Search results for ""author craig""
American Psychological Association Going Global: How Psychologists Can Meet a World of Need
This is the authoritative guide for current and future psychologists around the world who are or want to be engaged in international efforts and opportunities and meet pressing global needs. Psychologists are increasingly applying their knowledge, skills, and values to big picture issues such as sustainability, human rights, conflict resolution, global education, and religious and cultural understanding. However, education, training, and professional development often overlook "thinking and acting globally" as a vital component of the professional identities of psychologists. With decades of international experience as scholars, educators, practitioners, policymakers, and consultants, contributors to this book describe exemplary programs, relevant trends, and dynamic possibilities for global engagement. They focus specifically on nine key areas of expertise through which psychologists can make a difference: advocacy, assessment, consultation, intervention, leadership, policy, research, service, teaching Chapters also highlight opportunities for international and interdisciplinary collaboration while empowering indigenous voices and psychologies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Imaging for Students
Imaging for Students delivers step-by-step guidance to the range of imaging techniques available, providing a clear explanation of how each imaging modality actually works, and including information on the associated risks and hazards.
Harvard University Press Degenerations of Democracy
Three leading thinkers analyze the erosion of democracy’s social foundations and call for a movement to reduce inequality, strengthen inclusive solidarity, empower citizens, and reclaim pursuit of the public good.Democracy is in trouble. Populism is a common scapegoat but not the root cause. More basic are social and economic transformations eroding the foundations of democracy, ruling elites trying to lock in their own privilege, and cultural perversions like making individualistic freedom the enemy of democracy’s other crucial ideals of equality and solidarity. In Degenerations of Democracy three of our most prominent intellectuals investigate democracy gone awry, locate our points of fracture, and suggest paths to democratic renewal.In Charles Taylor’s phrase, democracy is a process, not an end state. Taylor documents creeping disempowerment of citizens, failures of inclusion, and widespread efforts to suppress democratic participation, and he calls for renewing community. Craig Calhoun explores the impact of disruption, inequality, and transformation in democracy’s social foundations. He reminds us that democracies depend on republican constitutions as well as popular will, and that solidarity and voice must be achieved at large scales as well as locally.Taylor and Calhoun together examine how ideals like meritocracy and authenticity have become problems for equality and solidarity, the need for stronger articulation of the idea of public good, and the challenges of thinking big without always thinking centralization.Dilip Parameshwar Gaonkar points out that even well-designed institutions will not integrate everyone, and inequality and precarity make matters worse. He calls for democracies to be prepared for violence and disorder at their margins—and to treat them with justice, not oppression.The authors call for bold action building on projects like Black Lives Matter and the Green New Deal. Policy is not enough to save democracy; it will take movements.
University of Texas Press Dinarchus, Hyperides, and Lycurgus
This is the fifth volume in the Oratory of Classical Greece. This series presents all of the surviving speeches from the late fifth and fourth centuries B.C. in new translations prepared by classical scholars who are at the forefront of the discipline. These translations are especially designed for the needs and interests of today's undergraduates, Greekless scholars in other disciplines, and the general public. Classical oratory is an invaluable resource for the study of ancient Greek life and culture. The speeches offer evidence on Greek moral views, social and economic conditions, political and social ideology, law and legal procedure, and other aspects of Athenian culture that have been largely ignored: women and family life, slavery, and religion, to name just a few. This volume combines the surviving speeches of three orators who stand at the end of the classical period. Dinarchus was not an Athenian, but he was called on to write speeches in connection with a corruption scandal (the Harpalus affair) that put an end to the career of Demosthenes. His speeches thus raise many of the vital issues surrounding the Macedonian conquest of Athens and the final years of Athenian democracy. Hyperides was an important public figure who was involved in many of the events described by Dinarchus and Lycurgus. His speeches open a window into many interesting facets of Athenian life. Lycurgus was one of the leading politicians in Athens during the reign of Alexander the Great and put Athenian public finances on a more secure footing. He was also a deeply religious man, who tried to revive Athenian patriotism after the crushing defeat at Chaeronea.
Penguin Young Readers Group Goodbye Tonsils
There''s only one way to make Juliana''s nonstop sore throats go away, and that''s to remove her tonsils. Dr. Ward and Juliana''s parents help Juliana understand what will happen when she''s in the hospital. By the time she has her surgery, she knows just what to expect. And when she returns to school, Juliana tells her friends, The worst thing about having your tonsils out is that you can only do it once!
BOA Editions, Limited Little Mr. Prose Poem: Selected Poems of Russell Edson
A baby that keeps losing its brain, a cow in a wedding gown, a woman whose chest is a radio — bizarre and whimsical figures populate this collection of dreamlike prose poems from Russell Edson (1935-2014), with a Foreword by Pulitzer Prize winner Charles Simic.A seminal voice in American prose poetry from the sixties onward, Edson’s whole career is surveyed in a single volume edited for our times, presenting a new and contemporary view of a poet of startling imagination and strangeness. Craig Morgan Teicher calls us to witness Edson’s obsessions with the curious, the absurd, and the peculiar, and the ways in which they can haunt our daily lives. The prose poems in this collection mold our everyday into something extraordinary and unsettling. Edson’s poems are surreal fables in which his characters experience all that life throws at them— marriage, parenthood, technological advances, aging, dying, the afterlife— through irreverent dialogue and vivid imagery in turns both humorous and grotesque. Russell Edson is a vital and ever-contemporary poet with a unique moral and comedic vision, whose literary career quietly yet definitively shaped the prose poetry subgenre as we know it now.
