Search results for ""Guilford Publications""
Guilford Publications The Research Journey: Introduction to Inquiry
Designed to foster "inquiry-mindedness," this book prepares graduate students to develop a conceptual framework and conduct inquiry projects that are linked to ongoing conversations in a field. The authors examine different ways of knowing and show how to identify a research question; build arguments and support them with evidence; make informed design decisions; engage in reflective, ethical practices; and produce a written proposal or report. Each chapter opens with a set of critical questions, followed by a dialogue among five fictional graduate students exploring questions and concerns about their own inquiry projects; these issues are revisited throughout the chapter. Other useful features include end-of-chapter learning activities for individual or group use.Useful pedagogical features include: *Framing questions for exploration and reflection. *Chapter-opening dialogues that bring in perspectives from multiple disciplines. *Example boxes with detailed cases and questions for the reader. *End-of-chapter activities and experiential exercises that guide readers to develop their own inquiry projects. *Suggestions for further reading.
Guilford Publications Executive Functions: What They Are, How They Work, and Why They Evolved
This groundbreaking book offers a comprehensive theory of executive functioning (EF) with important clinical implications. Synthesizing cutting-edge neuropsychological and evolutionary research, Russell A. Barkley presents a model of EF that is rooted in meaningful activities of daily life. He describes how abilities such as emotion regulation, self-motivation, planning, and working memory enable people to pursue both personal and collective goals that are critical to survival. Key stages of EF development are identified and the far-reaching individual and social costs of EF deficits detailed. Barkley explains specific ways that his model may support much-needed advances in assessment and treatment.See also Barkley's empirically based, ecologically valid assessment tools: Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale (BDEFS for Adults) and Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale--Children and Adolescents (BDEFS-CA).
Guilford Publications The Research Journey: Introduction to Inquiry
Designed to foster "inquiry-mindedness," this book prepares graduate students to develop a conceptual framework and conduct inquiry projects that are linked to ongoing conversations in a field. The authors examine different ways of knowing and show how to identify a research question; build arguments and support them with evidence; make informed design decisions; engage in reflective, ethical practices; and produce a written proposal or report. Each chapter opens with a set of critical questions, followed by a dialogue among five fictional graduate students exploring questions and concerns about their own inquiry projects; these issues are revisited throughout the chapter. Other useful features include end-of-chapter learning activities for individual or group use.Useful pedagogical features include: *Framing questions for exploration and reflection. *Chapter-opening dialogues that bring in perspectives from multiple disciplines. *Example boxes with detailed cases and questions for the reader. *End-of-chapter activities and experiential exercises that guide readers to develop their own inquiry projects. *Suggestions for further reading.
Guilford Publications Preventing Boundary Violations in Clinical Practice
What do you do when you run into a patient in a public place? How do you respond when a patient suddenly hugs you at the end of a session? Do you accept a gift that a patient brings to make up for causing you some inconvenience? Questions like these—which virtually all clinicians face at one time or another—have serious clinical, ethical, and legal implications. This authoritative, practical book uses compelling case vignettes to show how a wide range of boundary questions arise and can be responsibly resolved as part of the process of therapy. Coverage includes role reversal, gifts, self-disclosure, out-of-office encounters, physical contact, and sexual misconduct. Strategies for preventing boundary violations and managing associated legal risks are highlighted.
Guilford Publications Developmental Social Neuroscience and Childhood Brain Insult: Theory and Practice
Synthesizing cutting-edge knowledge from multiple disciplines, this book explores the impact of acquired brain injury and developmental disabilities on children's emerging social skills. The editors present an innovative framework for understanding how brain processes interact with social development in both typically developing children and clinical populations. Key issues in assessment are addressed, including ways to measure both social function and brain function using developmentally sound tools. Balancing theoretical and clinical concerns, the book describes promising interventions for promoting children's adjustment and helping them participate more fully in the social world. Illustrations include six color plates.
Guilford Publications Taking Charge of Anger: Six Steps to Asserting Yourself without Losing Control
This straight-talking book—grounded in over 25 years of experience—has already helped many tens of thousands of readers understand and manage destructive anger in all its forms. Anger expert Dr. Robert Nay guides you to: *Figure out which of the five faces of anger are a problem for you, from passive–aggression to all-out rage. *Recognize the early warning signs of anger in your physical sensations and thoughts. *Master cooling-off strategies that work in the heat of the moment. *Identify and change unrealistic expectations you have for yourself and other people. *Communicate effectively when differences arise. *Practice your new skills in everyday life—until they become second nature. The second edition includes a new chapter on forgiveness, plus updated examples and resources. If anger is getting in the way of your goals—or disrupting the relationships most precious to you—the time to make changes is now.See also Dr. Nay's Anger Management Workbook: Use the STOP Method to Replace Destructive Responses with Constructive Behavior, which helps you build core anger management skills using interactive exercises, and Overcoming Anger in Your Relationship: How to Break the Cycle of Arguments, Put-Downs, and Stony Silences.
