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John Wiley & Sons Inc Managerial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making, International Adaptation
Managerial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making provides students with a clear introduction to fundamental managerial accounting concepts needed for anyone pursuing a career in accounting or business. By connecting the classroom to the business world through a variety of engaging resources, homework exercises, and real company examples, the book helps students understand the application of accounting principles and techniques in practice. Designed for a one-semester, undergraduate Managerial Accounting course, this international edition helps students get the most out of their accounting course by making practice simple. This edition provides numerous discussions on how managers are increasingly relying on data analytics to solve realistic business problems. Using metric units and currencies and companies from around the globe, this edition is ideal for courses across the world.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cardiac Pacing, Defibrillation and Resynchronization: A Clinical Approach
A practical and up-to-date guide to pacemaker technology and its clinical implementation As the field of cardiology continues to advance and expand, so too does the technology and expertise behind today’s electrophysiological devices. Cardiac Pacing, Defibrillation and Resynchronization has been assembled by international specialists to give all those caring for patients with heart disorders a clear and informative guide to the pacemakers and clinical methods of today. Now in its fourth edition, this essential resource: Explains different methods of pacemaker implementation in a straightforward and easy-to-follow manner Explores the most common challenges faced by working clinicians Features more than 750 illustrative graphics Contains data on the efficacy and long-term outcomes of different device models Covers new technology and clinical trial data Written for cardiologists, cardiac pacing caregivers, and those preparing to take their electrophysiology board examinations, Cardiac Pacing, Defibrillation and Resynchronization offers a complete exploration of electrophysical devices and their vital role in modern-day cardiology.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Big Data Meets Survey Science: A Collection of Innovative Methods
Offers a clear view of the utility and place for survey data within the broader Big Data ecosystem This book presents a collection of snapshots from two sides of the Big Data perspective. It assembles an array of tangible tools, methods, and approaches that illustrate how Big Data sources and methods are being used in the survey and social sciences to improve official statistics and estimates for human populations. It also provides examples of how survey data are being used to evaluate and improve the quality of insights derived from Big Data. Big Data Meets Survey Science: A Collection of Innovative Methods shows how survey data and Big Data are used together for the benefit of one or more sources of data, with numerous chapters providing consistent illustrations and examples of survey data enriching the evaluation of Big Data sources. Examples of how machine learning, data mining, and other data science techniques are inserted into virtually every stage of the survey lifecycle are presented. Topics covered include: Total Error Frameworks for Found Data; Performance and Sensitivities of Home Detection on Mobile Phone Data; Assessing Community Wellbeing Using Google Street View and Satellite Imagery; Using Surveys to Build and Assess RBS Religious Flag; and more. Presents groundbreaking survey methods being utilized today in the field of Big Data Explores how machine learning methods can be applied to the design, collection, and analysis of social science data Filled with examples and illustrations that show how survey data benefits Big Data evaluation Covers methods and applications used in combining Big Data with survey statistics Examines regulations as well as ethical and privacy issues Big Data Meets Survey Science: A Collection of Innovative Methods is an excellent book for both the survey and social science communities as they learn to capitalize on this new revolution. It will also appeal to the broader data and computer science communities looking for new areas of application for emerging methods and data sources.
Cornell University Press Collective Bargaining in the Private Sector
Private-sector collective bargaining in the United States is under siege. Many factors have contributed to this situation, including the development of global markets, a continuing antipathy toward unions by managers, and the declining effectiveness of strikes. This volume examines collective bargaining in eight major industries—airlines, automobile manufacturing, health care, hotels and casinos, newspaper publishing, professional sports, telecommunications, and trucking—to gain insight into the challenges the parties face and how they have responded to those challenges.The authors suggest that collective bargaining is evolving differently across the industries studied. While the forces constraining bargaining have not abated, changes in the global environment, including new security considerations, may create opportunities for unions. Across the industries, one thing is clear—private-sector collective bargaining is rapidly changing.
Pharmaceutical Press Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients: Edition 9
Handbook of Excipients The Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients is internationally recognised as the world’s most authoritative source of information on pharmaceutical excipients. It is the definitive comprehensive guide to uses, properties and safety of excipients providing scientists and researchers with a one stop resource when researching an excipient. All of the 400+ monographs are also thoroughly cross-referenced and indexed to allow their identification by chemical, non-proprietary or trade names. Extensive content updates in the new edition include: - Over 420 fully referenced excipient monographs, many including IR, Raman, and NIR spectra - 13 new monographs including several amino acids and hydrated silicon dioxide - 250 existing monographs reviewed - New chapters providing support to the formulator, such as excipient selection for orally inhaled and also injectable formulations. Unique Benefits - The world’s authoritative source of information on pharmaceutical excipients - International Scope: Recognized globally as the authority on the uses, properties and safety of excipients. - Written by over 170 expert pharmaceutical scientists - One stop resource when researching an excipient Contents - Biological Effects of Pharmaceutical Excipients - The Selection of Excipients for Injectable Formulations - The Selection of Excipients for Orally Inhaled Dosage Forms - The History of Excipients - The Use of Counterions and Coformers in the Creation of Salt and Co-Crystal forms of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) - Over 420 Monographs benefiting from a standardized, easy-to-use template including: - Pharmacopoeial information from the UK, Europe, Japan and the United States where relevant - non-proprietary names and synonyms - chemical name and structure, CAS Registry number, empirical formula, molecular weight - functional category, applications and incompatibilities - material description and typical excipient properties - safety, stability, storage and handling information - method of drug manufacture - related substances - primary references - editorial comments - author details and revision date
Elsevier Health Sciences Clinical Ultrasound, 2-Volume Set: Expert Consult: Online and Print
Clinical Ultrasound has been thoroughly revised and updated by a brand new editorial team in order to incorporate the latest scanning technologies and their clinical applications in both adult and paediatric patients. With over 4,000 high-quality illustrations, the book covers the entire gamut of organ systems and body parts where this modality is useful. It provides the ultrasound practitioner with a comprehensive, authoritative guide to image diagnosis and interpretation. Colour is now incorporated extensively throughout this edition in order to reflect the advances in clinical Doppler, power Doppler, contrast agents. Each chapter now follows a consistent organizational structure and now contains numerous summary boxes and charts in order to make the diagnostic process practical and easy to follow. Covering all of the core knowledge, skills and experience as recommended by the Royal College of Radiologists, it provides the Fellow with a knowledge base sufficient to pass professional certification examinations and provides the practitioner with a quick reference on all currently available diagnostic and therapeutic ultrasound imaging procedures. Individual chapters organized around common template therefore establishing a consistent diagnostic approach throughout the text and making the information easier to retrieve. Access the full text online and download images via Expert Consult. Three brand new editors and many new contributing authors bring a fresh perspective on the content. Authoritative coverage of the most recent advances and latest developments in cutting edge technologies such as: colour Doppler, power Doppler, 3D and 4D applications, harmonic imaging, high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) microbubble contrast agents, interventional ultrasound , laparoscopic ultrasound brings this edition right up to date in terms of the changes in technology and the increasing capabilities/applications of ultrasound equipment. New sections on musculoskeletal imaging. Addition of coloured text, tables, and charts throughout will facilitate quick review and enhance comprehension.