Fitness Information Technology, Inc, U.S. Media Relations in Sport 5th Edition
Fitness Information Technology, Inc, U.S. Media Relations in Sport: 4th Edition
Baker Publishing Group Theological Interpretation of the Old Testament – A Book–by–Book Survey
The groundbreaking Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible (DTIB) introduced readers to key names, theories, and concepts in the field of biblical interpretation. It has been well received by pastors and students, won book awards from Christianity Today and the Catholic Press Association, and was named the ECPA 2006 Christian Book of the Year. Theological Interpretation of the Old Testament features key articles from DTIB, providing readers with a book-by-book theological reading of the Old Testament. The articles are authored by leading scholars, including Daniel I. Block, Tremper Longman III, J. Gordon McConville, Walter Moberly, Richard Schultz, and Gordon J. Wenham. This handy and affordable text will work particularly well for students in Old Testament/Bible survey courses, pastors, and lay readers.
Pitchstone Publishing Resurrection: Faith or Fact?: A Scholars' Debate Between a Skeptic and a Christian
Is there enough evidence to believe Jesus rose from the dead, or must such a judgment be based only on faith? Can the resurrection story be considered a fact of history, or should it be viewed as an ahistorical account? Two renowned professors, atheist Carl Stecher and Christian Craig Blomberg, engage in a groundbreaking new debate on these very questions. Other experts on the resurrection, atheist Richard Carrier and Christian Peter S. Williams, comment on the outcome. Presenting new approaches to these centuries-old questions and taking into account the latest scholarly research, Resurrection: Faith or Fact? is a must-have not only for all those following the resurrection question—but also for those skeptics and Christians alike who are interested in determining for themselves the truth behind this foundational doctrine of the Christian faith.
Harvard University Press The Rhetorical Exercises of Nikephoros Basilakes
Progymnasmata, exercises in the study of declamation, were the cornerstone of elite education from Hellenistic through Byzantine times. The Rhetorical Exercises of Nikephoros Basilakes, translated here into English for the first time, illuminate teaching and literary culture in one of the most important epochs of the Byzantine Empire.
Baker Publishing Group Deep Focus – Film and Theology in Dialogue
Three media experts guide the Christian moviegoer into a theological conversation with movies in this up-to-date, readable introduction to Christian theology and film. Building on the success of Robert Johnston's Reel Spirituality, the leading textbook in the field for the past 17 years, Deep Focus helps film lovers not only watch movies critically and theologically but also see beneath the surface of their moving images. The book discusses a wide variety of classic and contemporary films and is illustrated with film stills from favorite movies.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd The ISIS Reader: Milestone Texts of the Islamic State Movement
In the wake of its 'Caliphate' declaration in 2014, the self-described Islamic State has been the focus of countless academic papers, government studies, media commentaries and documentaries. Despite all this attention, persistent myths continue to shape--and misdirect--public understanding and strategic policy decisions. A significant factor in this trend has been a strong disinclination to engage critically with Islamic State's speeches and writings--as if doing so reflects empathy with the movement's goals or, even more absurdly, may itself lead to radicalisation. Going beyond the descriptive and the sensationalist, this volume presents and analyses a series of milestone Islamic State primary source materials. Scholar-practitioners with field experience in confronting the movement explore and contextualise its approach to warfare, propaganda and governance, examining the factors behind its dramatic evolution from failed proto-state in 2010 to standard-bearer of global jihadism in 2014, to besieged insurgency in 2019. 'The ISIS Reader' will help anyone--students and journalists, military personnel, civil servants and inquisitive observers--to better understand not only the evolution of Islamic State and the dynamics of asymmetric warfare, but the importance of primary sources in doing so.
The University of Chicago Press Tropical Rainforests: Past, Present, and Future
Synthesizing theoretical and empirical analyses of the processes that help shape these unique ecosystems, Tropical Rainforests looks at the effects of evolutionary histories, past climate change, and ecological dynamics on the origin and maintenance of tropical rainforest communities. Featuring recent advances in paleoecology, climatology, geology, molecular systematics, biogeography, and community ecology, the volume also offers insights from those fields into how rainforests will endure the impact of anthropogenic change. With more than sixty contributors, Tropical Rainforests will be of great interest to students and professionals in tropical ecology and conservation.
Harvard University Press The Byzantine Sinbad
The Byzantine Sinbad collects The Book of Syntipas the Philosopher and The Fables of Syntipas, both translated from Syriac in the late eleventh century by the scholar Michael Andreopoulos.Originally written in Persian and part of a multilingual and multicultural medieval storytelling tradition, The Book of Syntipas recounts how the Persian king Cyrus’s unnamed son—a student of the fictional philosopher Sinbad, who is known in Greek as Syntipas—is falsely accused of rape by a royal concubine. While the young man awaits execution, seven philosophers and the concubine attempt to influence Cyrus’s judgment. After seven days of storytelling, the son is exonerated and demonstrates the wisdom he learned from Syntipas.The sixty-two moral tales in The Fables of Syntipas are inspired mainly by the tradition of Aesop but include fifteen that are uniquely attributed to the philosopher.This volume is the first English translation to bring together Andreopoulos’s Byzantine Greek texts.