Guilford Publications Systematic Screenings of Behavior to Support Instruction: From Preschool to High School
Straightforward, practical, and user friendly, this unique guide addresses an essential component of decision making in schools. The authors show how systematic screenings of behavior—used in conjunction with academic data—can enhance teachers' ability to teach and support all students within a response-to-intervention framework. Chapters review reliable, valid screening measures for all grade levels, discuss their strengths and weaknesses, and explain how to administer, score, and interpret them. Practitioners get helpful guidance for evaluating their school's needs and resources and making sound choices about which tools to adopt.
Guilford Publications The Education of English Language Learners: Research to Practice
This comprehensive volume describes evidence-based strategies for supporting English language learners (ELLs) by promoting meaningful communication and language use across the curriculum. Leading experts explain how and why learning is different for ELLs and pinpoint specific best practices for the classroom, illustrated with vivid examples. Particular attention is given to ways in which learning English is intertwined with learning the student's home language. The book addresses both assessment and instruction for typically developing ELLs and those with language disabilities and disorders. It demonstrates how educators and speech–language professionals can draw on students' linguistic, cognitive, sociocultural, and family resources to help close the achievement gap.
Guilford Publications Preparing Effective Special Education Teachers
What tools are in the toolkit of an excellent special educator, and how can teacher preparation programs provide these tools in the most efficient, effective way possible? This practical, clearly written book is grounded in current research and policy as well as the author's extensive experience as a teacher educator. It identifies what special education teachers need to know to work competently with students with a wide variety of learning challenges and disabilities. Chapters present specific guidelines for helping teacher candidates build critical skills for instruction and assessment, get the most out of field placements, and collaborate successfully with other school personnel and with parents.
Guilford Publications Harm Reduction: Pragmatic Strategies for Managing High-Risk Behaviors
From addictions treatment pioneer G. Alan Marlatt and associates, this is the authoritative work on harm reduction: its principles, strategies, and practical applications. Contributors review programs that have been developed and tested for a range of high-risk behaviors, including problem drinking, tobacco use, illicit drug use, and risky sexual behavior. Flexible, tailored, culturally competent treatment approaches are described for marginalized and underserved communities. The volume also explores philosophical and policy-related debates surrounding this growing movement. New to This Edition *Reflects significant advances in research and clinical practice. *Chapters on the current status of the field, applications to psychotherapy, and treatment of dual disorders. *Chapters on additional populations (adolescent drinkers and Hispanic/Latino and Asian American substance users) and an additional substance (cannabis).
Guilford Publications Treatment Plans and Interventions for Bulimia and Binge-Eating Disorder
Highly practical and clinician friendly, this book provides evidence-based tools for tailoring psychotherapy to the needs of clients with bulimia nervosa or eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS), including binge-eating disorder. It offers specific guidance for conducting thorough clinical assessments and conceptualizing each case in order to select appropriate interventions. A proven cognitive-behavioral treatment protocol is presented and illustrated with a chapter-length case example. In a convenient large-size format, the book includes a session-by-session treatment plan and 20 reproducible forms, handouts, and worksheets that clinicians can photocopy or download and print for repeated use.
Guilford Publications Doing Dialectical Behavior Therapy: A Practical Guide
Filled with vivid clinical vignettes and step-by-step descriptions, this book demonstrates the nuts and bolts of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). DBT is expressly designed for--and shown to be effective with--clients with serious, multiple problems and a history of treatment failure. The book provides an accessible introduction to DBT while enabling therapists of any orientation to integrate elements of this evidence-based approach into their work with emotionally dysregulated clients. Experienced DBT clinician and trainer Kelly Koerner clearly explains how to formulate individual cases; prioritize treatment goals; and implement a skillfully orchestrated blend of behavioral change strategies, validation strategies, and dialectical strategies. See also Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Clinical Practice, Second Edition: Applications across Disorders and Settings, edited by Linda A. Dimeff, Shireen L. Rizvi, and Kelly Koerner, which presents exemplary DBT programs for specific clinical problems and populations.
Guilford Publications Judgments of Responsibility: A Foundation for a Theory of Social Conduct
Presenting a general theory of social motivation, this compelling work integrates research on achievement evaluation, stigmatization, helping behavior, aggression, and impression management. Bernard Weiner examines how responsibility inferences are reached, the manner in which such judgments affect emotions, and the role that cold judgments of responsibility versus hot feelings, such as anger, play in producing both pro- and antisocial behaviors. Ideal for students as well as researchers and mental health practitioners, the book includes experiments for the reader to complete that illustrate the main points of the text.
