Search results for ""Author Carrie"
Pen & Sword Books Ltd FV430 Series: Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives
During the Second World War the British infantry found itself lacking suitable transport to cope with the fast moving German Blitzkrieg tactics. Various stop-gap measures were introduced with mixed success but, with the pots-war nuclear biological and chemical threat, it was imperative that a robust solution was found. The FV300 and FV400 Cambridge carriers paved the way for the introduction of the AFV430 series in the 1960s at the height of the Cold War. Initially a basic armoured personnel carrier, the series grew to cover a multitude of roles; command, recovery, mortar, Swingfire and remote mine clearing to name but a selection. Over 50 years later variants are still in service. This classic Images of War book not only describes in words and images the AFV430 series but traces the development of infantry carriers for the British Army.
Taylor & Francis Inc Enhancement in Drug Delivery
Providing a significant cross-fertilization of ideas across several disciplines, Enhancement in Drug Delivery offers a unique comprehensive review of both theoretical and practical aspects of enhancement agents and techniques used for problematic administration routes. It presents an integrated evaluation of absorption enhancers and modes for promoting absorption that is especially valuable to those involved with the development of pharmaceutical, cosmetic, bioengineered, and medical products, as well as graduate students looking to study this intriguing field and those professionals involved with patents and regulatory issues.Organized by routes of administration, the book is divided into eight major sections: oral, rectal, buccal/sublingual, dermal/transdermal, nasal, vaginal/uterine, ocular, and brain. It offers fundamental as well specialized information including current findings on— · Surfactant use to accelerate macromolecule input · Targeted gastrointestinal delivery and enhanced absorption of lipophilic drugs · Permeation issues in rectal absorption · Chemical means of enhancement · Carriers for enhanced delivery to and across the skin · Methods associated with breaching the skin · Promoted buccal and sublingual absorption · Emerging ocular, nasal, vaginal, and uterine delivery systems · Carriers for overcoming the blood brain barrier Those investigators primarily involved with one specific route of delivery will be able to learn of helpful concepts and find additional stimulat
Coach House Books White Piano
"White Piano holds an acute sense of what poetry is, its danger...Brossard knows well that 'life is only good for living' and that living is incarnated in the material of language, that sounds, those carriers of sense, can propel it in front of the world." - Le Devoir Between the verbs quivering and streaming, White Piano unfolds its variations like musical scores. Pronouns and persons, poetry and prose: White Piano, superbly translated from the French, narrates a constellation of questions and offers a "language that cultivates its own craters of fire and savoir-vie." Nicole Brossard is one of North America's foremost practitioners of innovative writing.
Royal Society of Chemistry Photocatalysis: Fundamentals and Perspectives
Combining the basic concepts of photocatalysis with the synthesis of new catalysts, reactor and reaction engineering, this book provides a comprehensive resource on the topic. The book introduces the fundamental aspects of photocatalysis including the role of surface chemistry and understanding the chemistry of photocatalytic processes before exploring the theory and experimental studies of charge carrier dynamics. Specific chapters then cover new materials for the degradation of organics; water splitting and CO2 reduction; as well as reactor and reaction engineering. Researchers new to this discipline can learn the first principles, whilst experienced researchers can gain further information about aspects in photocatalysis beyond their area of expertise. Together with Photocatalysis: Applications, these volumes provide a complete overview to photocatalysis.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Coordinated Operation and Planning of Modern Heat and Electricity Incorporated Networks
Coordinated Operation and Planning of Modern Heat and Electricity Incorporated Networks A practical resource presenting the fundamental technologies and solutions for real-world problems in modern heat and electricity incorporated networks (MHEINs) Coordinated Operation and Planning of Modern Heat and Electricity Incorporated Networks covers the foundations of multi-carrier energy networks (MCENs), highlights potential technologies and multi-energy systems in this area, and discusses requirements for coordinated operation and planning of heat and electricity hybrid networks. The book not only covers the coordinated operation of heat and electricity networks (HENs) but also supports the planning of HENs to provide more clarity regarding HENs’ presence in the future modern MCENs. The first part of Coordinated Operation and Planning of Modern Heat and Electricity Incorporated Networks provides a conceptual introduction with more emphasis on definition, structure, features, and challenges of the one and multidimensional energy networks as well as optimal operation and planning of the MHEINs. The second part of the book covers potential technologies and systems for energy production, communication, transmission and distribution, hybrid energy generation, and more. The third and fourth parts of the book investigate the optimal coordinated operation and planning of the MHEINs. Topics covered in the book also include: Considerations of hybrid energy storage systems, business models, hybrid transitional energy markets, and decision-making plans Requirements for switching from the traditional independent energy networks to modern interdependent energy grids The key role of multi-carrier energy systems in the optimal integration of modern heat and electricity incorporated networks Technical and theoretical analysis of the coordinated operation and planning of the modern heat and electricity incorporated networks, especially in terms of hybrid energy storage systems Coordinated Operation and Planning of Modern Heat and Electricity Incorporated Networks is an invaluable resource and authoritative reference for the researchers and the system engineers focusing on advanced methods for deployment of state of art technologies in the modern structure of the multi-carrier energy networks.
Transcript Verlag Implanted Minds: The Neuroethics of Intracerebral Stem Cell Transplantation and Deep Brain Stimulation
Intracerebral interventions raise particular ethical issues. For instance, attempts at replacing lost or altered brain cells with the help of stem cells or the therapeutic application of Deep Brain Stimulation would have morally relevant implications. Many medically relevant questions and ethical concerns need to be clarified before these intracerebral interventions can become routine procedure: If the brain is conceived as the carrier of an individual's personality or of the self then operations on the brain can be seen as intrusions upon one's personality. The book addresses historical, philosophical, social and legal implications of these new developments in the neurosciences and aims at resolving some of the dilemmas that go hand in hand with "implanted minds".
