Search results for ""Birkhauser Verlag AG""
Birkhauser Verlag AG Utopia or Oblivion: The Prospects for Humanity
Birkhauser Verlag AG Herzog & de Meuron 2002-2004
The long-awaited fifth volume on The Complete Works of Herzog & de Meuron presents the sixty projects completed between 2002 and 2004 with characteristic attention to detail. These include buildings that have already become contemporary architectural icons, such as the National Stadium in Beijing and the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg, but also projects which, though never realized, have influenced the architectural discourse. These include the residential tower for the Schatzalp Hotel, which overlooks Davos and inspired a new generation of Alpine architecture. In the period covered by this volume, urban planing was a major focus of Herzog & de Meuron's work. International acclaim fueled by booming construction led to numerous commissions in China (the Jindong New Development Area), and in Europe: master plans for Jerez de la Frontera in Spain, and the Olympic Games in London opened up entire urban regions to future development.
Birkhauser Verlag AG z’Basel an mym Rhy: Von Fähren und Fischergalgen
Birkhauser Verlag AG Dispersive Equations and Nonlinear Waves: Generalized Korteweg–de Vries, Nonlinear Schrödinger, Wave and Schrödinger Maps
The first part of the book provides an introduction to key tools and techniques in dispersive equations: Strichartz estimates, bilinear estimates, modulation and adapted function spaces, with an application to the generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation and the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation. The energy-critical nonlinear Schrödinger equation, global solutions to the defocusing problem, and scattering are the focus of the second part. Using this concrete example, it walks the reader through the induction on energy technique, which has become the essential methodology for tackling large data critical problems. This includes refined/inverse Strichartz estimates, the existence and almost periodicity of minimal blow up solutions, and the development of long-time Strichartz inequalities. The third part describes wave and Schrödinger maps. Starting by building heuristics about multilinear estimates, it provides a detailed outline of this very active area of geometric/dispersive PDE. It focuses on concepts and ideas and should provide graduate students with a stepping stone to this exciting direction of research.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Discrete-Time Semi-Markov Random Evolutions and Their Applications
This book extends the theory and applications of random evolutions to semi-Markov random media in discrete time, essentially focusing on semi-Markov chains as switching or driving processes. After giving the definitions of discrete-time semi-Markov chains and random evolutions, it presents the asymptotic theory in a functional setting, including weak convergence results in the series scheme, and their extensions in some additional directions, including reduced random media, controlled processes, and optimal stopping. Finally, applications of discrete-time semi-Markov random evolutions in epidemiology and financial mathematics are discussed. This book will be of interest to researchers and graduate students in applied mathematics and statistics, and other disciplines, including engineering, epidemiology, finance and economics, who are concerned with stochastic models of systems.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Coherent Sheaves, Superconnections, and Riemann-Roch-Grothendieck
This monograph addresses two significant related questions in complex geometry: the construction of a Chern character on the Grothendieck group of coherent sheaves of a compact complex manifold with values in its Bott-Chern cohomology, and the proof of a corresponding Riemann-Roch-Grothendieck theorem. One main tool used is the equivalence of categories established by Block between the derived category of bounded complexes with coherent cohomology and the homotopy category of antiholomorphic superconnections. Chern-Weil theoretic techniques are then used to construct forms that represent the Chern character. The main theorem is then established using methods of analysis, by combining local index theory with the hypoelliptic Laplacian.Coherent Sheaves, Superconnections, and Riemann-Roch-Grothendieck is an important contribution to both the geometric and analytic study of complex manifolds and, as such, it will be a valuable resource for many researchers in geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Free Boundary Problems in Fluid Dynamics
This book, originating from a seminar held at Oberwolfach in 2022, introduces to state-of-the-art methods and results in the study of free boundary problems which are arising from compressible as well as from incompressible Euler's equations in general.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Spherical Sampling
This book presents, in a consistent and unified overview, results and developments in the field of today´s spherical sampling, particularly arising in mathematical geosciences. Although the book often refers to original contributions, the authors made them accessible to (graduate) students and scientists not only from mathematics but also from geosciences and geoengineering. Building a library of topics in spherical sampling theory it shows how advances in this theory lead to new discoveries in mathematical, geodetic, geophysical as well as other scientific branches like neuro-medicine. A must-to-read for everybody working in the area of spherical sampling.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Periodontology: From its Origins up to 1980: A Survey