Guilford Publications The Price of Greatness: Resolving the Creativity and Madness Controversy
Exploring the lives and achievements of over 1,000 extraordinary men and women, this book offers answers to the age-old questions about the relationship between mental illness and greatness, and also reveals factors that predict creative achievement. The book is filled with colorful stories about many of the most eminent artists, scientists, social activists, politicians, soldiers, and business people of our time.
Guilford Publications The Psychology of Jealousy and Envy
After decades of banishment to popular magazines and advice columns, jealousy and envy have emerged as legitimate topics of scientific inquiry. This volume includes chapters from nearly every major contributor to the psychological literature in this area. From emotional, and cognitive processes that underlie jealousy and envy; to the ways these emotions are experienced and expressed within close relationships; to family, societal, and cultural contexts, the volume offers a definitive statement of current theory and research.
Guilford Publications Greatness: Who Makes History and Why
What do Madonna, Confucius, and Jackie Robinson have in common? What does it take to go down in history as a great political leader? Why do revolutions occur, riots break out, and lynch mobs assemble? Which events do people find the most shocking or memorable?This path-breaking work offers the first comprehensive examination of the important personalities and events that have influenced the course of history. It discusses whether people who go down in history are different from the rest of us; whether specific personality traits predispose certain people to become world leaders, movie stars, scientific geniuses, and athletes, while others are relegated to ordinary lives. In exploring the psychology of greatness, this volume sheds light on the characteristics that any of us may share with history-making people.Throughout, the book addresses two broad questions: what sorts of people are responsible for historic events and achievements, and what kinds of events are most likely to be seen as history-making at their time of occurrence. Providing a wealth of examples, the text probes the lives of important figures, from charismatic political and military leaders to famous writers, Nobel Prize winners, child prodigies, and Olympic athletes. The book covers history-making events such as international crises, technological innovations and scientific breakthroughs, popular TV shows, natural disasters, and many more.With unerring insight, Simonton examines the full range of phenomena associated with greatness--everything from genetic inheritance, intuition, aesthetic appreciation, and birth order, to formal education, sexual orientation, aging, IQ, and alcohol and drug abuse. The work embeds psychological topics in the larger contexts of science, art, politics, and history to essentially define a new interdisciplinary field of study: the psychology of history.Written in an engaging style, and offering the first in-depth examination of a topic with universal appeal, GREATNESS will be welcomed by everyone interested in the people and events that have made the world what it is today.
Guilford Publications Metaphor and Meaning in Psychotherapy
When therapists hear patients talk of feeling imprisoned, burning with rage, trapped, or unequipped, they are witnessing manifestations of the symbolic attitude, the hallmark of all depth psychology. Most clinicians naturally respond to and use metaphors, but they often fail to understand the full potential of metaphoric images. This volume, in addressing the transforming power of metaphor, demonstrates how clinicians can deepen the therapeutic encounter.
Guilford Publications Overcoming Anger in Your Relationship: How to Break the Cycle of Arguments, Put-Downs, and Stony Silences
Has your relationship become a battlefield? Does your partner's sarcasm, irritability, or hostility make you wonder where the closeness and trust have gone—and how much more you can take? If anger is poisoning your relationship, this book offers a powerful antidote. Anger expert W. Robert Nay provides clear-cut, practical techniques for responding productively to inappropriate expressions of anger. Learn how anger gains a foothold in a couple's life, why your usual responses may unwittingly reward bad behavior, and how to stand up for yourself in ways that promote lasting change. Self-quizzes and step-by-step suggestions for dealing with different types of angry behavior are illustrated with true-to-life examples. Grounded in psychological science, the strategies in this book are simple yet surprisingly effective. Try them for yourself—and for the person you love.See also Dr. Nay's Taking Charge of Anger, Second Edition, which helps you understand and manage destructive anger in all its forms, and The Anger Management Workbook: Use the STOP Method to Replace Destructive Responses with Constructive Behavior, which builds core anger management skills using interactive exercises.
Guilford Publications Method Meets Art, Third Edition: Arts-Based Research Practice
*Accessible graduate text and scholarly resource, revised and updated: 30% new material includes new genres (slam poetry, comics/graphic novels, installation art, and others), new exemplars, guidance on research design, and tips for getting started. *Well-known author uses nontechnical language for an interdisciplinary audience; competing titles are discipline-specific or more advanced. *The only book on ABR to cover all eight arts genres (narrative inquiry, fiction-based research, poetry, music, dance, theater, film, and visual art), with an exemplary article or online video link for each. *Classroom-friendly features include checklists, discussion questions, activities, and annotated suggested readings and web links.
