Search results for ""Emerald Publishing Limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited The Savvy Investor’s Guide to Building Wealth Through Alternative Investments
Do you want to see your wealth grow? If so, then this easy-to-read guide that focuses on alternative investments - hedge funds, private equity, real estate, commodities, and infrastructure - is just for you. The fourth book in The H. Kent Baker Investments Series attempts to remove some of the mystery surrounding these investments so that you can determine whether any of these are right for you. If you're willing to gain the necessary knowledge, you may be able to build long-term wealth by taking advantage of the benefits that each investment has to offer. The Savvy Investor's Guide to Building Wealth Through Alternative Investments is written for investors familiar with traditional investments but with limited knowledge of alternative assets and strategies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Great Debates in Higher Education Book Set 20172019
We know higher education is more than effective teaching and learning.This series examine the issues impacting HE providers, students, reputations and longevity of institutions across the world. Great Debates are just that - discussions designed to assess and evaluate the state of higher education systems, policies as well as social and economicimpacts looking at inclusivity, accessibility, safety and leadership. These topics resonate with students, researchers and HE administrators alike.Titles included in this set:Teaching Excellence in Higher Education:Challenges, Changes and the Teaching Excellence Framework; British Universities in the Brexit Moment:Political, Economic and Cultural Implications; Higher Education Funding and Access in International Perspective; Sexual Violence on Campus:Power-Conscious Approaches to Awareness, Prevention, and Response; Evaluating Scholarship and Research Impact
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Guide to Ann Oakley
Emerald Publishing Limited Flapjacks and Feudalism: Social Mobility and Class in The Archers
Flapjacks and Feudalism: Social Mobility and Class in The Archers is an excavation into the family and class politics found in the clans of the residents of Ambridge, in BBC Radio 4's The Archers. A whole section of the book is devoted to 'The Fall of the House of Aldridge', with Brian's ethical misdemeanours and fall from grace, looking at how Brian could have hidden his scandals and changed the impressions surrounding him as a 'feckless farmer'. Another section sees the parenting skills, or complete lack of them, of the Ambridge clans put on trial, and used to predict the future leaders of Ambridge. Chapters in the book discuss the power of family and community networks, the oppression of the Grundys by the lords of the manor, and Emma Grundy's housing woes and the importance of housing in the success and security of those in the village. This book explores how far housing, intergenerational wealth, skills and access to employment shape life chances of characters and shows that, perhaps more than anywhere else, its not what you know but who you know.
Emerald Publishing Limited Imperialism and Transitions to Socialism
This collection of essays is designed to shed light on the issues of imperialism and the transitions to socialism. Written by eighteen contributors, from twelve countries and three continents, it is organized into two main parts. The first section delves into the theoretical aspects, the analysis of which is key for understanding the subject under consideration. The second part of the volume is focused on the examination of practical experiences of socialist transition, more or less advanced and with varying degrees of success, in China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Brazil. Imperialism and Transitions to Socialism argues that countries wanting to embark on a socialist transition is not only a response to a spirit of justice, but also an answer to the call of reason: it is a question of survival for humanity, and for life. Socialism is not just a word, it is a struggle. It is not an end, but a transition process, long and difficult, that can take many paths towards the liberation of labour from the domination of capital. It is socialism, a society of solidarity, which walks with history.
Emerald Publishing Limited Voices of Teenage Transplant Survivors: Miracle-Like
While the physical and emotional trials of waiting on transplant lists are featured in popular media, the struggles recipients face years after surgery are not. Voices of Teenage Transplant Survivors introduces illness narratives from an unrecognized patient population: recipients of heart, liver, and kidney transplants. Offering unique narratives by adolescents who use poetry to explore issues surrounding the changing body, independence, identity, and mortality, the book showcases a message of healing and voices of hope amid uncertainty. Illuminating the physical, psychological, and existential challenges confronted by adolescents for which organ rejection and side effects loom in their future, Sample details the poetry workshops where these adolescents articulated experiences silenced by family, friends, and the culture of medicine. She includes close readings and analyses of their writings, along with writing prompts and references to narrative medicine theory. This powerful book offers something new for medical and health professionals, medical humanities researchers, students, and the public.
Emerald Publishing Limited Family Carers and Caring: What It's All About
Carers and caring are contemporary global issues of growing political and societal significance. Changing demographics in the UK and beyond, as well as policy drivers promoting community-based living, mean that the family is increasingly the site of care for relatives with long term support needs. Whilst there is a plethora of literature on carers it tends to be situated in separate subject areas. For the first time Family Carers and Caring brings together a range of material and evidence about carers from different sources presented in an accessible and yet academically informed way. Milne and Larkin help to make sense of the complexities of family carers and caring, carving a coherent path through the academic, policy, socio-political, and practice terrain. Family Carers and Caring is explicitly underpinned by principles of social justice and rights, focusing on how inequalities intersect with caring.
Emerald Publishing Limited Building Business Value through Talent: The CEO and CHRO Partnership Guide
Building Business Value through Talent uniquely describes how a CEO and CHRO can accelerate business growth by working together to design and operationalize value-driven talent strategies. CEOs focus on decisions that will drive the business strategy forward while HR leaders routinely try to satisfy the needs of the largest number of employees. Often, the two align superficially or in administrative ways – and to put out the occasional flash fire. This book changes that dynamic by unlocking the investment potential of HR and empowering an unprecedented, tangible and measurable partnership between CEOs and CHROs. Framed as a product guide, the "product" is visualized as the HR Operating Model necessary to succeed in our modern economy: a business-based talent planning and investment strategy to sustain talent solutions and intellectual capital growth. This product guide provides the tools and insights that business leaders are seeking in order to win the ever more challenging battles in their war for talent. Learning and adopting these winning practices will provide a visible testament to the effective leadership of any CEO and CHRO team.
