Search results for ""Author Thomas""
Indiana University Press Quick Hits for Teaching with Digital Humanities: Successful Strategies from Award-Winning Teachers
Quick Hits for Teaching with Digital Humanities: Successful Strategies from Award-Winning Teachers is an edited collection of 24 articles that aims to introduce faculty, administrators, and staff to ways in which digital techniques from the arts, humanities, and social sciences can be incorporated in the classroom. These techniques can enhance learning and professional development experiences for undergraduate and graduate students and faculty alike. This essential handbook illustrates the breadth of digital humanities across the disciplines with rich examples that bring best practices to life. Anyone who teaches at an institution of higher learning will find entry into new digital paradigms. As the authors share simple and complex ways to introduce digital humanities into the classroom, they expand understandings of what constitutes these current technologies for learning.
Columbia University Press The Letters of St. Boniface
St. Boniface, the early eighth-century English cleric who became known as "Apostle to the Germans," was an important agent in the conversion of the North German tribes from paganism to Christianity. His efforts were devoted as well to organizing and concentrating all of Germanic Christendom under the leadership of Rome. He numbered among his correspondents the popes as well as colleagues in England, France, and Rome. His letters provide unique insights into the religious, ecclesiastical, political, and social history of early medieval Europe.
Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc Development of the Nervous System
Development of the Nervous System, Fourth Edition provides an informative and up-to-date account of our present understanding of the basic principles of neural development as exemplified by key experiments and observations from past and recent times. This book reflects the advances made over the last few years, demonstrating their promise for both therapy and molecular understanding of one of the most complex processes in animal development. This information is critical for neuroscientists, developmental biologists, educators, and students at various stages of their career, providing a clear presentation of the frontiers of this exciting and medically important area of developmental biology. The book includes a basic introduction to the relevant aspects of neural development, covering all the major topics that form the basis of a comprehensive, advanced undergraduate and graduate curriculum, including the patterning and growth of the nervous system, neuronal determination, axonal navigation and targeting, neuron survival and death, synapse formation and plasticity.
Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc Marine Mammals of the World: A Comprehensive Guide to Their Identification
This new edition of Marine Mammals of the World describes and illustrates newly discovered and rarely photographed species, making it the most comprehensive and up-to-date identification guide available. This edition continues to meet the research-focused needs of marine biologists and conservation biologists by providing a tremendous influx of new photos, taking advantage of advances in digital and auto-focusing photography, and the emergence of marine mammal studies and "whalewatching" around the world. The book encompasses cetacean, pinniped, and sirenian species, as well as extinct species, and describes basic biology and taxonomic groupings of marine mammals.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Kann Ich Sie Mal Kurz Sprechen?: Impulse Fur Gute Gesprache in Der Schule
"Kann ich Sie mal kurz sprechen?" - viele Gespräche in der Schule beginnen mit dieser Frage, Gespräche mit Schëler*innen, mit Kolleg*innen, mit Eltern. Und viele Lehrkräfte reagieren mit gemischten Gefëhlen: Der Ort passt nicht, viel Zeit ist auch nicht - was kann man da schon besprechen, wie kann man da helfen?Britta Möhring und Thomas Schlëter machen Mut, sich auf diese Gespräche einzulassen, in der Kërze der Zeit und an genau dem Ort, an dem man angefragt wird. Der Fokus der Gespräche liegt nicht auf dem Problem oder den Defiziten der ratsuchenden Person, sondern auf ihren Möglichkeiten und Ressourcen. Ziel ist es, einen realitätsbezogenen ersten Handlungsschritt zu erarbeiten. Die Autoren geben in diesem Buch theoretischen Input, methodisches Handwerkszeug, Hinweise zur inneren Haltung und praxisnahe Übungen fër gute Gespräche an die Hand. Dabei werden konsequent Elemente des zielorientierten Kurzgesprächs vorgestellt und eingeëbt.
West Academic Publishing Wills, Trusts and Estates Including Taxation and Future Interests
A comprehensive one-volume treatise on the law of trusts and estates written by leading experts. Among the topics covered are intestate succession, wills, nonprobate mechanisms, trusts, fiduciary administration, and choice of law. The book includes the very latest hot topics including electronic wills, trust decanting, directed trusts, asset protection trusts, and planning for modern families. The book incorporates the most recent provisions of the Uniform Probate Code, the Uniform Trust Code, and the many other uniform laws relating to the donative transfer of wealth. The book also includes an overview of the federal transfer tax laws. An essential guide for students and practitioners.
Mercer University Press Christianity: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Guide for Students, Revised and Expanded
Weaving together input from six experts in the fields of Bible, Church History, and Theology, Christianity introduces learners to the practices, traditions, beliefs, and scriptures of the Christian faith. This expanded and updated edition tells Christianity's growth from humble origins to becoming the world's largest religion. New material appears on a variety of topics, such as church architecture, vestments, church offices, apocalyptic literature, the Gospels, Roman citizenship, and the life of Paul. This edition distills the most current research in an accessible style and user-friendly format, and improves on the previous edition by highlighting and defining key terms, adding breakout boxes, and rewriting all major sections with a focus on clarity and up-to-date information. Complete with a new introduction and conclusion, Christianity offers a fresh, crisp, and concise survey of a faith held dear by more than two billion people across the globe.
