Search results for ""Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd""
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Foreign Direct Investment in Japan
Foreign Direct Investment in Japan is the first serious and comprehensive examination of why the direct participation of foreign firms in the economy of Japan is lower than in any other advanced industrial nation. An internationally acclaimed group of scholars and practitioners addresses this problem and considers what policy actions, if any, the Japanese government can take to increase direct investment. Foreign exchange controls banned direct investment into Japan until the late 1970s and this is still partially responsible for the low penetration of foreign firms. A fundamental question addressed by the book is whether or not ownership advantages in technology and management know-how possessed by foreign firms are strong enough to overcome the extra costs of doing business in Japan. Such extra costs or locational disadvantages include very high land and labour costs as well as business practices unique to Japan, characterized by the long-term customized transaction relationship among assemblers, component suppliers, distributors and financial institutions and the long-time employment system. Although the Government of Japan desires to invite more foreign firms, this book demonstrates that there are many areas where direct investment has been adversely affected by internal regulation. Foreign Direct Investment in Japan explores this participation of foreign firms in this economy from the perspectives of economic theory, history, and the practical experiences of non-Japanese firms that have attempted to do business directly in Japan.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Ecological Economics and Sustainable Development: Theory, Methods and Applications
The effectiveness and scope of operational analysis of sustainable development is explored in this major new book. Ecological Economics and Sustainable Development offers an integrated treatment of theory, methods and applications for economic-ecological analysis taking into consideration all the relevant interactions between economic, development and physical and biological processes.An overview of different theoretical perspectives, based on insights from economics, ecology and thermodynamics, is followed by discussion of the dimensions of sustainable development including ethics and intergenerational equity, sustainable and multiple use, and spatial sustainability. The second part of the book discusses methods for analysis, covering the choice of indicators, natural resource accounting, and integrated static, dynamic and spatial modelling, and evaluation, including multi-criteria and cost-benefit analysis. Attention is also given to decision support and the choice of policy instruments.Combinations of the various methods are applied in the final part of the book, using case studies which cover a range of ecosystems and regions, as well as a variety of issues and problems. These studies clearly show the potential of policy-oriented integrated economic-ecological analysis for sustainable development.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Pollution Control in the Asia Pacific
The Economics of Pollution Control in the Asia Pacific adapts environmental economics to the special conditions of the Asia Pacific region, emphasizing the importance of local conditions and culture. Global warming, air pollution and water pollution are all addressed by a distinguished group of authors who rigorously apply economics to the analysis of pollution control in societies undergoing rapid industrialization. As this pioneering volume demonstrates, citizens of rapidly developing Taiwan and Korea are willing to pay substantial amounts for the protection and improvement of air and water quality, and face potentially huge losses from global climate change. A number of the papers also point to some cost effective alternatives for helping to reduce global greenhouse gas emission. As this major book reveals, the make-up of Asian politico-economic systems has a direct impact on environmental policies, from benefit estimation to instrument choice. As the authors argue, policymakers and researchers in the Asia Pacific cannot draw on European and American methods, arguments and conclusions without considerable modification for regional conditions.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economic Integration in the Americas
This pioneering study shows that economic integration in the Americas is not simply a matter of removing trade barriers. Economic Integration in the Americas addresses the pervasive effects of economic integration on the economy as a whole.This important book examines elements of financial integration and capital mobility in North America and addresses in turn the effects of the North American Free Trade Association on Mexico, comparisons between NAFTA and the European Union, the impact of NAFTA on issues such as social protection, migration and Canadian agricultural policy, and finally, regionalism and multilateralism in the Western hemisphere. While drawing on the experience of European integration, the authors recognize that new, broader analyses are required in the Western hemisphere to allow for the ranges of country size, natural resource endowments and per capita incomes. Sensitive to the political interests involved in economic integration between unequal partners, Economic Integration in the Americas offers students, researchers and policymakers a better understanding of policy at both national and supranational levels.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Foundations of Game Theory
This important three volume set is a collection of key writings on game theory published before 1963. It makes many frequently-cited and historically important articles conveniently available to a wider audience. The collection includes comprehensive coverage of the game theoretical writings of von Neumann, Nash and Wald. The editors have written a succinct introduction to accompany the articles.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Communication and Information
As economic activity has become more information-intensive and ideas about the information society have been canvassed widely, information technology has overshadowed thinking about the role of communication and information. In the advanced economies investment in information-handling equipment has grown rapidly in importance and almost throughout the world telecommunications facilities are advocated as the leading edge of development.This wide-ranging collection charts the responses of the economics discipline to these changes, initially slowly but with gathering pace, as communication and information have moved from the sidelines to centre stage.This book will be an indispensible reference source by all those in the economics community, those interested in information science, library studies and communication.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Singapore Economy
