Search results for ""Guilford Publications""
Guilford Publications CheckIn CheckOut Second Edition
Check-In, Check-Out (CICO) is the most widely implemented Tier 2 intervention for the 10-15% of K-12 students who exhibit chronic, mild behavior problems.
Guilford Publications Oral Language and Comprehension in Preschool: Teaching the Essentials
Before children are readers and writers, they are speakers and listeners. This book provides creative, hands-on strategies for developing preschoolers' speaking, listening, and oral comprehension skills, within a literacy-rich classroom environment. Each chapter features helpful classroom vignettes; a section called Preschool in Practice, with step-by-step lesson ideas; and Ideas for Discussion, Reflection, and Action. The book addresses the needs of English language learners and describes ways to support students' literacy development at home. The final chapter pulls it all together through a portrait of an exemplary day of preschool teaching and learning. Reproducible forms and checklists can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Guilford Publications Creative Arts and Play Therapy for Attachment Problems
This book vividly shows how creative arts and play therapy can help children recover from experiences of disrupted or insecure attachment. Leading practitioners explore the impact of early relationship difficulties on children's emotions and behavior. Rich case material brings to life a range of therapeutic approaches that utilize art, music, movement, drama, creative writing, and play. The volume covers ways to address attachment issues with individuals of different ages, as well as their caregivers. Chapters clearly explain the various techniques and present applications for specific populations, including complex trauma survivors.
Guilford Publications Teaching Elementary Mathematics to Struggling Learners
Packed with effective instructional strategies, this book explores why certain K-5 students struggle with math and provides a framework for helping these learners succeed. The authors present empirically validated practices for supporting students with disabilities and others experiencing difficulties in specific areas of math, including problem solving, early numeracy, whole-number operations, fractions, geometry, and algebra. Concrete examples, easy-to-implement lesson-planning ideas, and connections to state standards, in particular the Common Core standards, enhance the book's utility. Also provided is invaluable guidance on planning and delivering multi-tiered instruction and intervention.
Guilford Publications Managing Pain Before It Manages You: Fourth Edition
Join the hundreds of thousands of readers who have found help and hope for getting their lives back from chronic pain in this empowering workbook. Top pain specialist and physician Margaret A. Caudill spells out 10 steps that can radically change the way you feel--both physically and emotionally. Dr. Caudill provides state-of-the-art information about the causes and treatment of pain and guides you to: *Identify what increases and decreases your symptoms. *Reduce your pain and emotional distress. *Make informed decisions about medications and nutritional therapies. *Benefit from relaxation (including audio downloads), meditation, and gentle exercise. *Communicate effectively about your pain. *Learn essential skills for coping and problem solving. *Use worksheets to help set and meet doable personal goals. The fully updated fourth edition incorporates important advances in pain management and mind–body medicine. It features new content on mindfulness; a "Quick Skill" section in each chapter with simple exercises that can have an immediate impact; updated supplementary reading and resources, including smartphone apps; and more. At the companion website, you can access the audio tracks and download and print additional copies of the worksheets.
Guilford Publications Academic Vocabulary in Middle and High School: Effective Practices across the Disciplines
In order to succeed in school and beyond, students in grades 6-12 need to understand and use both academic language and discipline-specific vocabulary. This book describes effective practices for integrating vocabulary study with instruction in English language arts, history/social studies, and math and science, and for helping students become independent, motivated word learners. The expert authors present a wealth of specific teaching strategies, illustrated with classroom vignettes and student work samples. Connections to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are highlighted throughout; an extensive annotated list of print and electronic resources enhances the book's utility.