Guilford Publications ACT for Anorexia Nervosa: A Guide for Clinicians
This is the first book to present a roadmap for tailoring acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) to the serious, complex challenges of anorexia nervosa (AN). Leading authorities describe interventions grounded in ACT core processes--Defusion, Acceptance, Attention to the Present Moment, Self-Awareness, Values, and Committed Action. Guidance is provided for conducting functional assessments with adolescents and adults and working toward individualized treatment goals, starting with weight restoration. The book also discusses ways to engage parents and other family members in treatment. It features therapist scripts, sample dialogues, case examples, and reproducible forms and handouts. The large-size format facilitates photocopying; purchasers also get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials.
Guilford Publications Getting Over OCD: A 10-Step Workbook for Taking Back Your Life
Thoroughly updated based on the latest science, this empowering workbook gives you the skills to overcome obsessional thoughts and compulsive behaviors--and live a freer, happier life. Leading OCD specialist Dr. Jonathan Abramowitz presents a step-by-step program grounded in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), the most effective treatment for the disorder. Vivid stories and numerous practical tools (which you can download and print for repeated use) help you: *Understand how OCD affects your mind and body. *Develop a customized plan for change. *Find relief from distressing intrusive thoughts. *Confront the situations you avoid--and discover a new sense of safety. *Break free of compulsive rituals. *Reduce anxiety and improve your relationships. The second edition is revised throughout with cutting-edge strategies for coping with unwanted thoughts that can't be eliminated completely, plus new learning techniques drawn from brain research. Ready to get over OCD? Your journey starts here.
Guilford Publications Trauma-Focused CBT for Children and Adolescents: Treatment Applications
Featuring a wealth of clinical examples, this book facilitates implementation of Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) in a range of contexts. It demonstrates how assessment strategies and treatment components can be tailored to optimally serve clients' needs while maintaining overall fidelity to the TF-CBT model. Coverage includes ways to overcome barriers to implementation in residential settings, foster placements, and low-resource countries. Contributors also describe how to use play to creatively engage kids of different ages, and present TF-CBT applications for adolescents with complex trauma, children with developmental challenges, military families struggling with the stresses of deployment, and Latino and Native American children.See also Cohen et al.'s authoritative TF-CBT manual, Treating Trauma and Traumatic Grief in Children and Adolescents, Second Edition.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Emotion Regulation Third Edition
This definitive handbook is now in an extensively revised third edition with many all-new chapters and new topics. Leading authorities present cutting-edge knowledge about how and why people try to regulate their emotions, the consequences of different regulatory strategies, and interventions to enhance this key area of functioning. The biological, cognitive, developmental, and social bases of emotion regulation are explored. The volume identifies critical implications of emotion regulation for mental and physical health, psychopathology, educational achievement, prosocial behavior, and other domains. Clinical and nonclinical interventions are critically reviewed and state-of-the-art measurement approaches described. New to This Edition *Broader coverage to bring readers up to speed on the ever-growing literature--features 71 concise chapters, compared to 36 in the prior edition. *Reflects a decade of continuing, rapid advances in theory and research methods. *New sections on
Guilford Publications The Therapeutic Alliance: An Evidence-Based Guide to Practice
This state-of-the-art book presents research-based practice guidelines that clinicians of any orientation can use to optimize the therapeutic alliance. Leading proponents of the major psychotherapeutic approaches explain just what a good alliance is, how to create it, and how to recognize and repair alliance ruptures. Applications in individual, group, couple, and family therapy are explored; case examples vividly illustrate the concepts and techniques. Links between the quality of the alliance and client outcomes are elucidated. A section on training fills a major gap in the field, reviewing proven strategies for helping therapists to develop key relationship-building skills.
Guilford Publications Case Studies in Couple and Family Therapy: Systemic and Cognitive Perspectives
Featuring case presentations by many of the most distinguished practitioners of couple and family therapy, this volume brings to life the full spectrum of approaches in the field. The cases illustrate the principles and techniques of the respective approaches and allow the reader to listen in on highly skilled therapists at work. Editor Frank Dattilio comments on each case with a focus on ways to integrate systemic and cognitive-behavioral approaches. He suggests ways that cognitive principles might usefully be called upon at specific points. Responses from contributors consider the benefits of Dattilio's suggestions and elucidate each practitioner's decision-making process.See also Dattilio's authored book, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Couples and Families, which combines the empirical research base with practical clinical guidance.
