Search results for ""author craig""
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Intellectual Property and Business
The law and economics of intellectual property is attracting increased attention as technological innovation continues to have a major impact on economic growth. This authoritative two-volume set brings together the most significant scholarship on intellectual property. It provides comprehensive coverage, with a mix of theory, empirics and institutional details. The emphasis is on more recent writings, although it also includes some early work that continues to provide the platform for contemporary scholarship.This book will be an essential source of reference for both academics, students and practitioners concerned with this exciting new field of research.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Social Development
The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Social Development, Second Edition presents an authoritative and up-to-date overview of research and theory concerning a child's social development from pre-school age to the onset of adolescence. Presents the most up-to-date research and theories on childhood social development Features chapters by an international cast of leaders in their fields Includes comprehensive coverage of a range of disciplinary perspectives Offers all new chapters on children and the environment, cultural influences, history of childhood, interventions, and neuro-psychological perspectives Represents an essential resource for students and researchers of childhood social development
John Wiley & Sons Inc Becoming a Conflict Competent Leader: How You and Your Organization Can Manage Conflict Effectively
The Second Edition of this classic resource on conflict resolution combines research, conceptual models, practitioner experience, and stories that highlight the core conflict competencies. The book underscores the importance for leaders to develop the critical skills they need to help them, their colleagues, and their organizations deal more effectively with conflict and move their organizations forward. This new edition expands on the conflict competence model, includes new tools and techniques, shows how to develop conflict competent teams and organizations, and offers a new online assessment.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Disaster Psychiatry: Intervening When Nightmares Come True
Disaster Psychiatry: Intervening When Nightmares Come True captures the state of disaster psychiatry in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. This emergent psychiatric specialty, which is increasingly separated from trauma and grief psychiatry on one hand and military psychiatry on the other, provides psychotherapeutic assistance to victims during, and in the weeks and months following, major disasters. As such, disaster psychiatrists must operate in the widely varying locales in which natural and man-made disasters occur, and they must establish their role among the chaotic array of organizations involved in direct disaster response. Editors Anand Pandya and Craig Katz have captured the challenge and promise of disaster psychiatry through first-person narratives. We hear from psychiatrists who have encountered disasters at various stages of their career and in widely varying social, political, and personal contexts. Accounts of psychiatric involvement with adults and children during and after 9/11 have understandable pride of place in this collection. But they are balanced by richly informative narratives about other domestic and international disasters. Fraught with the drama attendant to the events they describe, these essays delineate the dizzying array of challenges that confront the disaster psychiatrist. They range from the intense emotional responses that are part of the aftermath of any disaster, to the need to legitimize a psychiatric presence within diverse cultural and medical contexts, to the subtle task of providing therapeutic boundaries at a time when all rules seem to be suspended. Special attention is given to the daunting task of working with children whose parents' are disaster victims. What emerges from these testimonies is compelling documentation of skilled and compassionate psychiatrists at the outer limits of their specialty, pursuing their calling into uncharted realms of therapeutic engagement.
Pluto Press Data Power: Radical Geographies of Control and Resistance
In recent years, popular media have inundated audiences with sensationalised headlines recounting data breaches, new forms of surveillance and other dangers of our digital age. Despite their regularity, such accounts treat each case as unprecedented and unique. This book proposes a radical rethinking of the history, present and future of our relations with the digital, spatial technologies that increasingly mediate our everyday lives. From smartphones to surveillance cameras, to navigational satellites, these new technologies offer visions of integrated, smooth and efficient societies, even as they directly conflict with the ways users experience them. Recognising the potential for both control and liberation, the authors argue against both acquiescence to and rejection of these technologies. Through intentional use of the very systems that monitor them, activists from Charlottesville to Hong Kong are subverting, resisting and repurposing geographic technologies. Using examples as varied as writings on the first telephones to the experiences of a feminist collective for migrant women in Spain, the authors present a revolution of everyday technologies. In the face of the seemingly inevitable dominance of corporate interests, these technologies allow us to create new spaces of affinity, and a new politics of change.