Potomac Books Inc Bloody Sixteen
The Vietnam War aircraft carrier USS Oriskany and its aviators come to life in this memorial to the fallen of Carrier Air Wing 16 (CVW-16), which experienced the highest loss rate of any carrier air wing during the war.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC USS Princeton
An in-depth history of the US Navy's light aircraft carrier the USS Princeton and its operational exploits in the Pacific Theater of World War II.This new history of the life and loss of the USS Princeton tells the story of one of the new class of aircraft carrier that proved essential to the US Navy's victory over the Imperial Japanese Navy in the Pacific War. Starting life as the light cruiser Tallahassee before being converted to a light carrier as part of the plan to ramp up the strength of US naval air power, USS Princeton (CVL-23) joined the Pacific fleet in August 1943 and was immediately put to work as the United States was assembling new ships and crews for the Central Pacific campaign where the ship played a key role in conducting multiple strikes against the Japanese bastion at Rabaul. Princeton then joined Task Force 58, the Fast Carrier Task Force, and took part in the invasion of the Philippines, where the ship was lost
Peeters Publishers Le Memorial De La Communaute Des Juifs De Carpentras Au XVIIIe Siecle
La presence juive en Provence est plus que millenaire. Elle est egalement continue, puisque les quatre communautes juives des Etats Pontificaux ont reussi a surmonter la menace de l'expulsion a laquelle avaient succombe les communautes environnantes. Ces survivantes ont pu jouir ainsi d'une existence ininterrompue jusqu'aux temps modernes, grace a la tolerance traditionnelle et limitee dont les papes successifs ont fait preuve a leur egard, non sans les avoir enfermees au prealable dans leur ghettos respectifs, mieux connus par leur nom provencal de carrieres. La carriere de Carpentras abrita la plus importante de ces communautes et sa carriere connut la notoriete. Son histoire est assez bien connue: le controle permanent du Recteur apostolique auquel elle etait soumise, de meme que le recours constant aux services des notaires de la ville ont genere une documentation archivistique importante. Par contre il n'est reste presqu'aucun temoignage interne et hebraique relatif a sa vie interieur. Un seul registre a ete conserve, qui couvre la seconde partie du XVIIIe siecle. La publication de ce memorial hebraique, accompagne de sa traduction francaise, permettra desormais de prendre connaissance des reglements internes de la communaute de Carpentras, des lois somptuaires qu'elle a du edicter et de nombreux aspects de sa vie quotidienne. La survivance de cette enclave juive dans un Occident, qui fut loin de leur etre toujours favorable jusqu'a la veille de la Revolution, se revelera riche d'enseignements.
CABI Publishing Heat Treatments for Postharvest Pest Control: Theory and Practice
Due to the nature of agricultural commodities as carriers of exotic pests, importing countries have employed varying methods of pest control for postharvest products. Thermal treatments are emerging as effective, environmentally-friendly alternatives to traditional methods, eliminating chemical residues and minimizing damage to produce. This book provides comprehensive information of these increasingly important treatments, covering temperature measurement, heat transfer, physiological responses of plants, insects and pathogens to heat, and an introduction to current and potential quarantine treatments based on hot air, hot water, and radio frequency energy.
Peeters Publishers Typologie Et Comparatisme: Hommages Offerts a Alain Lemarechal
Ce recueil d'etudes s'ouvre sur une presentation de la carriere et des travaux d'Alain Lemarechal, Professeur a l'Universite Paris-Sorbonne, Directeur d'etudes a l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes et auteur d'une 'uvre importante en linguistique generale, typologique et historico-comparative. C'est dans cette triple perspective que s'inscrivent les 28 contributions de ce volume d'hommages, offert par ses collegues et amis. Abordant des questions de methodologie et de theorisation, ce recueil offre un panorama riche des differentes niveaux de la description linguistique: phonetique et phonologie, morphologie et syntaxe, semantique, lexicologie, enonciation. Les donnees analysees dans les diverses contributions ont ete puisees dans une vaste gamme de langues: langues indo-europeennes anciennes et modernes, basque, langues bantoues, famille austronesienne, langues caucasiennes, groupe altaique et langues apparentees, enfin quelques langues amerindiennes.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Properties of Semiconductor Alloys: Group-IV, III-V and II-VI Semiconductors
The main purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive treatment of the materials aspects of group-IV, III−V and II−VI semiconductor alloys used in various electronic and optoelectronic devices. The topics covered in this book include the structural, thermal, mechanical, lattice vibronic, electronic, optical and carrier transport properties of such semiconductor alloys. The book reviews not only commonly known alloys (SiGe, AlGaAs, GaInPAs, and ZnCdTe) but also new alloys, such as dilute-carbon alloys (CSiGe, CSiSn, etc.), III−N alloys, dilute-nitride alloys (GaNAs and GaInNAs) and Mg- or Be-based II−VI semiconductor alloys. Finally there is an extensive bibliography included for those who wish to find additional information as well as tabulated values and graphical information on the properties of semiconductor alloys.