Guilford Publications Teaching Informational Text in K-3 Classrooms: Best Practices to Help Children Read, Write, and Learn from Nonfiction
Specifically designed for K-3 teachers, this accessible guide describes ways to use informational text creatively and effectively in both reading and writing instruction. The book presents lessons, read-alouds, and activities that motivate students to engage with a wide variety of exemplary texts. Links to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are explained throughout. Key topics include how to build academic vocabulary, balance fiction and nonfiction, and address the needs of English language learners. Examples from diverse classrooms and end-of-chapter discussion questions and engagement activities enhance the book's utility as a professional development resource. Reproducible handouts and other tools can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Guilford Publications Teaching Informational Text in K-3 Classrooms: Best Practices to Help Children Read, Write, and Learn from Nonfiction
Specifically designed for K-3 teachers, this accessible guide describes ways to use informational text creatively and effectively in both reading and writing instruction. The book presents lessons, read-alouds, and activities that motivate students to engage with a wide variety of exemplary texts. Links to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are explained throughout. Key topics include how to build academic vocabulary, balance fiction and nonfiction, and address the needs of English language learners. Examples from diverse classrooms and end-of-chapter discussion questions and engagement activities enhance the book's utility as a professional development resource. Reproducible handouts and other tools can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Guilford Publications Supporting Behavior for School Success: A Step-by-Step Guide to Key Strategies
Designed for busy teachers and other school-based professionals, this book presents step-by-step guidelines for implementing seven highly effective strategies to improve classroom management and instructional delivery. These key low-intensity strategies are grounded in the principles of positive behavior intervention and support (PBIS), and are easy to integrate into routine teaching practice. Chapters discuss exactly how to use each strategy to decrease disruptive behavior and enhance student engagement and achievement. Checklists for success are provided, together with concise reviews of the evidence base and ways to measure outcomes. Illustrative case examples span the full K-12 grade range. Reproducible intervention tools can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. See also Managing Challenging Behaviors in Schools, by Kathleen Lynn Lane et al., which shows how these key strategies fit into a broader framework of prevention and intervention.
Guilford Publications Play Therapy Interventions to Enhance Resilience
The importance of therapeutic play in helping children recover from adversity has long been recognized. This unique volume brings together experts on resilience, trauma, and play therapy to describe effective treatment approaches in this key area. The book begins by providing guiding principles for intervention and describing the specific properties of play that promote resilience. Subsequent chapters delve into clinical applications, including such strategies as storytelling and metaphors, sand play, art therapy, play therapy adaptations for school settings, group interventions, and the use of therapeutic writing. Rich case studies and vignettes demonstrate creative ways to bolster at-risk children's strengths and enhance their natural capacity to thrive.
Guilford Publications How Memory Works--and How to Make It Work for You
Do you wish you could recall the names of people you just met? What if birthdays, important errands, and online passwords rarely slipped your mind? Psychologist Robert Madigan is an expert in the "memory arts"--practical, proven methods for improving the ability to retain and use information. Like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, it's important to exercise memory in simple ways every day. That's where this science-based guide can help. Dr. Madigan explains how memory works and presents innovative mnemonic devices and visualization techniques that will help you sharpen your mental skills; avoid embarrassing lapses; and remember faces, appointments, facts, numbers, lists, and much more. Reclaim your brain--this book shows how.
Guilford Publications Geriatric Depression: A Clinical Guide
Written for a broad range of mental health professionals, this book explains why depression can be challenging to treat in older adults and describes the most effective interventions. Noted geriatric psychiatrist Gary J. Kennedy draws on extensive clinical experience and research to present current best practices in pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, other psychosocial and lifestyle interventions, and electroconvulsive therapy. Depressive disorders complicated by psychosis, mania, dementia, and bereavement are addressed in detail, as is suicide prevention. Kennedy emphasizes the importance of integrating care across service settings and building strong partnerships with patients and their families. Quick-reference tables throughout the book distill critical elements of intervention. See also the author's award-winning Geriatric Mental Health Care: A Treatment Guide for Health Professionals, which provides a framework for treating the most frequently encountered psychiatric problems in this population.
Guilford Publications Weaponizing Maps: Indigenous Peoples and Counterinsurgency in the Americas
Maps play an indispensable role in indigenous peoples’ efforts to secure land rights in the Americas and beyond. Yet indigenous peoples did not invent participatory mapping techniques on their own; they appropriated them from techniques developed for colonial rule and counterinsurgency campaigns, and refined by anthropologists and geographers. Through a series of historical and contemporary examples from Nicaragua, Canada, and Mexico, this book explores the tension between military applications of participatory mapping and its use for political mobilization and advocacy. The authors analyze the emergence of indigenous territories as spaces defined by a collective way of life--and as a particular kind of battleground.
