Search results for ""author don""
Outlook Verlag El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la mancha
Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg. Leben mit den Vier Versprechen Der neue Weg zur Selbstbefreiung
Hogrefe AG Klassiker der Körperwahrnehmung
Hierophant Publishing The Wisdom of the Shamans: What the Ancient Masters Can Teach Us About Love and Life
Harvard University Press The Scientific Estate
The faith in science as an ally of political and economic progress, which Franklin and Jefferson made so firm a part of the American tradition, has been undermined by the very success of the scientific revolution. Has science become so powerful that it cannot be controlled by democratic processes? Is the scientific community acquiring a privileged role in government something like that of the ecclesiastical estate in the medieval world?Writing from first-hand experience in government administration and his service on three presidential advisory panels, as well as from extensive research, Don K. Price describes how science and technology have weakened the independence of private corporations and broken down some of the checks and balances on which we have relied for the protection of freedom. In this connection he recounts the recent attempts to set up a national program of oceanographic research, showing that the more advanced the scientific and technological programs are, the more difficult it is to contain them within the normal departmental structure and the more likely they are to bypass the regular lines of responsibility. He then faces the question of whether science is leading us toward some new type of centralized power in which its own processes, rather than those of representative democracy, will determine our policies.He argues, on the contrary, that the more scientific the sciences become, and the more competent to help in the understanding of public issues, the more freedom of choice they provide for responsible politicians. Science can be translated into political decisions only if its knowledge can be mixed with political purpose. This is done through a chain of responsibility that runs from the scientists to the professionals (like engineers and physicians), and on to administrators and politicians.Within this set of relations, Mr. Price suggests, we are developing a new system of checks and balances. For whether science leads toward tyranny or freedom depends not on a nation’s state of technological progress, but on what it believes. The freedom of science owes less to the nineteenth-century ideas of laissez-faire and parliamentary sovereignty than to the older tradition on which the American revolution based its separation of church and state and its federal system.Mr. Price examines the ways in which the President and Congress make use of scientific advice. He sees less reason to fear that authority will be unduly centralized in either the legislative or executive branch, under the American system, than that executive agencies and Congressional committees with common interests in technological programs may acquire power and influence without adequate responsibility.
Buona Vita-Be Creative Poems for Restless Minds (& Restless Hearts)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Universe And The Atom, The
This is a fascinating and popular account of the very large and the very small, from the universe as a whole to subatomic physics. It includes qualitative explanations of quantum mechanics and relativity, the big bang with inflation, the synthesis of elements, atoms, nuclei, subnuclear physics, quarks, leptons, and other elementary particles. It also gives an account of dark matter and dark energy. In summary, it provides and overview of what we know about the universe and what it is made of, and also what we don't know.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Science, Politics, Stem Cells And Genes: California's War On Chronic Disease
Is there a way to fight back against 'incurable' disease? California thought so — and put its money where its mind was — three billion dollars' worth! And when that was gone, how about five and a half billion dollars more — to build and expand the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine?For some, science excites; it is the great adventure, to challenge the impossible: like a real-life battle with a giant squid, or the proposed disassembly of the Eiffel Tower, or ejecting from a jet in the sky, from a height greater than Mount Everest.For others, regenerative medicine is a mystery — could the urge to do murder have a genetic cause — which might be reduced?And for everyone, there is the fight to protect our loved ones' lives— 133 million of us, suffering from chronic disease — from America alone, a colossal cost of $3 trillion dollars last year.An epic battle, 'Science, Politics, Stem Cells and Genes: CALIFORNIA'S WAR ON CHRONIC DISEASE' takes the reader behind the scenes.An award-winning teacher, Reed shares science in stories — including the systematic assault on Alzheimer's disease, cancer, autism, epilepsy, liver failure, schizophrenia, obesity, stroke, sickle cell, arthritis, blindness, paralysis, kidney failure, ALS, aging, and much, much more.Readers can expect a greater understanding of the intricate adventure of stem cell research, as well as the political wrestling it took to make progress possible — that California's effort may benefit the world.From early research to clinical trials, America should take pride in the accomplishments of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine.Read on.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Science, Politics, Stem Cells And Genes: California's War On Chronic Disease
