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John Wiley & Sons Inc Lasting Value: Lessons from a Century of Agility at Lincoln Electric
In its 104-year history, Lincoln Electric Company has managed to sustain its status as the world's leader in welding technology despite intense domestic and foreign competition. The company's success can be attributed to founder James Lincoln, who began adopting principles of management that empowered workers and allowed the company to change rapidly to take advantage of new opportunities. This book shows you how to duplicate these pioneering ideas and follow the brilliance of the Lincoln management system. The results of this system include happier customers, more prosperous workers, and richly rewarded shareholders. Joseph Maciariello uncovers Lincoln's approach to management in a systematic manner and demonstrates why the company has been so effective for over a century. You'll discover how Lincoln employs a mutually reinforcing set of management systems that creates a boost in overall performance. When these systems are described and understood in their entirety, you'll see how the company's sustained success is due to its natural development of agility. You'll findout how this agility is connected to its executive leadership, management systems, and cultural environment. And you'll learn how to utilize these principles and techniques in your own company to obtain similar results. The management system detailed in this book has helped Lincoln Electric: * Obtain net sales of over $1.1 billion in 1998 * Grab 40% of the U.S. market for welding machines and products * Double the average return on stock- holder equity in the metals industry * Provide production workers with an average salary that is twice as much as the industry median By implementing this system, you can also experience these strong financial returns for shareholders, an increase in wages for workers, higher productivity, and much more! "Lasting Value is that rarest of books: a "why to" book, a "what to" book, and a "how to" book- its examples deal with manufacturing companies and blue-collar workers. But the lessons have particular force for the new job facing management: building organizations of knowledge workers who perform and who create lasting value." -Peter F. Drucker "In today's world of quarterly expectations and Wall Street's praise for major restructuring, Lasting Value successfully illustrates that long-term shareholder value can occur when corporations are truly customer and employee driven with the highest of motives." -Donald F. Hastings Chairman Emeritus, Lincoln Electric Company "Worthington was founded on the lifelong principles rooted in the Golden Rule and today it represents one of the strongest employee-employer partnerships in American business. We are proud of this important foundation for our company, as it has provided us with lasting value." -John H. McConnell Founder and Chairman Emeritus, Worthington Industries "This book should be on every manager's bookshelf and be required reading at everybusiness school." -F. Kenneth Iverson Chairman Emeritus, NUCOR Corporation "Joe Maciariello's in-depth description and detailed analysis of the Lincoln Electric Company will allow managers (and others) to revisit the powerful lessons this company has offered. Lasting Value is a valuable and practical contribution that should be welcomed by managers everywhere." -Christopher A. Bartlett Daewoo Professor of International Business and Chair, Program for Global Leadership Harvard University "Managers should consider the application of this novel approach to managing their companies. Lincoln Electric has used it successfully for almost 100 years." -Robert N. Anthony Walker Professor of Management Control, Emeritus The Harvard Business School
John Wiley & Sons Inc Beat the Crowd: How You Can Out-Invest the Herd by Thinking Differently
Train your brain to be a real contrarian and outsmart the crowd Beat the Crowd is the real contrarian’s guide to investing, with comprehensive explanations of how a true contrarian investor thinks and acts – and why it works more often than not. Bestselling author Ken Fisher breaks down the myths and cuts through the noise to present a clear, unvarnished view of timeless market realities, and the ways in which a contrarian approach to investing will outsmart the herd. In true Ken Fisher style, the book explains why the crowd often goes astray—and how you can stay on track. Contrarians understand how headlines really affect the market and which noise and fads they should tune out. Beat the Crowd is a primer to the contrarian strategy, teaching readers simple tricks to think differently and get it right more often than not. Discover the limits of forecasting and how far ahead you should look Learn why political controversy matter less the louder it gets Resurrect long-forgotten, timeless tricks and truths in markets Find out how the contrarian approach makes you right more often than wrong A successful investment strategy requires information, preparation, a little bit of brainpower, and a larger bit of luck. Pursuit of the mythical perfect strategy frequently lands folks in a cacophony of talking heads and twenty-four hour noise, but Beat the Crowd cuts through the mental clutter and collects the pristine pieces of actual value into a tactical approach based on going against the grain.
New York University Press New Perspectives on Israeli History: The Early Years of the State
In this volume a distinguished group of international scholars draws from history, folklore, political anthropology, historiography, and cultural criticism to reexamine critical issues surrounding the birth of Israel. The authors explore such issues as the transition form yishuv to state, early state policy toward the Arab minority, the origins of the Palestinian refugee problem, the conflict over myths and symbols in the early state, early attitude toward Holocaust victims and survivors, Arab historiography of the 1948 war, Israel-Diaspora relations, and the shaping of Israeli foreign policy. The contributors to the book include: Myron J. Aronoff (Rutgers University), Uri Bialer (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Neil Caplan (Vanier College, Montreal), Benny Morris(Hebrew Univeristy of Jerusalem), Don Peretz (State University of New York, Binghamton), Dina Porat (Tel Aviv University), Jehuda Reinharz (Brandeis University), Elie Rekhess (Tel Aviv University), Avraham Sela(Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Anton Shammas(University of Michigan), Laurence J. Silberstein (Lehigh University), Kennethy STein (Emory University), Yael Zerubavel(University of Pennsylvania), and Ronald W. Zweig (Tel Aviv University).
John Wiley & Sons Inc Merton Miller on Derivatives
A rare opportunity to go one-on-one with an industry giant and one of today's most respected financial thinkers, Merton Miller on Derivatives is a refreshingly accessible overview of derivatives, the revolution they have wrought, and the disasters they've supposedly caused. Though routinely assailed by regulators and the media, derivatives are hailed by a celebrated group of practitioners, analysts, and theorists, led most notably by Nobel laureate Merton Miller. Miller is legendary for repeatedly demonstrating-often with humor and always with grace-the value of derivatives in price discovery, managing financial risk, and tailoring a risk-return profile. Here, in this collection of his recent essays, Miller expounds on a number of critical derivatives issues. Is it a problem that some organizations have lost substantial sums on derivatives? Miller's short answer: Some organizations will always find ways to lose money. Nor does he believe that more government regulation is the answer. He notes, for example, that for all the horror stories about derivatives, the world's banks have lost vastly more in bad real estate deals than they'll ever lose on their derivatives portfolios. Merton Miller on Derivatives offers twenty-two provocative chapters. A sampling: "The Recent Derivatives 'Disasters': Assessing the Damage" takes a close look at such debacles as Procter & Gamble, Orange County, and Barings Bank. "Financial Regulation: The Inside Game" uses an apt sports analogy to show how the derivatives regulatory game is really played, as opposed to the way outsiders imagine it is played. "Japanese-American Trade Relations: Can Rambo Beat Godzilla?" succinctly sums up the nature of Japanese-American trade. And "Risk and Return on Futures Contracts: A Chicago View" highlights the pivotal role derivatives play in hedging risk. There are also penetrating pieces on corporate governance that compare the system existing in the United States and England with the one existing in Germany and Japan. To complete the collection, a section called "Questions I'm Often Asked" features Miller's unique perspective on a wide range of topics, from what's ahead for China to what we've learned from the Crash of 1987. Contrary to widely held perceptions, the so-called "derivatives revolution" has made the world safer, not more dangerous. This explains the phenomenal growth of financial futures. As Miller shows, derivatives enable organizations to deal effectively with risks that have plagued them for decades, even centuries. Praise for merton miller on derivatives "Miller is one of the clearest thinkers of our time. Once again, he provides a simple, insightful, and witty analysis of an important and complex topic. This book is truly fun to read." -Kenneth R. French Beinecke Professor of Management Studies and Finance Yale University School of Management. "Some of us trade markets; others of us observe markets; Merton Miller understands markets. As this volume demonstrates, Professor Miller is unsurpassed at cutting through fluff, misinterpretation, and even obfuscation to get to the heart of highly charged issues." -Charles W. Smithson Managing Director, CIBC Wood Gundy. "Vintage Merton Miller: zesty writing and forcefully communicated ideas, not only on derivatives, but on a wide range of topics in financial markets. This is no ponderous academic tome, but rather a series of entertaining, yet devastatingly analytical essays on controversial issues in finance. Great reading and great analysis." -Hans R. Stoll Walker Professor of Finance and Director of the Financial Markets Research Center, Vanderbilt University. "I am grateful to Merton Miller for setting the record straight, once again, regarding derivatives. With his customary brilliance, Merton cuts through the fog of misunderstanding and nonsense that too often surrounds derivatives and reveals them for what they truly are: phenomenally successful and essential risk management tools." -Jack Sandner Chairman, Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Ionic Liquids further UnCOILed: Critical Expert Overviews