Emerald Publishing Limited Health and Labor Markets
A country's economic productivity is directly related to the health of its workforce. Thus, how a nation allocates resources to the physical health of its population is of vital importance in establishing the economic well-being of its citizens. This volume contains nine original and innovative articles that investigate the relationship between a nation's health policies, employee health and resulting labor market outcomes. Topics include the direct link between employees' health and wages, the employment impact of an unfavorable health shock, the relationship between job insecurity and a worker's mental health, the effect of career disruptions on already chronically ill workers, the consequences of arbitrary health insurance disenrollments, the impact of reducing publically available sick day benefits, the repercussions of increasing employers' sick pay benefits on absenteeism, the relationship between economic conditions and opioid abuse, and the consequences of parental migration on children's health. For researchers and students of labor economics, or anyone interested in understanding how a country's health policies affect its economic productivity, this volume is a fundamental text.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Definitive Guide to Blockchain for Accounting and Business: Understanding the Revolutionary Technology
Blockchain: a disruptive technology, or a new chance for the business world? The answer is both. With potential to change how economic transactions are recorded, stored, and verified, blockchain is changing the very face of the accounting industry. Despite its ramifications, business students of today and the practicing accountants of tomorrow are not being adequately trained in this new technology, due to a lack of resources exploring it from an accountant and business expert's perspective. Through its discussion of real-world and 'use-cases' The Definitive Guide to Blockchain for Business and Accounting distils an abstract technology into relatable experiences for business professionals. Including chapters from practicing professionals in the blockchain industry, The Definitive Guide shows readers how this innovative technology is changing the fundamentals of the business world. With international subject matter experts, this exciting new book includes perspectives from accountants, auditors, CEOs and CTOs on how blockchain is rewriting the future of the business and accounting world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mad Muse: The Mental Illness Memoir in a Writer's Life and Work
Mental illness can often be the driving force behind creativity. This relationship is never more apparent than in the memoirs of writers who have lived, worked and created with a mental illness. Mad Muse examines and unpicks this fascinating relationship, demonstrating that mental illness is often intergenerational while the story of mental illness is intertextual. The study begins with William Styron's iconic memoir Darkness Visible, moving through a succession of mental illness memoirs from some of the most important authors in the genre, including Kate Millett, Kay Redfield Jamison, Linda Sexton, Lauren Slater, Andrew Solomon and Elyn Saks. From memoirs that blur the boundaries between historical truth and narrative truth to a first-person account of schizophrenia, Berman discusses the challenges of reading books which inspire hope and courage in many readers but may also sometimes have unintended consequences. In so doing, it illuminates the complex, co-existing relationship between the arts and mental health and represents an invaluable contribution to the study of health humanities.
Emerald Publishing Limited SDG3 - Good Health and Wellbeing: Re-Calibrating the SDG Agenda
Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG3) supplements the 2030 UN Agenda by inspiring ideologies and implementation concerning global health and wellbeing. This book offers insider-view analysis and unique access points into SDG3 implications, community-based responses and innovative proposals, including considerations of Earth as a key stakeholder in sustainability conversations. Written by leading experts in the field, the book presents essays and case studies on sustainability frameworks of Canadian First Nations, cultural groundworks of Aboriginal Australians, HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia, IT-health data analytics in Hong Kong, health-promoting schools in Scotland, Laos, Hong Kong, Australia, and WHO projects in Europe and the Pacific. The book serves as a representative and provocative resource for those wishing to further explore the scope of research, developments, bottom-up interventions and far-reaching visions relating to SDG3.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research-practice Partnerships for School Improvement: The Learning Schools Model
There is an increasing focus on research-practice partnerships that adopt research designs aimed at improving educational practice while advancing research knowledge. There is now a need for books that provide a theoretical and practical account of successful research designs that have been tested and replicated over time and contexts. This book addresses this need by providing the first comprehensive account of the Learning Schools Model (LSM), a design-based research-practice partnership that has been tested over 15 years and across contexts and countries (n=5). This model has successfully built teacher and school capacity and improved valued student outcomes for primarily indigenous and ethnic minority students from lower socio-economic communities. The quality of research into the model has been recognised locally and internationally. The International Literacy Association reprinted a paper on the original model in their volume “Theoretical models and processes of Reading (6th Ed)”. The authors won the University of Auckland’s Research Excellence Award (2015), awarded for research of demonstrable quality and impact, for their research into the Model. This book addresses several gaps in the existing literature on research-practice partnerships. Firstly, understanding applications in contexts beyond the USA where much of the seminal work is located adds to our collective understanding of contexts in terms of constraints and enablers. Secondly, we provide a theoretical account of partnership development and demonstrate how these are practically developed in situ to address the known need for stronger theoretical understandings of partnership development and better training in developing partnerships. Finally, our book demonstrates how research can be both responsive to context and yet have robust and replicable research designs that improve valued student outcomes over time and contexts. This in turn provides an alternate research approach for countries where randomised control trials are often the “gold standard” for interventions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mentoring Millennials in an Asian Context: Talent Management Insights from Singapore