Baker Publishing Group How We Got the New Testament – Text, Transmission, Translation
2013 Word Guild Award (Biblical Studies) A recognized expert in New Testament Greek offers a historical understanding of the writing, transmission, and translation of the New Testament and provides cutting-edge insights into how we got the New Testament in its ancient Greek and modern English forms. In part responding to those who question the New Testament's reliability, Stanley Porter rigorously defends the traditional goals of textual criticism: to establish the original text. He reveals fascinating details about the earliest New Testament manuscripts and shows that the textual evidence supports an early date for the New Testament's formation. He also explores the vital role translation plays in biblical understanding and evaluates various translation theories. The book offers a student-level summary of a vast amount of historical and textual information.
Baker Publishing Group Neither Complementarian nor Egalitarian – A Kingdom Corrective to the Evangelical Gender Debate
Christianity Today Book Award Winner Regarding gender relations, the evangelical world is divided between complementarians and egalitarians. While both perspectives have much to contribute, the discussion has reached a stalemate. Michelle Lee-Barnewall critiques both sides of the debate, challenging the standard premises and arguments and offering new insight into a perennially divisive issue in the church. She brings fresh biblical exegesis to bear on our cultural situation, presenting an alternative way to move the discussion forward based on a corporate perspective and on kingdom values. The book includes a foreword by Craig L. Blomberg and an afterword by Lynn H. Cohick.
Baker Publishing Group Psalms as Torah – Reading Biblical Song Ethically
The Psalms are the most-read part of the Old Testament, but their importance for ethics has often been overlooked. However, the Psalms offer some of the most potent ethical instruction in the Bible. In this book internationally renowned Old Testament scholar Gordon Wenham examines the source of the Psalms' power, reflects on their main ethical themes, and shows how they function as prayers that change us. Wenham makes an important contribution to biblical scholarship and breaks new ground in discussions of Old Testament ethics, yet he writes accessibly, making this book invaluable for students, scholars, and pastors.
SAGE Publications Inc Criminal Courts: A Contemporary Perspective
Comprehensive and engaging, Criminal Courts: A Contemporary Perspective, supports student understanding by exploring all aspects of courts and related areas which are crucial to the criminal justice system. Written by three nationally recognized experts in the field, this text examines court structure, courtroom actors, trial and appeal process, and in addition, judicial decision making, specialized courts, and comparative court systems.
The Institute for the Psychological Sciences Press Christianity and the West: Interaction and Impact in Art and Culture
Western culture and art were not born of unknown parents. Christianity, while receiving its mother tongues and its first canonical texts within Hebrew and Greco-Roman civilizations, has provided its own major contributions to the art and culture of the last two millennia. In this volume, scholars of international reputation, clerics and lay, Catholic and Protestant have reflected on how Christians have dialogued with diverse cultures and religions, even as they forged directions unique to the Gospel.The contributors of ""Christianity and the West"" scrutinize past achievements in order to face the postmodern secularization of western society and the globalization of communication, trade, and travel that claim a right to experimentation, free from long-standing values and detached from communities where the quality of culture and art makes a difference. It is argued that the creative manifestations of culture express the genius of human agents, authors, and artists, but they find their acid test in relationship with the flourishing of human persons and society. However, a human social standard is assured by a divine one. Culture risks becoming destructive when the aesthetic is severed from sources of faith and reason about human origins and ends.In order to face this risk, the present volume explores the interaction between Christianity, art, and culture in the West, especially in fine art and architecture, theatre and cinema, literature and politics. It demonstrates that Christianity has served as a living memory for humanity, above all, concerning the unity of the physical and spiritual dimensions that constitute the human person and culture.
University of Hawai'i Press Indigenous Pacific Islander Eco-Literatures
In this anthology of contemporary eco-literature, the editors have gathered an ensemble of a hundred emerging, mid-career, and established Indigenous writers from Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and the global Pacific diaspora. This book itself is an ecological form with rhizomatic roots and blossoming branches. Within these pages, the reader will encounter a wild garden of genres, including poetry, chant, short fiction, novel excerpts, creative nonfiction, visual texts, and even a dramatic play—all written in multilingual offerings of English, Pacific languages, pidgin, and translation. Seven main themes emerge: "Creation Stories and Genealogies," "Ocean and Waterscapes," "Land and Islands," "Flowers, Plants, and Trees," "Animals and More-than-Human Species," "Climate Change," and "Environmental Justice." This aesthetic diversity embodies the beautiful bio-diversity of the Pacific itself.The urgent voices in this book call us to attention—to action!—at a time of great need. Pacific ecologies and the lives of Pacific Islanders are currently under existential threat due to the legacy of environmental imperialism and the ongoing impacts of climate change. While Pacific writers celebrate the beauty and cultural symbolism of the ocean, islands, trees, and flowers, they also bravely address the frightening realities of rising sea levels, animal extinction, nuclear radiation, military contamination, and pandemics.Indigenous Pacific Islander Eco-Literatures reminds us that we are not alone; we are always in relation and always ecological. Humans, other species, and nature are interrelated; land and water are central concepts of identity and genealogy; and Earth is the sacred source of all life, and thus should be treated with love and care. With this book as a trusted companion, we are inspired and empowered to reconnect with the world as we navigate towards a precarious yet hopeful future.