Ovid Technologies Manual Washington de calidad en la atención y seguridad del paciente
El Manual Washington de calidad en la atención y seguridad del paciente incluye la información básica necesaria para desarrollar y gestionar sistemas de calidad en la atención incluyendo la descripción de diferentes sistemas, los elementos que los constituyen, herramientas de control y gestión de la calidad, y variantes de los sistemas de gestión de calidad aplicada a la salud. Con un enfoque en la mejora de los sistemas y procesos, la prevención de errores y la promoción de la transparencia, esta referencia práctica proporciona una visión general de los fundamentos de la seguridad del paciente y la mejora de la calidad (SP/MC), así como su aplicación en una amplia variedad de entornos clínicos.Este nuevo título, que se suma a la ya basta colección de Manuales Washington, proporciona los conocimientos y habilidades necesarias para un enfoque eficaz y proactivo de la seguridad del paciente y la mejora de la calidad.Características principales: Directrices en SP/MC en diversos entornos clínicos y con poblaciones específicas, incluyendo radiología, sala de emergencias, intervenciones ambulatorias, pediatría y psiquiatría. Modelos, medidas y herramientas para evaluar la seguridad del paciente y la mejora de la calidad. Aborda todas las cuestiones relacionadas con los errores médicos, cómo responder a eventos adversos y las posibles soluciones. Cada capítulo se inicia con un caso clínico con preguntas y discusión para facilitar la puesta en práctica de los fundamentos sobre SP/MC. Ofrece recursos adicionales para la lectura adicional. Muestra la experiencia real de los miembros de la facultad de varios departamentos de la Universidad de Washington, algo ideal para los proveedores de cuidado de la salud en todos los niveles de experiencia. Capítulo en línea, también en español, sobre seguridad del paciente en oncología.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Washington Manual of Patient Safety and Quality Improvement
Concise, portable, and user-friendly, The Washington Manual® of Patient Safety and Quality Improvement covers essential information in every area of this complex field. With a focus on improving systems and processes, preventing errors, and promoting transparency, this practical reference provides an overview of PS/QI fundamentals, as well as insight into how these principles apply to a variety of clinical settings. Part of the popular Washington Manual® series, this unique volume provides the knowledge and skills necessary for an effective, proactive approach to patient safety and quality improvement.· Addresses PS/QI in various clinical settings and with specific populations , including radiology, emergency room, surgery, ambulatory, pediatrics, and psychiatry.· Introduces models, measurements, and tools to assess patient safety and quality improvement· Discusses medical errors, how to respond to adverse events, and potential solutions.· Begins each chapter with a clinical vignette and discussion questions , and offers additional resources for further reading.· Shares the expertise of faculty members from multiple departments at Washington University in St. Louis, ideal for health care providers at all levels of experience.Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like:· Complete content with enhanced navigation· Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web· Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation· Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text· Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues· Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future useThe Washington Manual® is a registered mark belonging to Washington University in St. Louis to which international legal protection applies. The mark is used in this publication by LWW under license from Washington University.
Medieval Institute Publications De Ore Domini: Preacher and Word in the Middle Ages
De Ore Domini: Preacher and Word in the Middle Ages is a volume of thirteen essays, constituting a series of chapters in the history of preaching. The essays present a diversity of historical periods, audiences, and methodologies. Ranging in time from the 700s to 1511, they cover a space that stretches from Johannes Herolt’s Germany to Ramon Llull's Mallorca, from Bede's England to the Italy of Bernadino of Siena and Egidio da Viterbo. As the title suggests, the mouth of the Lord spoke with many voices, and the contributors to this volume provide important examinations of individual preachers, genres, and sources of sermons. Commentary and analyses are made of materials from the symbolic and allegorical to the practical and dogmatic, and even the educational. Further, the essays discuss how sermons were used at different periods and how they addressed different audiences. The studies illustrate new methods and concerns in the field of sermon studies, and, collectively, they point to a central problem in the historiography of sermons and preaching. The collection offers insights into modern approaches to studying medieval sermons and will be of interest to scholars of medieval religion, preaching, and culture.
American Society of Overseas Research Cyprus and the Balance of Empires: Art and Archaeology from Justinian I to the Coeur de Lion
Between 491 and 1191 AD, Cyprus was influenced by various political and cultural centres that vied for dominance in the Eastern Mediterranean. This collection of essays primarily focuses on the island's archaeology when it was governed by the Byzantine capital of Constantinople. Greek and Orthodox Christian identity was cultivated during this period, which provided a sense of unity among the various provinces; and yet, the surviving historical and archaeological data concerning Cyprus is unique in that it expresses both local and regional characteristics. By investigating the various threads, whether textual, numismatic, architectural, or artistic, narrative has emerged that challenges our past assumptions. The themes covered in this volume developed from a conference held in Nicosia, organized by the Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute celebrating the 50th year anniversary of the Republic of Cyprus. An international group of experts explored several themes such as: the impact of recent archaeological discoveries; the shift from studying Late Antique urbanism to rural development; indicators of Cypriot identity; shifts in population settlement, production and trade; cultural interaction between Islam and Christianity; the significance of ceramic and numismatic evidence; monumental figural arts and their iconographical interpretation. The resulting chapters provide new and previously unpublished data, and should be considered a major contribution to Late Antique and Medieval studies. 151 colour and black & white illustrations included.
Rowman & Littlefield The Left Transformed in Post-Communist Societies: The Cases of East-Central Europe, Russia, and Ukraine
One of the most unexpected outcomes of the Soviet bloc's transition out of communism has been the divergent but important paths followed by once ruling communist parties. In Poland, Hungary, and Lithuania those parties transformed themselves into pro-Western free market center leftists who have won elections and formed governing coalitions periodically since the early 1990s. The result has been former communists leading their countries into NATO and the EU even as their conservative opponents continue to condemn them for their communist past. No less surprising has been the ability of anti-Western neo-Leninist communist parties in Russia and Ukraine to win sizable pluralities of votes in free competitive elections. Their very strength has contributed to blocking genuine democratic alternation of power. By employing a unique cross-regional comparative framework The Left Transformed explores the divergent trajectories of ex-ruling communist parties in key countries of the former Soviet Empire. In-depth interviews, party presses and primary documents, and national election data provide a foundation for the most up-to-date examination of party transition, organization, ideology, and electoral fortunes through late 2002. This book is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in contemporary history, political parties, or comparative government in Eastern Europe and Russia.
