Search results for ""Author Kenneth"
Duke University Press Hidden Illness in the White House
The serious illness of three presidents—Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy—as well as the injury Ronald Reagan received in the assassination attempt upon him have revealed our woefully inadequate system for handling presidential incapacity. The authors believe that this flawed system poses a major threat to the nation, and they provide sobering reports on how the government functioned (or failed to function) during times of presidential impairment. The public was kept in the dark regarding the gravity of the presidential condition, often unaware that critical decisions were being made while the president was suffering from a severe illness.Hidden Illness in the White House contains startling new information on the severity of Roosevelt’s illness during the crucial Yalta negotiations and the fact that Kennedy suffered from Addison’s disease, a life-threatening illness, long before he was elected to the presidency. In each case the authors demonstrate that a largely successful effort was made to conceal the president’s true medical condition from the public.
The New Press Race, Rights, and Redemption: The Derrick Bell Lectures on the Law and Critical Race Theory
Leading legal lights weigh in on key issues of race and the law—collected in honor of one of the originators of critical race theory “Penetrating essays on race and social stratification within policing and the law, in honor of pioneering scholar Derrick Bell.” —Kirkus Reviews (starred review) When Derrick Bell, one of the originators of critical race theory, turned sixty-five, his wife founded a lecture series with leading scholars, including critical race theorists, many of them Bell’s former students. Now these lectures, given over the course of twenty-five years, are collected for the first time in a volume Library Journal calls “potent” and Kirkus Reviews, in a starred review, says “powerfully acknowledge[s] the persistence of structural racism.” “To what extent does equal protection protect?” asks Ian Haney López in a penetrating analysis of the gaps that remain in our civil rights legal codes. Sherrilyn Ifill, president and director-counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, describes the hypersegregation of our cities and the limits of the law’s ability to change deep-seated attitudes about race. Patricia J. Williams explores the legacy of slavery in the law’s current constructions of sanity. Anita Allen discusses competing privacy and accountability interests in the lives of African American celebrities. Chuck Lawrence interrogates the judicial backlash against affirmative action. And Michelle Alexander describes what caused her to break ranks with the civil rights community and take up the cause of those our legal system has labeled unworthy. Race, Rights, and Redemption (which was originally published in hardcover under the title Carving Out a Humanity) gathers some of our country’s brightest progressive legal stars in a volume that illuminates facets of the law that have continued to perpetuate racial inequality and to confound our nation at the start of a new millennium. With contributions by: Michelle Alexander Anita Allen Derrick Bell Stephen Bright Paul Butler John Calmore Devon W. Carbado William Carter Jr. Emma Coleman Jordan Richard Delgado Annette Gordon-Reed Jasmine Gonzales Rose Lani Guinier Cheryl I. Harris Ian Haney López Sherrilyn Ifill Charles Lawrence Kenneth W. Mack Mari Matsuda Charles Ogletree Angela Onwuachi-Willig Theodore M. Shaw Kendall Thomas Patricia J. Williams Robert A. Williams
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Neuroprosthetics: Theory And Practice
Neuroprosthetics is an area of intense scientific and clinical interest and rapid progress. Since the introduction of the cardiac pacemaker in 1932, we have seen developments that include cochlear prostheses, techniques for bladder and bowel control, deep brain stimulation, and restoration of mobility and respiration to paralyzed individuals.The chapters in this book have been contributed by authors who are recognized internationally in their fields. The result is a comprehensive and up-to-date review that will be invaluable to graduate students, clinicians and researchers in neuroprosthetics. It is broadly divided into three sections: Section 1 provides a core of knowledge that forms a foundation for the rest of the book, and covers the basics of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology, biomaterials and biocompatibility, stimulation and recording techniques; Section 2 describes current clinical applications of neuroprosthetics; Section 3 looks at future developments in the field.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Ecosystems and Nature: Economics, Science and Policy
Ecosystems and Nature brings together the work of leading authorities in biodiversity research. It provides readers with a broad interdisciplinary perspective on the major issues in biodiversity, including economics, natural science, management and ethics.The collection is divided into four main sections: part I introduces some fundamental scientific and socio-economic concepts and analysis in order to illustrate the complexities involved in the human-ecosystems interface; part II deals with the valuation of ecosystems with special emphasis on the main biomes, faults, wetlands, marine systems, grasslands and agriculture; part III covers the problem of value appropriation and the relevant constraints and available policy instruments; the final section focuses on the difficult ethical issues that surround utilization and conservation of biodiversity.
Surrey Books,U.S. Six Plays
This anthology features six plays by celebrated Chicago playwright Mickle Maher, who has been described by the Houston Chronicle as “one of the most original voices in American theater today,” and by the Chicago Reader as “a master at creating complex, paradoxical works that encompass their own contradictions.” Maher’s plays engage classic literature as a jumping off point for seriously unusual comedic dramas, often dealing with the absurdity, difficulties, and rewards of artistic endeavor. His work has been influenced by or compared to Eugène Ionesco, Maria Irene Fornes, Kenneth Koch, and Edward Albee, among others. This edition is designed to be useful for schools and other organizations that wish to mount productions of Maher’s plays, which generally feature small casts and simple scenery and stagings, and thus can be easy to produce. Production rights for any of these six plays can be requested from the publisher. The anthology includes: An Apology for the Course and Outcome of Certain Events Delivered by Doctor John Faustus on This His Final Evening On the night Faustus concludes his bargain with Mephistopheles, he apologizes to a group of random people for his failure to keep a diary of his fabulous life. The Hunchback Variations Ludwig von Beethoven and Quasimodo present a panel discussion on their failure to create an impossible sound called for in a stage direction in Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard. Spirits to Enforce Twelve telefundraisers with secret identities work to raise money for a superheroic production of The Tempest in a bid to save Fathomtown from Professor Cannibal and his band of evil doers. There Is a Happiness That Morning Is Having engaged the evening before in a highly inappropriate display of public affection on the main lawn of their rural New England campus, two lecturers on the poems of William Blake must now, in class, either apologize for their behavior or effectively justify it to keep their jobs. Song About Himself In a dystopian future, a woman made extraordinary by her ability to speak relatively clearly tries to connect with others on a mysterious social media site created by a rogue artificial intelligence. It Is Magic Deb and Sandy are auditioning Tim for the role of the Wolf in a production of The Three Little Pigs, but there’s a mysterious haze in the basement of the Mortier Civic Playhouse and that, in addition to interruptions from the director of the Scottish play that’s going on upstairs, is making things difficult. Then, Liz shows up and throws the whole room into (further) chaos. It Is Magic reveals the deep, ancient evil at the heart of the community theater audition process.
University Press of America Entrepreneurship in Micro-Enterprises: A Strategic Analysis of Manufacturing Industries in Kenya: Textiles, Woodwork, and Metalwork
This timely and important work studies Kenya's small scale manufacturers. What makes the book unique is Gray's sub-sector approach, which focuses on the particular industries of tailoring, woodwork and metalwork. Gray investigates the development of these sub-sectors by taking a strategic management approach. Such an approach allows the author to assess enterprise competitiveness and profitability within industries. Readers will find that the information in this book serves as a well-needed supplement to the literature on the World Bank's July 1995 decision to focus more on micro-enterprise development. The book will appeal to many different audiences including development agencies concerned with the economic development community and the international academic community. Business and social science students who are interested in how work is organized in the family and the effects of modernization on traditional society will also benefit from reading this book.