Columbia University Press Social-Ecological Resilience and Law
Environmental law envisions ecological systems as existing in an equilibrium state, reinforcing a rigid legal framework unable to absorb rapid environmental changes and innovations in sustainability. For the past four decades, "resilience theory," which embraces uncertainty and nonlinear dynamics in complex adaptive systems, has provided a robust, invaluable foundation for sound environmental management. Reforming American law to incorporate this knowledge is the key to sustainability. This volume features top legal and resilience scholars speaking on resilience theory and its legal applications to climate change, biodiversity, national parks, and water law.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cancer: Basic Science and Clinical Aspects
“... Useful background information is displayed in blue boxes, and good use is made of numerous tables and diagrams... a useful book for the undergraduate medical or allied health professional...” –Oncology News, May/June 2010 This forward looking cancer biology book appeals to a wide ranging audience. Introductory chapters that provide the molecular, cellular, and genetic information needed to comprehend the material of the subsequent chapters bring unprepared students up to speed for the rest of the book and serve as a useful refresher for those with previous biology background. The second set of chapters focuses on the main cancers in terms of risk factors, diagnostic and treatment methods and relevant current research. The final section encompasses the immune system’s role in the prevention and development of cancer and the impact that the Human Genome Project will have on future approaches to cancer care. While best suited to non-majors cancer biology courses, the depth provided satisfies courses that combine both majors and non-majors. Also, and deliberately, the authors have incorporated relevant information on diagnosis and treatment options that lend appeal to the lay reader.
HarperCollins Publishers National 5 English: Preparation and Support for SQA Exams (Leckie Complete Revision & Practice)
Exam Board: SQA Level: National 5 Subject: English Two books in one! Combining a revision guide and a full set of practice test papers, this fantastic resource is all you need to revise for the exam. The revision guide• Covers all of the topics in the CfE National 5 English curriculum, broken down into manageable chunks for easy revision• Clearly explains key concepts, research evidence and real-life applications• Contains Quick Tests to let students check their knowledge and understanding as they go along The practice test papers• Are in the format and the style of the SQA exam, giving students an opportunity to practice taking the National 5 English exam• Marking instructions and sample answers are provided online, so students can check their progress
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Manual of Valvular Heart Disease
Portable and clinically oriented, this full-color handbook is a unique and timely guide to valvular heart disease and percutaneous coronary interventions. A structured, standardized format helps you quickly find the information you need, while numerous illustrations and videos online provide visual support for key concepts and procedures.Key Features: Numerous tables, diagrams, and images highlight concepts, procedures, and devices related to valvular heart disease. Structured outline format lists landmark articles, key reviews, and relevant book chapters at the end of each chapter. Online chapter self-assessment questions and answers allow you to self-test and review key concepts. Authored by current or former Cleveland Clinic trainees and clinicians, as well as international experts in the field. Ideal for interventional cardiologists, fellows, cardiothoracic surgeons, anesthesiologists, cardiac technicians, sonographers, nurses, physician assistants and nurse practitioners. Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac. Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience: The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time — providing a seamless reading experience online or offline Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links allow you to search within this book, or across your entire library of VitalSource eBooks Multiple viewing options offer the ability to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity as well as responsive design The ability to highlight text and add notes with one click
Nova Science Publishers Inc To Build an Afghan Nation
Nova Science Publishers Inc Intubation: Preparation, Procedures & Complications
American School of Classical Studies at Athens The Athenian Agora: Site Guide (fifth edition)
This definitive guide to the archaeological remains in the civic and commercial centre of ancient Athens is an essential companion to the interested visitor, as well as to students of the topography of the classical city. A large-scale map provides an overview of the site, keyed to descriptions and plans of every monument still visible from the majestic Temple of Hephaistos to the utilitarian Great Drain. The fifth edition retains many of the elements that made the earlier editions so popular, but also takes full account of new discoveries and recent scholarship. It is intended for visitors touring the site, and is arranged topographically, monument by monument. Also included are an overview of the historical development of the site and a history of the excavations. A companion guide to the Agora Museum in the Stoa of Attalos is also available (The Athenian Agora: Museum Guide, by Laura Gawlinski, 2014).