This important new book is the first general overview of the macroeconomic nature and recent history of the Singapore economy.After discussing general features of modern Singapore's economy, government and development strategy, the authors analyse its macroeconomic history over the past three decades, as well as reviewing current macroeconomic theory regarding small, open economies. Singapore's monetary system, trade patterns, balance of payments and the nature of its exchange rate mechanism and policy are all described and analysed in the subsequent chapters which also look at its growth and cyclical experiences and provide a review of the ways economists have attempted to model the economy. The Singapore Economy integrates much previous research scattered in many sources as well as containing an extensive bibliography of references about the economy and the statistical sources used. It will be suitable for students of macroeconomics and economic development in Asia, and the general reader interested in the nature, structure and recent growth of the Singapore economy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Theory of Corporate Finance
In The Theory of Corporate Finance, Michael J. Brennan has brought together a set of major papers which defines the current status of the theory of corporate finance. This authoritative collection emphasizes recent research, while also including representative classics in the field. The main paradigms in corporate finance are addressed in these volumes, with particular attention to the problems raised by information asymmetries and the responses to them. Major sections deal with issues including shareholder objectives, agency and monitoring, adverse selection and signalling, reputation, and contracting and incentives. The Theory of Corporate Finance also covers the application of the paradigms of corporate finance to particular aspects of corporate financial decisions and relationships. These include initial public offerings of common stock, the role of debt contracts, the relation between financial structure and the real asset and product markets, capital investment decisions, hedging and disclosure policy, insider trading, the effect of taxes on financial policy, takeover contests and the assignment of voting and control rights, and corporate bankruptcy.Michael J. Brennan’s two volume set brings together key articles and papers which represent the current state of the financial theory of the corporation, ensuring that this collection will be an invaluable resource for scholars, students and practitioners of finance and financial economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Contaminated Land: Reclamation, Redevelopment and Reuse in the United States and the European Union
Contaminated land policy is a key concern of governments and policy makers across the globe, yet discussion has traditionally focused on the particular experience of the United States. This major new book develops a framework for assessing laws and regulations regarding contaminated land and polluted properties, their clean up and reuse, and the assignment of costs and responsibilities for reclamation.In Contaminated Land, the authors, a European and two Americans, lay out a framework for cross- national comparisons of policy contexts as well as ways of examining the outcomes of different approaches to contaminated land and systematically compare approaches to this issue in both the EU and US. The use of this framework leads to a reassessment of specific policies, such as the polluter pays principle, which may be more successful in the EU than it has been in the US, and subsidiarity which, while problematic in Europe, may hold promise in a US application. Specific issues discussed include the nature and extent of the contaminated land problem, legal implications, regulation in the US, the 1980 Comprehensive Environmental Liability, Compensation and Reclamation Act, European experience and EU environmental policy, integrated comparative analysis and some lessons for the future.Contaminated Land offers valuable insights on policy responses to the problem of badly polluted land from the perspectives of planning, economics and sociology. In particular, this volume offers frameworks for comparison of different national settings to help determine the preferred and most promising approaches to contaminated land in any social, economic and legal policy context.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Structural Competitiveness in the Pacific: Corporate and State Rivalries
Trade and investment liberalization in the Pacific has highlighted the importance of structural competitiveness for both corporate executives and national policymakers. In Structural Competitiveness in the Pacific, a distinguished group of authors contributes to our understanding of patterns of structural competitiveness affecting trade and production links between East Asia and North America. Interaction between national policies and corporate strategies has given East Asian states clear advantages over North American competitors. The place of the Pacific in the world economy, infrastructures and financial structures in the region, American and Japanese structural competitiveness, sourcing by Japanese and American multinationals in the Pacific, as well as structural interdependencies and the potential for collective management across the region are all addressed in this volume.Unlike previous comparative work addressing the decline in American competitiveness, Structural Competitiveness in the Pacific takes into account the significance of transnational production by international firms and places US problems in a regional comparative context which includes Japan and the industrializing East Asian states.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Entrepreneurship and business culture: Studies in the Economics of Trust: Volume One
Trust is increasingly recognized as a crucial aspect of successful economic relationships, albeit a difficult one to define, and Mark Casson has been at the forefront of recent research in this area.In this sequel to his classic work The Entrepreneur, Professor Casson examines how the entrepreneurial firm succeeds by synthesizing information from different sources. The quality of this information is just as important as the quantity and the cheapest way to ensure quality is through a moral obligation to tell the truth. The author argues that a nation needs to invest in social institutions, such as schools, families and organized religion, in order to instil a sense of moral obligation and so sustain entrepreneurial success. Themes raised in this important volume include cultural perspectives on economic issues, entrepreneurship in a cultural context and the political economy of national culture.Entrepreneurship and Business Culture presents a state-of-the-art analysis of entrepreneurship and the social structures in which it is embedded. Together with its companion volume, The Organization of International Business, this topical and wide-ranging book offers a definitive analysis of the importance of trust in economic life as well as the related concepts of networking, consultation and empowerment.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Chaos Theory in Economics: Methods, Models and Evidence