Permuted Press And the Rest Is History: Tales of Hostages, Arms Dealers, Dirty Tricks, and Spies
Foreword by Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean, Simon Wiesenthal Center A real-life adventure story told by a New York Times bestselling author and war correspondent who reveals how he became a hostage, an arms dealer, and an Israeli spy.And the Rest Is History takes readers on a traveling circus from Paris to Beirut, Baghdad, and beyond, introducing them to spies and terrorists, arms dealers and crooks, and along the way reveals a few surprises about the secret underbelly of recent history you won’t find in WikiLeaks. This book pinpoints precisely when the era of “fake news” actually began in America, and will change the way you think about journalism and journalists. It includes: • riveting testimony of the author’s torture and born-again experience as a hostage in a Beirut cellar; • unusual insight into the beginnings of the Iran–Contra scandal; • eyewitness reporting from the battlefields of the Middle East; • the inside scoop on Saddam Hussein’s WMD programs; • astonishing stories of French government dirty tricks, the intelligence underworld, Israeli hostage negotiations, and the real-life escapades of a Soviet sleeper agent. And the Rest Is History is a reporter’s journey from Left-Bank leftist to born-again Christian conservative. But most of all it’s a rollicking good read full of unusual characters, places, and events you will never hear about on the evening news. “Ken Timmerman is a superb investigative reporter—and old school—which means he does his research. His behind-the-scenes adventures in Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Israel, and even France are a terrific read for those of us who share his passion for tracking down the facts, not molding the facts to a ‘narrative.’” —Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute and NY Times bestselling author of Clinton Cash and Profiles in Corruption “I have followed for some time your excellent reporting on the Mid-East. You consistently provide insights and facts nowhere else available to the public. Your professionalism and persistence make a great contribution to our understanding, to the public debate, and ultimately to our national security.” —R. James Woolsey, former director, Central Intelligence Agency “I have spent my life tracking the murderers of yesterday. Mr. Timmerman is tracking the murderers of tomorrow.” —Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal, introducing the author to an audience in Paris, France, in 2002
John Wiley & Sons Inc Principles of Linear Algebra With Maple
An accessible introduction to the theoretical and computational aspects of linear algebra using MapleTM Many topics in linear algebra can be computationally intensive, and software programs often serve as important tools for understanding challenging concepts and visualizing the geometric aspects of the subject. Principles of Linear Algebra with Maple uniquely addresses the quickly growing intersection between subject theory and numerical computation, providing all of the commands required to solve complex and computationally challenging linear algebra problems using Maple. The authors supply an informal, accessible, and easy-to-follow treatment of key topics often found in a first course in linear algebra. Requiring no prior knowledge of the software, the book begins with an introduction to the commands and programming guidelines for working with Maple. Next, the book explores linear systems of equations and matrices, applications of linear systems and matrices, determinants, inverses, and Cramer's rule. Basic linear algebra topics such as vectors, dot product, cross product, and vector projection are explained, as well as the more advanced topics of rotations in space, rolling a circle along a curve, and the TNB Frame. Subsequent chapters feature coverage of linear transformations from Rn to Rm, the geometry of linear and affine transformations, least squares fits and pseudoinverses, and eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The authors explore several topics that are not often found in introductory linear algebra books, including sensitivity to error and the effects of linear and affine maps on the geometry of objects. The Maple software highlights the topic's visual nature, as the book is complete with numerous graphics in two and three dimensions, animations, symbolic manipulations, numerical computations, and programming. In addition, a related Web site features supplemental material, including Maple code for each chapter's problems, solutions, and color versions of the book's figures. Extensively class-tested to ensure an accessible presentation, Principles of Linear Algebra with Maple is an excellent book for courses on linear algebra at the undergraduate level. It is also an ideal reference for students and professionals who would like to gain a further understanding of the use of Maple to solve linear algebra problems.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Guidelines for Reporting Health Research: A User's Manual
Guidelines for Reporting Health Research is a practical guide to choosing and correctly applying the appropriate guidelines when reporting health research to ensure clear, transparent, and useful reports.This new title begins with an introduction to reporting guidelines and an overview of the importance of transparent reporting, the characteristics of good guidelines, and how to use reporting guidelines effectively in reporting health research. This hands-on manual also describes over a dozen internationally recognised published guidelines such as CONSORT, STROBE, PRISMA and STARD in a clear and easy to understand format. It aims to help researchers choose and use the correct guidelines for reporting their research, and to produce more completely and transparently reported papers which will help to ensure reports are more useful and are not misleading.Written by the authors of health research reporting guidelines, in association with the EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research) Network, Guidelines for Reporting Health Research is a helpful guide to producing publishable research. It will be a valuable resource for researchers in their role as authors and also an important reference for editors and peer reviewers.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and Other Writings
Widely respected and admired, Philip Fisher is among the most influential investors of all time. His investment philosophies, introduced almost forty years ago, are not only studied and applied by today's financiers and investors, but are also regarded by many as gospel. This book is invaluable reading and has been since it was first published in 1958. The updated paperback retains the investment wisdom of the original edition and includes the perspectives of the author's son Ken Fisher, an investment guru in his own right in an expanded preface and introduction "I sought out Phil Fisher after reading his Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits...A thorough understanding of the business, obtained by using Phil's techniques...enables one to make intelligent investment commitments." —Warren Buffet
Harriman House Publishing The Valuation Book
The Valuation Book contains the tools needed by anyone who wants to make a robust valuation of a business.No detailed prior knowledge of business valuation is required the book covers everything you need to know, including how to read relevant parts of company accounts and the valuation tools (including DCF and multiples) that are used by professionals.Written by academics who are also practitioners, The Valuation Book provides a unique mix of theory and practical application. It is designed around the authors' experience of teaching thousands of people about valuation principles over the last two decades.Short, accessible chapters with a consistent structure and layout allow readers to build up their knowledge step by step.And the book is fully up to date, with accessible specialist chapters on integrating ESG into valuations, valuing immature companies, identifying flaws in valuation models, valuation for mergers and acquisitions, and more.
McGraw-Hill Education Williams Hematology Hemostasis and Thrombosis
Hemostasis and Thrombosis as only Williams can cover itIN FULL COLOR!Featuring twenty-five clinically relevant chapters originally appearing in Williams Hematology, Ninth Edition – many carefully updated by the original authors to reflect the latest developments -- this concise, full-color resource delivers comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of hemostasis and thrombosis. The result of this unique compilation is a focused, timely resource that will be of particular value to advanced medical students who seeks a more detailed review of hematology than generally presented in second year medical school, medicine and pediatric residents, and hematology/oncology fellows faced with patients with bleeding and clotting disorders on a myriad of medications, and physicians of all levels of life-long learning who wish to remain current with anticoagulant and anti-platelet therapies.
Columbia University Press The Bhāgavata Purāna: Sacred Text and Living Tradition
A vibrant example of living literature, the Bhagavata Purana is a versatile Hindu sacred text written in Sanskrit verse. Finding its present form by the tenth century C.E., the work inspired several major north Indian devotional (bhakti) traditions as well as schools of dance and drama, and continues to permeate popular Hindu art and ritual in both India and the diaspora. Introducing the Bhagavata Purana's key themes while also examining its extensive influence on Hindu thought and practice, this collection conducts the first multidimensional reading of the entire text. Each essay focuses on a key theme of the Bhagavata Purana and its subsequent presence in Hindu theology, performing arts, ritual recitation, and commentary. The authors consider the relationship between the sacred text and the divine image, the text's metaphysical and cosmological underpinnings, its shaping of Indian culture, and its ongoing relevance to contemporary Indian concerns.
