Search results for ""guilford publications""
Guilford Publications Group Cognitive Therapy for Addictions
This pragmatic guide -- from a team of experts including cognitive therapy originator Aaron T. Beck -- describes how to implement proven cognitive and behavioral addiction treatment strategies in a group format. It provides a flexible framework for conducting ongoing therapy groups that are open to clients with any addictive behavior problem, at any stage of recovery. Practical ideas are presented for optimizing group processes and helping clients build essential skills for coping and relapse prevention. Grounded in decades of research, the book features rich case examples and reproducible clinical tools that can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2 x 11 size.
Guilford Publications Assessment and Treatment of Childhood Problems, Third Edition: A Clinician's Guide
This highly accessible work, now thoroughly revised, has shown thousands of students and clinicians how to assess and treat children's emotional and behavioral difficulties from a developmental perspective. The authors provide a sound understanding of typical development (ages 2–12) and the risk and protective factors for psychopathology. Chapters on common psychological disorders and family stressors describe the nature of each problem, review evidence-based treatments, and offer step-by-step guidelines for intervention, illustrated with helpful case examples. A comprehensive framework for assessing children and planning treatment is used throughout. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the book's 24 reproducible forms and handouts in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. New to This Edition: *Chapters on developmental disabilities and trauma. *Significantly revised to reflect advances in assessment, treatment, and developmental psychopathology research. *Additional material on pharmacological treatments in each disorder-specific chapter. *Sibling rivalry chapter expanded to include difficulties with peers. *Updated for DSM-5.
Guilford Publications Exemplary Instruction in the Middle Grades: Teaching That Supports Engagement and Rigorous Learning
Offering fresh alternatives to common instructional practices that fail to get results, this accessible, highly practical guide highlights ways to motivate middle school students while enhancing content-area learning. Each chapter features an enlightening case study of a teacher whose current strategies are not supported by research; describes effective instructional alternatives, illustrated with concrete examples; and lists online resources and lesson examples. Emphasis is given to supporting critical engagement with texts and drawing on technology and new literacies. The book covers specific content areas—including science, social studies, math, and literature—as well as ways to teach oral literacy and writing across the curriculum.
Guilford Publications Methods in Social Neuroscience
Straightforward and practical, this is the first book to provide detailed guidance for using neurobiological methods in the study of human social behavior, personality, and affect. Each chapter clearly introduces the method at hand, provides examples of the method's applications, discusses its strengths and limitations, and reviews concrete experimental design considerations. Written by acknowledged experts, chapters cover neuroimaging techniques, genetic measurement, hormonal methods, lesion studies, startle eyeblink responses, facial electromyography, autonomic nervous system responses, and modeling based on neural networks.
Guilford Publications Interpersonal Reconstructive Therapy: An Integrative, Personality-Based Treatment for Complex Cases
For individuals with chronic, complex problems that include multiple Axis I disorders comorbid with personality disorders, the barriers to change are significant. This book presents a powerful therapeutic approach that integrates psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, client-centered, and other techniques to empower patients to overcome these barriers by fostering change in personality. Interpersonal Reconstructive Therapy (IRT) is grounded in an innovative case formulation method that systematically links symptoms to maladaptive patterns in attachment relationships. IRT offers a step-by-step framework for structuring interventions to promote learning of new, healthier patterns, while blocking problem behaviors and building a strong therapeutic alliance. A new preface in the paperback edition addresses current developments in IRT research and practice.
Guilford Publications Dual-Process Theories in Social Psychology
This informative volume presents the first comprehensive review of research and theory on dual-process models of social information processing. These models distinguish between qualitatively different modes of information processing in making decisions and solving problems (e.g., associative versus rule-based, controlled versus uncontrolled, and affective versus cognitive modes). Leading contributors review the basic assumptions of these approaches and review the ways they have been applied and tested in such areas as attitudes, stereotyping, person perception, memory, and judgment. Also examined are the relationships between different sets of processing modes, the factors that determine their utilization, and how they work in combination to affect responses to social information.