Birkhauser Verlag AG Characteristic Functions, Scattering Functions and Transfer Functions: The Moshe Livsic Memorial Volume
Daniel Alpay and Victor Vinnikov During the period July 9 to July 13, 2007,a conference called Characteristic fu- tions and transfer functions in operator theory and system theory: a conference dedicated to PaulFuhrmann onhis 70thanniversary and to the memory ofMoshe Livsiconhis90thanniversarywasheldattheDepartmentofMathematicsofBen- GurionUniversityoftheNegev.Thenotionsoftransferfunctionandcharacteristic functions proved to be fundamental in the last ?fty years in operator theory and in system theory. This conference was envisaged to pay tribute to our colleagues PaulFuhrmannandMosheLivsicwhoplayedacentralroleindevelopingthese- tions. Sadly, Moshe Livsic passedawayon the 30thof March,2007(11th of Nissan 5767), so the conference was dedicated to his memory. It is a pleasure to thank all the participants, who contributed to a very exciting and fruitful conference, and especially those who submitted papers to the present volume. The volume contains a selection of thirteen research papers dedicated to the memory of Moshe Livsic. The topics addressed can be divided into the following categories: Classical operator theory and its applications: This pertains to the paper Diff- ential-di?erence equations in entire functions by G. Belitskii and V. Tkachenko, the paper Bi-Isometries and Commutant Lifting by H. Bercovici, R.G. Douglas. and C. Foias and the paper Convexity of ranges and connectedness of level sets of quadratic forms by I. Feldman, N. Krupnik and A. Markus. Ergodictheoryandstochasticprocesses: We have the papersTheone-sidedergodic Hilbert transform of normal contractions by G. Cohen and M. Lin, and Integral Equations in the Theory of Levy Processes by L. Sakhnovich. Geometryofsmoothmappings:This iscoveredbythepaper ofY.Yomdinentitled ?-Spread of sets in metric spaces and critical values of smooth functions.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Fractional Elliptic Problems with Critical Growth in the Whole of $\R^n$
These lecture notes are devoted to the analysis of a nonlocal equation in the whole of Euclidean space. In studying this equation, all the necessary material is introduced in the most self-contained way possible, giving precise references to the literature when necessary. The results presented are original, but no particular prerequisite or knowledge of the previous literature is needed to read this text. The work is accessible to a wide audience and can also serve as introductory research material on the topic of nonlocal nonlinear equations.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Free Discontinuity Problems
This book presents a series of lectures on three of the best known examples of free discontinuity problems: the Mumford-Shah model for image segmentation, a variational model for the epitaxial growth of thin films, and the sharp interface limit of the Ohta-Kawasaki model for pattern formation in dyblock copolymers.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Topics in Modern Regularity Theory
This book contains lecture notes of a series of courses on the regularity theory of partial differential equations and variational problems, held in Pisa and Parma in the years 2009 and 2010. The contributors, Nicola Fusco, Tristan Rivière and Reiner Schätzle, provide three updated and extensive introductions to various aspects of modern Regularity Theory concerning: mathematical modelling of thin films and related free discontinuity problems, analysis of conformally invariant variational problems via conservation laws, and the analysis of the Willmore functional. Each contribution begins with a very comprehensive introduction, and is aimed to take the reader from the introductory aspects of the subject to the most recent developments of the theory.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Asymptotics in Dynamics, Geometry and PDEs; Generalized Borel Summation: Proceedings of the conference held in CRM Pisa, 12-16 October 2009, Vol. II
These are the proceedings of a one-week international conference centered on asymptotic analysis and its applications. They contain major contributions dealing with: mathematical physics: PT symmetry, perturbative quantum field theory, WKB analysis, local dynamics: parabolic systems, small denominator questions, new aspects in mould calculus, with related combinatorial Hopf algebras and application to multizeta values, a new family of resurgent functions related to knot theory.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Search for neutrinos from stellar gravitational collapse with the MACRO experiment at Gran Sasso
Low energy neutrino astrophysics studies the evolutionary life of the stars via the neutrinos emitted during the quiescent phase (solar neutrinos) and during the explosive death of big mass stars (supernova neutrinos). The neutrino mean free path in matter is about twenty orders of magnitude greater than that of light; therefore neutrinos reaching us can be produced also in deep and high-density levels of stars. Since massless neutrinos are unaffected by their travel in the interstellar space, their energies and arrival directions carry information on the star history. The subject of this thesis is the search for neutrino bursts from galactic stellar gravitational collapses performed in the MACRO experiment, a large area modular detector, operating since autumn 1989.