Elsevier Health Sciences Cases in Adult Congenital Heart Disease - Expert Consult: Online and Print: Atlas
Cases in Adult Congenital Heart Disease, by Michael Gatzoulis et al., is a new, one-of-a-kind cardiology reference designed to help you effectively manage challenging congenital conditions in adults through comprehensive visual guidance. Leading experts present 85 cases-ranging from the simple to the complex, supplemented by abundant images-which enable you to diagnose these cases from a real-life, clinical perspective. A companion website at featuring full text and images and supplemented by a library of dynamic imaging clips allows you to access this unique resource in another convenient way. Features 85 cases encompassing a full range of congenital heart disease problems-from the simple to the complex-that provide a better understanding of these conditions from a real-life, clinical perspective. Presents examples of multiple imaging modalities (including chest radiography, echocardiography, CT, MR, and angiography) clearly depict the clinical manifestations of congenital defects and provide you with the best views available of these conditions. Includes a companion website at featuring the full text fully searchable online and images and supplemented by a library of dynamic imaging clips allows you to access this unique resource in another convenient way. Offers guidance on the assessment of congenital heart disease during pregnancy equips you with essential knowledge in addressing the needs of this growing patient population.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Dragon Rampant: Fantasy Wargaming Rules
Whether you're a nameless Dark Lord looking to conquer the known world, a Champion of Light holding out against the forces of evil or a Northern barbarian facing claimants to a stolen throne, Dragon Rampant allows you to bring those battles to the tabletop. Developed from the popular Lion Rampant system, Dragon Rampant is a standalone wargame that recreates the great battles of Fantasy fiction. Scenarios, army lists, and full rules for magic and monsters give players the opportunity to command unruly orc warbands, raise armies of the undead, campaign across an antediluvian world as the warchief of a barbarian tribe, or exploit the power of mighty creatures and extraordinary sorcery. An army usually consists of 6–8 units comprised of 6–12 individually based figures. These small units move and fight independently, assuming that they follow your orders rather than just doing their own thing. Command and control is just as important on the battlefield as the power of a troll chieftain or the magic of an archmage.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Do Big Things: The Simple Steps Teams Can Take to Mobilize Hearts and Minds, and Make an Epic Impact
An inspiring, practical and progress-oriented blueprint for energetic achievement. Amid constant swirl, uncertainty, and complexity is your team capable of doing big things? Too often people are pulled together, labeled a “team,” given a directive, and expected to deliver results quickly. Soon, however, due to lack of focus, increasing pressures and competing priorities the team suffers from DSD: distracted, hopelessly stressed and disconnected from one another. Predictably, the team flatlines and the energy needed to succeed is lost. Based upon research of what successful teams do to overcome severe odds, Do Big Things presents an intuitive, seven-step process that equips teams with how to quickly and consistently operate in a manner necessary for success. Team members develop the self-awareness and ability to: Bring their best to every situation Bring out the best in others in every interaction Partner across the business to deliver common objectives Filled with practical tools and engaging stories of teams today, Do Big Things equips leaders with “the how” to quickly identify and activate the behaviors needed to achieve more than you or your team ever thought possible. Idea and information exchanges interlock the hand, head and heart of each team member to get everyone moving toward a common goal. Increasingly, individually and collectively, the team becomes emotionally stronger and more productive as they do their work. Do Big Things provides your team with the common language necessary to be authentic, empathetic and transparent, so that potential barriers to success come to light – faster. This empowers the team to be more accountable with an enterprise mindset, because they can have the profound discussions needed to adapt quicker to unforeseen challenges and demonstrate an innovative reflex. By applying the concepts in this book, the team’s daily interactions are transformed, focus is sustained, and energetic progress toward your goals is triggered. Every member of your team wants to succeed. Do Big Things provides a straightforward method to bring greater meaning to the work everyone does so the team delivers extraordinary performance together. You know what your team can achieve—now use the proven method to enable them to do it.
Zondervan The Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar, 25th Anniversary: Retrospect and Prospect
A celebration of 25 years of the Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar that features contributions from a diverse lineup of today's most respected scholars.For twenty-five years, the Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar has produced a steady stream of influential, global, diverse, ecumenical and world-class research and publications that have impacted a generation of scholars now in mid-career, teaching or ministering at various universities, seminaries, divinity schools, or churches around the globe. The volumes of the seminar have resourced countless classrooms and have been cited thousands of times in scholarly research and in the pulpits and Bible studies worldwide.In celebration of the 25th year of the seminar (1997-2022), this compendium reflects on its work and impact. It offers new essays that chart the value of the seminar for biblical interpretation and the needs of biblical interpretation in the future, and includes stories from the formative SAHS community. This volume distills the work of the seminar for a new generation of students, opening to them a gateway to the community and to the resources developed over the past two decades.Tightly organized, carefully arranged and cross-referenced, this volume: Highlights the work of a significant movement in biblical interpretation in the academy Charts a path of biblical interpretation from the past to the future Helps readers understand the philosophical and theological commitments that undergird biblical interpretation Helps readers construct a theological hermeneutics that yields a deeper, richer reading of Scripture Introduces readers to stories of the seminar from scholars and ministers impacted by it This celebratory volume not only gives a unique perspective on the architecture of biblical interpretation in the first quarter of the twenty-first century, but it is offered in hope of preparing fertile soil for the next generation of women and men to cultivate biblical interpretation for years to come.The volume features essays by Craig Bartholomew, David Beldman, Amber L. Bowen, Susan Bubbers, Jean-Louis Chrétien, Havilah Dharamraj, Bo Lim, Murray Rae, J. Aaron Simmons, Anthony Thiselton, and John Wyatt.