University of Washington Press Robert B. Heilman: His Life in Letters
Robert Bechtold Heilman was a great literary figure of the twentieth century. This collection of his correspondence includes over 600 exchanges with more than 100 correspondents, among them Saul Bellow, Kenneth Burke, Malcolm Cowley, Richard Eberhart, Charles Johnson, Bernard Malamud, and William Carlos Williams. The letters follow Heilman's career from the time he was a thirty-six-year-old member of Louisiana State University's English Department, through his tenure at the University of Washington from 1948 to 1975, until a few years before his death in 2004. Two of his appointees who spent their entire careers at the University of Washington, Edward Alexander and Richard Dunn, have edited the letters with Paul Jaussen. The rich representation of letters to as well as from Heilman gives the reader access to decades-long conversations between him and Robert Penn Warren, Cleanth Brooks, Joseph Epstein, Theodore Roethke, and many others. They provide a sense of Heilman's character, personality, and achievements in the context of American letters. They also afford an inside history of the changes that took place over sixty years, for better and worse, in American universities, literary criticism, and the politics of literature. In the 1940s, Heilman not only defended the New Criticism against its many enemies, but in his own writing extended its imperial reach to the tragedies of Shakespeare. By the fifties, the focus of his letters shifted to the University of Washington's Department of English, and his flair for efficient, energetic, and imaginative administration resonates through them. The first time University of Washington President Raymond Allen read a letter by Heilman, he scribbled a note to his provost: "I like this man's philosophy very much . . . would he not make an excellent Dean of Arts and Sciences?" Heilman had been at the university less than four months. He soon transformed the department, making Washington a national center for poetry. He exhibited courage and ingenuity in defending academic freedom from yahooism and McCarthyism, nurtured and protected an ailing and unpredictable Roethke (a letter about Roethke is one of the wisest and most eloquent letters ever written by a university administrator), and struggled with demands for the appointment of black faculty as well as with the volatile campus politics of the sixties. Heilman's major correspondents - especially his Washington colleagues Solomon Katz and Andrew Hilen - were learned and articulate masters of the epistolary art. To read his letters and theirs is to understand that Samuel Johnson's famous observation "we shall receive no letters in the grave" was not a sigh of expected relief from nuisance and obligation but an anticipatory lament over the loss of a supreme pleasure.
University of Minnesota Press Creating Our Own Lives: College Students with Intellectual Disability
Young adults with intellectual disability tell the story of their own experience of higher education How do students with intellectual disability experience higher education? Creating Our Own Lives addresses this question through the eyes of participants themselves. In relating their experiences and aspirations, these student perspectives mount a powerful challenge to assumptions that intellectual disability is best met with protection or segregation. Taken together, the essays expose and contradict the inherently ableist claim that individuals with intellectual disability cannot be reliable storytellers. Instead, their deeply informative stories serve as a corrective narrative. The first of the four sections, “Laying the Foundation: Why Everyone Belongs in College,” focuses on belonging and inclusion; the second, “Opening Up Possibilities: Overcoming Doubt and Uncertainty,” conveys the optimism of this generation of advocates through stories of personal hardship, hopeful perseverance, and triumph over adversity; the third, “Inclusion as Action: Diversifying Student Experiences,” supports the understanding of diverse student experiences in inclusive higher education; and the fourth, “Supporting Growth: Peer Mentoring and Advice,” offers guidance to those reimagining and creating educational spaces. Students with disabilities belong in higher education. Not only does this book serve as an important record of students enrolled in inclusive higher education programs, it is also an unprecedented resource, packed with information and inspiration both for parents seeking opportunities for their children and for individuals with intellectual disability who aspire to attend college. Contributors: Makayla Adkins, Olivia Baist, Brandon Baldwin, George Barham, Marquavious Barnes, Katie Bartlett, Steven Brief, De'Onte Brown, Meghan Brozaitis, Mary Bryant, Gracie Carrol, Taylor Cathey, Maia Chamberlain, Antonio E. Contreras, Kim Dean, Elizabeth Droessler, Katie Ducett, Keiron Dyck, Rachel Gomez, Deriq Graves, Micah Gray, Maggie Guillaume, Cleo Hamilton, Nathan Heald, Joshua R. Hourigan, Hannah Lenae Humes, Courtney Jorgensen, Eilish Kelderman, Kailin Kelderman, Kenneth Kelty, Kaelan Knowles, Karlee Lambert, Kate Lisotta, Rachel Mast, Elise McDaniel, Emma Miller, Jake Miller, Lydia Newnum, Brenna Mantz Nielsen, Carly O’Connell, Nadia Osbey, Stirling Peebles, Breyan Pettaway, Amanda Pilkenton, True Rafferty, Taylor Ruppe, Lawrence Sapp, Tyler Shore, Brianna Silva, Alex Smith, Elliott Smith, Phillandra Smith, Payton Storms, Allen Thomas, Kylie Walter, Stephen Wanser, Sayid Webb, Breana Whittlesey, Luke Wilcox, Adam Wolfond.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Genetics and the Logic of Evolution
In this book the authors draw on what is known, largely from recent research, about the nature of genes and cells, the genetics of development and animal and plant body plans, intra- and interorganismal communication, sensation and perception, to propose that a few basic generalizations, along with the modified application of the classical evolutionary theory, can provide a broader theoretical understanding of genes, evolution, and the diverse and complex nature of living organisms.
