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John Wiley and Sons Ltd Forest Mensuration
Forest mensuration – the science of measurement applied to forest vegetation and forest products – holds value for basic ecology as well as sustainable forest management. As demands on the world’s forests have grown, scientists and professionals are increasingly called on to quantify forest composition, structure, and the goods and services forests provide. Grounded in geometry, sampling theory, and ecology as well as practical field experience, forest mensuration offers opportunities for creative problem solving and critical thinking. This fifth edition of the classic volume, Forest Mensuration, includes coverage of traditional and emerging topics, with attention to SI and Imperial units throughout. The book has been reorganised from the fourth edition to better integrate non-timber and ecological aspects of forest mensuration at the tree, stand, forest, and landscape scales throughout. The new edition includes new chapters that specifically address the integration of remotely sensed data in the forest inventory process, and inventory methods for dead and downed wood. One unifying theme, not only for traditional forestry but for the non-timber inventory and for remote sensing, is the use of covariates to make sampling more efficient and spatially explicit. This is introduced in the introductory chapter on statistics and the chapter on sampling designs has been restructured to highlight this approach and lay the foundation for further learning. New examples will be developed throughout the textbook with an emphasis on current issues and international practice. Students in applied forestry programs will find ample coverage of forest products and timber inventory, while expanded material on biodiversity, biomass and carbon inventory, downed dead wood, and the growing role of remote sensing in forest assessment will be valuable to a broader audience in applied ecology.
New York University Press New Men: Manliness in Early America
In 1782, J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur wrote, “What then, is the American, this new man? He is an American, who, leaving behind him all his ancient prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the new mode of life he has embraced.” In casting aside their European mores, these pioneers, de Crèvecoeur implied, were the very embodiment of a new culture, society, economy, and political system. But to what extent did manliness shape early America’s character and institutions? And what roles did race, ethnicity, and class play in forming masculinity? Thomas A. Foster and his contributors grapple with these questions in New Men, showcasing how colonial and Revolutionary conditions gave rise to new standards of British American manliness. Focusing on Indian, African, and European masculinities in British America from earliest Jamestown through the Revolutionary era, and addressing such topics that range from slavery to philanthropy, and from satire to warfare, the essays in this anthology collectively demonstrate how the economic, political, social, cultural, and religious conditions of early America shaped and were shaped by ideals of masculinity. Contributors: Susan Abram, Tyler Boulware, Kathleen Brown, Trevor Burnard, Toby L. Ditz, Carolyn Eastman, Benjamin Irvin, Janet Moore Lindman, John Gilbert McCurdy, Mary Beth Norton, Ann Marie Plane, Jessica Choppin Roney, and Natalie A. Zacek.
Cornell University Press Up in the Air: How Airlines Can Improve Performance by Engaging Their Employees
"And you thought the passengers were mad. Airline employees are fed up, too-with pay cuts, increased workloads and management's miserly ways, which leave workers to explain to often-enraged passengers why flying has become such a miserable experience."—The New York Times, December 22, 2007 When both an industry's workers and its customers report high and rising frustration with the way they are being treated, something is fundamentally wrong. In response to these conditions, many of the world's airlines have made ever-deeper cuts in services and their workforces. Is it too much to expect airlines, or any other enterprise, to provide a fair return to investors, high-quality reliable service to their customers, and good jobs for their employees? Measured against these three expectations, the airline industry is failing. In the first five years of the twenty-first century alone, U.S. airlines lost a total of $30 billion while shedding 100,000 jobs, forcing the remaining workers to give up over $15 billion in wages and benefits. Combined with plummeting employee morale, shortages of air traffic controllers, and increased congestion and flight delays, a total collapse of the industry may be coming. Is this state of affairs inevitable? Or is it possible to design a more sustainable, less volatile industry that better balances the objectives of customers, investors, employees, and the wider society? Does deregulation imply total abrogation of government's responsibility to oversee an industry showing the clear signs of deterioration and increasing risk of a pending crisis? Greg J. Bamber, Jody Hoffer Gittell, Thomas A. Kochan, and Andrew von Nordenflycht explore such questions in a well-informed and engaging way, using a mix of quantitative evidence and qualitative studies of airlines from North America, Asia, Australia, and Europe. Up in the Air provides clear and realistic strategies for achieving a better, more equitable balance among the interests of customers, employees, and shareholders. Specifically, the authors recommend that firms learn from the innovations of companies like Southwest and Continental Airlines in order to build a positive workplace culture that fosters coordination and commitment to high-quality service, labor relations policies that avoid long drawn-out conflicts in negotiating new agreements, and business strategies that can sustain investor, employee, and customer support through the ups and downs of business cycles.
Princeton University Press Pandemic Politics: The Deadly Toll of Partisanship in the Age of COVID
How the politicization of the pandemic endangers our lives—and our democracyCOVID-19 has killed more people than any war or public health crisis in American history, but the scale and grim human toll of the pandemic were not inevitable. Pandemic Politics examines how Donald Trump politicized COVID-19, shedding new light on how his administration tied the pandemic to the president’s political fate in an election year and chose partisanship over public health, with disastrous consequences for all of us.Health is not an inherently polarizing issue, but the Trump administration’s partisan response to COVID-19 led ordinary citizens to prioritize what was good for their “team” rather than what was good for their country. Democrats, in turn, viewed the crisis as evidence of Trump’s indifference to public well-being. At a time when solidarity and bipartisan unity were sorely needed, Americans came to see the pandemic in partisan terms, adopting behaviors and attitudes that continue to divide us today. This book draws on a wealth of new data on public opinion to show how pandemic politics has touched all aspects of our lives—from the economy to race and immigration—and puts America’s COVID-19 response in global perspective.An in-depth account of a uniquely American tragedy, Pandemic Politics reveals how the politicization of the COVID-19 pandemic has profound and troubling implications for public health and the future of democracy itself.