Brookings Institution Behavioral Science & Policy, Volume 4, Number 1
John Wiley & Sons Inc Speech Coding: A Computer Laboratory Textbook
Puts a wealth of speech analysis tools at your fingertips and allows the reader to gain good intuitive sense of how modern speech coders work. Covers all the basic approaches found in speech coding and describes the algorithms in both simple parametric terms and complete equation form. The book is packed with exercises and projects for hands-on experimentation with algorithms. Plus, the accompanying user-friendly, graphical interface software helps to develop a practical, intuitive sense of how modern speech coders work.
The University of Chicago Press Ecology and Evolution in the Tropics: A Herpetological Perspective
In essays that survey the burgeoning field of tropical herpetology, former students and associates pay tribute to Jay Savage's four decades of mentoring. The result is a book unlike any other available in tropical herpetology. Covering a wide array of subjects, this is the first book in more than two decades to broadly review research on tropical amphibians and reptiles. A tribute to Savage and an invaluable addition to herpetological literature, it will be cited for years to come.
American Bar Association Brand Integrity: Strategies for Fighting Contraband and Counterfeit Goods
Taylor & Francis Inc Pocket Prescriber Pulmonary Medicine
Pocket Prescriber Pulmonary Medicine is a concise, up-to-date prescribing guide containing all the ‘must-have’ information that clinical professionals treating patients with respiratory conditions need to know. This book provides focused information for all health professionals prescribing drugs for or to patients with a respiratory condition and is an essential guide for pulmonologists, intensive care physicians, emergency medicine doctors and general practitioners and nurse prescribers, in training and in practice.
Edinburgh University Press Adam Smith and Rousseau: Ethics, Politics, Economics
This collection brings together an international and interdisciplinary group of Adam Smith and Jean-Jacques Rousseau scholars to explore the key shared concerns of these two great thinkers in politics, philosophy, economics, history and literature.
Fordham University Press Exploring Lincoln: Great Historians Reappraise Our Greatest President
Ubiquitous and enigmatic, the historical Lincoln, the literary Lincoln, even the cinematic Lincoln have all proved both fascinating and irresistible. Though some 16,000 books have been written about him, there is always more to say, new aspects of his life to consider, new facets of his persona to explore. Enlightening and entertaining, Exploring Lincoln offers a selection of sixteen papers presented at the Lincoln Forum symposia over the past three years. Shining new light on particular aspects of Lincoln and his tragically abbreviated presidency, Exploring Lincoln presents a compelling snapshot of current Lincoln scholarship and a fascinating window into understanding America’s greatest president.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Little and Falace's Dental Management of the Medically Compromised Patient
Little and Falace's Dental Management of the Medically Compromised Patient, 10th Edition, is thoroughly revised to provide the information needed to assess common problems and make safe dental management decisions. This new edition contains revised content on Cancer and Women's Health and includes an enhanced ebook plus patient-based practice questions with print purchase. Also, each chapter features informative illustrations and well-organized tables to provide you with in-depth details and overall summaries required for understanding and applying medical concepts in dentistry. NEW! Thoroughly revised content provides the most current, evidence-based information you need to make dental management decisions. UPDATED! Information correlating to the revised INBDE exam prepares you for the boards. NEW! An ebook version is included with print purchase. The ebook allows you to access all the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Plus, patient-based questions are included. UPDATED! Revised coverage of Women's Health addresses issues specific to women that can impact dental management. NEW! Completely revised chapter on Cancer discusses essential considerations for the oral care of these patients. NEW! Key Points at the beginning of each chapter highlight important content to guide study efforts.
Autonomedia Utopie: Texts and Projects, 1967–1978
MIT Press Ltd Great Principles of Computing
Baker Publishing Group Encountering Theology of Mission – Biblical Foundations, Historical Developments, and Contemporary Issues
This fresh, comprehensive text fills a need for an up-to-date theology of mission. It offers creative approaches to answering some of the most pressing questions in theology of mission and missionary practice today. The authors, who are leading mission experts, discuss biblical theology of mission, provide historical overviews of the development of various viewpoints, and address theologically current issues in global mission from an evangelical perspective. This readable yet thorough text integrates current views of the kingdom of God and holistic mission with traditional views of evangelism and church planting. It also brings theology of mission into conversation with ecclesiology and eschatology. Topics covered include contextualization, the missionary vocation, church and mission, and theology of religions. Sidebars and case studies enable readers to see how theology of mission touches real-life mission practice.