Cornell University Press The Spirit of Things: Materiality and Religious Diversity in Southeast Asia
What role do objects play in crafting the religions of Southeast Asia and shaping the experiences of believers? The Spirit of Things explores religious materiality in a region marked by shifting boundaries, multiple beliefs, and trends toward religious exclusivism. While most studies of religion in Southeast Asia focus on doctrines or governmental policy, contributors to this volume recognize that religious "things"—statues, talismans, garments, even sacred automobiles—are crucial to worship, and that they have a broad impact on social cohesion. By engaging with religion in its tangible forms, faith communities reiterate their essential narratives, allegiances, and boundaries, and negotiate their coexistence with competing belief systems. These ethnographic and historical studies of Southeast Asia furnish us with intriguing perspectives on wider debates concerning the challenges of secularization, pluralism, and interfaith interactions around the world. In this volume, contributors offer rich ethnographic analyses of religious practices in the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Burma that examine the roles materiality plays in the religious lives of Southeast Asians. These essays demonstrate that religious materials are embedded in a host of practices that enable the faithful to negotiate the often tumultuous experience of living amid other believers. What we see is that the call for plurality, often initiated by government, increases the importance of religious objects, as they are the means by which the distinctiveness of a particular faith is "fenced" in a field of competing religious discourses. This project is called "the spirit of things" to evoke both the "aura" of religious objects and the power of material things to manifest "that which is fundamental" about faith and belief. Contributors: Julius Bautista, National University of Singapore; Sandra Cate, San Jose State University, California; Margaret Chan, Singapore Management University; Liana Chua, Brunel University, London; Cecilia S. de la Paz, University of the Philippines (Diliman); Alexandra de Mersan, Centre Asie du Sud-Est (Paris) and Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales; Johan Fischer, Roskilde University, Denmark; Janet Hoskins, University of Southern California; Klemens Karlsson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm; Laurel Kendall, American Museum of Natural History and Columbia University, New York City; H. Leedom Lefferts, Drew University and Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore; Nguyên Thi Thu Huong, Academic Council of the National Museum of History, Hanoi, and Vietnam Museum of Ethnology; Anthony Reid, Australian National University, University of California–Los Angeles, and National University of Singapore; Richard A. Ruth, United States Naval Academy; Kenneth Sillander, University of Helsinki; Vu Thi Thanh Tâm, Vietnam Museum of Ethnology; and Yeoh Seng Guan, Monash University, Malaysia
New York University Press Possible Futures Series: Volumes 1 - 3
The first three volumes of the series, available for purchase as a set now! The Possible Futures Series gathers together leading social scientists to address the significance of the global economic crisis in a series of short, accessible books. Each volume takes on the past, present, and future of this crisis suggesting that it has an informative history, that the consequences could be much more basic than the stock market declines, and that only fundamental changes -- not fiscal band-aids -- can head off future repetitions. CONTRIBUTORS INCLUDE: Immanuel Wallerstein, David Harvey, Saskia Sassen, James Kenneth Galbraith, Manuel Castells, Nancy Fraser, Rogers Brubaker, David Held, Mary Kaldor, Vadim Volkov, Giovanni Arrighi, Beverly Silver, and Fernando Coronil. Volume I, Business as Usual The Roots of the Global Financial Meltdown Edited by Craig Calhoun and Georgi Derluguian Much more basic than the result of a few financial traders cheating the system, Business as Usual shows how the current financial crisis was made possible by both neoliberal financial reforms and a massive turning away from manufacturing things of value to make profits from trading financial assets. In original essays, the contributors establish how the Great Recession is related to crises of the past, and yet why this meltdown was different. The volume concludes by asking whether the crisis -- despite its severity -- contains seeds of a new global economy, what role the US will play, and whether China or other countries will rise to global leadership. Volume II, The Deepening Crisis Governance Challenges after Neoliberalism Edited by Craig Calhoun and Georgi Derluguian Response to financial meltdown is entangled with basic challenges to global governance. Environment, global security, ethnicity and nationalism are all global issues today. Focusing on the political and social dimensions of the crisis, contributors examine changes in relationships between the world's richer and poorer countries, efforts to strengthen global institutions, and dificulties facing states trying to create stability for their citizens. Volume III, Aftermath A New Global Economic Order? Edited by Craig Calhoun and Georgi Derluguian The global financial crisis showed deep problems with mainstream economic predictions, as well as the vulnerability of the world's richest countries and the enormous potential of some poorer ones. China, India, Brazil, and other counties are growing faster than Europe or America and have weathered the crisis better. Is their growth due to following conventional economic guidelines or to strong state leadership and sometimes protectionism? These issues are basic to the question of which countries will grow in comind decades, as well as the likely conflicts over global trade policy, currency standards, and economic cooperation.
Big Finish Productions Ltd The Confessions of Dorian Gray: Series 5
Inspired by Oscar Wilde's classic story of hedonism and corruption, The Confessions of Dorian Gray imagines a world where Dorian Gray was real, and his friendship with Oscar Wilde once spawned the notorious novel. Starring Alexander Vlahos as Dorian Gray, this fifth and final series comprises four hour-long episodes, reuniting Dorian with a host of familiar friends from throughout his extended lifetime. 1. One Must Not Look At Mirrors by Guy Adams. London, 1888. When Oscar Wilde befriends a young man by the name of Dorian Gray, he finds himself immersed in a world devoid of morals. But as a celebrated killer stalks the streets, and he struggles to come to terms with inhuman actions, can he find any humanity in Dorian...? 2. Angel of War by Roy Gill. France, 1915. In the trenches of the Great War, Lieutenant Dorian Gray reports to Captain James Anderson, shortly before a routine mission into No Man's Land. His comrades rely on their faith to get them through - but is there any truth behind the story of the legendary Angel of Mons...? 3. The Valley of Nightmares by David Llewellyn. Los Angeles, 1948.Reunited in the heart of the Hollywood Hills, Dorian Gray and Dorothy Parker quickly find themselves embroiled in a conspiracy that takes them behind-the-scenes of the region's booming movie industry. But how much of it is an act...? 4. Ever After by Scott Handcock. London, 2016. The end. This is the last in the series of hugely popular adventures based on the premise, "what if Oscar Wilde's character Dorian Gray was real?" The adventures span the decades as an immortal man lives through the years and encounters some of the darkness therein...Star Alexander Vlahos has not only played Dorian across five series for Big Finish, and in several spin-offs, but may also be recognised from BBC TV's Saturday night hit Merlin, or his role in Kenneth Branagh's Macbeth on stage. This collection includes a bonus disc of behind-the-scenes interviews with cast and crew. Guest star Sarah Douglas is still regarded for her iconic role of Ursa in Superman II (1980) Note: The Confessions of Dorian Gray contains adult material and is not suitable for younger listeners.C AST: Alexander Vlahos (Dorian Gray), Guy Adams (German Officer), Samuel Barnett (Stuart Knight), Daniel Brocklebank (James Anderson), Steven Cree (Fraser Collins), Ben Crystal (Richard Dadd), Sarah Douglas (Dorothy Parker), Stephanie Ellyne (Mary Harris), Ben Flohr (Tommy Coogan), Lizzie Hopley (Emma Elizabeth Smith), Jo Joyner (Constance Wilde), Mac McDonald (Walter van Kirk), Lewis Reeves (Walter Sickert), Steffan Rhodri (Oscar Wilde), John Schwab (Jim Harris). Note: The Confessions of Dorian Gray contains adult material and is not suitable for younger listeners.
NMSE - Publishing Ltd The Late Roman Silver Treasure from Traprain Law
Excavated from Traprain Law, East Lothian, Scotland, in May 1919, was one of the most spectacular discoveries of Roman silver ever made in Europe - and the biggest hoard of `hacksilver': 23kg, battered, crushed and chopped up. Blame for the destruction has hitherto been laid at the door of `barbarians' but this study changes that view. An international team of scholars has reviewed the hoard's origins and manufacture, its use as elite tableware, its hacking and later reuse. A century of new discoveries and ideas allow fresh conclusions, especially about the hacking. With wide-ranging parallels from across Europe, the authors argue that hacking was a deliberate Roman policy to create bullion at times of economic crisis, turning valued vessels into weights of silver to be used in frontier politics, to pay off groups from beyond the empire, or hire them as mercenaries.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Chemometrics: A Practical Guide
An outstanding practical guide to the most common chemometric methods in use today Chemometrics explains how to apply the most widely used pattern recognition and multivariate calibration techniques to solve data analysis problems. This practical guide describes all key methods in terms of processes and applications in order to help the reader easily identify the best technique for a given situation. Drawing on years of industrial experience with chemometric tools, the authors share their six basic steps, or "habits," for achieving reliable chemometric results, and cover key areas such as: * Defining and understanding the problem * Experimental planning and design * Preprocessing of samples and variables * Supervised and unsupervised pattern recognition * Classical and inverse methods of multivariate calibration Complete with helpful chapter-end summaries, technical references, and more, this book is an invaluable hands-on resource for analytical chemists and laboratory scientists who use chemometrics in their work.