Wolters Kluwer Health Designing Clinical Research
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023! For more than 30 years, Designing Clinical Research has set the standard as the most practical, authoritative guide for physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other practitioners involved in all forms of clinical and public health research. Using a reader-friendly writing style, Drs. Warren S. Browner, Thomas B. Newman, Steven R. Cummings, Deborah G. Grady, Alison J. Huang, Alka M. Kanaya, and Mark J. Pletcher, all of the University of California, San Francisco, provide up-to-date, commonsense approaches to the challenging judgments involved in designing, funding, and implementing a study. This state-of-the-art fifth edition features new figures, tables, and design, as well as new editors, new content, and extensively updated references to keep you current. Covers clinical research in its many forms, including clinical trials, observational studies, translational science, and patient-oriented research. Presents epidemiologic terms and principles and advanced conceptual material in a practical and reader-friendly manner. Discusses key changes in the field, including confounding and directed acyclic graphs, surrogate outcomes and biomarkers, instrumental variables and Mendelian randomization, regression discontinuity designs, alternative data sources, AI and machine learning, pilot studies, as well as an update on P values and Bayesian analysis.. Covers modifications of classic randomized trials, such as pre/post, interrupted time series, difference-in-differences, stepped wedge and cluster randomized designs, as well as randomized trials in health systems. Adds new chapters on qualitative approaches to clinical research and on community-engaged research Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s),such as computer, tablet, or smartphone Easily convert to audiobook,powering your content with natural language text-to-speech
Duke University Press The Chile Reader: History, Culture, Politics
The Chile Reader makes available a rich variety of documents spanning more than five hundred years of Chilean history. Most of the selections are by Chileans; many have never before appeared in English. The history of Chile is rendered from diverse perspectives, including those of Mapuche Indians and Spanish colonists, peasants and aristocrats, feminists and military strongmen, entrepreneurs and workers, and priests and poets. Among the many selections are interviews, travel diaries, letters, diplomatic cables, cartoons, photographs, and song lyrics.Texts and images, each introduced by the editors, provide insights into the ways that Chile's unique geography has shaped its national identity, the country's unusually violent colonial history, and the stable but autocratic republic that emerged after independence from Spain. They shed light on Chile's role in the world economy, the social impact of economic modernization, and the enduring problems of deep inequality. The Reader also covers Chile's bold experiments with reform and revolution, its subsequent descent into one of Latin America's most ruthless Cold War dictatorships, and its much-admired transition to democracy and a market economy in the years since dictatorship.
SAGE Publications Inc Reach the Highest Standard in Professional Learning: Data
When teachers use data effectively, students see results. Learning Forward is a leader in understanding and advancing professional learning that leads to student success. This series explores Learning Forward’s seven Standards for Professional Learning, which outline the characteristics of effective professional learning. In this volume, the authors explore the crucial function of data for designing, implementing, and evaluating professional learning. The book’s features include: An original "think piece" by Thomas Guskey on using data in deliberate and thoughtful ways in the context of professional learning Specific implementation strategies that focus on analyzing student, educator, and system data and assessing progress A detailed case study of one district’s journey to successful use of data and how it led to measurable improvement in student achievement Learning to collect, analyze and use data is an essential component of professional development. When schools are able to make data work for them, students are the ones who benefit.
Crossway Books Women in the Church: An Interpretation and Application of 1 Timothy 2:9-15 (Third Edition)
Offering a rigorous exegesis of 1 Timothy 2:9–15, this classic volume explores Paul’s teaching on women’s roles in the local church. Now includes a new preface, a new conclusion, and new and updated chapters.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Cultures, Nationalism and Populism: New Challenges to Multilateralism
This book examines the role of the cultural factor, and patterns of its interaction with social, economic and political developments, in fostering identity-based new populisms and various forms of political authoritarianism across the globe. Comparing authoritarianism in the Asian and Western context, this book attempts to shed light on the different ways in which new political actors make use of cultural traditions or constructs in order to justify their claims to power and challenge the culture of modernity as understood in the Western world. Lastly, the book focuses on the consequence of these new challenges for multilateral cooperation at regional and global levels, asking the question: is the world going towards fragmentation and anarchy or a pluralist and innovative form of multilateral cooperation?This book will be of key interest to scholars and students of populism and authoritarianism studies, democracy, global governance and more broadly to international relations.
The University of Chicago Press The Shape of Life: Genes, Development, and the Evolution of Animal Form
In the book, "Embryos, Genes, and Evolution", Raff and co-author Thomas Kaufman proposed a synthesis of developmental and evolutionary biology. In "The Shape of Life", Raff analyzes the rise of this experimental discipline and lays out research questions, hypotheses and approaches to guide its development. Raff uses the evolution of animal body plans to exemplify the interplay between developmental mechanisms and evolutionary patterns. Animal body plans emerged half a billion years ago. Evolution within these body plans during this span of time has resulted in the tremendous diversity of living animal forms. Raff argues for an integrated approach to the study of the intertwined roles of development and evolution involving phylogenetic, comparative and functional biology. This synthesis should interest not only scientists working in these areas, but also paleontologists, zoologists, morphologists, molecular biologists and geneticists.
