Search results for ""Birkhauser Verlag AG""
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes astronomicae ad theoriam perturbationum pertinentes 2nd part
Der Band enthält einen Teil der Abhandlungen Eulers zur Störungstheorie. Er ist der zweite von drei diesem Thema gewidmeten Bänden. Gegenstand der Untersuchungen ist die Beschreibung der Bewegung eines Himmelskörpers um ein Zentralgestirn unter Berücksichtigung der von weiteren Himmelskörpern auf ihn wirkenden Gravitationskräfte. Als Beispiel sei die gravitative Wirkung der Venus auf die Erdbahn erwähnt.Von grosser praktischer Bedeutung, insbesondere für die Navigation auf See, war die Untersuchung des Einflusses der Sonne auf die Mondbewegung. Mit diesem Thema beschäftigte Euler sich zeit seines Lebens.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes mechanicae ad theoriam corporum fluidorum pertinentes 2nd part
Birkhauser Verlag AG Mechanica corporum solidorum 2nd part
Birkhauser Verlag AG Institutiones calculi integralis 3rd part
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam aequationum differentialium pertinentes 1st part
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam integralium pertinentes 3rd part
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes arithmeticae 3rd part
Birkhauser Verlag AG Akustische Ethogramme von Hühnern: Die Auswirkung unterschiedlicher Haltungssysteme
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes arithmeticae 2nd part
Birkhauser Verlag AG Crisis Communication: A Stakeholder Approach
This timely book explores crises as an inevitable part of modern society, which causes ramifications not only for organisations, but also for a diverse range of stakeholders. Addressing the need for organisations to be guided by a stakeholder-oriented approach throughout all phases of the crisis communication process, the author draws upon various business disciplines and covers the management of issues, risk, reputation and relationships. Covering all stages of crisis communication, from pre-crisis to post-crisis, stakeholder engagement is analysed through a series of case studies, with a particular focus on the role of social media. Scholars of corporate communications and business strategy will find this new book undoubtedly useful, and it will be of particular interest to those involved in crisis communication and management.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Do Colors Exist?: And Other Profound Physics Questions
Why do polished stones look wet? How does the Twin Paradox work? What if Jupiter were a star? How can we be sure that pi never repeats? How does a quantum computer break encryption? Discover the answers to these, and other profound physics questions! This fascinating book presents a collection of articles based on conversations and correspondences between the author and complete strangers about physics and math. The author, a researcher in mathematical physics, responds to dozens of questions posed by inquiring minds from all over the world, ranging from the everyday to the profound. Rather than unnecessarily complex explanations mired in mysterious terminology and symbols, the reader is presented with the reasoning, experiments, and mathematics in a casual, conversational, and often comical style. Neither over-simplified nor over-technical, the lucid and entertaining writing will guide the reader from each innocent question to a better understanding of the weird and beautiful universe around us. Advance praise for Do Colors Exist?: “Every high school science teacher should have a copy of this book. The individual articles offer enrichment to those students who wish to go beyond a typical ‘dry curriculum’. The articles are very fun. I probably laughed out loud every 2-3 minutes. This is not easy to do. In fact, my children are interested in the book because they heard me laughing so much.” – Ken Ono, Emory University
Birkhauser Verlag AG Iwan Baan Rome Las Vegas Bread and Circuses
The cities of Rome and Las Vegas commonly sit at opposite ends of what architecture represents: whereas the former capital of the Roman Empire is perceived as ancient, proper and eternal, Sin City is described as flashy, vulgar and fake. Yet, both find themselves historically and contemporarilyat the intersection of power and play.Released fifty years after Denise Scott Brown and Robert Venturi's now canonical Learning FromLas Vegas (1972), the images in this book capture the atmosphere of both cities from the sky to the ground, revealing unexpected similarities and rediscovering Las Vegas' extravaganza on the streets of Rome. Iwan Baan's photographs contrast and subvert common perceptions of authenticity and artificiality and ultimately question such bipolar distinctions. In their dialogue, the photographs follow Scott Brown and Venturi's plea to first look, understand and only then judge.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Niklaus Troxler: Poster Collection 34
Birkhauser Verlag AG Carl Pruscha: Singular Personality: Architect, Bohemian, Activist
Birkhauser Verlag AG Die sonnigen Tage der Villa Savoye
Die Villa Savoye ist eine Ikone der modernen Architektur. Wer aber waren Eugénie und Pierre Savoye, die das Haus bauen ließen? Warum beauftragten sie Le Corbusier? Und wie lebten sie?Der Enkel Jean-Marc Savoye erzählt die Geschichte der Villa und der Bewohner anhand von Dokumenten und Familienerinnerungen. Jean-Philippe Delhomme illustriert die Baustelle, den Alltag, die Kriegszeit, die Nutzung als Scheune und die Rettung vor dem Abriss.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Verkannt und heimtückisch: Die ungebrochene Macht der Seuchen
Birkhauser Verlag AG Photonic Crystals: Mathematical Analysis and Numerical Approximation
This book concentrates on the mathematics of photonic crystals, which form an important class of physical structures investigated in nanotechnology. Photonic crystals are materials which are composed of two or more different dielectrics or metals, and which exhibit a spatially periodic structure, typically at the length scale of hundred nanometers.In the mathematical analysis and the numerical simulation of the partial differential equations describing nanostructures, several mathematical difficulties arise, e. g., the appropriate treatment of nonlinearities, simultaneous occurrence of continuous and discrete spectrum, multiple scales in space and time, and the ill-posedness of these problems.This volume collects a series of lectures which introduce into the mathematical background needed for the modeling and simulation of light, in particular in periodic media, and for its applications in optical devices.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Functional Analysis Methods for Reliability Models