Cornell University Press The Spirit of Things: Materiality and Religious Diversity in Southeast Asia
What role do objects play in crafting the religions of Southeast Asia and shaping the experiences of believers? The Spirit of Things explores religious materiality in a region marked by shifting boundaries, multiple beliefs, and trends toward religious exclusivism. While most studies of religion in Southeast Asia focus on doctrines or governmental policy, contributors to this volume recognize that religious "things"—statues, talismans, garments, even sacred automobiles—are crucial to worship, and that they have a broad impact on social cohesion. By engaging with religion in its tangible forms, faith communities reiterate their essential narratives, allegiances, and boundaries, and negotiate their coexistence with competing belief systems. These ethnographic and historical studies of Southeast Asia furnish us with intriguing perspectives on wider debates concerning the challenges of secularization, pluralism, and interfaith interactions around the world. In this volume, contributors offer rich ethnographic analyses of religious practices in the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Burma that examine the roles materiality plays in the religious lives of Southeast Asians. These essays demonstrate that religious materials are embedded in a host of practices that enable the faithful to negotiate the often tumultuous experience of living amid other believers. What we see is that the call for plurality, often initiated by government, increases the importance of religious objects, as they are the means by which the distinctiveness of a particular faith is "fenced" in a field of competing religious discourses. This project is called "the spirit of things" to evoke both the "aura" of religious objects and the power of material things to manifest "that which is fundamental" about faith and belief. Contributors: Julius Bautista, National University of Singapore; Sandra Cate, San Jose State University, California; Margaret Chan, Singapore Management University; Liana Chua, Brunel University, London; Cecilia S. de la Paz, University of the Philippines (Diliman); Alexandra de Mersan, Centre Asie du Sud-Est (Paris) and Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales; Johan Fischer, Roskilde University, Denmark; Janet Hoskins, University of Southern California; Klemens Karlsson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm; Laurel Kendall, American Museum of Natural History and Columbia University, New York City; H. Leedom Lefferts, Drew University and Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore; Nguyên Thi Thu Huong, Academic Council of the National Museum of History, Hanoi, and Vietnam Museum of Ethnology; Anthony Reid, Australian National University, University of California–Los Angeles, and National University of Singapore; Richard A. Ruth, United States Naval Academy; Kenneth Sillander, University of Helsinki; Vu Thi Thanh Tâm, Vietnam Museum of Ethnology; and Yeoh Seng Guan, Monash University, Malaysia
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Men After #MeToo: Being an Ally in the Fight Against Sexual Harassment
Grounded in an explicit focus on men's roles and responsibilities in the fight against sexual harassment, this book creates a deeper understanding of why sexual harassment against women occurs and how we, as a society, can better respond to and prevent it. Integrating theoretical analyses with empirical data from interviews with 25 Danish men, the author argues that if we want to eradicate the social and cultural tolerance of sexual harassment and the victim blaming of women, then we need a paradigm-shifting perspective. This book investigates the framing of the debates on sexual harassment, just as it looks deeper into the socialization processes of men, and raises the question of why so many men feel entitled to sexually harass women. This book also explores what part men can play in combating sexual harassment, emphasizing that it is important not only to see men as perpetrators, but also as empowered bystanders. It argues that the #MeToo movement constitutes a potential instructive moment, presenting men with an opportunity for change.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Bader s Big Wing Controversy: Duxford 1940
Group Captain Sir Douglas Bader remains one of the most famous RAF fighter pilots to date, perhaps even the most famous of all, thanks to Paul Brickhill's best-selling 1950s yarn _Reach for the Sky_ and Dany Angel's box office hit of the same name, starring Kenneth Moore. Bader, a graduate of the RAF College Cranwell and a professional, career officer, was a gifted sportsman and aerobatic pilot -but headstrong. After a crash that led to the amputation of both of his legs, the Second World War was this man of action's salvation: passing a flying test, he returned to the RAF, first flying Spitfires with 19 Squadron at Duxford. In due course he was posted to 222 Squadron as a flight commander, seeing action over Dunkirk. Already newsworthy, the swashbuckling, legless, fighter pilot was also a favourite of his Station Commander, Wing Commander A.B. Woody' Woodhall, and, more importantly, his 12 Group Air Officer Commanding, Air Vice-Marshal Leigh-Mallory. In short order, therefore, Bader was soon elevated to Acting Squadron Leader and given command of 242 Squadron, a Canadian Hurricane squadron which he led throughout the Battle of Britain. On 30 August 1940, 12 Group was requested to reinforce 11 Group and intercept a raid on an aircraft factory at Hatfield. This was Bader and 242 Squadron's first experience of a mass German raid, and many combat claims were subsequently filed. The events that day led Bader to submit a report arguing that the more fighters he had at his disposal, the greater would be the execution of the enemy that could be achieved. It was a concept that received support from Leigh-Mallory, who recognised an opportunity for 12 Group to play a greater part in what was clearly an historic battle. Leigh-Mallory authorised Bader to lead three, then five, squadrons -a controversial formation that came to be known as the Duxford Wing' or Big Wing'. In _Bader's Big Wing Controversy_, Dilip Sarkar not only explores the full story of the people and events that led to the creation of the Big Wing' at Duxford, he also fully investigates the part that its men and machines played in the Battle of Britain story. Whilst Bader was not personally intending disloyalty, as such, to his Air Officer Commander-in-Chief, Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding, he was, as the latter once commented, the cause of a lot of the trouble'. In his burning desire to propel 242 Squadron and himself, its leader, into the forefront of the action, the newsworthy acting squadron leader found himself used by darker forces, men with axes to grind and personal ambitions to further.
American Bar Association Automated Vehicle Law: Legal Liability, Regulation, and Data Security
Automated vehicle law is a growing and rapidly changing area of law. Currently the industry has limited current commercial activity, but many people expect the industry to grow and be vibrant. It will be one of the legal community's first significant encounters with artificial intelligence and its effects on existing doctrines. As the automated vehicle industry shifts from research and development to commercialization, attorneys will have a significant role in shaping policy, design, and deployment; suing or defending crashes of automated vehicles; protecting privacy rights and data collection; and prosecuting or defending persons who use these vehicles. This book is framed around five areas of automated vehicle law: Background on automated vehicles The regulation of automated vehicles Civil liability for automated vehicle crashes Data security and privacy Criminal law This book is a reference guide for automated vehicle law and will provide you with legal authority and context to apply the law to the new factual situations created by automated vehicles.
Business Law
Comprehensive and authoritative, yet student-friendly, Clarkson/Miller's BUSINESS LAW: TEXT AND CASES, 16th Edition, blends classic "black letter" law with cutting-edge coverage of contemporary issues and cases. This market-leading book offers a strong reader focus designed to make the law accessible, interesting and relevant. Updated content and features highlight today's latest developments in business law, while cases range from precedent-setting landmarks to some of today's most important recent decisions. The authors prioritize ethics with a unique ethical decision-making framework. This edition also integrates global, e-commerce, digital and corporate themes with insightful features that demonstrate how digital progress is affecting the law. Numerous examples, Case in Points and MindTap digital learning solutions help you further apply the law to today's real issues.