This important book presents the most important articles by leading scholars in their fields which bring together three basic aspects of research into nonlinear dynamics and economics. The first papers deal with the theoretical methods used in analysing chaotic dynamics and the statistical tools to detect the presence of non linearities in economic data. The following articles discuss the models which are currently being used to stimulate nonlinear economic phenomena. The final papers apply these methods to a number of economic time series.The editor has written a new introduction to accompany the piece.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Bayesian Analysis in Econometrics and Statistics: The Zellner View and Papers
This book presents some of Arnold Zellner's outstanding contributions to the philosophy, theory and application of Bayesian analysis, particularly as it relates to statistics, econometrics and economics. The volume contains both previously published and new material which cite and discuss the work of Bayesians who have made a contribution by helping researchers and analysts in many professions to become more effective in learning from data and making decisions. Bayesian and non-Bayesian approaches are compared in several papers. Other articles include theoretical and applied results on estimation, model comparison, prediction, forecasting, prior densities, model formulation and hypothesis testing. In addition, a new information processing approach is presented that yields Bayes's Theorem as a perfectly efficient information processing rule.This volume will be essential reading for academics and students interested in qualitative methods as well as industrial analysts and government officials.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environment, Technology and Economic Growth: The Challenge to Sustainable Development
At the end of the 20th century economists and policymakers face an unprecedented dual challenge: to avert ecological disaster and to end mass unemployment by accelerating and redirecting world economic growth.This major volume brings together contributions from environmental and technological economists. The first part discusses the ecological challenge to economists and policymakers and shows that both need a radical change in their approach. The second part discusses the institutional and legal changes which are necessary to address this challenge. The final part deals with the technological revolution, focusing on microelectronics and biotechnology, which is now transforming the world economy, and sets it in the context of long term fluctuations in economic growth and the relative stagnation since 1973. The protection of the environment, and economic growth with full employment are not necessarily opposed. On the contrary, as this volume demonstrates, what is required to return to full employment and more rapid growth is vigorous and concerted government action to give an 'eco-friendly' direction to technological and economic change.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economic Theory and Public Decisions: Selected Essays of Robert Dorfman
This book reflects Robert Dorfman's important contributions to the analysis of economic theory and public decision making during the last forty years.The central concern of much of Professor Dorfman's career has been social decisions: how to reach them and how to judge them. This has meant that he has worked in a wide range of areas within economics including statistics, economic theory, natural resource and environmental economics, social decisions and the history of economic thought. In more recent papers he has challenged the traditional concepts relating to the maximisation of social welfare.This outstanding collection of essays is a true reflection of the diversity of Robert Dorfman's interests and the depth of his economic knowledge. It will appeal to academics and students interested in economic theory, public sector economics and environmental economics and to historians of economic thought.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Privatization in Rural Eastern Europe: The Process of Restitution and Restructuring
This book focuses on one of the major challenges facing countries in Eastern Europe, namely the creation and maintenance of jobs in the agricultural sector. It argues that future employment will critically depend upon the completion of the privatization process, as well as improved efficiency and market opportunity. Privatization in Rural Eastern Europe prescribes radical restructuring of the East European countryside and examines the future prospects for restitution and privatization from both national and regional perspectives. The economic and political history of rural Eastern Europe is examined in the context of the transition process. The discussion then develops with the extensive use of detailed country case studies which analyse the growth of private economic activity in Albania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia in a clear and systematic way. The book offers careful consideration of the future of the rural economy and emphasizes the importance of rural diversification and the development of the service sector to create new employment opportunities in rural areas.This book will prove invaluable to academics with an interest in agricultural and transitional economics as well as to businessmen interested in East European agriculture, food processing and farm machinery.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economic Development of Modern Japan, 1868–1945: From the Meiji Restoration to the Second World War
This authoritative collection presents the key contributions on the economic history of Japan from the Meiji Restoration to the Second World War. It covers broad patterns of economic development and also focuses specifically on the zaibatsu and Japanese management techniques; technology transfer; banking and financial systems; labour, education and human capital; the economic role of Japanese women; and the economic dimensions of imperialism and war. This two-volume set brings together important texts around these themes, including less well-known work first published in Japan. It will be a valuable reference work for scholars and students of history, economics, political science and Asian studies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of the Family
This collection of essays features debate among neoclassical, institutionalist and feminist theorists, providing an invaluable guide to the evolution of economic approaches to the family. The clash of paradigms illuminates some issues of profound concern to economics as a whole, such as the relative importance of altruism and self-interest. Both abstract mathematical models and interdisciplinary approaches are represented, and the empirical articles explore trends in developing as well as advanced industrial countries. The list of specific topics includes bargaining power models, fertility decline, intergenerational transfers, intrahousehold allocation, class inequality, and state policy. The editor's introduction provides a broad overview of the fascinating controversies that are emerging in this relatively new field of economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Condillac: Commerce and Government: Considered in their Mutual Relationship