The main goal of this book is to introduce readers to functional analysis methods, in particular, time dependent analysis, for reliability models. Understanding the concept of reliability is of key importance – schedule delays, inconvenience, customer dissatisfaction, and loss of prestige and even weakening of national security are common examples of results that are caused by unreliability of systems and individuals. The book begins with an introduction to C0-semigroup theory. Then, after a brief history of reliability theory, methods that study the well-posedness, the asymptotic behaviors of solutions and reliability indices for varied reliability models are presented. Finally, further research problems are explored.Functional Analysis Methods for Reliability Models is an excellent reference for graduate students and researchers in operations research, applied mathematics and systems engineering.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Basics Sound Insulation
Sound protection may even play an important role at the design stage of a project, because the orientation of a building and its plan layout may influence it. Important factors to be taken into account are noise impacting on the building from the outside and noise generated by people and technical equipment inside the building. Basics Sound Insulation conveys to the reader a thorough understanding of sound protection requirements in the design and construction of a building. To start with, the basics of acoustics are explained, including basic terms of physics, how sound is generated and propagated, and how sound is perceived. This is followed by an explanation of how sound emissions are assessed and what sound-reducing and design options are available to the designer.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Antarctic Resolution
Birkhauser Verlag AG Louis Kahn: The Importance of a Drawing
Birkhauser Verlag AG Industrious City: Urban Industry in the Digital Age
Birkhauser Verlag AG Geometric Group Theory: Geneva and Barcelona Conferences
This volume has its origins in the Barcelona Conference in Group Theory (July 2005) and the conference "Asymptotic and Probabilistic Methods in Geometric Group Theory" held in Geneva (June 2005). Twelve peer-reviewed research articles written by experts in the field present the most recent results in abstract and geometric group theory. In particular there are two articles by A. Juhász.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Set-Theoretic Methods in Control
The second edition of this monograph describes the set-theoretic approach for the control and analysis of dynamic systems, both from a theoretical and practical standpoint. This approach is linked to fundamental control problems, such as Lyapunov stability analysis and stabilization, optimal control, control under constraints, persistent disturbance rejection, and uncertain systems analysis and synthesis. Completely self-contained, this book provides a solid foundation of mathematical techniques and applications, extensive references to the relevant literature, and numerous avenues for further theoretical study.All the material from the first edition has been updated to reflect the most recent developments in the field, and a new chapter on switching systems has been added. Each chapter contains examples, case studies, and exercises to allow for a better understanding of theoretical concepts by practical application. The mathematical language is kept to the minimum level necessary for the adequate formulation and statement of the main concepts, yet allowing for a detailed exposition of the numerical algorithms for the solution of the proposed problems.Set-Theoretic Methods in Control will appeal to both researchers and practitioners in control engineering and applied mathematics. It is also well-suited as a textbook for graduate students in these areas.Praise for the First Edition"This is an excellent book, full of new ideas and collecting a lot of diverse material related to set-theoretic methods. It can be recommended to a wide control community audience." - B. T. Polyak, Mathematical Reviews"This book is an outstanding monograph of a recent research trend in control. It reflects the vast experience of the authors as well as their noticeable contributions to the development of this field...[It] is highly recommended to PhD students and researchers working in control engineering or applied mathematics. The material can also be used for graduate courses in these areas." - Octavian Pastravanu, Zentralblatt MATH
Birkhauser Verlag AG Lecture Notes on Wavelet Transforms
This book provides a systematic exposition of the basic ideas and results of wavelet analysis suitable for mathematicians, scientists, and engineers alike. The primary goal of this text is to show how different types of wavelets can be constructed, illustrate why they are such powerful tools in mathematical analysis, and demonstrate their use in applications. It also develops the required analytical knowledge and skills on the part of the reader, rather than focus on the importance of more abstract formulation with full mathematical rigor. These notes differs from many textbooks with similar titles in that a major emphasis is placed on the thorough development of the underlying theory before introducing applications and modern topics such as fractional Fourier transforms, windowed canonical transforms, fractional wavelet transforms, fast wavelet transforms, spline wavelets, Daubechies wavelets, harmonic wavelets and non-uniform wavelets. The selection, arrangement, and presentation of the material in these lecture notes have carefully been made based on the authors’ teaching, research and professional experience. Drafts of these lecture notes have been used successfully by the authors in their own courses on wavelet transforms and their applications at the University of Texas Pan-American and the University of Kashmir in India.
