Search results for ""Emerald Publishing Limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited The Olympic Games: A Critical Approach
Do the Olympic Games really live up to their glowing reputation? As the biggest global sport mega-event, the Olympics command public attention, while Olympic mythology obscures their underlying function as a profit-making business. Unlike terms such as 'Olympic movement' and 'Olympic family', the concept of 'Olympic industry' focuses on sport as an economic and political enterprise, with its beneficiaries including sponsors, media rights holders, developers, and politicians. Negative impacts on host cities disproportionately threaten the lives and well-being of disadvantaged minorities. Citizens' Olympic resistance campaigns address a range of human rights abuses, while recent athlete activism also focuses on the doping problem and the sexual abuse of girls and women. Female athletes with 'differences of sexual development' face discriminatory gender policies that disqualify them from women's events. All of these issues are analysed through a feminist, anti-racist lens.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Networked School Leader: How to Improve Teaching and Student Outcomes using Learning Networks
As accountability increases while budgets decrease, a growing number of school leaders and policy-makers are turning their attention to Professional Learning Networks (PLNs) as a way of improving education and student outcomes in schools and across school systems. Although PLNs can have real benefits for teachers and students, a number of underpinning conditions need to be in place to ensure these networks have real impact. Key amongst these conditions is effective leadership. The role of school leaders is crucial to ensure that there is meaningful participation by their teachers in network activity and that this participation makes a difference within teachers' 'home' schools. In this timely book Chris Brown addresses the knowledge gap about how school leaders can effectively develop, support, and sustain PLNs within and across schools, drawing on two key case studies from England and Germany. Evidence-based, accessible, and engaging, with key takeaways for practitioners in every chapter, The Networked School Leader is crucial reading for school leaders, system leaders and education researchers working close-to-practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Healthy Workforce: Enhancing Wellbeing and Productivity in the Workers of the Future
Mental health issues, stress and chronic illness are the biggest causes of absence from work and loss of productivity in most Western economies. Research and public awareness of this epidemic of physical and mental ill-health among working age people is growing, but our understanding of its impact on company performance and productivity and possible solutions for the future is less advanced. The Healthy Workforce: Enhancing Wellbeing and Productivity in the Workers of the Future examines current challenges and future solutions to understand issues around how we can improve the health of today's and tomorrow's workforce. This book will look at why workforce health is such an important challenge for businesses, governments and for employees today and how this will increase in the future with an ageing workforce. Closely linked to the authors' exploration of health issues in the work context is a focus on the impact of worker health on direct and indirect productivity costs. This book offers practical guidance for professionals on getting started in the delivery of an effective and evidence-based workplace health plan which can enhance and sustain productivity growth in business now and for the future.
Emerald Publishing Limited Societal Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness
Societal Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness examines the role of society in the creation of entrepreneurial opportunities. As society undergoes demographic shifts, cultural change and technological advancement, the way individuals, companies and institutions see and react to entrepreneurship also diversifies. Chapters explore alternative dimensions of entrepreneurship by considering different societal components and assessing attitudes towards entrepreneurship, specifically in terms of competition. By focusing on competitiveness, the book provides new conceptual approaches to understanding societal entrepreneurship and considers future developments. Utilizing an international and interdisciplinary approach to examining contemporary societal entrepreneurship, the book includes research on areas such as student entrepreneurship within Australian Universities, technology-based entrepreneurship within Turkey, and microfinance and necessity entrepreneurship within Ghana. The book will benefit researchers working in the fields of sociology, anthropology and business management, and will develop practitioners’ understanding of the impact society has on entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial behavior.
Emerald Publishing Limited Enterprise Risk Management in Europe
Enterprise Risk Management, governance systems and accounting practices are currently being applied to businesses without full coordination between them. The incorrect use of ERM models all over Europe could be hindering the potential benefits from its correct implementation and could constitute a barrier to the consolidation of a proper risk culture. Enterprise Risk Management in Europe advances understanding of ERM in Europe, providing a novel and unique set of perspectives on the ongoing dynamics between ERM and corporate processes. The contributors provide an in-depth analysis of the research benefits for the countries examined, looking at why, when and how ERM has developed over time. This book focuses on practical issues and identifying existing knowledge gaps, offering a fresh comprehension of the cultural and contextual factors surrounding its inception and further expansion. Also largely discussed is the role played by national and international regulatory and economic circumstances. Enterprise Risk Management in Europe is an essential guide for researchers, practitioners and policy makers both in and beyond European borders.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Cryopolitics of Reproduction on Ice: A New Scandinavian Ice Age
Reproduction has entered a new ice age: the ability to cryopreserve reproductive cells, tissue and embryos are fundamentally changing our understanding of what it means to be a reproductive citizen. This book explores the ways in which visions of desirable reproductive futures entangle with advances in freezing technologies, with the authors situating their discussions of cryo-fertility within the Scandinavian region, asking: • How does cryopreservation help mobilize particular understandings of reproductive time, reproductive rights and reproductive autonomy? • What values are embedded within Scandinavian laws that seek to regulate cryo-technologies? • How are frozen states enacted in clinical settings and how do the women and men who freeze imagine the preservation of reproductive parts? These questions demand a collaborative approach. The authors empirically cut across the arenas of bioethics/law, practices/experiences, and culture/commerce in order to pin down often complex and far-reaching answers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Ethics and Hidden Greed: Your Defense Against Unethical Strategies and Violations of Trust
Trust. Loyalty. Friendship. These were once the building blocks of good business relationships. Today, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to know whom to trust. How do we protect ourselves and our business interests from the unethical behaviours of others? Why doesn’t intuition serve as the best guide for detecting unethical strategies? Concern about falling victim to the tactics of unethical strategies is widespread. The authors connect time-honoured ethical principles to real-world cases and offer the building blocks and counter-strategies you need to fight greed: Knowing the five strategies of greed, and learning how to recognize them. Learning how trust really works, and being able to develop the skill of trusting with discernment. Applying, and being able to communicate, concrete, ethical rules. Ethics and Hidden Greed will reassure readers that while unethical strategies may have increased in sophistication and grown harder to detect in recent years, there are still only five categories of these behaviours. The authors will demonstrate how to recognize the patterns employed by greedy players and provide tactics for combatting all of them.