Critical overviews from the front line of ionic liquids research Ionic Liquids Further UnCOILed: Critical Expert Overviews continues the discussion of new processes and developments in ionic liquid technology introduced in the first volume. Written by an international group of key academic and industrial chemists, this next book in the series includes eleven overviews of specific areas of ionic liquid chemistry including: Physicochemical properties of ionic liquids A patent survey Ionic liquid membrane technology Engineering simulations Molecular simulations The goal of this volume is to provide expert overviews that range from applied to theoretical, synthetic to analytical, and biotechnological to electrochemical, while also offering consistent abbreviations of ionic liquids throughout the text. The value of Ionic Liquids Further UnCOILed: Critical Expert Overviews lies in the authors’ expertise and their willingness to share it with the reader. Included in the book is insight into typical problems related to experimental techniques, selection of liquids, and variability of data—all of which were overseen by Professor Ken Seddon, one of the book’s editors and a world leader in ionic liquids. This book is a must read for R&D chemists in industrial, governmental, and academic laboratories, and for commercial developers of environmentally sustainable processes. It offers insight and appreciation for the direction in which the field is going, while also highlighting the best published works available, making it equally valuable to new and experienced chemists alike.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Damage Tolerance and Durability of Material Systems
A daring, original approach to understanding and predicting the mechanical behavior of materials "Damage is an abstraction . . . Strength is an observable, an independent variable that can be measured, with clear and familiar engineering definitions." -from the Preface to Damage Tolerance and Durability of Material Systems Long-term behavior is one of the most challenging and important aspects of material engineering. There is a great need for a useful conceptual or operational framework for measuring long-term behavior. As much a revolution in philosophy as an engineering text, Damage Tolerance and Durability of Material Systems postulates a new mechanistic philosophy and methodology for predicting the remaining strength and life of engineering material. This philosophy associates the local physical changes in material states and stress states caused by time-variable applied environments with global properties and performance. There are three fundamental issues associated with the mechanical behavior of engineering materials and structures: their stiffness, strength, and life. Treating these issues from the standpoint of technical difficulty, time, and cost for characterization, and relationship to safety, reliability, liability, and economy, the authors explore such topics as: * Damage tolerance and failure modes * Factors that determine composite strength * Micromechanical models of composite stiffness and strength * Stiffness evolution * Strength evolution during damage accumulation * Non-uniform stress states * Lifetime prediction With a robust selection of example applications and case studies, this book takes a step toward the fulfillment of a vision of a future in which the prediction of physical properties from first principles will make possible the creation and application of new materials and material systems at a remarkable cost savings.
Pearson Education Limited Management Control Systems
The bestselling advanced management accounting textbook. For Management Control or Advanced Management Accounting modules on undergraduate, postgraduate or MBA courses. Management Control Systems, 5th edition is the latest edition of the bestselling textbook in the field of management accounting, renowned for its authorship and excellently researched material. An essential learning resource presenting a wealth of international examples from real companies, this text will help you gain a solid grasp of this important subject. Whether or not you have a management background, the clear explanations in this textbook will introduce you to the authors' leading framework and approach, helping you understand a wide variety of performance measures and controls as well as how to use them. Its extensive range of 75 case studies grounds the concepts in reality, emphasising the difference that well-designed controls can make. Key features A brand-new chapter on environmental, social and governance issues, including corporate social responsibility, reflects new initiatives and policies and their impact on today's organisations. Comprehensive and detailed coverage of measures that focuses not only on results, but also broader management controls, with aims other than profit maximisation. Updated examples and cases bring the subject to life by exploring examples of well-known businesses such as Microsoft and the implications of infamous scandals such as Carillion. New content considers the impacts of recent global shocks and world events and their influence on companies. This title is recommended as a significant textbook within Bruno S. Frey and Christoph A. Schaltegger (eds), 21st Century Economics – Economic Ideas You Should Read and Remember (Springer, 2019).
The University of Chicago Press Friedrich Durrenmatt: Selected Writings, Volume I, Plays
The Swiss writer Friedrich Dürrenmatt (1921–90) was one of the most important literary figures of the second half of the twentieth century. During the years of the cold war, arguably only Beckett, Camus, Sartre, and Brecht rivaled him as a presence in European letters. Yet outside Europe, this prolific author is primarily known for only one work, The Visit. With these long-awaited translations of his plays, fictions, and essays, Dürrenmatt becomes available again in all his brilliance to the English-speaking world. Dürrenmatt’s concerns are timeless, but they are also the product of his Swiss vantage during the cold war: his key plays, gathered in the first volume of Selected Writings, explore such themes as guilt by passivity, the refusal of responsibility, greed and political decay, and the tension between justice and freedom. In The Visit, for instance, an old lady who becomes the wealthiest person in the world returns to the village that cast her out as a young woman and offers riches to the town in exchange for the life of the man, now its mayor, who once disgraced her. Joel Agee’s crystalline translation gives a fresh lease to this play, as well as four others: The Physicists, Romulus the Great, Hercules and the Augean Stables, and The Marriage of Mr. Mississippi. Dürrenmatt has long been considered a great writer—but one unfairly neglected in the modern world of letters. With these elegantly conceived and expertly translated volumes, a new generation of readers will rediscover his greatest works.
Guilford Publications Social and Emotional Learning in the Classroom: Promoting Mental Health and Academic Success
This trusted resource--now in a thoroughly updated second edition reflecting the tremendous growth of the field--provides a best-practice guide to planning and implementing social and emotional learning (SEL) in K-12 classrooms and schools. The authors present a roadmap to help practitioners choose exemplary programs and strategies, integrate SEL with academics and mental health interventions, create culturally affirming programming for diverse students, use assessment to guide data-based decision making, and support educator SEL. In a convenient large-size format, the volume includes illustrative vignettes and 24 reproducible worksheets and other practical tools. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. New to This Edition *Chapter on educators’ social and emotional competence and teacher wellness. *Expanded coverage of implementation and systems issues, strategies for weaving SEL into the school day, applying SEL within a multi-tiered system of support, and professional development. *Numerous new and revised worksheets--now downloadable--including new educator reflection activities in each chapter. *Timely topics and themes infused throughout--such as culturally responsive and trauma-informed practices, teacher–family–community partnerships, and relationships as a foundation to SEL success--plus updated SEL resources. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.