Princeton University Press Priced Out: The Economic and Ethical Costs of American Health Care
From a giant of health care policy, an engaging and enlightening account of why American health care is so expensive—and why it doesn't have to beUwe Reinhardt was a towering figure and moral conscience of health care policy in the United States and beyond. Famously bipartisan, he advised presidents and Congress on health reform and originated central features of the Affordable Care Act. In Priced Out, Reinhardt offers an engaging and enlightening account of today's U.S. health care system, explaining why it costs so much more and delivers so much less than the systems of every other advanced country, why this situation is morally indefensible, and how we might improve it.The problem, Reinhardt says, is not one of economics but of social ethics. There is no American political consensus on a fundamental question other countries settled long ago: to what extent should we be our brothers' and sisters' keepers when it comes to health care? Drawing on the best evidence, he guides readers through the chaotic, secretive, and inefficient way America finances health care, and he offers a penetrating ethical analysis of recent reform proposals. At this point, he argues, the United States appears to have three stark choices: the government can make the rich help pay for the health care of the poor, ration care by income, or control costs. Reinhardt proposes an alternative path: that by age 26 all Americans must choose either to join an insurance arrangement with community-rated premiums, or take a chance on being uninsured or relying on a health insurance market that charges premiums based on health status.An incisive look at the American health care system, Priced Out dispels the confusion, ignorance, myths, and misinformation that hinder effective reform.
Princeton University Press The Outsider: Prejudice and Politics in Italy
One of the most wide-ranging studies of prejudice undertaken in a decade, The Outsider combines new research methods and rich analysis to upend many of our assumptions about prejudice. Noting that hostility toward immigrants has been on the rise throughout Western Europe, Paul Sniderman and his team conduct the first study of prejudice in Italy and offer insights applicable to nearly all countries worldwide. The study of prejudice, they argue, has been both stimulated and limited by tensions among partial theories. Prejudice and group conflict are said to be rooted in the psychological makeup of individuals, or alternatively, to spring from real competition over material goods or social status, or yet again, to follow in the wake of a quest for identity. It is the distinctive effort of The Outsider to develop a unified theory of prejudice integrating personality, realistic conflict, and social identity approaches. Drawing on computer-assisted interviewing, this book focuses on Italy partly because it has experienced two different waves of immigration, from Northern Africa and Eastern Europe, and thus allows one to consider to what extent the color of immigrants' skin imposes a special burden of prejudice. Italy is also an apt site for the study of intolerance because of long-standing prejudices that have existed internally, between Northern and Southern Italians. The book's findings show that any point of difference--color, nationality, or language--marks the immigrant as an outsider. The fact of difference, not the particular mode of difference, is crucial. Moreover, the general election of 1994 provided a rare opportunity to investigate the political impact of prejudice when the party system was itself in the process of transformation. The authors uncover a potential line of cleavage: rather than prejudice being concentrated on the political right, it has a wide following among the less educated of the political left. Analyzing the contributions of personality, social-structural factors, and political orientation to the wave of intolerance toward immigrants, The Outsider offers unprecedented insights into the phenomenon of prejudice and its link to politics.