Moonlight Publishing Ltd Boats
Watch wooden sailing ships being tossed on stormy seas and attacked by pirates. Learn how they are made and how their sails work. Sail on a racing yacht, go fishing for merlin and see a fishing boat trawling for fish. Find out about canoes, yachts, motor boats, speed boats, tug boats and submersibles, as well as huge container ships, cruise ships, aircraft carriers and oil tankers. Learn how to make a boat and how to tie different sailor’s knots.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Never Call Me A Hero: A Legendary American Dive-Bomber Pilot Remembers the Battle of Midway [Large Print]
Hailed as "the single most effective pilot at Midway" (World War II magazine), Dusty Kleiss struck and sank three Japanese warships at the Battle of Midway, including two aircraft carriers, helping turn the tide of the Second World War. This is his extraordinary memoir. NATIONAL BESTSELLER • "AN INSTANT CLASSIC" —Dallas Morning NewsOn the morning of June 4, 1942, high above the tiny Pacific atoll of Midway, Lt. (j.g.) "Dusty" Kleiss burst out of the clouds and piloted his SBD Dauntless into a near-vertical dive aimed at the heart of Japan’s Imperial Navy, which six months earlier had ruthlessly struck Pearl Harbor. The greatest naval battle in history raged around him, its outcome hanging in the balance as the U.S. desperately searched for its first major victory of the Second World War. Then, in a matter of seconds, Dusty Kleiss’s daring 20,000-foot dive helped forever alter the war’s trajectory. Plummeting through the air at 240 knots amid blistering anti-aircraft fire, the twenty-six-year-old pilot from USS Enterprise’s elite Scouting Squadron Six fixed on an invaluable target—the aircraft carrier Kaga, one of Japan’s most important capital ships. He released three bombs at the last possible instant, then desperately pulled out of his gut-wrenching 9-g dive. As his plane leveled out just above the roiling Pacific Ocean, Dusty’s perfectly placed bombs struck the carrier’s deck, and Kaga erupted into an inferno from which it would never recover. Arriving safely back at Enterprise, Dusty was met with heartbreaking news: his best friend was missing and presumed dead along with two dozen of their fellow naval aviators. Unbowed, Dusty returned to the air that same afternoon and, remarkably, would fatally strike another enemy carrier, Hiryu. Two days later, his deadeye aim contributed to the destruction of a third Japanese warship, the cruiser Mikuma, thereby making Dusty the only pilot from either side to land hits on three different ships, all of which sank—losses that crippled the once-fearsome Japanese fleet. By battle’s end, the humble young sailor from Kansas had earned his place in history—and yet he stayed silent for decades, living quietly with his children and his wife, Jean, whom he married less than a month after Midway. Now his extraordinary and long-awaited memoir, Never Call Me a Hero, tells the Navy Cross recipient’s full story for the first time, offering an unprecedentedly intimate look at the "the decisive contest for control of the Pacific in World War II" (New York Times)—and one man’s essential role in helping secure its outcome. Dusty worked on this book for years with naval historians Timothy and Laura Orr, aiming to publish Never Call Me a Hero for Midway’s seventy-fifth anniversary in June 2017. Sadly, as the book neared completion in 2016, Dusty Kleiss passed away at age 100, one of the last surviving dive-bomber pilots to have fought at Midway. And yet the publication of Never Call Me a Hero is a cause for celebration: these pages are Dusty’s remarkable legacy, providing a riveting eyewitness account of the Battle of Midway, and an inspiring testimony to the brave men who fought, died, and shaped history during those four extraordinary days in June, seventy-five years ago.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Synchronization in Digital Communications, Volume 1: Phase-, Frequency-Locked Loops, and Amplitude Control
The first accessible, comprehensive treatment of synchronization in digital communications. This two-volume work presents a bottom-up approach—emphasis is on applications rather than mathematics. The first volume presents the basics of phase, frequency and amplitude control, then covers more advanced topics such as the nonlinear theory of synchronizers. The second volume covers symbol/suppressed carrier synchronizers. Chapters are relatively self-contained for ease of reference.
John Wiley & Sons Inc 2D Monoelements: Properties and Applications
2D Monoelements: Properties and Applications explores the challenges, research progress and future developments of the basic idea of two-dimensional monoelements, classifications, and application in field-effect transistors for sensing and biosensing. The thematic topics include investigations such as: Recent advances in phosphorene The diverse properties of two-dimensional antimonene, of graphene and its derivatives The molecular docking simulation study used to analyze the binding mechanisms of graphene oxide as a cancer drug carrier Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)-derived carbon (graphene and carbon nanotubes) and MOF-carbon composite materials, with a special emphasis on the use of these nanostructures for energy storage devices (supercapacitors) Two-dimensional monoelements classification like graphene application in field-effect transistors for sensing and biosensing Graphene-based ternary materials as a supercapacitor electrode Rise of silicene and its applications in gas sensing
Springer Verlag, Singapore Nanomaterials: Advances and Applications
This book highlights recent advances and evolution of various nanomaterials and their potential in diverse research fields. The book covers the synthesis and characterization of various nanomaterials, followed by discussion on desired applications such as clean and green renewable energy, coating, sensors, thermal applications, microelectronics, biomedical applications such as drug carriers, nutrition, biosensors and detection of cancer cells. The chapters in this book not only illustrate the capability of nanomaterials in such novel usages but also reveal their potential drawbacks and the possible ways to overcome the pitfalls. The book covers interdisciplinary research advancement of nanomaterials, beneficial for researchers and professionals working in both science and engineering.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC F6F Hellcat: Philippines 1944
Using maps, contemporary photographs, and new artwork, this book examines the Hellcat and the naval aviators who flew them. Joining combat in the Pacific in late 1943, the Hellcat squadrons soon demonstrated their ascendency over their Japanese opponents, culminating in the great "Marianas Turkey Shoot" during the Battle of the Philippine Sea in June 1944. The fighter proved to be a dream for pilots to fly, allowing both novice and veteran Naval Aviators alike to prevail in largescale aerial combats. From October 1944 to January 1945, the Fast Carriers supported General MacArthur’s invasion of the Philippines. Featuring specially commissioned armament views and battlescenes, this book covers the key role played by Naval Aviators flying the Hellcat into action during the Fast Carrier Task Force’s strikes against the Philippines in September and October 1944. Using maps, contemporary photographs, and technical diagrams, the volume examines the highly effective tactics used to prevail against large enemy formations, and reveals the training that underpinned the success enjoyed by the Naval Aviators and their Hellcats. The key combat actions are vividly described through 3D ribbon diagrams providing a step-by-step depiction of the main dogfights featured in the book, as well as action reports, both from previously unknown pilots and from more famous Hellcat aces.