The University of Chicago Press The Politics of Gay Rights
Few issues in American politics inspire such passion as that of civil rights for gays and lesbians. In this group of original essays, scholars and activists writing from a number of different perspectives provide a comprehensive overview of this heated debate. Contributors thoroughly investigate the politics of gay and lesbian movement, beginning with its political organizations and tactics. The essays also address the strategies and ideology of conservative opposition groups, such as the Christian Right. They focus on key issues for public policy, including gays and lesbians openly serving in the military, anti-discrimination laws and the ongoing crisis of AIDS. The book ends with chapters that discuss the ways in which the political struggle for gay rights has played out in various arenas - in Congress, in the courts, in state and local governments, and in electoral politics. Forcefully argued and accessibly written, this collection is an important contribution to the current discussion about civil rights for gays and lesbians.
Island Press Applied Panarchy: Applications and Diffusion Across Disciplines
After a decades long economic slump, the city of Flint, Michigan, struggled to address chronic issues of toxic water supply, malnutrition, and food security gaps among its residents. A community engaged research project proposed a resilience assessment that would use panarchy theory to move the city toward a more sustainable food system. Flint is one of many examples that demonstrate how panarchy theory is being applied to understand and influence change in complex human natural systems. Applied Panarchy, the much anticipated successor to Lance Gunderson and C.S. Holling's seminal 2002 volume Panarchy, documents the extraordinary advances in interdisciplinary panarchy scholarship and applications over the past two decades. Panarchy theory has been applied to a broad range of fields from economics to law to urban planning, changing the practice of environmental stewardship for the better in measurable, tangible ways. Panarchy describes the way systems-whether forests, electrical grids, agriculture, coastal surges, public health, or human economies and governance-are part of even larger systems that interact in unpredictable ways. Although humans desire resiliency and stability in our lives to help us understand the world and survive, nothing in nature is permanently stable. How can society anticipate and adjust to the changes we see around us? Where Panarchy proposed a framework to understand how these transformational cycles work and how we might influence them, Applied Panarchy takes the scholarship to the next level, demonstrating how these concepts have been modified and refined. The book shows how panarchy theory intersects with other disciplines, and how it directly influences natural resources management and environmental stewardship. Intended as a text for graduate courses in environmental sciences and related fields, Applied Panarchy picks up where Panarchy left off, inspiring new generations of scholars, researchers, and professionals to put its ideas to work in practical ways.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Is China a Threat to the U.S. Economy?
Crossway Books Worldliness
Worldliness equips readers to avoid the dangers of being shaped by the subtle influences of the world and offers practical help for pursuing godliness through the grace of the gospel.
Harvard University Press Humanist Educational Treatises
Here are four of the most important theoretical statements that emerged from the nascent humanist movement during the Italian Renaissance: Vergerio, “The Character and Studies Befitting a Free-Born Youth; Bruni, “The Study of Literature”; Piccolomini (Pope Pius II), “The Education of Boys”; and Guarino, “A Program of Teaching and Learning.”
The New Press Lessons of Empire: Imperial Histories And American Power
The Institute for the Psychological Sciences Press The Psychology of Character and Virtue
Moral frailty and failings have fascinated thinkers ever since the first records of drama, philosophy, and religion. How can we explain deliberate unethical acts and persistent urges to do evil? How can we account for wrongdoing in the face of intentions to do good? Strident examples of the flawed hero and the divided self raise problems for the psychological understanding of character and virtue. Neither normative principles nor simple accounts of immaturity, errors, and sin are enough to explain them. The difficulty of inculcating character and virtue makes us ask furthermore whether families, communities, and even republics can become havens for civic, moral, and religious growth.Throughout the millennia 'virtue' and 'character' have not only referred to what is best in human beings, but have been misrepresented in ideological propaganda or misconstrued as static habits or compulsive behavior. In the psychosocial and moral domains, these terms indicate not only the stability but also the creative nature of traits that tend toward moral and prosocial action and toward psychological and moral growth, a forward-leaning and interconnecting movement of excellence."" The Psychology of Character and Virtue"" contributes to the renewal of character and virtue theory. As experts in philosophy, ethics, psychology, political theory, and religion, the contributors enact a critical dialogue on the nature, function, and development of the human person, while paying particular attention to the possibility of instilling stable dispositions of moral character. In various ways they all seek to correct partial and excessively negative views on the nature of the human person. They employ Greco-Roman, medieval, modern and contemporary philosophy, Shakespearean drama, the American Founders, and Christian thought in order to make the case that the crux of moral development and education is the integrity of character and the connection of the virtues.