Millennials make up 25% of Asians. As this huge demographic surges towards becoming a substantial contributor to Asia’s workforce, organisations continue to face engagement and retention challenges due to multi-generational workplace conflicts. Mentoring research in Western nations has consistently shown that mentoring brings tangible benefits to the organisation in the areas of job satisfaction, organisational commitment and employee retention, but would such observations apply to an Asian context? Taking Singapore as a point of reference, Mentoring Millennials in an Asian Context tackles this question head-on. It addresses both how millennials in Singapore perceive their mentors and how mentors can become better equipped for their mentoring. It identifies, analyses and offers solutions to existing problems such as inconsistent methods, a lack of mentoring knowledge and an urgent need to evolve with the times. For its 21st-century, region-specific approach, this book is an insightful read for HR academics and researchers, as well as C-Suite decision makers, senior managers and talent management coaches who wish to shape onboarding and mentoring policies for better engagement, retention and recruitment in preparation for the post-millennial generation in Asia.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Impacts of Monetary Policy in the 21st Century: Perspectives from Emerging Economies
Since the turn of the 21st century, the global economy has faced several significant financial crises such as the monetary mismanagements of the EURO Zone countries struggling with sovereign debt problems, the Global Financial Crisis between 2007 and 2009 preceded by the housing market collapse, and the Quantitative Easing Policies used by the US Central Bank. The Impacts of Monetary Policy in the 21st Century: Perspectives from Emerging Economies explores and analyses how monetary authorities have handled and continue to confront these issues of economic crises at both a global and country-specific level. The book establishes the effect of monetary policies upon economic indicators during the 21st Century at the global, regional, group or country levels, with an emphasis upon emerging economies such as India. In looking at the effects of globalization, demonetization and inflation targeting through the use of panel regression models, unit root tests and case studies, the book provides a unique coverage of quantitative financial economics. The Impacts of Monetary Policy in the 21st Century is an illuminating book for postgraduate-level students, researchers and academics in the fields of economics and finance to help develop their understanding of the severe impact of monetary policies upon global economic systems and emerging economies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Advances in Management Accounting (AIMA) is a publication of quality applied research in management accounting. The journal's purpose is to publish thought-provoking articles that advance knowledge in the management accounting discipline and are of interest to both academics and practitioners. As one of the premier management accounting research journals, AIMA is well-poised to meet the needs of management accounting scholars. Featured in Volume 31 are articles on: Competitor monitor and revenue management in hotels; The tie between CEO compensation and the 2008 financial crisis; The inclusion of qualitative measures in CEO incentive compensation; The association between performance-based pay and employee honesty; Managerial ability’s linkage to earnings management within discontinued operations; Cash-to-cash and its association with long-term profitability in the manufacturing industry.
Emerald Publishing Limited Designing Local e-Government: The Pillars of Organizational Structure
In the age of digitalization, even the way we govern is adapting. Recently, with the successful implementation of e-governments, the way our systems are organized has changed. Here, Israel Patiño Galvan suggests a specialized design structure as an alternative to the new, digital governments that are becoming increasingly more common. Through a thorough exploration of the history of these structures, and through field research in Mexico, serious deficiencies have been identified in the ways in which these e-governments have been implemented. Instead, Galvan offers a tri-phase solution to designing local governments, placing the direction and division of Information Technologies at the core to support the modernization and optimization process. For researchers and practitioners in public administration, information technologies, or information systems, this is a vital text providing a detailed case study as support for a new organizational system.
Emerald Publishing Limited Managing Technology and Middle- and Low-skilled Employees: Advances for Economic Regeneration
As technological change and digital disruption becomes normalized in the fourth industrial revolution, workplace leaders are seeking new solutions to evolving problems. Managing Technology and Middle- and Low-Skilled Employees is an illuminating study of workplace leadership for improving the employee experience and adjusting the organizational culture to reduce tensions between technology and people at work. Reliance on artificial intelligence has created apprehension and anxiety among some employees and the general public as they try to understand whether or not employees will be replaced by new technologies. This book examines technological developments, such as artificial intelligence and big data, and reveals the practical implications of how people and new technologies can co-exist, harmoniously, within the workplace through virtual teams. Managing Technology and Middle- and Low-Skilled Employees offers routes to new solutions for scholars and professionals in the fields of business, human resource development, human resource management, information systems, and workforce development.