Cengage Learning, Inc Business Law: Text and Cases
Comprehensive and authoritative, yet reader-friendly, Clarkson/Miller/Cross' BUSINESS LAW: TEXT AND CASES, 15E blends classic "black letter law" with cutting-edge coverage of contemporary issues and cases. This market-leading book offers a strong reader focus designed to make the law accessible, interesting, and relevant. Updated content and features highlight today's latest developments in business law, while cases range from precedent-setting landmarks to some of today's most important recent decisions. The authors prioritize ethics with a unique ethical decision-making framework. This edition also integrates global, e-commerce, digital, and corporate themes with insightful features, such as Digital Updates that demonstrate how digital progress is affecting the law. Numerous examples, Case in Points, Concept Summaries and MindTap digital learning solutions help you further apply the law to today's real issues.
Harriman House Publishing Company valuation under IFRS - 3rd edition: Interpreting and forecasting accounts using International Financial Reporting Standards
The influence of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on accounting across the world is stronger than ever. Most importantly, this stems from the mandatory adoption of IFRSs in many parts of the world, including Europe, Canada, Australia, Brazil and, with some relatively small exceptions, China. Additionally, foreign registrants in the US are also permitted to use IFRS by the SEC. The impact of IFRSs also extends to accounting developments as the IASB and the FASB work closely together to formulate new standards such as those recently issued on leasing and revenue recognition. It is clear that investors, analysts and valuers need to understand financial statements produced under IFRS to feed in to their valuations and broader investment decisions. Written by practitioners for practitioners, the book addresses valuation from the viewpoint of the analyst, the investor and the corporate acquirer. It starts with valuation theory: what is to be discounted and at what discount rate? It explains the connection between standard methodologies based on free cash flow and on return on capital. And it emphasizes that, whichever method is used, accurate interpretation of accounting information is critical to the production of sensible valuations. The authors argue that forecasts of cash flows imply views on profits and balance sheets, and that non-cash items contain useful information about future cash flows - so profits matter. The book addresses the implications for analysis, modelling and valuation of key aspects of IFRS, all updated for recent developments, including: - Pensions - Stock options - Derivatives - Provisions - Leases - Revenue recognition - Foreign currency The text also sets out the key differences between IFRS and US GAAP treatments of these issues, in addition to their implications for analysis. A detailed case study is used to provide a step-by-step valuation of an industrial company using both free cash flow and economic profit methodologies. The authors then address a range of common valuation problems, including cyclical or immature companies, as well as the specialist accounting and modelling knowledge required for regulated utilities, resource extraction companies, banks, insurance companies, real estate companies and technology companies. Accounting for mergers and disposals is first explained and then illustrated with a detailed potential acquisition.
Fordham University Press Symbolic Forms for a New Humanity: Cultural and Racial Reconfigurations of Critical Theory
In dialogue with afro-caribbean philosophy, this book seeks in Cassirer’s philosophy of symbolic forms a new vocabulary for approaching central intellectual and political issues of our time. For Cassirer, what makes humans unique is that we are symbolizing creatures destined to come into a world through varied symbolic forms; we pluralistically work with and develop these forms as we struggle to come to terms with who we are and our place in the universe. This approach can be used as a powerful challenge to hegemonic modes of study that mistakenly place the Western world at the center of intellectual and political life. Indeed, the authors argue that the symbolic dimension of Cassirer’s thinking of possibility can be linked to a symbolic dimension in revolution via the ideas of Frantz Fanon, who argued that revolution must be a thoroughgoing cultural process, in which what is at stake is nothing less than how we symbolize a new humanity and bring into being a new set of social institutions worthy of that new humanity.
McGraw-Hill Education Biology ISE
The Raven & Johnson's Biology author team is committed to continually improving the text, keeping the student and learning foremost. The integrated pedagogical features expand the students' learning process and enhance their learning experience. This latest edition of the text maintains the clear, accessible, and engaging writing style of past editions with the solid framework of pedagogy that highlights an emphasis on evolution and scientific inquiry that have made this a leading textbook for students majoring in biology. This emphasis on the organizing power of evolution is combined with an integration of the importance of cellular, molecular biology and genomics to offer our readers a text that is student friendly and current.Additionally, with McGraw Hill Connect, powerful digital tools augment instruction by helping students think more critically, develop quantitative and graphing skills and apply their knowledge in a laboratory setting. Connect Virtual Labs can be implemented in a hybrid or fully online setting to help students prepare for the wet lab and strengthening their lab experience.
American Academy of Pediatrics Building Resilience in Children and Teens: Giving Kids Roots and Wings
Help prepare the children and teens in your life to face life’s challenges with grace and grit. In this award-winning guide author and pediatrician Dr. Ken Ginsburg shares his 7 crucial Cs: competence, confidence, connection, character, contribution, coping, and control. You’ll discover how to incorporate these concepts into your parenting style and communication strategies, thereby strengthening your connection. And that connection will position you to guide your child to bounce back from life’s challenges and forge a meaningful and successful life. You’ll also learn detailed coping strategies to help children and teenagers deal with the stresses of academic pressure, media messages, peer pressure, and family tension. These approaches will prepare children to thrive and make it less likely that they will turn to risky quick fixes and haphazard solutions. Resilience is a critical life skill. And it can be taught! Learn how with Building Resilience in Children and Teens.
University Press of America The Bush Presidency - Part II: Ten Intimate Perspectives of George Bush
Copublished with The Miller Center of Public Affairs, The Bush Presidency - Part II, discusses the impressive accomplishments at the beginning of the end of the presidency of George Bush, presenting these events for placement in history. This collection begins with an oral history by the secretary of defense under Bush, Richard Cheney, who led a team of authorities on foreign policy and defense who were at least the equal of any group from previous administrations. Hugh Sidey presents his view of the relationship between President Bush's upbringing as the son of a senator in a comfortable and socially privileged family and his actions as a politician and president. This collection provides insights through others who worked with President Bush as they assess his actions as a communicator, his performance as a domestic and international president and particularly his search for a grand strategy in foreign policy and his dealings with Russia, China, and NAFTA.
Oro Editions China Dialogues
Since the mid-1990s, when China allowed its architects to practice independently from government-run design institutes, a new kind of architecture, distinguished by unique regional characteristics, has emerged. China Dialogues is a rigorously selected collection of insightful interviews that the book’s author Vladimir Belogolovsky has conducted with 21 leading Chinese architects during his extensive travels in China. At the time when so many buildings that are being built around the world are no longer rooted in their place and culture, the leading Chinese architects succeeded collectively in producing unique architectural body of work that could not be confused with any other regional school. The interviews are accompanied by over 120 photographs and drawings of beautifully executed projects built throughout China since early 2000s. China Dialogues opens up the thinking process of the country’s top architects, as they share their ideas, insights, intentions, and visions in unusually revealing and candid ways.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Markets Never Forget (But People Do): How Your Memory Is Costing You Money--and Why This Time Isn't Different
Sir John Templeton, legendary investor, was famous for saying, "The four most dangerous words in investing are, 'This time it's different.'" He knew that though history doesn't repeat, not exactly, history is an excellent guide for investors. In Markets Never Forget But People Do: How Your Memory Is Costing You Money and Why This Time Isn't Different, long-time Forbes columnist, CEO of Fisher Investments, and 4-time New York Times bestselling author Ken Fisher shows how and why investors' memories fail them—and how costly that can be. More important, he shows steps investors can take to begin reducing errors they repeatedly make. The past is never indicative of the future, but history can be one powerful guide in shaping forward looking expectations. Readers can learn how to see the world more clearly—and learn to make fewer errors—by understanding just a bit of investing past.