Edinburgh University Press Coming of Age in Contemporary American Fiction
This book explores the ways in which a range of recent American novelists have handled the genre of the 'coming-of-age' novel, or the Bildungsroman. Novels of this genre characteristically dramatise the vicissitudes of growing up and the trials and tribulations of young adulthood, often presented through depictions of immediate family relationships and other social structures. This book considers a variety of different American cultures (in terms of race, class and gender) and a range of contemporary coming-of-age novels, so that aesthetic judgements about the fiction might be made in the context of the social history that fiction represents. A series of questions are asked: * Does the coming-of-age moment in these novels coincide with an interpretation of the 'fall' of America? * What kind of national commentary does it therefore facilitate? * Is the bildungsroman a quintessentially American genre? * What can it usefully tell us about contemporary American culture? Although the focus is on the contemporary period, this is placed in the context of reference to earlier novels and criticism of the genre, as well as historical changes in the status of the family, and the adolescent within it. Features * Provides detailed interpretations of 12 key contemporary novels from authors including Purple America by Rick Moody, The Age of Consent by Geoffrey Wolff, The Virgin Suicides by Jefffrey Eugenides and Prozac Nation by Elizabeth Wurtzel. * Explains the importance of the coming-of-age genre to the broader American literature canon. * Makes a significant intervention in contemporary debate about what is most valuable in recent American fiction.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Transportation and Economic Development Challenges
Recent years have seen considerable changes in the technology of transportation with the development of high-speed rail networks, more fuel-efficient automobiles and aircraft, and the widespread adoption of informatics in disciplines such as traffic management and supply chain logistics. The authors in this volume assess transportation interactions with employment and income, examine some of the policies that have been deployed to maximize the economic and social impacts of transportation provision at the local and regional levels and analyze how advances in transportation technologies have impacted, and will, impact future development. Due in part to the general liberalization of markets, there have been major changes in the institutional environment in which transportation is supplied; these changes inevitably affect wider economic systems and development, although in turn these changes feed back upon transportation networks. The contributors to this work develop these and other themes from a variety of perspectives, implementing a wide range of academic approaches into their analyses. Stemming from initiatives of the Network on European Communications and Transport Activities Research (NECTAR), Transportation and Economic Development Challenges presents a body of research that exemplifies the organization's objective of fostering research collaboration around the world. This book serves as a much-needed bridge between transportation and economic development. As such, it will be of significant interest to students and scholars of economics, transport studies and development, policymakers, and anyone with an interest in broadening their understanding of the links between economics and transportation.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Sleep Well on the Autism Spectrum: How to recognise common sleep difficulties, choose the right treatment, and get you or your child sleeping soundly
Why are sleep disorders more common in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), and how can parents recognise the signs and symptoms? Which treatments are most effective, how easy are they to implement and how successful can they be? Full of helpful information and practical advice, this comprehensive guide introduces the most common sleep issues in children with ASDs, describing both mainstream and complementary options for treatment, what is involved and the outcomes that can be expected. The author describes common underlying conditions that might lead to sleep difficulties, including genetic conditions, diet and physical factors, explaining how parents can identify these. Various issues that can affect sleep are explored, including night terrors, teeth grinding, bedwetting and sleepwalking, and practical solutions are given. This is essential reading for parents of children and teenagers on the autism spectrum who have difficulties associated with sleeping, and will also be of great help to all individuals with ASDs who experience sleep problems.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Empires of the Steppes
An epic history of how the so-called ''barbarians of the steppes'' shaped the modern world. A rollercoaster of historical narration' History Today''This is a history of epic scope that brings together the empires of the steppe land with the caravan cities of the Silk Road and imperial China'' Martyn Rady, author of The Middle Kingdoms''A sweeping account of forty-five centuries of nomadic tribes'' Gillian Tett, Financial Times''Flips the script to present the booted, felt-capped, leather-trousered and kaftan-wearing nomads as the bearers of civilisation . . . Harl''s exhaustively researched book will ensure they rejoin the narrative of world history'' Marc David Baer, GuardianThe barbarian nomads of the Eurasian steppes played a decisive role in world history, but their achievements have gone largely unnoticed. These tribes produced some of the world's greatest conquerors: Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan and Tamerlane, among o
HarperCollins Publishers Gung Ho! (The One Minute Manager)
With a new foreword by Ken Blanchard An invaluable new strategy for creating enthusiastic employees, from the author of the bestselling The One Minute Manager. Every day thousands of uninspired employees trudge to work – often dooming their companies to failure with their lack of enthusiasm. Drawing on over 20 years’ experience of working with hundreds of corporations across the US – including America Online, Eastman Kodak, General Motors, Hershey Chocolate and Microsoft – Blanchard reveals a sure-fire strategy for boosting employee enthusiasm, productivity and performance. Gung Ho! presents a simple system for inspiring employees. Based on three core ideas: work must be seen as important, workers must be put in control of their own production and managers must cheer their workers on – it is a method that all employees and managers can easily implement and which has already been adopted by such major corporations as K-Mart.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Little Book of Market Myths: How to Profit by Avoiding the Investing Mistakes Everyone Else Makes
Exposes the truth about common investing myths and misconceptions and shows you how the truth shall set you free—to reap greater long-term and short-term gains Everybody knows that a strong dollar equals a strong economy, bonds are safer than stocks, gold is a safe investment and that high PEs signal high risk...right? While such "common-sense" rules of thumb may work for a time as investment strategies, as New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author, Ken Fisher, vividly demonstrates in this wise, informative, wholly entertaining new book, they'll always let you down in the long run. Ken exposes some of the most common—and deadly—myths investors swear by, and he demonstrates why the rules-of-thumb approach to investing may be robbing you of the kinds returns you hope for. Dubbed by Investment Advisor magazine one of the 30 most influential individuals of the last three decades, Fisher is Chairman, and CEO of a global money management firm with over $32 billion under management Fisher's Forbes column, "Portfolio Strategy," has been an extremely popular fixture in Forbes for more than a quarter century thanks to his many high-profile calls Brings together the best "bunks" by Wall Street's Master Debunker in a fun, easy-to-digest, bite-size format More than just a list of myths, Fisher meticulously explains of why each commonly held belief or strategy is dead wrong and how damaging it can be to your financial health Armed with this book, investors can immediately identify major errors they may be committing and adjust their strategies for greater investing success
Johns Hopkins University Press The Breast Cancer Book: A Trusted Guide for You and Your Loved Ones
A comprehensive, down-to-earth guide for anyone diagnosed with breast cancer.Being diagnosed with breast cancer can be scary and confusing. There are medical terms to learn, options to consider, and important decisions to make, all while trying to carry on with work, family, and life. The Breast Cancer Book can't reverse a diagnosis or make breast cancer disappear, but every page can inform and empower you or your loved ones, no matter where you are in the breast cancer experience. Written by three trusted experts—an oncologist, a breast surgeon, and a two-time breast cancer survivor—this multidisciplinary book walks you through everything you need to know about breast cancer so that you can make the best decisions about diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care. In plain, easy-to-understand language that illuminates all the facets of this disease, the authors draw on their professional experience and the most current scientific knowledge to• describe the risk factors for breast cancer;• explain the various tests used to detect cancer; • clarify the full range of treatment options, from surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation to newer combination therapies; • provide insight from experts in genetics, radiation oncology, and breast reconstruction; • present inspirational true stories of breast cancer survivors; and • simplify complex concepts with detailed graphics, tables, illustrations, and photographs. A crash course on breast cancer that will help get you or anyone you love through the physical and emotional challenges of the disease, The Breast Cancer Book will also help readers communicate with their cancer team. Packed with information, this compassionate guide is the most up-to-date book available.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Breast Cancer Book: A Trusted Guide for You and Your Loved Ones
A comprehensive, down-to-earth guide for anyone diagnosed with breast cancer.Being diagnosed with breast cancer can be scary and confusing. There are medical terms to learn, options to consider, and important decisions to make, all while trying to carry on with work, family, and life. The Breast Cancer Book can't reverse a diagnosis or make breast cancer disappear, but every page can inform and empower you or your loved ones, no matter where you are in the breast cancer experience. Written by three trusted experts—an oncologist, a breast surgeon, and a two-time breast cancer survivor—this multidisciplinary book walks you through everything you need to know about breast cancer so that you can make the best decisions about diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care. In plain, easy-to-understand language that illuminates all the facets of this disease, the authors draw on their professional experience and the most current scientific knowledge to• describe the risk factors for breast cancer;• explain the various tests used to detect cancer; • clarify the full range of treatment options, from surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation to newer combination therapies; • provide insight from experts in genetics, radiation oncology, and breast reconstruction; • present inspirational true stories of breast cancer survivors; and • simplify complex concepts with detailed graphics, tables, illustrations, and photographs. A crash course on breast cancer that will help get you or anyone you love through the physical and emotional challenges of the disease, The Breast Cancer Book will also help readers communicate with their cancer team. Packed with information, this compassionate guide is the most up-to-date book available.