Louisiana State University Press Reinterpreting Southern Histories: Essays in Historiography
A sweeping historiographical collection, Reinterpreting Southern Histories updates and expands upon the iconic volumes Writing Southern History and Interpreting Southern History, both published by Louisiana State University Press. With nineteen original essays co-written by some of the most prominent historians working in southern history today, this volume boldly explores the current state, methods, innovations, and prospects of the richly diverse and transforming field of southern history. Two scholars at different stages of their careers coauthor each essay, working collaboratively to provide broad knowledge of the most recent historiography and an expansive vision for historiographical contexts. This innovative approach provides an intellectual connection with the earlier volumes while reflecting cutting-edge scholarship in the field. Underlying each essay is the cultural turn of the 1980s and 1990s, which introduced the use of language and cultural symbols and the influence of gender studies, postcolonial studies, and memory studies. The essays also rely less on framing the South as a distinct region and more on contextualizing it within national and global conversations. Reinterpreting Southern Histories, like the two classic volumes that preceded it, serves as both a comprehensive analysis of the current historiography of the South and a reinterpretation of that history, reaching new conclusions for enduring questions and establishing the parameters of future debates.
Baker Publishing Group Globalizing Theology: Belief and Practice in an Era of World Christianity
One of the most powerful forces in the twenty-first century is the increasing phenomenon of globalization. In nearly every realm of human activity, traditional boundaries are disappearing and people worldwide are more interconnected than ever. Christianity has also become more aware of global realities and the important role of the church in non-Western countries. Church leaders must grapple with the implications for theology and ministry in an ever-shrinking world. Globalizing Theology is a groundbreaking book that addresses these issues of vital importance to the church. It contains articles from leading scholars, including Tite Tiénou, Kevin Vanhoozer, Charles Van Engen, M. Daniel Carroll R., Andrew Walls, Vinoth Ramachandra, and Paul Hiebert. Topics covered include the challenges that globalization brings to theology, how we can incorporate global perspectives into our thinking, and the effect a more global theology has on a variety of important issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Biomedical Nanostructures
Learn to Use Nanoscale Materials to Design Novel Biomedical Devices and Applications Discover how to take full advantage of nanoscale materials in the design and fabrication of leading-edge biomedical devices. The authors introduce you to a variety of possible clinical applications such as drug delivery, diagnostics, and cancer therapy. In addition, the authors explore the interface between micron and nanoscale materials for the development of applications such as tissue engineering. Finally, they examine the mechanisms of cell interactions with material surfaces through the use of nanotechnology-based material processing and characterization methods. The text's three sections highlight its interdisciplinary approach: * Part One: Nanostructure Fabrication * Part Two: Bio-Nano Interfaces * Part Three: Clinical Applications of Nanostructures Among the key topics covered are nanotechnology in tissue regeneration; biomolecular engineering; receptor-ligand interactions; cell-biomaterial interactions; nanomaterials in diagnostics, drug delivery, and cancer therapy; and nano- and micron-level engineering and fabrication. Throughout the text, clear examples guide you through the chemistry and the processing involved in designing and developing nanoscale materials for biomedical devices. Each chapter begins with an introduction and ends with a conclusion highlighting the key points. In addition, references at the end of the chapter help you expand your research on any individual topic. In summary, this book helps biomedical researchers and engineers understand the physical phenomena that occur at the nanoscale in order to design novel cell-based constructs for a wide range of applications.
O'Reilly Media Windows XP Pro
With the release of Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), Microsoft latest and most reliable corporate desktop operating system now provides better protection against viruses, worms, and malicious hackers. SP2 includes Windows Firewall, Pop-up Blocker for Internet Explorer, and the new Windows Security Center. But it still comes without a single page of printed instructions. This superbly written guide fills the gap. Coauthored by David Pogue, New York Times technology columnist and Missing Manuals creator, Windows XP Pro: The Missing Manual uses wit, technical insight, and scrupulous objectivity to light the way for first-time and intermediate network and standalone PC users. In fact, this jargon-free book explains XP's features so clearly revealing which work well and which don't that it should have been in the box in the first place. The book reveals which features work well and which don't, such as the Remote Desktop software that enables people to connect to the office from home, the encryption file system that protects sensitive information, and the Windows Messenger that enables real-time text, voice and video communication. Contents include: *Getting started. The book's early chapters cover using menus, finding lost files, reducing window clutter, and taming the new, multi-column Start menu. *Mastering the network. Special chapters help you navigate the corporate network, dial in from the road, and even set up your own small-office (peer-to-peer) network, step by step. *Understanding security. User accounts, file encryption, and the NTFS file system keep your private files private, while still offering network access to coworkers you specify. *Flying the Net. This book demystifies Outlook Express 6 for email, Internet Explorer 6 for Web browsing, and the new Windows Messenger for voice, chat, and video conferencing.Windows XP Pro: The Missing Manual isn't for system administrators or OS theory geeks; it's for the novice or budding power user who wants to master the machine and get down to work. Yet, anyone who uses XP Pro (including hardcore techies) will find this new system much easier-- and more fun--to digest with this new Missing Manual.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the Globalization of Chinese Firms