Yale University Press Object Biographies: Collaborative Approaches to Ancient Mediterranean Art
A revealing look at ancient art in the Menil Collection that addresses the problem of objects lacking archaeological context This innovative anthology discusses a diversity of ancient Mediterranean objects—a Mesopotamian votive figure, a Egyptian relief from the New Kingdom, and a Greek Geometric fawn among them—in the Menil Collection and three other US museums. It offers new models for understanding works from antiquity that lack archaeological context. Essays by 13 authors written with the layperson in mind employ a creative mixture of iconography, technical studies, and modern provenance research to gain insight into the meaning of the objects themselves and what they can teach us more broadly aboutarchaeology, art history, and collecting practices. They take on complex issues of cultural heritage, legality, and taste to bring to life works that are often consigned to either the imperial past or a conceptual limbo. Essays on related groups or single objects introduce fresh frameworks to engage with the multilayered history these objects represent. The eight object biographies on ancient artifacts in the Menil are the first in-depth studies published on the collection. Essays by seven university professors probe works in their areas of expertise, while those by seven curators lay bare one object biography; frame provenance studies at the San Antonio Museum of Art, Getty Museum, and Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; and survey war’s effect on ancient works. The editors’ introduction and an epilogue responding to the other 13 texts review theoretical and practical issues in the study of artifacts lacking archaeological findspots (provenience). Recommended for programs and libraries in museum studies, archaeology, and art history; art and heritage law programs; and readers fascinated by cold-case detective work on the material culture of the ancient Mediterranean.Distributed for the Menil Collection
The University of Chicago Press Ekklesia: Three Inquiries in Church and State
Ekklesia: Three Inquiries in Church and State offers a New World rejoinder to the largely Europe-centered academic discourse on church and state. In contrast to what is often assumed, in the Americas the relationship between church and state has not been one of freedom or separation but one of unstable and adaptable collusion. Ekklesia sees in the settler states of North and South America alternative patterns of conjoined religious and political power, patterns resulting from the undertow of other gods, other peoples, and other claims to sovereignty. These local challenges have led to a continuously contested attempt to realize a church-minded state, a state-minded church, and the systems that develop in their concert. The shifting borders of their separation and the episodic conjoining of church and state took new forms in both theory and practice. The first of a closely linked trio of essays is by Paul Johnson, and offers a new interpretation of the Brazilian community gathered at Canudos and its massacre in 1896-97, carried out as a joint church-state mission and spectacle. In the second essay, Pamela Klassen argues that the colonial church-state relationship of Canada came into being through local and national practices that emerged as Indigenous nations responded to and resisted becoming "possessions" of colonial British America. Finally, Winnifred Sullivan's essay begins with reflection on the increased effort within the United States to ban Bibles and scriptural references from death penalty courtrooms and jury rooms; she follows with a consideration of the political theological pressure thereby placed on the jury that decides between life and death. Through these three inquiries, Ekklesia takes up the familiar topos of "church and state" in order to render it strange.
The University of Chicago Press Ekklesia: Three Inquiries in Church and State
Ekklesia: Three Inquiries in Church and State offers a New World rejoinder to the largely Europe-centered academic discourse on church and state. In contrast to what is often assumed, in the Americas the relationship between church and state has not been one of freedom or separation but one of unstable and adaptable collusion. Ekklesia sees in the settler states of North and South America alternative patterns of conjoined religious and political power, patterns resulting from the undertow of other gods, other peoples, and other claims to sovereignty. These local challenges have led to a continuously contested attempt to realize a church-minded state, a state-minded church, and the systems that develop in their concert. The shifting borders of their separation and the episodic conjoining of church and state took new forms in both theory and practice. The first of a closely linked trio of essays is by Paul Johnson, and offers a new interpretation of the Brazilian community gathered at Canudos and its massacre in 1896-97, carried out as a joint church-state mission and spectacle. In the second essay, Pamela Klassen argues that the colonial church-state relationship of Canada came into being through local and national practices that emerged as Indigenous nations responded to and resisted becoming "possessions" of colonial British America. Finally, Winnifred Sullivan's essay begins with reflection on the increased effort within the United States to ban Bibles and scriptural references from death penalty courtrooms and jury rooms; she follows with a consideration of the political theological pressure thereby placed on the jury that decides between life and death. Through these three inquiries, Ekklesia takes up the familiar topos of "church and state" in order to render it strange.
The University of Chicago Press Policing Immigrants: Local Law Enforcement on the Front Lines
The United States deported nearly two million illegal immigrants during the first five years of the Obama presidency—more than during any previous administration. President Obama stands accused by activists of being “deporter in chief.” Yet despite efforts to rebuild what many see as a broken system, the president has not yet been able to convince Congress to pass new immigration legislation, and his record remains rooted in a political landscape that was created long before his election. Deportation numbers have actually been on the rise since 1996, when two federal statutes sought to delegate a portion of the responsibilities for immigration enforcement to local authorities.Policing Immigrants traces the transition of immigration enforcement from a traditionally federal power exercised primarily near the US borders to a patchwork system of local policing that extends throughout the country’s interior. Since federal authorities set local law enforcement to the task of bringing suspected illegal immigrants to the federal government’s attention, local responses have varied. While some localities have resisted the work, others have aggressively sought out unauthorized immigrants, often seeking to further their own objectives by putting their own stamp on immigration policing. Tellingly, how a community responds can best be predicted not by conditions like crime rates or the state of the local economy but rather by the level of conservatism among local voters. What has resulted, the authors argue, is a system that is neither just nor effective—one that threatens the core crime-fighting mission of policing by promoting racial profiling, creating fear in immigrant communities, and undermining the critical community-based function of local policing.
The University of Chicago Press Voting: A Study of Opinion Formation in a Presidential Campaign
Voting is an examination of the factors that make people vote the way they do. Based on the famous Elmira Study, carried out by a team of skilled social scientists during the 1948 presidential campaign, it shows how voting is affected by social class, religious background, family loyalties, on-the-job relationships, local pressure groups, mass communication media, and other factors. Still highly relevant, Voting is one of the most frequently cited books in the field of voting behavior.
Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc The Human Hypothalamus: Neuroendocrine Disorders: Volume 181
The Human Hypothalamus: Neuroendocrine Disorders, Volume 181 in the Handbook of Clinical Neurology series, provides comprehensive summaries of recent research on the brain and nervous system as they relate to clinical neurology. This volume summarizes the role of the hypothalamus in neuroendocrine disorders, identifying the mechanism of action, disorder etiology, and best practices for assessment and treatment. Disorders covered include pituitary hypothalamic disorders of development and growth, hypothalamic tumor related disorders, hypothalamic autoimmune disorders and infection, disorders of vasopressin, water and sodium homeostasis, eating disorders, and gonadotropic hormone regulation disorders.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Taylor's Manual of Family Medicine
Designed for today’s busy practitioner, Taylor’s Manual of Family Medicine, 4th Edition , provides practical, expert guidance for the issues you face daily in family practice and primary care. Easy to understand and clinically useful, this trusted manual has been thoroughly updated with the latest clinical information and evidence, including electronic resources. Whether you’re a physician in a clinic, extended care, or hospital setting, or a resident or practitioner looking for a high-yield board review tool, this manual addresses the real-world issues you see most, allowing you to provide optimum care for every patient. Stay up to date with all-new chapters and expanded chapters on delirium, movement disorders, dementia, pregnancy loss and stillbirth, acute musculoskeletal injuries, and more. Get the latest practical information on commonly encountered clinical problems, including OB/GYN and childbirth, pediatrics, and mental health. Find what you need quickly with templated chapters that cover diagnostic criteria, clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, and screening, including physical diagnosis, laboratory findings, and imaging studies. Understand how to make the right diagnosis and know when to order the right test, based on common presenting symptoms. Use this manual to study efficiently and effectively for the ABFP certification and recertification exams. Topics follow ACGME and AAFP program requirements for residency training. Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, offering tablet, smartphone, or online access to: Complete content with enhanced navigation Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
Wolters Kluwer Health Reading EEGs: A Practical Approach
Focusing on stepwise development of concepts, pattern recognition and integration with clinical practice, Reading EEGs: A Practical Approach, 2nd Edition, is an easy-to-use, readable guide to learning EEG for neurology residents, clinical neurophysiology fellows, and electroneurodiagnostic students and technologists. The emphasis on waveform recognition enables readers to interpret EEG findings accurately and place them in clinical context. The new landscape format accommodates larger high-quality images for improved study, and the distinctive question-and-answer format is highly effective for review at all levels of training. Presents concepts of pattern recognition in a sequential, logical fashion based on appearance rather than disease process. Covers simple, intermediate, and advanced topics in EEG, epilepsy, and neurophysiology. Includes several new chapters, including: The pathophysiology of epileptiform activity covering the neuroscience of seizure generation and the origins of pathological waveforms, Separate chapters on subdural and stereotactic EEG recording, Updated discussions of seizure semiology based on new terminology, New chapters on epilepsy genetics and non-epileptic events. Features expanded coverage of high density EEG, seizure detection methods, magnetoencephalography and intraoperative monitoring. Enrich Your Ebook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s),such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook,powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Fitness Information Technology, Inc, U.S. Historic Traditions & Future Directions of Research on Teaching & Teacher Education in Physical Education
Facet Publishing Foundations of Information Policy
Foreword by Alan S. Inouye; Afterword by Nancy KranichThis important new text provides a much-needed introduction to the myriad information policy issues that impact information professionals, information institutions, and the users and communities served by those institutions. In this key textbook for LIS students and reference text for practitioners, noted scholars Jaeger and Taylor draw from current, authoritative sources to familiarize readers with the history of information policy; discuss the broader societal issues shaped by policy, including access to infrastructure, digital literacy and inclusion, accessibility, and security; elucidate the specific laws, regulations, and policies that impact information, including net neutrality, filtering, privacy, openness, and much more; use case studies from a range of institutions to examine the issues, bolstered by discussion questions that encourage readers to delve more deeply; explore the intersections of information policy with human rights, civil rights, and professional ethics; and prepare readers to turn their growing understanding of information policy into action, through activism, advocacy, and education. This book will help future and current information professionals better understand the impacts of information policy on their activities, improving their ability to serve as effective advocates on behalf of their institutions, patrons, and communities.
Greece & Cyprus Research Center, Incorporated Greek Texts of the Fourth to Thirteenth Centuries
Facet Publishing The KM Cookbook: Stories and strategies for organisations exploring Knowledge Management Standard ISO30401
The KM Cookbook serves up a menu of success stories and strategies for organizations wanting to know more about Knowledge Management Standard ISO30401 – whether they intend to pursue certification, or simply seek to use it as a framework to review their existing programme and strategy. Knowledge Management (KM) has been around for over 20 years as a set of tools and methods for connecting, collecting and creating knowledge. Lots has been written, and there are tens of thousands of practitioners out there—in-company specialists and consultants. Unlike Lean, Agile and other business improvement methodologies, KM has never had a single agreed set of tools, or a commercial accreditation or standard. Attending a KM conference can feel a bit like visiting an international street food market! In many ways, the arrival of an internationally agreed standard and vocabulary, imbues fresh professional credibility to the field of Knowledge Management.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Financial Accounting with International Financial Reporting Standards
While there is growing interest in IFRS within the US, interest outside the US has exploded. Weygandt's fourth edition of Financial Accounting: IFRS highlights the integration of more US GAAP rules, a desired feature as more foreign companies find the United States to be their largest market. The highly anticipated new edition retains each of the key features (e.g. TOC, writing style, pedagogy, robust EOC) on which users of Weygandt Financial have come to rely, while putting the focus on international companies/examples, discussing financial accounting principles and procedures within the context of IFRS, and providing EOC exercises and problems that present students with foreign currency examples instead of solely U.S. dollars.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Equitation Science
A new edition of a highly respected textbook and reference in the rapidly emerging field of equitation science. Equitation Science, 2nd Edition incorporates learning theory into ethical equine training frameworks suitable for riders of any level and for all types of equestrian activity. Written by international experts at the forefront of the development of the field, the welfare of the horse and rider safety are primary considerations throughout. This edition features a new chapter on research methods, and a companion website provides the images from the book in PowerPoint.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Geographic Information Science and Systems
Effective use of today’s powerful GIS technology requires an understanding of the science of problem-solving that underpins it. Since the first edition published over a decade ago, this book has led the way, with its focus on the scientific principles that support GIS usage. It has also provided thorough, upto- date coverage of GIS procedures, techniques and public policy applications. This unique combination of science, technology and practical problem solving has made this book a best-seller across a broad spectrum of disciplines. This fully updated 4th edition continues to deliver on these strengths.