Harvard University Press TA-U-RO-QO-RO: Studies in Mycenaean Texts, Language, and Culture in Honor of José Luis Melena Jiménez
TA-U-RO-QO-RO takes up problems of script and language representation and textual interpretation, ranging from the use of punctuation marks and numbers in the Linear B to personal names and place names reflecting the ethnic composition of Mycenaean society and the dialects spoken during the proto-Homeric period of the late Bronze Age.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Stream Hydrology: An Introduction for Ecologists
Since the publication of the first edition (1994) there have been rapid developments in the application of hydrology, geomorphology and ecology to stream management. In particular, growth has occurred in the areas of stream rehabilitation and the evaluation of environmental flow needs. The concept of stream health has been adopted as a way of assessing stream resources and setting management goals. Stream Hydrology: An Introduction for Ecologists Second Edition documents recent research and practice in these areas. Chapters provide information on sampling, field techniques, stream analysis, the hydrodynamics of moving water, channel form, sediment transport and commonly used statistical methods such as flow duration and flood frequency analysis. Methods are presented from engineering hydrology, fluvial geomorphology and hydraulics with examples of their biological implications. This book demonstrates how these fields are linked and utilised in modern, scientific river management. * Emphasis on applications, from collecting and analysing field measurements to using data and tools in stream management. * Updated to include new sections on environmental flows, rehabilitation, measuring stream health and stream classification. * Critical reviews of the successes and failures of implementation. * Revised and updated windows-based AQUAPAK software. This book is essential reading for 2nd/3rd year undergraduates and postgraduates of hydrology, stream ecology and fisheries science in Departments of Physical Geography, Biology, Environmental Science, Landscape Ecology, Environmental Engineering and Limnology. It would be valuable reading for professionals working in stream ecology, fisheries science and habitat management, environmental consultants and engineers.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Bioinformatics for Glycobiology and Glycomics: An Introduction
This book is the first to be dedicated to the bioinformatics of carbohydrates and glycoproteins. It provides an introduction to this emerging field of science both for the experimentalist working in glycobiology and glycomics, and also for the computer scientist looking for background information for the development of highly sophisticated algorithmic approaches. The book provides an overview of the state-of-the-art in the field, with reviews on databases, and the tools in use for analysis, interpretation, and prediction of the structures of complex carbohydrates, and demonstrates the value of bioinformatics for glycobiology. The availability of comprehensive databases and corresponding bioinformatics tools, to access and analyse the large amounts of experimental data relating to the structure of carbohydrates, will be a prerequisite for the success of the large-scale glycomics projects that aim to decipher new, so far unknown, biological functions of glycans. Efficient bioinformatics descriptions and tools can considerably enhance the efficiency of glycomics research, in terms of data quality, analysis and experimental costs. For a complete understanding of the molecular processes in which carbohydrates are involved, such as protein–carbohydrate interactions and the impact of glycosylation on protein function, knowledge of the 3D structure of the carbohydrate, the protein–carbohydrate complex, or the glycoprotein is often indispensable. This book provides a thorough introduction into methods used for conformational analysis of carbohydrates. Key features: Describes bioinformatic approaches to handle carbohydrate-active enzymes and glycosylation. Provides an overview on bioinformatics tools that facilitate analysis of carbohydrate structures. Gives introduction into molecular modelling of carbohydrate 3D structure and carbohydrates contained in the Protein Databank. Assumes only a basic knowledge of biology and bioinformatics.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Skin Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment
Get practical guidance from renowned dermatologist Dr. Thomas Habif and his expert team of co-authors in this user-friendly, focused text. Written specifically for the non-specialist, this easy-to-follow reference offers precisely the diagnostic and treatment information you need to quickly identify the 250 skin disorders you're most likely to see. It's an ideal resource for any medical practitioner who'd rather treat than refer patients with skin disease, as well as an excellent review for board preparation. Comprehensive yet concise, bullet-point format provides classification of primary, secondary, and special lesions, pediatric considerations, clinical pearls to guide decision making, and more. Disorders Index at the front of the book speeds you quickly to a desired topic, and the dermatologic drug formulary and "differential diagnosis by anatomical region and lesion" guide provide rapid access to essential clinical information. Easy-to-understand schematics indicate disease distribution across the body (from rare to common) for each key disorder. Updated with the latest therapy options and expanded coverage of key topics, including drug reactions and tropical disease. Hundreds of new and never-before-published images (more than 1,000 photographs in all) clearly depict how skin disorders present at different stages. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
The University of Chicago Press The Child: An Encyclopedic Companion
Informed parents know there is an abundance of information about children and child development available on the Internet, but can they trust that the content they find is authoritative? Professionals who work with children know where to find research relevant to their specialty, but where can they go to find reliable information on other related disciplines? "The Child" offers both parents and professionals access to the best scholarship from all areas of child studies - and from all regions of the world - in a remarkable one-volume reference. This encyclopedic companion brings together contemporary research on children and childhood from pediatrics, child psychology, childhood studies, education, sociology, history, law, anthropology, and other related areas - in sum, more than five hundred articles, all written by experts in their fields and overseen by noted anthropologist Richard A. Shweder. Each entry begins with a concise and accessible synopsis of the topic at hand. For example, the entry on 'adoption' begins with a general definition, followed by a detailed look at adoption in different cultures and at different times, a summary of the associated