Research Handbook on the Globalization of Chinese Firms provides an eclectic collection of essays and articles on the state of affairs in the Asia Pacific, with special emphasis on China. It is an essential read for students of the Chinese economy and business environments, covering topics as diverse as industrial innovation, trade, FDI, productivity, value chain, international business, finance, human resources, accounting, information technology and governance. Chinese management leaders as well as researchers of international business can benefit from its insights.'- Ilan Alon, Rollins College and Harvard University, USThis comprehensive research Handbook encompasses an expansive range of perspectives on the globalization process of Chinese firms.Eminent global scholars provide contributions on a variety of topics, including:- industrial innovation- technological innovation and learning- the performance of Chinese international joint ventures- the global consumer- foreign direct investment (FDI) including barriers to FDI and FDI in China s hinterland areas- the globalization of Chinese business practices in Africa- the human resource management transfer process- corporate information disclosure in China's stock market- the home employment effect.In addition, regional economic integration, transportation costs and the national government's role in globalization are also explored.This innovative Handbook is perfect for scholars wishing to conduct research in China on some of the topics contained in the book, together with academics specializing in globalization or international management.Contributors: S.C. Berning, C. Cheng, D. Dahai, H.K. Hin, C.H. Hofmeister, D. Holtbrügge, L. Huiqun, Z. Jingqi, L. Jinyong, C.C. Julian, X. Junquin, X. Li, Y. Li, L. Lin, Q. Liu, G. Mapunda, D.N. McArthur, T. Meng, S. Moxi, T. Ran, Y. Rong, R.L.Schill, L. Tang, W. Wei, H. Xiaohong, T. Xiaowen, L. Yun, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the Globalization of Chinese Firms
Research Handbook on the Globalization of Chinese Firms provides an eclectic collection of essays and articles on the state of affairs in the Asia Pacific, with special emphasis on China. It is an essential read for students of the Chinese economy and business environments, covering topics as diverse as industrial innovation, trade, FDI, productivity, value chain, international business, finance, human resources, accounting, information technology and governance. Chinese management leaders as well as researchers of international business can benefit from its insights.'- Ilan Alon, Rollins College and Harvard University, USThis comprehensive research Handbook encompasses an expansive range of perspectives on the globalization process of Chinese firms.Eminent global scholars provide contributions on a variety of topics, including:- industrial innovation- technological innovation and learning- the performance of Chinese international joint ventures- the global consumer- foreign direct investment (FDI) including barriers to FDI and FDI in China s hinterland areas- the globalization of Chinese business practices in Africa- the human resource management transfer process- corporate information disclosure in China's stock market- the home employment effect.In addition, regional economic integration, transportation costs and the national government's role in globalization are also explored.This innovative Handbook is perfect for scholars wishing to conduct research in China on some of the topics contained in the book, together with academics specializing in globalization or international management.Contributors: S.C. Berning, C. Cheng, D. Dahai, H.K. Hin, C.H. Hofmeister, D. Holtbrügge, L. Huiqun, Z. Jingqi, L. Jinyong, C.C. Julian, X. Junquin, X. Li, Y. Li, L. Lin, Q. Liu, G. Mapunda, D.N. McArthur, T. Meng, S. Moxi, T. Ran, Y. Rong, R.L.Schill, L. Tang, W. Wei, H. Xiaohong, T. Xiaowen, L. Yun, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang
Fordham University Press Exploring Lincoln: Great Historians Reappraise Our Greatest President
Ubiquitous and enigmatic, the historical Lincoln, the literary Lincoln, even the cinematic Lincoln have all proved both fascinating and irresistible. Though some 16,000 books have been written about him, there is always more to say, new aspects of his life to consider, new facets of his persona to explore. Enlightening and entertaining, Exploring Lincoln offers a selection of sixteen papers presented at the Lincoln Forum symposia over the past three years. Shining new light on particular aspects of Lincoln and his tragically abbreviated presidency, Exploring Lincoln presents a compelling snapshot of current Lincoln scholarship and a fascinating window into understanding America’s greatest president.
Fordham University Press The Lincoln Assassination: Crime and Punishment Myth and MemoryA Lincoln Forum Book
The assassination of President Abraham Lincoln remains one of the most prominent events in U.S. history. It continues to attract enormous and intense interest from scholars, writers, and armchair historians alike, ranging from painstaking new research to wild-eyed speculation. At the end of the Lincoln bicentennial year, and the onset of the Civil War sesquicentennial, the leading scholars of Lincoln and his murder offer in one volume their latest studies and arguments about the assassination, its aftermath, the extraordinary public reaction (which was more complex than has been previously believed), and the iconography that Lincoln’s murder and deification inspired. Contributors also offer the most up-to-date accounts of the parallel legal event of the summer of 1865—the relentless pursuit, prosecution, and punishment of the conspirators. Everything from graphic tributes to religious sermons, to spontaneous outbursts on the streets of the nation’s cities, to emotional mass-mourning at carefully organized funerals, as well as the imposition of military jurisprudence to try the conspirators, is examined in the light of fresh evidence and insightful analysis. The contributors are among the finest scholars who are studying Lincoln’s assassination. All have earned well-deserved reputations for the quality of their research, their thoroughness, their originality, and their writing. In addition to the editors, contributors include Thomas R. Turner, Edward Steers Jr., Michael W. Kauffman, Thomas P. Lowry, Richard E. Sloan, Elizabeth D. Leonard, and Richard Nelson Current.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Research Methods: A Framework for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice
Research Methods: A Framework for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice is written specifically for students and practitioners in allied health care professions that treat patients with movement limitations, such as physical therapy and athletic training. Following the text's clear, easy-to-follow guidance, readers will quickly learn how to gather, read, interpret, assess, and apply research to clinical practice. Most importantly, they will discover how an evidence-based approach will improve clinical outcomes in their own practice.