Emerald Publishing Limited Public Morality and the Culture Wars: The Triple Divide
How is public morality understood in the twenty-first century, and what effect does this have on legislation and social policy? Public Morality and the Culture Wars is a strictly non-polemical analysis of the intellectual and ideological conflicts at the heart of the ‘culture wars’. Taking debates on human nature, sexuality, gender identity, abortion, censorship, and free speech, Bryan Fanning offers an accessible analysis of modern public morality, identifying a ‘triple divide’ between conservative, liberal and progressive viewpoints. A nuanced analysis of ‘culture wars’ now dividing Anglophone democracies is badly needed. Public Morality and the Culture Wars makes a vibrant and invigorating contribution to the debate, essential reading for scholars and students in the fields of social policy, law, politics, philosophy, sociology and social justice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Families in Nigeria: Understanding their Diversity, Adaptability, and Strengths
With the largest population in Africa, Nigeria truly embodies the concept of diversity. Home to hundreds of different ethnic groups, speaking an equal number of languages, and each bearing their own specific norms and values, Nigerian families exist across virtually the entire spectrum of size and structure and maintain unique family ties which have endured the nation's long and complicated history. This collection focuses upon the diversity, adaptability, and strengths of Nigerian families. Examining intimate relationships, both preceding and within the context of marriage, as well as the particular dynamics among family members, this volume investigates how Nigerian families have responded to societal factors, modernization, and change. Societal factors, such as increasing conservatism, poverty, unemployment, and the like have created considerable strains, yet Nigerian families have shown a particular ability to adapt to and overcome many of these problems, thus revealing their substantial strengths.
Emerald Publishing Limited World Education Patterns in the Global North: The Ebb of Global Forces and the Flow of Contextual Imperatives
Comparative and International Education is a dynamic and growing field facing extraordinary challenges in every corner of the world. World Education Patterns in the Global North surveys the educational responses and new educational landscapes being developed as a consequence of powerful global forces demanding change within the Global North’s educational contexts, including North America, Central and South-East Europe, and East Asia, These forces include the ecological crisis, the population explosion, the changing nature of work, the rise of knowledge economies, economic internationalism, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the technology revolution, changing social relations, the empowerment of minority interest groups, the rise of multicultural societies, the diminishing stature of the nation-state, and the rise of supra-national and international political structures.
Emerald Publishing Limited Academic Resilience: Personal Stories and Lessons Learnt from the COVID-19 Experience
The COVID-19 pandemic undoubtedly tested the resilience of academics in higher education. Many universities were severely affected by reduced student enrolment, with widespread job losses reported across universities. For many academics, the impact of the pandemic has been worrying, financially crippling and overwhelming. The virus has also exposed academic inequalities and impacted heavily on vulnerable people. The individual and collective heroic spirit of many academics has been nothing short of extraordinary. Overcoming the initial hurdles of COVID-19 takes one kind of energy; the resilience needed to remain engaged despite the continuing changes and uncertainties is quite another challenge. It is one that demands sustained resilience. This timely book provides perspectives across disciplines, career stages and global contexts on how to develop resilience in academia. These personal stories may empower others not only to survive, but to thrive in times of adversity.
Emerald Publishing Limited Organizational Culture and its Impact on Continuous Improvement in Manufacturing
As manufacturing companies become global, excellence will be key to the survival of Indian manufacturing businesses. Despite India's good performance on the export front in recent years, India is being outperformed by its competitors. Indian manufacturing companies must compete with global companies and become world class organizations to be competitive. Organizational Culture and its Impact on Continuous Improvement in Manufacturing presents detailed insights into recent studies, providing solutions that can be scaled up at a global level. The lack of competitiveness of Indian companies is attributed to culture in the organization as well as an inability to introduce world class manufacturing tools which would allow them to become globally competitive. All the qualities needed to become world class are not currently available, and it is imperative to understand this gap through the detailed research this book presents to ensure India’s manufacturing companies can compete.
Emerald Publishing Limited Poverty and Prosperity: Tourism in Rural China
Poverty and Prosperity: Tourism in Rural China focuses on tourism and rural community development in the light of Confucianism and Taoism. Drawing from ethnographic field research in Southern China, the authors present an evolutionary as well as a horizontal view of tourism and rural community development through an illustrative case. Narratives from villagers involved in (or affected by) tourism development in the case study village are highly embedded in, and culturally informative of, rural community development with Chinese characteristics. A valuable source of reference and an addition to the pro-poor tourism knowledge, this book offers an epistemologically unique and much needed perspective on researching and practicing tourism for poverty alleviation and rural revitalization.