State University Press of New York (SUNY) Resurrecting the Death of God
MW - Rutgers University Press Asian American Studies Now A Critical Reader
Represents the changes occurring in Asian American communities and the world, changes that require a reconsideration of how the interdisciplinary field of Asian American studies is defined and taught. This anthology summarizes and defines the shape of this field, addressing topics such as transnationalism, US imperialism, racism and immigration.
Guilford Publications Working with Relationship Triangles: The One-Two-Three of Psychotherapy
Virtually all significant relationships are shadowed by a third party-another person, a competing distraction, or even a memory. This groundbreaking book provides clinicians with a hands-on guide to working with many different kinds of relationship triangles in therapy with families, couples, and individuals. The authors show why triangles come into being, how to predict their evolving nature, and how they can be dealt with and resolved in treatment. A wealth of clinical case material and treatment suggestions illustrates how thinking in terms of threes, as well as individuals and dyads, can greatly increase therapeutic flexibility and effectiveness. The paperback edition includes a new series editor's note by Michael P. Nichols.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Introduction to Human Nutrition
Now in its third edition, the best-selling Introduction to Human Nutrition continues to foster an integrated, broad knowledge of the discipline and presents the fundamental principles of nutrition science in an accessible way. With up-to-date coverage of a range of topics from food composition and dietary reference standards to phytochemicals and contemporary challenges of global food safety, this comprehensive text encourages students to think critically about the many factors and influences of human nutrition and health outcomes. Offers a global, multidisciplinary perspective on food and nutrition Covers nutrition and metabolism of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and vitamins and minerals Explores new developments in functional foods, supplements and food fortification, and future challenges for nutrition research and practice Explains the digestion, absorption, circulatory transport, and cellular uptake of nutrients Demonstrates the structure and characteristics of nutrients, and the relationship with disease prevention A primary text in nutritional science classes worldwide, Introduction to Human Nutrition is a vital resource for students in areas of nutrition, dietetics, and related subjects that involve principles of nutrition science.
Elsevier Health Sciences Clinical Immunology: Principles and Practice
Offering unique, comprehensive coverage of both basic science and clinical scenarios, Clinical Immunology: Principles and Practice, 6th Edition, brings you up to date with every aspect of this fast-changing field. It examines the molecular, cellular, and immunologic bases of immunologic diseases and their broader systemic implications; it also includes complete coverage of common and uncommon immunologic disorders. Updated with all the latest immunologic research and clinical implications, including breakthrough immunotherapies and molecular-based treatment protocols, this fully revised edition provides authoritative guidance from some of the most respected global leaders in immunology in one complete, well-illustrated volume. Includes extensive revisions that reflect rapidly expanding research and clinical advances, including breakthrough drug and immunotherapies such as immune checkpoint inhibitors, immunotherapies for cancer, precision medicine, and transfusion medicine. Contains new chapters on COVID-19, immune responses, and the role of the immune system; immunoregulatory deficiencies; immune checkpoints; CAR T cells, including new cellular-based immunotherapy; gene therapy, including CRISPR and gene selection; and a clinically focused chapter on asthma. Provides new genetics content focused on data applications. Addresses notable advances in key areas such as the importance of the microbiota to normal immune system development and to the pathogenesis of immunologic and inflammatory diseases; relationships between the innate and adaptive immune systems; progress in rapid and cost-effective genomics; cell signaling pathways and the structure of cell-surface molecules; and many more. Covers hot topics such as the role of genetics and genomics in immune response and immunologic disease, atherosclerosis, recurrent fever syndromes, aging and deficiencies of innate immunity, the role of microbiota in normal immune system development and in the pathogenesis of immunologic and inflammatory diseases, and novel therapeutics. Features a user-friendly format with color-coded boxes highlighting critical information on Key Concepts, Clinical Pearls, Clinical Relevance, and Therapeutic Principles. Summarizes promising research and development anticipated over the next 5-10 years with "On the Horizon" boxes and discussions of translational research. An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.
Royal Society of Chemistry Dynamical Astrochemistry
Astrochemistry is a well-established interdisciplinary subject and the methods for describing time-dependent chemistry in static or slowly-changing regions of interstellar space have been well-developed over many years. Existing astrochemical books normally describe the subject in terms of chemistry in static or slowly-varying astronomical situations but the most significant astronomical regions are those in which the physical conditions change on timescales that are comparable to or shorter than chemical timescales. Written by leading experts in this area, this is the first book specifically devoted to the astrochemistry of dynamically evolving astronomical regions. It provides a comprehensive description of this important area of science, stressing in particular the methods that have been developed for specific purposes. It will be of interest to researchers in astrochemistry, including both chemists and physicists and could form the basis of a postgraduate course for research students in chemistry and physics.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Fundamentals of Leadership for Healthcare Professionals: Volume 2
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Orthopaedic Technology Innovation: A Step-by-Step Guide from Concept to Commercialization
Have an idea for a new tool or instrument? This a great resource to use to bring your invention ideas to the bedside! Written for clinicians, researchers, students, and entrepreneurs, this concise yet comprehensive review presents a clear process to identify, invent, and implement new technology solutions that aid in effective and safe practice in orthopedic surgery. Includes practical advice on how to scope and scale markets, develop ideas within institutions, create business plans, and identify business partners. Written by a team of medical, engineering, and business experts, including executives from the equipment industry. Reflects the medical device industry’s increased globalization and focus on value-conscious healthcare. Features stories of technological developments that have shaped modern orthopaedic surgery practice. Reviews and evaluates emerging technologies, including reasons for success, reasons for failure, and lessons that can be applied to new solutions. Enrich Your Ebook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech
Arnoldsche Deep-Seated: The Secret Art of Upholstery
Upholstered pieces of furniture are familiar to all of us as more or less constant companions of everyday life. Upholstery is comfortable, it conveys security and promises comfort, it has a specific design, asserts or creates status and tells a (hi)story. We rarely consider its interior. At the same time, a view into the hidden content of chairs and armchairs is a journey into secrets, into lashed and sprung constructions that prove to be unknown masterpieces of craftsmanship. Deep-Seated. The Secret Art of Upholstery explores furniture and its interiors and explains why upholstery is always also a part of cultural and social history. With contributions by Thomas Andersch, Maximilian Busch, Cordula Fink, Thomas Rudi, Stefanie Seeberg, Thomas Schriefers, Xenia Schürmann, and a foreword by Olaf Thormann. Text in English and German.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry
The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry The new edition of the world-renowned reference guide on the use of medications for patients presenting with mental health problems The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry is the essential evidence-based handbook on the safe and effective prescribing of psychotropic agents. Covering both common and complex prescribing situations encountered in day-to-day clinical practice, this comprehensive resource provides expert guidance on drug choice, minimum and maximum doses, adverse effects, switching medications, prescribing for special patient groups, and more. Each clear and concise chapter includes an up-to-date reference list providing easy access to the evidence on which the guidance is based. The fourteenth edition has been fully updated to incorporate the latest available research, the most recent psychotropic drug introductions, and all psychotropic drugs currently used in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. Several new sections cover topics such as deprescribing of major psychiatric drugs, prescribing psychotropics at the end of life, the treatment of agitated delirium, the genetics of clozapine prescribing, the use of weekly penfluridol, and the treatment of psychotropic withdrawal. Featuring contributions by an experienced team of psychiatrists and specialist pharmacists, the new edition of The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry: Provides succinct coverage of drug treatment of psychiatric conditions and formulating prescribing policy in mental health Covers a wide range of psychiatric conditions including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety, borderline personality, eating disorders, and many others Provides advice on prescribing for children and adolescents, older people, pregnant women, and other special patient groups Offers new sections on genetic prescribing, long-acting injectable formulations, ketamine administration and uses, and dopamine super-sensitivity Includes referenced information on off-label prescribing, potential interactions with other substances such as alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine, and treating patients with comorbid physical conditions Whether in the doctor's office, in the clinic, or on the ward, The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry, Fourteenth Edition is a must-have for psychiatrists, pharmacists, neuropharmacologists, clinical psychologists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals working in mental health, as well as trainees and students in medicine, pharmacy, and nursing.
Penguin Books Ltd The Imitation of Christ
One of the most influential and well-loved books of Christianity, The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis appears here in Penguin Classics in a new translation by Robert Jeffery, with an introduction by Max Von Habsburg, notes, a chronology and further reading.The Imitation of Christ is a passionate celebration of God's love, mercy and holiness, which has stimulated religious devotion for over five hundred years. With great personal conviction and deep humanity, Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471) demonstrates the individual's reliance on God and on the words of Christ, and the futility of a life without faith, as well as exploring the ideas such as humility, compassion, patience and tolerance. Thomas spent some seventy years of his life in the reclusive environment of monasteries, yet in this astonishing work he demonstrates an encompassing understanding of human nature, while his writing speaks to readers of every age and every nation.Thomas à Kempis was born at Kempen near Dusseldorf in 1380. He received the priesthood in 1413. Thomas wrote many other devotional works besides The Imitation of Christ, his masterpiece, as well as biographies of Gerald Groote and Florentius Radewyn. He died in 1471.The Very Revd Robert Jeffery was born in 1935 and ordained in 1959. He has written on matters of Church history, spirituality, mission and ecumenism. In 1978, he became Archdeacon of Salop, and was Dean of Worcester from 1987-96 and subsequently Canon and Sub-Dean of Christ Church, Oxford. He retired in 2002 and is an Hon Doctor of Divinity of Birmingham University.Max von Habsburg is the author of Catholic and Protestant Translations of the Imitatio Christi 1425-1650 (2011).
Red Wheel/Weiser Roswell: the Ultimate Cold Case: Eyewitness Testimony and Evidence of Contact and the Cover-Up
Paul Dry Books The Tables of the Law
Johns Hopkins University Press The Johns Hopkins Guide to Diabetes: For Patients and Families
Living with diabetes is a balancing act of monitoring blood glucose, food intake, and medication. It makes sense that individuals who have diabetes do best when they understand their condition and how to control it. The Johns Hopkins Guide to Diabetes is a comprehensive and easy-to-read guide to this complex condition, answering questions such as: What are the differences between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes? How are the different forms of this disease treated? Can gestational diabetes become a permanent condition? Can diabetes ever be managed successfully with diet and exercise alone? The second edition of this valued resource includes up-to-date information on* How diabetes is diagnosed* The two types of diabetes* The role of genetics * Improvements in blood glucose measurement* Good nutrition and regular exercise* Insulin and non-insulin medications* Insulin pumps* The emotional side of diabetes* How families are affected and how they can help* What to do if diabetes affects your work* Complications from head to toe Written by a team of Johns Hopkins diabetes specialists, this authoritative guide will help people who have diabetes work effectively with their care team to control their diabetes and maintain good health.