The History Press Ltd Fleet Air Arm Handbook 1939-1945
Fleet Air Arm Handbook is the most comprehensive review available of the Royal Navy’s air power during the war years. Starting with a brief history, the book progresses with a full war diary of all the major operations in a gripping narrative account. We see the different functions of the Fleet Air Arm – to protect the essential supplies brought by merchant ships, and their close support of sea and ground forces, both from carriers at sea and bases ashore. In-depth analysis reveals what life was like in the Fleet Air Arm during the war; the food, accommodation, training, activities, uniform, and the relationship between aircrew and their shipmates aboard the Royal Navy’s carriers. Each squadron, wing and carrier air group is listed along with their operations and locations. This is a well-researched tribute to an important force and is essential reading for anyone interested in naval or aviation activity during the Second World War.
Simon & Schuster Pigeon Hero!: Ready-to-Read Level 2
In a town in Italy during World War II the people have surrendered without firing a shot. But American warplanes are due to arrive, and the radio's broken, so no one can tell them to call off the attack! G. I. Joe, a carrier pigeon, is the only one who can take the message to the Americans. Will he make it in time and save the town?
Emerald Publishing Limited Airline Economics in Asia
Air transport service has become an indispensable source of long distance transport for businesses and leisure travelers and for high-value-low-volume products. The significance of this transport service as a driver of economic growth is made abundantly apparent when examining the interdependence of business and air transport growth in Asia. Given the key role this region plays as a contributor to growth in the global airline transport service sector and the distinctive features of the aviation market observed, it is important to understand the economics of this sector in Asia. This volume contributes to the understanding of air transport services in Asia by presenting new research in the following four key areas in airline economics: Competition and regulatory change, passenger demand and satisfaction, industry performance, and the interdependence of airlines companies and airports. Specifically, in this volume prominent researchers in the region have examined important issues such as low cost carrier growth in Japan, competition against full service hub carriers in the Middle East, aviation market liberalization in Central Asia, high-speed-rail and airline competition in China, air transport and tourism in Asia and Australia, airline performance and outsourcing, airports development, and airport-airline cooperation. These rigorous studies contributes to a better understanding of the aviation market in Asia, allowing better decisions to be made by industry leaders and government agencies. This book also serves as an excellent reference book for researchers in the transport and logistics industry, and postgraduate students in the disciplines of applied economics, industrial organization, corporate strategy and public policy.
Avonmore Books Solomons Air War Volume 1: Guadalcanal August – September 1942
This first volume of Solomons Air War chronicles aerial warfare in the opening phase of the war in the Solomons Islands theatre, being the critical period of August-September 1942.After occupying the Solomon Islands capital of Tulagi with ease in May 1942, the Imperial Japanese Navy commenced building an airfield on the adjacent island of Guadalcanal. The indispensable airfield was over 600 miles distant from their main base of Rabaul and promised to extend the reach of their aircraft into the Allied occupied island chains of Fiji, the New Hebrides and New Caledonia. Much was at stake and the airfield would be held at all costs.Then, in early August 1942 a bold American invasion of both Tulagi and Guadalcanal caught the IJN completely off guard. Nevertheless, Japanese air power responded swiftly and in some cases desperately. So began the knife-edge struggle for Guadalcanal.An ever-increasing variety and number of IJN units was poured into the struggle, met initially with USN carrier-based Wildcats backed up by SBD Dauntless dive-bombers and the new TBF torpedo bomber. These were soon joined by USAAF fighters operating from the newly operational Henderson Field.From late August, Japanese carriers entered the fight, adding more complexity to the intense and frenzied air battles. For the first time belligerents are closely matched and the rationale of the IJN’s sometimes erratic response is explained. The full extent of both Japanese and US involvement is outlined to a level of detail never before presented.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Electrophysiology: Basics, Methods, Modern Approaches and Applications
This updated and revised textbook presents a broad overview on topics concerning cellular electrophysiology – ranging from bioelectric phenomena recognized as far back as ancient Egypt to popular topics on the dangers of electrosmog. Without sacrificing scientific precision, this clear and concise work presents on the one hand the different methods and modern applications, on the other hand the biophysical fundamentals of ion-channel and carrier proteins. Numerous and carefully selected illustrations and diagrams supplement the text. Each chapter is extended by a detailed table of Take-Home Messages. Questions at the end of each chapter allow readers to test their understanding. Each section also includes references to relevant original literature for further reading. The book offers a valuable resource for students of biology, chemistry and physics with a special interest in biophysics.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Hellcat vs Shiden/Shiden-Kai: Pacific Theater 1944–45
By the early months of 1944 in the Pacific, the US Navy’s burgeoning force of carrier-based F6F-3/5 Hellcats had pretty much wiped the skies clear of Japanese fighters during a series of one-sided aerial engagements. However, starting in October they faced the superb Kawanishi N1K1/2 Shiden/Shiden-Kai, a formidable fighter with improved armament, a powerful engine and excellent manoeuvrability that in contrast to earlier Japanese fighters had the ability to withstand a greater degree of battle damage. Japanese pilots using this aircraft would claim more than 170 aerial victories over Kyushu and whilst escorting Kamikazes attacking Allied ships off Okinawa. US Navy Hellcat pilots in turn were credited with many of the scores of Shiden-Kais that were downed attempting to defend Japan. This fully illustrated book compares these two fascinating aircraft, using specially commissioned artwork, first-hand accounts and a thorough technical analysis.
