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Buona Vita-Be Creative Poems for Restless Minds (& Restless Hearts)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Universe And The Atom, The
This is a fascinating and popular account of the very large and the very small, from the universe as a whole to subatomic physics. It includes qualitative explanations of quantum mechanics and relativity, the big bang with inflation, the synthesis of elements, atoms, nuclei, subnuclear physics, quarks, leptons, and other elementary particles. It also gives an account of dark matter and dark energy. In summary, it provides and overview of what we know about the universe and what it is made of, and also what we don't know.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Science, Politics, Stem Cells And Genes: California's War On Chronic Disease
Is there a way to fight back against 'incurable' disease? California thought so — and put its money where its mind was — three billion dollars' worth! And when that was gone, how about five and a half billion dollars more — to build and expand the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine?For some, science excites; it is the great adventure, to challenge the impossible: like a real-life battle with a giant squid, or the proposed disassembly of the Eiffel Tower, or ejecting from a jet in the sky, from a height greater than Mount Everest.For others, regenerative medicine is a mystery — could the urge to do murder have a genetic cause — which might be reduced?And for everyone, there is the fight to protect our loved ones' lives— 133 million of us, suffering from chronic disease — from America alone, a colossal cost of $3 trillion dollars last year.An epic battle, 'Science, Politics, Stem Cells and Genes: CALIFORNIA'S WAR ON CHRONIC DISEASE' takes the reader behind the scenes.An award-winning teacher, Reed shares science in stories — including the systematic assault on Alzheimer's disease, cancer, autism, epilepsy, liver failure, schizophrenia, obesity, stroke, sickle cell, arthritis, blindness, paralysis, kidney failure, ALS, aging, and much, much more.Readers can expect a greater understanding of the intricate adventure of stem cell research, as well as the political wrestling it took to make progress possible — that California's effort may benefit the world.From early research to clinical trials, America should take pride in the accomplishments of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine.Read on.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Science, Politics, Stem Cells And Genes: California's War On Chronic Disease
Is there a way to fight back against 'incurable' disease? California thought so — and put its money where its mind was — three billion dollars' worth! And when that was gone, how about five and a half billion dollars more — to build and expand the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine?For some, science excites; it is the great adventure, to challenge the impossible: like a real-life battle with a giant squid, or the proposed disassembly of the Eiffel Tower, or ejecting from a jet in the sky, from a height greater than Mount Everest.For others, regenerative medicine is a mystery — could the urge to do murder have a genetic cause — which might be reduced?And for everyone, there is the fight to protect our loved ones' lives— 133 million of us, suffering from chronic disease — from America alone, a colossal cost of $3 trillion dollars last year.An epic battle, 'Science, Politics, Stem Cells and Genes: CALIFORNIA'S WAR ON CHRONIC DISEASE' takes the reader behind the scenes.An award-winning teacher, Reed shares science in stories — including the systematic assault on Alzheimer's disease, cancer, autism, epilepsy, liver failure, schizophrenia, obesity, stroke, sickle cell, arthritis, blindness, paralysis, kidney failure, ALS, aging, and much, much more.Readers can expect a greater understanding of the intricate adventure of stem cell research, as well as the political wrestling it took to make progress possible — that California's effort may benefit the world.From early research to clinical trials, America should take pride in the accomplishments of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine.Read on.
Wave Books DMZ Colony
WINNER OF THE 2020 NATIONAL BOOK AWARD FOR POETRY "Don Mee Choi's urgent DMZ Colony captures the migratory latticework of those transformed by war and colonization. Homelands present and past share one sky where birds fly, but 'during the Korean War cranes had no place to land.' Devastating and vigilant, this bricolage of survivor accounts, drawings, photographs, and hand-written texts unearth the truth between fact and the critical imagination. We are all 'victims of History,' so Choi compels us to witness, and to resist."--Judges Citation Woven from poems, prose, photographs, and drawings, Don Mee Choi's DMZ Colony is a tour de force of personal and political reckoning set over eight acts. Evincing the power of translation as a poetic device to navigate historical and linguistic borders, it explores Edward Said's notion of "the intertwined and overlapping histories" in regards to South Korea and the United States through innovative deployments of voice, story, and poetics. Like its sister book, Hardly War, it holds history accountable, its very presence a resistance to empire and a hope in humankind.