mental and developmental issues that can arise, and an overview of applicable legal and public policy both within the United States and elsewhere. Within the scope of a few pages, readers encounter a wide range of information and perspectives on this complex and fascinating topic. Entries also include multiple cross-references to guide readers toward related topics within the volume and suggestions for further reading. While many of the entries address universal, biological facts about children - most fetuses suck their thumbs, for example, and most babies develop musical rhythm by seven months - they also consider the many worlds of childhood within the United States and around the globe. Alongside the topical articles, "The Child" includes more than forty 'Imagining Each Other' essays, which focus on the experiences of particular children in different cultures. In 'Work before Play for Yucatec Mayan Children', for example, readers learn of the work responsibilities of some modern-day Mexican children, while in 'A Hindu Brahman Boy Is Born Again', they witness a coming-of-age ritual in contemporary India. This is the best scholarship from a wide range of disciplines, including: anthropology; child development; childhood studies; education; History; Law; Literature; Pediatrics; Psychology; public policy; religion; and, Sociology. Compiled by some of the most distinguished child development researchers in the world, "The Child" will broaden the current scope of knowledge on children and childhood. It is an unparalleled resource for parents, social workers, researchers, educators, and others who work with children, and will spark a necessary discussion about children and childhood around the world. Offering a unique global perspective - selections from the 'Imagining Each Other' essays include: Growing Up Hearing in a Deaf Family; Formality and Fun in Kinship Relations among the Gusii; Educated at Home in the United States; Children as Family Caregivers in Mexico; On Infants Sleeping Alone; The Luminous Books of Childhood; Trial by Fire: Emotional Socialization among Canadian Inuit; The Parenting Style of a Turkish Reformer; Memories of Childhood on an Israeli Kibbutz; Summer Camp for Diabetic Children: A Stigma-Free Zone; An African American Grandmother Combats Racial Hatred; Early Childhood Education in Japan; and, A Refugee's Childhood in the West Bank.
InterVarsity Press Latin Commentaries on Revelation
Archaeological Institute of America The Consumers' Choice: Uses of Greek Figure-Decorated Pottery
As published excavated contexts become more plentiful and as older contexts are reexamined, it has become increasingly possible to consider Greek figure-decorated pottery from the perspective of its use. The essays in this volume explore the relationship between image and use in different contexts, with an emphasis on the user and consumer-that is, they explore the possible meanings images had for the individuals who obtained the objects on which they appear. The essays pose questions concerning why a consumer might choose a particular pot, why it might be part of an assemblage, or why a particular set of pots might have moved in a particular direction. The contributors are Sheramy D. Bundrick, An Jiang, Kathleen M. Lynch, Bice Peruzzi, Vivi Sarapanidi, Tara Trahey, and Vicky Vlachou. 67 b&w illustrations, photographs and drawings.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Presidential Elections in the United States: A Primer
John Wiley & Sons Inc Managing the Profitable Construction Business: The Contractor's Guide to Success and Survival Strategies
Take control of your construction contracting business and manage it through the natural highs and lows of the construction market. Learn from a team of construction business veterans led by Thomas C. Schleifer, who is commonly referred to as a construction business "turnaround" expert due to the number of construction companies he has rescued from financial distress. His financial acumen, combined with his practical, hands-on experience, has made him a sought-after private consultant. His experience and no-nonsense philosophy have truly given him a unique perspective. Important topics covered include: Understanding the primary areas of construction business failure in the next decade Minimizing business risk with real-world examples Developing a positive and competent management attitude and strategy Discover how to maneuver through this complicated and risky industry by using the authors' research and proven success strategies to sustain and grow your business.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Mechanical Ventilation Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Guide for Physicians and Engineers
The surge in COVID-19 cases leading to hospitalizations around the world quickly depleted hospital resources and reserves, forcing physicians to make extremely difficult life-or-death decisions on ventilator allocation between patients. Leaders in academia and industry have developed numerous ventilator support systems using both consumer- and industry-grade hardware to sustain life and to provide intermediate respiratory relief for hospitalized patients. This book is the first of its kind to discuss the respiratory pathophysiology underlying COVID-19, explain ventilator mechanics, provide and evaluate a repository of innovative ventilator support devices conceived amid the pandemic, and explain both hardware and software components necessary to develop an inexpensive ventilator support device. This book serves both as a historical record of the collaborative and innovative response to the anticipated ventilator shortage during the COVID-19 pandemic and as a guide for physicians, engineers, and DIY'ers interested in developing inexpensive transitory ventilator support devices.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Excel 2019 for Biological and Life Sciences Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Problems
Newly revised to specifically address Microsoft Excel 2019, this book is a step-by-step, exercise-driven guide for students and practitioners who need to master Excel to solve practical biological and life science problems. Excel is an effective learning tool for quantitative analyses in biological and life sciences courses. Its powerful computational ability and graphical functions make learning statistics much easier than in years past. Excel 2019 for Biological and Life Sciences Statistics capitalizes on these improvements by teaching students and professionals how to apply Excel 2019 to statistical techniques necessary in their courses and work.Each chapter explains statistical formulas and directs the reader to use Excel commands to solve specific, easy-to-understand biological and life science problems. Practice problems are provided at the end of each chapter with their solutions in an appendix. Separately, there is a full practice test (with answers in an appendix) that allows readers to test what they have learned. This new edition offers a wealth of new practice problems and solutions, as well as updated chapter content throughout.