Guilford Publications Making Sense of Phonics Third Edition
Now in a revised and updated third edition incorporating a decade of additional research and classroom experience, this book has helped over 100,000 primary-grades teachers understand and successfully apply the science of reading in phonics instruction. Isabel L. Beck and Mark E. Beck present innovative approaches to assessing and teaching letterâsound relationships, blending, Word Building, multisyllabic decoding, fluency, and more. A wealth of reproducible forms and word lists can be copied from the book or downloaded and printed; the companion website also features supplemental word lists, word and syllable cards, and 30 illustrated Syllasearch stories. Engaging teacher anecdotes and end-of-chapter Your Turn activities enhance the book's utility as a professional development resource and course text. New to This Edition *Chapter on the key role of phonics in today's literacy programs--with a focus on what is needed for high-quality instruction aligned with the
Guilford Publications Cultivating Coaching Mindsets Second Edition
Guilford Publications Hiperactivo Impulsivo Distrado me Conoces Tercera Edicin Gua Acerca del Dficit Atencional Tdah Para Padres Maestros Y Profesionales
Guilford Publications Helping Students Overcome Social Anxiety
Social anxiety disorder causes significant distress and academic impairment for many adolescents. This unique book gives front-line school professionals innovative, easy-to-use tools for identifying and intervening with socially anxious students in grades 6â12. It presents Skills for Academic and Social Success (SASS), a school-based intervention with demonstrated effectiveness. Case examples and sample scripts demonstrate how to implement psychoeducation, cognitive strategies, social skills training, exposure, and relapse prevention with groups and individual students. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the book includes 22 reproducible handouts. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.
Guilford Publications Counseling Cops
Grounded in clinical research, extensive experience, and deep familiarity with police culture, this book offers highly practical guidance for psychotherapists and counselors. The authors vividly depict the pressures and challenges of police work and explain the impact that line-of-duty issues can have on officers and their loved ones. Numerous concrete examples and tips show how to build rapport with cops, use a range of effective intervention strategies, and avoid common missteps and misconceptions. Approaches to working with frequently encountered clinical problems--such as substance abuse, depression, trauma, and marital conflict--are discussed in detail. A new preface in the paperback and e-book editions highlights the book's relevance in the context of current events and concerns about police-community relations. See also Kirschman's related self-help guide I Love a Cop, Third Edition: What Police Families Need to Know, an ideal recommendation for clients and the
Guilford Publications Treating Traumatic Stress and Substance Misuse
From pioneering clinician-researchers, this book provides crucial guidance for treating co-occurring concerns that virtually all therapists are likely to encounter--and many feel ill equipped to handle. Denise Hien and Lisa Caren Litt review the landscape of evidence-based treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), other trauma-related problems, and substance misuse, and present an integrative, culturally responsive framework for assessment and treatment planning. The book shows the clinician how to navigate the complexities of the treatment process while tailoring interventions flexibly and collaboratively to each client's needs. Rich clinical examples include two extended cases that run throughout the chapters. The companion website features several reproducible clinical tools and a comprehensive resource list.
Guilford Publications Motivational Interviewing in the Treatment of Psychological Problems Third Edition
With 75% new material, the fully revised third edition of this clinical reference and text describes ways to integrate motivational interviewing (MI) into evidence-based psychotherapy and counseling. Readers learn how MI concepts and tools can enhance their foundational skills as helpers--and can be tailored for clients with depression, anxiety disorders, addictions, posttraumatic stress disorder, and other frequently encountered problems. Chapters are grounded in research on what works for particular disorders. Vivid case examples illustrate the role that MI can play in helping clients at any stage of treatment to resolve ambivalence and mobilize their energy, commitment, and personal resources for change. New to This Edition *Chapters on culturally responsive MI, trauma-informed practices, and MI in child welfare. *Chapters on treating chronic pain and serious mental illness. *Key developments in MI, as well as current psychological research. *Extens
Guilford Publications Researching Children's Experiences
This accessible book presents approaches to planning, carrying out, and analyzing research projects with children and youth from a social constructivist perspective. Rich, contextualized examples illustrate how to elicit and understand the lived experiences of diverse young people. Data-collection methods discussed in depth include drawing, photography, the Internet, games, interviewing, focus groups, journaling, and observation. Also covered are strategies for fostering the active contributions of children in the research process; navigating consent and ethical issues; enlisting the support of parents, school personnel, and other gatekeepers; and interpreting data. Throughout, the authors emphasize the need to attend to the social setting in which research with children is done. End-of-chapter questions and exercises encourage readers to reflect on taken-for-granted conceptions of children and childhood and to try out the book’s ideas in their own research projects.