Emerald Publishing Limited Integrating Gender in Agricultural Development: Learnings from South Pacific Contexts
South Pacific island nations are committed to international agreements and regional declarations to progress gender equality within their own territories, yet progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 5, Gender Equality, has been reported as slow and uneven. Tackling persistent gender inequalities in agriculture has been identified as a priority due to the industry's commercial importance to economies and communities across the region, and its role in food security. This book is grounded in the ideology that an alignment between the conceptual and practical understandings of gender equality is a critical component of sustainable development. Two introductory chapters establish the book's broader context. The following chapters draw on six rural case studies from Melanesia (Vanuatu, Fiji and Papua New Guinea) and Polynesia (Samoa and Tonga) across cropping, livestock, horticulture and aquaculture sectors to examine the various ways in which gender has been integrated in agricultural research for development projects. The case study authors explore the opportunities and challenges involved in integrating or mainstreaming gender, from research design to implementation, and reflect on the lessons learned. The final chapters synthesise these shared, field-based learnings and positions them within contemporary gender concepts to contribute to an understanding of how they are translated in practice to diverse South Pacific contexts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Corporate and Shari'ah Governance in the Muslim World: Theory and Practice
Corporate governance is oriented around the values of fairness, transparency and accountability. The comprehension and measurement of these objectives is subject to the social and economic attributes of the corporate arena. Significant bodies of intellectual work have approached an assessment of corporate governance from perspectives such as differences in management practices, economic advancements, financial management, as well as regional and country constituents. But little is known about the Islamic perspective on the conceptualization, structure and practice of corporate governance. Research in Corporate and Shari'ah Governance in the Muslim World: Theory and Practice aims to address a critical disciplinary gap between Islamic theory and the practice of the corporate sector in the Muslim World. Adopting a critical approach, the book sheds light on the impact of corporate governance on the economies of the Muslim world. It presents an examination of: Corporate governance in Islamic financial institutions The efficiency of the Islamic Jurisprudence system The common conceptual grounds of corporate structure in the Muslim World The composition of business leaders in the Muslim World Using standard tools of analysis, the book presents a logically consistent synthesis of key variables with critical economic reasoning. It extends the conventional scope of corporate governance to form a basis for common understanding of how it operates in the Muslim world. The book will prove useful to those who research, study and practice in this field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender, Sex and Gossip in Ambridge: Women in The Archers
The intrepid team of researchers who brought you Custard, Culverts and Cake: Academics on Life in The Archers return with a hard-hitting exposé on the lives of the women of Ambridge. In this new book, the Archers Academics are joined by former The Archers editor, Alison Hindell and real-life Academic Archer Dr Charlotte Connor (a.k.a. Susan Carter), to examine the power of gossip in Ambridge, portrayals of love, marriage, and motherhood, female education and career expectations, women's mental health and the hard-won right of women to play cricket. Gender, Sex and Gossip in Ambridge gives the reader a deeper understanding of the real life issues covered in the programme, an insight into the residents of Ambridge, and validation that hours of listening to The Archers is, in fact, academic research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Racial Inequality in Mathematics Education: Exploring Academic Identity as a Sense of Belonging
Reform initiatives in mathematics education have been reluctant to embrace racial equity as a core or guiding principle. The field is replete with studies on Black students' poor performance in mathematics education and of its persistence. Conversely, success in mathematics is rarely associated with groups of African or African American descent. The abundance of data on the failure of Black students in mathematics has contributed to mainstream beliefs of a racial hierarchy of mathematics ability in America. This perception has not only shaped attitudes and behaviors of educational practitioners, but it has contributed to the alienation of many students from the community of 'doers of mathematics.' This study examines the mathematics identity of a group of seniors enrolled in honor's pre-calculus at a comprehensive high school. Data collected and analyzed for this book shows that participants, in spite of a history of success in mathematics and despite viewing the classroom as opportunity to challenge disparaging views of Black Americans, refused to seek membership in the math community. Saintine focuses on the mathematic identity construction of 11 Black students and their own perception of mathematics education. This work offers new insights into the racial opportunity-gap in mathematics and challenges longstanding assumptions about 'what' or 'who' is a math person.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Quirks of Digital Culture
The culture we consume is increasingly delivered to us via various digital on-demand platforms. The last decade has seen platforms like Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Spotify, Google and the like become massive players in shaping cultural consumption. But how can we understand culture once it moves on to big tech platforms? How can we make sense of the changes this brings to our lives? These platforms have the power to shape our cultural landscape and to use data, algorithms and other technological means to shape our experiences, from what we remember through to what we know and even the speed and accessibility of culture. This book asks how can we understand the chaos and messiness of on-demand culture? Beer suggests that we focus on the quirks and use these as openings to see inside patterns and dynamics of these new cultural formations. By exploring the strange quirks that typify our new on-demand culture, this book seeks to answer these questions. The Quirks of Digital Culture is a guide to understanding the complex and unsettling cultural present, whilst also casting an eye on how our consumption and cultural experiences may unfold in what seems like an unpredictable future.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Worlds and the Leisure Experience
Scholars in leisure studies have amassed an impressive record of knowledge bearing on the social worlds of diverse serious pursuits, yet this sphere of modern life still needs a coherent statement about what social worlds consist of, what they do, and where they fit in social theory. The core activities at the base of the leisure experience are pursued within the social world that encompasses such activity. To understand more fully why people are attracted to and continue with a serious pursuit, we must also understand its social world. This concept is anchored in social theory and, in the domain of leisure, the serious leisure perspective. The social world and its accompanying ethos are centrally implicated as one of six distinctive qualities of the serious pursuits. Taking inspiration from Anselm Strauss, this book discusses the members of leisure social worlds and the activities they enthusiastically pursue, as well as examining the culture and communications of these worlds.
Emerald Publishing Limited Link: How Decision Intelligence Connects Data, Actions, and Outcomes for a Better World
Why aren't the most powerful new technologies being used to solve the world's most important problems: hunger, poverty, conflict, inequality, employment, disease? What's missing? From a pioneer in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning comes a thought-provoking book that answers these questions. In Link: How Decision Intelligence Connects Data, Actions, and Outcomes for a Better World, Dr. Lorien Pratt explores the solution that is emerging worldwide to take Artificial Intelligence to the next level: Decision Intelligence. Decision Intelligence (DI) goes beyond AI as well, connecting human decision makers in multiple areas like economics, optimization, big data, analytics, psychology, simulation, game theory, and more. Yet despite the sophistication of these approaches, Link shows how they can be used by you and me: connecting us in a way that supercharges our ability to meet the interconnected challenges of our age. Pratt tells the stories of decision intelligence pioneers worldwide, along with examples of their work in areas that include government budgeting, space exploration, emerging democracy conflict resolution, banking, leadership, and much more. Link delivers practical examples of how DI connects people to computers and to each other to help us solve complex interconnected problems. Link explores a variety of scenarios that show readers how to design solutions that change the way problems are considered, data is analyzed, and technologies work together with people. Technology and academics has accelerated beyond our ability to understand or effectively control them. Link brings technology down to earth and connects it to our more natural ways of thinking. It offers a roadmap to the future, empowering us all to make practical steps and take the best actions to solve the hardest problems.