Springer London Ltd Laser Material Processing
The informal style of Laser Material Processing (4th Edition) will guide you smoothly from the basics of laser physics to the detailed treatment of all the major materials processing techniques for which lasers are now essential. • Helps you to understand how the laser works and to decide which laser is best for your purposes. • New chapters on laser physics, drilling, micro- and nanomanufacturing and biomedical laser processing reflect the changes in the field since the last edition, updating and completing the range of practical knowledge about the processes possible with lasers already familiar to established users of this well-known text. • Provides a firm grounding in the safety aspects of laser use. • Now with end-of-chapter exercises to help students assimilate information as they learn. • The authors’ lively presentation is supported by a number of original cartoons by Patrick Wright and Noel Ford which will bring a smile to your face and ease the learning process.
Cengage Learning, Inc The Challenge of Democracy:: American Government in Global Politics, Enhanced
Thoroughly updated through the 2022 elections, Janda/Berry/Goldman/Schildkraut/Manna's THE CHALLENGE OF DEMOCRACY: AMERICAN GOVERNMENT IN GLOBAL POLITICS, Enhanced 15th Edition explores how the clash of values surrounding freedom, order and equality characterize U.S. politics. The authors illustrate tensions between majoritarian and pluralist views of democracy across the political landscape, examine how U.S. political institutions and outputs compare to those in other countries and highlight the fragility of American democracy.
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Wind in the Willows
Spend a season on the river bank and take a walk on the wild side . . . Spring is in the air and Mole has found a wonderful new world. There's boating with Ratty, a feast with Badger and high jinx on the open road with that reckless ruffian, Mr Toad of Toad Hall. The four become the firmest of friends, but after Toad's latest escapade, can they join together and beat the wretched weasels?PLUS A behind-the-scenes journey, including author profile, a guide to who's who, activities and more.
American Psychological Association Speaking the Unspoken: Breaking the Silence, Myths, and Taboos That Hurt Therapists and Patients
This book shows how silence around taboo topics can undermine therapy goals, as well as the teaching, practice, and profession of psychotherapy more broadly. It gives readers the skills they need to recognize and overcome barriers to speaking up. The authors describe current and historical contexts that can make frank discussions of certain topics difficult, and present factors that play a role in self-silencing. Strategies including questions for reflection and group exercises can help readers build the courage to talk more openly, honestly, and directly in the therapy room and beyond. Chapters focus on a variety of topics that can be difficult to discuss openly including physical difference and disability, sexual orientation, sexual reactions to clients, therapist feelings of anger, oppression, white supremacy culture, religion, money and fees, and death and dying.Speaking the Unspoken seeks to create dialogue, by encouraging the reader to deepen their understanding of these underexamined topics and improve their ability to help clients and strengthen the profession.
Johns Hopkins University Press Documentary History of the First Federal Congress of the United States of America, March 4, 1789-March 3, 1791: Debates in the House of Representatives: Third Session: December 1790-March 1791
Volume XIV of this widely acclaimed series takes us to the third session of Congress in December 1790, when for the first time under the new Constitution Congress took up quarters at Philadelphia. House and Senate met in cramped Congress Hall, which, in tacit comment on the fragility of the new federal government, the nearby Pennsylvania State House overshadowed. During this session Congress debated the federal courts, state militias and the U.S. military, the postal system, navigation bills, and other issues fundamental to the new order-which had already begun to raise suspicions. The Virginia delegation denounced federal assumption of state debts. Congress heatedly discussed Alexander Hamilton's proposed national bank-including whether the Constitution implied federal authority to establish one. Congress followed the secretary of the treasury in placing an excise tax on distilled spirits, a measure that soon led to open rebellion in western Pennsylvania.
SPCK Publishing Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes: Cultural Studies In The Gospels
Beginning with Jesus' birth, Ken Bailey leads us on a kaleidoscopic study of Jesus in the four Gospels. Bailey examines the life and ministry of Jesus with attention to the Lord's Prayer, the Beatitudes, Jesus' relationship to women and especially Jesus' parables.Throughout the author employs his trademark expertise as a master of Middle Eastern culture to lead us into a deeper understanding of the person and significance of Jesus, lifting away the obscuring layers of modern Western interpretation to reveal Jesus in the light of his actual historical and cultural setting.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Finite Element Method for Engineers
A useful balance of theory, applications, and real-world examples The Finite Element Method for Engineers, Fourth Edition presents a clear, easy-to-understand explanation of finite element fundamentals and enables readers to use the method in research and in solving practical, real-life problems. It develops the basic finite element method mathematical formulation, beginning with physical considerations, proceeding to the well-established variation approach, and placing a strong emphasis on the versatile method of weighted residuals, which has shown itself to be important in nonstructural applications. The authors demonstrate the tremendous power of the finite element method to solve problems that classical methods cannot handle, including elasticity problems, general field problems, heat transfer problems, and fluid mechanics problems. They supply practical information on boundary conditions and mesh generation, and they offer a fresh perspective on finite element analysis with an overview of the current state of finite element optimal design. Supplemented with numerous real-world problems and examples taken directly from the authors' experience in industry and research, The Finite Element Method for Engineers, Fourth Edition gives readers the real insight needed to apply the method to challenging problems and to reason out solutions that cannot be found in any textbook.
Floris Books Adam Bittleston: His Life, Work and Thought
Adam Bittleston (1911-89) was an ordained priest of The Christian Community, a movement for religious renewal founded in 1922 with the help of the philosopher and founder of anthroposophy, Rudolf Steiner. This book is the first biography of a fascinating and influential individual, presented alongside a selection of his writings, including all his articles on Shakespeare.From his student days in Oxford Bittleston was a close friend of William Golding, author of Lord of the Flies, and this book draws on Goldings unpublished journal. Bittleston was also very gifted with the written word, as well as being a much sought after spiritual counsellor. His wife, Gisela, once wrote that his 'main interest was to help people sort out their destiny.' His knowledge of Shakespeare was equal to that of any academic or writer of his time and most of his books and articles draw deeply on Shakespeare's work.Essays in other sections of the book were selected to reflect Bittleston's wide reading and deep knowledge of language, history, the spirit of the English people, and religion and the gospels. He was also recognized as one of the foremost theologians of the Christian Community in Britain. He was able to translate spiritual ideas into modern life and in keeping with modern times, and was the author of several books, including Meditative Prayers for Today (1953), The Spirit of the Circling Stars (1975), Our Spiritual Companions (1983), The Seven Planets (1985), Loneliness (1987) and Counselling and Spiritual Development (1988).