Emerald Publishing Limited Global Meaning Making: Disrupting and Interrogating International Language and Literacy Research and Teaching
We live in an increasingly interdependent and interconnected world. The COVID-19 crisis has provided a stark reminder of the enormous educational inequities within and across countries around the globe. Featuring international language and literacy researchers who apply various tenets of global meaning making to disrupt and interrogate contradictions and tensions in global scholarship, Global Meaning Making focuses on a model of interrogating international literacy research and pedagogical pursuits with the ultimate goal of transforming how we engage in global endeavours. Organized around three major themes: Literacy Programs, Policies and Curriculum; Language of Instruction Policies and Practices and Engaging in Global Literacies, chapter authors reimagine global approaches that respect the histories, ways of knowing, needs, hopes and values of voices beyond the western, including those from the Global South: Asia, Africa, Oceania, and South and Central Americas. Each chapter outlines research the chapter authors are conducting or have conducted and describes implications for how their work utilizes tenets of global meaning making.
Emerald Publishing Limited Food and Agriculture in Urbanized Societies: Pathways for a Better Future
For the first time in human history, more people inhabit urban than rural areas. Investigating the experience of hunger and malnutrition in urban spaces, Food and Agriculture in Urbanized Societies confronts the persistence of social inequalities, constant waves of economic crises and accelerating climate shifts, asking, how and to what extent food systems will recover and rebuild after the unprecedented eruption of a pandemic? An in-depth diagnosis of the state of the art of the current and dominant agri-food system, the broad and diverse collective intelligence in this edited collection proposes alternatives for change and redesign, bringing together a set of pioneering ideas and solutions to old and new problems. From environmental regeneration and the quality of food to the nutritional, political and economic perspective, the chapters culminate with the focus on developing a more integrative and systematic approach towards urban and rural areas. Inspiring innovative and sustainable practices, governance perspectives and informing public policies, Food and Agriculture in Urbanized Societies offers the most current research on urbanized agriculture to truly provide ‘pathways for a better future’ to foster more equitable and fair societies.
Emerald Publishing Limited History & Crime: A Transdisciplinary Approach
Revealing the cross utility potential of multiple disciplines to advance knowledge in crime studies, History & Crime showcases new research into crime from across the interdisciplinary perspectives of early modern and modern history, criminology, forensic psychology, and legal studies. Authored by emerging and established scholars from the around the world, the contributions span youth crime, feminist criminology, historic penology and court practices, through to the insanity defence, police corruption, and models for post-conflict governance. The chapters present the breadth of the work currently being undertaken around the world in this ground-breaking field, linking the present to the historic. Through these diverse chapters, the editors illustrate the current scholarship already bridging the oft-asserted divide between history and the social sciences. It is argued that differences in language and methodology may have created a mirage of disciplinary division. The collection consequently offers a unique opportunity for advancing a new framework for trans-disciplinary discourse to allow new research to be more easily interpreted and integrated across traditional disciplinary boundaries. This framework will guide future contributions in everything from histories of crime to future-focused crime scholarship, and by allowing better comprehension, drive ground-breaking new knowledge.
Emerald Publishing Limited SocietyNow Book Set 20162019
Why is our world the way it is, right now?SocietyNow presents the best academic expertise examining key events, trends and phenomenon of current times.Readable, accessible and digestible commentary on the most complexand defining topics ofthe 21st Century.Written by leading experts in their fields and published when the issues are a focal point across the globe, titles in the series offer a thoughtful and concise response to the major political and economic events and social and cultural trends of our time.Titles included in this set: The Trump Phenomenon: How the Politics of Populism Won in 2016; Becoming Digital: Toward a Post-Internet Society; Understanding Brexit: Why Britain Voted to Leave the European Union; Selfies: Why We Love (and Hate) Them; Internet Celebrity: Understanding Fame Online; Corbynism: A Critical Approach; The Smart City in a Digital
Emerald Publishing Limited Four Dead in Ohio
This Special Issue of Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change reflects upon global student and youth activism 50 years after the shooting of student activists protesting against the US wars in SE Asia at Kent State University providing the needed space for the narratives of those who have fought, and continue to fight, for change.
Emerald Publishing Limited Understanding 5G Mobile Networks: A Multidisciplinary Primer
Most of the literature on 5G has been in the form of standards, reports, and industry papers and articles. Because of this, researchers from non-scientific or non-engineering disciplines have struggled to understand how it is or could be operationalized and standardized across the globe. Here Peter Curwen and Jason Whalley offer the first manageable overview of 5G for a non-technical audience. This book provides a full review of the current literature, both academic and professional; an in-depth but non-technical discussion of the historical background of the development of 5G; and a broad, multidisciplinary survey of major issues including spectrum, and the licensing and launch of 5G networks throughout the world, distinguishing standalone 5G from non-standalone 5G. Throughout, there is consideration given to how operators and equipment vendors make money from mobile networks, and where money is potentially to be made in the years to come. Understanding 5G Mobile Networks: A Multidisciplinary Primer is a must-read not only for researchers and students in economics, business, strategy, and operations and logistics, but also for regulators, mobile companies, vertical operators, and anyone else interested in the development of this vital technology.