HarperCollins Publishers Raving Fans! (The One Minute Manager)
With a new foreword by Ken Blanchard A straightforward and snappy guide to successful customer service from the author of the bestselling The One Minute Manager. Raving Fans, in a nutshell, is the advice given to a new Area Manager on his first day – in an extraordinary business book that will help everyone, in every kind of organisation or business, deliver stunning customer service and achieve miraculous bottom-line results. Raving Fans is written in the parable style of The One Minute Manager and uses a brilliantly simple and charming story to teach how to define a vision, learn what a customer really wants, institute effective systems, and make Raving Fan Service a constant feature – not just a passing fad. Business is in the midst of a service crisis that has left millions of disillusioned customers in its wake. Raving Fans includes startling new tips and innovative techniques that can help anyone create a revolution in any workplace – and turn their customers into raving, spending fans.
Fonthill Media LLc Reading Railroad Heritage
Reading Railroad Heritage is a photographic essay of the history of a well-run system up to its acquisition by the Consolidated Rail Corporation in 1976, and its legacy that includes the Reading & Northern Railroad, certain electrified commuter lines operated by the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority in the Philadelphia area, and a sampling of a number of short line railroads that were initiated to preserve rail service. The Philadelphia & Reading Railroad opened its first line from Philadelphia to Reading in 1839. Within a few years, it constructed railroad lines throughout the coal fields of eastern Pennsylvania and in 1893 became the Reading Company. The railroad was noted for its design and building of steam locomotives, which culminated in the fabulous T1 class of steam locomotives placed in service in 1945-1946. Some of these freight locomotives, with their classic arched cab windows, powered the Iron Horse Rambles of the 1960s. Circumstances beyond its control, including the decline in the hauling of anthracite coal and passenger business, ended in the bankruptcy of the railroad.
City Lights Books Incidents of Travel in Poetry: New and Selected Poems
"Frank Lima is an American Villon."--David Shapiro "Highly recommended for -reasons that go beyond historical -completeness."--Library Journal, starred review "This collection is not to be missed."--Publishers Weekly, starred review Protege of Frank O'Hara, Kenneth Koch, and Allen Ginsberg, Frank Lima (1939-2013) was the only Latino member of the New York School during its historical heyday. After enduring a difficult and violent childhood, he discovered poetry as an inmate of a juvenile drug treatment center under the tutelage of the painter, Sherman Drexler, who introduced him to his poet friends. After his poetry debut in the Evergreen Review in 1962, Lima appeared in key New York School anthologies and published two full-length collections of his own. In the late 1970s, Lima left the poetry world to pursue a successful career as a chef, though he returned intermittently and continued to write a poem a day until his death. Incidents of Travel in Poetry is a landmark re-introduction to the work of this major Latino poet. Beginning with poems from Inventory (1964), his installment in the legendary Tibor de Nagy poetry series, Incidents includes selections from Lima's previous volumes, tracing his development from his early snapshots of street life to his later surrealist-influenced abstract lyricism. The bulk of the collection comes from his later unpublished manuscripts, and thus Incidents represents the full range of Lima's work for the very first time. Praise for Incidents of Travel in Poetry: "Finally. Finally. Finally. Here's the Frank Lima collection that poetry lovers worldwide have been waiting for. Lima was an authentic outlier and Incidents of Travel transcends and decolonizes any attempt at easy categorization. With this new body of work, we are reaping the price Lima paid for being ostracized. Our reward? The dream we wish we could have, whispers that hint of a new waste land, and we'll always be in his debt for having Lima as a guide."--Willie Perdomo, The Essential Hits of Shorty Bon Bon. "Frank Lima is a masterful writer of ecstatic, devastating, and hauntingly personal poetry. His candor is irresistible and transformative, as cuttingly witty in one poem as elegiac and sorrowful in the next. Complete with its nuances and disappointments, nobody writes the poetry of domestic reverence quite like Lima. In this generous selection of work from the poet's life, including poetry from 1997 onward, we can finally solidify Lima as a figure of crucial importance to our understanding of the New York School writers. This work shines with all the love and labor of Lima's thoroughly American experience, one which is inextricable from the trauma of cultural duality. Lima's voice speaks to us like an intimate friend, a co-conspirator in hope. 'Blessed are the poets who invented us as poets,' he writes in a poem for David Shapiro, an ode to both his best friend and to poetry. Blessed are we now to have this landmark collection of work from Frank Lima. This book is a long overdue treasure." --Wendy Xu From his first contact with poetry while incarcerated as a juvenile offender in Harlem, through his meetings with Langston Hughes and Frank O'Hara, his years with Berkson and Padgett and Berrigan, his stint as a chef, and his years of living his Vow to Poetry when he wrote at least a poem a day in total obscurity--Lima's life is an epic of contradictions. Frank Lima is a poet the world has been waiting to discover. Now we can."--Bob Holman
Guilford Publications The Fast Track Program for Children at Risk: Preventing Antisocial Behavior
This unique volume reports on the largest long-term preventive intervention study ever conducted with children at risk for serious violence and poor life outcomes. From first through 10th grade, Fast Track provided multicomponent interventions to support children, families, and schools in achieving positive social, emotional, and academic outcomes. The book explores the developmental processes associated with early aggression, describes how each component of FastTrack was developed and implemented, and summarizes outcomes up to 20 years later. Vivid case studies track the impact of comprehensive school- and family-based programming on children's pathways through the elementary and high school years. The concluding chapter offers recommendations for using Fast Track components in future violence prevention initiatives. See also the authors' Social and Emotional Skills Training for Children: The Fast Track Friendship Group Manual, a step-by-step guide to implementing one of the core components of Fast Track.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Managing the Profitable Construction Business: The Contractor's Guide to Success and Survival Strategies
Take control of your construction contracting business and manage it through the natural highs and lows of the construction market. Learn from a team of construction business veterans led by Thomas C. Schleifer, who is commonly referred to as a construction business "turnaround" expert due to the number of construction companies he has rescued from financial distress. His financial acumen, combined with his practical, hands-on experience, has made him a sought-after private consultant. His experience and no-nonsense philosophy have truly given him a unique perspective. Important topics covered include: Understanding the primary areas of construction business failure in the next decade Minimizing business risk with real-world examples Developing a positive and competent management attitude and strategy Discover how to maneuver through this complicated and risky industry by using the authors' research and proven success strategies to sustain and grow your business.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Sleep Difficulties and Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Guide for Parents and Professionals
Problems with sleeping are common and make life difficult for the individual who is affected and for those around them. Sleep difficulties are particularly prevalent amongst people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and often cause or worsen other difficulties.This comprehensive guide to the management of sleep problems, introduces all the proven remedies and focuses on the problems commonly found in ASDs and related conditions. The author discusses sleep in depth, including how we currently define and understand it. The full spectrum of sleep disorders is explained alongside the range of possible treatment approaches. The book also examines why some sleep problems are more common among people with an ASD than others, how sleep problems evolve over time, what can be done to treat them and the likely benefits from different treatments.This book is a complete resource for professionals, families and carers working with those suffering from sleep problems of any kind. It will be of great interest to anyone wanting to gain a thorough understanding of sleep in relation to ASDs.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Techniques in Fractal Geometry
Following on from the success of Fractal Geometry: Mathematical Foundations and Applications, this new sequel presents a variety of techniques in current use for studying the mathematics of fractals. Much of the material presented in this book has come to the fore in recent years. This includes methods for studying dimensions and other parameters of fractal sets and measures, as well as more sophisticated techniques such as thermodynamic formalism and tangent measures. In addition to general theory, many examples and applications are described, in areas such as differential equations and harmonic analysis. This book is mathematically precise, but aims to give an intuitive feel for the subject, with underlying concepts described in a clear and accessible manner. The reader is assumed to be familiar with material from Fractal Geometry, but the main ideas and notation are reviewed in the first two chapters. Each chapter ends with brief notes on the development and current state of the subject. Exercises are included to reinforce the concepts. The author's clear style and up-to-date coverage of the subject make this book essential reading for all those who with to develop their understanding of fractal geometry.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Copper-Oxygen Chemistry
Covers the vastly expanding subject of oxidative processes mediated by copper ions within biological systems Copper-mediated biological oxidations offer a broad range of fundamentally important and potentially practical chemical processes that cross many chemical and pharmaceutical disciplines. This newest volume in the Wiley Series on Reactive Intermediates in Chemistry and Biology is divided into three logical areas within the topic of copper/oxygen chemistry— biological systems, theory, and bioinorganic models and applications—to explore the biosphere for its highly evolved and thus efficient oxidative transformations in the discovery of new types of interactions between molecular oxygen and copper ion. Featuring a diverse collection of subject matter unified in one complete and comprehensive resource, Copper-Oxygen Chemistry probes the fundamental aspects of copper coordination chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, and biological chemistry to reveal both the biological and chemical aspects driving the current exciting research efforts behind copper-oxygen chemistry. In addition, Copper-Oxygen Chemistry: Addresses the significantly increasing literature on oxygen-atom insertion and carbon-carbon bond-forming reactions as well as enantioselective oxidation chemistries Progresses from biological systems to spectroscopy and theory, and onward to bioinorganic models and applications Covers a wide array of reaction types such as insertion and dehydrogenation reactions that utilize the cheap, abundant, and energy-containing O2 molecule With thorough coverage by prominent authors and researchers shaping innovations in this growing field, this valuable reference is essential reading for bioinorganic chemists, as well as organic, synthetic, and pharmaceutical chemists in academia and industry.