Guilford Publications Becoming a Therapist, Second Edition: What Do I Say, and Why?
*The bridge from school to clinical practice, updated; 40% new material includes coverage of telehealth, electronic medical records, and more. *Answers every graduate's "Now what do I do?" question. *Friendly, approachable trove of advice that helps new therapists hit the ground running. *What most courses don't cover--informed consent, resistance, impasses, and the popular billing and scheduling! *Organized to follow the course of therapy, from the first contact to termination.
Guilford Publications Treating PTSD in Military Personnel: A Clinical Handbook
This state-of-the-science guide to assessing and treating posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in active-duty service members and veterans has now been extensively revised with 65% new material. Leading authorities review available evidence-based treatments, including individual, group, and couple and family therapy approaches. Knowledge about military culture, the stressors experienced by service members, and common challenges for both military and civilian practitioners is woven through the volume and reflected in the vivid case examples. Chapters on specific clinical issues delve into co-occurring affective, anxiety, substance use, and sleep disorders; treatment of particular types of trauma; suicide prevention; and more. New to This Edition *Chapters on additional treatments: mindfulness-based behavioral and cognitive therapies, stress inoculation training, cognitive-behavioral conjoint therapy, group therapy, and complementary and alternative therapies. *Chapters on additional clinical issues: chronic pain, moral injury, complex traumatic stress disorders, and posttraumatic growth. *Updated throughout with the latest treatment research and DSM-5 diagnostic changes.
Guilford Publications Developmental Evaluation: Applying Complexity Concepts to Enhance Innovation and Use
Developmental evaluation (DE) offers a powerful approach to monitoring and supporting social innovations by working in partnership with program decision makers. In this book, eminent authority Michael Quinn Patton shows how to conduct evaluations within a DE framework. Patton draws on insights about complex dynamic systems, uncertainty, nonlinearity, and emergence. He illustrates how DE can be used for a range of purposes: ongoing program development, adapting effective principles of practice to local contexts, generating innovations and taking them to scale, and facilitating rapid response in crisis situations. Students and practicing evaluators will appreciate the book's extensive case examples and stories, cartoons, clear writing style, "closer look" sidebars, and summary tables. Provided is essential guidance for making evaluations useful, practical, and credible in support of social change. See also Developmental Evaluation Exemplars, edited by Michael Quinn Patton, Kate McKegg, and Nan Wehipeihana, which presents 12 in-depth case studies.
Guilford Publications Child-Centered Play Therapy
Highly practical, instructive, and authoritative, this book vividly describes how to conduct child-centered play therapy. The authors are master clinicians who explain core therapeutic principles and techniques, using rich case material to illustrate treatment of a wide range of difficulties. The focus is on nondirective interventions that allow children to freely express their feelings and take the lead in solving their own problems. Flexible yet systematic guidelines are provided for setting up a playroom; structuring sessions; understanding and responding empathically to children's play themes, including how to handle challenging behaviors; and collaborating effectively with parents.
Guilford Publications Negotiating the Therapeutic Alliance: A Relational Treatment Guide
A half-century of psychotherapy research has shown that the quality of the therapeutic alliance is the most robust predictor of treatment success. This unique book provides a systematic framework for negotiating ruptures and strains in the therapeutic alliance and transforming them into therapeutic breakthroughs. Cutting-edge developments in psychoanalysis and other modalities are synthesized with original research and clinical wisdom gleaned from years of work in the field. The result is a practical and highly sophisticated guide that spells out clear principles of intervention while at the same time inspiring therapists toward greater creativity.
Guilford Publications Getting Unstuck from PTSD: Using Cognitive Processing Therapy to Guide Your Recovery
Are you having trouble getting back to normal after a frightening experience? Do you feel stuck second-guessing what you did or did not do in the moment? Do you find yourself avoiding places, people, or sensations that remind you of what happened? Problems like these may be symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The good news is that recovery is possible. This is the first self-help workbook based on cognitive processing therapy (CPT), one of the gold-standard treatments for PTSD. Leading authorities--including the originator of CPT--have created a complete program featuring step-by-step exercises, practical tools that you can download and print as needed, and empathic stories of people working toward recovery. Using CPT techniques to systematically reexamine unhelpful thoughts can make the memories less painful and overwhelming. It can help you strengthen your relationships and restore a sense of safety and trust. Learn how to get unstuck from what happened in the past--so you can build the life you want now. Winner (Second Place)--American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award, Consumer Health Category
Guilford Publications Validity Assessment in Clinical Neuropsychological Practice: Evaluating and Managing Noncredible Performance
Practical and comprehensive, this is the first book to focus on noncredible performance in clinical contexts. Experts in the field discuss the varied causes of invalidity, describe how to efficiently incorporate validity tests into clinical evaluations, and provide direction on how to proceed when noncredible responding is detected. Thoughtful, ethical guidance is given for offering patient feedback and writing effective reports. Population-specific chapters cover validity assessment with military personnel; children; and individuals with dementia, psychiatric disorders, mild traumatic brain injury, academic disability, and other concerns. The concluding chapter describes how to appropriately engage in legal proceedings if a clinical case becomes forensic. Case examples and sample reports enhance the book's utility.
