Search results for ""guilford publications""
Guilford Publications Motivational Interviewing and CBT: Combining Strategies for Maximum Effectiveness
Providing tools to enhance treatment of any clinical problem, this book shows how integrating motivational interviewing (MI) and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can lead to better client outcomes than using either approach on its own. The authors demonstrate that MI strategies are ideally suited to boost client motivation and strengthen the therapeutic relationship, whether used as a pretreatment intervention or throughout the course of CBT. User-friendly features include extensive sample dialogues, learning exercises for practitioners, and 35 reproducible client handouts that can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. This book is in the Applications of Motivational Interviewing series, edited by Stephen Rollnick, William R. Miller, and Theresa B. Moyers.
Guilford Publications Play Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide to Theory and Practice
This authoritative work brings together leading play therapists to describe state-of-the-art clinical approaches and applications. The book explains major theoretical frameworks and summarizes the contemporary play therapy research base, including compelling findings from neuroscience. Contributors present effective strategies for treating children struggling with such problems as trauma, maltreatment, attachment difficulties, bullying, rage, grief, and autism spectrum disorder. Practice principles are brought to life in vivid case illustrations throughout the volume. Special topics include treatment of military families and play therapy interventions for adolescents and adults.
Guilford Publications Defiant Teens, Second Edition: A Clinician's Manual for Assessment and Family Intervention
This authoritative manual presents an accessible 18-step program widely used by clinicians working with challenging teens. Steps 1-9 comprise parent training strategies for managing a broad range of problem behaviors, including those linked to oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Steps 10-18 focus on teaching all family members to negotiate, communicate, and problem-solve more effectively, while facilitating adolescents' individuation and autonomy. In a convenient large-size format, the book includes practical reproducible handouts and forms. Purchasers also get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. New to This Edition *Incorporates 15 years of research advances and the authors' ongoing clinical experience. *Fully updated model of the nature and causes of ODD. *Revised assessment tools and recommendations. *Reflects cultural changes, such as teens' growing technology use. See also the authors' related parent guide, Your Defiant Teen, Second Edition: 10 Steps to Resolve Conflict and Rebuild Your Relationship, an ideal client recommendation. For a focus on younger children, see also Dr. Barkley's Defiant Children, Third Edition (for professionals) and Your Defiant Child, Second Edition (for parents).
Guilford Publications Successful Academic Writing: A Complete Guide for Social and Behavioral Scientists
Using rich examples and engaging pedagogical tools, this book equips students to master the challenges of academic writing in graduate school and beyond. The authors delve into nitty-gritty aspects of structure, style, and language, and offer a window onto the thought processes and strategies that strong writers rely on. Essential topics include how to: identify the audience for a particular piece of writing; craft a voice appropriate for a discipline-specific community of practice; compose the sections of a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods research article; select the right peer-reviewed journal for submitting an article; and navigate the publication process. Readers are also guided to build vital self-coaching skills in order to stay motivated and complete projects successfully. User-Friendly Features *Exercises (with answers) analyzing a variety of texts. *Annotated excerpts from peer-reviewed journal articles. *Practice opportunities that help readers apply the ideas to their own writing projects. *Personal reflections and advice on common writing hurdles. *End-of-chapter Awareness and Action Reminders with clear steps to take.
Guilford Publications Social Skills Training for Children with Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism
This practical, research-based guide provides a wealth of tools and strategies for implementing social skills training in school or clinical settings. Numerous case examples illustrate common social difficulties experienced by children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and Asperger syndrome; the impact on peer relationships, school performance, and behavior; and how social skills training can help. Chapters delve into the nuts and bolts of teaching and reinforcing core skills in classroom, small-group, or individual contexts, emphasizing ways to tailor interventions to each individual's needs. Reproducible forms and worksheets can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2 x 11 size.
Guilford Publications Group Therapy for Substance Use Disorders: A Motivational Cognitive-Behavioral Approach
This authoritative book presents a groundbreaking evidence-based approach to conducting therapy groups for persons with substance use disorders. The approach integrates cognitive-behavioral, motivational interviewing, and relapse prevention techniques, while capitalizing on the power of group processes. Clinicians are provided with a detailed intervention framework and clear-cut strategies for helping clients to set and meet their own treatment goals. More than two dozen ready-to-use reproducible assessment tools, handouts, homework exercises, and session outlines are supplied in a convenient large-size format.