Johns Hopkins University Press Public Health for an Aging Society
2012 Outstanding Academic Title, Choice MagazinePublic Health and Aging was published to critical acclaim almost fifteen years ago. Much has changed in public health since then. Thomas R. Prohaska, Lynda A. Anderson, and Robert H. Binstock now offer a completely new and updated overview of the field in Public Health for an Aging Society.This comprehensive survey discusses research, policy, and practice; managing and preventing diseases; promoting mental and physical health; and maintaining quality of life for an aging society. The fields of public health and aging have grown increasingly complex. Given the interdependency of issues posed by an aging society, the editors of this volume expand the traditional scope and treatments of public health and aging by adopting a social-ecological perspective that incorporates individual, family, community, societal, and environmental concerns. Chapters address the most critical public health issues facing an aging society, including Medicare and family caregiving, and introduce many new and emerging concepts, such as emergency preparedness, technology in aging, translational research, genomics, and environmental influences on health and health practices.The emergence of an aging society in the United States has far-reaching consequences for every generation. This book provides the latest information and future directions for the public health of this growing population. Students and practitioners will find Public Health for an Aging Society an invaluable resource both in the workplace and the classroom.
Georgetown University Press A Call to Fidelity: On the Moral Theology of Charles E. Curran
"A Call to Fidelity" seeks to thoughtfully examine and critically evaluate the contributions that Charles E. Curran has made to the field of Catholic moral theology over the past forty years. It also seeks to assess the development of specific topics in contemporary moral theology to which Curran has made his unique mark, particularly in fundamental ethics, sexual and medical ethics, social and political ethics, and topics related to dialogue with other traditions and approaches to Catholic ethics. Reviewing the many years of his influential writings, thought, and scholarship, fourteen distinguished scholars examine his contributions and the current state of the topics under discussion - which are as far ranging as academic freedom, birth control, gay and lesbian relationships, and feminism. Each contributor also provides a critical evaluation of Curran's work and outlines how these areas will hold or undergo transformation as the church looks toward its relationship with society and culture in the coming decades.
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. Making Failure Feasible: How Bankruptcy Reform Can End Too Big to Fail
In 2012, building off work first published in 2010, the Resolution Project proposed that a new Chapter 14 be added to the Bankruptcy Code, exclusively designed to deal with the reorganization or liquidation of the nation’s large financial institutions. In this book, the contributors expand on their proposal to improve the prospect that our largest financial institutions—particularly with prebankruptcy planning—could be successfully reorganized or liquidated pursuant to the rule of law and, in doing so, both make resolution planning pursuant to Title I of Dodd-Frank more fruitful and make reliance on administrative proceedings pursuant to Title II of Dodd-Frank largely unnecessary.
Westminster/John Knox Press,U.S. Connections: Year B, Volume 2: Lent Through Pentecost
Oxford University Press Inc Researching Theories of Crime
This book is a unique supplement for criminological theory courses, graduate level research methods courses, or seminars that take a close look at the development of criminological theory and/or methods. The book is intended to bridge the gap between theory and research in the study of crime and deviant behavior. Theory texts do not critically evaluate the research methods that generate the findings they cite. The student, therefore, obtains an impression of the utility of the theory based on an uncritical assessment of the research evidence. The purpose of this book is to explicitly assess the research methods that have been used to test nine theoretical perspectives of crime. Specifically, the authors focus on sampling, measurement, and analytical issues in doing theoretically directed research.
Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc Human Parasitology
Human Parasitology, Fifth Edition emphasizes a medical perspective that also incorporates functional morphology, physiology, biochemistry and immunology to enhance appreciation of the diverse implications of parasitism. Bridging the gap between classical clinical parasitology texts and traditional encyclopedic treatises, the book will not only appeal to students interested in the medical aspects of parasitology, but also those who are interested in gaining a solid foundation in the biology of parasites. This updated edition has been fully revised to integrate the most recent molecular discoveries about mosquitoes, ticks and other arthropods as vectors, along with the most effective therapeutic regimens for each.
The history of economics comprises the accumulated capital of the discipline; its study permits both the retrieval of important ideas and the conduct of analysis which places present day work in context. The essays in this book demonstrate some of the variety of uses to which the history of economics, as a sub-discipline, can be put.Economic Thought and Discourse in the 20th Century commences with an essay on John R. Hicks, one of the leading economic theorists of the twentieth century and a writer with much to say about the nature of economic theory and the functions of the history of economic thought. An essay on Thorstein Veblen examines a figure who is at once both idiosyncratic and monumental, and whose work on war and peace is seen both to have been deeply prescient at the time it was written, and to be critically relevant at the close of the twentieth century. The third piece in this collection is a study of the discursive and interpretative structure of Alfred Marshall's Principles of Economics. More than a century after its publication, the Principles is widely regarded as one of the most important, and immediately influential, works of economic science ever written. Yet, it is argued, Marshall's use of language and argument may well have been equal in importance to the analytical techniques which he demonstrated. The concluding essay on the early journal history of law and economics places in perspective much of the contemporary work in this area and suggests that more could be expected from a field with such a rich and suggestive history. These essays will make significant contributions both to their respective subjects and to the historiography of economics.