American Society for Microbiology Food Microbiology: An Introduction
History Press The Rise of Tourism on Martha's Vineyard
Inter-Varsity Press Understanding Scripture: An Overview Of The Bible'S Origin, Reliability And Meaning
How does the Bible as a whole fit together? How should we read it theologically - and as literature? Are the manuscripts reliable? How do they relate to archaeology? When and how was the canon of Scripture formed? What is the Septuagint? How does the New Testament quote from and interpret the Old Testament? Such questions are the focus of this collection of concise studies on the nature and content of the Bible. Useful as both a general overview and as a tool for more specific reference and training, this volume will help readers to grow in their understanding of Scripture and their ability to apply it to their lives. Pastors, church leaders, students, and other Christians engaged in studying and teaching God’s Word will benefit from these studies, originally featured as articles in the ESV Study Bible and written by notable contributors, including John Piper, J. I. Packer, David Powlison, Vern Poythress, Peter J. Williams and Roger Beckwith.
Hodder & Stoughton Wealth Secrets of the 1%: The Truth About Money, Markets and Multi-Millionaires
'Infuriating... Wilkin's main claim is that the super-rich have discovered 'secret' ways of both making and preserving their fortunes... like [Capital author Thomas] Piketty, Wilkin has a love-hate relationship with capitalism. He takes the view that most billionaires are rich because, one way or another, they have found ways to rig the market.' The TimesWhat does it take to make a fortune? Hard work? Great ideas? Intelligence? Business acumen? Or something else entirely? Spanning centuries and continents, from the Ancient World to the 21st century, Wealth Secrets of the 1% uncovers the economic principles that enable a fortunate few to get really rich. Witty, provocative and immaculately researched, it is essential and revelatory reading at a time when 1% of the world's population owns half of its wealth.'Clever [and] entertaining, with a distinctly satirical edge' Daily Mail'Illuminating [and] eye-opening... sure to make libertarian heads explode' Kirkus Reviews'What makes this book different is that Sam Wilkin is an inside man' Daily Telegraph'No one gets really rich reading how-to-get-rich handbooks...Wilkin offers up the real scoop in Wealth Secrets of the One Percent, a delicious - and insight-packed - send-up of the genre.'
Rowman & Littlefield Recreating the Parish: Reproducible Resources for Pastoral Ministers
Here, from the staff of the Parish Evaluation Project (PEP), is a helpful resource for pastors, staff and lay leaders filled with reproducible worksheets, checklists, case studies and insights for making that next staff session, council meeting, commission night or parish assembly an effective experience. These exercises have been used successfully with a wide variety of parishes and pastoral groups in connection with the Parish Evaluation Project. Topics include planning, leadership, management, collaboration, decision-making, conflict and stress management, and evaluation tools.
John Wiley & Sons Sport Facility Event Management
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Foye's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry
With expert contributions from experienced educators, research scientists and clinicians, Foye’s Principles of Medicinal Chemistry, Eighth Edition is an invaluable resource for professional students, graduate students and pharmacy faculty alike. This ‘gold standard’ text explains the chemical basis of drug action, emphasizing the structure-activity relationships, physicochemical-pharmacokinetic properties, and metabolic profiles of the most commonly used drugs. Comprehensive coverage of the most cutting edge understanding of drug chemistry, organized and written for ready comprehension Extensively referenced to allow learners to explore areas of interest in greater depth Contemporary focus on drugs viewed by practitioners as the most clinically important in today’s health care environment Clinical Significance testimonials that provide a clinician’s view of the relevance of medicinal chemistry to practice Science-practice interface made explicit through drug monographs that highlight therapeutic indications, adverse reactions and drug-drug interactions End-of-Chapter exercises that allow learners to test their understanding and recall of key concepts eBook available . Fast, smart, and convenient, today’s eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and much more
John Wiley & Sons Inc Infrastructure Systems for Nuclear Energy
Developing sufficient energy resources to replace coal, oil and gas is a globally critical necessity. Alternatives to fossil fuels such as wind, solar, or geothermal energies are desirable, but the usable quantities are limited and each has inherent deterrents. The only virtually unlimited energy source is nuclear energy, where safety of infrastructure systems is the paramount concern. Infrastructure Systems for Nuclear Energy addresses the analysis and design of infrastructures associated with nuclear energy. It provides an overview of the current and future nuclear power industry and the infrastructure systems from the perspectives of regulators, operators, practicing engineers and research academics. This book also provides details on investigations of containment structures, nuclear waste storage facilities and the applications of commercial/academic computer software. Specific environments that challenge the behavior of nuclear power plants infrastructure systems such as earthquake, blast, high temperature, irradiation effects, soil-structure interaction effect, etc., are also discussed. Key features: Includes contributions from global experts representing academia and industry Provides an overview of the nuclear power industry and nuclear infrastructure systems Presents the state-of-the-art as well as the future direction for nuclear civil infrastructure systems Infrastructure Systems for Nuclear Energy is a comprehensive, up-to-date reference for researchers and practitioners working in this field and for graduate studies in civil and mechanical engineering.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Ich-entwicklung Fur Effektives Beraten
Fër eine erfolgreiche prozessorientierte Beratung bedarf es einer Reihe von nichtfachlichen Kompetenzen - so sehen es Forschung und Praxis. Thomas Binder untersucht, inwiefern diese Kompetenzanforderungen im Zusammenhang mit der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung stehen. Dafër bildet Loevingers Modell der Ich-Entwicklung, eines der besterforschten Modelle der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, den Bezugsrahmen.Auf der Grundlage des aktuellen Forschungsstands zum Ich-Entwicklungsmodell analysiert Thomas Binder Zusammenhänge mit Beratungskompetenzen. Er untersucht Kompetenzanforderungen ausgewählter Beratungsverbände daraufhin, ob sich in ihnen Aspekte von Ich-Entwicklung zeigen. Zusätzlich analysiert er systematisch empirische Studien, in denen Ich-Entwicklung und beratungsrelevante Aspekte zusammen ëberprëft wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einen klaren Zusammenhang zwischen Beratungskompetenzen und Ich-Entwicklung: Mit zunehmender Ich-Entwicklung kommt es zu einer höheren Beratungskompetenz.