Guilford Publications Relationships in Recovery: Repairing Damage and Building Healthy Connections While Overcoming Addiction
One of the most devastating aspects of addiction is the damage it causes to relationships--with intimate partners, family, friends, or colleagues. But recovery programs often recommend that you focus solely on sobriety and don’t emphasize the need to rebuild relationships. Psychologist and addictions expert Kelly Green wants to change that. Through her work with hundreds of clients, Dr. Green has learned that social support is key to the recovery process. This compassionate, judgment-free guide shares powerful tools you can use to recognize the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships, set and maintain boundaries, reestablish emotional intimacy, communicate your feelings and needs, and end harmful relationships respectfully. With inspiring stories and easy-to-use worksheets (you can download and print additional copies as needed), this book lights the way to a life untethered from addiction--and filled with positive connections
Guilford Publications Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Adolescents with Eating Disorders
This state-of-the-art guide provides a powerful transdiagnostic approach for treating adolescent eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, and others) in either outpatient or inpatient settings. It describes how enhanced cognitive behavior therapy (CBT-E)--the gold-standard treatment for adult eating disorders--has been systematically adapted and tested with younger patients. With a strong motivational focus, CBT-E gives the adolescent a key role in decision making. The book presents session-by-session guidelines for assessing patients, determining whether CBT-E is appropriate, developing case conceptualizations, conducting individualized interventions, addressing medical issues, and involving parents. User-friendly features include case vignettes and reproducible forms; purchasers get access to a webpage where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. CBT-E is recognized as a best practice for the treatment of adolescent eating disorders by the U.K. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
Guilford Publications Treating Adolescents with Substance Use Disorders
From a leading addiction specialist, this highly practical book explores what works in treating adolescents. Oscar G. Bukstein answers the clinician's vital question: "What do I do now?" He describes best practices for enhancing youths' motivation for change, teaching a variety of recovery skills, and implementing parent management training and parent–adolescent problem solving. The book covers ways to foster a prosocial peer network and to address mental health problems that co-occur with substance use disorders (SUDs). Clinicians can combine the strategies into an integrated approach or pick and choose depending on the needs of individual clients. Reproducible handouts and worksheets can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Guilford Publications Sexuality in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
Written in an engaging question-and-answer format, this accessible text synthesizes contemporary empirical research to provide a panoramic view of adolescent sexual development and behavior. The book examines sexuality as part of normative growth and development, in addition to addressing traditional problem areas such as sexual risk taking. Candid personal stories bring the theory and research to life. Topics include the precursors of adolescent sexuality in childhood; biological aspects of adolescent sexuality, including puberty and the adolescent brain; the influences of parents, peers, and the media; and gender and racial/ethnic differences in attitudes and behavior. Coverage also encompasses romantic relationships; the experiences of sexual- and gender-minority youth; sexually transmitted infections; contraception, pregnancy, and teen parenthood; cross-cultural and international research; and approaches to sex education. Pedagogical Features *Headings written as questions throughout the chapters--for example, "How common is hooking up?" and "Is coming out to parents always a good thing?" *"In Their Own Words" boxes with firsthand accounts from adolescents and young adults. *"Focus on Research" sidebars that discuss research methods, challenges, and controversies in the field. *End-of-chapter summaries and suggested readings. Winner (First Place)--American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award, Child Health Category
Guilford Publications Music Therapy Handbook
Rich with case material, this groundbreaking volume provides a comprehensive overview of music therapy, from basic concepts to emerging clinical approaches. Experts review psychodynamic, humanistic, cognitive-behavioral, and developmental foundations and describe major techniques, including the Nordoff-Robbins model and the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music. An expansive section on clinical applications examines music therapy with children and adults, as well as its recognized role in medical settings. Topics include autism spectrum disorder, school interventions, brain injury, and trauma. An authoritative resource for music therapists, the book also shows how music can be used by other mental health and medical professionals. The companion website features audio downloads illustrative of the Nordoff-Robbins model.