Birkhauser Verlag AG A geometric view of the term structure of interest rates
This set of lecture notes is the outcome of a lecture series, given in April 2000 by the author while holding the “Cattedra Galileiana” at Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa. The purpose of the lectures was to give an overview of some recent work concerning structural properties of the evolution of the forward rate curve in an arbitrage free bond market.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Portfolio optimizations in incomplete financial markets
These Lecture Notes are based on a course given in June 2001 at the Cattedra Galileiana of Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. The course consisted of a short introduction into the basic concepts of Mathematical Finance, focusing on the notion of “no arbitrage”, and subsequently applying these concepts to portfolio optimization. To avoid technical difficulties I mainly dealt with the situation where the underlying probability space is finite and only sketched the difficulties arising in the general case. We then pass to the scheme of utility optimisation for general semi-martingale models. Some topics of this course are not standard: for example, in the treatment of the general existence theorem for the optimal portfolio, we give a direct proof which is not relying on duality theory. Similarly, the treatment of the asymptotic elasticity of utility functions and a related counter-example are original to these notes.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Leonhard Euler: A Man to Be Reckoned With
His ideas turned the mathematical world on its head. As a scientist he should be placed on the same level as Newton and Einstein. This account of Euler's life and livings is embedded in the great political developments of his time, particularly in Austria, Prussia and Russia. The comic by Elena Pini (illustrations) and Alice and Andreas K. Heyne (text) follows the life of the genius from Basel, who, born 300 years ago, would set out to change the scientific world. The book is completed by a short biography of Euler and relevant data of the most important politicians and contemporaries.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Die Werke von Jakob Bernoulli: Bd. 5: Differentialgeometrie
This volume contains the work of the great Swiss mathematician on differential geometry, a field marked by some of his greatest achievements. Between 1690 and 1700, Jacob Bernoulli published twelve treatises in the scientific journal Acta Eruditorum on the use of infinitesimal methods to answer geometrical questions. Preparatory notes for most of these papers and on many other themes are found in Bernoulli's scientific diary Meditationes, from which twentynine texts are published here for the first time. Among the curves considered are the isochrones (lines of constant descent), the parabolic spiral, the loxodrome, the cycloid, the tractrix, and the logarithmic spiral (Bernoulli's spira mirabilis, which also adorns his tombstone). The description of these curves by differential equations and by geometrical constructions, their rectification and quadrature, and the determination of their evolutes and caustics offered Bernoulli and his colleagues a range of challenging problems, many of them relevant for mechanical or optical applications. The French mathematician André Weil, who lived in the United States until his recent death, has greatly influenced 20th century mathematics, among other things, as a founding member of the Bourbaki group. For many years he has pursued intensive studies of the history of mathematics, especially number theory and algebraic geometry. Weil's introduction to this volume places Jacob Bernoulli's contribution to differential geometry in a line of development from Descartes, Huygens and Barrow through Newton's und Leibniz's epochal innovations right up to the codification of the subject by Euler. Martin Mattmüller, secretary of the Bernoulli Edition at Basel, edited the source text. His commentaries consider particular topics in differential geometry with reference to their historical context at the end of the 17th century.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Fotopraktikum
Das Fotopraktikum vermittelt systematisch das gesamte Spektrum der heutigen angewandten Fotografie. Es wurde für Leser geschrieben, die es exakt, gründlich und ohne Umschweife wissen wollen. Für Studenten der Hoch-, Fachhoch-, Abend- und Volkshochschulen, für den Nachwuchs der Fotobranche sowie für die, denen die Fotografie im Beruf unentbehrlich ist. Und natürlich auch für ambitionierte Amateure.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Die Werke von Daniel Bernoulli: Band 1: Medizin und Physiologie, Mathematische Jugendschriften, Positionsastronomie