Guilford Publications DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition, (Spiral-Bound Paperback)
Featuring more than 225 user-friendly handouts and worksheets, this is an essential resource for clients learning dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) skills, and those who treat them. All of the handouts and worksheets discussed in Marsha M. Linehan's DBT Skills Training Manual, Second Edition, are provided, together with brief introductions to each module written expressly for clients. Originally developed to treat borderline personality disorder, DBT has been demonstrated effective in treatment of a wide range of psychological and emotional problems. No single skills training program will include all of the handouts and worksheets in this book; clients get quick, easy access to the tools recommended to meet their particular needs. The 8 1/2" x 11" format and spiral binding facilitate photocopying. Purchasers also get access to a webpage where they can download and print additional copies of the handouts and worksheets. Mental health professionals, see also the author's DBT Skills Training Manual, Second Edition, which provides complete instructions for teaching the skills. Also available: Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder, the authoritative presentation of DBT, and Linehan's instructive skills training DVDs for clients--Crisis Survival Skills: Part Oneand This One Moment.
Guilford Publications Enhancing Attachment and Reflective Parenting in Clinical Practice: A Minding the Baby Approach
How can clinicians help vulnerable young families overcome barriers to secure, reciprocal, and joyful parent–infant relationships? This book provides a flexible framework for promoting reflective parenting "from the ground up." Described are effective ways to support safety and self-regulation in parents with histories of trauma and adversity, giving them a stronger foundation for seeing, hearing, and connecting to their children. The book distills principles of the influential Minding the Baby (MTB) home visiting program, as well as contemporary attachment and mentalization research. Vivid case material illustrates therapeutic strategies that can be used with parents and children in any clinical context. End-of-chapter "Questions for Clinicians" help readers apply the concepts discussed, with special attention to developing their own reflective capacities.
Guilford Publications Internal Family Systems Therapy for Shame and Guilt
Rich in clinical examples, this book offers a fresh perspective on the roles of shame and guilt in psychological distress and presents a step-by-step framework for treatment. Martha Sweezy explains how the principles of Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy are ideally suited to helping trauma survivors and other clients who struggle with debilitating shame to understand and heal psychic parts wounded in childhood. Annotated case illustrations show and explain IFS techniques in action. Other useful features include boxed therapeutic exercises, decision trees, and pointers to help therapists avoid or overcome common pitfalls.
Guilford Publications Social and Emotional Learning in Action: Creating Systemic Change in Schools
Just because a school has adopted a social and emotional learning (SEL) program does not mean it will work. This book explores the conditions needed to implement, strengthen, and sustain effective SEL, and identifies paths that schools, districts, and states have taken to create those conditions. Major themes include equity of access to high-quality SEL, promoting interracial understanding in all school interactions, and enhancing the well-being and SEL skills of teachers and school leaders as well as students. Chapters describe exemplary initiatives that infuse SEL into classroom instruction, administrative decision making, school–family–community partnerships, and teacher training. End-of-chapter discussion questions enhance the book’s value for professional learning and course use.
Guilford Publications Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis: A Regression-Based Approach
Acclaimed for its thorough presentation of mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis, this book has been updated to reflect the latest developments in PROCESS for SPSS, SAS, and, new to this edition, R. Using the principles of ordinary least squares regression, Andrew F. Hayes illustrates each step in an analysis using diverse examples from published studies, and displays SPSS, SAS, and R code for each example. Procedures are outlined for estimating and interpreting direct, indirect, and conditional effects; probing and visualizing interactions; testing hypotheses about the moderation of mechanisms; and reporting different types of analyses. Readers gain an understanding of the link between statistics and causality, as well as what the data are telling them. The companion website ( provides data for all the examples, plus the free PROCESS download. New to This Edition *Rewritten Appendix A, which provides the only documentation of PROCESS, including a discussion of the syntax structure of PROCESS for R compared to SPSS and SAS. *Expanded discussion of effect scaling and the difference between unstandardized, completely standardized, and partially standardized effects. *Discussion of the meaning of and how to generate the correlation between mediator residuals in a multiple-mediator model, using a new PROCESS option. *Discussion of a method for comparing the strength of two specific indirect effects that are different in sign. *Introduction of a bootstrap-based Johnson–Neyman-like approach for probing moderation of mediation in a conditional process model. *Discussion of testing for interaction between a causal antecedent variable [ital]X[/ital] and a mediator [ital]M[/ital] in a mediation analysis, and how to test this assumption in a new PROCESS feature.
Guilford Publications Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Groups, Second Edition
The leading guide to group-based cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has now been significantly revised with 70% new material, reflecting over 15 years of research and clinical advances. Too often, CBT training resources treat groups as simply an extension of individual therapy. Filling an important need, this text helps students and practitioners build essential skills for leveraging group process to optimize outcomes. Featuring sample dialogues, clinical pointers, and troubleshooting tips, the book provides practical answers to group leaders' most pressing questions. Effective protocols for treating specific disorders are presented, with a focus on CBT techniques and group process factors unique to each type of group. New to This Edition *Chapters on inpatient groups and mindfulness-based CBT. *Chapters on additional disorders: posttraumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorder. *Fully rewritten chapters on anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, and psychosis. *Discussions of timely topics, such as conducting virtual groups and the growth of transdiagnostic approaches. *Even more clinician friendly; streamlined chapters highlight "what to do when."