Baker Publishing Group Introduction to Psychology and Counseling – Christian Perspectives and Applications
This standard introduction to psychology and counseling offers an explanation of classic theory and a holistic Christian view of humanity and counseling. The book includes over one hundred "spotlights" (brief essays featuring persons, ideas, and applications relevant to Christian counseling), copious illustrations, a glossary explaining technical terms, and thorough indexes. The text, organized according to the way introductory counseling courses are taught, serves as a helpful reference tool of enduring value. Subject areas include: • personality • classic psychological theory • the biological basis of behavior • emotions and motivation • memory, cognition, self-concept • child and adult development • sensation and perception • social psychology • individual and family counseling • psychology of religion • abnormal psychology • individual and group therapy
Oxford University Press Inc Spinal Cord Stimulation: Percutaneous Implantation Techniques
Neuromodulation therapies such as spinal cord, dorsal root ganglion, and peripheral nerve stimulation are used to treat chronic pain syndromes such as intractable back pain, diabetic neuropathy, spinal radiculopathies, and complex regional pain syndrome. Since the publication of the first edition over a decade ago, there has been unprecedented progress in understanding neuromodulation and technological advances in clinical applications. Spinal Cord Stimulation is intended as an essential guide to the clinical fundamentals required for safe and effective implantation of neuromodulation devices. Implantation of these devices is performed by physicians from various disciplines, requiring a multidisciplinary skill set that presents a challenge for surgical and non-surgical pain practitioners alike. This authoritative resource integrates the basic multidisciplinary information necessary for understanding spinal cord stimulation, dorsal root ganglion (DRG), and peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) with up-to-date implantation techniques for clinicians to use in their daily practice. It also features updated advice for appropriate medical decision making, patient education, safe use of radiation, and managing adverse events, with new chapters dedicated toward DRG stimulation and PNS.
American Registry of Pathology Tumors of the Salivary Glands
This book serves as a one-stop, comprehensive reference for the pathology of salivary gland neoplasms, with an emphasis on numerous high-quality, illustrative photomicrographs. The authors incorporated the most cutting-edge genetic data emerging on such tumors, as this information often has a profound impact on their diagnosis and classification. With the quickly evolving nature of salivary gland pathology, this contribution to the Fifth Series is a key update to the previous edition from the Fourth Series, which was published in 2008.
Pan Macmillan An Area of Darkness
A classic of modern travel writing, An Area of Darkness is Nobel laureate V. S. Naipaul’s profound reckoning with his ancestral homeland.Part of the Macmillan Collector’s Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition is introduced by internationally acclaimed author Paul Theroux.Traveling from the bureaucratic morass of Bombay to the ethereal beauty of Kashmir, from a sacred ice cave in the Himalayas to an abandoned temple near Madras, Naipaul encounters a dizzying cross-section of humanity: browbeaten government workers and imperious servants, a suavely self-serving holy man and a deluded American religious seeker. An Area of Darkness also abounds with Naipaul’s strikingly original responses to India’s paralyzing caste system, its acceptance of poverty and squalor, and the conflict between its desire for self-determination and its nostalgia for the British raj. This may be the most elegant and passionate book ever written about the subcontinent.
Archaeopress The Early Iron Age Metal Hoard from the Al Khawd Area (Sultan Qaboos University), Sultanate of Oman
Numerous metallic artefacts, which anciently were deposited in a hoard, came to light per chance on the campus of the Sultan Qaboos University in Al Khawd, Sultanate of Oman. Mostly fashioned from copper, these arrowheads, axes/adzes, bangles, daggers, knives, socketed lance/ spearheads, metal vessels, razors, rings, swords, and tweezers compare well with numerous documented artefact classes from south-eastern Arabia assigned to the Early Iron Age (1200–300 BCE). Discussion of the international trade between ancient Makan, Dilmun, and Mesopotamia during the 3rd millennium BCE dominates the archaeological literature about Arabia archaeology. The Al Khawd hoard and its contemporaries lend weight to the suggestion that 1st millennium BCE Qadē (the name of south-eastern Arabia at that time) was even more important than Bronze Age Makan in terms of the copper trade volume. A reassessment shows the Early Iron Age by no means to be a dark age, but rather an innovative, successful adaptive period characterised by evident population growth.