Guilford Publications Strengthening Family Resilience
In this widely used course text and practitioner resource, Froma Walsh provides a state-of-the-art framework for understanding resilience in families and how to foster it. Illuminating the complex interplay of biopsychosocial influences in risk and resilience, she identifies key transactional processes that enable struggling families to grow stronger and more resourceful. Case illustrations demonstrate Walsh's collaborative approach with diverse families facing a wide range of crisis situations and chronic multistress challenges. The book features practice principles, tools, and guidelines, as well as programmatic applications. New to This Edition *Incorporates the latest practice advances and resilience research. *Chapter on assessment tools and strategies. *Chapter on disruptive transitions across the family life cycle. *Expanded coverage of war-related and collective trauma.
Guilford Publications A Primer of GIS, Second Edition: Fundamental Geographic and Cartographic Concepts
This accessible text prepares students to understand and work with geographic information systems (GIS), offering a detailed introduction to essential theories, concepts, and skills. The book is organized in four modular parts that can be used in any sequence in entry-level and more specialized courses. Basic cartographic principles are integrated with up-to-date discussions of GIS technologies and applications. Coverage includes everything from what geographic information is to its many uses and societal implications. Practical examples and exercises invite readers to explore the choices involved in producing reliable maps and other forms of geographic information. Illustrations include 170 figures (with 15 in color). The companion website provides links to Web resources for each chapter, plus downloadable PowerPoint slides of most of the figures. New to This Edition *Chapter on online mapping and Big Data. *New and updated discussions of remote sensing, vector and raster data models, location privacy, uses of geocoding, and other timely topics. *Chapter on the many uses of GIS, such as in market analyses, emergency responding, and tracking of epidemics. *Section overviews and an end-of-book glossary. Pedagogical Features *Modules and individual chapters can be used sequentially or in any order. *End-of-chapter review questions with answers, exercises, and extended exercises for applying theories and concepts. *"In-Depth" sidebars offering a closer look at key concepts and applications. *End-of-chapter links to relevant Web resources.
Guilford Publications Attachment in Psychotherapy
This eloquent book translates attachment theory and research into an innovative framework that grounds adult psychotherapy in the facts of childhood development. Advancing a model of treatment as transformation through relationship, the author integrates attachment theory with neuroscience, trauma studies, relational psychotherapy, and the psychology of mindfulness. Vivid case material illustrates how therapists can tailor interventions to fit the attachment needs of their patients, thus helping them to generate the internalized secure base for which their early relationships provided no foundation. Demonstrating the clinical uses of a focus on nonverbal interaction, the book describes powerful techniques for working with the emotional responses and bodily experiences of patient and therapist alike.
Guilford Publications Comprehension Instruction: Research-Based Best Practices
All key issues of research and practice in comprehension instruction are addressed in this highly regarded professional resource and course text. Leading scholars examine the processes that enable students to make meaning from what they read--and how this knowledge can be applied to improve teaching at all grade levels. Best practices for meeting the needs of diverse elementary and secondary students are identified. Essential topics include strategies for comprehending different types of texts, the impact of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), cutting-edge assessment approaches, and the growing importance of digital genres and multimodal literacies. User-friendly features include end-of-chapter discussion questions. New to This Edition *Incorporates the latest research and instructional practices. *Chapters on the CCSS, critical theory, culturally responsive instruction, and response to intervention. *Chapters on teaching fiction and informational texts in the secondary grades. *Expanded coverage of multimodal literacy learning. *Timely topics such as text complexity, close reading, digital literacies, and neuroscience are discussed in multiple chapters.
Guilford Publications Clinical Practice of Cognitive Therapy with Children and Adolescents: The Nuts and Bolts
Widely regarded as the definitive practitioner reference and teaching text, this book provides a complete introduction to doing cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) with 6- to 18-year-olds. The authors offer a blueprint for formulating cases and tailoring treatment to each child's or adolescent's unique developmental and clinical needs. Coverage includes how to orient children and families to cognitive therapy, structure each session, and implement a wide range of CBT techniques. Rich case material illustrates ways that CBT can help children struggling with specific emotional and behavioral problems. Reproducible forms and handouts can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. New to This Edition *Incorporates the latest advances in CBT with youth and gives increased attention to cultural issues, including new case examples. *Chapter on working with patients with autism spectrum disorder. *Chapter on cognitive-behavioral family therapy. *Pull-out boxes throughout that summarize key points. *Epilogue on developing clinical wisdom. See also the authors' Cognitive Therapy Techniques for Children and Adolescents: Tools for Enhancing Practice, which presents creative ways to address challenging problems.