Baker Publishing Group The Character of Christian Scripture – The Significance of a Two–Testament Bible
The early church received the Scriptures of Israel as Christian Scriptures and did not change them. The older testament was received as a witness to God, and when a newer testament emerged, the older was not dismissed, harmonized, or edited. Rather, the church moved forward with a two-testament witness. Christopher Seitz, an internationally renowned expert in canonical interpretation, illuminates the two-testament character of Scripture and its significance for the contemporary church. He interacts critically with current interest in the New Testament's use of the Old Testament and addresses an issue of perennial concern: how to hear both testaments as Christian witness.
Ecliptic Publishing Relevant Selling: Research Proves Customers Value More Than Just Price
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Emergence of Entrepreneurial Behaviour: Intention, Education and Orientation
In recent years entrepreneurship has become one of the most popular fields of research in management studies. As the subject has broadened, increasing attention has been paid to the behavioural aspects of different practices to identify and pursue entrepreneurial opportunities. This timely book analyses three key strands of contemporary research into entrepreneurial behaviour: intention, education and orientation. It offers novel insights that can be applied to foster entrepreneurial activities in different settings. The chapters in the book are divided into three parts. The contributors first focus on the entrepreneur as an individual and offer three innovative yet complementary approaches to entrepreneurial intentions. They go on to consider how entrepreneurial behaviour can be trained and learned, providing a much-needed theoretical anchor to pedagogical approaches in entrepreneurship. Finally, they cover entrepreneurial behaviour at the organizational level. They expertly tackle the popular topic of entrepreneurial orientation through novel empirical studies with diverse methodologies and multiple levels of analysis. Researchers and advanced students in management and entrepreneurship will benefit from the state-of-the-art analysis and innovative approaches presented. Entrepreneurship educators and policymakers will also find this book to be stimulating reading, where they can find suggestions for an evidence-based practice.Contributors include: R.F. Belchior, A. Benedito de Oliveira Junior, R.C. Bernardes, A. Caetano, S.F. Costa, M.J. de Oliveira, A.J. Frederiks, A. Garofano, G. Hägg, I. Jaén, I. Kozlinska, F. Liñan, T. Lynn, R. Lyons, C. Mac an Bhaird, T. Mets, R. Mohd, X. Neumeyer, D. Politis, A. Riviezzo, K. Rõigas, S.C. Santos
Human Kinetics Publishers Basketball Skills & Drills
Before you can make that winning buzzer beater, you need to master fundamental skills in all phases of the game. The fourth edition of the best-selling instructional resource Basketball Skills & Drills provides the perfect blueprint for building the foundation that all well-rounded players and championship teams need.With complete coverage of individual skills and team play, you’ll find 103 developmental drills covering everything from stance and footwork to scoring plays and transitions. Enhanced with an online video library featuring 42 clips demonstrating the drills in action, you’ll have the optimal guide for mastering these fundamental skills:• Player positioning• Footwork• Moving without the ball• Ballhandling and court vision• Shooting• Perimeter moves• Post moves• Rebounding• Team offense• Team defenseRecognizing that individual skills are effective only when used within the team concept, the book also covers team principles for both ends of the court. Tactics for offense, including special situations for out-of-bounds plays, will improve spacing, ball and player movement, shot selection, and scoring. Defensive tactics emphasize positioning, pressure, and various systems to apply in each zone of the court.At all levels of basketball, success comes with mastery of the basic skills. Basketball Skills & Drills is your best-selling guide to becoming that dominant force on the court.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Global Epidemiology of Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment
GLOBAL EPIDEMIOLOGY OF CANCER Cancer is the second highest cause of death in the United States, and a leading cause of death globally. Our goals are to discuss the global epidemiology of various cancers, with detailed information on their prevalence, incidence, and clinical considerations. Epidemiology is the key to understanding the mortality and morbidity of cancer, and how we can prevent, diagnose, and treat the disease. Prevention of cancer is essential for saving lives. Prevalence and incidence of cancer are key factors that each government and population must be aware of. Advances in the study of cancer occur on a regular basis, and this book provides the latest insights about relationships between the disease and stem cells, tumorigenesis, molecular interactions, pathways, channels, and immunity. Global Epidemiology of Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment meets the needs of readers by providing current information about epidemiology (including molecular epidemiology), diagnosis, and treatment. Providing logical, step-by-step information on various cancers, this book consolidates all of the most up-to-date information and data from verified studies on all different types of cancers in the United States and throughout the world. Chapters are presented so that each includes an overview, clinical manifestations, epidemiology, pathophysiology, etiology and risk factors, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and prognosis. Global Epidemiology of Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment will be invaluable to graduate and postgraduate students, including medical students; nurses; physician assistants; residents in oncology; public health students and allied health students.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Treatment Planning Steps in Oral Implantology: A Color Atlas