Emerald Publishing Limited Appearance as Capital: The Normative Regulation of Aesthetic Capital Accumulation and Conversion
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. In an era of hyper visuality, service-based labour markets, consumer culture, and times of uncertainty, physical appearance plays an increasingly important role in producing and reinforcing social inequalities. Taking a sociological approach, the authors of Appearance as Capital examine physical appearance as a normatively regulated form of capital and explore how it is possible to accumulate and convert capital based on physical appearance. The chapters examine how norms of accumulating and converting aesthetic capital intertwine with gender, age and other forms of capital and play a role in shaping inequalities. Demonstrating how different cultural, institutional, group-specific and situational norms regulate the possibilities of accumulating and converting aesthetic capital, the authors take a critical stance towards an economics-inspired analysis of physical appearance as universally defined ‘beauty’ or ‘attractiveness’ that has standard value for all individuals. By presenting empirical work based in the context of Finnish society, often considered an egalitarian Nordic welfare state, this book provides a fresh perspective on appearance-based inequalities.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Perspectives in Online Instruction
Online learning has been one of the fastest growing areas of educational technology over the past few decades. With a rise of new online colleges and universities due to the Covid-19 global pandemic, as well as the adoption of online learning in traditional institutions, the adoption rate of online learning has moved from an optional service to a mandatory one, requiring higher educational institutions to completely rethink the nature of teaching and learning and how it can be provisioned to meet the needs of students, institutions, and society. This volume considers the technology implementation, faculty training and professional development, and adjustments of university and departmental budgeting required to meet this seismic and momentous challenge. Focusing on effective practices in online teaching, this volume of Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning begins with discussing the use of videos in online teaching and then pivots to consider methods for supporting and managing faculty who teach online. From there, authors focus in on different aspects of the online learning experience including lurking, student engagement, cultural implications for online instruction. Understanding that the greatest challenge for higher education institutions has been not so much how to implement online teaching and learning, but how to do it effectively, the collection closes with an analysis of online course syllabi and effective methods for facilitating tutoring online.
Emerald Publishing Limited Climate Emergency: How Societies Create the Crisis
The recognition that climate change is now a climate emergency has been endorsed by a wide range of scientists and the United Nations. Natural scientists focus on the aggregate impacts of human activity resulting from burning fossil fuels and producing food, and hence speak of anthropogenic climate change. Climate Emergency analyses the socio-economic and political forces driving the climate emergency, developing the complementary concept of 'sociogenic climate change' to show how societies both create the crisis and are challenged by it in different ways. Harvey demonstrates how societies inhabit different resource environments, whether for fossil fuel reserves, or for land, sun, and water, differences which condition their histories and cultures. In introducing the sociogenic approach to climate change, Harvey re-examines history through the lens of climate change, re-writing the climate impact of the British industrial revolution; US settler colonialism; slavery and Native American genocides; the electrification of societies and infrastructures for fossil-fuelled transportation; and changes in our eating habits. In the big historical picture, different societies and political economies have both created an unequal world and so continue to make an unequal contribution to climate change. This can only be understood by showing how societies have come to distinctively exploit planetary resources in different ways. Societies create the crisis and have to be politically involved in addressing the crisis.
Emerald Publishing Limited Understanding Interactive Network Branding in SME Firms
Introducing the innovative concept of Interactive Network Branding (INB), this book offers academics and professionals a theoretical framework, alongside practical examples, to develop INB in the context of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Combining a business network approach with contemporary corporate branding research, a variety of topics are explored, including: strategizing in SME networks, market management, corporate identity, corporate reputation, human-to-human (H2H) interactions. This broad range of perspectives, from business networks to corporate branding, highlights the latest trends in both business marketing and organizational research whilst emphasizing the influential role of human actors in SMEs. Looking at successful cases of INB and analysing cases where branding has gone wrong, Understanding Interactive Network Branding in SME Firms offers guidelines for researchers in marketing theory and practitioners working in SME firms to develop their branding models and processes in fast changing business environments.
Emerald Publishing Limited Religion, Humility, and Democracy in a Divided America
This volume asks how religious convictions inform citizens' engagement in American democratic life, particularly across deep political divides. Strong religious convictions motivate citizens across the political spectrum to engage in public life, yet are also viewed as a driver of political polarization by encouraging too much arrogance and not enough humility. Featuring contributions from leading experts on religion and democratic life in the United States, this volume combines theoretical reflections on this tension with empirical investigations into how a range of religious actors balance conviction with humility in their public interactions with social and political others. Taken together, these contributions reveal that strong religious conviction can encourage political arrogance, but also humility; can lead to deepening political polarization that threatens democracy, but also commitment to movements for equality and justice that advance democracy; can encourage the building of walls, but also of bridges. Contributors also identify the factors and conditions driving each outcome, pointing to the roles of power, context, culture, institutions, and history in how different religious groups engage in political life. The lessons this volume offers will be relevant to anyone interested in the complex relationship between religion and American democratic life; yet they also matter beyond religious groups. After all, religion is only one possible source of strong convictions that drive public engagement. As such, the volume also offers more general insight into how conviction shapes citizens' capacity and willingness to engage with others across deep divides.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Ten Commandments of Lean Six Sigma: A Guide for Practitioners
Lean Six Sigma is a powerful methodology that reduces waste and variation in an organization and ultimately minimizes operating costs, optimizes productivity, and maximizes customer satisfaction. The success stories speak for themselves, but not all LSS stories have a happy ending, and a large body of scholarly research shows why. What is needed now is a set of accessible general guidelines for organizations seeking to implement and sustain such a powerful, but at times perilous, continuous improvement strategy. The Ten Commandments of Lean Six Sigma provides just that, offering guidance from the perspective of practitioners, researchers and academics who have been involved in training, teaching, researching and consulting on various topics of quality and continuous improvement such as Lean, Six Sigma and LSS. Delving into the cutting edge of business process enhancement, this book is an essential and practical guide for senior managers and executives who want to achieve operational and service excellence in manufacturing, service and public sector organizations of any size.