Highlights Press Knox Knocks: Special Delivery
Highlights Puzzle Readers offer an innovative approach to learning that integrates puzzles and stories to develop motivated, confident readers. These Level 2 books are perfect for kids starting to read longer and more complex sentences.Knox, a snail mail carrier, delivers packages with a smile--and a hilarious joke for each recipient. In this pun-filled Level 2 Highlights Puzzle Reader, readers must solve six mazes to help Knox deliver the mail with time to spare so he can celebrate his birthday. With bonus knock-knock jokes, Knox Knocks: Special Delivery is perfect for beginning readers.
Highlights Press Knox Knocks: Special Delivery
Highlights Puzzle Readers offer an innovative approach to learning that integrates puzzles and stories to develop motivated, confident readers. These Level 2 books are perfect for kids starting to read longer and more complex sentences.Knox, a snail mail carrier, delivers packages with a smile--and a hilarious joke for each recipient. In this pun-filled Level 2 Highlights Puzzle Reader, readers must solve six mazes to help Knox deliver the mail with time to spare so he can celebrate his birthday. With bonus knock-knock jokes, Knox Knocks: Special Delivery is perfect for beginning readers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Fleet Air Arm in the Second World War, Volume I, 1939-1941: Volume I, 1939-1941, Norway, the Mediterranean and the Bismarck
This volume will appeal to everyone interested in how the Royal Navy adapted to the use of air power in the Second World War and provides a new and vital perspective on how Britain fought the War. This is the first of three volumes detailing the history of the Fleet Air Arm, the Royal Navy's aircraft carriers and naval air squadrons, during the Second World War. It deals with the formative period between 1939 and 1941 when the Fleet Air Arm tried to recover from the impact of dual control and economic stringencies during the inter-war period while conducting a wide range of operations. There is in depth coverage of significant operations including the Norwegian campaign, Mediterrranean actions such as the attack on the Italian Fleet at Taranto and the Battle of Cape Matapan, and the torpedo attacks on the German battleship Bismarck. Incidents involving the loss of and damage to aircraft carriers, including the sinking of Ark Royal, one of the most famous ships in the early years of World War Two, are also reported. Of major importance are key planning and policy issues. These include the requirements for aircraft carriers, the evolving debate regarding the necessary types of aircraft and attempts to provide sufficient facilities ashore for naval air squadrons.
Anness Publishing The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Trucks: A guide to classic and contemporary trucks around the world, including 700 photographs
UPDATED 2018. This wonderfully illustrated book begins with a history of the truck, covering its origins, evolution, and the early pioneers of truck design and engineering. A wide variety of trucks are featured, with more than 700 photographs, from general load carriers such as box vans and furniture- removal vans, to specialized vehicles such as fire trucks, military trucks and mobile cranes. Trucks from Europe, North America and many other countries are discussed, highlighting differences in design and the manufacturers who made them. Each vehicle is put into historical context, showing its uses, how it reached its current position in the market, or how production resulted in its demise. A history of the truck spans its origins and evolution, from the early pioneers to today's modern load carriers. This is followed by a comprehensive reference to every type of truck: general load carriers, box vans, curtainsiders and tankers, the book features a range of specialized trucks such as concrete mixers, self-loading trucks, furniture-removal vans, refuse trucks, fire trucks, recovery trucks, logging trucks, heavy-haulage trucks, military trucks and mobile cranes. A newly updated photographic A-Z directory of over 280 makes, including all the most successful manufacturers as well as many lesser-known brands.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd United States Naval Aviation 1911-2014
From humble beginnings in 1911 with floatplanes, by the 1930s, the US Navy possessed dirigibles and were introducing fighter planes. By the start of WW2, monoplane fighters were replacing bi-planes and a major aircraft carrier build was underway. Fighters such as the Grumman FLF Hellcat and Vought F4U Corsair were joined by carrier attack aircraft such as the Dauntless, Devastator and Helldriver. As well as carrier-borne aircraft, others operated from shorebases using both wheels and floats. Post WW2, jet aircraft took over from prop driven, and famous early examples were the Shooting Star and McDonnell Phantom, which saw action in Korea. By Vietnam the F4 Phantom II, Skyhawk and Intruder were in service. As well as these fighter attack aircraft were the Lockheed Viking, anti-sub and nuclear capable Douglas Skywarrior. Post Vietnam the F14 Tomcat and Hornet came into service along with the Prowler (Electronic warfare) and Hawkeye (early warning). These aircraft were complemented by a range of helicopters from the massive Super Stallion, through Sea Kings, Seasprites and Seahawks.Today the Super Hornets predominates along with an impressive multi-capable range of aircraft and helicopters. All these and more are described in expert detail and illustrated in this fine book. Future projects are also covered.
Skira Bjarne Melgaard: Jealous
A selection of drawings, aquarelles, paintings, sculptures and installations to give reader an insightful experience and better understanding of Bjarne Melgaard artistic projects. In the heyday on neo-conceptualism in the middle of the 90ties Bjarne Melgaard entered the Norwegian art scene with expressionistic and chaotic paintings, sculptures and installations full of desire and fearful longings staged between fiction and reality. For more then 15 years the artist has been traveling extensively, residing in different countries and cities, creating multiples worlds and breaking artistic boundaries, questioning moral limits and exhibiting his visions in galleries and museum and most of the time creating provoking extreme strong reactions. This book is also the catalogue of a mid carrier retrospective exhibition at the Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, Oslo (2010).