A dental implant is a surgical component that interfaces with the bone of the jaw or skull to support a dental prosthesis such as a crown, bridge, denture, facial prosthesis or to act as an orthodontic anchor. This book is a comprehensive guide to oral implantology for dental surgeons. Divided into nine sections, the text describes the latest surgical and restorative protocols, as well as procedures for achieving optimal aesthetic results, managing bone deficiency in the posterior maxilla and mandible, fixed and removable prosthetics, soft tissue grafting, and bone regeneration. Complications and their management are also discussed in depth. Authored by internationally recognised, authoritative experts in the field, the book is further enhanced by nearly 2500 photographs and illustrations. Key points Comprehensive guide to oral implantology for dental surgeons Covers latest surgical advances and technologies Internationally recognised author team Features nearly 2500 images and illustrations
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Young Hellboy: Assault On Castle Death
John Wiley & Sons Inc Schools for All Kinds of Minds: Boosting Student Success by Embracing Learning Variation
This book shows how schools can--and must--develop expertise in "learning variation" (understanding how different kinds of minds learn) and apply this knowledge to classroom instruction in order to address the chronic learning challenges and achievement gap faced by millions of students. Barringer shows how using what we know about learning variation with a focus on discovering learning strengths, not just deficits, can help schools create plans for success for those students who often find it elusive. The book specifically addresses how school leaders can incorporate this knowledge into instructional practice and school-level policy through various professional development strategies. Schools for All Kinds of Minds: Provides a readable synthesis of the latest research from neuroscience, cognitive science, and child and adolescent development as it relates to understanding learning and its many variations. Links this information to strategies for understanding struggling learners and adapting school practices to accommodate a wider array of learning differences in a classroom. Demonstrates how this understanding of learning variation can change the way teachers and others help students succeed in various academic and content areas and acquire necessary 21st century skills. Includes discussion questions and facilitator guidelines for staff developers and teacher education programs; downloadable forms that accompany exercises from within the book; an action plan for schools to implement the ideas found in the book; and more.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the Globalization of Chinese Firms
Research Handbook on the Globalization of Chinese Firms provides an eclectic collection of essays and articles on the state of affairs in the Asia Pacific, with special emphasis on China. It is an essential read for students of the Chinese economy and business environments, covering topics as diverse as industrial innovation, trade, FDI, productivity, value chain, international business, finance, human resources, accounting, information technology and governance. Chinese management leaders as well as researchers of international business can benefit from its insights.'- Ilan Alon, Rollins College and Harvard University, USThis comprehensive research Handbook encompasses an expansive range of perspectives on the globalization process of Chinese firms.Eminent global scholars provide contributions on a variety of topics, including:- industrial innovation- technological innovation and learning- the performance of Chinese international joint ventures- the global consumer- foreign direct investment (FDI) including barriers to FDI and FDI in China s hinterland areas- the globalization of Chinese business practices in Africa- the human resource management transfer process- corporate information disclosure in China's stock market- the home employment effect.In addition, regional economic integration, transportation costs and the national government's role in globalization are also explored.This innovative Handbook is perfect for scholars wishing to conduct research in China on some of the topics contained in the book, together with academics specializing in globalization or international management.Contributors: S.C. Berning, C. Cheng, D. Dahai, H.K. Hin, C.H. Hofmeister, D. Holtbrügge, L. Huiqun, Z. Jingqi, L. Jinyong, C.C. Julian, X. Junquin, X. Li, Y. Li, L. Lin, Q. Liu, G. Mapunda, D.N. McArthur, T. Meng, S. Moxi, T. Ran, Y. Rong, R.L.Schill, L. Tang, W. Wei, H. Xiaohong, T. Xiaowen, L. Yun, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the Globalization of Chinese Firms