Emerald Publishing Limited Personalized Principal Leadership Practices: Eight Strategies For Leading Equitable, High Achieving Schools
Personalized Principal Leadership Practices includes practical solutions to problems principals encounter as they endeavor to solve vexing problems with the underachievement of students of color. Featuring principals which lead schools where 80% or more of African American and Latinx students are proficient on State’s standardized English and Math assessments, McLaughlin examines the strategies expert principals utilize: personalizing data by amplifying student academic stories, conducting ORID data chats, developing principal-directed student equity learning goals and increasing teachers’ cultural proficiency. Readers are introduced to equity audits, equity focused classroom walkthroughs, student-led equity discussion panels and affinity groups, school-wide intervention programs, including a system for Not Handed ins (NHIs) for missed assignments, and strategies for building trusting relationships with families of color.
Emerald Publishing Limited Diversity and Triumphs of Navigating the Terrain of Academe: International Perspectives
Many challenges are faced by under-represented groups in academia. Difficulties during the tenure process, prejudice stemming from affirmative action and higher levels of scrutiny than their colleagues are just a few tribulations experienced by faculty members from minority groups that have gone unnoticed and often ignored.The contributors of Diversity and Triumphs of Navigating the Terrain of Academe share these narratives and tell of how faculty navigate through situations such as microaggressions, racism and sexism. By taking an anecdotal approach, this volume captures the experiences of those who teach at institutions dominated by white males in the United States and abroad. This book is written as a treatise to dismantle the powers of discriminatory incubuses that have haunted institutions of higher learning, one narrative at a time. Some of these institutions are still making history in hiring its first person of color within its departments. Collectively, the contributors' experiences serve as instrumentalities that work together to initiate dialogue among current and future members of the professoriate, making this title an invaluable text for researchers and higher education administrators alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Savvy Investor's Guide to Avoiding Pitfalls, Frauds, and Scams
Are you an investor facing an obstacle you don’t know how to overcome? Are you ready to invest, but not sure how to reduce your risks? There are two important things you must do to be a savvy investor: make good investment decisions and avoid costly mistakes. As important as good investments are, one bad mistake can ruin the result of all your good decisions. In the second book in The H. Kent Baker Investments Series, investing experts H. Kent Baker, John R. Nofsinger, and Vesa Puttonen offer an insightful guide on avoiding those detrimental missteps. The Savvy Investor's Guide to Avoiding Pitfalls, Frauds and Scams explores the common pitfalls that investors face. Highlighting important issues when investing especially in common stocks and mutual funds, they explore the psychological biases of investors that can cause you to be your own worst enemy. Finally, they look at frauds and scams, and how to protect yourself from dishonest people wanting to profit at your expense. If you feel unprepared to face the risks of investing, Baker, Nofsinger, and Puttonen provide this essential guide to arming yourself against devastation on your path to becoming a savvy investor.
Emerald Publishing Limited Coaching Winning Sales Teams: Insights from the World of Sport and Business
Great sales coaching positively impacts individual, team and organisational sales performance. However, in today's results-driven and time-poor business world, the embedding of sales coaching into everyday practice is often overlooked. This guide utilises the authors' own experiences of helping companies and individuals turn average, static and infrequent sales coaching regimes into successful business strategies for winning sales teams. Looking at the reality of sales coaching today, the book explores the how, what and why of sales coaching. Through extensive research into elite coaches in the world of business and sports the authors explore the mindset, skills and behaviours required to be a top sales coach. They also consider how to be coached. How the sales person can overcome any natural shyness, fear of performance critique and seek out specific, timely and actionable coaching feedback. Using the latest thinking in neuroleadership and psychology, the book outlines the nine key behaviours of a great coach and provides a range of practical sales coaching models, tools and techniques which can be easily integrated into a sales leaders every-day pressurised role. Coaching Winning Sales Teams is an essential read for sales leaders and professionals, alongside researchers and practitioners working in HR, Learning and Development and Sales Effectiveness.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contemporary HRM Issues in the 21st Century
Contemporary HRM Issues in the 21st Century is an illuminating textbook for postgraduate students and active managers wanting to develop their understanding of issues and challenges emerging in the 21st century workplace from a HRM perspective. This edited collection, with contributions from experts in the field of HR policy development, is split into four sections. Section One explores the contemporary workforce and critical elements of managing HRM in a knowledge-based economy. Section Two focuses on psychological concerns for the individual at work, career management and emotional labour to better understand how to manage an increasingly diverse workforce. Section Three looks at managing HR issues in the workplace, such as crisis management, mental health and violence in the workplace. The final section of this book looks at current and emerging debates surrounding HRM, including: sustainable HRM; cyber-vetting; biological monitoring and surveillance; codes and conduct; job-design in the age of technology; and, Artificial Intelligence (AI). All of these are vital and often contentious areas within HRM policy-making and practice. This book sets out these debates and issues to engage both students and managers working in the fields of Global HRM and Human Resource policy-making.