This book is the first English language edition of Le Commerce et le Gouvernement by the distinguished eighteenth century economist and philosopher Condillac. It was one of the most original contributions to French economics in the eighteenth century. In this edition the editors provide an English translation of the original and a comprehensive account of Condillac's life and contribution to economics. In the late eighteenth century Condillac used the clarity and precision of thought of a leading philosopher to derive a fundamental set of economic principles and their implications for policy. He arrived at the same free trade conclusions as Adam Smith, and Le Commerce et le Gouvernement was published in the same year as The Wealth of Nations. Condillac's economics was initially condemned by the physiocrats because in his utility-based analysis, industry and commerce and not just agriculture contributed to the wealth of France. The original French edition was quickly dismissed by those in positions of power in France who preferred dirigism to competition, while across the Channel the British were unaware of its existence. The importance of Condillac's contribution to economics was recognised after the marginal revolution of the 1870's. In the eighteenth century Condillac won the respect of Voltaire and Rousseau, and the high regard of the King and the Church. His work has since been admired by Allais, Hayek, Menger and Weulersse, while Jevons believed that it provided the first distinct statement of the true connection between value and utility. Commerce and Government will be of special interest to historians of economic thought and those interested in the economic history of the eighteenth century.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Accounting: General Issues and Classification
This volume contains 21 papers divided into three parts: introductory issues; the measurement and effects of diversity; and classification. The final parts looks at the scope of and the reasons for studying international accounting. There are also some papers on the causes of international differences, in particular the effects of international influences on a country's accounting practices. The papers in the second part examine the degree of accounting difference internationally and the reactions to this of companies and users of financial statements. The third part looks at several attempts to put countries into groups by similarities and differences in accounting. Several of these papers refer critically to others in the group, so that a corpus of knowledge in this field has been built up.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Location Economics: Theoretical Underpinnings and Applications
Classical location theory is extended from its least cost approach to a maximum profit framework in this outstanding collection of Melvin L. Greenhut's key essays. This extension of classical location theory changes the analysis used in location economics from that of pure competition to oligopolistic competition. Using the analysis which is developed in this volume, locational interdependencies and, in turn, industrial location are shown to be affected by, diverse factors, including among others, marginal cost curves, demand curves and the number of firms in the market. Employing empirical findings to relate theory to practice, the author establishes a general theory via which he investigates and resolves specific issues and problems.These essays make a major contribution by enabling the reader to appreciate the important developments that have taken place over recent years in location economics. Location Economics and its companion volume, Spatial Microeconomics, will be welcomed by students, teachers and practitioners of economics for improving access to Professor Greenhut's many important essays and papers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd ECONOMETRICS, MACROECONOMICS AND ECONOMIC POLICY: Selected Papers of Carl F. Christ
Econometrics, Macroeconomics and Economic Policy presents eighteen papers by Carl Christ focusing on econometric models, their evaluation and history, and the interactions between monetary and fiscal policy.Professor Christ’s pioneering contributions to econometrics, monetary and fiscal policies and the government’s budget constraint are thoroughly covered in this volume. Other areas addressed include monetary economics, monetary policy, macroeconomic model building, and the role of the economist in economic policy making. The book also features an original new introduction by the author and a detailed bibliography.Econometricians and macroeconomists will welcome this outstanding volume in which Professor Christ argues firmly for the importance of testing econometric equations and models against new data, as well as for exploring the impact of the policies of central government.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Current Issues in Public Choice
In this major book an internationally acclaimed group of scholars examines theoretical and applied topics of particular relevance to public choice analysis.Current Issues in Public Choice demonstrates the fruitfulness and originality of the Public Choice School. These twelve papers have been prepared by some of the most prominent scholars in economic science, including James M. Buchanan, Amartya K. Sen, Bruno S. Frey, Jon Elster, Geoffrey Brennan and Gordon Tullock. Specific areas covered include the foundations of public choice theory, its scope and method, constitutional economics, game theory, rent-seeking, the European Union, public finance and the theory of societal economics.The pioneering research, theory and analysis brought together in this volume will be widely and profitably used by economists, political scientists and public and social choice scholars seeking insight into fundamental theoretical issues and applied analyses on current affairs.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Financial Innovation, Banking and Monetary Aggregates
Financial Innovation, Banking and Monetary Aggregates reviews the impact of financial innovation on the measurement of money and presents the first collection of country studies appraising the usefulness of Divisia indices in deriving monetary aggregates.Monetary aggregates are traditionally formed by simply summing various monetary components such as cash and balances in savings and cheque accounts. The monetary usefulness, or 'moneyness', of these components differs and can change as a result of innovation in banking, monetary transmission and payment services. To gauge the importance of such distortions and the merits of alternative weighted monetary indices, particularly Divisia indices, this volume brings together authoritative empirical studies of countries including the US, the UK, Germany, France, Sweden, Italy and Japan. The authors conclude by showing how Divisia monetary indices act as a useful supplement to traditional monetary aggregates.Financial Innovation, Banking and Monetary Aggregates will be welcomed by economists and financiers for questioning traditional assumptions about the usefulness of monetary aggregates and for its discussion of the wider implications of financial innovation in the banking sector.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd EUROPEAN MIGRATION IN THE LATE TWENTIETH CENTURY: Historical Patterns, Actual Trends, and Social Implications