Guilford Publications The Self Explained: Why and How We Become Who We Are
The idea of the self is immediately familiar to everyone, yet elusive to define and understand. From pioneering researcher Roy F. Baumeister, this volume synthesizes a vast body of knowledge to provide a panoramic view of the human self--how it develops and functions, why it exists, and what problems it encounters on the journey through life. What are the benefits of self-knowledge, and how attainable is it? Do we have one self, or many? What is the relationship of self and society? In 28 concise chapters, Baumeister explains complex concepts with clarity and insight. He reveals the central role played by the self in enabling both individuals and cultures to thrive.
Guilford Publications Treating Adult Survivors of Childhood Emotional Abuse and Neglect, Fourth Edition: Component-Based Psychotherapy
Grounded in 40 years of clinical practice and research, this book provides a systematic yet flexible evidence-informed framework for treating adult survivors of complex trauma, particularly those exposed to chronic emotional abuse or neglect. Component-based psychotherapy (CBP) addresses four primary treatment components that can be tailored to each client's unique needs--relationship, regulation, dissociative parts, and narrative. Vivid extended case examples illustrate CBP intervention strategies and bring to life both the client's and therapist's internal experiences. The appendix features a reproducible multipage clinician self-assessment tool that can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. See also Treating Traumatic Stress in Children and Adolescents, Second Edition, by Margaret E. Blaustein and Kristine M. Kinniburgh, which presents a complementary approach also developed at The Trauma Center at Justice Resource Institute.
Guilford Publications 12 Principles for Raising a Child with ADHD
Over decades of research and work with thousands of families, Russell A. Barkley has become a leading authority on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in kids and teens. He has learned what a huge difference parents can make in supporting their children's success--as well as how overwhelming it can be. This concise guide presents 12 key parenting principles for dealing with common behavioral, emotional, and school challenges. By cultivating a mindset of acceptance and compassion--together with an understanding of the executive function deficits of ADHD--you can strengthen your loving connection with your child and help your whole family thrive. Filled with practical suggestions and quick-reference lists and tips, this is the perfect book to read cover to cover or pick up any time you need extra support.
Guilford Publications Interpersonal Perception: The Foundation of Social Relationships
People make judgments about others all the time, often without realizing they are doing so. How are interpersonal impressions formed? How accurate are our perceptions of other people's traits--and our own? In this major revision of his landmark work, David A. Kenny provides a reader-friendly examination of these and other critical questions, identifying key components that shape impressions and their accuracy. Topics include how to estimate perceiver, target, and relationship effects; the extent to which different perceivers see a target in the same way; the impact of group membership and stereotypes; and whether others see us as we see ourselves. Implications for interpersonal relationships and social behavior are highlighted. New to This Edition *Virtually a new book; incorporates 25 years of theoretical, empirical, and methodological advances. *New and greatly expanded topics, including first impressions, individual differences in accuracy, implicit measures, and narcissism. *Grounded in a reformulated conceptual model. *More accessible--uses nontechnical language, humor, popular culture, and simplified figures to elucidate complex ideas. *End-of-chapter "Practical Suggestions" apply the science to real-world social situations.
Guilford Publications Essential Psychotherapies, Fourth Edition: Theory and Practice
Acclaimed for its clear writing and stellar contributors, this authoritative text is now in a revised and updated fourth edition. The book explains the history, assessment approach, techniques, and research base of each of the 12 most important psychotherapies practiced today, along with its foundational ideas about personality and psychological health and dysfunction. The consistent chapter format facilitates comparison among the various approaches. Every chapter includes engaging clinical vignettes and an extended case example that bring key concepts to life, as well as suggested resources for further learning. New to This Edition *Incorporates important developments in clinical practice and research. *Entirely new chapters on CBT, third-wave CBT, couple therapies, and interpersonal and brief psychodynamic therapies; all other chapters fully updated. *Increased attention to multiple dimensions of diversity, the evidence-based practice movement, psychotherapy integration, and applications to physical health care.