Research Handbook on the Globalization of Chinese Firms provides an eclectic collection of essays and articles on the state of affairs in the Asia Pacific, with special emphasis on China. It is an essential read for students of the Chinese economy and business environments, covering topics as diverse as industrial innovation, trade, FDI, productivity, value chain, international business, finance, human resources, accounting, information technology and governance. Chinese management leaders as well as researchers of international business can benefit from its insights.'- Ilan Alon, Rollins College and Harvard University, USThis comprehensive research Handbook encompasses an expansive range of perspectives on the globalization process of Chinese firms.Eminent global scholars provide contributions on a variety of topics, including:- industrial innovation- technological innovation and learning- the performance of Chinese international joint ventures- the global consumer- foreign direct investment (FDI) including barriers to FDI and FDI in China s hinterland areas- the globalization of Chinese business practices in Africa- the human resource management transfer process- corporate information disclosure in China's stock market- the home employment effect.In addition, regional economic integration, transportation costs and the national government's role in globalization are also explored.This innovative Handbook is perfect for scholars wishing to conduct research in China on some of the topics contained in the book, together with academics specializing in globalization or international management.Contributors: S.C. Berning, C. Cheng, D. Dahai, H.K. Hin, C.H. Hofmeister, D. Holtbrügge, L. Huiqun, Z. Jingqi, L. Jinyong, C.C. Julian, X. Junquin, X. Li, Y. Li, L. Lin, Q. Liu, G. Mapunda, D.N. McArthur, T. Meng, S. Moxi, T. Ran, Y. Rong, R.L.Schill, L. Tang, W. Wei, H. Xiaohong, T. Xiaowen, L. Yun, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang
Fordham University Press Exploring Lincoln: Great Historians Reappraise Our Greatest President
Ubiquitous and enigmatic, the historical Lincoln, the literary Lincoln, even the cinematic Lincoln have all proved both fascinating and irresistible. Though some 16,000 books have been written about him, there is always more to say, new aspects of his life to consider, new facets of his persona to explore. Enlightening and entertaining, Exploring Lincoln offers a selection of sixteen papers presented at the Lincoln Forum symposia over the past three years. Shining new light on particular aspects of Lincoln and his tragically abbreviated presidency, Exploring Lincoln presents a compelling snapshot of current Lincoln scholarship and a fascinating window into understanding America’s greatest president.
Fordham University Press The Lincoln Assassination: Crime and Punishment Myth and MemoryA Lincoln Forum Book
The assassination of President Abraham Lincoln remains one of the most prominent events in U.S. history. It continues to attract enormous and intense interest from scholars, writers, and armchair historians alike, ranging from painstaking new research to wild-eyed speculation. At the end of the Lincoln bicentennial year, and the onset of the Civil War sesquicentennial, the leading scholars of Lincoln and his murder offer in one volume their latest studies and arguments about the assassination, its aftermath, the extraordinary public reaction (which was more complex than has been previously believed), and the iconography that Lincoln’s murder and deification inspired. Contributors also offer the most up-to-date accounts of the parallel legal event of the summer of 1865—the relentless pursuit, prosecution, and punishment of the conspirators. Everything from graphic tributes to religious sermons, to spontaneous outbursts on the streets of the nation’s cities, to emotional mass-mourning at carefully organized funerals, as well as the imposition of military jurisprudence to try the conspirators, is examined in the light of fresh evidence and insightful analysis. The contributors are among the finest scholars who are studying Lincoln’s assassination. All have earned well-deserved reputations for the quality of their research, their thoroughness, their originality, and their writing. In addition to the editors, contributors include Thomas R. Turner, Edward Steers Jr., Michael W. Kauffman, Thomas P. Lowry, Richard E. Sloan, Elizabeth D. Leonard, and Richard Nelson Current.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Research Methods: A Framework for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice
Research Methods: A Framework for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice is written specifically for students and practitioners in allied health care professions that treat patients with movement limitations, such as physical therapy and athletic training. Following the text's clear, easy-to-follow guidance, readers will quickly learn how to gather, read, interpret, assess, and apply research to clinical practice. Most importantly, they will discover how an evidence-based approach will improve clinical outcomes in their own practice.