Guilford Publications Working with Relationship Triangles: The One-Two-Three of Psychotherapy
Virtually all significant relationships are shadowed by a third party-another person, a competing distraction, or even a memory. This groundbreaking book provides clinicians with a hands-on guide to working with many different kinds of relationship triangles in therapy with families, couples, and individuals. The authors show why triangles come into being, how to predict their evolving nature, and how they can be dealt with and resolved in treatment. A wealth of clinical case material and treatment suggestions illustrates how thinking in terms of threes, as well as individuals and dyads, can greatly increase therapeutic flexibility and effectiveness. The paperback edition includes a new series editor's note by Michael P. Nichols.
Cornell University Press An Introduction to U.S. Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations
This comprehensive textbook provides an introduction to collective bargaining and labor relations with a focus on developments in the United States. It is appropriate for students, policy analysts, and labor relations professionals including unionists, managers, and neutrals. A three-tiered strategic choice framework unifies the text, and the authors’ thorough grounding in labor history and labor law assists students in learning the basics. In addition to traditional labor relations, the authors address emerging forms of collective representation and movements that address income inequality in novel ways. Harry C. Katz, Thomas A. Kochan, and Alexander J. S. Colvin provide numerous contemporary illustrations of business and union strategies. They consider the processes of contract negotiation and contract administration with frequent comparisons to nonunion practices and developments, and a full chapter is devoted to special aspects of the public sector. An Introduction to U.S. Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations has an international scope, covering labor rights issues associated with the global supply chain as well as the growing influence of NGOs and cross-national unionism. The authors also compare how labor relations systems in Germany, Japan, China, India, Brazil, and South Africa compare to practices in the United States. The textbook is supplemented by a website ( that features an extensive Instructor’s Manual with a test bank, PowerPoint chapter outlines, mock bargaining exercises, organizing cases, grievance cases, and classroom-ready current events materials.
Cornell University Press Labor Relations in a Globalizing World
Compelled by the extent to which globalization has changed the nature of labor relations, Harry C. Katz, Thomas A. Kochan, and Alexander J. S. Colvin give us the first textbook to focus on the workplace outcomes of the production of goods and services in emerging countries. In Labor Relations in a Globalizing World, they draw lessons from the United States and other advanced industrial countries to provide a menu of options for management, labor, and government leaders in emerging countries. They include discussions based in countries such as China, Brazil, India, and South Africa which, given the advanced levels of economic development they have already achieved, are often described as "transitional," because the labor relations practices and procedures used in those countries are still in a state of flux.Katz, Kochan, and Colvin analyze how labor relations functions in emerging countries in a manner that is useful to practitioners, policymakers, and academics. They take account of the fact that labor relations are much more politicized in emerging countries than in advanced industrialized countries. They also address the traditional role played by state-dominated unions in emerging countries and the recent increased importance of independent unions that have emerged as alternatives. These independent unions tend to promote firm- or workplace-level collective bargaining in contrast to the more traditional top-down systems. Katz, Kochan, and Colvin explain how multinational corporations, nongovernmental organizations, and other groups that act across national borders increasingly influence work and employment outcomes.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Healthcare Ethics and Human Values: An Introductory Text with Readings and Case Studies
This volume illustrates the central importance of diversity of human values throughout healthcare. The readings are organized around the main stages of the clinical encounter from the patient's perspective. They run from staying well and 'first contact' through to either recovery or to long-term illness, death and dying.