Fordham University Press Symbolic Forms for a New Humanity: Cultural and Racial Reconfigurations of Critical Theory
In dialogue with afro-caribbean philosophy, this book seeks in Cassirer’s philosophy of symbolic forms a new vocabulary for approaching central intellectual and political issues of our time. For Cassirer, what makes humans unique is that we are symbolizing creatures destined to come into a world through varied symbolic forms; we pluralistically work with and develop these forms as we struggle to come to terms with who we are and our place in the universe. This approach can be used as a powerful challenge to hegemonic modes of study that mistakenly place the Western world at the center of intellectual and political life. Indeed, the authors argue that the symbolic dimension of Cassirer’s thinking of possibility can be linked to a symbolic dimension in revolution via the ideas of Frantz Fanon, who argued that revolution must be a thoroughgoing cultural process, in which what is at stake is nothing less than how we symbolize a new humanity and bring into being a new set of social institutions worthy of that new humanity.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Innovative Governance Models for Emerging Technologies
Emerging technologies create challenges for traditional regulatory approaches. The contributors to this book - leading scholars in law, innovation, and technology - address the need for new governance methods and models.The unique characteristics of emerging technologies - their diverse applications, the myriad concerns raised by new technologies, the need for public engagement, and the issue of effective coordination between governance players - create the need for new governance approaches. The authors identify innovative new methods of governance, taking into account an environment where changes in technologies can out-pace the corresponding regulatory frameworks.Scholars of technology, science and innovation will find this book to be an enlightening read, as will lawyers, policymakers and think-tanks working within the emerging technologies arena.Contributors: J.W. Abbott, K.W. Abbott, B. Allenby, M. Baram, D.M. Bowman, J. Kuzma, P.H. Lindøe, R.A. Lindor, T.F. Malloy, G.N. Mandel, G.E. Marchant, M. Masterton, L. Paddock, J. Paterson, M.A. Saner, W. Wallach
Guilford Publications Handbook of Peer Interactions
The definitive handbook on peer relations has now been significantly revised with 55% new material. Bringing together leading authorities, this volume presents cutting-edge research on the dynamics of peer interactions, their impact on multiple aspects of social development, and the causes and consequences of peer difficulties. From friendships and romance to social withdrawal, aggression, and victimization, all aspects of children's and adolescents' relationships are explored. The book examines how individual characteristics interact with family, group, and contextual factors across development to shape social behavior. The importance of peer relationships to emotional competence, psychological well-being, and achievement is analyzed, and peer-based interventions for those who are struggling are reviewed. Each chapter includes an introductory overview and addresses theoretical considerations, measures and methods, research findings and their implications, and future directions. New to This Edition *Chapters on neuroscience, social media, social inequality, prosocial behavior with peers, and sociological approaches. *Expanded coverage of applied issues: chapters on interventions for socially withdrawn children, activity programs that promote positive youth development, and policy initiatives. *Chapters on same- and other-sex peer relationships, peer influence, educational environments, evolutionary models, the self-concept, personality, and animal studies. *Increased attention to variations in peer relations due to culture, gender, and race. *Many new authors and topics reflect a decade's worth of theoretical and methodological advances, including the growing use of complex longitudinal methods.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Peer Interactions
The definitive handbook on peer relations has now been significantly revised with 55% new material. Bringing together leading authorities, this volume presents cutting-edge research on the dynamics of peer interactions, their impact on multiple aspects of social development, and the causes and consequences of peer difficulties. From friendships and romance to social withdrawal, aggression, and victimization, all aspects of children's and adolescents' relationships are explored. The book examines how individual characteristics interact with family, group, and contextual factors across development to shape social behavior. The importance of peer relationships to emotional competence, psychological well-being, and achievement is analyzed, and peer-based interventions for those who are struggling are reviewed. Each chapter includes an introductory overview and addresses theoretical considerations, measures and methods, research findings and their implications, and future directions. New to This Edition *Chapters on neuroscience, social media, social inequality, prosocial behavior with peers, and sociological approaches. *Expanded coverage of applied issues: chapters on interventions for socially withdrawn children, activity programs that promote positive youth development, and policy initiatives. *Chapters on same- and other-sex peer relationships, peer influence, educational environments, evolutionary models, the self-concept, personality, and animal studies. *Increased attention to variations in peer relations due to culture, gender, and race. *Many new authors and topics reflect a decade's worth of theoretical and methodological advances, including the growing use of complex longitudinal methods.
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Breathe Life Holy Bible: Faith in Action (NKJV, Hardcover, Red Letter, Comfort Print)
Faith in Action: Being a Gospel-Driven Change-MakerChristians are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world. To be proclaimers of good news—agents of reconciliation with a message of hope, and faith that takes action. We need wisdom from God’s Word, power from His Spirit, hope from His gospel, and faith that He will equip us for the task. The Breathe Life Bible invites you to experience Scripture through the lens of the BREATHE acronym: Believe, Reconcile, Exalt, Act, Trust, Hope, and Elevate. Receive practical biblical encouragement. Find answers to some of life’s most difficult situations. Discover what faith in action really looks like as we pursue God’s vision of being a community where all people are valued and cared for.Features include: Introduction article by Rev. Dr. Bernice A. King Foreword by Ambassador Andrew Young Prayer of dedication by Bishop Hezekiah Walker Encouragement letters from Rev. Matthew Wesley Williams (President, Interdenominational Theological Center), Dr. Thelma Thomas Daley (President, National Council of Negro Women), and Derrick Johnson (President, NAACP) The Sky Dive more deeply into faith in action with these three focused articles. Through God’s Word, you are empowered to live a fruitful, abundant life, fully engaged in the pursuit of healthy relationships with God and others. The Air Increase your understanding with introductions and overviews for each book of the Bible’s content and themes, plus insights on each book’s relevance to the hearts of people of color today. We Speak Look at life through the eyes of 49 people in the Bible. Relate to the joys, sorrows, victories, and defeats of those who lived long ago and glean insights on how to live today. Life Support Explore how God’s truth can be applied to action steps in your life through 10 passages in the Bible. Inhale-Exhale A Q&A format addresses some of the most difficult life situations with answers that remind you that it is possible to rise above challenges in God’s power. #Oxygen Be challenged and encouraged with 98 brief snippets of wisdom drawn straight from the Word. Release Focus on tenets of the BREATHE acronym—Believe, Reconcile, Exalt, Act, Trust, Hope, Elevate—through this series of 49 devotions developed by Christian pastors and teachers who seek hope and guidance in God’s Word. Cross references and concordance Words of Christ in red Clear and readable 10-point NKJV Comfort Print® Additional Contributors:Dr. Charrita Danley QuimbyRev. Dr. Eric W. LeeMichele Clark JenkinsStephanie Perry MooreMin. Derrick MooreBishop Kenneth UlmerDr. Arthur SatterwhitePastor Debra B. MortonPastor Tommy KyllonenRev. Dr. Helen DelaneyPastor Tommy StevensonBishop Vashti McKenzieBishop Marvin SappDr. Franklin Perry, Sr.Rev. Dr. LaKeesha WalrondAntonio Neal PhelonElder De’Leice R. DraneS. James GuitardDr. Lakeba H. WilliamsRev. Dr. Walter L. KimbroughJekalyn CarrFirst Lady Jamell Meeks
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Social Psychological Foundations of Health and Illness
Social Psychological Foundations of Health and Illness is a summary of current research in social-health psychology. The chapters, written by distinguished leaders in the field, provide brief surveys of classic developments in each area of study followed by extended discussion of the authors’ research programs. Includes state-of-the-art descriptions of new findings and theories concerning social aspects of physical health and illness. Discusses virtually all of the major topics studied in the contemporary field of social-health psychology. Contains chapters written by leading figures in the field that discuss their own research within the context of classic efforts.