Guilford Publications Mindfulness: Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Psychology
How does mindfulness promote psychological well-being? What are its core mechanisms? What value do contemplative practices add to approaches that are already effective? From leading meditation teacher Christina Feldman and distinguished psychologist Willem Kuyken, this book provides a uniquely integrative perspective on mindfulness and its applications. The authors explore mindfulness from its roots in Buddhist psychology to its role in contemporary psychological science. In-depth case examples illustrate how and why mindfulness training can help people move from distress and suffering to resilience and flourishing. Readers are guided to consider mindfulness not only conceptually, but also experientially, through their own journey of mindfulness practice.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Attachment: Theory, Research, and Clinical Applications
Widely regarded as the state-of-the-science reference on attachment, this handbook interweaves theory and cutting-edge research with clinical applications. Leading researchers examine the origins and development of attachment theory; present biological and evolutionary perspectives; and explore the role of attachment processes in relationships, including both parent–child and romantic bonds. Implications for mental health and psychotherapy are addressed, with reviews of exemplary attachment-oriented interventions for children and adolescents, adults, couples, and families. Contributors discuss best practices in assessment and critically evaluate available instruments and protocols. New to This Edition *Chapters on genetics and epigenetics, psychoneuroimmunology, and sexual mating. *Chapters on compassion, school readiness, and the caregiving system across the lifespan. *Chapter probing the relation between attachment and other developmental influences. *Nearly a decade's worth of theoretical and empirical advances.
Guilford Publications Spark
Professor Peyton Wilde has an enviable life teaching sociology at an idyllic liberal arts college--yet she is troubled by a sense of fading inspiration. One day an invitation arrives. Peyton has been selected to attend a luxurious all-expense-paid seminar in Iceland, where participants, billed as some of the greatest thinkers in the world, will be charged with answering one perplexing question. Meeting her diverse teammates--two neuroscientists, a philosopher, a dance teacher, a collage artist, and a farmer--Peyton wonders what she could ever have to contribute. The ensuing journey of discovery will transform the characters' work, their biases, and themselves. This suspenseful novel shows that the answers you seek can be found in the most unlikely places. It can be read for pleasure, is a great choice for book clubs, and can be used as unique and inspiring reading in qualitative research and other courses in education, sociology, social work, psychology, and communication.
Guilford Publications The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook: A Proven Way to Accept Yourself, Build Inner Strength, and Thrive
Are you kinder to others than you are to yourself? More than a thousand research studies show the benefits of being a supportive friend to yourself, especially in times of need. This science-based workbook offers a step-by-step approach to breaking free of harsh self-judgments and impossible standards in order to cultivate emotional well-being. In a convenient large-size format, the book is based on the authors' groundbreaking eight-week Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) program, which has helped tens of thousands of people worldwide. It is packed with guided meditations (with audio downloads); informal practices to do anytime, anywhere; exercises; and vivid stories of people using the techniques to address relationship stress, weight and body image issues, health concerns, anxiety, and other common problems. The seeds of self-compassion already lie within you--learn how you can uncover this powerful inner resource and transform your life. See also Teaching the Mindful Self-Compassion Program, by Christopher Germer and Kristin Neff, a thorough overview of conducting MSC (for professionals), and The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion, by Christopher Germer, which delves into mindful self-compassion and shares moving stories of how it can change lives.
Guilford Publications DBT Skills in Schools: Skills Training for Emotional Problem Solving for Adolescents (DBT STEPS-A)
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) skills have been demonstrated to be effective in helping adolescents manage difficult emotional situations, cope with stress, and make better decisions. From leading experts in DBT and school-based interventions, this unique manual offers the first nonclinical application of DBT skills. The book presents an innovative social–emotional learning curriculum designed to be taught at the universal level in grades 6–12. Explicit instructions for teaching the skills--mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness--are provided in 30 lesson plans, complete with numerous reproducible tools: 99 handouts, a diary card, and three student tests. The large-size format facilitates photocopying; purchasers also get access to a webpage where they can download and print the reproducible materials. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.
Guilford Publications The Activity Kit for Babies and Toddlers at Risk: How to Use Everyday Routines to Build Social and Communication Skills
Suspecting that your baby or toddler may have autism spectrum disorder or another developmental delay can be scary and overwhelming. But there is a lot you can do to help, even while waiting for an evaluation or early intervention. With the right tools, everyday tasks can be terrific opportunities for building critical social and communication skills. Start at the kitchen table, bathtub, or shopping cart! In this easy-to-navigate guide, leading experts present more than 100 games and activities designed to support development in children from birth to age 3. Your child's daily routines are transformed into learning opportunities that promote crucial abilities, like how to imitate others or use simple hand gestures to convey wants and needs. As a parent, you are the most important person in your child's life. Now you can be the best teacher, too. Winner (First Place)--American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award, Child Health Category
Guilford Publications Motivational Interviewing in Nutrition and Fitness
Making and maintaining lasting changes in nutrition and fitness is not easy for anyone. Yet the communication style of a health professional can make a huge difference. This book presents the proven counseling approach known as motivational interviewing (MI) and shows exactly how to use it in day-to-day interactions with clients. MI offers simple yet powerful tools for helping clients work through ambivalence, break free of diets and quick-fix solutions, and overcome barriers to change. Extensive sample dialogues illustrate specific ways to enhance conversations about meal planning and preparation, exercise, body image, disordered eating, and more. Reproducible forms and handouts can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. Instructors requesting a desk copy from Guilford will be emailed a link to supplemental PowerPoint slides and exam questions. This book is in the Applications of Motivational Interviewing series, edited by Stephen Rollnick, William R. Miller, and Theresa B. Moyers.