Emerald Publishing Limited Creating Entrepreneurial Space: Talking Through Multi-Voices, Reflections on Emerging Debates
Entrepreneurship is still regarded by many as in the theory building stage, which has led to some commentaries to suggest that the field is fragmented and at a nascent stage of development. Developing a critical and constructive position towards current theories, methods, assumptions and beliefs, the book seeks to question the prevailing assumptions currently dominating entrepreneurial researching and practice. The book brings together leading thinkers, practitioners and researchers in the field to draw upon new theoretical perspectives and approaches as a means of illustrating the inherently social and contextualized nature of entrepreneurial practice, and advance the manner in which we critically think about and engage with various aspects of entrepreneurial practice and development. Including a unique combination of studies that illustrate critical perspectives of current entrepreneurship research, the book covers a broad spectrum in terms of topics and approaches, as well as in terms of diversity and critique in their perspectives towards entrepreneurial practice and scholarship.
Emerald Publishing Limited Making Aid Agencies Work: Reconnecting INGOs with the People They Serve
The development industry is worth billions. International non-governmental organizations (INGOs) have become an integral component in international development and humanitarian response. Yet as recent scandals at Save the Children and Oxfam have highlighted, such organizations can overstep moral boundaries, raising questions about the scale, power and role of INGOs. Are they dedicated to continuous learning and self-improvement, or are they development dinosaurs driven by their own need for survival and by the political agendas of their paymasters? Drawing upon his experience as an international development practitioner-one who has worked with NGOs large and small, international and local, in over 40 countries-and drawing also upon his own academic research, Terry Gibson addresses these questions head on. He combines large-scale industry analysis with attention to the lives and worlds of the people the aid industry aims to serve, and he demonstrates how to overcome barriers between the two worlds and free flows of learning, resources, and even political influences that might lead to better outcomes. Making Aid Agencies Work is essential reading for practitioners and researchers, as well as for anyone concerned about the future of this vital area of human endeavour.
Emerald Publishing Limited Achieving Academic Promotion
Academic promotion doesn't come easy: a successful application requires you to demonstrate continued growth in every area of your role as a researcher, educator and member of the academic community. Furthermore, the detail of the promotions process varies from one country to another and even from one institution to another. So where does an ambitious academic start? Achieving Academic Promotion demystifies the process by bringing together international perspectives - both personal accounts and reflections on the structures and processes of promotion in different contexts - to help you understand the steps you can take at any stage of your career to move up the ladder. Featuring compelling and encouraging personal stories of success, as well as practical tips and takeaways, this timely book is essential reading for the academic who wants to be promotion-ready.
Emerald Publishing Limited Primary Teachers, Inspection and the Silencing of the Ethic of Care
This book offers a unique and critical explication of teachers' understanding and experience of care during a period of regulatory scrutiny and 'notice to improve'. Written following research in a primary school in the north of England, it draws on the findings of an institutional ethnography to reveal the institutional mediation of the teachers' everyday work. Written from a critical interpretivist standpoint, the focus moves away from care as essentialist practice by foregrounding the teachers' talk, through 'I' poems, to explicate the political mediation of care. Care is understood, experienced and operates in a social milieu. It is not fixed and, importantly, is not understood as a practice or an emotional exchange between one person and another. In this book, Joan Tronto's (1993) argument for a 'political ethic of care' is utilised as a conceptual framework for understanding teachers' experiences. It is an alternative to approaches that individualise a teacher's caring practices as only belonging in the intimate, proximal domains of care giving and care receiving.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Digital Pill: What Everyone Should Know about the Future of Our Healthcare System
Information technology is changing healthcare in numerous wide-ranging aspects, including significantly improving the overall quality of patient care and therefore helping to reduce limitations in people's daily lives. The Digital Pill reflects on how digital technologies can combat chronic diseases including diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular, respiratory and neurodegenerative diseases as well as mental disorders. Chronic diseases touch every family, generate infinite suffering and cause the lion's share of every countries' healthcare spending across the world. The authors carefully study a broad selection of contemporary companies and healthcare organizations that are shaping digital healthcare. They report pioneering cases from large and small technology, insurance, and pharmaceutical companies as well as healthcare providers of all sorts across the globe and bring forward patterns and corner stones of an affordable and patient centric digital healthcare. The Digital Pill is essential reading for anyone working in, engaged with or interested in understanding the future of healthcare.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Romance of Heroism and Heroic Leadership
Heroes permeate our culture. From superheroes on screen to the everyday heroics of our public services, the word 'hero' is a familiar descriptor in every form of media. But what makes a hero? And what makes heroes 'heroic'?Leadership experts George R. Goethals and Scott T. Allison explore how the romantic conceptions of heroes and heroic leaders are constructed, both in real life and in our heads. Looking at the dichotomy of heroism and villainy, they offer insights into Donald Trump's ascension to the US presidency, particularly detailing the correspondence between the needs of the US public and the promises the former reality TV star made in reply. They also consider how three highly charismatic men dramatically and fundamentally changed American society in the mid-twentieth century - Martin Luther King (1929-1968), Elvis Presley (1935-1977), and Muhammad Ali (1942-2016), called here the "Three Kings" of the US. This exciting and innovative study explores how charisma and human needs create images of individuals as heroes and villains. For researchers and students of psychology and leadership, this is a fundamental text on the creation of both genuine heroes, and false idols.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Taxation