Migration in Europe is a pressing social and political issue for the policy makers of the 1990s. Drawing upon a wide body of knowledge, expertise and analysis, European Migration in the Late Twentieth Century combines an important survey with a series of detailed country studies on migration in Europe.The authoritative overview essay by the editors examines migration to and within Europe. They compare the flows during the last forty years with the present situation, detailing both the magnitude and geography of migration over this period. This is followed by thirteen individual country studies each of which features an historical introduction to emigration and immigration in the featured country, quantitative data sets and a detailed assessment of the social and political implications. These studies - specially prepared by leading scholars - cover the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, Israel, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, the former Yugoslavia and the former USSR.This comprehensive and scholarly book will be welcomed by teachers and researchers of social sciences and history for presenting new insights on one of the key political, social and economic issues facing modern Europe.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Education, Training and Discrimination: The Collected Essays of Orley Ashenfelter, Volume Two
This is the second of three volumes containing the published and unpublished economic papers of Orley Ashenfelter written between 1966 and 1994. A complete and cross-referenced chronological list of all of the works featured in this set is included. The volumes begin with an interview in which Professor Ashenfelter covers highlights of his professional life, a discussion of many of the essays and papers featured in these volumes, and his reflections on the development of economics over the course of his career. Employment, Labor Unions and Wages and Economic Institutions and the Demand and Supply of Labor are the companion volumes to Education, Training and Discrimination, which together provide a distinguished collection of Ashenfelter’s essays.These three volumes contain a selection of the published and unpublished economic papers of Orley Ashenfelter written between 1966 and 1993. A complete and cross-referenced chronological list of all the works featured in this set is included. The volumes begin with an interview of Professor Ashenfelter which covers highlights of his professional life, a discussion of many of the essays and papers featured in these volumes, and his reflections on the development of economics over the course of his career.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economic Impact of New Firms in Post-socialist Countries: Bottom-up Transformation in Eastern Europe
The Economic Impact of New Firms in Post-Socialist Countries analyses the emergence and contribution of new entrepreneurs in the transforming economies of Eastern Europe.Small firms and new enterprises are widely assumed to play an important role in the process of economic development and transformation. The contributors to this volume investigate how far small and newly founded enterprises have compensated for losses in employment and contributed to economic recovery in Eastern Europe. With analysis based on new empirical data, this extensive volume covers the situation in Russia, Estonia, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania and Slovenia as well as East Germany. Issues covered include attempts to stimulate entrepreneurship, guidelines for successful bottom-up transformation and the prospects for new and small firms in Eastern Europe.The Economic Impact of New Firms in Post-Socialist Countries will be welcomed for its detailed, empirically-founded discussion of entrepreneurship, micro-level studies of transition, small business economics and comparative economic systems.
For years the small-firm sector of the economy remained an enigma. However, recently researchers have assembled a far better understanding of the economic role of small firms. One of the surprising findings is that small and medium-sized firms, and entrepreneurship, have become increasingly more important to the economies of both developed and developing countries than previously acknowledged. The purpose of these volumes is to bring together for the first time this diffuse and rich literature on the whole subject of small firms and economic growth. This volume will provide a basic resource for all those engaged with the subject as students, teachers and researchers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Location Theory
In recent years a growing number of social scientists have become increasingly interested in the study of location problems. This interest has been fostered by the integration of national economies within broader spaces such as the EU or NAFTA as well as by their impact on the development of regions and cities. Another important reason for this attention is the growing awareness among economists that a comprehensive economic theory can no longer put space aside. Most economic activities are distributed over space, and for such activities space moulds the very nature of competition between firms. This major collection of classic articles demonstrates the important contribution of location theory and will be an essential source of reference for students or researchers of modern regional science or economic theory.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Locke
John Locke (1632-1704), the English philosopher, has had a wide-ranging influence on modern political thought. Locke’s political philosophy is based on the premise that by nature human beings are equal and that therefore no-one is under the authority of another unless by his own consent. In Locke’s view, natural law constitutes and protects rights of life, liberty and property. His writings are a turning point in the theory of natural rights, linking constitutionalism and toleration. The impact of his ideas can be seen in the American constitution, in the French Revolution and in the development of modern liberalism. His theory of property is a basis for modern discussion of the subject and its emphasis on labour as a source of value and entitlement forms the background for the later economics of both Adam Smith and Karl Marx.The articles contained in these volumes have been carefully selected in order to put Locke’s work in a wider context. They explore various aspects of Locke’s political theory and investigate his theories on property, natural law, the ‘state of nature’ and toleration.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Hume