Guilford Publications Substance Abuse Treatment and the Stages of Change: Selecting and Planning Interventions
A widely adopted practitioner resource and course text, this book shows how to apply knowledge about behavior change in general -- and the stages-of-change model in particular -- to make substance abuse treatment more effective. The authors are leaders in the field who describe ways to tailor interventions for clients with varying levels of motivation or readiness to change. They draw on cutting-edge theory and research on the transtheoretical model to explain what works (and what doesn't work) at different stages of change. Rich clinical examples illustrate the "whats," "whys," and "how-tos" of using the stages-of-change model to inform treatment planning and intervention for individuals, groups, couples, and families. New to This Edition *Reflects the ongoing development of the stages-of-change model and research advances over the past decade. *Chapter on stage-based brief interventions in health care, social service, and community settings. *Group treatment chapter has been significantly revised. *Expanded coverage of the change processes relevant to each stage. See also Group Treatment for Substance Abuse, Second Edition, by Mary Marden Velasquez et al., a manual for a group-based approach grounded in the transtheoretical model.
Guilford Publications Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Body Dysmorphic Disorder: A Treatment Manual
Presenting an effective treatment approach specifically tailored to the unique challenges of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), this book is grounded in state-of-the-art research. The authors are experts on BDD and related conditions. They describe ways to engage patients who believe they have defects or flaws in their appearance. Provided are clear-cut strategies for helping patients overcome the self-defeating thoughts, impairments in functioning, and sometimes dangerous ritualistic behaviors that characterize BDD. Clinician-friendly features include step-by-step instructions for conducting each session and more than 50 reproducible handouts and forms; the large-size format facilitates photocopying.See also the related self-help guide by Dr. Wilhelm, Feeling Good about the Way You Look, an ideal recommendation for clients with BDD or less severe body image problems.
Guilford Publications Treating Substance Abuse, Third Edition: Theory and Technique
This state-of-the-art text and clinical resource captures the breadth of current knowledge about substance abuse and its treatment. For each of the major evidence-based treatment approaches, a chapter on basic assumptions and theories is followed by a chapter on clinical applications, including illustrative case material. Expert contributors cover motivational, contingency management, cognitive-behavioral, 12-step, family, and pharmacological approaches. Concluding chapters discuss effective ways to integrate different treatments in a range of clinical settings. New to This Edition *Reflects significant advances in research and clinical practice. *Chapter on the biology of substance use disorders. *Chapter on an additional treatment setting: primary care. *Chapter on case management.
Guilford Publications Psychodynamic Techniques: Working with Emotion in the Therapeutic Relationship
Helping therapists navigate the complexities of emotional interactions with clients, this book provides practical clinical guidelines. Master clinician Karen J. Maroda adds an important dimension to the psychodynamic literature by exploring the role of both clients' and therapists' emotional experiences in the process of therapy. The book discusses how to become more attuned to one's own experience of a client; offer direct feedback and self-disclosure in the service of treatment goals; and manage intense feelings and conflict in the relationship. Specific techniques are illustrated with vivid case examples. Maroda clearly distinguishes between therapeutic and nontherapeutic ways to work with emotion in this candid and instructive guide.
Guilford Publications Bringing Words to Life, Second Edition: Robust Vocabulary Instruction
Hundreds of thousands of teachers have used this highly practical guide to help K-12 students enlarge their vocabulary and get involved in noticing, understanding, and using new words. Grounded in research, the book explains how to select words for instruction, introduce their meanings, and create engaging learning activities that promote both word knowledge and reading comprehension. The authors are trusted experts who draw on extensive experience in diverse classrooms and schools. Sample lessons and vignettes, children's literature suggestions, "Your Turn" learning activities, and a Study Guide for teachers enhance the book's utility as a classroom resource, professional development tool, or course text. The Study Guide can also be downloaded and printed for ease of use ( New to This Edition *Reflects over a decade of advances in research-based vocabulary instruction. *Chapters on vocabulary and writing; assessment; and differentiating instruction for struggling readers and English language learners, including coverage of response to intervention (RTI). *Expanded discussions of content-area vocabulary and multiple-meaning words. *Many additional examples showing what robust instruction looks like in action. *Appendix with a useful menu of instructional activities. See also the authors' Creating Robust Vocabulary: Frequently Asked Questions and Extended Examples, which includes specific instructional sequences for different grade ranges, as well as Making Sense of Phonics, Second Edition: The Hows and Whys, by Isabel L. Beck and Mark E. Beck, an invaluable resource for K-3.