Guilford Publications Building Positive Behavior Support Systems in Schools, Second Edition: Functional Behavioral Assessment
A widely used practitioner guide and text, this book presents a blueprint for meeting the challenges of severe problem behavior in grades PreK-8. It shows how to provide effective behavior support for the 1-5% of students who require intensive, individualized intervention. Case examples illustrate step-by-step procedures for identifying student needs using functional behavioral assessment (FBA) and designing, implementing, and evaluating team-based behavior support plans (BSPs). The book also describes how to build school- and districtwide capacity to conduct FBA-BSPs. Reproducible forms and worksheets are included; purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. New to This Edition: *Incorporates current FBA-BSP research and best practices. *Chapters on developing districtwide capacity; FBA apps and software; applications for academic problems; and early childhood settings. *Increased attention to FBA-BSP as a Tier III intervention within a multi-tiered framework. See also the authors' less intensive intervention for moderate problem behavior: Responding to Problem Behavior in Schools, Second Edition: The Behavior Education Program,and the related training DVD, Check-In, Check-Out, Second Edition: A Tier 2 Intervention for Students at Risk.
Guilford Publications Interventions for Reading Problems: Designing and Evaluating Effective Strategies
This user-friendly guide has been thoroughly revised to reflect significant changes in the way schools deliver reading instruction and intervention, especially for students at risk for reading failure. Step-by-step strategies target key areas of literacy development: phonological awareness, fluency, and comprehension. Particular emphasis is placed on scientifically based practices that do not require major curricular change and can be applied with students of varying ages and ability levels. In a convenient large-size format for ease of photocopying, the book includes 17 reproducible assessment and instructional tools. Purchasers also get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. New to This Edition: *Chapter on multi-tiered intervention delivery, plus additional discussion in other relevant chapters. *Chapter on interventions for English learners (ELs). *Chapter on vocabulary instruction, intervention, and assessment. *Additional graphing and data-analysis tools. *Coverage of new resources available through federal supports. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Effective Literacy Instruction: Research-Based Practice K-8
This highly readable handbook synthesizes the best research on K-8 literacy instruction and distills key implications for classroom practice. Noted contributors provide clear recommendations for creating effective, motivating classroom environments; teaching core components of literacy; integrating literacy with content-area instruction; and building a schoolwide literacy program that helps all students succeed. Helpful figures, tables, resource lists, reflection questions, and concrete examples from real classrooms make the book an ideal tool for teacher training and professional development. Numerous reproducible worksheets and checklists can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Learning Disabilities
Widely regarded as the standard reference in the field, this comprehensive handbook presents state-of-the-art knowledge about the nature and classification of learning disabilities (LD), their causes, and how individuals with these difficulties can be identified and helped to succeed. Best practices are described for supporting student performance in language arts, math, and other content areas. Contributors also identify general principles of effective instruction and review issues in service delivery within response-to-intervention (RTI) frameworks. The book critically examines the concepts and methods that guide LD research and highlights important directions for future investigation.New to This Edition:*Incorporates key advances in identifying and remediating LD, with particular attention to the role of RTI. *Chapters on social cognitive, behavioral genetic, and neurobiological aspects.*Chapters on adolescents and adults with LD.*Chapters on spelling instruction, history instruction, and classroom technology applications.*Chapter synthesizing 21st-century advances in LD research methods, plus chapters on advanced statistical models, single-case designs, and meta-analysis.
Guilford Publications Morris Informal Reading Inventory: Preprimer through Grade 8
In one concise volume, Darrell Morris provides a complete tool for assessing students' reading ability. Unlike most informal reading inventories (IRIs), Morris's approach incorporates measures of automaticity (word recognition and fluency) together with oral reading accuracy and comprehension. This results in more efficient, accurate, and thorough assessments. Included are an examiner's manual and all test materials for the basic IRI (grades 2-8) plus a separate beginning reading inventory (grades K-1). In a large-size spiral-bound format for ease of use, the book features more than 90 pages of word/letter lists, illustrated reading passages, and other test materials, all with permission to photocopy. See also Morris's Diagnosis and Correction of Reading Problems, Second Edition, which guides teachers through a comprehensive diagnostic battery for planning instruction and intervention.
Guilford Publications Autism Spectrum Disorders in Adolescents and Adults: Evidence-Based and Promising Interventions
Bringing together leading experts, this book presents effective practices for helping people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) to thrive in adulthood. As individuals with ASD mature, their needs change as well. The book reviews the growing research base and describes ways to support adolescents and adults in succeeding in higher education and work, living independently, enjoying leisure activities, navigating meaningful personal relationships, and more. Specific behavioral and instructional interventions--such as functional communication training, positive behavior support, and applied behavior analysis--are discussed. Case examples illustrate practical aspects of applying the strategies in real-world school and community settings.