The work of David Hume (1711-76), the Scottish historian and philosopher, constitutes a break with the assumptions of his predecessors who suggested that our ideas and practices answered to a rational design, whether divine or human. Instead Hume emphasized the origins of our ideas in sensation, suggested that reason was properly the slave of the passions, and located the origins of social and political institutions in utility and sentiment.Hume's philosophy found its complement in his political essays and History of England, which emhphasized unintended results and the complexity of the historical process. Altogether Hume’s work constitutes the first thoroughgoing attempt since the rise of Christianity to characterize human experience in terms that offered an alternative to theologically-based or para-theological theories. As such, its importance for subsequent developments, like that of Kant’s work, is not to be underestimated.This significant anthology contains articles on different aspects of his thought - his historical works, his political scepticism, his concepts of justice, liberty and property and moral evaluation.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Grotius
Hugo Grotius (1583-1645), the Dutch jurist and philosopher, is a key theorist of the post-mediaeval state. According to Grotius, the state is not subject to any terrestrial superior, either political or ecclesiastical. His political writings develop the consequences of this condition including the construction of state authority in terms of 'natural rights', acknowledging the right to self-protection and the needs of individuals. A further development is the idea that the state is the instrument of justice beyond its own boundaries. He asserted that there were universal moral standards that could be used to judge questions of international conflict. This universal morality was based on two prinicples: that self-preservation is always legitimate; and that wanton injury of another is always illegitimate. [On this foundation, rules for reconciling conflict could be erected and the existence of civil society explained.] These views have characterised much political thought from Grotius' day to the present and have played their part in the history of international law.This collection of articles presents in chronological order the writings of 20th century authors on Grotius and covers such topics as the life of Grotius, the evolution of his ideas, his contribution to the theory of ‘natural law’ and his wider significance as a political thinker.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Aristotle
Aristotle (384-322 BC) was born in Northern Greece. He moved to Athens where he associated himself with Plato’s academy. He later became tutor to the young Alexander the Great at the Macedonian court but returned to Athens in 335 to found his own school of philosophy.Aristotle’s basic political contention was that the state is a natural entity and is the perfect form of human community. This view of man’s relation to the state has been one of the most persistent in the history of political thought and has been developed in many ways by a multitude of thinkers. [In his own writings Aristotle developed and explained existing political arrangements rather than offering radical alternatives, and this conservative practicality was highly regarded by political thinkers prior to 1789. On the other hand, the high evaluation which Aristotle placed on the middle orders of society appeals to readers of a more egalitarian age.]The articles in this scholarly collection offer insights into many areas of Aristotle’s work, including ‘forms of government, the place of the individual in relation to the state and ethical, economic and ‘sociological considerations.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd THE EMERGENCE OF ECONOMIC IDEAS: Essays in the History of Economics
The most persistent theme of Nathan Rosenberg's work is a concern with the emergence and diffusion of economic ideas. Bringing together Professor Rosenberg's many contributions to the history of economic thought, this volume offers a series of important insights on how economics itself emerged as a distinct discipline.The Emergence of Economic Ideas extends our understanding of the development of capitalist institutions and the manner in which these institutions have contributed to the unique technological dynamism of capitalist societies. The book also - and necessarily - focuses upon the emergence of ideas about capitalism. That is to say, the discipline of economics is itself a body of ideas, and analytical techniques, that have been developed over the past two centuries in order to explain how capitalist economies have developed and how they work. Professor Rosenberg examines the key contributions - from Mandeville, Adam Smith, Babbage, Marx, Schumpeter and Stigler - in the growth of this critical collection of ideas.Economists interested in the emergence of their discipline and historians of ideas will welcome this collection which will make Professor Rosenberg's many substantial contributions more widely accessible to teachers, students and researchers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The rise and fall of Mass Production
This important collection presents in two volumes the most significant papers on the history of mass production and highlights crucial debates in the attempt to understand the phenomenon and its social and economic effects. The selection focuses on six important themes. Volume I opens with an exploration of the antecedents to mass production and an investigation of the mechanical, economic and social roots of the transformation in production methods at the beginning of the 20th century. The following section examines the emergence of ‘Fordism’ and the fundamental elements of the new system. The final section describes the extent to which mass production has spread through the wider economy and the ways in which it has changed in the process.In Volume II, the first section covers the impact of mass production on work and the workers. The second section looks at how Japan has exploited the principles of mass production and may indeed have evolved a new form of productive organisation. The concluding section raises the question of whether in the late 20th century the dominance of mass production is in decline.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Law and Migration
Law and Migration is an authoritative volume which draws on statutory and case law to expose the limitations of the law in protecting the individual caught in the complex web of national and regional constraints on migration. International law provides for the exercise of the sovereign power of states to control the entry of non-nationals. However, more recent international conventions have shown a growing awareness of the failure of the law to protect individuals and their families from violation of their human rights and civil liberties. Whilst avoiding open conflict with the principle of sovereignty, national courts have strived to comply with the spirit of human rights conventions and have often decided in favour of individuals. Despite this, border and internal controls on entry continue to proliferate. Globally the failure to establish an adequate legal framework which takes account of forced migration caused by wars and natural disasters has provoked a debate beyond the traditional legal norms. This volume presents a selection of published work from a variety of countriest and addresses the theoretical questions and policy issues which will continue to tax lawyers in the twenty first century.