Emerald Publishing Limited Go-to-Market Strategies for Women Entrepreneurs: Creating and Exploring Success
The role of women in business and society is beset with traditions and expectations that leave women's ambitious desires unfulfilled. And yet, with the rise of the female entrepreneur, this is changing. Entrepreneurship expert Victoria L. Crittenden, along with a cast of first-rate global contributors, provides a lens into the power of women entrepreneurship. From home businesses and Mompreneurs, to women-led global businesses such as The Body Shop and Ceja Vineyards, chapters explore the role woman entrepreneurship plays in building self-efficacy, the power of creating and utilizing social capital, the importance of being authentic and true to one's self, and the value of family, friends, mentors, and role models. By discussing ideas such as the ecosystem of radical generosity, where women are recognized for their talents and where women help each other to succeed, Crittenden and her contributors show the power of empowerment -- empowerment that can positively impact the social and fiscal health of nations through better education, poverty reduction, and decreased violence. For researchers and students of entrepreneurship, this is an unmissable book exploring the positive societal impact and strong economic effects of female empowerment. Through discussing case studies of some of the most successful and powerful women over the last fifty years, this book acts as both an inspiration for women just setting out on their own entrepreneurial journey and validation to those women who have already encountered the ups and downs of their entrepreneurial endeavors.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Savvy Investor's Guide to Pooled Investments: Mutual Funds, ETFs, and More
Do you only have a relatively small amount of money to invest? Do you think this limitation give you only a few investment choices? Well, it doesn’t. Investing experts H. Kent Baker, Greg Filbeck, and Halil Kiymaz offer an essential guide to one of the most common ways to invest: a pooled investment vehicle (PIV). A PIV is an investment fund that commingles the monies of many different investors to buy a portfolio that reflects a particular investment objective. – By using PIVs, you gain a diversified portfolio, which once was only available to large investors. The Savvy Investor’s Guide to Pooled Investments clearly explains the risks and advantages of investing in a PIV. This book introduces you to five PIVs – mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), closed-end funds (CEFs), unit investment trusts (UITs), and real estate investment trusts (REITs) – with a unique Q&A format employed to delve into issues that investors want and need to know before choosing a PIV. If you have ever felt limited by your investment choices, Baker, Filbeck, and Kiymaz explain your options to creating an investment portfolio, which is an initial step to becoming a savvy investor.
Emerald Publishing Limited Diversity within Diversity Management: Types of Diversity in Organizations
Managing diversity plays a crucial part in enabling every member of the workforce to perform up to their full potential. Managers demand satisfactory performance from every member of their workforce and expect the best of their employees. But often, diversity and its management are not viewed as clear contributors to the organization’s performance and bottom-line. Managing and leveraging diversity are set aside from the rest of the organization and hence, they are often undervalued amid all the other barriers that companies face. Whilst there is no single tried-and-tested “solution” to diversity and no easy way to manage implementation barriers, this edited collection of case studies from around the globe provides new insights for practitioners, managers, students and researchers. The book seeks to shed light on existing practices disseminating the value of diversity, whilst opening the road toward a wider perspective on its definitions. The contributors provide critical reflections of the current discourse on different types of diversity in heterogenous organizations around the world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Human Rights for Children and Youth: Sociocultural Differentiation, Resistance and Unity
The condition of childhood and youth in different socio-cultural contexts is an area that is yet to be fully uncovered. Currently, there is a lack of understanding regarding young people's inherent rights, how these translate into day-to-day policy and why the experience of childhood differs across different socio-cultural realities. This book, written by experts in the field from India, The Philippines, Sweden, Romania, Scotland, Brazil, Argentina and Jamaica, seeks to redress this disconnect and take an in-depth exploration into the condition of childhood across 3 different continents.Firstly, the authors explore the fundamental rights of children and young people, in which the boundaries and possibilities of guaranteeing and effecting rights are presented, also drawing attention to the new ways in which contemporary generations have resisted the waves of exclusion and marginalization. This important text then explores the idea of sociocultural differentiation and unity, presented through a series of innovative studies that illuminate the similarities and differences in living conditions of children and young people in different contexts. This volume, with both a comparative focus and global reach, will prove invaluable for researchers in the fields of childhood education and sociology.
Emerald Publishing Limited Including a Symposium on Ludwig Lachmann
Volume 37B of Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology features a symposium on the work of Ludwig Lachmann, edited by Giampaolo Garzarelli. Contributors to the symposium include Peter Boettke, Erwin Dekker, Peter Lewin, and several other experts on Lachmann and the Austrian School. The volume also includes an essay on Jean de Largentaye's French translation of Keynes's General Theory, written by the translator's daughter, Hélène de Largentaye. Last and certainly not least, the volume features a collection of reviews and commentaries on historian Nancy MacLean's controversial book about James Buchanan, Democracy in Chains.
Emerald Publishing Limited Networks, Hacking and Media - CITAMS@30: Now and Then and Tomorrow
Sponsored by the Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology section of the American Sociological Association (CITAMS), this volume celebrates the section's thirtieth anniversary. Lead editor Barry Wellman joins forces with former and current CITAMS chairs Wenhong Chen, Shelia Cotten, and Laura Robinson, as well as Casey Brienza, founder of the Media Sociology Preconference, to look back at the history of the section, review some of its most important themes, and set the agenda for future discussion. Alongside its sister volume, The "M" in CITAMS@30: Media Sociology, this valuable book shows the impact CITAMS has had, and continues to have, on academic and public discourse. Featuring leading scholars in the fields of sociology of communication, information technologies and media, it reveals how the section had transcended disciplinary boundaries, and demonstrates how it holds the skills to address some of the biggest challenges of our digital age. It is essential reading for all those interested in both the story of CITAMS to date, and the role it will play in the future.