Guilford Publications Principles of Map Design
This authoritative, reader-friendly introductory text presents core principles of good map design that apply regardless of production methods or technical approach. The book addresses the crucial questions that arise at each step of making a map: Who is the audience? What is the purpose of the map? Where and how will it be used? Students get the knowledge needed to make sound decisions about data, typography, color, projections, scale, symbols, and nontraditional mapping and advanced visualization techniques. The book's utility is enhanced by over 200 illustrations, including 23 color plates; suggested readings at the end of each chapter; a glossary; and recommended Web resources. All of the figures are also available at the companion website as PowerPoint slides.
Guilford Publications Applied Qualitative Research Design: A Total Quality Framework Approach
This unique text provides a comprehensive framework for creating, managing, and interpreting qualitative research studies that yield valid and useful information. Examples of studies from a wide range of disciplines illustrate the strengths, limitations, and applications of the primary qualitative methods: in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, ethnography, content analysis, and case study and narrative research. Following a consistent format, chapters show students and researchers how to implement each method within a paradigm-neutral and flexible Total Quality Framework (TQF) comprising four interrelated components: Credibility, Analyzability, Transparency, and Usefulness. Unlike other texts that relegate quality issues to one or two chapters, detailed discussions of such crucial topics as construct validity, interresearcher reliability, researcher bias, and verification strategies are featured throughout. The book also addresses applications of the TQF to the writing, review, and evaluation of qualitative research proposals and manuscripts.Pedagogical Features*Summary tables that highlight important content, such as the application of a method to vulnerable or hard-to-reach populations.*Case studies that illustrate TQF standards in practice for each method.*Guidelines for effective documentation (via thick descriptions) of each type of study.*End-of-chapter discussion topics, exercises, and suggested further reading and Web resources.*Chapters open with a preview and close with a bulleted summary of key ideas.*Extensive glossary.2021 Winner--American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) Book Award
Guilford Publications Reading Assessment: A Primer for Teachers in the Common Core Era
This trusted practitioner guide and course text helps K-8 teachers utilize assessment as an integral component of classroom instruction. It guides teachers step by step to recognize good reader behaviors, assess students' strengths and weaknesses, and make evidence-based instructional decisions. Formal and informal measures are discussed for evaluating specific components of literacy, with a focus on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Every chapter features activities for developing understanding; in-depth practice exercises are provided in several appendices. Helpful reproducible tools can be photocopied from the book or downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2 x 11 size.New to This Edition*Chapter on major current initiatives: the CCSS and response to intervention.*Extensive CCSS content woven throughout the book.*Expanded coverage of vocabulary assessment, now in its own chapter.*Checklists to guide the selection of high-quality published instruments.
Guilford Publications Asperger Syndrome: Assessing and Treating High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders
Completely revised with the latest research and clinical strategies, this is the authoritative volume on Asperger syndrome (now part of DSM-5 autism spectrum disorder). Considered the definitive reference since its initial publication, the book focuses on how to assess each child or adolescent's needs and provide effective interventions in the areas of communication, behavior, and academic and vocational functioning. The neural and genetic bases of autism spectrum disorders are also explored.New to This Edition*Expanded coverage of evidence-based assessment and treatment, including two chapters on behavioral interventions.*Addresses challenges in the transition to new diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder in DSM-5.*Chapters on neuropsychological advances, the transition to higher education, and forensic issues.*Many new authors and extensively revised chapters.
Guilford Publications Clinical Practice of Pediatric Psychology
Filled with vivid clinical material, this book describes effective practices for helping children and their families who are coping with chronic and acute health conditions and their treatment. Concise chapters on the psychosocial challenges associated with specific pediatric health conditions are organized around detailed case presentations. Demonstrating procedures for assessment, case conceptualization, brief intervention, and health promotion, the book highlights ways to collaborate successfully with medical providers and families. Chapters also discuss the varied roles that pediatric psychologists play in hospitals, outpatient clinics, primary care, and educational settings.See also Handbook of Pediatric Psychology, Fourth Edition, edited by Michael C. Roberts and Ric G. Steele, which comprehensively examines links between psychological and medical issues from infancy through adolescence.