New Directions in Analytical Political Economy brings together an important collection of economic research by scholars from a wide range of non-neoclassical research traditions.This book provides a flavour of recent research in non-neoclassical economic theory - drawing on classical, Marxian, post Keynesian and Kaleckian, structuralist, evolutionary and institutional approaches - using mathematical analysis. The papers deal with a variety of themes, including unemployment, financial crises and business cycles; technological change and long-run growth; value, prices and pricing, and international terms of trade; the role of agriculture, foreign exchange and fiscal constraint on growth, hyperinflation and wage indexation, and stability in mixed economies. The contributors base their analysis on the structure, history and institutions at hand, and not just on ever more elaborate optimizing principles as is fashionable in mainstream economics. However, they do not turn their backs on mainstream concepts and methods, using formal mathematical models to conduct their analysis in a rigorous way.Combining a broad approach to economics with mathematically based analysis, this important new book will be welcomed by economists wanting to go beyond the boundaries of neoclassical economics, without losing the rigour of modern economic theory.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd THE NATURE OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT: Essays in Economic Methodology
Johannes Klant's seminal work rests upon the analysis of the logical structure of economic theories and addresses the long-standing problem of the nature of economics by making a distinction between basic theories and specific models. The Nature of Economic Thought brings together in one volume Professor Klant's seminal work on the philosophy and methodology of economics. After a brief description of the history of economics and its position as science, art and philosophy, the book offers discussion of the logical structure of economic theories, Milton Friedman's use of metaphor and John Maynard Keynes's methodology including his view on the intuitive process and his adherence to Marshallian instrumentalism. The final paper presents an historical analysis of the natural order ideal in economics and critically assesses the approaches of Max Weber and Karl Popper.Always rigorous and cogent, the essays in this volume will be welcomed by the growing numbers of scholars interested in economic methodology and the history of economics thought.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Politics of Migration
The Politics of Migration is an authoritative collection which includes the most important articles and papers that document and analyse the political impact and consequences of migration since World War II. It assesses the impact of migration on class conflict and politics in the host country and the strategies adopted by the state to manage the political activities and demands of new ethnic minority communities. It also covers the rise of racist politics, especially electoral support for anti-immigrant far right parties. Special emphasis is placed on the politics of citizenship and political engagement as the new settlers adopt political strategies in order to combat exclusion, racism and oppression and to achieve recognition and legitimacy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Trade and the Industrial Revolution, 1700–1850
This two volume set reprints 37 important contributions dealing with international trade throughout the world during the rise of Great Britain to world dominance, the industrialization of Western Europe, and the political and economic expansion of European powers into Asia, Africa and the Americas.The period from 1700 to 1850 saw many dramatic changes in the world economy. Frequent war among the European nations also affected these changes, influencing the timing and perhaps the ultimate magnitude of intercontinental trade.In addition to discussions of commodity trade in different parts of the world, essays in these volumes deal with the effects of governmental policies towards the flows of capital and labour and the emergence of trading institutions and their impacts on economic development. Many deal with controversial topics such as the role of slavery and the slave trade on European development, the burdens of mercantilism, and the impact of European expansion on the economies of the less developed parts of the world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Theories of Migration
Migration, population shifts and flights from natural disaster have been known since the dawn of history, yet have only been rigorously studied in modern times. Are contemporary scholars of migration capable of evolving a single comprehensive theory which accounts for the diverse causes and implications of migration?In Theories of Migration, Robin Cohen has brought together a substantive body of scholarship from many disciplines and schools of thought which addresses the failure to produce one satisfactory general theory of migration. Attempts to construct a theory of migration have been constrained by the considerable variety of migrations which have to be considered - professional and unskilled, compelled and voluntary, settler and temporary, internal and international, and finally, illegal and legal. Perspectives arising from all the major social science disciplines are represented in this volume which features over 25 articles originally published in a wide array of professional disciplines.Theories of Migration shows that some important advances have been made across disciplines to create the building blocks of a theory which encompasses the many different forms of human migrations found in recorded history.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Bulgarian Economy in Transition
John Bristow's wide-ranging review, based on primary sources, traces economic developments since the fall of Zhivkov in late 1989. The progress of the macroeconomy, sectoral developments, international relations, reform of the banking and fiscal systems, and privatization are all extensively examined by Professor Bristow. While focusing on policy and the failure of the Bulgarian political system to provide sufficient momentum for effective economic reform, this important book acknowledges the successes and recognizes the problems of framing policy in times of severe economic dysfunction.Accessible and up-to-date, The Bulgarian Economy in Transition will be welcomed by scholars, researchers and policy makers concerned with the problems of transition from planned to market economies.