Emerald Publishing Limited Man-Eating Monsters: Anthropocentrism and Popular Culture
What role do man-eating monsters - vampires, zombies, werewolves and cannibals - play in contemporary culture? This book explores the question of whether recent representations of humans as food in popular culture characterizes a unique moment in Western cultural history and suggests a new set of attitudes toward people, monsters, animals, and death. This volume analyzes how previous epochs represented man-eating monsters and cannibalism. Cultural taboos across the world are explored and brought into perspective whilst we contemplate how the representations of humans as commodities can create a global atmosphere that creeps towards cannibalism as a norm. This book also explores the links between the role played by the animal rights movement in problematizing the difference between humans and nonhuman animals. Instead of looking at the relations between food, body, and culture, or the ways in which media images of food reach out to various constituencies and audiences, as some existing studies do, this collection is focused on the crucial question, of how and why popular culture representations diffuse the borders between monsters, people, and animals, and how this affects our ideas about what may and may not be eaten.
Emerald Publishing Limited Management for Scientists
Scientific progress - from creating better medicines to building better bridges or designing improved technology networks - can lead to intriguing business opportunities, but business expertise is not always a natural companion to scientific excellence. Scientists require a nuanced understanding of the modern business environment to successfully navigate the commercial world and maximise the economic potential of their ideas. Management for Scientists explores the core theories and practices in management studies today in a context applicable to those working in the scientific industries. Essential business concepts covered include corporate strategy and business planning, organisation structure, management and operations, and labour and human resources, and these are all viewed through the prism of building, maintaining and developing a scientific business in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, engineering, maths, and computing sectors. Chapters feature a range of real-world examples from modern science-driven businesses, presented by experienced scientists with demonstrated strategic and economic business expertise.
Emerald Publishing Limited Proposition 13 – America’s Second Great Tax Revolt: A Forty Year Struggle for Library Survival
In 1978, the citizens of California took the historic step of voting for Proposition 13, thus reducing property taxes by 57%. Already known as a trend setting state, California’s tax revolt was no different, as similar tax revisions quickly spread across the United States of America. In California, state and local governments struggled to find a way to manage the loss in revenue. On many occasions budget cuts were the solution. Library budgets were frequently the target of those cuts. Proposition 13 - America’s Second Great Tax Revolt details how libraries prioritized, managed and reacted to hardships in this new world, and have done so in California for the last forty years where Proposition 13 is still the law. Library and information science professionals were facing budget cuts that were as high as 65% with little to no guarantee of what future budgets were to be. The actions they took, and the rationale behind those actions, offer significant lessons to be learned by the library community on both an academic and practitioner level. Exploring the intended and unintended consequences of Proposition 13, this book provides an insightful understanding of how to manage a library budget given a difficult funding situation. It examines the thought processes behind government financing and spending priorities, and considers how libraries can organize, and participate in activism to influence decision makers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Crisis Communications Management
Can you control a crisis? No – but with adequate preparation you can control the reputational consequences. Reputational damage is rarely caused by the crisis itself but, instead, by what the organisation does and says under the media spotlight. This PRCA Practice Guide describes how to invest in readiness and what to do when a crisis strikes. Coverage includes contingency planning, stakeholder identification, crisis communications policy, spokesperson training, the ‘Red Book’, dark sites, rehearsals and simulations, locations and resources, taking the initiative, and managing the aftermath. The book also covers in detail the role of the mainstream and online media, recommending steps to neutralise hostility and shut down ill-informed comment. Including numerous real-life examples, discussion topics and advice from PR experts, journalists and editors, Crisis Communications Management is intended as an essential guide for public relations professionals, and the people who work with them during a crisis, on how to navigate the turmoil and emerge from a crisis with reputation and credibility intact.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Corporate Governance and Regulation
Advances in Financial Economics volume 20 deals with International Corporate Governance, particularly the role played by boards of directors, internal organization design and governance mechanisms, franchise agreements, the effect of regulation and policy, the market for corporate control, and strategic alliances.
Emerald Publishing Limited Investment Behaviour: Towards an Individual-Centred Financial Policy in Developing Economies
Investment Behaviour explores the relationship between competing demographic factors, personal awareness and perceived attitudes to risk in shaping the behaviour of individual investors in the stock market. Arup Kumar Sarkar and Tarak Nath Sahu analyse the suitability of using Behavioural Finance theories in understanding investor behaviour across developed, developing and under-developed country contexts and in all types of stock markets. Across an in-depth study, the authors examine differing variables impacting on behaviour, give an overview of the empirical and theoretical literature, and also provide an analysis of the empirical findings of their investigation. The book promotes a greater understanding the psychological foundations of human behaviour in financial markets to facilitate the formulation of more individual-centered financial policy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Digital Activism and Cyberconflicts in Nigeria: Occupy Nigeria, Boko Haram and MEND
This book offers an innovative contribution to the literature on digital activism and cyberconflicts. Analysing sociopolitical and ethnoreligious conflicts within an African-centred context, the author uses Nigeria as a lens to understand the digital and organisational aspects of digital media uses in the Occupy Nigeria movement protest, the Boko Haram conflict and The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) conflict. Timely, in a period of intense conflict across the globe, the author employs an interdisciplinary approach, drawing on the Cyberconflict Framework to examine conflicts emerging in computer-mediated environments. Examining the implications for socio-political and economic reform and change, the cases explored provide a snapshot of the emerging digital culture of conflict. The book contributes to existing knowledge by bridging the gap in the literature on digital activism and conflict as a field of study.