Guilford Publications Resilient Classrooms: Creating Healthy Environments for Learning
This indispensable practitioner resource presents classroom-based strategies for supporting all students' success and psychological wellness in grades K-9. The authors clearly explain what makes a classroom a healthy place to learn. They describe effective procedures for recognizing when a classroom is lacking essential supports, intervening to put missing supports into place, and evaluating the effects on learning and development. Rich case studies show how the strategies have been used by actual educators. Reproducible worksheets and planning tools are included; the large-size format facilitates photocopying. Purchasers also get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. New to This Edition *Incorporates a substantial new research base. *Expanded K-9 grade range. *Discussions of timely topics: English language learners, cultural diversity, response to intervention, and positive behavior supports. *Most case studies are new. *Seven additional reproducibles (intervention strategy sheets). This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.
Guilford Publications Working with Children to Heal Interpersonal Trauma: The Power of Play
Featuring in-depth case presentations from master clinicians, this volume highlights the remarkable capacity of traumatized children to guide their own healing process. The book describes what posttraumatic play looks like and how it can foster resilience and coping. Demonstrated are applications of play, art, and other expressive therapies with children who have faced such overwhelming experiences as sexual abuse or chronic neglect. The contributors discuss ways to facilitate forms of expression that promote mastery and growth, as well as how to intervene when play becomes stuck in destructive patterns. They share effective strategies for engaging hard-to-reach children and building trusting therapeutic relationships.
Guilford Publications Making Human Geography
This book cogently examines how human geography has developed from a field with limited self-awareness regarding method and theory to the vibrant study of society and space that it is today. Kevin R. Cox provides an interpretive, critical perspective on Anglo-American geographic thought in the 20th and 21st centuries. He probes the impact of the spatial-quantitative revolution and geography's engagement with other social sciences, particularly in social theory. Key concepts and theories in the field are explained and illustrated with instructive research examples. Cox explores both how new approaches to human geography get constructed and what each school of thought has contributed to understanding the world in which we live.
Guilford Publications Counseling Cops: What Clinicians Need to Know
Grounded in clinical research, extensive experience, and deep familiarity with police culture, this book offers highly practical guidance for psychotherapists and counselors. The authors vividly depict the pressures and challenges of police work and explain the impact that line-of-duty issues can have on officers and their loved ones. Numerous concrete examples and tips show how to build rapport with cops, use a range of effective intervention strategies, and avoid common missteps and misconceptions. Approaches to working with frequently encountered clinical problems--such as substance abuse, depression, trauma, and marital conflict--are discussed in detail. A new preface in the paperback and e-book editions highlights the book's relevance in the context of current events and concerns about police-community relations. See also Kirschman's related self-help guide I Love a Cop, Third Edition: What Police Families Need to Know, an ideal recommendation for clients and their family members.
Guilford Publications Word Journeys, Second Edition: Assessment-Guided Phonics, Spelling, and Vocabulary Instruction
*With more than 125,000 in print, this is a perennial bestseller for teachers (grades K-8) from a high-profile author. *35% new material includes a new chapter, updated research findings throughout, and several new reproducible forms. *This edition explains connections with Common Core standards and aligns more closely with Ganske's related bestsellers Word Sorts and More and Mindful of Words. *New activities, figures, and ideas for using technology have been added in response to teacher feedback. *Enhanced answer sheets make the widely used Developmental Spelling Analysis even more teacher friendly.
Guilford Publications Strategy Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities
Filling an important need for K-12 educators, this highly practical book provides a step-by-step guide to cognitive strategy instruction, one of the most effective instructional techniques for struggling learners. The authors present well-validated strategies that target self-regulated learning and study skills as well as performance in specific content areas, such as writing, reading, and math. Detailed classroom examples illustrate how to teach the strategies systematically and monitor student outcomes. More than 20 reproducible worksheets, checklists, and other tools are included; purchasers get access to a webpage where they can download and print these materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. New to This Edition *Chapter on lesson planning, including extensive sample lessons for two strategies. *Chapter on handwriting and spelling. *New material on response to intervention and on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). *Expanded coverage of working memory. *Additional strategies throughout the content-area chapters.