Nova Science Publishers Inc International Religious Freedom Act: Elements & Implementation Efforts
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Financial Risk Management: An End User Perspective
In the field of financial risk management, the 'sell side' is the set of financial institutions who offer risk management products to corporations, governments, and institutional investors, who comprise the 'buy side'. The sell side is often at a significant advantage as it employs quantitative experts who provide specialized knowledge. Further, the existing body of knowledge on risk management, while extensive, is highly technical and mathematical and is directed to the sell side.This book levels the playing field by approaching risk management from the buy side instead, focusing on educating corporate and institutional users of risk management products on the essential knowledge they need to be an intelligent buyer. Rather than teach financial engineering, this volume covers the principles that the buy side should know to enable it to ask the right questions and avoid being misled by the complexity often presented by the sell side.Written in a user-friendly manner, this textbook is ideal for graduate and advanced undergraduate classes in finance and risk management, MBA students specializing in finance, and corporate and institutional investors. The text is accompanied by extensive supporting material including exhibits, end-of-chapter questions and problems, solutions, and PowerPoint slides for lecturers.
Hierophant Publishing Shamanic Power Animals: Embracing the Teachings of Our Nonhuman Friends
Austin Macauley Publishers Once Upon a Time in Jamaica - Part 1
Cambridge University Press A Student's Guide to Dimensional Analysis
This introduction to dimensional analysis covers the methods, history and formalisation of the field, and provides physics and engineering applications. Covering topics from mechanics, hydro- and electrodynamics to thermal and quantum physics, it illustrates the possibilities and limitations of dimensional analysis. Introducing basic physics and fluid engineering topics through the mathematical methods of dimensional analysis, this book is perfect for students in physics, engineering and mathematics. Explaining potentially unfamiliar concepts such as viscosity and diffusivity, the text includes worked examples and end-of-chapter problems with answers provided in an accompanying appendix, which help make it ideal for self-study. Long-standing methodological problems arising in popular presentations of dimensional analysis are also identified and solved, making the book a useful text for advanced students and professionals.
MP-WLU Wilfrid Laurier Uni Field Marks
Features thirty-five of Don McKay's best poems, which are selected with a contextualizing introduction by Méira Cook that probes wilderness and representation in McKay, and the canny, quirky, thoughtful, and sometimes comic self-consciousness the poems adumbrate.
Paradigm Education Solutions Pharmacy Calculations for Technicians Text Pharmacy Technician
With Pharmacy Calculations for Technicians, students learn the essential mathematics concepts and skills pharmacy technicians use on the job. Clear, complete examples and practice problems guide students in learning the skills required for calculating and preparing drug doses in both community and institutional pharmacy settings.
Urano Mas Alla del Miedo
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Hitler's Home Front: Memoirs of a Hitler Youth
Twelve years of rule by Hitler and the Nazi Party could have made Germany a third world country after the end of the war, and according to some highly placed Allied officials of the time; that would not have been such a bad idea. Whatever treatment the Allies had in mind for the Germans could not have been much worse than the conditions already in existence for them just before and just after the end of the war. The German economy and infrastructure was already a wreck and the inflation continued after the surrender with prices of essentials (if they could be bought) rising to double and triple that of 1943. Only the war industry continued to function reasonably well right up to the end. He has never voted for any political party and does not support one now, saying that the only honest politician he remembers is Adolf Hitler. "Hitler said, 'Give me five years and you won't recognize Germany'. This book is a memoir of Wilhelm Gehlen and his childhood in Nazi Germany, as a Nazi Youth and the awful circumstances which he and his friends and family had to endure during and following the war.Including a handful of recipes and descriptions of the strange and sometimes disgusting food that nevertheless kept people alive, this book sheds light on the truly awful conditions and the common feeling and aim among members of the Hitler Youth - that it was their duty to do everything possible to save the Thousand Year Reich in 1945.
Johns Hopkins University Press American Civil-Military Relations: The Soldier and the State in a New Era
American Civil-Military Relations offers the first comprehensive assessment of the subject since the publication of Samuel P. Huntington's field-defining book, The Soldier and the State. Using this seminal work as a point of departure, experts in the fields of political science, history, and sociology ask what has been learned and what more needs to be investigated in the relationship between civilian and military sectors in the 21st century. Leading scholars-such as Richard Betts, Risa Brooks, James Burk, Michael Desch, Peter Feaver, Richard Kohn, Williamson Murray, and David Segal-discuss key issues, including:* changes in officer education since the end of the Cold War;* shifting conceptions of military expertise in response to evolving operational and strategic requirements;* increased military involvement in high-level politics; and* the domestic and international contexts of U.S. civil-military relations. The first section of the book provides contrasting perspectives of American civil-military relations within the last five decades. The next section addresses Huntington's conception of societal and functional imperatives and their influence on the civil-military relationship. Following sections examine relationships between military and civilian leaders and describe the norms and practices that should guide those interactions. The editors frame these original essays with introductory and concluding chapters that synthesize the key arguments of the book. What is clear from the essays in this volume is that the line between civil and military expertise and responsibility is not that sharply drawn, and perhaps given the increasing complexity of international security issues, it should not be. When forming national security policy, the editors conclude, civilian and military leaders need to maintain a respectful and engaged dialogue. American Civil-Military Relations is essential reading for students and scholars interested in civil-military relations, U.S. politics, and national security policy.