Arcadia Publishing Northwestern Pacific Railroad
Springer Nature Switzerland AG The Mayo Clinic Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory: History, Research, and Innovations
This book explores the history of the Mayo Clinic Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory from 1940 to present day. It examines the life and journey of the Cardiac Catheterization Lab and its ultimate success in implementing the vision of the Mayo philosophy of emphasizing collaboration between lab-based scientists and clinical health care professionals to bring innovation to the clinical practice and lead landmark changes in the practice of medicine profoundly enhancing what we can offer to patients and society alike. The book is divided into decades, with separate sections in each decade on key cardiology topics such as congenital heart disease, coronary heart disease, hemodynamics, pacing, and electrophysiology (EP). Chapters will highlight training, advances, new procedures, new technologies, and fundamental changes to the field throughout the decades, attributed to the work done by Cath lab personnel. Chapters also identify the problems faced, the unmet clinical needs of patients and society, problems solved, and things learned and transmitted into the clinical arena along the way. The Mayo Clinic Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory will be a valuable resource for health care professionals, clinicians, scientists, innovators, administrators, and small and large device manufacturing companies as well as historians and past and present patients.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Predicting the Future in Science, Economics, and Politics
It is a puzzle that while academic research has increased in specialization, the important and complex problems facing humans urgently require a synthesis of understanding. This unique collaboration attempts to address such a problem by bringing together a host of prominent scholars from across the sciences to offer new insights into predicting the future. They demonstrate that long-term trends and short-term incentives need to be understood in order to adopt effective policies, or even to comprehend where we currently stand and the sort of future that awaits us.Developing novel techniques to forecast global conditions, the authors tackle important questions such as: What does the future hold? How can we sustain prosperity? Are we likely to have less war and genocide? Are nuclear weapons destined to spread to unstable countries? What environmental scarcities and conflicts are we likely to face? Each chapter is built around cause and effect relationships based on empirical evidence that creates a unified predictive model of global economic and political conditions. The limits and possibilities of scientific prediction are also explored, as are the physical, biological, and social properties of the global system.This book will have a wide appeal among physical and social scientists interested in the linkages between scientific method and the prediction of future human behavior and global conditions.Contributors: R.D. Alexander, B. Bueno de Mesquita, J.D. Farmer, J. Geanakoplos, J. Holland, S. di Iorio, M.S. Karasik, U. Luterbacher, S.W. Polachek, D. Rohner, G. Schneider, J.D. Singer, D.F. Sprinz, A. Tago, F.W. Wayman, E. Wiegandt, D. Wilkinson, P.R. Williamson, E.O. Wilson
American Psychological Association Using Feedback in Organizational Consulting
This book provides consulting psychologists, managers, and human resources personnel with easy-to-use, evidence-based strategies for providing effective feedback to improve communication and performance in the workplace. Feedback is an essential part of communication, coaching, management, and human resource practices. Yet the essential elements that make feedback more effective often fail to go beyond the pages of academic journal articles and into the workplace where they could greatly improve communication and performance. This book is an easy-to-use resource that applies classic and current research findings to create actionable, evidence-based tactics that consulting psychologists, consultants, managers, and HR personnel can use to improve feedback exchanges in any work environment. The authors present a simple and straightforward model of the feedback process that includes four critical elements that can make or break a feedback exchange: the actions and behaviors of the feedback provider, the content of the message, the beliefs and perceptions of the feedback recipient, and the context in which feedback is provided. Each chapter includes a case example that highlights key takeaways from the research and illustrates how consultants can apply these concepts and strategies in real scenarios.
Human Kinetics Publishers Strategic Sport Communication
Strategic Sport Communication, Third Edition, presents a comprehensive examination of the evolving field of sport communication. With a complete approach to the multifaceted and interrelated applications of sport communication, this text will help the reader understand modern trends and industry demands. The book’s topics align with the Common Professional Component topics outlined by the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA). Organized into three parts for easy understanding, part I familiarizes students with the field by defining sport communication, presenting historical analysis, and providing an extensive discussion of career opportunities. Part II focuses on the elements of the Strategic Sport Communication Model (SSCM). This model details the three main components of sport communication: personal and organizational aspects of communication, mediated communication in sport, and sport communication services and support systems. Students will understand how each component plays an integral role in sport management, sport marketing, and operational goals at all levels of sport organizations. Part III examines legal aspects and critical sociological and cultural issues. Significant updates throughout the third edition capture the evolution of sport communication: A look at emerging communication platforms and modern technologies such as fantasy sports and online gambling New content covering the cutting-edge topics of customer-centric marketing, influencer marketing, the rise of digital media in integrated marketing, and the use of data analytics in marketing communication A new discussion of digital public relations tools and new examples of crises in sport, including a case study that provides a real-world example of a crisis in sport communication Learning aids—including key terms, chapter objectives, and chapter wrap-ups with review questions and individual exercises—provide for an engaging and focused learning experience. Updated for this edition, Sport Communication at Work sidebars feature industry experts applying chapter content, and Profile of a Sport Communicator sidebars highlight professional opportunities. In Strategic Sport Communication, Third Edition, students will develop a thorough understanding of the vast and varied field of sport communication. As the exciting field of sport communication continues to present new challenges, the analysis provided within this text will provide the foundational and theoretical understanding necessary for aspiring sport communication professionals to succeed.