Guilford Publications Intrusive Thoughts in Clinical Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment
Advancing our understanding of the cognitive underpinnings of psychopathology, this is the first volume to focus on the role of unwanted intrusive thoughts, images, and impulses in a variety of psychological disorders. Leading experts explore the nature and causes of cognitive intrusions, examining how they become so persistent--and distressing--for certain individuals. Compelling findings are presented on the contribution of these phenomena to the etiology and maintenance of such diverse problems as obsessive-compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, generalized anxiety disorder, insomnia, and sexual offending. Highlighting important questions for future research, each chapter also discusses practical implications for assessment and treatment. Clearly organized and tightly edited, this book will inform the work of researchers, students, and clinicians alike.
Guilford Publications Structural Equation Modeling of Multiple Rater Data
The use of multiple raters can improve the validity of conclusions made on self- (and other) reports of emotions, attitudes, goals, and self-perceptions of personality. Yet analyzing these ratings requires special psychometric models that take into account the specific nature of these data. From leading authorities, this book offers the first comprehensive introduction to structural equation modeling (SEM) of multiple rater data. Rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach, the book shows how the choice of a model should be guided by measurement design and purpose. Practical recommendations are provided for selecting suitable measurement designs, raters, and psychometric models. Models for different combinations of rater types and for cross-sectional as well as longitudinal research designs are described step by step, with a strong emphasis on the substantive meaning of the latent variables in the models. User-friendly features include equation boxes, application boxes, a
Guilford Publications Motivational Interviewing in Life and Health Coaching
Guilford Publications Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling, Fifth Edition
Significantly revised, the fifth edition of the most complete, accessible text now covers all three approaches to structural equation modeling (SEM)--covariance-based SEM, nonparametric SEM (Pearl’s structural causal model), and composite SEM (partial least squares path modeling). With increased emphasis on freely available software tools such as the R lavaan package, the text uses data examples from multiple disciplines to provide a comprehensive understanding of all phases of SEM--what to know, best practices, and pitfalls to avoid. It includes exercises with answers, rules to remember, topic boxes, and new self-tests on significance testing, regression, and psychometrics. The companion website supplies helpful primers on these topics as well as data, syntax, and output for the book's examples, in files that can be opened with any basic text editor. New to This Edition *Chapters on composite SEM, also called partial least squares path modeling or variance-based SEM; conducting SEM analyses in small samples; and recent developments in mediation analysis. *Coverage of new reporting standards for SEM analyses; piecewise SEM, also called confirmatory path analysis; comparing alternative models fitted to the same data; and issues in multiple-group SEM. *Extended tutorials on techniques for dealing with missing data in SEM and instrumental variable methods to deal with confounding of target causal effects. Pedagogical Features *New self-tests of knowledge about background topics (significance testing, regression, and psychometrics) with scoring key and online primers. *End-of-chapter suggestions for further reading and exercises with answers. *Troublesome examples from real data, with guidance for handling typical problems in analyses. *Topic boxes on special issues and boxed rules to remember. *Website promoting a learn-by-doing approach, including data, extensively annotated syntax, and output files for all the book’s detailed examples.
Guilford Publications 8 Ways to Hope
You can't take a leap of faith without it. It lets you dream of a brighter future. And in a world worn down by political conflict, climate change, war, and other perils, many worry about losing it. Pioneering psychologist William R. Miller takes a fresh look at hope and its transformative potential in this concise, compassionate book. Explore eight different facets of hope that enable people to clarify their goals, envision new possibilities, find purpose, enhance motivation, and persevere against tough odds. Dr. Miller guides you to reflect on your own relationship to hope and how you can cultivate it. Vivid personal stories, historical examples, and cutting-edge scientific findings reveal how choosing hope over fear can be a powerful force for change.
Guilford Publications The Anti-Anxiety Program: A Workbook of Proven Strategies to Overcome Worry, Panic, and Phobias
How would it feel to approach life with more confidence, and less fear? Discover a new sense of freedom as you work through this expertly crafted workbook, now revised and updated to be even more user friendly. Grounded in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), the book helps you understand how anxiety gets out of control; identify your triggers; change the patterns of thinking and behavior that make worry, panic, and phobias worse; and take proven steps to confront feared situations. The second edition has been updated with over a decade's worth of research advances. It includes more detailed instructions for customizing the program, added support for staying motivated, vivid stories that run throughout the book, new separate chapters on relaxation and mindfulness, and downloadable audio recordings. The large-size format makes it easy to fill in the worksheets; you can download and print extra copies as needed.