Princeton University Press The Squam Lake Report: Fixing the Financial System
In the fall of 2008, fifteen of the world's leading economists--representing the broadest spectrum of economic opinion--gathered at New Hampshire's Squam Lake. Their goal: the mapping of a long-term plan for financial regulation reform. The Squam Lake Report distills the wealth of insights from the ongoing collaboration that began at these meetings and provides a revelatory, unified, and coherent voice for fixing our troubled and damaged financial markets. As an alternative to the patchwork solutions and ideologically charged proposals that have dominated other discussions, the Squam Lake group sets forth a clear nonpartisan plan of action to transform the regulation of financial markets--not just for the current climate--but for generations to come. Arguing that there has been a conflict between financial institutions and society, these diverse experts present sound and transparent prescriptions to reduce this divide. They look at the critical holes in the existing regulatory framework for handling complex financial institutions, retirement savings, and credit default swaps. They offer ideas for new financial instruments designed to recapitalize banks without burdening taxpayers. To lower the risk that large banks will fail, the authors call for higher capital requirements as well as a systemic regulator who is part of the central bank. They collectively analyze where the financial system has failed, and how these weak points should be overhauled. Combining an immense depth of academic, private sector, and public policy experience, The Squam Lake Report contains urgent recommendations that will positively influence everyone's financial well-being--all who care about the world's economic health need to pay attention.
Columbia University Press Fountain House: Creating Community in Mental Health Practice
Often people with mental illness feel alone in society, with no place to go and little hope. Their isolation can be further perpetuated through typical approaches to treatment, such as case management and psychotherapy. Since 1948, the Fountain House "working community" has worked to address the isolation and social stigmatization faced by people with mental illness. This volume describes in detail its evidence-based, cost-effective, and replicable model, which produces substantive outcomes in employment, schooling, housing, and general wellness. Through an emphasis on personal choice, professional and patient collaboration, and, most important, "the need to be needed," Fountain House demonstrates that people with serious mental illness can not only live but also contribute and thrive in society. The authors also explore the evolution of Fountain House practice, which is grounded in social work and psychiatry and informs current strength-based and recovery methodologies. Its inherent humanity, social inclusivity, message of personal empowerment, and innovation-a unique approach on behalf of people suffering from mental illness-have led to the paradigm's worldwide adoption.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Risk-Return Analysis: The Theory and Practice of Rational Investing (Volume One)
The two most important words Harry Markowitz ever wrote are "portfolio selection." In 1952, when everyone in the stock market was looking for the next hot stock, as a doctoral candidate, he proposed to look at many, diverse stocks--a portfolio. He laid the first cornerstone of Modern Portfolio Theory and defended the idea that strategic asset growth means factoring in the risk of an investment. More than 60 years later, the father of modern finance revisits his original masterpiece, describes how his theory has developed, and proves the vitality of hisrisk-return analysis in the current global economy.Risk-Return Analysis opens the door to agroundbreaking four-book series giving readers a privileged look at the personal reflections and current strategies of a luminary in finance. This first volume is Markowitz's response to what he calls the "Great Confusion" that spread when investors lost faith in the diversification benefits of MPT during the financial crisis of 2008. It demonstrates why MPT never became ineffective during the crisis, and how you can continue to reap the rewards of managed diversification into the future. Economists and financial advisors will benefit from the potent balance of theory and hard data on mean-variance analysis aimed at improving decision-making skills. Written for the academic and the practitioner withsome math skills (mostly high school algebra), this richly illustrated guide arms you with: Concrete steps to accurately select and apply the right risk measures in a given circumstance Rare surveys of a half-century of literature covering the applicability of MPT Empirical data showing mean and riskmeasure used to maximize return in the long term PRAISE FOR RISK-RETURN ANALYSIS"Harry Markowitz invented portfolio analysis and presented the theory in his famous 1952 article and 1959 book. Nobody has greater insight into the process than Harry. No academic or practitioner can truly claim to understand portfolio analysis unless they have read this volume." -- Martin J. Gruber, Professor Emeritus and Scholar in Residence, Stern School of Business, New York University"Surveying the vast literature inspired by [Markowitz's] own 1959 book has stimulated an outpouring of ideas. He builds on the strengths and limitations of the important papers in order to come up with a position that should silence a lot of critics." -- Jack Treynor, President, Treynor Capital Management"The authors do not overlook various criticisms of the MPT, but rather address them convincingly. This excellent book is an essential reference for academics and practitioners alike." -- Haim Levy, Miles Robinson Professor of Finance, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel"Markowitz’s groundbreaking publications on Portfolio Selection prescribe a methodology that a rational decision-maker can follow to optimize his investment portfolio in a risky world. . . . Thischallenging new book clarifies many common misconceptions about modern portfolio theory." -- Roger C. Gibson, author of Asset Allocation and Chief Investment Officer, Gibson Capital, LLC"Contain[s] great wisdom that every economist, portfolio manager, and investor should savor page by page." -- Andrew W. Lo, Charles E. and Susan T. Harris Professor and Director, Laboratory for Financial Engineering, MIT Sloan School of Management"[Markowitz's] monumental work in the 1950s would be sufficient to qualify as a lifetime achievement for most mortals, but he keeps spouting fresh insights like lightning flashes year after year, and penetrating ever deeper into the theory, mathematics, and practice of investing." -- Martin Leibowitz, Managing Director, Global Research Strategy, Morgan Stanley"Risk–Return Analysis is a wonderful work in progress by a remarkable scholar who always has time to read what matters, who has the deepest appreciation of scientific achievement, and who has the highest aspirations for the future." -- Enterprising Investor (CFA Institute)
University of British Columbia Press Rebuilding Canadian Party Politics
Canadian party politics collapsed in the early 1990s. This book is about that collapse, about the end of a party system, with a unique pattern of party organization and competition, that had governed Canada’s national politics for several decades, and about the ongoing struggle to build its successor. Rebuilding Canadian Party Politics discusses the breakdown of the old party system, the emergence of the Reform Party and the Bloc Québécois, and the fate of the Conservative and New Democratic Parties. It focuses on the internal workings of parties in this new era, examining the role of professionals, new technologies, and local activists.To understand the ambiguities of our current party system, the authors attended local and national party meetings, nomination and leadership meetings, and campaign kick-off rallies. They visited local campaign offices to observe the parties’ grassroots operations and conducted interviews with senior party officials, pollsters, media and advertising specialists, and leader-tour directors.Written in a lively and accessible style, this book will interest students of party politics and Canadian political history, as well as general readers eager to make sense of the changes reshaping national politics today.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling: A Practical Guide
Take your ethical reasoning and practice to the next level with timely discussions of new and reoccuring issues in psychology and counseling. In the newly revised Sixth Edition of Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling: A Practical Guide, a distinguished team of psychologists deliver a compilation of practical and creative approaches to the responsibilities, challenges, and opportunities encountered by therapists and counselors in their work. The book covers the many changes and difficulties created by new technologies like electronic health records, videoconferencing, texting, and practicing across state and provincial boundaries. Using a new, easy-to-navigate structure and including brand new chapters on cultural ethics, social justice and human rights ethics, and the application of strategies for self-care, the authors discuss complex issues in a straightforward and accessible way. Conversations about moral distress and moral courage and actionable steps to strengthen ethics in organizational settings round out the useful material contained within. Once referred to as the "conscience of psychology," this must-read book also includes: A thorough introduction to the foundations of psychotherapeutic ethics, including ethics in real life, ethics in theories and codes, cultural context, ethical decision making, and moral courage. An exploration of common sources of ethical problems and pitfalls, including: pseudoscience, ethical fallacies, ethical judgement errors, language and rationalizations Practical discussions of special topics in ethics, including informed consent and informed refusal, using strategies for self-care, responding to ethics, licensing, and malpractice complaints, and confidentiality. In-depth examination of timely issues, including sexual attraction to patients, digital therapy, and responding to suicidal risk. Perfect for individual practitioners and teachers of graduate courses, seminars, and continuing education classes, Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling: A Practical Guide will also earn a place in the libraries of forensic psychologists and other expert witnesses preparing to testify on the standard of care in malpractice cases.