Guilford Publications Infants: Research Implications for Early Child Care
Identifying factors related to poverty that affect infants, toddlers, and their families, this book describes promising early child care and intervention practices specifically tailored to these children and families' needs. Leading authorities from multiple disciplines present cutting-edge research and discuss the implications for practice and policy. Contributors review salient findings on attention, memory, language, self-regulation, attachment, physical health, family processes, and culture. The book considers the strengths and limitations of existing early intervention services for diverse populations and explores workable ways to improve them.
Guilford Publications Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: The Brain-Gut Connection
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is the most common functional gastrointestinal disorder, causing pain, discomfort, and embarrassment to millions. While medically based treatments have demonstrated only limited effectiveness, recent research strongly supports the role of psychosocial factors in both symptom expression and symptom control. This book presents a brief cognitive-behavioral treatment approach that is suitable for use with individuals or groups. Delineating a clear medical rationale, the authors help clinicians both to reduce the stigma associated with IBS and to overcome client resistance to psychological treatment. Effective techniques are outlined for helping clients manage anxiety, anger, and shame; enhance their self-efficacy and stress management skills; and alleviate gastrointestinal distress. Session-by-session guidelines are illuminated by such useful features as sample therapist-client dialogues, lists of important points to cover, troubleshooting tips, and examples of recommended handouts and forms. Also covered in depth are treatment issues specific to women.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Personality Development
Bringing together prominent scholars, this authoritative volume considers the development of personality at multiple levels--from the neuroscience of dispositional traits to the cultural shaping of life stories. Illustrated with case studies and concrete examples, the Handbook integrates areas of research that have often remained disparate. It offers a lifespan perspective on the many factors that influence each individual's psychological makeup and examines the interface of personality development with health, psychopathology, relationships, and the family. Contributors provide broad-based, up-to-date reviews of theories, empirical findings, methodological innovations, and emerging trends. See also the authored volume The Art and Science of Personality Development, by Dan P. McAdams.
Guilford Publications Researching Children's Experiences
This accessible book presents approaches to planning, carrying out, and analyzing research projects with children and youth from a social constructivist perspective. Rich, contextualized examples illustrate how to elicit and understand the lived experiences of diverse young people. Data-collection methods discussed in depth include drawing, photography, the Internet, games, interviewing, focus groups, journaling, and observation. Also covered are strategies for fostering the active contributions of children in the research process; navigating consent and ethical issues; enlisting the support of parents, school personnel, and other gatekeepers; and interpreting data. Throughout, the authors emphasize the need to attend to the social setting in which research with children is done. End-of-chapter questions and exercises encourage readers to reflect on taken-for-granted conceptions of children and childhood and to try out the book’s ideas in their own research projects.
Guilford Publications Intrusive Thoughts in Clinical Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment
Advancing our understanding of the cognitive underpinnings of psychopathology, this is the first volume to focus on the role of unwanted intrusive thoughts, images, and impulses in a variety of psychological disorders. Leading experts explore the nature and causes of cognitive intrusions, examining how they become so persistent--and distressing--for certain individuals. Compelling findings are presented on the contribution of these phenomena to the etiology and maintenance of such diverse problems as obsessive-compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, generalized anxiety disorder, insomnia, and sexual offending. Highlighting important questions for future research, each chapter also discusses practical implications for assessment and treatment. Clearly organized and tightly edited, this book will inform the work of researchers, students, and clinicians alike.