Guilford Publications Atlas of Moral Psychology
This comprehensive and cutting-edge volume maps out the terrain of moral psychology, a dynamic and evolving area of research. In 57 concise chapters, leading authorities and up-and-coming scholars explore fundamental issues and current controversies. The volume systematically reviews the empirical evidence base and presents influential theories of moral judgment and behavior. It is organized around the key questions that must be addressed for a complete understanding of the moral mind.
Guilford Publications Mom Brain: Proven Strategies to Fight the Anxiety, Guilt, and Overwhelming Emotions of Motherhood—and Relax into Your New Self
Have you had a “mom brain” moment? Your heart is racing, your palms are sweaty, and your mind is spinning with anxiety, self-doubt, and whether or not you remembered to pack the diaper cream. Becoming a mother is a joyful rite of passage, but it can also be overwhelming--physically and emotionally. How can you calm the worries, quiet the guilt, and be present with yourself and your kids? Psychologist and mom Ilyse Dobrow DiMarco specializes in the myriad issues that women with young children struggle with. In this compassionate guide, she shares science-based strategies to help you cope with common challenges and make peace with your transformed identity. Dr. Dobrow DiMarco uses frank, funny, and moving stories to illustrate ways to tame self-critical thoughts and navigate the "new normal" of work, marriage, and friendships. Learn how you can mindfully accept the highs and lows of parenting--even in the toughest moments.
Guilford Publications DBT Teams: Development and Practice
The treatment team is an essential component of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). This much-needed resource from Jennifer H. R. Sayrs and DBT originator Marsha M. Linehan explains how DBT teams work, ways in which they differ from traditional consultation teams, and how to establish an effective team culture. The book addresses the role of the DBT team leader; the structure of meetings; the use of DBT strategies within teams; identifying and resolving common team problems; and important functions before, during, and after suicide crises. User-friendly features include end-of-chapter exercises and reproducible handouts and forms. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Guilford Publications Working with High-Risk Adolescents: A Collaborative Strengths-Based Approach
This innovative book focuses on helping high-risk adolescents and their families rapidly resolve long-standing difficulties. Matthew D. Selekman spells out a range of solution-focused strategies and other techniques, illustrating their implementation with vivid case examples. His approach augments individual and family sessions with collaborative meetings that enlist the strengths of the adolescent's social network and key helping professionals from larger systems. User-friendly features include checklists, sample questions to aid in relationship building and goal setting, and reproducible forms that can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. Blending family therapy science with therapeutic artistry, the book significantly refines and updates the approach originally presented in Selekman's Pathways to Change.
Guilford Publications Invisible Chains: Overcoming Coercive Control in Your Intimate Relationship
When you are showered with attention, it can feel incredibly romantic and can blind you to hints of problems ahead. But what happens when attentiveness becomes domination? In some relationships, the desire to control leads to jealousy, gaslighting, threats, micromanaging--even physical violence. If you or someone you care about are trapped in a web of coercive control, this book provides answers, hope, and a way out. Lisa Aronson Fontes draws on both professional expertise and personal experience to help you: *Recognize controlling behaviors of all kinds. *Understand why this destructive pattern occurs. *Determine whether you are in danger and if your partner can change. *Protect yourself and your kids. *Find the support and resources you need. *Take action to improve or end your relationship. *Regain your freedom and independence.
Guilford Publications Take Back Your Marriage: Sticking Together in a World That Pulls Us Apart
All couples walk to the altar dreaming of happily-ever-after, but many forces in our society work against healthy lifelong commitment. Renowned family therapist William J. Doherty reveals how cracks can develop in even a rock-solid marriage, and what steps you can take to keep your love strong. Learn ways to break free of common traps like confusing desires with needs, comparing your spouse to your fantasies of other relationships, or becoming overtime parents instead of full-time partners. You'll get suggestions for creating relationship rituals--from mundane to celebratory, sexy to silly--that build closeness and connection every day. The updated second edition incorporates Dr. Doherty's ongoing experience counseling couples, plus the latest information on marriage and health, how divorce affects kids, the impact of new technologies on family life, and more.Winner--Best Self-Help Book, ForeWord Magazine's Book of the Year Awards
Guilford Publications Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy: Understanding and Addressing the Sacred
From a leading researcher and practitioner, this volume provides an innovative framework for understanding the role of spirituality in people's lives and its relevance to the work done in psychotherapy. It offers fresh, practical ideas for creating a spiritual dialogue with clients, assessing spirituality as a part of their problems and solutions, and helping them draw on spiritual resources in times of stress. Written from a nonsectarian perspective, the book encompasses both traditional and nontraditional forms of spirituality. It is grounded in current findings from psychotherapy research and the psychology of religion, and includes a wealth of evocative case material.