University of Hawai'i Press Indigenous Pacific Islander Eco-Literatures
In this anthology of contemporary eco-literature, the editors have gathered an ensemble of a hundred emerging, mid-career, and established Indigenous writers from Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and the global Pacific diaspora. This book itself is an ecological form with rhizomatic roots and blossoming branches. Within these pages, the reader will encounter a wild garden of genres, including poetry, chant, short fiction, novel excerpts, creative nonfiction, visual texts, and even a dramatic play—all written in multilingual offerings of English, Pacific languages, pidgin, and translation. Seven main themes emerge: "Creation Stories and Genealogies," "Ocean and Waterscapes," "Land and Islands," "Flowers, Plants, and Trees," "Animals and More-than-Human Species," "Climate Change," and "Environmental Justice." This aesthetic diversity embodies the beautiful bio-diversity of the Pacific itself.The urgent voices in this book call us to attention—to action!—at a time of great need. Pacific ecologies and the lives of Pacific Islanders are currently under existential threat due to the legacy of environmental imperialism and the ongoing impacts of climate change. While Pacific writers celebrate the beauty and cultural symbolism of the ocean, islands, trees, and flowers, they also bravely address the frightening realities of rising sea levels, animal extinction, nuclear radiation, military contamination, and pandemics.Indigenous Pacific Islander Eco-Literatures reminds us that we are not alone; we are always in relation and always ecological. Humans, other species, and nature are interrelated; land and water are central concepts of identity and genealogy; and Earth is the sacred source of all life, and thus should be treated with love and care. With this book as a trusted companion, we are inspired and empowered to reconnect with the world as we navigate towards a precarious yet hopeful future.
Baker Publishing Group The Missional Church in Perspective – Mapping Trends and Shaping the Conversation
In this book, two leading ministry experts place the missional church conversation in historical perspective and offer fresh insights for its further development. They begin by providing a helpful review of the genesis of the missional church and offering an insightful critique of the Gospel and Our Culture Network's seminal book Missional Church, which set the conversation in motion. They map the diverse paths this discussion has taken over the past decade, identifying four primary branches and ten sub-branches of the conversation and placing over one hundred published titles and websites into this framework. The authors then utilize recent developments in biblical and theological perspectives to strengthen and extend the conversation about missional theology, the church's interaction with culture and cultures, and church organization and leadership in relation to the formation of believers as disciples. Professors, students, and church leaders will value this comprehensive overview of the missional movement. It includes a foreword by Alan J. Roxburgh.
Edinburgh University Press Adam Smith and Rousseau: Ethics, Politics, Economics
This collection brings together an international and interdisciplinary group of Adam Smith and Jean-Jacques Rousseau scholars to explore the key shared concerns of these two great thinkers in politics, philosophy, economics, history and literature.
Fordham University Press Exploring Lincoln: Great Historians Reappraise Our Greatest President
Ubiquitous and enigmatic, the historical Lincoln, the literary Lincoln, even the cinematic Lincoln have all proved both fascinating and irresistible. Though some 16,000 books have been written about him, there is always more to say, new aspects of his life to consider, new facets of his persona to explore. Enlightening and entertaining, Exploring Lincoln offers a selection of sixteen papers presented at the Lincoln Forum symposia over the past three years. Shining new light on particular aspects of Lincoln and his tragically abbreviated presidency, Exploring Lincoln presents a compelling snapshot of current Lincoln scholarship and a fascinating window into understanding America’s greatest president.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Little and Falace's Dental Management of the Medically Compromised Patient
Little and Falace's Dental Management of the Medically Compromised Patient, 10th Edition, is thoroughly revised to provide the information needed to assess common problems and make safe dental management decisions. This new edition contains revised content on Cancer and Women's Health and includes an enhanced ebook plus patient-based practice questions with print purchase. Also, each chapter features informative illustrations and well-organized tables to provide you with in-depth details and overall summaries required for understanding and applying medical concepts in dentistry. NEW! Thoroughly revised content provides the most current, evidence-based information you need to make dental management decisions. UPDATED! Information correlating to the revised INBDE exam prepares you for the boards. NEW! An ebook version is included with print purchase. The ebook allows you to access all the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Plus, patient-based questions are included. UPDATED! Revised coverage of Women's Health addresses issues specific to women that can impact dental management. NEW! Completely revised chapter on Cancer discusses essential considerations for the oral care of these patients. NEW! Key Points at the beginning of each chapter highlight important content to guide study efforts.
Autonomedia Utopie: Texts and Projects, 1967–1978