Guilford Publications Structural Equation Modeling of Multiple Rater Data
The use of multiple raters can improve the validity of conclusions made on self- (and other) reports of emotions, attitudes, goals, and self-perceptions of personality. Yet analyzing these ratings requires special psychometric models that take into account the specific nature of these data. From leading authorities, this book offers the first comprehensive introduction to structural equation modeling (SEM) of multiple rater data. Rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach, the book shows how the choice of a model should be guided by measurement design and purpose. Practical recommendations are provided for selecting suitable measurement designs, raters, and psychometric models. Models for different combinations of rater types and for cross-sectional as well as longitudinal research designs are described step by step, with a strong emphasis on the substantive meaning of the latent variables in the models. User-friendly features include equation boxes, application boxes, a
Guilford Publications Motivational Interviewing in Life and Health Coaching
Guilford Publications Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling, Fifth Edition
Significantly revised, the fifth edition of the most complete, accessible text now covers all three approaches to structural equation modeling (SEM)--covariance-based SEM, nonparametric SEM (Pearl’s structural causal model), and composite SEM (partial least squares path modeling). With increased emphasis on freely available software tools such as the R lavaan package, the text uses data examples from multiple disciplines to provide a comprehensive understanding of all phases of SEM--what to know, best practices, and pitfalls to avoid. It includes exercises with answers, rules to remember, topic boxes, and new self-tests on significance testing, regression, and psychometrics. The companion website supplies helpful primers on these topics as well as data, syntax, and output for the book's examples, in files that can be opened with any basic text editor. New to This Edition *Chapters on composite SEM, also called partial least squares path modeling or variance-based SEM; conducting SEM analyses in small samples; and recent developments in mediation analysis. *Coverage of new reporting standards for SEM analyses; piecewise SEM, also called confirmatory path analysis; comparing alternative models fitted to the same data; and issues in multiple-group SEM. *Extended tutorials on techniques for dealing with missing data in SEM and instrumental variable methods to deal with confounding of target causal effects. Pedagogical Features *New self-tests of knowledge about background topics (significance testing, regression, and psychometrics) with scoring key and online primers. *End-of-chapter suggestions for further reading and exercises with answers. *Troublesome examples from real data, with guidance for handling typical problems in analyses. *Topic boxes on special issues and boxed rules to remember. *Website promoting a learn-by-doing approach, including data, extensively annotated syntax, and output files for all the book’s detailed examples.
Guilford Publications 8 Ways to Hope
You can't take a leap of faith without it. It lets you dream of a brighter future. And in a world worn down by political conflict, climate change, war, and other perils, many worry about losing it. Pioneering psychologist William R. Miller takes a fresh look at hope and its transformative potential in this concise, compassionate book. Explore eight different facets of hope that enable people to clarify their goals, envision new possibilities, find purpose, enhance motivation, and persevere against tough odds. Dr. Miller guides you to reflect on your own relationship to hope and how you can cultivate it. Vivid personal stories, historical examples, and cutting-edge scientific findings reveal how choosing hope over fear can be a powerful force for change.
Guilford Publications The Anti-Anxiety Program: A Workbook of Proven Strategies to Overcome Worry, Panic, and Phobias
How would it feel to approach life with more confidence, and less fear? Discover a new sense of freedom as you work through this expertly crafted workbook, now revised and updated to be even more user friendly. Grounded in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), the book helps you understand how anxiety gets out of control; identify your triggers; change the patterns of thinking and behavior that make worry, panic, and phobias worse; and take proven steps to confront feared situations. The second edition has been updated with over a decade's worth of research advances. It includes more detailed instructions for customizing the program, added support for staying motivated, vivid stories that run throughout the book, new separate chapters on relaxation and mindfulness, and downloadable audio recordings. The large-size format makes it easy to fill in the worksheets; you can download and print extra copies as needed.
Guilford Publications Atlas of Moral Psychology
This comprehensive and cutting-edge volume maps out the terrain of moral psychology, a dynamic and evolving area of research. In 57 concise chapters, leading authorities and up-and-coming scholars explore fundamental issues and current controversies. The volume systematically reviews the empirical evidence base and presents influential theories of moral judgment and behavior. It is organized around the key questions that must be addressed for a complete understanding of the moral mind.
Guilford Publications Mom Brain: Proven Strategies to Fight the Anxiety, Guilt, and Overwhelming Emotions of Motherhood—and Relax into Your New Self
Have you had a “mom brain” moment? Your heart is racing, your palms are sweaty, and your mind is spinning with anxiety, self-doubt, and whether or not you remembered to pack the diaper cream. Becoming a mother is a joyful rite of passage, but it can also be overwhelming--physically and emotionally. How can you calm the worries, quiet the guilt, and be present with yourself and your kids? Psychologist and mom Ilyse Dobrow DiMarco specializes in the myriad issues that women with young children struggle with. In this compassionate guide, she shares science-based strategies to help you cope with common challenges and make peace with your transformed identity. Dr. Dobrow DiMarco uses frank, funny, and moving stories to illustrate ways to tame self-critical thoughts and navigate the "new normal" of work, marriage, and friendships. Learn how you can mindfully accept the highs and lows of parenting--even in the toughest moments.