Guilford Publications Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders: Science and Practice
Updating and reformulating Aaron T. Beck's pioneering cognitive model of anxiety disorders, this book is both authoritative and highly practical. The authors synthesize the latest thinking and empirical data on anxiety treatment and offer step-by-step instruction in cognitive assessment, case formulation, cognitive restructuring, and behavioral intervention. They provide evidence-based mini-manuals for treating the five most common anxiety disorders: panic disorder, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder. User-friendly features include vivid case examples, concise Clinician Guidelines that reinforce key points, and over three dozen reproducible handouts and forms.Winner--American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award!
Guilford Publications Cognitive Therapy for Challenging Problems: What to Do When the Basics Don't Work
This groundbreaking book addresses what to do when a patient is not making progress. Provided is practical, step-by-step guidance on conceptualizing and solving frequently encountered problems, whether in developing and maintaining the therapeutic alliance or in accomplishing specific therapeutic tasks. While the framework presented is applicable to a range of challenging clinical situations, particular attention is given to modifying the longstanding distorted beliefs and dysfunctional behavioral strategies of people with personality disorders. Helpful appendices include a reproducible assessment tool, the Personality Belief Questionnaire.See also Dr. Beck's Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Second Edition: Basics and Beyond, the leading text for students and practicing therapists who want to learn the fundamentals of CBT.
Guilford Publications The Treatment of Eating Disorders: A Clinical Handbook
Eminently practical and authoritative, this comprehensive clinical handbook brings together leading international experts on eating disorders to describe the most effective treatments and how to implement them. Coverage encompasses psychosocial, family-based, medical, and nutritional therapies for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, and other eating disorders and disturbances. Especially noteworthy are "mini-manuals" that present the nuts and bolts of 11 of the treatment approaches, complete with reproducible handouts and forms. The volume also provides an overview of assessment, treatment planning, and medical management issues. Special topics include psychiatric comorbidities, involuntary treatment, support for caregivers, childhood eating disorders, and new directions in treatment research and evaluation.
Guilford Publications Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: School-Based Practice
Evidence based and practical, this book presents state-of-the-science approaches for helping K-12 students who struggle with aggressive behaviors, anxiety, depression, ADHD, and autism. It explains the fundamentals of cognitive-behavioral intervention and reviews exemplary programs that offer powerful ways to reach at-risk children and adolescents. Leading authorities thoroughly describe the process of assessment, treatment planning, implementation, and program evaluation. What makes the book unique is its focus on the nitty-gritty of school-based intervention, including how to integrate mental health services into the special education system, overcome obstacles, and provide needed skills to school personnel.
Guilford Publications Bright Kids Who Can't Keep Up: Help Your Child Overcome Slow Processing Speed and Succeed in a Fast-Paced World
Do you find yourself constantly asking your child to pick up the pace? Does he or she seem to take longer than others to get stuff done--whether completing homework, responding when spoken to, or getting dressed and ready in the morning? Drs. Ellen Braaten and Brian Willoughby have worked with thousands of kids and teens who struggle with an area of cognitive functioning called processing speed, and who are often mislabeled as lazy or unmotivated. Filled with vivid stories and examples, this crucial resource demystifies processing speed and shows how to help kids (ages 5 to 18) catch up in this key area of development. Helpful practical tools can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2 x 11 size. Learn how to obtain needed support at school, what to expect from a professional evaluation, and how you can make daily routines more efficient--while promoting your child's social and emotional well-being.
Guilford Publications Generation to Generation: Family Process in Church and Synagogue
This acclaimed, influential work applies the concepts of systemic family therapy to the emotional life of congregations. Edwin H. Friedman shows how the same understanding of family process that can aid clergy in their pastoral role also has important ramifications for negotiating congregational dynamics and functioning as an effective leader. Clergy from diverse denominations, as well as family therapists and counselors, have found that this book directly addresses the dilemmas and crises they encounter daily. It is widely used as a text in courses on family systems and pastoral care.
Guilford Publications Treating ADHD and Comorbid Disorders: Psychosocial and Psychopharmacological Interventions
Children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) frequently experience co-occurring problems with aggression, mood swings, tics, anxiety, or depression. Organized around detailed case presentations, this highly informative book helps the clinician make sound decisions when assessing and treating the full range of ADHD comorbidities. Experienced child psychiatrist Steven Pliszka offers straightforward guidance on how to avoid common diagnostic errors, develop an individualized medication regimen, minimize health risks and side effects, collaborate successfully with parents, and tailor psychosocial treatments to each family's needs. A reproducible structured interview facilitates sorting out symptoms and distinguishing between different comorbid disorders.