Volume 25 features eight articles. In the lead article, Savannah Guo, Sabrina Chi, and Kirsten Cook examine short selling as one external determinant of corporate tax avoidance and find that short interest is negatively associated with subsequent tax-avoidance levels and this effect is incremental to other factors identified by prior research. Next, Mark Bauman and Cathalene Rogers Bowler examine the effect of FIN48 on earnings management activity, by focusing on changes in the deferred tax asset valuation allowance. In the third article, Anthony Billings, Cheol Lee, and Jaegul Lee study whether the lowering of dividend taxes as part of the U.S. Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 resulted in an increase in dividend payouts at the expense of R&D spending. The fourth article by Brian Dowis and Ted Englebrecht examines reasonable compensation in closely-held corporations and the impact of gender, political affiliation, and family makeup on decisions made in the U.S. Tax Court. Then, a practice-related study by Sonja Pippin, Jeffrey Wong, and Richard Mason reports on a survey of Americans living abroad on the impact of tax rules explicitly designed for these individuals. They find that Americans living abroad experience the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act as negatively impacting their lives. The next three articles in this volume have an international focus. Zakir Akhand investigates the effects of the corporate sector on the effectiveness of selected tax compliance instruments in the context of large Bangladesh corporate taxpayers. K-Rine Chong and Murugesh Arunachalam examine the determinants of enforced tax compliance behaviour of Malaysian citizens with trust in the tax agency assumed to be a mediating variable. Lastly, Bitzenis and Vasileios investigate the effect of the economic downturn in Greece on the factors determining the level of tax morale through primary data from a European Union funded research project on the Greek shadow economy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Special Issue: Law and the Imagining of Difference
Studies in Law, Politics, and Society provides a vehicle for the publication of scholarly articles within the broad parameters of interdisciplinary legal scholarship. In this latest edition of this highly successful research series, chapters examine a diverse range of legal issues and their impact on and intersections with society. This volume focusses on Law and the Imagining of Difference with each chapter examining how law responds to the claims of difference, how and when it recognizes difference and accommodates it, as well as when and why such recognition and accommodation is resisted. Topics covered include disability, same-sex marriage and gender equality. This volume brings together leading scholars and will be vital reading for all those researching in this subject area.
Emerald Publishing Limited Holocaust and Human Rights Education: Good Choices and Sociological Perspectives
Educators and students face many questions when exploring the history of the Holocaust. Both the harrowing historical narrative and its wider contemporary implications make the Holocaust an essential part of our education, whilst simultaneously bringing to the fore challenging questions of how best to recount such an event. This book addresses these crucial questions by exploring the way in which we teach and learn about the Holocaust. It demonstrates how we can dignify memories of the Holocaust by joining with resilient survivors, as well as how careful discussion and interpretation of definitions and appropriate representations can link the Holocaust to human rights and international law. It also highlights that understanding the Holocaust serves as a catalyst for the expansion of human rights and for genocide prevention. Throughout, Polgar applies sociological concepts that can help all of us to understand how the Holocaust has become both a particular concern for Jewish and European groups and also a basis for laws and practices that support universal human rights. Advocating for the inclusion of the Holocaust in multicultural education, this text will prove invaluable to students, researchers and educators alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting
Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting is devoted to publishing high-quality research and cases that focus on the professional responsibilities of accountants and how they deal with the ethical issues they face. The series features articles on a broad range of important and timely topics, including professionalism, social responsibility, corporate responsibility, ethical judgments, and accountability. The professional responsibilities of accountants are broad-based; they must serve clients and user groups whose needs, incentives, and goals may be in conflict. Further, accountants must interpret and apply codes of conduct, accounting and auditing principles, and securities regulations. Compliance with professional guidelines is judgment-based, and characteristics of the individual, the culture, and situation affect how these guidelines are interpreted and applied, as well as when they might be violated. Interactions between accountants, regulators, standard setters, and industries also have ethical components. Research into the nature of these interactions, resulting dilemmas, and how and why accountants resolve them is the focus of this journal.
Emerald Publishing Limited Rethinking the Business Models of Business Schools: A Critical Review and Change Agenda for the Future
Management education growth and the rise in accompanying business schools over the last few decades are fuelled by global economic development, coupled with the promise of success in business careers. Recently, questions have been raised about the value and relevance of a traditional business school education – so what does the future hold for traditional business schools? In this book, we examine the current model and the pressure points of business schools by considering the evolution of – and the various value chains that are associated with – business school offerings (including MBA, undergraduate, pre-experienced and executive programmes). We also offer insight on funding and value orientation, and the potential challenges these may raise for some schools. To highlight these challenges, we provide a strategic group framework for business schools and review the implications of future strategies for these groups. Finally, after reviewing the current landscape of business school mergers, alliances and failures, we reflect on innovation considerations for the business school business model. Management education is changing, and business schools must be ready to re-evaluate their strategies for growth… and, in some cases, survival.