Birkhauser Verlag AG No-nonsense Physicist: An Overview of Gabriele Giuliani's Work and Life
This book presents a compact personal biography and a collection of works by Gabriele F. Giuliani - a distinguished condensed matter theorist who made important contributions to our understanding of collective effects in electronic materials. In 2012 he passed away after a long battle with cancer. In addition, the book features scientific contributions from some of Prof. Giuliani's former students and collaborators and a number of personal recollections by friends and colleagues which shed light on the complex, multifaceted personality of a physicist who was also a passionate soccer player and formula Ford pilot.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Colloquium De Giorgi 2010-2012
Since 2001 the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa has organized the "Colloquio De Giorgi", a series of colloquium talks named after Ennio De Giorgi. The Colloquio is addressed to a general mathematical audience, and especially meant to attract graduate students and advanced undergraduate students. The lectures are intended to be not too technical, in fields of wide interest. They must provide an overview of the general topic, possibly in a historical perspective, together with a description of more recent progress. The idea of collecting the materials from these lectures and publishing them in annual volumes came out recently, as a recognition of their intrinsic mathematical interest, and also with the aim of preserving memory of these events.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Structured Matrix Based Methods for Approximate Polynomial GCD
Defining and computing a greatest common divisor of two polynomials with inexact coefficients is a classical problem in symbolic-numeric computation. The first part of this book reviews the main results that have been proposed so far in the literature. As usual with polynomial computations, the polynomial GCD problem can be expressed in matrix form: the second part of the book focuses on this point of view and analyses the structure of the relevant matrices, such as Toeplitz, Toepliz-block and displacement structures. New algorithms for the computation of approximate polynomial GCD are presented, along with extensive numerical tests. The use of matrix structure allows, in particular, to lower the asymptotic computational cost from cubic to quadratic order with respect to polynomial degree.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Probability, Uncertainty and Rationality
This volume explores, from a mathematical and a philosophical perspective, the virtuous circle connecting logic and rationality. While logic lends its methods, techniques and ideas to the investigation of rationality, the practical problems which arise in modelling rational behaviour, especially in the social sciences, motivate logicians to develop more refined logical formalisms. This is why non classical logics - a unifying theme of this volume - play a fundamental role in the construction of formal models of rationality.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Imperfections de marchés et méthodes d'evaluation et couverture d'options
This book is taken from the lectures given at the ENSAE in March 1998 and at the Scuola Normale Superiore in May 1998. At the beginning of the 70's, the set of mathematical methods of finance were reduced to actuarial calculus. The modern approach uses the stochastic calculus theory and evidences the duality between problems of arbitrage and valorisation and a set of martingale probabilities.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Search for neutrino oscillations in a long baseline experiment at the CHOOZ nuclear reactors
Since neutrinos interact so weakly with matter, most of their basic properties are still largely unknown. One of the most important issues to be settled concerns their rest mass. We have no idea why neutrinos are so much lighter than their charged lepton partners; no fundamental symmetry in nature requires massless neutrinos. Massive neutrinos are demanded to explain the anomalous counting rate of experiments measuring the solar and the atmospheric neutrino fluxes. The discrepancy between experimental data and theoretical predictions can be accounted for in terms of neutrino oscillations, which would take place only in the case of massive neutrinos. The subject of this thesis is the search for neutrino oscillations in CHOOZ, the first long baseline experiment to explore a neutrino mass region where hints at neutrino oscillations came from the atmospheric neutrino anomaly.