Guilford Publications DBT Teams: Development and Practice
The treatment team is an essential component of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). This much-needed resource from Jennifer H. R. Sayrs and DBT originator Marsha M. Linehan explains how DBT teams work, ways in which they differ from traditional consultation teams, and how to establish an effective team culture. The book addresses the role of the DBT team leader; the structure of meetings; the use of DBT strategies within teams; identifying and resolving common team problems; and important functions before, during, and after suicide crises. User-friendly features include end-of-chapter exercises and reproducible handouts and forms. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Guilford Publications Working with High-Risk Adolescents: A Collaborative Strengths-Based Approach
This innovative book focuses on helping high-risk adolescents and their families rapidly resolve long-standing difficulties. Matthew D. Selekman spells out a range of solution-focused strategies and other techniques, illustrating their implementation with vivid case examples. His approach augments individual and family sessions with collaborative meetings that enlist the strengths of the adolescent's social network and key helping professionals from larger systems. User-friendly features include checklists, sample questions to aid in relationship building and goal setting, and reproducible forms that can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. Blending family therapy science with therapeutic artistry, the book significantly refines and updates the approach originally presented in Selekman's Pathways to Change.
Guilford Publications Invisible Chains: Overcoming Coercive Control in Your Intimate Relationship
When you are showered with attention, it can feel incredibly romantic and can blind you to hints of problems ahead. But what happens when attentiveness becomes domination? In some relationships, the desire to control leads to jealousy, gaslighting, threats, micromanaging--even physical violence. If you or someone you care about are trapped in a web of coercive control, this book provides answers, hope, and a way out. Lisa Aronson Fontes draws on both professional expertise and personal experience to help you: *Recognize controlling behaviors of all kinds. *Understand why this destructive pattern occurs. *Determine whether you are in danger and if your partner can change. *Protect yourself and your kids. *Find the support and resources you need. *Take action to improve or end your relationship. *Regain your freedom and independence.
Guilford Publications Take Back Your Marriage: Sticking Together in a World That Pulls Us Apart
All couples walk to the altar dreaming of happily-ever-after, but many forces in our society work against healthy lifelong commitment. Renowned family therapist William J. Doherty reveals how cracks can develop in even a rock-solid marriage, and what steps you can take to keep your love strong. Learn ways to break free of common traps like confusing desires with needs, comparing your spouse to your fantasies of other relationships, or becoming overtime parents instead of full-time partners. You'll get suggestions for creating relationship rituals--from mundane to celebratory, sexy to silly--that build closeness and connection every day. The updated second edition incorporates Dr. Doherty's ongoing experience counseling couples, plus the latest information on marriage and health, how divorce affects kids, the impact of new technologies on family life, and more.Winner--Best Self-Help Book, ForeWord Magazine's Book of the Year Awards
Guilford Publications Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy: Understanding and Addressing the Sacred
From a leading researcher and practitioner, this volume provides an innovative framework for understanding the role of spirituality in people's lives and its relevance to the work done in psychotherapy. It offers fresh, practical ideas for creating a spiritual dialogue with clients, assessing spirituality as a part of their problems and solutions, and helping them draw on spiritual resources in times of stress. Written from a nonsectarian perspective, the book encompasses both traditional and nontraditional forms of spirituality. It is grounded in current findings from psychotherapy research and the psychology of religion, and includes a wealth of evocative case material.
Guilford Publications Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders: Science and Practice
Updating and reformulating Aaron T. Beck's pioneering cognitive model of anxiety disorders, this book is both authoritative and highly practical. The authors synthesize the latest thinking and empirical data on anxiety treatment and offer step-by-step instruction in cognitive assessment, case formulation, cognitive restructuring, and behavioral intervention. They provide evidence-based mini-manuals for treating the five most common anxiety disorders: panic disorder, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder. User-friendly features include vivid case examples, concise Clinician Guidelines that reinforce key points, and over three dozen reproducible handouts and forms.Winner--American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award!
Guilford Publications Cognitive Therapy for Challenging Problems: What to Do When the Basics Don't Work
This groundbreaking book addresses what to do when a patient is not making progress. Provided is practical, step-by-step guidance on conceptualizing and solving frequently encountered problems, whether in developing and maintaining the therapeutic alliance or in accomplishing specific therapeutic tasks. While the framework presented is applicable to a range of challenging clinical situations, particular attention is given to modifying the longstanding distorted beliefs and dysfunctional behavioral strategies of people with personality disorders. Helpful appendices include a reproducible assessment tool, the Personality Belief Questionnaire.See also Dr. Beck's Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Second Edition: Basics and Beyond, the leading text for students and practicing therapists who want to learn the fundamentals of CBT.