Emerald Publishing Limited Diversity within Diversity Management: Country-Based Perspectives
Nowadays, managing and promoting diversity is of paramount importance to the future of sustainability and the political and business agenda. Despite a tremendous growth in diversity management scholarship in recent years, a strong tendency has emerged whereby existing theories focus on a single level of analysis, using a limited range of mostly Western research settings, and on a narrow range of diversity types. Diversity research has insofar focused on prioritizing visible forms of diversity, such as gender or disability, with less emphasis placed on diversity in culture and values internationally. This edited book provides new practical and strategic insights for practitioners, managers, students and policy makers; it delves into the strategic nature of policy intervention with thought-provoking contributions written by experts from around the world. Contributors aim to provide critical reflection of current debate areas on workplace equality and diversity in under-researched countries to inform and support evidence-based decision making for a wide variety of academic and practice-oriented stakeholders.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Catalyst Effect: 12 Skills and Behaviors to Boost Your Impact and Elevate Team Performance
Have you ever known colleagues who the minute they stepped into the conference room, on stage, or onto the playing field, elevated the performance of everyone around them? Someone whose impact within the team could be seen in nearly everything that was said and done? These individuals are catalysts - they spark excellence in the behavior and the performance of the entire team. The Catalyst Effect identifies the behaviors and skills needed to lead from wherever you are, regardless of your role or title. It describes powerful leadership and teamwork principles—12 clearly defined competencies, based on field research with professionals in business, sports, the arts, and non-profit organizations—that will elevate the performance of individuals, teams, and your entire organization. This essential guide will show you how to learn and practice these catalytic competencies and help your group and organization achieve greater success, improve team dynamics, and help teammates grow in stature while magnifying their value.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Global Leadership
This volume continues to advance both global leadership research and practice by bridging and integrating conceptual, empirical and practitioner perspectives to provide a deeper understanding of this rapidly growing field of study. Part I presents innovative foundational research on global leadership processes, systematic bibliometric literature reviews, and a holistic approach to talent selection. Part II, the Practitioner’s Corner, contains papers submitted in response to our call for global leadership development in university settings. The editors conclude with directions for future research as well as benchmarks for university global leadership programs and study abroad initiatives.This volume is a wonderful primer for anyone tasked with designing and assessing global leadership development programs for students. The Advances in Global Leadership series, with its finger firmly on the pulse of this exciting field, is a must-read book for scholars and practitioners alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited Corporate Social Responsibility
The Business and Society (BAS) 360 book series is an annual publication targeting cutting-edge developments in the broad business and society field, such as stakeholder management, corporate social responsibility and citizenship, business ethics, sustainability, corporate governance and others. Each volume will feature a comprehensive discussion and review of the current "state" of the research and theoretical developments in a specific business and society area. For instance, volume two focuses on research drawn from work grounded in "corporate social responsibility" and "corporate citizenship." Scholars known in this discipline contribute to a 360-degree evaluation of the theory, including cross-discipline research, empirical explorations, cross-cultural studies, literature critiques, and meta-analysis projects. As business and society is an inherently multi-disciplinary scholarly area, the book series will draw from work in areas outside of business and management, such as psychology, sociology, philosophy, religious studies, economics and other related fields, as well as the natural sciences, education, and other professional areas of study. This book series should appeal to wide range of readers - from emerging and senior business school educators researching and teaching in the business and society field to doctoral and masters level students across the business, social sciences and natural sciences seeking to learn about this multi-discipline and sustained field of management study. Business executives and managers could benefit from reading how the business and society field began, the path it has taken and the new, emerging directions that scholars envision for the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Market Research Methods in the Sports Industry
Whether professional or amateur, sports businesses must develop their brand and image to meet the expectations of a diverse environment, consisting of fans, sponsors, and other stakeholders. The value and instruments of market research can provide the required resources for sports businesses to realize their plans. In Market Research in the Sports Industry, Jasenko Ljubica and Neven Seric provide a comprehensive elaboration of market research methods to be used by sports businesses. The book identifies and explains the most effective uses of market research, drawing upon real-life case studies. The application of the methods presented in this book, ranging from the simplest - monitoring the environment – to the most complex sampling methods, can significantly contribute to the development of sports businesses by increasing the number of members, sponsors, followers and fans. The book will be invaluable for researchers, educators and students of Sports Management and Marketing, and it will also prove useful to sporting professionals seeking to gain a competitive edge in the market.
Emerald Publishing Limited Access to Success and Social Mobility through Higher Education: A Curate’s Egg?
This edited collection illuminates the benefits, drawbacks, challenges, opportunities of the push to widen access to success and social mobility through university and other post-secondary education experiences in the UK and internationally. It examines a range of particular case studies, and addresses issues including the role of part-time study, the experiences of BAME students, increasing access within rural communities, issues faced by those with mental health problems, and the role of employers. There has been some progress in some countries; increased access and enhanced success for some targeted populations, but not for others; and improvements in some regions of particular countries, but not for others. Efforts to improve access to success and social mobility, to strengthen the identification and nurturing of talent in every community and every corner of our societies, is, like the ‘curate’s egg’, only good in parts. This collection demonstrates that educational inequalities, unfairness and injustices still remain.