The Sociology of Urban Communities provides an authoritative collection of over 60 key articles by leading international contributors to urban sociology, together with an introductory article by the editor.The coverage is comprehensive, ranging from work on the role of cities in the transition from feudalism to capitalism and the nineteenth century origins of urban sociology, through the classic writings associated with the Chicago School and the Marxist new urban sociology of the 1960s and 1970s. The collection is completed by sections which focus on the urban consequences of contemporary economic restructuring and work which reflects recent developments in the sociology of gender, space and postmodernism.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd trade, development and political economy
Trade, Development and Political Economy demonstrates the power of trade theory to illuminate issues, not only within its conventional boundaries, but also outside of them, in the fields of development, history and political economy.Featuring Ronald Findlay's key papers written over the past two decades, this volume addresses problems that are a mixture of the conceptual and the methodological - such as the theory of comparative advantage and the dynamics of interaction between the advanced and developing regions of the world economy - and the topical and historical - such as the impact of oil shocks on employment and the role of trade and slavery in the emergence of the Industrial Revolution. The majority of these papers develop a model derived from the rich tradition of classical and neoclassical trade theory, and apply that model to a relevant analytical or historical question. The themes in these essays range over the intersection of international trade, economic development and political economy ensuring that this volume will be of interest to all those concerned with the implications of trade theory for economics, development and related fields.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS: Selected Essays of Anthony C. Fisher
This important volume features essays dealing with a wide range of theoretical, measurement and policy issues in environmental and resource economics. Anthony Fisher is an internationally acclaimed environmental economist whose work combines relevance with intellectual rigour.The integration of environmental considerations into decisions about extractive resource has been a central theme of Professor Fisher's work. The essays in this collection range from exercises in the pure theory of resource depletion to applications of theoretical and empirical techniques on the management of energy and water resources. Particular attention is given to uncertainty about environmental values and the irreversibility of certain kinds of resource depletion. Featuring work on a wide range of topics and adopting a breadth of approaches, Environmental and Resource Economics will be welcomed by researchers, practitioners and policymakers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Early French Feminisms, 1830–1940: A Passion for Liberty
Early French Feminisms, 1830-1940 is a source book of personal and political writings by Flora Tristan, Pauline Roland, Jeanne Deroin, Helene Brion and Madeleine Pelletier, five key individuals in the development of women's rights in France. Though their writings and political activity ranged over more than a century, these women were linked by their commitment to feminism and to socialism and can be considered as seminal figures in French political thought. Their journals, letters and diaries have not been available in print or in English translation and the same is true of many of their published works. As well as extensive extracts from the original source material, Early French Feminisms, 1830-1940 contains biographical and contextual historical material which sets the writers in their period and links them to contemporary feminist and socialist debates. Tristan, Deroin, Roland, Pelletier and Brion were active in the growth of trade union organization, Saint-Simonian utopian socialism, the birth of the parliamentary Socialist Parties, pacifism during the First World War and the neo-Malthusian or birth control movement. Ranging across personal and public genres of writings, the texts reproduced for this volume, placed in historical context, demonstrate the difficulty which these largely self-educated women faced in entering the public sphere and the political persecution which they faced courageously. Early French Feminisms, 1830-1940 clarifies an important chapter in feminist and socialist militancy which will be of interest to students and scholars of women's studies and modern French history.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Biographical Dictionary of Women Economists
This major original reference work includes over one hundred specially commissioned articles on the lives and writings of women who made significant contributions to economics. It sheds new light on the rich, but too often neglected, heritage of women's analysis of economic issues and participation in the discipline of economics. In addition to those who wrote in English, some notable Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Swedish women economists are included. This book will transform widely-held views about the past role of women in economics, and will stimulate further research in this exciting but underdeveloped field. It is dedicated to the memory of Michele Pujol, a pioneer in the field.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Unemployment, Imperfect Competition and Macroeconomics: Essays in the Post Keynesian Tradition
This collection of Malcolm Sawyer's essays develops the post Keynesian analyses of unemployment, imperfect competition and macroeconomics. This important volume focuses on the causes of unemployment, a central concern of contemporary post Keynesian economics whose origins can be dated from the response to the high levels of unemployment during the 1930s. After explaining why conventional economic analysis cannot properly comprehend the phenomenon of unemployment, Professor Sawyer's book explores the relationship between demand-side and supply-side causes and argues for the relevance of both for the analysis of unemployment. Other issues discussed include the relationship between macroeconomics and imperfect competition, the post Keynesian approach to pricing and post Keynesian perspectives on industrial economics.Unemployment, Imperfect Competition and Macroeconomics, critically but sympathetically, evaluates and extends the contribution of post Keynesian analysis, and discusses the problems which those analyses face. Bringing together contributions from a major scholar working in this field, the book will be welcomed by all those interested in the post Keynesian approach and the contributions it can make to economic analysis.