Guilford Publications ADHD Rating Scale—5 for Children and Adolescents: Checklists, Norms, and Clinical Interpretation
Grounded in more than 20 years of research, this valid, reliable, easy-to-administer instrument is widely used by mental health, educational, and medical practitioners in screening, diagnosis, and treatment evaluation. Parent questionnaires on home behaviors (English and Spanish) and teacher questionnaires on classroom behaviors are keyed to DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Each scale takes just 5 minutes to complete and comes in both a child (5-10) and adolescent (11-17) version, with developmentally appropriate symptom descriptions. Complete instructions are provided for scoring and interpretation, including separate scoring profiles for symptoms and impairments in boys and girls.New to This Edition: *Updated for DSM-5. *Separate adolescent versions of both home and school rating scales. *Includes functional impairment items linked to each symptom dimension (inattention symptoms and hyperactive-impulsive symptoms). *Full analysis of the revised scale's psychometric properties.QUICK VIEWWhat does it do?: Quickly determines the frequency and severity of ADHD symptoms and impairments.Age Range: 5-17Administration Time: 5 minutes for each scale.Format: Parent-report and teacher-report rating scales (includes parent forms in English and Spanish).Cost of Additional Forms: No cost--purchasers get permission to reproduce the forms and score sheets for repeated use.Includes Permission to Photocopy: Enhancing the convenience and value of the ADHD Rating Scale-5,the limited duplication license allows individual purchasers to reproduce the forms and score sheets for use with their clients or patients, yielding considerable cost savings over other available scales. The large format and sturdy wire binding facilitate photocopying.Age range: 5-17.Rating Scales and Scoring Sheets ADHD Rating Scale-5, Home Version: Child (English) ADHD Rating Scale-5, Home Version: Adolescent (English) ADHD Rating Scale-5, Home Version: Child (Spanish) ADHD Rating Scale-5, Home Version: Adolescent (Spanish) ADHD Rating Scale-5, Home Version: Symptom Scoring Sheet for Boys ADHD Rating Scale-5, Home Version: Symptom Scoring Sheet for Girls ADHD Rating Scale-5, Home Version: Impairment Scoring Sheet for Boys ADHD Rating Scale-5, Home Version: Impairment Scoring Sheet for Girls ADHD Rating Scale-5, School Version: Child ADHD Rating Scale-5, School Version: Adolescent ADHD Rating Scale-5, School Version: Symptom Scoring Sheet for Boys ADHD Rating Scale-5, School Version: Symptom Scoring Sheet for Girls ADHD Rating Scale-5, School Version: Impairment Scoring Sheet for Boys ADHD Rating Scale-5, School Version: Impairment Scoring Sheet for Girls Visit the publisher's website ( for technical information.
Johns Hopkins University Press Diabetes Head to Toe: Everything You Need to Know about Diagnosis, Treatment, and Living with Diabetes
A comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide to understanding and managing your diabetes.Silver Winner of the Benjamin Franklin Awards (Health & Fitness) by the Independent Book Publishers Association; Winner of the Best Book Award (Health: Medical Reference) by the American Book Fest; Silver Winner of Book Award (Education) by the National Health Information AwardsDiabetes Head to Toe is an invaluable resource for anyone living with diabetes. It includes everything you should know about the disease—straight from the experts. The authors, all doctors who specialize in diabetes care, offer simple explanations and essential advice on all things diabetes. Accessible and concise, Diabetes Head to Toe presents information at a glance, with conversational prose and easy-to-digest bullet points. Each chapter begins with a short introduction and includes helpful sections on "What You Need to Know" and "What Does It All Mean?" Other notable features include "Tips," "Myths and Facts," and frequently asked questions. In addition to defining medical concepts in everyday language while tackling core topics, such as patient dietary needs and lifestyle changes, this book contains unique coverage of• how to prevent and diagnose diabetes • the many complications—head to toe—that people with diabetes can develop • diabetes in diverse populations, including children and adults• new treatments for diabetes and how they work• common interactions between diabetes medications and other drugs • medical conditions that occur more frequently in people with diabetes, including eye disease, heart disease, kidney problems, depression, nerve damage, and sexual problems • cutting-edge diabetes technologies and the costs, benefits, and limitations of various devices• legal considerations that everyone with diabetes should keep in mind More than 50 illustrations illuminate key points, while a two-color format allows readers to quickly identify the information they are seeking. Aimed at people with diabetes, family members, teachers, physicians, nurses, dietitians, pharmacists, specialists, and anyone else who cares about the health of diabetes patients, this up-to-date book will help readers recognize the early warning signs before diabetes-related difficulties arise, ensuring a long, healthy life. Silver Winner of the 2019 Benjamin Franklin Awards (Health & Fitness) of the Independent Book Publishers Association.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Johns Hopkins Guide to Diabetes: For Patients and Families
Living with diabetes is a balancing act of monitoring blood glucose, food intake, and medication. It makes sense that individuals who have diabetes do best when they understand their condition and how to control it. The Johns Hopkins Guide to Diabetes is a comprehensive and easy-to-read guide to this complex condition, answering questions such as: What are the differences between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes? How are the different forms of this disease treated? Can gestational diabetes become a permanent condition? Can diabetes ever be managed successfully with diet and exercise alone? The second edition of this valued resource includes up-to-date information on: how diabetes is diagnosed; the two types of diabetes; the role of genetics; improvements in blood glucose measurement; good nutrition and regular exercise; insulin and non-insulin medications; insulin pumps; the emotional side of diabetes; how families are affected and how they can help; what to do if diabetes affects your work; and complications from head to toe. Written by a team of Johns Hopkins diabetes specialists, this authoritative guide will help people who have diabetes work effectively with their care team to control their diabetes and maintain good health.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fault Zone Dynamic Processes: Evolution of Fault Properties During Seismic Rupture
Earthquakes are some of the most dynamic features of the Earth. This multidisciplinary volume presents an overview of earthquake processes and properties including the physics of dynamic faulting, fault fabric and mechanics, physical and chemical properties of fault zones, dynamic rupture processes, and numerical modeling of fault zones during seismic rupture. This volume examines questions such as: • What are the dynamic processes recorded in fault gouge?• What can we learn about rupture dynamics from laboratory experiments?• How do on-fault and off-fault properties affect seismic ruptures?• How do fault zones evolve over time? Fault Zone Dynamic Processes: Evolution of Fault Properties During Seismic Rupture is a valuable resource for scientists, researchers and students from across the geosciences interested in the earthquakes processes.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Forest Mensuration
Forest mensuration – the science of measurement applied to forest vegetation and forest products – holds value for basic ecology as well as sustainable forest management. As demands on the world’s forests have grown, scientists and professionals are increasingly called on to quantify forest composition, structure, and the goods and services forests provide. Grounded in geometry, sampling theory, and ecology as well as practical field experience, forest mensuration offers opportunities for creative problem solving and critical thinking. This fifth edition of the classic volume, Forest Mensuration, includes coverage of traditional and emerging topics, with attention to SI and Imperial units throughout. The book has been reorganised from the fourth edition to better integrate non-timber and ecological aspects of forest mensuration at the tree, stand, forest, and landscape scales throughout. The new edition includes new chapters that specifically address the integration of remotely sensed data in the forest inventory process, and inventory methods for dead and downed wood. One unifying theme, not only for traditional forestry but for the non-timber inventory and for remote sensing, is the use of covariates to make sampling more efficient and spatially explicit. This is introduced in the introductory chapter on statistics and the chapter on sampling designs has been restructured to highlight this approach and lay the foundation for further learning. New examples will be developed throughout the textbook with an emphasis on current issues and international practice. Students in applied forestry programs will find ample coverage of forest products and timber inventory, while expanded material on biodiversity, biomass and carbon inventory, downed dead wood, and the growing role of remote sensing in forest assessment will be valuable to a broader audience in applied ecology.