Guilford Publications Promoting Social Skills in the Inclusive Classroom
This indispensable book presents evidence-based tools and strategies for improving the social skills of all members of the inclusive classroom (K-6), especially students experiencing difficulties in this area. The authors explain why social competence is critical to school success and describe interventions, curricula, and instructional approaches that have been shown to be effective at the schoolwide, classroom, and individual levels. Procedures for conducting assessments and developing individualized intervention plans are detailed. Reproducible forms can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Guilford Publications Everyday Talk: Building and Reflecting Identities
This engaging text explores how everyday talk--the ordinary kinds of communicating that people do in schools, workplaces, and among family and friends--expresses who we are and who we want to be. The authors interweave rhetorical and cultural perspectives on the "little stuff" of conversation: what we say and how we say it, the terms used to refer to others, the content and style of stories we tell, and more. Numerous detailed examples show how talk is the vehicle through which people build relationships. Students gain skills for thinking more deeply about their own and others' communicative practices, and for understanding and managing interactional difficulties. New to This Edition *Updated throughout to incorporate the latest discourse analysis research. *Chapter on six specific speech genres (for example, organizational meetings and personal conversation). *Two extended case studies with transcripts and discussion questions. *Coverage of digital communication, texting, and social media. *Additional cross-cultural examples. Pedagogical Features *A preview and summary in every chapter. *Accessible explanations of core concepts. *End-of-book glossary. *Endnotes that identify key authors and suggest further reading.
Guilford Publications Teaching Academic Vocabulary K-8: Effective Practices across the Curriculum
This book showcases effective ways to build the vocabulary knowledge K-8 learners need to engage meaningfully in reading, writing, and discussion on academic subjects. The distinguished authors draw on decades of classroom experience to explain what academic vocabulary is, how it fits into the Common Core State Standards, and how targeting vocabulary can enhance conceptual understanding in English language arts, social studies, and math and science. Rich classroom vignettes, teaching tips, and examples of student work are included. The book also features helpful figures, word lists, discussion questions, and recommended print and online resources.
Guilford Publications Teaching Academic Vocabulary K-8: Effective Practices across the Curriculum
This book showcases effective ways to build the vocabulary knowledge K-8 learners need to engage meaningfully in reading, writing, and discussion on academic subjects. The distinguished authors draw on decades of classroom experience to explain what academic vocabulary is, how it fits into the Common Core State Standards, and how targeting vocabulary can enhance conceptual understanding in English language arts, social studies, and math and science. Rich classroom vignettes, teaching tips, and examples of student work are included. The book also features helpful figures, word lists, discussion questions, and recommended print and online resources.
Guilford Publications Interviewing for Qualitative Inquiry: A Relational Approach
Engagingly written, this book builds the reader's skills for conducting in-depth interviews designed to address a particular research question. With an emphasis on the dynamics of the research relationship, Ruthellen Josselson artfully demonstrates the steps of a successful interview. Each step is illustrated with excerpts from interviews on diverse topics. The book describes how to structure interviews effectively, develop questions that elicit meaningful narratives, cultivate skills for empathic listening and responding, avoid common pitfalls, and deal with problems that develop in an interview. Pedagogical Features *Practice exercises adapted from Josselson's popular workshops. *Annotated examples of "good" and "bad" interviews. *A chapter on interviewing dos and don'ts. *Appendices with interview aids, sample follow-up questions, and a sample consent form.
Guilford Publications Clinical Work with Traumatized Young Children
Presenting crucial knowledge and state-of-the-art treatment approaches for working with young children affected by trauma, this book is an essential resource for mental health professionals and child welfare advocates. Readers gain an understanding of how trauma affects the developing brain, the impact on attachment processes, and how to provide effective help to young children and their families from diverse backgrounds. Top experts in the field cover key evidence-based treatments--including child-parent psychotherapy, attachment-based treatments, and relational interventions--as well as interventions in pediatric, legal, and community settings. Special sections give in-depth attention to deployment-related trauma in military families and the needs of children of substance-abusing parents.
Guilford Publications Understanding and Interpreting Educational Research
This user-friendly text takes a learn-by-doing approach to exploring research design issues in education and psychology, offering evenhanded coverage of quantitative, qualitative, mixed-methods, and single-case designs. Readers learn the basics of different methods and steps for critically examining any study's design, data, and conclusions, using sample peer-reviewed journal articles as practice opportunities. The text is unique in featuring full chapters on survey methods, evaluation, reliability and validity, action research, and research syntheses. Pedagogical Features *An exemplar journal article at the end of each methods chapter, together with questions and activities for critiquing it (including, where applicable, checklist forms to identify threats to internal and external validity), plus lists of additional research examples. *Research example boxes showing how studies are designed to address particular research questions. *In every chapter: numbered chapter objectives, bulleted summaries, subheadings written as questions, a running glossary, and end-of-chapter discussion questions. * Electronic Instructor's Resource Manual with Test Bank, provided separately--includes chapter outlines; answers to exercises, discussion questions, and illustrative example questions; and PowerPoints.