Guilford Publications Barkley Functional Impairment Scale (BFIS for Adults), (Wire-Bound Paperback)
To diagnose a mental disorder or evaluate a disability claim, clinicians must assess functional impairment--not just the presence of symptoms. Meeting a key need, the Barkley Functional Impairment Scale (BFIS for Adults) is the first empirically based, norm-referenced tool designed to evaluate possible impairment in 15 major domains of psychosocial functioning in adults. Featuring both self-report and other-report forms (for example, spouse, parent, or sibling), the BFIS is reliable, valid, and user friendly. The long version takes the average adult 5-7 minutes to complete, and the Quick Screen takes only 3-5 minutes. Complete instructions for scoring and interpreting the scale are provided.QUICK VIEWWhat does it do?: Assesses psychosocial impairments in 15 domains of major life activities.Age Range: 18-89Administration Time: Long Form: 5-7 minutes. Quick Screen: 3-5 minutes.Format: Self-report plus other-report (for example, spouse, parent, or sibling) rating scales.Cost of Additional Forms: No cost--purchasers get permission to reproduce the forms and score sheets for repeated use.See also the Barkley Adult ADHD Rating Scale--IV (BAARS-IV), which measures current and recollected ADHD symptoms, and the Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale (BDEFS for Adults), which assesses clinically significant executive functioning difficulties.Includes Permission to PhotocopyEnhancing the convenience and value of the BFIS, the limited photocopy license allows purchasers to reproduce the forms and score sheets without the expense of reordering materials from the publisher. The large format and sturdy wire binding facilitate photocopying.Age Range: 18-89Forms and Score Sheets:BFIS-LF: Self-ReportBFIS Quick Screen: Self-ReportBFIS-LF: Other-ReportBFIS Quick Screen: Other-ReportBFIS Impairment InterviewBFIS-LF: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores (Ages 18-39)BFIS-LF: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores (Ages 40-59)BFIS-LF: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores (Ages 60-89)BFIS Quick Screen: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores (All Ages)
Guilford Publications Essential Assessment Skills for Couple and Family Therapists
Showing how to weave assessment into all phases of therapy, this indispensable text and practitioner guide is reader friendly, straightforward, and practical. Specific strategies are provided for evaluating a wide range of clinical issues and concerns in adults, children and adolescents, families, and couples. The authors demonstrate ways to use interviewing and other techniques to understand both individual and relationship functioning, develop sound treatment plans, and monitor progress. Handy mnemonics help beginning family therapists remember what to include in assessments, and numerous case examples illustrate what the assessment principles look like in action with diverse clients.See also the authors' Essential Skills in Family Therapy, Third Edition: From the First Interview to Termination, which addresses all aspects of real-world clinical practice, and Clinician's Guide to Research Methods in Family Therapy.
Guilford Publications When Someone You Love Suffers from Posttraumatic Stress: What to Expect and What You Can Do
For trauma survivors struggling with intense memories and emotions, it often feels like life won't ever be normal again. Effective treatments are out there, but the needs of family members are often overlooked. Will the person you love ever get better? What can you do to promote healing? Where can you turn when you just can't cope? From experienced trauma specialists Drs. Claudia Zayfert and Jason C. DeViva, this compassionate guide is packed with information, support, vivid stories, and specific advice. Learn to navigate the rough spots day by day and help your loved one find a brighter tomorrow.Mental health professionals, see also the related treatment manual, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for PTSD.Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Self-Help Book of Merit
Guilford Publications Reading Instruction for Diverse Classrooms: Research-Based, Culturally Responsive Practice
This practical, teacher-friendly book provides indispensable guidance for implementing research-based reading instruction that is responsive to students' diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Structured around the “big five” core topics of an effective reading program—phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension—the book explains tried-and-true teaching strategies for fostering all students' achievement. Key topics include engaging diverse students in classroom discussion, involving families in learning, and assessing and teaching new literacies. Numerous classroom examples demonstrate a wide range of easy-to-implement lesson ideas and activities for students at different grade levels, including struggling learners. Issues specific to English language learners are woven throughout the chapters.