University of Hawai'i Press Indigenous Pacific Islander Eco-Literatures
In this anthology of contemporary eco-literature, the editors have gathered an ensemble of a hundred emerging, mid-career, and established Indigenous writers from Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and the global Pacific diaspora. This book itself is an ecological form with rhizomatic roots and blossoming branches. Within these pages, the reader will encounter a wild garden of genres, including poetry, chant, short fiction, novel excerpts, creative nonfiction, visual texts, and even a dramatic play—all written in multilingual offerings of English, Pacific languages, pidgin, and translation. Seven main themes emerge: "Creation Stories and Genealogies," "Ocean and Waterscapes," "Land and Islands," "Flowers, Plants, and Trees," "Animals and More-than-Human Species," "Climate Change," and "Environmental Justice." This aesthetic diversity embodies the beautiful bio-diversity of the Pacific itself.The urgent voices in this book call us to attention—to action!—at a time of great need. Pacific ecologies and the lives of Pacific Islanders are currently under existential threat due to the legacy of environmental imperialism and the ongoing impacts of climate change. While Pacific writers celebrate the beauty and cultural symbolism of the ocean, islands, trees, and flowers, they also bravely address the frightening realities of rising sea levels, animal extinction, nuclear radiation, military contamination, and pandemics.Indigenous Pacific Islander Eco-Literatures reminds us that we are not alone; we are always in relation and always ecological. Humans, other species, and nature are interrelated; land and water are central concepts of identity and genealogy; and Earth is the sacred source of all life, and thus should be treated with love and care. With this book as a trusted companion, we are inspired and empowered to reconnect with the world as we navigate towards a precarious yet hopeful future.
Baker Publishing Group The Missional Church in Perspective – Mapping Trends and Shaping the Conversation
In this book, two leading ministry experts place the missional church conversation in historical perspective and offer fresh insights for its further development. They begin by providing a helpful review of the genesis of the missional church and offering an insightful critique of the Gospel and Our Culture Network's seminal book Missional Church, which set the conversation in motion. They map the diverse paths this discussion has taken over the past decade, identifying four primary branches and ten sub-branches of the conversation and placing over one hundred published titles and websites into this framework. The authors then utilize recent developments in biblical and theological perspectives to strengthen and extend the conversation about missional theology, the church's interaction with culture and cultures, and church organization and leadership in relation to the formation of believers as disciples. Professors, students, and church leaders will value this comprehensive overview of the missional movement. It includes a foreword by Alan J. Roxburgh.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on City and Municipal Finance
This timely Research Handbook explores the handling of city and municipal finances in the 21st century. It examines the impact of the Great Recession and COVID-19 pandemic on cities and municipalities, highlighting strengths, weaknesses, and avenues for future progress in city and municipal financial management.Bringing together leading global scholars of public finance and budgeting, economics, law, political science and policy analysis, this Research Handbook scrutinises how cities and municipalities have adapted after crisis periods. It combines theoretical ideas, empirical findings and practical applications, focusing on federalist systems as well as including global case studies from diverse governance contexts. Contributors analyse sources of revenue for cities and municipalities, critical areas of spending, fiscal structure, budgeting, debt, pensions and financial resilience. Forward thinking, it considers the strength and resilience of city and municipal finances in meeting long-term liabilities and responding to short-term crises.This Research Handbook will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars of public finance and administration, urban economics, and political economy. Providing cutting-edge policy recommendations, it will also be a highly useful guide for policy-makers and administrators seeking to effectively guide city and municipal finances.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: Feedforward Neural Network Perspectives
The first truly up-to-date look at the theory and capabilities of nonlinear dynamical systems that take the form of feedforward neural network structures Considered one of the most important types of structures in the study of neural networks and neural-like networks, feedforward networks incorporating dynamical elements have important properties and are of use in many applications. Specializing in experiential knowledge, a neural network stores and expands its knowledge base via strikingly human routes-through a learning process and information storage involving interconnection strengths known as synaptic weights. In Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: Feedforward Neural Network Perspectives, six leading authorities describe recent contributions to the development of an analytical basis for the understanding and use of nonlinear dynamical systems of the feedforward type, especially in the areas of control, signal processing, and time series analysis. Moving from an introductory discussion of the different aspects of feedforward neural networks, the book then addresses: * Classification problems and the related problem of approximating dynamic nonlinear input-output maps * The development of robust controllers and filters * The capability of neural networks to approximate functions and dynamic systems with respect to risk-sensitive error * Segmenting a time series It then sheds light on the application of feedforward neural networks to speech processing, summarizing speech-related techniques, and reviewing feedforward neural networks from the viewpoint of fundamental design issues. An up-to-date and authoritative look at the ever-widening technical boundaries and influence of neural networks in dynamical systems, this volume is an indispensable resource for researchers in neural networks and a reference staple for libraries.