Emerald Publishing Limited Fuzzy Hybrid Computing in Construction Engineering and Management: Theory and Applications
This book provides an introduction to fuzzy logic and surveys emerging research trends and the application of state-of-the-art fuzzy hybrid computing techniques in the field of construction engineering and management. Authors cover the theory and implementation of fuzzy hybrid computing methodologies for arithmetic, optimization, machine learning, multi-criteria decision-making, simulation, cognitive maps and data modelling. The practical application of these techniques to solve real-world problems across a wide range of construction engineering and management issues is also demonstrated and discussed. The completion of effectively planned, executed and controlled construction projects is dependent on numerous interacting factors and human activities, both of which introduce vagueness and subjective uncertainty into already complex processes. While expert knowledge is an essential component of effective decision-making, analysis and consideration of expert knowledge expressed in linguistic terms remains a challenging aspect of construction engineering and management. Fuzzy logic, which has applications in many disciplines, has the potential to address certain challenges inherent in construction engineering and management, in part because of its strengths in modelling human reasoning, dealing with subjective uncertainty and computing with linguistic terms. However, fuzzy logic alone has a number of limitations that can only be overcome by its integration with other, complementary methodologies, together leading to advanced and powerful fuzzy hybrid computing techniques. This book is of particular interest to students, researchers and practitioners who want to learn about the latest developments in fuzzy hybrid computing in construction engineering and management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cross-Sectoral Relations in the Delivery of Public Services
The complex and ever-evolving relationship between the public sector and civil society at large is high on the policy and political agenda for the transformation of administrative and socio-economic systems in most developed countries. In this context, citizen associations, private businesses and non-profit organizations play a crucial role as potential actors of collaborative governance arrangements for both the prioritization and direct provision of public interest services. These settings are increasingly seen as powerful policy tools by which States may not only address issues related to the expenditure constraints which, in the current public financial situation, contingently limit and condition the direct delivery of such services by public institutions. They are also viewed as an opportunity for a definitive shift from traditional models of public administration in the sense that policies may be better designed, articulated, and governed through a collaborative approach, while service provision could be enhanced in terms of proximity, representativeness and innovativeness. This book assesses these cross-sectoral relations across the public sector from a variety of contexts. Chapters consider public service design, public governance systems, philanthropy, housing policies, performance management and a number of other issues across national and comparative settings.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Tourism-Disaster-Conflict Nexus
This volume sheds light on the complex linkages between tourism, disaster and conflict. In many countries, tourism crises have been precipitated by natural disasters. At the same time, the tourism industry has often been assigned a pivotal role in the reconstruction and recovery efforts. Prospective tourists have been lured into supporting post-disaster rehabilitation simply through visiting disaster-affected areas. Yet, prioritising the tourism sector in the recovery process may have unintended consequences: less touristic areas that have been severely affected by the disaster may receive less humanitarian relief support. Disaster recovery processes in the tourism industry can also be highly uneven, as multinational hotel chains tend to recover more swiftly and increase both their market share and their control over important resources. Politically well-connected tourist operators and wealthy local elites tend to exploit distorted recovery governance mechanisms and take advantage of the legal and institutional uncertainties triggered by disasters. Insecure, customary land rights of ethnic minority groups and indigenous people may be particularly prone to exploitation by opportunistic tourist operators in the aftermath of a disaster. When disasters strike settings of pre-existing conflict, they may exacerbate the situation by increasing competition over scarce resources and relief funds, or they may catalyse conflict resolution following an intolerable excess of additional suffering among fighting parties. Tourism ventures may offer post-conflict livelihood opportunities, but potentially trigger new conflicts. Disasters may instigate a morbid “dark tourism” industry that invites visitors to enter spaces of death and suffering at memorials, graves, museums, and sites of atrocity.
Emerald Publishing Limited Language, Teaching and Pedagogy for Refugee Education
This volume is focused on the core areas of imparting education to the refugee population and highlights the recent developments intended to meet an urgent need: that of the refugees who have no or very little previous schooling and who are in need of both language learning and furthering their studies for higher education. This book is designed to provide recognition to those who are working relentlessly towards imparting education to vulnerable people and giving them the tools they need to help withstand and recover from the effects of conflict and displacement. The chapters in this book speaks about some exemplary work done by individuals and institutions from Africa to Germany.
Emerald Publishing Limited Count Down: The Past, Present and Uncertain Future of the Big Four Accounting Firms - Second Edition
The second edition of “Count Down” is revised to include and discuss developments affecting the Big Four and their business model since the December 2015 release of the first edition. Brought into this updated narrative, for example, are: The Big Four’s growth to collective global 2016 revenue of $ 128 billion, and the continued disparities in growth between their Audit and Advisory practices. The imposition of mandatory auditor rotation by legislation and regulation in the European Union, and in the US, the PCAOB’s requirement to name lead partners on public company audits. New examples of corporate financial malfeasance and potentially disruptive auditor litigation, involving clients of each of the Big Four. In addition, this new edition expands in scope and details the required re-engineering by which – with the necessary mutual cooperation among financial statement issuers and users, the accounting profession, legislators, regulators and agencies of law enforcement – a sustainable structure for financial reporting and assurance might emerge -- that is, a Big Audit model truly fit to serve today’s global capital markets.
Emerald Publishing Limited Understanding Brexit: Why Britain Voted to Leave the European Union
On 23rd June 2016 the United Kingdom shocked the world by voting to leave the European Union. In this clear and concise book, Graham Taylor argues that the result is the most visible tip of an iceberg of social change that has been decades in the making. Hidden from view are a matrix of economic, socio-cultural and political dynamics that have wrought fundamental changes to the British state and society and the relationship between the UK and the rest of the world. These dynamics include the development of an increasingly financialized economy, de-industrialization and an increasing polarization of power and wealth, the resurgence of nationalism and sub-nationalisms and the realignment of electoral politics and emergence of political populism. This book highlights the historical and multifaceted nature of Brexit and its significance for Britain’s future, providing a rigorous and forensic analysis of the most dramatic event to confront contemporary British society since the Second World War.