University Press of America NATO Expansion
This fourth volume of the Miller Center Series on a New World Order examines the core questions that can be raised about NATO expansion. The book relies on the theory that, for NATO expansion to work, member states must be able to reconcile their own interests and policies with the more general interests of the larger group. From this premise, NATO Expansion seeks to debate the reasons for and against the expansion of the NATO membership based on the Clinton administration's policy. Part I, 'The Case for NATO Expansion' sets forth the major challenges confronting the United States since the Madrid summit of July 1997, and provides an overview of the NATO expansion movement from inside the policy planning staff of the Department of State. Part II, ^D< 'Some Supporting Views and Questions,' contains papers by leading analysts of defense and foreign policy who offer supporting views on NATO expansion but raise questions on concept and implementation. Part III, 'The Case for Delay,' provides strong arguments against immediate expansion of NATO, contesting that the cost estimates provided by American and European leaders are too low, argues that the criteria used in deciding whom to support must be kept in balance, and recommends delay through invoking provisions of the Partnership for Peace. Part IV, 'Domestic Politics,' looks at aspects of NATO expansion by examining both the Clinton administration's formulated and executed policy on NATO expansion as well as through the broader context of Clinton's foreign policy. Part V, 'To What End,' summarizes the debate and provides possible economic and political repercussions resulting from expansion. The contributing authorities to this book, who are meant to represent the differing national and political interests of both current and prospective NATO members include Brigadier General Robert T. Osterthaler, Gale A. Mattox, Lawrence J. Korb, David D. Newsom, Richard L. Russell, Ambassador George C. McGhee, Ambassador Jonathan Dean, Margaret Warner, David S. Broder, Jack Mendelsohn, and Rear Admiral Eugene J. Carroll, Jr.
Oxford University Press Whitman in Washington: Becoming the National Poet in the Federal City
During Walt Whitman's decade in Washington, DC, 1863-1873, he labored intensely, at times seeming to have three lives at once. He wrote the most distinguished journalism of his career; came into his own as a writer of letters; crafted memorable Civil War poetry, Drum-Taps and Sequel to Drum-Taps and later folded it into heavily revised and expanded versions of Leaves of Grass; and produced his searching but also flawed critique of American culture, Democratic Vistas. Whitman's work through the first three editions of Leaves often receives the highest praise, yet his writing in the Washington years is exceptional, too, by any reckoning--and is all the more remarkable given that he also cared for thousands of wounded and sick soldiers in Washington hospitals, serving as an attentive visitor. In addition, he served as a government clerk in various positions, most notably in the attorney general's office when much was accomplished on the road toward a multi-racial democracy including efforts to suppress the Ku Klux Klan, and much was also missed (both by the attorney general's office and by Whitman) in the efforts to advance a more just and vibrant union. This book analyses Whitman's integrated life, writings, and government work in his urban context to re-evaluate the writer and the nation's capital in a time of transformation. Drawing on an expanded Whitman corpus, including nearly 3,000 Whitman documents the author recently identified in the National Archives, Whitman in Washington demonstrates that the power of Whitman's Civil War and Reconstruction writing emerges, more fully than we could ever before have imagined, from his intimate knowledge of the capital city, its bureaucracies, and its tumultuous post-war history.
University of Pennsylvania Press From Europe's East to the Middle East: Israel's Russian and Polish Lineages
The overwhelming majority of Jews who laid the foundations of the Israeli state during the first half of the twentieth century came from the Polish lands and the Russian Empire. This is a fact widely known, yet its implications for the history of Israel and the Middle East and, reciprocally, for the history of what was once the demographic heartland of the Jewish diaspora remain surprisingly ill-understood. Through fine-grained analyses of people, texts, movements, and worldviews in motion, the scholars assembled in From Europe's East to the Middle East—hailing from Europe, Israel, Japan, and the United States—rediscover a single transnational Jewish history of surprising connections, ideological cacophony, and entangled fates. Against the view of Israel as an outpost of the West, whether as a beacon of democracy or a creation of colonialism, this volume reveals how profoundly Zionism and Israel were shaped by the assumptions of Polish nationalism, Russian radicalism, and Soviet Communism; the unique ethos of the East European intelligentsia; and the political legacies of civil and national strife in the East European "shatter-zone." Against the view that Zionism effected a complete break from the diaspora that had birthed it, the book sheds new light on the East European sources of phenomena as diverse as Zionist military culture, kibbutz socialism, and ultra-Orthodox education for girls. Finally, it reshapes our understanding of East European Jewish life, from the Tsarist Empire, to independent Poland, to the late Soviet Union. Looking past siloed histories of both Zionism and its opponents in Eastern Europe, the authors reconstruct Zionism's transnational character, charting unexpected continuities across East European and Israeli Jewish life, and revealing how Jews in Eastern Europe grew ever more entangled with the changing realities of Jewish society in Palestine.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Intellectual Property, Pharmaceuticals and Public Health: Access to Drugs in Developing Countries
This up-to-date book examines pharmaceutical development, access to medicines, and the protection of public health in the context of two fundamental changes that the global political economy has undergone since the 1970s, the globalization of trade and production and the increased harmonization of national regulations on intellectual property rights. With authors from eleven different countries presenting case studies of national experiences in Africa, Asia and the Americas, the book analyzes national strategies to promote pharmaceutical innovation, while at the same time assuring widespread access to medicines through generic pharmaceutical production and generic pharmaceutical importation. The expert chapters focus on patents as well as an array of regulatory instruments, including pricing and drug registration policies. Presenting in-depth analysis and original empirical research, this book will strongly appeal to academics and students of intellectual property, international health, international political economy, international development and law. Contributors: T. Andia, M. Bourassa Forcier, M. Flynn, P. Gehl Sampath, S. Guennif, A. Guzman, H. Klug, G. Krikorian, N. Lalitha, J.-F. Morin, K.C. Shadlen, L. Shi, M. Watanabe
John Wiley & Sons Inc Physics
Physics, 12th Edition focuses on conceptual understanding, problem solving, and providing real-world applications and relevance. Conceptual examples, Concepts and Calculations problems, and Check Your Understanding questions help students understand physics principles. Math Skills boxes, multi-concept problems, and Examples with reasoning steps help students improve their reasoning skills while solving problems. “The Physics Of” boxes, and new “Physics in Biology, Sports, and Medicine” problems show students how physics principles are relevant to their everyday lives. A wide array of tools help students navigate through this course, and keep them engaged by encouraging active learning. Animated pre-lecture videos (created and narrated by the authors) explain the basic concepts and learning objectives of each section. Problem-solving strategies are discussed, and common misconceptions and potential pitfalls are addressed. Chalkboard videos demonstrate step-by-step practical solutions to typical homework problems. Finally, tutorials that implement a step-by-step approach are also offered, allowing students to develop their problem-solving skills.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Principles of Sequencing and Scheduling