Classiques Garnier Le Reveille-Matin Des Francois
Les Belles Lettres Diodore de Sicile, Bibliotheque Historique: Tome XI: Livre XVI
Simon & Schuster King John
The authoritative edition of King John from The Folger Shakespeare Library, the trusted and widely used Shakespeare series for students and general readers.Like most of Shakespeare’s history plays, King John presents a struggle for the English crown. The struggle this time, however, is strikingly cold-blooded and brutal. John, the younger brother of the late Richard I, is the king, and a savage one. His opponent is a boy, his nephew Arthur, supported by the King of France and the Duke of Austria. After Arthur falls into John’s hands, John plots to torture him. Arthur’s capture gives Louis, the Dauphin of France, the opportunity to lay claim to John’s crown. John’s nobles support Louis, but he schemes to betray them. The play finds its hero in another figure: the Bastard, Sir Richard Plantagenet, an illegitimate son of Richard I. Although he has an appetite for war, he also has a strong conscience and speaks with trenchant irony. This edition includes: -Freshly edited text based on the best early printed version of the play -Full explanatory notes conveniently placed on pages facing the text of the play -Scene-by-scene plot summaries -A key to the play’s famous lines and phrases -An introduction to reading Shakespeare’s language -An essay by a leading Shakespeare scholar providing a modern perspective on the play -Fresh images from the Folger Shakespeare Library’s vast holdings of rare books -An annotated guide to further reading Essay by Deborah T. Curren-Aquino The Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, DC, is home to the world’s largest collection of Shakespeare’s printed works, and a magnet for Shakespeare scholars from around the globe. In addition to exhibitions open to the public throughout the year, the Folger offers a full calendar of performances and programs. For more information, visit
Simon & Schuster Henry V
The authoritative edition of William Shakespeare’s historic play Henry V from the Folger Shakespeare Library, the trusted and widely used Shakespeare series for both students and general readers.Henry V is Shakespeare’s most famous “war play”; it includes the storied English victory over the French at Agincourt. Some of it glorifies war, especially the choruses and Henry’s speeches urging his troops into battle. But we also hear bishops conniving for war to postpone a bill that would tax the church, and soldiers expecting to reap profits from the conflict. Even in the speeches of Henry and his nobles, there are many chilling references to the human cost of war. The authoritative edition of Henry V from the Folger Shakespeare Library includes: –Freshly edited text based on the best early printed version of the play –Newly revised explanatory notes conveniently placed on pages facing the text of the play –Scene-by-scene plot summaries –A key to the play’s famous lines and phrases –An introduction to reading Shakespeare’s language –An essay by a leading Shakespeare scholar providing a modern perspective on the play –Fresh images from the Folger Shakespeare Library’s vast holdings of rare books –An up-to-date annotated guide to further reading –An essay by Catherine Belsey The Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, DC, is home to the world’s largest collection of Shakespeare’s printed works, and a magnet for Shakespeare scholars from around the globe. In addition to exhibitions open to the public throughout the year, the folder offers a full calendar of performances and programs. For more information, visit
Archaeopress LRFW 1. Late Roman Fine Wares. Solving problems of typology and chronology.: A review of the evidence, debate and new contexts
"ROMAN AND LATE ANTIQUE MEDITERRANEAN POTTERY". In November 2008, an ICREA/ESF Exploratory Workshop on the subject of late Roman fine wares was held in Barcelona, the main aim being the clarification of problems regarding the typology and chronology of the three principal table wares found in Mediterranean contexts (African Red Slip Ware, Late Roman C and Late Roman D). The discussion highlighted the need to undertake a similar approach for other ceramic classes across the Mediterranean provinces. In addition, it was perceived that ceramic studies are often dispersed and in such a variety of publications that it is difficult to follow progress in this vast field. Therefore, a series devoted to Roman and late Antique pottery in the Mediterranean was proposed to serve as a reference point for all potential authors devoted to pottery studies on a pan-Mediterranean basis. The creation of such a series would not only serve as a means of publishing the results of the ICREA/ESF workshop but also as a network for publication of in-depth monographs devoted to archaeological ceramics of the Mediterranean in the Roman and late Antique periods. With this first volume on ceramic assemblages and the dating of late Roman fine wares, Archaeopress launch this new series devoted to the publication of ceramics in the Roman Mediterranean and outlying territories from the late Republic to late Antiquity.
F.A. Davis Company Family Health Care Nursing: Theory, Practice, and Research
The 7th Edition of a multiple AJN Book of the Year Award Winner!Prepare for the real world of family nursing care!Explore family nursing the way it’s practiced today in the United States and Canada—with a theory-guided, evidence-based approach to care throughout the family life cycle that responds to the needs of families and adapts to the changing dynamics of the health care system. From healthpromotion to end of life, a streamlined organization delivers the clinical guidance you need to care for today’s families. Updated, Revised & Expanded! Incorporating the science and evidence-based knowledge that reflects the changes in families, family health, health policy, and the environment which affect the health of families today New! Practice and reflection questions for every case study to help nursing students develop their ability to reflect on their practice of working with families which can challenge their own assumptions, beliefs, and biases New Chapter! Environmental Health and Families Revised! Relational Nursing and Family Nursing in Canada now appearing in the text rather than online New! NCLEX®-style questions in the Appendix to develop critical-thinking and clinical judgment skills related to family nursing A comprehensive overview of family nursing linking family theory and research to clinical implementation An evidence-based, clinical focus emphasizing today’s families Case studies with family genograms and ecomaps Three family nursing theories—Family Systems Theory, Developmental and Family Life Cycle Theory, and Bioecological Theory —are threaded throughout the book and are applied in many of the chapter case studies. Canadian-specific content throughout Coverage of families dealing with end-of-life issues
Georgetown University Press The Catholic Church and the Nation-State: Comparative Perspectives
Presenting case studies from sixteen countries on five continents, The Catholic Church and the Nation-State paints a rich portrait of a complex and paradoxical institution whose political role has varied historically and geographically. In this integrated and synthetic collection of essays, outstanding scholars from the United States and abroad examine religious, diplomatic, and political actions—both admirable and regrettable—that shape our world. Kenneth R. Himes sets the context of the book by brilliantly describing the political influence of the church in the post-Vatican II era. There are many recent instances, the contributors assert, where the Church has acted as both a moral authority and a self-interested institution: in the United States it maintained unpopular moral positions on issues such as contraception and sexuality, yet at the same time it sought to cover up its own abuses; it was complicit in genocide in Rwanda but played an important role in ending the horrific civil war in Angola; and it has alternately embraced and suppressed nationalism by acting as the voice of resistance against communism in Poland, whereas in Chile it once supported opposition to Pinochet but now aligns with rightist parties. With an in-depth exploration of the five primary challenges facing the Church—theology and politics, secularization, the transition from serving as a nationalist voice of opposition, questions of justice, and accommodation to sometimes hostile civil authorities—this book will be of interest to scholars and students in religion and politics as well as Catholic Church clergy and laity. By demonstrating how national churches vary considerably in the emphasis of their teachings and in the scope and nature of their political involvement, the analyses presented in this volume engender a deeper understanding of the role of the Roman Catholic Church in the world.