Indiana University Press The Complete Dinosaur
Praise for the first edition:"A gift to serious dinosaur enthusiasts" —Science "The amount of information in [these] pages is amazing. This book should be on the shelves of dinosaur freaks as well as those who need to know more about the paleobiology of extinct animals. It will be an invaluable library reference." —American Reference Books Annual"An excellent encyclopedia that serves as a nice bridge between popular and scholarly dinosaur literature." —Library Journal (starred review)"Copiously illustrated and scrupulously up-to-date . . . the book reveals dinos through the fractious fields that make a study of them." —Publishers Weekly"Stimulating armchair company for cold winter evenings. . . . Best of all, the book treats dinosaurs as intellectual fun." —New Scientist"The book is useful both as a reference and as a browse-and-enjoy compendium." —Natural HistoryWhat do we know about dinosaurs, and how do we know it? How did dinosaurs grow, move, eat, and reproduce? Were they warm-blooded or cold-blooded? How intelligent were they? How are the various groups of dinosaurs related to each other, and to other kinds of living and extinct vertebrates? What can the study of dinosaurs tell us about the process of evolution? And why did typical dinosaurs become extinct? All of these questions, and more, are addressed in the new, expanded, second edition of The Complete Dinosaur. Written by many of the world's leading experts on the "fearfully great" reptiles, the book's 45 chapters cover what we have learned about dinosaurs, from the earliest discoveries of dinosaurs to the most recent controversies. Where scientific contention exists, the editors have let the experts agree to disagree. Copiously illustrated and accessible to all readers from the enthusiastic amateur to the most learned professional paleontologist, The Complete Dinosaur is a feast for serious dinosaur lovers everywhere.
The Catholic University of America Press A Biblical Path to the Triune God: Jesus, Paul, and the Revelation of the Trinity
This short volume, finished just before Denis Farkasfalvy's death in 2020, serves effectively as his last theological testament. In A Biblical Path to the Triune God, the Cistercian abbot identifies the earliest biblical witnesses to the Church's teaching about God, formulated at the Council of Nicaea, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.Jesus' famous praise of the Father, found almost word-for-word in Matthew 11:25-27 and Luke 10:21-22, is Farkasfalvy's point of departure for his bold assertion that in the earliest sources, we find abundant evidence that "it was not Jesus who revealed his own divine sonship; rather, the Father revealed it to those whom Jesus had chosen and were open to respond in faith." Farkasfalvy demonstrates that Jesus reveals his relationship to the Father in terms of intimate and experiential knowledge, transforming the procreative metaphor of filiation from the physical (as in the Psalms and 2 Samuel 7) to the epistemological realm of knowledge, what he calls "love within cognitive dimensions." Just decades after Jesus' ministry, numerous independent apostolic witnesses, from the Synoptic Gospels and John to Paul (especially Romans 1:1-4 and Galatians 1:15-16), indicate a robust and widespread understanding of the Father's self-disclosure in Jesus the Son.Farkasfalvy concludes his brief but intense reflection by outlining how a single organic process of revelation binds together the Father and the Son, and then extends that loving communion to believers in the Spirit, a communion made possible only by the incarnate Son's crucifixion and subsequent glorification. This book accomplishes the admirable feat of showing that far from being the invention of later centuries, the Trinitarian doctrine of the Church is firmly rooted in the very first reflections on Jesus' ministry and mystery by the biblical authors.
Paulist Press International,U.S. New Commentary on the Code of Canon Law
An entirely new and comprehensive commentary by canon lawyers from North America and Europe, with a revised English translation of the code. Reflects the enormous developments in canon law since the publication of the original commentary. †
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Neurosurgery Self-Assessment: Questions and Answers
Ideal for both neurosurgical residents and recertifying neurosurgeons, Neurosurgery Self-Assessment: Questions and Answers offers the most comprehensive, up to date coverage available. Over 1,000 clinically relevant multiple-choice questions across 46 topic areas test the candidate's knowledge of basic neuroscience and neurosurgical subspecialties to an unparalleled degree and provide detailed answer explanations to facilitate learning and assessment. Over 700 histology, pathology, radiology, clinical and anatomical images serve as an index of routinely tested-on images in neurosurgical examinations with high-yield summaries of each pathology to reinforce and simplify key concepts. Includes only multiple choice questions in both single-best-answer and extended matching item (10-20 options) format increasingly adopted by neurosurgery certification boards worldwide. Questions are organized by topic and classified by degree of difficulty through a highly visual "traffic light system" which codes each question in green, amber, or red. Includes coverage of the landmark studies in areas such as vascular, stroke, spine and neurooncology. Practical tips facilitate study with test-taking strategies and things to consider before sitting for an exam. Utilizes Imperial and SI units throughout. Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience acts an interactive question bank which automatically scores and provides immediate answer feedback, as well as allowing you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Veterinary Psychopharmacology
Offers an updated second edition of the comprehensive reference on the use of drugs for veterinary mental health care and behavior modification This fully revised Second Edition of Veterinary Psychopharmacology offers an authoritative reference to the drugs prescribed to treat psychiatric, psychological, and behavioral disorders in pets. Designed to be an accessible resource, the text is divided into sections on psychopharmacologic principles and clinical psychopharmacology. Comprehensive in scope, the book contains detailed information on pharmacologic intervention for pet mental health and behavior issues, offers thorough explanations of options, and explores why a particular drug should be prescribed and why it works. Updated to include the recent advances in psychopharmacology for pets, the Second Edition includes new chapters that cover the principles of psychopharmacology, miscellaneous serotonergic agents, anticonvulsants and mood stabilizers, sympatholytic agents, and NMDA antagonists. In addition, the text explains the drug options, including all the information necessary to correct dysfunctions in the brain’s chemistry through pharmacologic treatment. This important resource: Presents an updated and comprehensive resource for pharmacologic treatments for pet, equine, and zoo animal psychiatric disorders and behavior problems Contains in-depth information on drugs that promote neurochemical changes that will alter the mood, emotional state, reactivity, and behavior of the patient, including prescribing options and mechanisms of action Includes new chapters on the principles of psychopharmacology, miscellaneous serotonergic agents, mood stabilizers, sympatholytic agents, and NMDA antagonists Written for veterinarians, veterinary behaviorists, and veterinary students, the updated second edition of Veterinary Psychopharmacology is a complete source for current knowledge on pharmacologic behavior modification.“Overall, this book packs a substantial amount of useful data into approximately 300 pages. The scope of the book is comprehensive and may include more in-depth information than casual prescribers seek, but it will be a good resource for the practitioners who are interested in immersing themselves into veterinary psychopharmacology.” - JAVMA Vol 255 No. 6