An updated edition of the text that explores the core topics in scheduling theory The second edition of Principles of Sequencing and Scheduling has been revised and updated to provide comprehensive coverage of sequencing and scheduling topics as well as emerging developments in the field. The text offers balanced coverage of deterministic models and stochastic models and includes new developments in safe scheduling and project scheduling, including coverage of project analytics. These new topics help bridge the gap between classical scheduling and actual practice. The authors—noted experts in the field—present a coherent and detailed introduction to the basic models, problems, and methods of scheduling theory. This book offers an introduction and overview of sequencing and scheduling and covers such topics as single-machine and multi-machine models, deterministic and stochastic problem formulations, optimization and heuristic solution approaches, and generic and specialized software methods. This new edition adds coverage on topics of recent interest in shop scheduling and project scheduling. This important resource: Offers comprehensive coverage of deterministic models as well as recent approaches and developments for stochastic models Emphasizes the application of generic optimization software to basic sequencing problems and the use of spreadsheet-based optimization methods Includes updated coverage on safe scheduling, lognormal modeling, and job selection Provides basic coverage of robust scheduling as contrasted with safe scheduling Adds a new chapter on project analytics, which supports the PERT21 framework for project scheduling in a stochastic environment. Extends the coverage of PERT 21 to include hierarchical scheduling Provides end-of-chapter references and access to advanced Research Notes, to aid readers in the further exploration of advanced topics Written for upper-undergraduate and graduate level courses covering such topics as scheduling theory and applications, project scheduling, and operations scheduling, the second edition of Principles of Sequencing and Scheduling is a resource that covers scheduling techniques and contains the most current research and emerging topics.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Norwegian Merchant Fleet in the Second World War
At the outbreak of the Second World War, Britain, desperately short of merchant shipping, turned to the Norwegians who agreed to loan several hundred of its modern cargo and tanker ships. In early 1940 when Hitler invaded Norway, both the British and Germans rushed to seize the remainder of the fleet. King Haakon VII and his government, now fleeing from Nazi occupation, refused to relinquish control of this vital national asset. Instead, they nationalized the fleet and established the Norwegian Shipping and Trade Mission. Nicknamed Nortraship, it became overnight the largest shipping company the world had seen with a thousand ships and offices on six continents. Generously made available to Great Britain, it became a priceless Allied asset without which victory over Germany would arguably have been impossible. By the end of the war, about half Nortraship's fleet had been lost to enemy action. The Saga of Norway's Merchant Fleet in the Second World War is a superbly researched addition to Second World War history being the first detailed account in English of Norway's critical contribution to the Allies. As well as telling this little-known but hugely significant story, the author covers the controversies that developed and persist into the present day.
Skyhorse Publishing Masterpieces of the English Short Novel: Nine Complete Short Novels
These nine novels are "the best of the best"great writing by some of the most brilliant literary minds of the 18th and 19th centuries.Samuel Johnson's biography of Richard Savage raises the life of a scoundrel to the level of great art; George Eliot profoundly influenced Henry James with her horror story, The Lifted Veil; Le Fanu writes a "sinister but gracious" supernatural Gothic; Nightmare Abbey is Thomas Love Peacock's satire on his friends, the Romantic poets Shelley, Coleridge, and Byron.These, with other short novels in this collection, represent the pinnacle of achievement in their genre.Skyhorse Publishing, as well as our Arcade, Yucca, and Good Books imprints, are proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in fictionnovels, novellas, political and medical thrillers, comedy, satire, historical fiction, romance, erotic and love stories, mystery, classic literature, folklore and mythology, literary classics including Shakespeare, Dumas, Wilde, Cather, and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.
Fonthill Media LLc Trolleys, Trams, and Light Rail Around the World
Trolleys, Trams, and Light Rail Around The World covers the Pittsburgh light rail system with its downtown subway, street running, and private right of way. In the British Isles, the amazing Isle of Man is shown with its vintage open-air horse-drawn trams along with electric trams, as is Blackpool, England, with its neat, efficient, and well-patronized double deckers. Hong Kong has the world's largest fleet of double-decker trams and is extensively covered. Trolleys in Toronto, Canada, have been well-maintained over the years, and today Toronto has the largest trolley car system in North America. In Amsterdam, The Netherlands, the decision made by municipal authorities to re-equip its system with new tram cars was well received by the public and has resulted in the retention of the tram service. The decision in Helsinki, Finland, in 1969 to have trams only in the city center has been reversed, and the system has since been expanded. The tram system in Melbourne, Australia, has never shut down and is today the largest tram system in the English-speaking world. In a challenging world, this book clearly shows an exciting future for the trolley car.
Louisiana State University Press Writing History with Lightning: Cinematic Representations of Nineteenth-Century America
Films possess virtually unlimited power for crafting broad interpretations of American history. Nineteenth-century America has proven especially conducive to Hollywood imaginations, producing indelible images like the plight of Davy Crockett and the defenders of the Alamo, Pickett's doomed charge at Gettysburg, the proliferation and destruction of plantation slavery in the American South, Custer's fateful decision to divide his forces at Little Big Horn, and the onset of immigration and industrialization that saw Old World lifestyles and customs dissolve amid rapidly changing environments. Balancing historical nuance with passion for cinematic narratives, Writing History with Lightning confronts how movies about nineteenth-century America influence the ways in which mass audiences remember, understand, and envision the nation's past. In these twenty-six essays- divided by the editors into sections on topics like frontiers, slavery, the Civil War, the Lost Cause, and the West- notable historians engage with films and the historical events they ostensibly depict. Instead of just separating fact from fiction, the essays contemplate the extent to which movies generate and promulgate collective memories of American history. Along with new takes on familiar classics like Young Mr. Lincoln and They Died with Their Boots On, the volume covers several films released in recent years, including The Revenant, 12 Years a Slave, The Birth of a Nation, Free State of Jones, and The Hateful Eight. The authors address Hollywood epics like The Alamo and Amistad, arguing that these movies flatten the historical record to promote nationalist visions. The contributors also examine overlooked films like Hester Street and Daughters of the Dust, considering their portraits of marginalized communities as transformative perspectives on American culture. By surveying films about nineteenth-century America, Writing History with Lightning analyzes how movies create popular understandings of American history and why those interpretations change over time.
Emerald Publishing Limited Handbook of Logistics and Supply-Chain Management
The quality of transport logistics is now recognized as being vital to the success of many organizations. The ability to transport goods quickly, safely, economically and reliably is seen as vital to a nation's prosperity and capacity to compete in a rapidly globalising economy. Logistics has advanced significantly during since the 1980s as companies have appreciated the gains from such initiatives as limiting inventories, making use of "seamless" distribution services and taking advantage of advances in telecommunication and information technologies. Institutional changes, such as deregulation and privatization, have in many countries led to contexts in which these changes could take place. The integration of transportation into the production process through advanced information systems and the application of modern management techniques is now at the centre of logistics. This volume contains commissioned refereed papers that cover the main elements of transport logistics. The authors were selected from around the world and asked to provide critiques of their subject areas as well as a review of the state of the art and case study examples. These up-to-date contributions cover all the main areas of transport logistics, providing those in the field with current information whilst at the same time offering easy access for those who are new to the field and are seeking review material.