Birkhauser Verlag AG A study on nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor expression in the rat visual cortex: possible sites and mechanisms of NGF action in cortical plasticity
Neuronal plasticity is the term generally used to describe a great variety of changes in neuronal structure and functions, in particular activity-dependent, prolonged functional changes, accompanied by corresponding biochemical and possibly morphological alterations. The first insights about neuronal plasticity have been obtained on simple forms of life. Today, many areas in the mammalian central nervous system are under investigation, in particular the cortex and the hippocampus. In these areas, neuronal plasticity is considered to be at the basis of learning and memory. The study of brain plasticity in sensory systems has been particularly fruitful, because these systems can be experimentally manipulated in a very precise manner by changes in the sensory imput.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Andreotti-Grauert theory on real hypersurfaces
This volume collects two articles by Christine Laurent-Thiébaut and Jürgen Leiterer which were submitted to, and accepted by the Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore, Classe di Scienze: The q-convex case; the q-concave case. Owing to the character of the systematic exposition of the new scientific results achieved and to the size of the work, the authors agreed to have the two papers published in a separate volume.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Symmetry in physics
These notes contain lectures on the theory of group representations and its applications to the physics of atoms, molecules and crystals, given at Purdue University, Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa, Italy) and Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria (Valparaiso, Chile) on and off over a period of over 25 years. The topics selected reflect my special interests and their scope is limited by the time available to the students. The style is somewhat concise and will require careful attention on the part of the reader.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Highlights in the quantum theory of condensed matter: A symposium to honour Mario Tosi on his 72nd birthday
The birth of condensed matter physics in Italy is linked to a small number of very distinguished scientists. Mario Tosi, Professor of Physics of Matter at the Scuola Normale Superiore, is unquestionably among the leading figures, a true founder of the theoretical activity in the country and a true catalyst of novel research directions internationally. This volume collects the proceedings of a symposium held at Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, designed to show Mario Tosi's broad, deep influence in very diverse areas of the quantum theory of condensed matter. The topics covered in the volume represent the breadth of his interests and the highlights in the quantum theory of condensed matter: liquids, electronic states in complex structures, quantum degenerate gases, many-body physics.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Codierungstheorie und Kryptographie
Im heutigen Informationszeitalter werden ständig riesige Mengen digitaler Daten über verschiedene Kanäle übertragen. Codierungstheorie und Kryptographie sind Instrumente, um zentrale Probleme der Datenübertragung wie Übertragungsfehler und Datensicherheit zu lösen. Das Buch führt in die aktuellen Methoden der Codierungstheorie und Kryptographie ein und vermittelt notwendige Grundlagen der Algebra und der Algorithmen. Dabei werden LDPC-Codes und der AKS-Algorithmus ausführlich dargestellt. Der Anhang bietet zahlreiche Übungsaufgaben.
Birkhauser Verlag AG The Geometry of the Word Problem for Finitely Generated Groups
The origins of the word problem are in group theory, decidability and complexity. But through the vision of M. Gromov and the language of filling functions, the topic now impacts the world of large-scale geometry. This book contains accounts of many recent developments in Geometric Group Theory and shows the interaction between the word problem and geometry continues to be a central theme. It contains many figures, numerous exercises and open questions.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Lettres a une princesse d'Allemagne 1st part
Birkhauser Verlag AG Der Briefwechsel von Johann I Bernoulli: Band 3 Der Briefwechsel mit Pierre Varignon. Zweiter Teil:1702–1714
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam integralium ellipticorum pertinentes 2nd part
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam integralium ellipticorum pertinentes 1st part
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam serierum infinitarum pertinentes 3rd part, 2nd section
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam serierum infinitarum pertinentes 3rd part, 1st section
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam integralium pertinentes 1st part
Birkhauser Verlag AG Die Werke von Daniel Bernoulli: Band 3: Mechanik
Birkhauser Verlag AG Lukas Felzmann Across Ground
Across Ground comprises two new books by the Swiss-born, San-Francisco-based photographer Lukas Felzmann, who for nearly thirty years has been making poetic images that explore the intersection of nature and culture in California's landscape. Developed in tandem between 2017and 2024, the two volumes take us on an allusive journey through the Golden State's fifty-eight counties, revealing seemingly liminal zones located in between cities, national parks and landmarks. Using a large format view camera, Felzmann follows the border of the continent to the edges of small towns to create a conceptual atlas of the Californian hinterland.In Across Felzmann roams the territory freely, collecting signs of human activity in the natural environment, from foothills to felled cypress trees, in windows and reflections, across floodplains and focal planes. Across is not only a journey across land, but also across time and the processof photography, which Felzmann treats like a sculptural activity anch
Birkhauser Verlag AG Louis I. Kahn The Last Notebook Four Freedoms Memorial Roosevelt Island New York
Honoring the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Louis Kahn in March 1974, this facsimile edition exquisitely reproduces the notebook in which the renowned American architect sketched and wrote during his travels in the last year of his life.Anchored by a magnificent set of drawings illustrating the final design of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park in New York City (1973/74, posthumously completed in 2012), Louis Kahn's Last Notebook provides an intimate glimpse into the architect's mind and design process. These private sketches and poetic reflections reveal Kahn's spiritual understanding of architecture as inclusiveof our total environment and shed new light on the architect's influential philosophy for designing, building and conceiving architecture.The facsimile pays close attention to the material qualities of the original notebook, replicating its delicate, transparent paper. Made widely available for the first time, the publication includes transcriptions of Kahn's h
Birkhauser Verlag AG Listening: Music - Movement - Mind