EMC Paradigm,US Pharmacy Practice for Technicians: Text
Students receive comprehensive content on pharmacy technician practice along with coverage of business operations in a community pharmacy, professionalism and ethics in the workplace, and pharmacy careers. They will gain insight on healthcare reform, pharmacology, e-prescribing, informatics, pharmacy automation systems, medication safety initiatives, innovative drug delivery systems, and medication therapy management services.
Gibbs M. Smith Inc Magnolias The Classics: Collected Recipes from the Heart of Charleston
Hierophant Publishing The Seven Secrets to Healthy, Happy Relationships
Great Smoky Mountains Association Hiking Trails of the Smokies
Red 5 Premium The Dark Age
Riverbend Publishing The Elk Hunter
Riverbend Publishing Short in the Saddle
AU Press Dustship Glory
In this new edition of a prairie classic, Andreas Schroederfictionalizes the true story of Tom Sukanen’s wild scheme tobuild an ocean-going ship in the middle of a wheat field inSaskatchewan. Set during the hardships of the “DirtyThirties,” Dustship Glory presents us withSukanen’s mythic effort to escape both the drought and pestilenceof his time, as well as his own personal struggle to be free. Featuring an illuminating foreword by beloved Saskatoon writer DonKerr, Dustship Glory will provide Canadian and internationalaudiences alike with the opportunity to reacquaint themselves with thedramatic tale of a ship that still stands in the fields south of MooseJaw in Saskatchewan.
Simon & Schuster Audio The Trial of the Century
Severn River Publishing Final Bearing
Lone Pine Publishing,Canada Perennials for Illinois
Perennial gardening can be easy, fun and rewarding, especially when you have this beautifully illustrated guide at your fingertips. With detailed accounts of 92 different perennials, along with information on 569 recommended varieties and cultivars perfect for Illinois gardens, this book takes the guesswork out of perennial gardening. The authors share their commonsense and practical advice to help you transform any patch of ground into a spectacular garden you can enjoy year after year: * Flower and foliage colors * Height and spread ranges * Blooming periods * How and when to start your plants * Planting strategies * Light, water and nutrient needs * Choosing perennials for any location--wet or dry, clay or sandy, sunny or shady * Over 450 color photographs.
Skyhorse Publishing Black Sun Rising: Book One: Praetorian Series
A new ultra-elite force, developed over the last two decades and now ready to deploy, has entered the scene of worldwide clandestine military operations: The Praetorians. The Praetorians is made up of the best of the best WORLDWIDE and hand-selected to make up the most elite special operations unit in history. Armed with incredible, beyond cutting-edge technological equipment and weapons, the Praetorians is prepared to face the worst threats known to mankind. Operating out of a secret underground base in Cyprus, the men and women of this unit train relentlessly to be ready. In book one of this new series, we will explore the origins of the Praetorians as well as introduce their first major enemy: the terrorist group known as the Black Sun. The Black Sun organization is primarily made up of those former ISIS and Al-Qaeda members who thought their previous groups were too soft…these men represent the most barbaric of any previous known terrorist group. Imagine having Attila the Hun meshed with a violent religious ideology, but also now add advanced technological weapons to the mix. Extremely dangerous doesn’t even begin to do justice to the term…
Skyhorse Publishing Navy SEALs: The Combat History of the Deadliest Warriors on the Planet
New York Times bestselling authorDon Man and Lance Burton tell the history of the most respected and feared fighting force every created—The US Navy SEALs.“For those brave souls—past, present, and future—and those who wish to honor them—their story is in the pages that follow.”From their birth in World War II as combat swimmers clearing the beaches of Normandy to their evolution into fighting men who could operate anywhere in the world by sea, air, or land, the intrepid story of the US Navy SEALs is one of courage, sacrifice, and world-renowned toughness that echoes of other great military units of history—the Spartans, the Roman legions, or the samurai. Take a look inside to find out what makes the SEALs America’s deadliest warriors.This is a narrative history; stories based on either direct experiences or exhaustive research. Mann and Burton take the reader through the inception of the Naval Combat Demolition Teams (NCDU) and Underwater Demolition Teams (UDT) during World War II, their testing and development in Korea and into the Vietnam War, where the SEALs truly laid the groundwork for their legendary status, and on into the present day. The authors highlight the major steps and operations along the way, discuss the training and what it takes, and explore some of the most important moments in SEAL history.