Emerald Publishing Limited Rethinking the Business Models of Business Schools: A Critical Review and Change Agenda for the Future
Management education growth and the rise in accompanying business schools over the last few decades are fuelled by global economic development, coupled with the promise of success in business careers. Recently, questions have been raised about the value and relevance of a traditional business school education – so what does the future hold for traditional business schools? In this book, we examine the current model and the pressure points of business schools by considering the evolution of – and the various value chains that are associated with – business school offerings (including MBA, undergraduate, pre-experienced and executive programmes). We also offer insight on funding and value orientation, and the potential challenges these may raise for some schools. To highlight these challenges, we provide a strategic group framework for business schools and review the implications of future strategies for these groups. Finally, after reviewing the current landscape of business school mergers, alliances and failures, we reflect on innovation considerations for the business school business model. Management education is changing, and business schools must be ready to re-evaluate their strategies for growth… and, in some cases, survival.
Emerald Publishing Limited Holocaust and Human Rights Education: Good Choices and Sociological Perspectives
Educators and students face many questions when exploring the history of the Holocaust. Both the harrowing historical narrative and its wider contemporary implications make the Holocaust an essential part of our education, whilst simultaneously bringing to the fore challenging questions of how best to recount such an event. This book addresses these crucial questions by exploring the way in which we teach and learn about the Holocaust. It demonstrates how we can dignify memories of the Holocaust by joining with resilient survivors, as well as how careful discussion and interpretation of definitions and appropriate representations can link the Holocaust to human rights and international law. It also highlights that understanding the Holocaust serves as a catalyst for the expansion of human rights and for genocide prevention. Throughout, Polgar applies sociological concepts that can help all of us to understand how the Holocaust has become both a particular concern for Jewish and European groups and also a basis for laws and practices that support universal human rights. Advocating for the inclusion of the Holocaust in multicultural education, this text will prove invaluable to students, researchers and educators alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited How Social Science Can Help Us Make Better Choices: Optimal Rationality in Action
In a world beset with problems, how can we encourage people to act differently? It seems almost daily that new studies emerge telling us how human action is causing planetary degradation, how changes to our diets could lead to us living longer healthier lives, or that financially we are in danger of returning to the debt related crises of the previous decade. At the same time how many of us adjust our behaviour in response to such information?; In this new book Professor Chris Brown explores people’s reactions to Optimal Rational Positions: propositions that set out requirements for change. For example the need to reduce carbon emissions to minimize the impacts of climate change is an Optimal Rational Position; as is the need to engage in 30 minutes of exercise a day, to eat more healthily or to drink less alcohol. It seems obvious that we should want to pursue Optimal Rational Positions because they espouse the types of behaviours that will enable us to live healthier, happier or more productive lives; that can improve the lives and outcomes of others; or that can help us ensure social and environmental sustainability. Yet at the same time we often fail to change our behaviours to those which might be most optimal. Outlining an exciting and innovative route forward, and with real-life case studies from education,;How Social Science Can Help Us Make Better Choices provides a new way to think about why people make the choices they make and, vitally, the role social science can play in response.
Emerald Publishing Limited Midlife Creativity and Identity: Life into Art
Where does 'art' come from, and what is the 'meaning' of creativity? What inspires an artist in the middle phase of life and what value is placed on the pursuit of originality? Where do innovative ideas come from and how do they transmogrify into songs, art and stories? These are some of the questions posed in this ethnographic study, undertaken over three years and involving male and female musicians, artists and literary authors in the UK, some amateur and some professional but all dedicated to the invention of artistic legacy. This book sets out to understand the influences, spaces and routines of creative people experiencing midlife via an evocative exploration of biography, self-identity, inspiration, sociality, beliefs, emotion, career trajectory and life choices, and considered via in-situ observations of rehearsal, performance, exhibition, environment and working philosophy that contribute to the meaningful creation of novelty. While life experiences influence both the chosen and developed techniques of creating art and the art itself, artistic virtuosity is also arguably a conscious resistance to the banal securities of midlife in an age of inherent, perceived insecurity. Processes of creation, spaces of inspiration and the individualised value placed on artistic endeavour in uncertain times – and at an uncertain time in life – are understood via an original theory of the 'mezzanine', a sought-after in-between zone that abandons the ordinary and embraces an almost anarchic uncertainty where the promise of possibility and the pursuit of the delight of innovation provide an antidote to the banal 'everyday' and the routine expectancies of middle age.
Emerald Publishing Limited Exploring the Culture of Open Innovation: Towards an Altruistic Model of Economy
Acclaimed entrepreneurship and innovation scholar Piero Formica, along with a strong and diverse cast of international contributors, explore the world of Open Innovation in this volume. Tackling new developments in the field, the authors examine altruism and the role of openness to unorthodox and unconventional experimentation as the newest arena to create modern knowledge resources and entrepreneurial ventures.