Oxford University Press The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain
This beautifully illustrated volume tells the story of Britain and its people over two thousand years, from the coming of the Roman legions to the present day. Encompassing political, social, economic, and cultural developments throughout the British Isles, the dramatic narrative is taken up in turn by ten leading historians who offer the fruits of the best modern scholarship to the general reader in an authoritative form, illuminating their text with carefully chosen pictures and maps. A vivid, sometimes surprising picture emerges of a continuous turmoil of change in every period, and the wider social context of political and economic tension is made clear. But consensus, no less than conflict, is a part of the story: in focusing on elements of continuity down the centuries, the authors bring out that special awareness of identity which has been such a distinctive feature of British society. By relating both these factors in the British experience, and by exploring the many ways in which Britain has shaped and been shaped by contact with Europe and the wider world, this landmark work brings the reader face to face with the past, and the foundations of modern British society. The new edition, the first for almost twenty years, brings the story into the twenty-first century, covering the changes to British society and culture during the Blair years and the invasion of Iraq and its aftermath.
St Augustine's Press Spiritual Exercises
“In giving these meditations, my desire was to explain the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius; I was not attempting to present pious meditations and theological considerations, no matter how useful they may be. I attempted to give these meditations on the Spiritual Exercises the kind of theological foundation that my listeners had the right to expect, without falling into the kind of theological investigations that really have nothing directly to contribute to the purpose of spiritual exercises.” These words are used by the author who is probably the greatest theologian the Catholic Church has produced in recent centuries. He brings his enormous learning and his unequaled theological acumen to bear on what is probably one of the most influential spiritual works of Roman Catholicism. The combination is as fascinating as it is important. The subject matter is, of course, very controversial. Has St. Ignatius anything to say for modern Christians? Jesuits the world over maintain that he has, others suggest that his writing is totally confined to a particular, and unfortunate, period of Church history. Karl Rahner has been compelled to write with a force and simplicity we do not usually associate with him. Here is a compelling series of meditations which take us out of the stodgy surroundings of so much Christian spirituality, and certainly one of Rahner’s greatest works.
GB Publishing Org Seafaring: The Full Story
A sailing classic, of real life adventure, beautifully illustratedTV Presenter JULIETTE FOSTER: "Captain George P Boughton's maritime career began in 1881 at the age of 12, and thanks to his grandson, the founder of GB Publishing Org, this intriguing memoir of a life at sea is now available to a new generation of readers." THE TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT: "His book is genuine sea salt...warm colours of Mr Shoesmith's pictures accord well with the romantic story [of days before steamships]" THE SPECTATOR: "recalls emotions [on sea-life] that have fleeted from the minds of most" First published in 1926, Seafaring - The Full Story reveals that a life on the ocean waves was anything but jolly: conditions were tough, the food was just about edible while the work was back-breaking - although the salt-of-the-earth camaraderie helped. As much a one-man reminiscence as it is an elegy for a forgotten way of life, it's not hard to imagine a gravely-voiced Boughton recalling the era of the 'large sailing ships'. and why the world stopped being a better place when they were forced off the sea. Boughton died in 1940 at the age of 71, having worked his way up to the position of Superintendent to the Shipping Federation of Britain. With the publication of these memoirs, his contribution to our understanding of this area of history will surely live on." In this edition of Seafaring, which deals with ships and life aboard ships in the days before steam had conquered sail, a Prologue is added that tells of the tragic circumstances that led up to the author going to sea when aged twelve. An Epilogue also reveals his fortunes since writing the book. The men who spent the best part of their lives on sailing vessels are now gone but fortunately Captain Boughton, as one of them, committed to writing his first hand account of what their lives aboard were really like. The salt of the sea is in these breezy pages; they reflect the virile enjoyment with which the men of whom Captain Boughton writes faced the hardships of their existence. ~*~ The inclusion of several of the traditional sea "chanties", with the musical scores, and the end-papers that illustrate sailors' knots, add the final flavour to an inspiring and enduring book.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Children with Autism: Diagnosis and Intervention to Meet Their Needs
This completely revised and substantially expanded new edition embraces new developments in this rapidly developing field. Every chapter has been rewritten with the addition of new material, and a new final chapter on `Putting the Pieces Together' reflects the authors' conviction that the complexity of autism means that many kinds of information are valuable and need to be taken into account in providing therapy or teaching for children with autism.Other chapters, updated from the first edition, include a description of the latest information on the findings of brain research (put into the context of the development of the human brain and its effect on communication in early childhood), and the contributions of music therapy and psychoanalysis. A very much enlarged chapter on educational provision for children with autism and Asperger's Syndrome provides information on the latest methods for improving the learning of these children, to give them the best possible preparation for a life of greater autonomy and maximum self-satisfaction in the pleasure of human company. New appendices summarise medical diagnostic systems, checklists and questionnaires for identifying autism, and the glossary has been considerably expanded. The wealth of up-to-date information provided will be invaluable not only for researchers and students but also for psychologists, teachers and other professionals, and parents, carers and family members in search of comprehensive and helpful information.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Glow Discharge Plasmas in Analytical Spectroscopy
Glow discharge devices have been utilized as spectrochemical sources for over one hundred years, dating back to the earliest studies of atomic structures. It has only been during the last 40 years that they have been employed in the arena of chemical analysis. Glow Discharge Plasmas in Analytical Spectroscopy presents the state of the art in the use of these devices across a wide range of applications, including materials science, environmental analysis, and bioanalytical chemistry. Glow discharge devices are well known for their application in direct solids elemental analysis of metals and alloys by optical and mass spectrometries. These basic capabilities have been extended to the analysis of non-conducting materials such as glass and ceramics and the depth resolved analysis of all kinds of technical materials. This multi-author, edited volume includes chapters which deal with both basic and highly complex applications. Glow discharge devices are now being used in very novel ways for the analysis of liquids and gases, including molecular species detection and identification, an area that was beyond the perceived scope of applicability just ten years ago. It is expected that the next decade will see a growth in the interest and application of glow discharge devices far surpassing the expectations of the last century.
Flame Tree Publishing City of Angels
The year is 1924. Sam Lacy, a tough-as-nails homicide detective, follows his own code of conduct within the racist and corrupt Los Angeles Police Department. Sam's beautiful ex-girlfriend has been murdered and a sadistic predator is assaulting young Chinese women. Are the crimes connected and can Sam stop the killers before powerful forces stop him? Sometimes, a good detective can't let the law get in his way. Sam navigates L.A.'s seedy underbelly with help from an unlikely trio: Sam's partner, Lonnie, a handsome detective whose cavalier attitude conceals a troubled past outside of the law; Sam's friend, Edward Bixby, a brilliant man whose crucial forensic work is performed off the books since the LAPD would never hire a Black man for a murder investigation; and Susan, Sam's sister and moral compass, a war widow and mother who pursues leads of her own. The story takes place in the movie capital of the world, a city that attracts wide-eyed innocents and cold-hearted killers; a City of Angels. FLAME TREE PRESS is the new fiction imprint of Flame Tree Publishing. Launched in 2018 the list brings together brilliant new authors and the more established; the award winners, and exciting, original voices.
Fonthill Media LLc Philadelphia's Streetcar Heritage
Philadelphia's Streetcar Heritage is a photographic essay of the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, streetcar system. The first electric streetcar line in Philadelphia opened in 1892 and quickly replaced horsecar service by 1897. Streetcar lines were merged into the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company (PRT) in 1902 to achieve a unified system. There were 1,500 new streetcars purchased by 1913, which was the largest fleet of standardized streetcars ever purchased by one transit company. Ridership dropped during the Depression, and PRT reorganized as the Philadelphia Transportation Company (PTC) in 1940. After National City Lines (NCL) obtained control of PTC in 1955, many streetcar lines became bus operated. Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) acquired PTC in 1968. The overhaul of 112 Presidents' Conference Committee (PCC) cars began in 1979. Kawasaki Heavy Industries built 112 streetcars (light rail vehicles) for the subway surface lines. With buses taking over Route 15 (Girard Avenue) in 1992, only five subway surface lines remained. SEPTA restored Route 15 streetcar service in 2005 using Brookville Equipment Corporation rebuilt PCCII cars. Philadelphia's Streetcar Heritage documents the city's streetcars, including Fairmount Park Trolleys and trackless trolleys.