Guilford Publications Reading Instruction for Diverse Classrooms: Research-Based, Culturally Responsive Practice
This practical, teacher-friendly book provides indispensable guidance for implementing research-based reading instruction that is responsive to students' diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Structured around the “big five” core topics of an effective reading program—phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension—the book explains tried-and-true teaching strategies for fostering all students' achievement. Key topics include engaging diverse students in classroom discussion, involving families in learning, and assessing and teaching new literacies. Numerous classroom examples demonstrate a wide range of easy-to-implement lesson ideas and activities for students at different grade levels, including struggling learners. Issues specific to English language learners are woven throughout the chapters.
Guilford Publications Distress Tolerance: Theory, Research, and Clinical Applications
This state-of-the-art volume synthesizes the growing body of knowledge on the role of distress tolerance—the ability to withstand aversive internal states such as negative emotions and uncomfortable bodily sensations—in psychopathology. Prominent contributors describe how the construct has been conceptualized and measured and examine its links to a range of specific psychological disorders. Exemplary treatment approaches that target distress tolerance are reviewed. Featuring compelling clinical illustrations, the book highlights implications of the research for better understanding how psychological problems develop and how to assess and treat them effectively.
Guilford Publications Helping Schoolchildren Cope with Anger, Second Edition: A Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention
This invaluable guide presents all of the information and clinical tools needed to implement the Anger Coping Program, an empirically supported intervention for students in grades 3–6. Practitioners are taken step by step through setting up treatment groups, teaching vital skills for reducing aggression and disruptive behavior, and building strong partnerships with teachers and parents. Many practical suggestions are provided for adapting the program to different settings and optimizing student outcomes. In a large-size formatto facilitate photocopying, the book includes reproducible handouts, forms, and parent letters (in English and Spanish). New to this Edition * Redesigned to be even more practitioner friendly. * Chapters on integrating the Anger Coping Program with schoolwide response to intervention (RTI) and positive behavioral supports, intervening with girls and with culturally diverse students, and working with individuals instead of groups. * Several new reproducible tools, including a classroom progress monitoring report.
Guilford Publications Managing Challenging Behaviors in Schools: Research-Based Strategies That Work
Solidly grounded in research, this book provides an overview of tested, easy-to-implement strategies for preventing problem behavior in the classroom and responding effectively when it does occur. Part I focuses on prevention, discussing best practices in classroom management and instructional delivery. Part II covers more intensive interventions for students who require individualized behavior support. Chapters describe the use of behavioral contracts, self-monitoring, and functional assessment-based interventions. The authors' model is fully compatible with positive behavior intervention and support (PBIS) and response-to-intervention (RTI) frameworks. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the book includes more than a dozen reproducible checklists, self-assessment tools, and planning forms. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. See also Supporting Behavior for School Success: A Step-by-Step Guide to Key Strategies, by Kathleen Lynne Lane et al., which provides a quick and easy guide to implementing seven effective low-intensity strategies in the classroom.
Guilford Publications Making Inclusion Work for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Evidence-Based Guide
An indispensable resource for K-12 educators and autism specialists, this highly practical book shows how to include students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in general education settings. Tristram Smith and his associates present a research-based, step-by-step process for assessing students at a range of skill levels, planning and implementing successful inclusion programs, and working as a team with other professionals and with parents. The book is packed with specific strategies for helping students with ASD follow the daily routine, learn from the general education curriculum, interact with peers, and overcome problem behavior. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, it features dozens of reproducible worksheets and forms.