The works from Daniel Bernoulli's youth contained in this first volume of his Collected Works bear witness above all of his versatility; they deal with subjects as different as physiology, formal logic, mathematical analysis, hydrodynamics and positional astronomy. Daniel Bernoulli's contacts with Italian scientists gave rise to several controversies. The present volume documents both sides in each of these debates, which culminated with the publication of Bernoulli's first book Exercitationes mathe- maticae in 1724. The discussions with the renowned mathematician Jacopo Riccati on second-order differential equations and on the Newtonian theory of the out-flow of fluids from vessels deserve particular interest. A third group of texts goes back to the time Bernoulli spent at the newly- founded Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, where he had been appointed in 1725. There he worked out two more contributions to physiological research - on muscle movement and on the blind spot in the human eye - as well as his only paper in positional astronomy. This last work - suggested by a prize question of the Paris Académie des Sciences - became the occasion for a vehement conflict; the present volume documents these "Zänkereien" (squabbles) and also reproduces three competing treatises. To complete the documentation of Daniel Bernoulli's work on physiology, the volume also includes his academic ceremonial speech De Vita of 1737, where he sketches for the first time the circulation of the work done by the human heart, and its elaboration by Bernoulli's student Daniel Passavant.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Sol et luna II
This volume, together with Volumes 22 and 23 of the same series, contains Euler's contributions to the theory of the movement of the sun and especially of the moon. Time and again Euler worked on the program of applying Newton's principles of mechanics to improve our unterstanding of the movement of the celestial bodies. Euler's monumental "Theoria motuum Lunae nova methodo pertractata" of 1772 (his "Second Theory of the Moon") forms Volume 22, whereas Volume 23 mainly contains his early Astronomical Tables and his "First Theory of the Moon" of 1753. In the present volume the reader will find early papers by Euler pertaining to the preparation of his Astronomical Tables, a series of articles written between his two Theories of the Moon, and finally three substantial essays closely related to his "Second Theory of the Moon". The texts are reprinted in the original language most commonly French or Latin.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Theoria motus corporum solidorum seu rigidorum ex primis nostrae cognitionis principiis stabilita et ad omnes motus qui in huiusmodi corpora cadere possunt accomodata 1st part
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes geometricae 2nd part
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes mechanicae ad theoriam corporum flexibilium et elasticorum pertinentes 1st part
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes astronomicae ad praecessionem et nutationem pertinentes. First part
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes geometricae 3rd part
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam serierum infinitarum pertinentes 1st part
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes geometricae 1st part
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam serierum infinitarum pertinentes 2nd part
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam integralium pertinentes 2nd part
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes algebraicae ad theoriam combinationum et probabilitatum pertinentes
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes arithmeticae 4th part
Birkhauser Verlag AG Lernübertragungen in der Sportpädagogik: Bildungstheoretische, methodologische und lernpsychologische Aspekte des Transfer Problems im Sportunterricht
Birkhauser Verlag AG Mysteries of Mars
This book introduces the reader to the wonders of Mars, covering all aspects from our past perceptions of the planet through to the latest knowledge on its history, its surface processes such as impact cratering, volcano formation, and glaciation, and its atmosphere and climate. In addition, a series of ten intriguing open issues are considered in a more advanced way. These include such thought-provoking questions as What turned off the planet’s magnetic field?, Why are the northern and southern hemispheres so different?, What was the fate of the once abundant water?, and Is there, or was there, life on Mars? Numerous original figures, unavailable elsewhere, reproduce details of images from Viking, CTX, MOC, HiRISE, THEMIS, and HRSC. The book will appeal especially to general readers interested in planetary sciences, astronomy, astrogeology, and space exploration and to students of Earth Sciences and Natural and Environmental Sciences. The higher-level material on the remaining mysteries of Mars will also be of interest to astrogeologists and other researchers.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Predicting Stock Returns: Implications for Asset Pricing