Guilford Publications The Case Formulation Approach to Cognitive-Behavior Therapy
This book addresses a critical challenge in evidence-based psychotherapy: how to use empirically supported therapies (ESTs) in real-world clinical contexts. The author explains the basic theories of cognition, learning, and emotion that underlie available ESTs and shows how the theories also guide systematic case formulation. By crafting a sound formulation and continually refining and monitoring it as treatment progresses, the therapist can smoothly shift theoretical gears and weave together elements of different ESTs to meet the needs of individual patients, who typically present with multiple problems. Hands-on tools, reproducibles, and many concrete examples are included.
Guilford Publications Screen-Smart Parenting: How to Find Balance and Benefit in Your Child's Use of Social Media, Apps, and Digital Devices
As a practicing child psychiatrist and mother of three, Jodi Gold has a unique understanding of both the mind-boggling benefits and the serious downsides of technology. Dr. Gold weaves together scientific knowledge and everyday practical advice to help you foster your child's healthy relationship to technology, from birth to the teen years. You'll learn: *How much screen time is too much at different ages. *What your kids and teens are actually doing in all those hours online. *How technology affects social, emotional, and cognitive development. *Which apps and games build smarts and let creativity shine. *How your own media habits influence your children. *What you need to know about privacy concerns, cyberbullying, and other dangers. *Ways to set limits that the whole family can live with. Winner (Second Place)—American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award, Child Health Category
Guilford Publications Clinical Work with Substance-Abusing Clients, Third Edition
A leading professional resource and course text, this book provides practical guidance for treating clients with substance use disorders in a variety of contexts. Expert contributors present major assessment and treatment approaches together with detailed recommendations for intervening with particular substances. Clinical techniques are clearly explained and illustrated with helpful case examples. Important topics include harm reduction; strategies for working with family members; and ways to meet the needs of specific populations, including women, adolescents, older adults, LGBT clients, and those with frequently encountered co-occurring problems. New to This Edition*Revised to reflect current research and clinical advances; updated for DSM-5.*Chapters on trauma-informed care, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and complementary/alternative approaches.*Chapters on neurobiology and behavioral addictions.*Significantly revised chapters on family treatment and dual disorders.
Guilford Publications Reconcilable Differences: Rebuild Your Relationship by Rediscovering the Partner You Love--without Losing Yourself
Every couple has disagreements, but what happens when recurring conflicts start to pull your relationship apart? Do you lie awake hoping that your spouse will eventually see things your way, or rehashing the evidence that you're right? Demand some immediate changes--or else? This popular, science-based guide offers powerful solutions for couples frustrated by continual attempts to make each other change. True acceptance may seem difficult to accomplish, but the clear-cut steps and thought-provoking exercises in this book can make it a reality. You'll learn why you keep having the same fights again and again; how to keep small incompatibilities from causing big problems; what communication strategies really work to resolve conflicts; and how to problem-solve and make positive changes--together. Updated throughout with new research, practical tools, and examples, the second edition features a new chapter on mindfulness. Mental health professionals: visit to learn about using this self-help guide as an adjunct to therapy.
Guilford Publications Practicing Harm Reduction Psychotherapy, Second Edition: An Alternative Approach to Addictions
This acclaimed clinical guide, now substantially revised and updated, has helped thousands of clinicians put the proven principles of harm reduction into practice with therapy clients who have substance use problems. Written by pioneers in the field, the book shows how to do effective therapeutic work with people still using alcohol or other drugs. It provides clear guidelines for conducting comprehensive assessments, making collaborative treatment decisions, and implementing interventions that combine motivational, cognitive-behavioral, and psychodynamic strategies. The focus is reducing drug-related harm while also addressing co-occurring psychological and emotional difficulties. Detailed clinical illustrations are featured throughout. New to This Edition *Reflects over a decade of research advances and the tremendous growth of harm reduction clinical practice and training. *Section on applications, with chapters on community-based settings, harm reduction groups, and working with families and friends. *Chapters on biological and psychodynamic aspects of treatment. *Expanded discussions of trauma, cultural sensitivity, and ethics. *Supplemental resources and training information at the authors' website: See also the authors' related self-help guide, Over the Influence, Second Edition, an ideal client recommendation.
Guilford Publications Desistance from Sex Offending: Alternatives to Throwing Away the Keys
This book offers a fresh perspective on treating a population that is often demonized by policymakers, the public, and even clinicians. The authors argue that most sex offenders are people like us, with the potential to lead meaningful, law-abiding lives—if given a chance and appropriate support. They describe an empirically and theoretically grounded rehabilitation approach, the Good Lives Model, which can be integrated with the assessment and intervention approaches that clinicians already use. Drawing on the latest knowledge about factors promoting desistance from crime, the book discusses how encouraging naturally occurring desistance processes, and directly addressing barriers to community reintegration, can make treatment more effective and long lasting.