Guilford Publications Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale (BDEFS for Adults), (Wire-Bound Paperback)
The Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale (BDEFS for Adults) is an empirically based tool for evaluating dimensions of adult executive functioning in daily life. Evidence indicates that the BDEFS is far more predictive of impairments in major life activities than more time-consuming and costly traditional EF tests. The BDEFS offers an ecologically valid snapshot of the capacities involved in time management, organization and problem solving, self-restraint, self-motivation, and self-regulation of emotions. It comprises both self- and other-reports in a long form (15-20 minutes) and a short form (4-5 minutes). Special features include an adult ADHD risk index in the long form. Complete instructions for scoring and interpreting the scale are provided.QUICK VIEWWhat does it do?: Provides an ecologically valid assessment of executive functioning deficits in daily life activities.Age Range: 18-81Administration Time: Long Form: 15-20 minutes. Short Form: 4-5 minutes.Format: Self-report plus other-report (for example, spouse, parent, or sibling) rating scales.Cost of Additional Forms: No cost--purchasers get permission to reproduce the forms and score sheets for repeated use.See also the Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale--Children and Adolescents (BDEFS-CA) and Barkley's authoritative book on EF development and deficits, Executive Functions. Also available: Barkley Adult ADHD Rating Scale--IV (BAARS-IV) and Barkley Functional Impairment Scale (BFIS for Adults).Includes Permission to PhotocopyEnhancing the convenience and value of the BDEFS, the limited photocopy license allows purchasers to reproduce the forms and score sheets and yields considerable cost savings over other available scales. The large format and sturdy wire binding facilitate photocopying.Age Range: 18-81Forms and Score Sheets:BDEFS-LF: Self-ReportBDEFS-LF: Other-ReportBDEFS-LF: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores (Ages 18-34, Males Only)BDEFS-LF: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores (Ages 18-34, Females Only)BDEFS-LF: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores (Ages 18-34, Males and Females Combined)BDEFS-LF: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores (Ages 35-49, Males Only)BDEFS-LF: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores (Ages 35-49, Females Only)BDEFS-LF: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores (Ages 35-49, Males and Females Combined)BDEFS-LF: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores (Ages 50-64, Males Only)BDEFS-LF: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores (Ages 50-64, Females Only)BDEFS-LF: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores (Ages 50-64, Males and Females Combined)BDEFS-LF: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores (Ages 65-81, Males Only)BDEFS-LF: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores (Ages 65-81, Females Only)BDEFS-LF: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores (Ages 65-81, Males and Females Combined)BDEFS-LF: Self-Report Score Sheet for Total EF Symptom Counts (All Ages and Both Sexes)BDEFS-SF: Self-ReportBDEFS-SF: Other-ReportBDEFS-SF: Self-Report Score Sheet for Total EF Summary Scores and EF Symptom Counts (All Ages and Both Sexes)BDEFS-SF Clinical Interview: Self-Report
Guilford Publications Response to Intervention: Principles and Strategies for Effective Practice
This bestselling work provides practitioners with a complete guide to implementing response to intervention (RTI) in schools. The authors are leading experts who explain the main components of RTI--high-quality instruction, frequent assessment, and data-based decision making--and show how to use it to foster positive academic and behavioral outcomes for all students. Implementation procedures are described in step-by-step detail. In a large-size format to facilitate photocopying, the book includes reproducible planning and implementation worksheets. The companion website features an accompanying PowerPoint presentation for use in RTI training. New to this Edition *Includes extensive new research that reflects the increasing adoption of RTI nationwide. *Expanded to include behavioral interventions. *Chapter on effective instructional practices for general education. *Chapter on implementation at the whole-school and district levels. *Chapter featuring multiple intervention case studies. See also Assessment for Intervention, Second Edition, which details a wide range of assessment procedures ideal for implementation in an RTI framework. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.
Guilford Publications Spiritual Resources in Family Therapy
Exploring the role of spirituality in couple and family relationships, this successful text and practitioner guide illustrates ways to tap spiritual resources for coping, healing, and resilience. Leading experts in family therapy and pastoral care discuss how faith beliefs and practices can foster personal and relational well-being, how religious conflicts or a spiritual void can contribute to distress, and what therapists can gain from reflecting on their own spiritual journeys. The volume is rich with insights for working with multi-faith and culturally diverse clients.
Guilford Publications Writing Instruction and Assessment for English Language Learners K-8
Many English language learners (ELLs) require extra support to become successful writers. This book helps teachers understand the unique needs of ELLs and promote their achievement by adapting the effective instructional methods teachers already know. Engaging and accessible, the book features standards-based lesson planning ideas, examples of student work, and 15 reproducible worksheets, rubrics, and other useful materials. It describes ways to combine instruction in core skills with ample opportunities to write and revise in different genres. Invaluable guidance is provided for assessing ELLs' writing development at different grade levels and language proficiency levels.
Guilford Publications Best Practices in ELL Instruction
In this indispensable work, prominent authorities review the latest research on all aspects of ELL instruction (K–12) and identify what works for today's students and schools. Provided are best-practice guidelines for targeting reading, writing, oral language, vocabulary, content-domain literacies, and other core skill areas; assessing culturally and linguistically diverse students; and building strong school–home–community partnerships. Chapters include clear-cut recommendations for teaching adolescent ELLs and those with learning disabilities. The comprehensive scope, explicit linkages from research to practice, and guidance for becoming a culturally informed, reflective practitioner make the book an ideal course text.