This book provides a comprehensive analysis of asset price movement. It examines different aspects of stock return predictability, the interaction between stock return and dividend growth predictability, the relationship between stocks and bonds, and the resulting implications for asset price movement. By contributing to our understanding of the factors that cause price movement, this book will be of benefit to researchers, practitioners and policy makers alike.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Metrics, Norms, Inner Products, and Operator Theory
This text is a self-contained introduction to the three main families that we encounter in analysis – metric spaces, normed spaces, and inner product spaces – and to the operators that transform objects in one into objects in another. With an emphasis on the fundamental properties defining the spaces, this book guides readers to a deeper understanding of analysis and an appreciation of the field as the “science of functions.”Many important topics that are rarely presented in an accessible way to undergraduate students are included, such as unconditional convergence of series, Schauder bases for Banach spaces, the dual of ℓp topological isomorphisms, the Spectral Theorem, the Baire Category Theorem, and the Uniform Boundedness Principle. The text is constructed in such a way that instructors have the option whether to include more advanced topics.Written in an appealing and accessible style, Metrics, Norms, Inner Products, and Operator Theory is suitable for independent study or as the basis for an undergraduate-level course. Instructors have several options for building a course around the text depending on the level and interests of their students.Key features: Aimed at students who have a basic knowledge of undergraduate real analysis. All of the required background material is reviewed in the first chapter. Suitable for undergraduate-level courses; no familiarity with measure theory is required. Extensive exercises complement the text and provide opportunities for learning by doing. A separate solutions manual is available for instructors via the Birkhäuser website ( Unique text providing an undergraduate-level introduction to metrics, norms, inner products, and their associated operator theory.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Introduction to Probability with Statistical Applications
Now in its second edition, this textbook serves as an introduction to probability and statistics for non-mathematics majors who do not need the exhaustive detail and mathematical depth provided in more comprehensive treatments of the subject. The presentation covers the mathematical laws of random phenomena, including discrete and continuous random variables, expectation and variance, and common probability distributions such as the binomial, Poisson, and normal distributions. More classical examples such as Montmort's problem, the ballot problem, and Bertrand’s paradox are now included, along with applications such as the Maxwell-Boltzmann and Bose-Einstein distributions in physics.Key features in new edition:* 35 new exercises* Expanded section on the algebra of sets * Expanded chapters on probabilities to include more classical examples* New section on regression* Online instructors' manual containing solutions to all exercises<Advanced undergraduate and graduate students in computer science, engineering, and other natural and social sciences with only a basic background in calculus will benefit from this introductory text balancing theory with applications.Review of the first edition: This textbook is a classical and well-written introduction to probability theory and statistics. … the book is written ‘for an audience such as computer science students, whose mathematical background is not very strong and who do not need the detail and mathematical depth of similar books written for mathematics or statistics majors.’ … Each new concept is clearly explained and is followed by many detailed examples. … numerous examples of calculations are given and proofs are well-detailed." (Sophie Lemaire, Mathematical Reviews, Issue 2008 m)
Birkhauser Verlag AG Christian Moeller Open Encounters Public Art Scultpure Relief Installation
This publication documents a series of ambitious, large-scale projects produced by Christian Moeller within the public sphere between 2004 and 2023. During these years, the artist's practice underwent a considerable shift in focus. Renouncing his former self-designation as media architect, Moeller began to downplay the role of information technology within his work to instead emphasize its pictorial and sculptural qualities. The works in this volume are based on a keen observation of social processes, often with a view to their playful disruption. At once fitting into and standing out fromtheir surroundings, they present the public with a welcome reprieve from the routines of workaday life. Open Encounters offers an exhaustive, lavishly illustrated overview of a highly productive period in Moeller's practice. The book features a career-spanning essay and running commentary on individual works by Jan Tumlir as well as texts by Harriet F. Senie, Cath Brunner, Tim Griffin and Christian Mo