Human Kinetics Publishers Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in Children and Adolescents
Exercise testing plays an increasingly important role in the diagnosis and assessment of heart disease and lung disease in children and adolescents. In Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in Children and Adolescents, leading expert Thomas W. Rowland, backed by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the North American Society for Pediatric Exercise Medicine (NASPEM), compiles the latest evidence-based research to provide guidance for clinical exercise physiologists, cardiologists, pulmonologists, and students of exercise physiology who conduct exercise stress testing for young patients. The core objective of the book is to clarify the differences between clinical exercise testing for children and testing for adults. Because of obvious differences between the two populations, test protocols must be modified based on the patient's age, size, level of physical fitness, body composition, intellectual and emotional maturity, and state of cardiac and pulmonary health. Part I provides an introduction to pediatric exercise testing. Part II examines exercise testing methodologies and discusses blood pressure, cardiac output, electrocardiography, oxygen uptake, and pulmonary function. Part III focuses on specific clinical issues addressed by exercise testing, guiding readers through protocols for diagnosis, evaluation, and exercise testing. Part IV explores testing in special populations and focuses on topics such as childhood obesity, neuromuscular disease, and intellectual disabilities. Where applicable, sample forms and checklists provide practitioners with practical materials to use during exercise testing. Sidebars offer readers insight into considerations such as the presence of parents during testing and adjustments of cardiac measures for youth body dimensions. This book serves as a means of focusing and unifying approaches to performing pediatric exercise testing in order to lay the foundation for new and innovative approaches to exercise testing in the health care of children and adolescents.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Reformation of the Commonwealth: Thomas Becon and the Politics of Evangelical Change in Tudor England
This study considers sixteenth century evangelicals vision of a godly commonwealth within the broader context of political, religious, social, and intellectual changes in Tudor England. Using the clergyman and bestselling author, Thomas Becon (1512-1567), as a case study, Brian L. Hanson argues that evangelical views of the commonwealth were situation-dependent rather than uniform, fluctuating from individual to individual. His study examines the ways commonwealth rhetoric was used by evangelicals and how that rhetoric developed and changed. While this study draws from English Reformation historiography by acknowledging the chronology of reform, it engages with interdisciplinary texts on poverty, gender, and the economy in order to demonstrate the intersection of commonwealth rhetoric with Renaissance humanism. Furthermore, the experience of exile and the languages of prophecy and companionship directly influenced commonwealth rhetoric and dictated the priorities, vocabulary, and political expression of the evangelicals. As sixteenth-century England vacillated in its religious direction and priorities, the evangelicals were faced with a political conundrum and the tension between obedience and lawful disobedience. There was ultimately a fundamental disagreement on the nature and criteria of obedience. Hansons study makes a further contribution to the emerging conversation about English commonwealth politics by examining the important issues of obedience and disobedience within the evangelical community. A correct assessment of the issues surrounding the relationship between evangelicals and the commonwealth government will lead to a rediscovery of both the complexities of evangelical commonwealth rhetoric and the tension between the biblical command to submit to civil authorities and the injunction to obey God rather than man.
John Wiley & Sons Inc How to Make Your Science Project Scientific
Master the essential scientific methods and make your science project a winner! Whether you re hoping to wow the judges at the next science fair, want to do a great job on a school project, or are looking forward to a career in science, How to Make Your Science Project Scientific will give you the tools you need to make your dream a reality. From choosing an idea and developing a hypothesis, to using variables and controls, to performing accurate measurements and keeping comprehensive records, author Thomas Moorman walks you through all the aspects of making your science project the best it can be. Filled with examples of both good and bad experiments and projects, How to Make Your Science Project Scientific shows you how to use the time-tested scientific methods respected by professional scientists. You ll learn about blind and double-blind experiments; how to do case studies; how to make naturalistic observations and create controlled surveys; how to publish your findings; and much more. With How to Make Your Science Project Scientific, you can find out how to create a winning science fair project while you learn to "do science" the way the professionals do! On the first edition of How to Make Your Science Project Scientific: "Clear, intelligent Make Your Science Project Scientific by learning to think precisely, interpret data objectively, and reason independently." --School Library Journal "This is a volume that should be a part of every junior and senior high school library. It will also be a valuable reference for teachers and others interested in problem solving." --The Science Teacher "An absolutely superb book!.... Scholarly, accurate, beautifully written, complete. A must for every science classroom!" --Appraisal, the publication of the Children s Science Book Review Committee
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Face to Face with the Face: Working with the Face and the Cranial Nerves through Cranio-Sacral Integration
Practical and clear, this comprehensive guide to cranio-sacral treatment of the face explains treatment approaches that can make a significant difference to persistent and intractable conditions, enabling profound transformation in quality of life through whole-person integration.The book explores the eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, mouth, teeth and jaw, and provides a practical means of resolving the multitude of conditions affecting these crucial areas in a gentle, non-invasive manner, utilising the body's inherent healing potential. It covers a wide range from persistent ear infections, dental disturbances, facial injury, sinusitis and trigeminal neuralgia, one of the most painful conditions known to the medical world, through to identifying hidden causes of migraine, autism and chronic fatigue and patterns of ill health arising from birth, early childhood and past trauma. Cranial nerve dysfunctions, including polyvagal disturbances, are also included. Hand positions and contacts are clearly presented with over 200 colour photographs and anatomical drawings. A comprehensive presentation of the potential cooperation between dentistry and cranio-sacral therapy is also provided, with contributions from two eminent dentists, providing much needed information on this growing field of integrative medicine.Essential reading in this rapidly expanding area of practice, the book is fully illustrated in colour.