New York University Press New Men: Manliness in Early America
In 1782, J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur wrote, “What then, is the American, this new man? He is an American, who, leaving behind him all his ancient prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the new mode of life he has embraced.” In casting aside their European mores, these pioneers, de Crèvecoeur implied, were the very embodiment of a new culture, society, economy, and political system. But to what extent did manliness shape early America’s character and institutions? And what roles did race, ethnicity, and class play in forming masculinity? Thomas A. Foster and his contributors grapple with these questions in New Men, showcasing how colonial and Revolutionary conditions gave rise to new standards of British American manliness. Focusing on Indian, African, and European masculinities in British America from earliest Jamestown through the Revolutionary era, and addressing such topics that range from slavery to philanthropy, and from satire to warfare, the essays in this anthology collectively demonstrate how the economic, political, social, cultural, and religious conditions of early America shaped and were shaped by ideals of masculinity. Contributors: Susan Abram, Tyler Boulware, Kathleen Brown, Trevor Burnard, Toby L. Ditz, Carolyn Eastman, Benjamin Irvin, Janet Moore Lindman, John Gilbert McCurdy, Mary Beth Norton, Ann Marie Plane, Jessica Choppin Roney, and Natalie A. Zacek.
Cornell University Press Up in the Air: How Airlines Can Improve Performance by Engaging Their Employees
"And you thought the passengers were mad. Airline employees are fed up, too-with pay cuts, increased workloads and management's miserly ways, which leave workers to explain to often-enraged passengers why flying has become such a miserable experience."—The New York Times, December 22, 2007 When both an industry's workers and its customers report high and rising frustration with the way they are being treated, something is fundamentally wrong. In response to these conditions, many of the world's airlines have made ever-deeper cuts in services and their workforces. Is it too much to expect airlines, or any other enterprise, to provide a fair return to investors, high-quality reliable service to their customers, and good jobs for their employees? Measured against these three expectations, the airline industry is failing. In the first five years of the twenty-first century alone, U.S. airlines lost a total of $30 billion while shedding 100,000 jobs, forcing the remaining workers to give up over $15 billion in wages and benefits. Combined with plummeting employee morale, shortages of air traffic controllers, and increased congestion and flight delays, a total collapse of the industry may be coming. Is this state of affairs inevitable? Or is it possible to design a more sustainable, less volatile industry that better balances the objectives of customers, investors, employees, and the wider society? Does deregulation imply total abrogation of government's responsibility to oversee an industry showing the clear signs of deterioration and increasing risk of a pending crisis? Greg J. Bamber, Jody Hoffer Gittell, Thomas A. Kochan, and Andrew von Nordenflycht explore such questions in a well-informed and engaging way, using a mix of quantitative evidence and qualitative studies of airlines from North America, Asia, Australia, and Europe. Up in the Air provides clear and realistic strategies for achieving a better, more equitable balance among the interests of customers, employees, and shareholders. Specifically, the authors recommend that firms learn from the innovations of companies like Southwest and Continental Airlines in order to build a positive workplace culture that fosters coordination and commitment to high-quality service, labor relations policies that avoid long drawn-out conflicts in negotiating new agreements, and business strategies that can sustain investor, employee, and customer support through the ups and downs of business cycles.
Princeton University Press Pandemic Politics: The Deadly Toll of Partisanship in the Age of COVID
How the politicization of the pandemic endangers our lives—and our democracyCOVID-19 has killed more people than any war or public health crisis in American history, but the scale and grim human toll of the pandemic were not inevitable. Pandemic Politics examines how Donald Trump politicized COVID-19, shedding new light on how his administration tied the pandemic to the president’s political fate in an election year and chose partisanship over public health, with disastrous consequences for all of us.Health is not an inherently polarizing issue, but the Trump administration’s partisan response to COVID-19 led ordinary citizens to prioritize what was good for their “team” rather than what was good for their country. Democrats, in turn, viewed the crisis as evidence of Trump’s indifference to public well-being. At a time when solidarity and bipartisan unity were sorely needed, Americans came to see the pandemic in partisan terms, adopting behaviors and attitudes that continue to divide us today. This book draws on a wealth of new data on public opinion to show how pandemic politics has touched all aspects of our lives—from the economy to race and immigration—and puts America’s COVID-19 response in global perspective.An in-depth account of a uniquely American tragedy, Pandemic Politics reveals how the politicization of the COVID-19 pandemic has profound and troubling implications for public health and the future of democracy itself.