Birkhauser Verlag AG Architectures of Dismantling and Restructuring: Spaces of Danish Welfare, 1970-present
Birkhauser Verlag AG Visual Philosophy: Thoughts on I and We
Birkhauser Verlag AG Bauhaus Buildings Dessau: Bauhausbucher 12
Birkhauser Verlag AG Synergetic Stew: Explorations in Dymaxion Dining
Birkhauser Verlag AG Vibration Problems in Structures: Practical Guidelines
Authors: Hugo Bachmann, Walter J. Ammann, Florian Deischl, Josef Eisenmann, Ingomar Floegl, Gerhard H. Hirsch, Gunter K. Klein, Goran J. Lande, Oskar Mahrenholtz, Hans G. Natke, Hans Nussbaumer, Anthony J. Pretlove, Johann H. Rainer, Ernst-Ulrich Saemann, Lorenz Steinbeisser. Large structures such as factories, gymnasia, concert halls, bridges, towers, masts and chimneys can be detrimentally affected by vibrations. These vibrations can cause either serviceability problems, severely hampering the user's comfort, or safety problems. The aim of this book is to provide structural and civil engineers working in construction and environmental engineering with practical guidelines for counteracting vibration problems. Dynamic actions are considered from the following sources of vibration: - human body motions, - rotating, oscillating and impacting machines, - wind flow, - road traffic, railway traffic and construction work. The main section of the book presents tools that aid in decision-making and in deriving simple solutions to cases of frequently occurring "normal" vibration problems. Complexer problems and more advanced solutions are also considered. In all cases these guidelines should enable the engineer to decide on appropriate solutions expeditiously. The appendices of the book contain fundamentals essential to the main chapters.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Correspondence of Leonhard Euler with Christian Goldbach: Volume 1
When Leonhard Euler first arrived at the Russian Academy of Sciences, at the age of 20, his career was supported and promoted by the Academy’s secretary, the Prussian jurist and amateur mathematician Christian Goldbach (1690-1764). Their encounter would grow into a lifelong friendship, as evinced by nearly 200 letters sent over 35 years.This exchange – Euler’s most substantial long-term correspondence – has now been edited for the first time with an English translation, ample commentary and documentary indices. These present an overview of 18th-century number theory, its sources and repercussions, many details of the protagonists’ biographies, and a wealth of insights into academic life in St. Petersburg and Berlin between 1725 and 1765.Part I includes an introduction and the original texts of the Euler-Goldbach letters, while Part II presents the English translations and documentary indices.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Correspondence of Leonhard Euler with Christian Goldbach: Volume 2
When Leonhard Euler first arrived at the Russian Academy of Sciences, at the age of 20, his career was supported and promoted by the Academy’s secretary, the Prussian jurist and amateur mathematician Christian Goldbach (1690-1764). Their encounter would grow into a lifelong friendship, as evinced by nearly 200 letters sent over 35 years.This exchange – Euler’s most substantial long-term correspondence – has now been edited for the first time with an English translation, ample commentary and documentary indices. These present an overview of 18th-century number theory, its sources and repercussions, many details of the protagonists’ biographies, and a wealth of insights into academic life in St. Petersburg and Berlin between 1725 and 1765.Part I includes an introduction and the original texts of the Euler-Goldbach letters, while Part II presents the English translations and documentary indices.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Classes of Good Noetherian Rings
This monograph provides an exhaustive treatment of several classes of Noetherian rings and morphisms of Noetherian local rings. Chapters carefully examine some of the most important topics in the area, including Nagata, F-finite and excellent rings, Bertini’s Theorem, and Cohen factorizations. Of particular interest is the presentation of Popescu’s Theorem on Neron Desingularization and the structure of regular morphisms, with a complete proof. Classes of Good Noetherian Rings will be an invaluable resource for researchers in commutative algebra, algebraic and arithmetic geometry, and number theory.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Treatment of Psoriasis
This volume provides an in-depth overview of the current state of psoriasis and its management. It reviews the clinical manifestations of psoriasis as well as psoriatic arthritis and emphasizes the evolving paradigm of therapy. Coverage includes topical and ultraviolet therapies as well as traditional systemic therapy. In addition, a major focus of the volume is on biologic therapies. New agents in development are also reviewed.