prove supernatural occurrences and whether one can trust eyewitness accounts, Defoe demonstrates that more is at stake. Like his contemporaries, Defoe wonders about the range of scientific insight, and about the moral and epistemological ramifications of unchallenged trust and faith. His transformations of the supernatural probe the boundaries of knowledge and evidence and play with the limits of cognition, emphasizing the inseparability of mind and emotion.
Transcript Verlag The Monster Always Returns – American Horror Films and Their Remakes
The monsters of the horror genre never remain dead - they invariably return in new and terrifying shapes for another installment. In this study Christian Knöppler explores the phenomenon of horror film remakes. He argues that even though these derivative films typically earn little praise from critics, their constant refiguration of monsters and horror scenarios serves to access and update otherwise obscure cultural fears. With an in-depth examination of six sample sequences of films and remakes, this book aims to shed new light on a much maligned and often neglected type of film and promises fresh insights to scholars and aficionados alike.
Transcript Verlag The Promise of Diversity – How Brazilian Brand Capitalism Affects Precarious Identities and Work
Nicolas Wasser critically examines how sexual and racial identities are currently being articulated through capitalist brands and labor. On the basis of an ethnographic case study about a Brazilian fashion enterprise, he shows how young - lesbian, gay and black - sales employees align themselves with the ambivalent promises put forward by diversity management. Their affective labor, the study argues, is at the center of new and globally unfolding regimes of the precarious. Readers will thus find a rich sociological account from the Global South on how neoliberal logics of self-optimization both traverse and fuel the aspirations of the minoritized.
Transcript Verlag Hawaiian Hula 'Ōlapa: Stylized Embodiment, Percussion, and Chanted Oral Poetry
Monika Lilleike's performance analytic study on Hawaiian Hula `Olapa reveals how this genuine performing art practice shapes and transmits oral history via a distinct set of performative means of framing and stylization. The intermedial confluence of performance elements, sound, body and words instills an oscillating effect of multisensory experience which echoes a deep rooted sense concerned with place, distinct environmental features, and story line. The study appeals to discussions on intermediality, metaphoricity, and to an anthropology of the senses. It outlines practice as research and embodied knowledge as tools to conduct performance analysis.
Transcript Verlag Fragments, Futures, Absence and the Past: A New Approach to Photography
According to Walter Benjamin, the past that is not recognized by the present threatens to disappear irretrievably. As a consequence, photographs cannot save the moment from oblivion by pure depiction alone, but only by keeping the depicted moment actual at every present moment. Instead of counting on the documentary quality of photography that speaks in the past tense of "what has been", Silke Helmerdig suggests a different approach to photography: an extension of a future subjunctive (photographic) tense speaking of "what could be, if", allowing one to think possible futures instead of harking back to the past.
Transcript Verlag Education and Development in Afghanistan – Challenges and Prospects
After years of military interventions, the current situation in Afghanistan is highly ambivalent and partially contradictory - especially regarding the interplay of development, peace, security, education, and economy. Despite numerous initiatives, Afghanistan is still confronted with a poor security and economic condition. At the same time, enrollment numbers in schools and universities as well as the rate of academics reached a historical peak. This volume investigates the tension between these ambivalent developments. Sociologists, political and cultural scientists along with development workers, educators, and artists from Germany and Afghanistan discuss the idea that education is primary for rebuilding a stable Afghan state and government.
Transcript Verlag Radio as Art: Concepts, Spaces, Practices
Acoustic signals, voice, sound, articulation, music and spatial networking are dispositifs of radiophonic transmission which have brought forth a great number of artistic practices. Up to and into the digital present radio has been and is employed and explored as an apparatus-based structure as well as an expanded model for performance and perception. This volume investigates a broad range of aesthetic experiments with the broadcasting technology of radio, and the use of radio as a means of disseminating artistic concepts. With exemplary case studies, its contributions link conceptual, recipient-response-related, and sociocultural issues to matters of relevance to radio art's mediation.
Transcript Verlag Ich bin eine Kanackin – Decolonizing Popfeminism – Transcultural Perspectives on Lady Bitch Ray
Pinar Tuzcu explores rapper Lady Bitch Ray's performance and particularly her use of the term Kanackin. She combines issues of popfeminism and postmigration through speculative methodology and invites us to forget prescriptive definitions by proposing paradoxicality as a source to diversify our concepts of feminism. By means of Situational Analysis, her study works through the contradictory forms of positioning that occurred in group discussions with Turkish-German university students about Lady Bitch Ray's music videos. In this book, Tuzcu argues that these contradictory forms of positioning bear traces of emergent discourses that reach beyond Western-centric descriptions of feminism in Germany.
Transcript Verlag Interregnum: Beyond Liquid Modernity
Challenging the thought of Zygmunt Bauman on the subject of liquid modernity, where everything has become unstable, precarious and uncertain, Carlo Bordoni (author with Bauman of "State of Crisis") proposes to look at contemporary society as an "interregnum", a temporary break with the past. In a condition characterised by anomie, the questioning of democratic achievements and the primacy of an unbridled economy, he offers a new perspective on our social condition. Understanding the interregnum and being aware of its instability and the social degradation that it entails can help us to make the right choices.
Transcript Verlag DiverCity - Global Cities as a Literary Phenomenon: Toronto, New York, and Los Angeles in a Globalizing Age
Based on the structured analysis of selected North American novels, this work examines global cities as a literary phenomenon ("DiverCity"). By analyzing Dionne Brand's Toronto, "What We All Long For" (2005), Chang-rae Lee's New York, "Native Speaker" (1995), and Karen Tei Yamashita's Los Angeles, "Tropic of Orange" (1997), Melanie U. Pooch provides the connecting link for exploring the triad of globalization and its effects, global cities as cultural nodal points, and cultural diversity in a globalizing age as a literary phenomenon. Thus, she contributes to a global, interdisciplinary, and multi-perspectival understanding of literature, culture, and society.
Transcript Verlag The Mereological City: A Reading of the Works of Ludwig Hilberseimer
In a positive departure from modernism, the work of the art critic and urbanist Ludwig Hilberseimer offers schemata towards the design for the city itself: its mereological composition. The resonance of parts unfolds to an alternative of a purely contrasting equation of form and content. It reminds us, that when the ground (gr.: logos) of the city is defined by its parts (gr.: meros), its architecture, the city in turn always also is part of the architecture as its desire. "The Mereological City" introduces a mereological methodology and contributes to an ongoing discussion about an ecological form of urban design.
Transcript Verlag Intellectual Radicalism After 1989: Crisis and Re-orientation in the British and the American Left
Left-wing intellectuals in Britain and the US had long repudiated the Soviet regime. Why was the collapse of the Eastern Bloc experienced as a shock that destabilised their identities and political allegiances then? What happened to a collective project that had started out to formulate a socialist vision different from both really existing socialism and social democracy? This study endeavours to answer both questions, focusing on generational networks rather than individuals and investigating political academic journals after 1989 to paint the picture of a Left deeply troubled by the triumph of a capitalism unfettered by any counter-force.
Transcript Verlag Migration - Networks - Skills: Anthropological Perspectives on Mobility and Transformation
Migration, networks, skills: these keywords not only denote three popular and important fields of current investigation in Social Sciences and Cultural Studies, they also mark the wide range of interests of cultural and social anthropologist Waltraud Kokot, who is to be honoured in this Festschrift. Internationally distinguished scholars from five European countries and various academic disciplines present their most recent research findings on topics such as diaspora and migration studies, urban anthropology and the anthropology of crafts, all of which are connected by the common themes of mobility and transformation.