Un libro de memorias canónico, fruto de dieciocho años de trabajo y de la amistad entre el genial cineasta y Jean-Claude Carrière.Estas memorias son el fruto de dieciocho años de trabajo y amistad entre Luis Buñuel y Jean-Claude Carrière. Juntos hicieron seis obras maestras del cine: Diario de una camarera, Belle de jour, La Vía Láctea, El discreto encanto de la burguesía, El fantasma de la libertad y Ese oscuro objeto del deseo.El libro nació espontáneamente de sus entrevistas en España y México durante los intervalos de las sesiones de trabajo; el uno evocando sus recuerdos y el otro recogiendo las palabras del amigo y anotándolas.Mi último suspiro recoge la voz y las propias palabras de Luis Buñuel, y nos da una particular visión del genial cineasta y de su mundo más personal. Esta edición conmemora el trigésimo aniversario de su primera edición francesa y española.Reseña:Buñuel es el portador de una conciencia poética.Andrei Ta
Schiffer Publishing Ltd SBD Dauntless: Douglas’s US Navy and Marine Corps Dive-Bomber in World War II
The Douglas Dauntless was the US Navy's frontline dive-bomber in the early days of WWII. Even after the larger and more powerful Helldiver joined the fleet in the later stages of the war, the Dauntless remained in the fray, flying from the decks of escort carriers, which were too small to permit the operation of the later aircraft, as well as continuing to serve from the decks of fleet carriers. The Dauntless took part in many of the most notable battles of the war in the Pacific, including Coral Sea, Midway, and Guadalcanal. Carefully researched war-era photos are augmented with color images of current-day preserved aircraft, capturing the details of this flying legend. Part of the Legends of Warfare series.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften MIMOS 2017: Ursina Lardi
Ob auf der Theaterbühne oder der Kinoleinwand: Ursina Lardi vermag mit radikaler künstlerischer Aneignung das Wesen ihrer Figuren zu enthüllen. Mit Texten von namhaften Wegbegleitern und Einzelanalysen würdigt dieser Band eine eindrucksvolle Schauspielerinnenkarriere. Sur la scène comme sur l’écran, Ursina Lardi parvient, grâce à une approche artistique exigeante, à s’approprier l’essence des personnages qu’elle habite. Cet ouvrage réunit des interventions d’artistes exceptionnels, compagnons de route, et des analyses spécialisées pour célébrer cette carrière d’actrice impressionnante. In scena come sullo schermo: grazie a un approccio radicale, Ursina Lardi riesce a cogliere l’essenza dei personaggi che interpreta. Il presente volume illustra, tramite analisi particolareggiate e i contributi di compagni di viaggio d’eccezione, lo straordinario percorso artistico di quest’attrice. Whether on stage or on screen, Ursina Lardi manages to reveal the essence of her characters by means of a radical artistic approach. The present volume, with contributions from well-known associates as well as individual analyses, pays homage to the impressive career of this actress.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Heavy Metal: The Hard Days and Nights of the Shipyard Workers Who Build America's Supercarriers
An extraordinary story of American can-do, an inside look at the building of the most dangerous aircraft carrier in the world, the John F. Kennedy.Tip the Empire State Building onto its side and you’ll have a sense of the length of the United States Navy’s newest aircraft carrier, the most powerful in the world: the USS John F. Kennedy. Weighing 100,000 tons, Kennedy features the most futuristic technology ever put to sea, making it the most agile and lethal global weapon of war.Only one place possesses the brawn, brains and brass to transform naval warfare with such a creation – the Newport News Shipbuilding yard in Virginia and its 30,000 employees and shipyard workers. This is their story, the riggers, fitters, welders, electricians, machinists and other steelworkers who built the next-generation aircraft carrier. Heavy Metal puts us on the waterfront and into the lives of these men and women as they battle layoffs, the elements, impossible deadlines, extraordinary pressure, workplace dangers and a pandemic to complete a ship that will be essential to protect America’s way of life.The city of Newport News owes its very existence to the company that bears its name. The shipyard dominates the town—physically, politically, financially, socially, and culturally. Thanks to the yard, the city grew from a backwater to be the home of the premier naval contractor in the United States.Heavy Metal captures an indelible moment in the history of a shipyard, a city, and a country.
Casemate Publishers U.S. Army Diamond T Vehicles in World War II
Between 1940 and 1945, the Diamond T Motor Car Company supplied just over 50,000 vehicles to the US military, and also to the Allies. Of these, just over 30,000 were heavy 4-ton 6x6 trucks of varying types: cargo, tow truck, pontoon carrier, engineer, and cartographic. The 'Diamond' would serve in all theatres of operations, wherever its robustness and reliability were necessary to complete the mission. Due to its expertise, Diamond T also produced the famous half-track, with more than 10,000 manufactured.All of these models are described in this book by Didier Andres, an expert in the subject. It is illustrated throughout using archival and period photographs and diagrams.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers I Send a Voice
I Send a Voice is the gripping, first person account of what happens inside a Native American Sweat Lodge. Evelyn Eaton writes of her resolve to become worthy of participating in a Sweat Lodge healing ritual. She undergoes tests and ordeals inside and outside of the Lodge following the spiritual path to learn the shamanic secrets, and eventually daring to ask for a healing Pipe of her own.This classic book remains one of the definitive accounts of the training and work of a Pipe-carrier and provides a unique insight into Native American culture and their sacred and esoteric rites. It will be essential reading for everyone with an interest in Native American culture, shamanic rituals or holistic healing.