Guilford Publications The Mood Repair Toolkit: Proven Strategies to Prevent the Blues from Turning into Depression
If you have trouble bouncing back from low moods or just feel stuck in the doldrums much of the time, renowned cognitive behavior therapist David A. Clark has a clear message: there are simple yet powerful steps you can take to feel better. This encouraging book presents 80 strategies you can use to reduce sadness, promote positive feelings of contentment and joy, and decrease your risk for full-blown depression. Vivid stories and concrete examples help you learn specific methods for:*Nipping negativity in the bud.*Making unhappiness less overwhelming.*Defusing self-criticism and rumination.*Boosting your energy and motivation for change. *Feeling more confident and hopeful every day.Using the practical tools in the book--forms, worksheets, and self-assessment quizzes--makes it easy to create and stick to a mood repair action plan. You can download and print additional copies of these tools as needed. The strategies that Dr. Clark provides are grounded in cutting-edge neuroscience and psychology research--and they work. Discover proven ways to start living a more satisfying and productive life.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Depression
An authoritative reference on depression and mood disorders, this volume brings together the field's preeminent researchers. All aspects of unipolar and bipolar depression are addressed, from genetics, neurobiology, and social-contextual risk factors to the most effective approaches to assessment and clinical management. Contributors review what is known about depression in specific populations, exploring developmental issues across the lifespan as well as gender and cultural variables. Effective psychosocial and biological treatments are described in detail. Each chapter offers a definitive statement of current theories, methods, and findings, and identifies key questions that remain to be answered. New to This Edition *Incorporates cutting-edge research (including findings from international, multisite, integrative, and longitudinal studies), treatment advances, and changes to diagnostic criteria in DSM-5. *Chapters on comorbidity with anxiety disorders and emotional functioning in depression. *Expanded coverage of bipolar disorder, now the focus of three chapters (clinical features, risk and etiological factors, and treatment). *Many new authors and extensively revised chapters.
Guilford Publications Grandparents as Parents: A Survival Guide for Raising a Second Family
If you're among the millions of grandparents raising grandchildren today, you need information, support, and practical guidance you can count on to keep your family strong. This is the book for you. Learn effective strategies to help you cope with the stresses of parenting the second time around, care for vulnerable grandkids and set boundaries with their often-troubled parents, and navigate the maze of government aid, court proceedings, and special education. Wise, honest, moving stories show how numerous other grandparents are surviving and thriving in their new roles. Updated throughout, and reflecting current laws and policies affecting families, the second edition features new discussions of kids' technology use and other timely issues.
Guilford Publications The Literacy Coach's Handbook, Second Edition: A Guide to Research-Based Practice
*A top seller, updated and expanded: includes the latest research, now covers PreK and grades 4-5, and addresses the Common Core standards and RTI. *Provides clear, indispensable guidance on coaches' day-to-day tasks. *Addresses the complexities of setting up a schoolwide literacy program and supporting teachers effectively. *From well-known, highly regarded authorities on coaching.
Guilford Publications Substance Abuse Treatment and the Stages of Change: Selecting and Planning Interventions
A widely adopted practitioner resource and course text, this book shows how to apply knowledge about behavior change in general -- and the stages-of-change model in particular -- to make substance abuse treatment more effective. The authors are leaders in the field who describe ways to tailor interventions for clients with varying levels of motivation or readiness to change. They draw on cutting-edge theory and research on the transtheoretical model to explain what works (and what doesn't work) at different stages of change. Rich clinical examples illustrate the "whats," "whys," and "how-tos" of using the stages-of-change model to inform treatment planning and intervention for individuals, groups, couples, and families. New to This Edition *Reflects the ongoing development of the stages-of-change model and research advances over the past decade. *Chapter on stage-based brief interventions in health care, social service, and community settings. *Group treatment chapter has been significantly revised. *Expanded coverage of the change processes relevant to each stage. See also Group Treatment for Substance Abuse, Second Edition, by Mary Marden Velasquez et al., a manual for a group-based approach grounded in the transtheoretical model.