Skyhorse Publishing The Cover-Up at Omaha Beach: D-Day, the US Rangers, and the Untold Story of Maisy Battery
August House Publishers Tales of Enchantment
Chronicle Books Zombies
The year is 2011, and what starts as a pervasive and inexplicable illness ends up as a zombie infestation that devastates the world's population, leaving scattered pockets of humans fighting for survival. Taking the form of an illustrated biologist's journal found in the aftermath of the attack, this pulse-pounding, suspenseful tale of zombie apocalypse follows the narrator as he flees from city to countryside heading north to Canada, where - he hopes - the undead will be slowed by colder climate. Encountering scattered humans and scores of infected on the way, he fills his notebook with graphic drawings of the zombies and careful observations of their behavior (are the zombies actually learning?), along with terrifying tales of survival. This original new entry to the massively popular zombie resurgence will keep fans on the edge of their seats to the very end. The character's background as a biologist (and amateur birdwatcher) give him the interests and abilities to notice (and draw/paint/record) interesting things about the zombies. The journal is kept in the quiet times at night in shelters between eventful zombie attacks and escapes and run-ins with good and not-so-good human survivors. He also discovers what may be the root cause of the infection in the remains of a shattered laboratory. The title is illustrated page-by-page with detailed gory realistic depictions of zombies and zombie mayhem, with accompanying journal accounts and scientific observations.
Henry Holt & Company Toys!: Amazing Stories Behind Some Great Inventions
William B Eerdmans Publishing Co The Amazing Age of John Roy Lynch
Compass Point Books Hitler in Paris: How a Photograph Shocked a World at War
Random House USA Inc Corduroy Makes a Cake
Penguin Putnam Inc Corduroy's Christmas Surprise
Zondervan The Day Is Waiting
Don Freeman, the creator of Corduroy, was one of the most beloved and popular author/illustrators of picture books for children. After Freeman’s death in 1978, colleagues and his wife decided to use his never before published artwork and make a commemorative book using his wonderful illustrations. Paired with Linda Zuckerman's thoughtful rhyming text, The Day Is Waiting takes readers on a tour of our big, wide world and reminds us that no matter how far we roam, we always have home to come back to.This classic tale is imbued with Freeman’s gentle humor, spontaneity, and his appreciation of the variety and complexity of human experiences, creating a book that children will enjoy reading again and again..
Orenda Books Wolves at the Door
The wolves are no longer in the dark … they are at his door. And they want vengeance … The next instalment in the international, bestselling Varg Veum series by one of the fathers of Nordic Noir … ‘One of the finest Nordic novelists - in the tradition of Henning Menkell’ Barry Forshaw, Independent ‘Masterful pacing’ Publishers Weekly 'Mature and captivating’ Herald Scotland ‘The Norwegian Chandler’ Jo Nesbø _________________ One dark January night a car drives at high speed towards PI Varg Veum, and comes very close to killing him. Veum is certain this is no accident, following so soon after the deaths of two jailed men who were convicted for their participation in a case of child pornography and sexual assault … crimes that Veum himself once stood wrongly accused of committing. While the guilty men were apparently killed accidentally, Varg suspects that there is something more sinister at play … and that he’s on the death list of someone still at large. Fearing for his life, Veum begins to investigate the old case, interviewing the victims of abuse and delving deeper into the brutal crimes, with shocking results. The wolves are no longer in the dark … they are at his door. _________________ Praise for Gunnar Staalesen ‘Gunnar Staalesen is one of my very favourite Scandinavian authors. Operating out of Bergen in Norway, his private eye, Varg Veum, is a complex but engaging anti-hero. Varg means “wolf ” in Norwegian, and this is a series with very sharp teeth’ Ian Rankin ‘Almost forty years into the Varg Veum odyssey, Staalesen is at the height of his storytelling powers’ Crime Fiction Lover ‘Staalesen continually reminds us he is one of the finest of Nordic novelists’ Financial Times ‘Chilling and perilous results — all told in a pleasingly dry style’ Sunday Times ‘Staalesen does a masterful job of exposing the worst of Norwegian society in this highly disturbing entry’ Publishers Weekly 'The Varg Veum series is more concerned with character and motivation than spectacle, and it’s in the quieter scenes that the real drama lies’ Herald Scotland 'Every inch the equal of his Nordic confreres Henning Mankell and Jo Nesbo' Independent ‘Not many books hook you in the first chapter – this one did, and never let go!’ Mari Hannah ‘With an expositional style that is all but invisible, Staalesen masterfully compels us from the first pages … If you’re a fan of Varg Veum, this is not to be missed, and if you’re new to the series, this is one of the best ones. You’re encouraged to jump right in, even if the Norwegian names can be a bit confusing to follow’ Crime Fiction Lover ‘With short, smart, darkly punchy chapters Wolves at the Door is a provocative and gripping read’ LoveReading ‘Haunting, dark and totally noir, a great read’ New Books Magazine