Boone & Crockett Club,U.S. Hunting Around the World: Fair Chase Pursuits from Backcountry Wilderness to the Scottish Highlands
Hunting nourishes human bodies, minds, and, in some cases, careers. Like many rural Texas youths in the 1940s, Jack Ward Thomas learned to hunt early on. It provided food for his family and a lifetime of enjoyment. But hunting also brought Thomas to his life's work in conservation, highlighted by his tenure as chief of the U.S. Forest Service. Hunting Around the World offers the best accumulated stories, nostalgia, and wisdom of a quintessential hunter-conservationist. Thomas hunted red stag in the Scottish highlands, doves in Argentina, caribou in Alaska, and all manner of big, small, and feathered game across the United States. But his first and most enduring love was hunting in the "high lonesome" of western wildernesses, most often with his wise companion in adventure, Bill Brown. Thomas's storytelling about those quests is classic sporting literature. Readers will feel the chill of a frosty mountain morning, tense moments as a bull elk wanders into shooting range, exhilaration as well as "pangs of conscience" in making a kill, and the wistfulness of truth that old age and old injuries will someday bring every hunter's backcountry chapters to an end. The field accounts in Hunting Around the World are enriched by the perspective of a man who devoted his life to sustainable management of natural resources. As author, Thomas often switches from his well-worn hunting hat to that of a veteran biologist, field researcher, and U.S. Forest Service chief. This unique insight is what makes Thomas's hunting memoir an unusual and special work. Thomas concludes with thoughtful analyses of why he hunted, fair chase, simple-minded critics of hunting, habitat loss as the greatest threat to both wildlife and hunting, and his final surrenderleaving his cherished firearms to heirs: "It seems sad that I can't pass along my memories that are attached to the rifles, shotguns, and pistols. But that's as it should be. Guns and their owners should make their own memories together."
Canelo Murder at the Summer Fete
'Fabulous cosy murder/mystery with an unforgettable crime-fighting trio. Thoroughly enjoyable and highly recommended.' Angela Marsons, author of Stolen OnesA fete worse than death…After finding the killer of Lucy Roth six months ago, life has settled back to normal for bookshop owner, Nancy Hunter, and her grandmother, Jane. The annual Dedley End village fete is just around the corner, and Nancy is delighted when bestselling author, Thomas Green, agrees to launch his first new novel in ten years there.But then a series of sinister events lead Nancy to realise someone is trying to sabotage their fete, so she, along with Jane and their journalist friend Jonathan, must turn detective to discover who isn’t at all thrilled about the return of Thomas Green.When a body is discovered at the summer fete, the death scene mirroring that in Thomas’ latest bestseller, they realise that there’s another killer in Dedley End, but can they outsmart someone who appears to have pulled off the perfect crime?The clues are right under Nancy and Jane’s noses, if only they can find them. Because the answers to life’s questions can always be found in a book…!A twisty, unputdownable cozy mystery that fans of Richard Osman, S.J. Bennett and The Marlow Murder Club will love.Readers can't get enough of Murder at the Summer Fete:'A joy of a read... I was gripped!’ Melanie Blake, author of Ruthless Women'Cleverly crafted cosy crime at its absolute best!' Heidi Swain, author of A Taste of Home'A well crafted cosy mystery with warm characters and an excellent twist. I can't wait to visit Dedley End again!' Hannah Hendy, author of The Dinner Lady Detectives'A team of likeable amateur detectives, a delightful bookshop setting and a cast of intriguing suspects. Tremendous fun.' Clare Chase, author of Mystery at the Church‘A perfect read!...Will entice even the most seasoned mystery reader. If you're a fan of Agatha Christie and M.C. Beaton, you can't miss this series.’ ☆☆☆☆☆ Reader Review‘What a fun and cozy read!...A fantastic page-turner that made my winter night far warmer.’ Reader Review‘This. Is. Brilliant. Could not put it down. I really hope there's more Dedley End adventures!’ ☆☆☆☆☆ Reader Review‘Absolutely loved this book!...The characters were great and the story flowed along nicely. I read the book in a day, I couldn't put it down!’ ☆☆☆☆☆ Reader Review‘Just as intricate, twisty, and fun as the first. It kept me guessing and I just love the small village settings.’ ☆☆☆☆☆ Reader Review‘It was very engrossing and I read it within one day… I love this book…every new mystery by Victoria Walters is an auto-read for me’ Reader Review‘The second entry in this cozy series is even better than the first…and the first was great! British cozies always have a special place in my reading list and heart and this one is right up there at the top.’ ☆☆☆☆☆ Reader Review