Guilford Publications The Psychology of Prayer: A Scientific Approach
Reviewing the growing body of scientific research on prayer, this book describes what is known about the behavioral, cognitive, emotional, developmental, and health aspects of this important religious activity. The highly regarded authors provide a balanced perspective on what prayer means to the individual, how and when it is practiced, and the impact it has in people's lives. Clinically relevant topics include connections among prayer, coping, and adjustment, as well as controversial questions of whether prayer (for oneself or another) can be beneficial to health. The strengths and limitations of available empirical studies are critically evaluated, and promising future research directions are identified.
Guilford Publications Assessment for Intervention: A Problem-Solving Approach
Problem-solving assessment is an essential component of multi-tiered systems of support such as response to intervention (RTI) and positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS). This authoritative work provides a complete guide to implementing a wide range of problem-solving assessment methods: functional behavioral assessment, interviews, classroom observations, curriculum-based measurement, rating scales, and cognitive instruments. Prominent experts demonstrate the key role of assessment throughout the process of supporting at-risk students, from identifying academic and behavioral problems to planning and monitoring interventions. Several chapters include reproducible forms that can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. New to This Edition *Reflects current education policy and best practices. *Seminal chapter on problem solving by Stanley L. Deno has been updated with a revised model. *All chapters now discuss assessment in the context of multi-tiered systems of support. *Chapter on working with culturally and linguistically diverse learners. *Chapter on graphing student data. See also Response to Intervention, Second Edition, by Rachel Brown-Chidsey and Mark W. Steege, which provides step-by-step guidelines and practical tools for implementing RTI schoolwide.
Guilford Publications Couple-Based Interventions for Military and Veteran Families: A Practitioner's Guide
Presenting couple-based interventions uniquely tailored to the mental health needs of military and veteran couples and families, this book is current, practical, and authoritative. Chapters describe evidence-based interventions for specific disorders—such as posttraumatic stress, depression, and substance abuse—and related clinical challenges, including physical aggression, infidelity, bereavement, and parenting concerns. Clear guidelines for assessment and treatment are illustrated with helpful case examples; 18 reproducible handouts can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2 x 11 size. The book also provides essential knowledge on the culture of military families and the normative transitions and adjustments they face.
Guilford Publications Collaborative Case Conceptualization: Working Effectively with Clients in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Presenting an innovative framework for tailoring cognitive-behavioral interventions to each client's needs, this accessible book is packed with practical pointers and sample dialogues. Step by step, the authors show how to collaborate with clients to develop and test conceptualizations that illuminate personal strengths as well as problems, and that deepen in explanatory power as treatment progresses. An extended case illustration demonstrates the three-stage conceptualization process over the entire course of therapy with a multiproblem client. The approach emphasizes building resilience and coping while decreasing psychological distress. Special features include self-assessment checklists and learning exercises to help therapists build their conceptualization skills.
Guilford Publications Vocabulary Instruction: Research to Practice
This highly regarded work brings together prominent authorities on vocabulary teaching and learning to provide a comprehensive yet concise guide to effective instruction. The book showcases practical ways to teach specific vocabulary words and word-learning strategies and create engaging, word-rich classrooms. Instructional activities and games for diverse learners are brought to life with detailed examples. Drawing on the most rigorous research available, the editors and contributors distill what PreK-8 teachers need to know and do to support all students' ongoing vocabulary growth and enjoyment of reading. New to This Edition *Reflects the latest research and instructional practices. *New section (five chapters) on pressing current issues in the field: assessment, authentic reading experiences, English language learners, uses of multimedia tools, and the vocabularies of narrative and informational texts. *Contributor panel expanded with additional leading researchers.
Guilford Publications Inclusive Instruction: Evidence-Based Practices for Teaching Students with Disabilities
This accessible book presents research-based strategies for supporting K-8 students with high-incidence disabilities to become accomplished learners. The authors clearly describe the core components of effective inclusive instruction, showing how to recognize and respond to individual students' needs quickly and appropriately. Teachers are provided with essential tools for managing inclusive classrooms; planning a curriculum that fosters concept development across content areas, promotes strategic learning, and builds fluent skill use; and integrating technology into instruction. Case examples illustrate ways that special and general education teachers can work together successfully to solve complex learning problems and improve outcomes for students who are struggling.