Bedford Square Publishers The Frozen Woman
Shortlisted for the CWA International Dagger 2018 Two time winner of Norway's Best Crime Novel A FROZEN BODY A MURDERED BIKER A RADICAL LAWYER WITH A MURKY PAST A FROZEN BODY... A MURDERED BIKER... A RADICAL LAWYER WITH A MURKY PAST In the depths of the Norwegian winter, the corpse of a woman is discovered in the garden of a notorious left-wing lawyer, Vilhelm Thygesen. She has been stabbed to death. A young biker, a member of a gang once represented by Thygesen, dies in suspicious circumstances. As Thygesen receives anonymous threats, investigating detectives Stribolt and Vaage uncover a web of crime and violence extending far beyond Norway's borders. Does the frozen woman hold the key?
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Modern Guide to Philosophy of Economics
This insightful Modern Guide offers a broad coverage of questions and controversies encountered by contemporary economists. A refreshing approach to philosophy of economics, chapters comprise a range of methodological and theoretical perspectives, from lab and field experiments to macroeconomics and applied policy work, written using a familiar, accessible language for economists. Highlighting key areas of methodological controversy, the Modern Guide looks at estimating utility functions in choice data, causal modelling, and ethics in randomised control trials. Chapters further explore topical issues, including: economists' attitudes to other disciplines; gender bias in economic research; methods of modelling social influence in economics; behavioural welfare economics; anti-poverty policy controversies; and inflexible reliance on DSGE models in macroeconomics. Furthermore, it explores the implications of the last financial crisis for macroeconomic confidence, and ways to adapt abstract theory to everyday policy advice. Avoiding philosophical jargon, and with the majority of chapters written by economists, this Modern Guide will challenge economists and scholars of philosophy of economics to engage with different approaches to the topic. This will also be a useful tool for policy makers administering nudges, development initiatives, macro-forecasting and monetary policy.
Armchair Fiction & Music Sargasso of Lost Starships & The Ice Queen
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Homeopathic Care for Cats and Dogs, Revised Edition: Small Doses for Small Animals
Hodder & Stoughton SEAL Team Six Book 6: Hunt the Dragon
An action-packed military thriller for fans of Chris Ryan and Andy McNab. Navy SEALs Crocker and Mancini are on a training exercise in Las Vegas when a moment of relaxation is interrupted by a violent altercation between hotel security and three businessmen claiming to be Chinese diplomats. They attempt to stop the fleeing businessmen, but soon realise that they may not be who they claim to be. That same night Las Vegas goes dark - someone has hacked into the Nevada Power Company system and shut down the entire city. As chaos reigns the businessmen make their escape. When Crocker and the rest of SEAL Team Six attempt to track them down, they find themselves drawn into a North Korean plot that combines cyber warfare and the theft of black market nuclear weapons. As darkness reigns, the squad is the last hope of preventing a conspiracy that could have catastrophic international consequences.
Crossway Books The Biggest Story Curriculum, Volume 4: Gospels (Stories 53–84)
These 32 carefully constructed lessons on key biblical stories—including the birth of Jesus, the healing of the leper, and Jesus’s crucifixion—help children in grades K–5 grasp God’s plan to redeem the world through his Son, Jesus.
Crossway Books The Biggest Story Curriculum, Volume 1: Pentateuch (Stories 1–20)
These 20 carefully constructed lessons on key biblical stories—including creation, the flood, the tower of Babel, and Jacob and Esau—help children in grades K–5 grasp God’s plan to redeem the world through his Son, Jesus.
Crossway Books The Biggest Story Posters
Each colorful poster in this set of 104 features text from The Biggest Story Bible Storybook by Kevin DeYoung on one side and related artwork by Don Clark on the other—all to help kids learn and review Scripture visually.