Cornell University Press "Follow the Flag": A History of the Wabash Railroad Company
"Follow the Flag" offers the first authoritative history of the Wabash Railroad Company, a once vital interregional carrier. The corporate saga of the Wabash involved the efforts of strong-willed and creative leaders, but this book provides more than traditional business history. Noted transportation historian H. Roger Grant captures the human side of the Wabash, ranging from the medical doctors who created an effective hospital department to the worker-sponsored social events. And Grant has not ignored the impact the Wabash had on businesses and communities in the "Heart of America." Like most major American carriers, the Wabash grew out of an assortment of small firms, including the first railroad to operate in Illinois, the Northern Cross. Thanks in part to the genius of financier Jay Gould, by the early 1880s what was then known as the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway reached the principal gateways of Chicago, Des Moines, Detroit, Kansas City, and St. Louis. In the 1890s, the Wabash gained access to Buffalo and direct connections to Boston and New York City. One extension, spearheaded by Gould's eldest son, George, fizzled. In 1904 entry into Pittsburgh caused financial turmoil, ultimately throwing the Wabash into receivership. A subsequent reorganization allowed the Wabash to become an important carrier during the go-go years of the 1920s and permitted the company to take control of a strategic "bridge" property, the Ann Arbor Railroad. The Great Depression forced the company into another receivership, but an effective reorganization during the early days of World War II gave rise to a generally robust road. Its famed Blue Bird streamliner, introduced in 1950 between Chicago and St. Louis, became a widely recognized symbol of the "New Wabash." When "merger madness" swept the railroad industry in the 1960s, the Wabash, along with the Nickel Plate Road, joined the prosperous Norfolk & Western Railway, a merger that worked well for all three carriers. Immortalized in the popular folk song "Wabash Cannonball," the midwestern railroad has left important legacies. Today, forty years after becoming a "fallen flag" carrier, key components of the former Wabash remain busy rail arteries and terminals, attesting to its historic value to American transportation.
Wilfrid Laurier University Press A War Guest in Canada
During the Second World War, hundreds of children were sent from the UK to stay with family and friends in Canada as ""war guests."" This book collects the letters of one such war guest, young Alec Douglas, who wrote from his wartime home in Toronto to his mother back home in London. Alec wrote home every week, although sometimes he forgot to post his letters, and they were delayed, and some letters did not get through. Occasionally his godmother and host, Mavis Fry, would add comments and write her own more detailed letters. Also included are letters from Lillian Kingston, who brought Alec to North America in 1940.This is a story of exposure, at an impressionable age, to ocean passage in wartime, the sights and sounds of New York, the totally new and unfamiliar world of Canada, the wonderful excitement of passage home in a Woolworth Aircraft Carrier as a ""Guest of the Admiralty,"" and his eventful return to a world he had left behind three years before.
Royal Society of Chemistry Lignin-based Materials: Health Care and Medical Applications
Current environmental and energy concerns have led to lignin gaining increased attention in the last decade as a renewable biomass. Due to its structural and functional properties, such as antimicrobial behaviour, biodegradability, biocompatibility and ease of surface modifications, lignin-based materials have gained popularity in the biomedical field with applications ranging from tissue engineering scaffolds and wound dressing materials to drug delivery carriers. Using this book, the reader will learn about the chemistry of lignin, and the characterization, fabrication and properties of lignin-based composites with different matrices (thermosets, thermoplastics, elastomers etc.). In addition, the book illustrates how these materials are used in medical applications, covering drug delivery, wound dressing, tissue engineering, imaging, etc. Providing a neat overview of the current research for the biomaterials science community, this book is a one-stop resource for researchers and practitioners working on lignin-based biomaterials. For those active in the broader fields of materials science and biomedical engineering, this will be a useful reference and study aid.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Sheaves in Geometry and Logic: A First Introduction to Topos Theory
Sheaves arose in geometry as coefficients for cohomology and as descriptions of the functions appropriate to various kinds of manifolds. Sheaves also appear in logic as carriers for models of set theory. This text presents topos theory as it has developed from the study of sheaves. Beginning with several examples, it explains the underlying ideas of topology and sheaf theory as well as the general theory of elementary toposes and geometric morphisms and their relation to logic.
Hachette Books Dawn of Infamy: A Sunken Ship, a Vanished Crew, and the Final Mystery of Pearl Harbor
On December 7, 1941, even as Japanese carrier-launched aircraft flew toward Pearl Harbor, a small American cargo ship chartered by the Army reported that it was under attack from a submarine halfway between Seattle and Honolulu. After that one cryptic message, the humble lumber carrier Cynthia Olson and her crew vanished without a trace, sparking one of the most enduring nautical mysteries of the war. What happened to the ill-fated ship? What happened to her crew? And was she Japan's first American victim of the Pacific War? Based on years of research, Dawn of Infamy explores both the military and human aspects of the Cynthia Olson story, bringing to life a complex tale of courage, tenacity, hubris, and arrogance in the opening hours of America's war in the Pacific.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Simulation of Transport in Nanodevices
Linear current-voltage pattern, has been and continues to be the basis for characterizing, evaluating performance, and designing integrated circuits, but is shown not to hold its supremacy as channel lengths are being scaled down. In a nanoscale circuit with reduced dimensionality in one or more of the three Cartesian directions, quantum effects transform the carrier statistics. In the high electric field, the collision free ballistic transform is predicted, while in low electric field the transport remains predominantly scattering-limited. In a micro/nano-circuit, even a low logic voltage of 1 V is above the critical voltage triggering nonohmic behavior that results in ballistic current saturation. A quantum emission may lower this ballistic velocity.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Coastal Shipping and the European Economy, 17501980
Despite a thriving of maritime history in Europe, research in the coastal trade has been curiously neglected in most European countries. Yet coastal shipping greatly forwarded industrialisation and urbanisation during the nineteenth century and remained an important carrier of goods in the twentieth century. This volume brings together fifteen essays on aspects of coastal shipping in several countries and regions of Europe. As in its companion volume on Inland Navigation and Economic Development in Nineteenth-Century Europe (Mainz: Philipp von Zabern 1995) the aim of the conference in which all but one of these essays originally were read as papers was to produce a preliminary balance of current research on the topic viewed from a comparative European perspective.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt, Vol. 6
An epic story of war and survival set in the legendary Gundam universe! In the Universal Century year 0079, the space colony known as Side 3 proclaims independence as the Principality of Zeon and declares war on the Earth Federation. One year later, they are locked in a fierce battle for the Thunderbolt Sector, an area of space scarred by the wreckage of destroyed colonies. From the frozen wastes of Antarctica to the abyssal depths of the ocean, Operation Thunderbolt is under way. Io Fleming heads back into battle aboard the Federation MS carrier Spartan. While taking a perilous course through the Antarctic Ocean, Spartan is pursued by a Zeon submarine unit. Io takes the controls of the awesome new RX-78AL Atlas Gundam, but as always, it’s not the machine but the pilot that makes the difference in the unforgiving crucible of combat. A new take on the classic Gundam universe, Gundam Thunderbolt is an action-packed, character-focused story with a gritty, realistic tone that requires little familiarity with the property to get involved.