Wolters Kluwer Health Irwin & Rippe’s Ultrasonography for Management of the Critically Ill
Enhancing and adding to ultrasonographic text and video content in Irwin & Rippe’s Intensive Care Medicine, Eighth Edition, this easy-to-follow volume provides expert guidance on the optimal use of ultrasound in the critical care environment. Irwin & Rippe’s Ultrasonography for Management of the Critically Ill covers a wide variety of critical care procedures, explaining how to perform them and how ultrasound can be used to support evaluation and management services to patients with life-threatening illnesses or injuries. Covers commonly performed procedures, including neurological, airway and respiratory, cardiac, vascular and hematological, gastrointestinal and abdominal, genitourinary, and peripheral. Features sections on the general use of ultrasonography and patient comfort during procedures. Includes illustrations, plus dynamic, highly instructive videos that help you perform rapid bedside diagnostic evaluation of unstable patients. Ideal for critical care practitioners, fellows, and nurses, as well as other critical care clinicians who seek to incorporate ultrasonography into their practices. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Island Press Foundations of Ecological Resilience
This title presents the evolution of resilience theory in seminal papers and commentary. Ecological resilience provides a theoretical foundation for understanding how complex systems adapt to and recover from localized disturbances like hurricanes, fires, pest outbreaks, and floods, as well as large-scale perturbations such as climate change. Ecologists have developed resilience theory over the past three decades in an effort to explain surprising and nonlinear dynamics of complex adaptive systems. Resilience theory is especially important to environmental scientists for its role in underpinning adaptive management approaches to ecosystem and resource management. "Foundations of Ecological Resilience" is a collection of the most important articles on the subject of ecological resilience - those writings that have defined and developed basic concepts in the field and help explain its importance and meaning for scientists and researchers. The book's three sections cover articles that have shaped or defined the concepts and theories of resilience, including key papers that broke new conceptual ground and contributed novel ideas to the field; examples that demonstrate ecological resilience in a range of ecosystems; and, articles that present practical methods for understanding and managing nonlinear ecosystem dynamics. "Foundations of Ecological Resilience" is an important contribution to our collective understanding of resilience and an invaluable resource for students and scholars in ecology, wildlife ecology, conservation biology, sustainability, environmental science, public policy, and related fields.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introductory Mathematics for Engineering Applications
Introductory Mathematics for Engineering Applications, 2nd Edition, provides first-year engineering students with a practical, applications-based approach to the subject. This comprehensive textbook covers pre-calculus, trigonometry, calculus, and differential equations in the context of various discipline-specific engineering applications. The text offers numerous worked examples and problems representing a wide range of real-world uses, from determining hydrostatic pressure on a retaining wall to measuring current, voltage, and energy stored in an electrical capacitor. Rather than focusing on derivations and theory, clear and accessible chapters deliver the hands-on mathematical knowledge necessary to solve the engineering problems students will encounter in their careers. The textbook is designed for courses that complement traditional math prerequisites for introductory engineering courses — enabling students to advance in their engineering curriculum without first completing calculus requirements. Now available in enhanced ePub format, this fully updated second edition helps students apply mathematics to engineering scenarios involving physics, statics, dynamics, strength of materials, electric circuits, and more.
Brepols N.V. Resident Aliens in Later Medieval England