Arcadia Publishing (SC) Jewish Miami Beach
Simon & Schuster A Forest World
Johns Hopkins University Press The Papers of Thomas A. Edison: Losses and Loyalties, April 1883–December 1884
Seeking to replicate the success of his New York electric central station throughout the United States and in Europe and Latin America, Thomas A. Edison vowed to become a "business man for a year." This bold decision began a remarkable transition period for America's greatest inventive thinker. The seventh volume of Edison's papers chronicles the profound changes in his professional and personal life, including the unexpected death of his wife. It concludes with Edison returning to the laboratory to develop new communications technology.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Power System Protection
A newly updated guide to the protection of power systems in the 21st century Power System Protection, 2nd Edition combines brand new information about the technological and business developments in the field of power system protection that have occurred since the last edition was published in 1998. The new edition includes updates on the effects of short circuits on: Power quality Multiple setting groups Quadrilateral distance relay characteristics Loadability It also includes comprehensive information about the impacts of business changes, including deregulation, disaggregation of power systems, dependability, and security issues. Power System Protection provides the analytical basis for design, application, and setting of power system protection equipment for today's engineer. Updates from protection engineers with distinct specializations contribute to a comprehensive work covering all aspects of the field. New regulations and new components included in modern power protection systems are discussed at length. Computer-based protection is covered in-depth, as is the impact of renewable energy systems connected to distribution and transmission systems.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cardiac Pacing - A Case Approach: Cardiac Pacemakers and Implantable Defibrillators: A Workbook
There are many excellent textbooks that exist in the area of implantable devices for arrhythmia control. Few textbooks, however, provide a case study approach. Collectively, these workbooks provide an approach to problem solving an electrocardiographic interpretation for patients with permanent pacemakers and defibrillators. Volume 1 addresses patients with permanent pacemakers Volume 2 examines interactions between pacemakers and implantable defibrillators Volume 3 provides case studies of transtelephonic pacemakers electrocardiography Volume 4 provides more pacemaker and implantable defibrillator troubleshooting cases This volume takes a case-orientated approach, providing a diverse series of problems on a broad range of pacing related topics. The cases are divided into easy, moderate and complex according to their level of difficulty, allowing the reader to gauge their progress. This workbook is suitable for physicians, nurses, technicians, technologists and industry engineers, particularly those new to the field who are keen to learn in a practical way.
Johns Hopkins University Press American Artisans: Crafting Society Identity, 1750-1850
Given the fundamental changes that transformed American society in the years between Benjamin Franklin's apprenticeship in a printer's shop and mid-19th-century efforts to organize labouring men and women, no social group offers a more interesting spectacle than skilled tradesmen or artisans. They came from various ethnic backgrounds (some worked in slavery), took their religion and politics seriously, lived mostly in cities but also in the countryside, and in many cases became pillars of their communities. This book examines the role of artisans in the American economy and society in the 18th and 19th centuries. Going beyond the traditional story of the decline of journeyman status, it explores a variety of themes loosely centred around opportunities in the developing economy. Indeed, many of these essays explore entrepreneurial ideals among many artisans competing in the marketplace. This collection also examines the interaction of race and the artisan economy in southern cities. It traces the economic relationships from father to son or between merchant and artisan, and explores the culture and politics of artisans, including religion, third-party politics, and the interaction of gender and reform.
Nancy Paulsen Books Little Black Boy: Oh, the Things You Will Do!
A little Black boy finds the courage to go after his dreams in this empowering and inspirational picture book by actress Kirby Howell-Baptiste (The Sandman) with actor Larry Fields.With vivid, dimensional illustrations by Paul Davey, this encouraging and hopeful picture book celebrates the joy of being a little Black boy and their bright futures.Fascinated by marine wildlife, a little Black boy dreams of one day swimming in the ocean alongside all the creatures that make it their home. It will take courage to move from the safety of the swimming pool to the vastness of the ocean, but as he begins his journey of discovery, he soon finds there’s nothing he can’t do. He realizes if he cares about the animals in the ocean, he must also care about their home and sets out to preserve the beaches he loves by picking up trash. This little boy is determined not only to reach his dream of becoming a marine biologist, but to make a difference in the world and to share his passion of environmental conservation with everyone.Little Black Boy, Oh the things you will do.Has anyone mentioned the world’s open to you?
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Energy, Environment and the Economy: Asian Perspectives
Asian nations increasingly have to balance energy needs with environmental impacts and economic growth. These critical issues for the development of Asian nations and the quality of life of their citizens are extensively addressed in this major new volume which focuses on research and policy perspectives.A distinguished group of researchers from Asia, Europe and North America, focuses on Asian initiatives on global and regional environmental problems, the impact of energy and environment on development and international trade in Asia, the problems associated with siting major energy facilities, the Asian green movement and public reaction to environmental degradation, and the role of communities in achieving a balance between energy, environment and economics.Researchers and policymakers, public policy and management researchers and environmentalists will welcome this important book which addresses the key issue of balancing the conflicting objectives of energy planning, environmental management and economic development.