RN Publishing Coccarde Tricolori 2021
The XIX edition of our Italian defence yearbook Coccarde Tricolori is now available.Coccarde Tricolori 2021 includes:-A Review of the most important facts, photos and news of the year 2020 in the air, sea, and land fields.-22 in-depth illustrated articles on topic subjects.-Fact sheets on the Italian MoD and on all the Armed Forces and State Corps, with organizations, order of battle, data on personnel and balance.-An English SummaryAmong the subjects of this edition: exclusive interview to the Italian Air Force Chief of Staff, and reports on the 1^ Brigata Aerea Operazioni Speciali, the development of the Typhoon program, the "Pozzuolo del Friuli" Cavalry Brigade, the program "Soldato Sicuro", the Italian Navy amphibious hub, The F-35 Sea Trials of the Cavour carrier, The Navy AV-8B Plus squadron, the Carabinieri Cacciatori in Sardinia, the new P-72B of the Guardia di Finanza, and much, much more!
Pen & Sword Books Ltd US Naval Aviation 1898-1945: The Pioneering Years to the Second World War: Rare Photographs from Naval Archives
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941 sank or crippled almost all of the battleships belonging to the US Navy's Pacific Fleet, but the fleet's aircraft carriers survived to demonstrate that naval aviation was now the dominant factor in the struggle at sea, turning the tide of the Pacific War. That the US Navy had the necessary ships, aircraft and crews was the result of pioneering, far-sighted decisions made in the pre-war years. Before the First World War the navy had recognised the potential of aircraft at sea, and it went on to develop the techniques and equipment that contributed so much to the defeat of the Japanese. This is the fascinating story Leo Marriott tells in this photographic history. In a selection of over 200 rare photographs he traces the growth of US naval aviation from the flimsy seaplanes of the first years of the twentieth century to the mighty armadas that challenged those of the Japanese and, after the carrier battles at Coral Sea and Midway, led the advance across the Pacific. Key aspects of the history are the navy's first aircraft carriers of the 1920s and the tremendous progress made in the decades between the wars in tactics and strategy as well as in the design of ships and aircraft.
Pearson Education (US) Comprehensive Health Insurance: Billing, Coding, and Reimbursement
For courses in Introduction to Healthcare Billing and Medical Coding A clear illustration of the key health insurance concepts readers need to learn to be workplace ready Comprehensive Health Insurance: Billing, Coding, and Reimbursement provides readers with the knowledge and skills needed to work in a variety of administrative positions in the medical field. It covers the foundations of insurance, billing, coding, and reimbursement, offering a comprehensive view of how each element in the process affects all other steps. Students learn not only the submission of claims to the insurance carrier, but also reviewing medical records, verifying patient benefits, submitting a secondary claim, posting payments and appealing the insurance carrier's decision. Numerous case studies and patient files are included throughout to demonstrate refunds and appeals, auditing, and compliance, Medicare calculations, and professionalism. The Third Edition includes 2017 ICD-10, CPT, and HCPCS codes; information about the ramifications of the Affordable Care Act; and current information on health care changes, trends, and the future of health care. For even more practice and review opportunities pair Comprehensive Health Insurance with the Student Workbook. The Workbook (ISBN: 0134787293) contains key terms, chapter objectives, chapter outlines, critical-thinking questions, practice exercises, review questions, and end-of-workbook tests/case study-type problems that test student knowledge of the key concepts presented in the core textbook. Also available with MyLab Health Professions for the Comprehensive Health Insurance course MyLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students have ample opportunity to practice what they learn and test their understanding to better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab, search for: 0134699815 / 9780134699813 Comprehensive Health Insurance: Billing, Coding, and Reimbursement Plus MyLab Health Professions with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 013445877X / 9780134458779 Comprehensive Health Insurance: Billing, Coding, and Reimbursement 0134709705 / 9780134709703 MyLab Health Professions with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Comprehensive Health Insurance
John Wiley & Sons Inc Radio Propagation Measurement and Channel Modelling
While there are numerous books describing modern wireless communication systems that contain overviews of radio propagation and radio channel modelling, there are none that contain detailed information on the design, implementation and calibration of radio channel measurement equipment, the planning of experiments and the in depth analysis of measured data. The book would begin with an explanation of the fundamentals of radio wave propagation and progress through a series of topics, including the measurement of radio channel characteristics, radio channel sounders, measurement strategies, data analysis techniques and radio channel modelling. Application of results for the prediction of achievable digital link performance would be discussed with examples pertinent to single carrier, multi-carrier and spread spectrum radio links. This work would address specifics of communications in various different frequency bands for both long range and short range fixed and mobile radio links.