Is there a way to fight back against 'incurable' disease? California thought so — and put its money where its mind was — three billion dollars' worth! And when that was gone, how about five and a half billion dollars more — to build and expand the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine?For some, science excites; it is the great adventure, to challenge the impossible: like a real-life battle with a giant squid, or the proposed disassembly of the Eiffel Tower, or ejecting from a jet in the sky, from a height greater than Mount Everest.For others, regenerative medicine is a mystery — could the urge to do murder have a genetic cause — which might be reduced?And for everyone, there is the fight to protect our loved ones' lives— 133 million of us, suffering from chronic disease — from America alone, a colossal cost of $3 trillion dollars last year.An epic battle, 'Science, Politics, Stem Cells and Genes: CALIFORNIA'S WAR ON CHRONIC DISEASE' takes the reader behind the scenes.An award-winning teacher, Reed shares science in stories — including the systematic assault on Alzheimer's disease, cancer, autism, epilepsy, liver failure, schizophrenia, obesity, stroke, sickle cell, arthritis, blindness, paralysis, kidney failure, ALS, aging, and much, much more.Readers can expect a greater understanding of the intricate adventure of stem cell research, as well as the political wrestling it took to make progress possible — that California's effort may benefit the world.From early research to clinical trials, America should take pride in the accomplishments of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine.Read on.
Wave Books DMZ Colony
WINNER OF THE 2020 NATIONAL BOOK AWARD FOR POETRY "Don Mee Choi's urgent DMZ Colony captures the migratory latticework of those transformed by war and colonization. Homelands present and past share one sky where birds fly, but 'during the Korean War cranes had no place to land.' Devastating and vigilant, this bricolage of survivor accounts, drawings, photographs, and hand-written texts unearth the truth between fact and the critical imagination. We are all 'victims of History,' so Choi compels us to witness, and to resist."--Judges Citation Woven from poems, prose, photographs, and drawings, Don Mee Choi's DMZ Colony is a tour de force of personal and political reckoning set over eight acts. Evincing the power of translation as a poetic device to navigate historical and linguistic borders, it explores Edward Said's notion of "the intertwined and overlapping histories" in regards to South Korea and the United States through innovative deployments of voice, story, and poetics. Like its sister book, Hardly War, it holds history accountable, its very presence a resistance to empire and a hope in humankind.
Nova Science Publishers Inc International Religious Freedom Act: Elements & Implementation Efforts
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Financial Risk Management: An End User Perspective
In the field of financial risk management, the 'sell side' is the set of financial institutions who offer risk management products to corporations, governments, and institutional investors, who comprise the 'buy side'. The sell side is often at a significant advantage as it employs quantitative experts who provide specialized knowledge. Further, the existing body of knowledge on risk management, while extensive, is highly technical and mathematical and is directed to the sell side.This book levels the playing field by approaching risk management from the buy side instead, focusing on educating corporate and institutional users of risk management products on the essential knowledge they need to be an intelligent buyer. Rather than teach financial engineering, this volume covers the principles that the buy side should know to enable it to ask the right questions and avoid being misled by the complexity often presented by the sell side.Written in a user-friendly manner, this textbook is ideal for graduate and advanced undergraduate classes in finance and risk management, MBA students specializing in finance, and corporate and institutional investors. The text is accompanied by extensive supporting material including exhibits, end-of-chapter questions and problems, solutions, and PowerPoint slides for lecturers.
Hierophant Publishing Shamanic Power Animals: Embracing the Teachings of Our Nonhuman Friends
Austin Macauley Publishers Once Upon a Time in Jamaica - Part 1
Cambridge University Press A Student's Guide to Dimensional Analysis
This introduction to dimensional analysis covers the methods, history and formalisation of the field, and provides physics and engineering applications. Covering topics from mechanics, hydro- and electrodynamics to thermal and quantum physics, it illustrates the possibilities and limitations of dimensional analysis. Introducing basic physics and fluid engineering topics through the mathematical methods of dimensional analysis, this book is perfect for students in physics, engineering and mathematics. Explaining potentially unfamiliar concepts such as viscosity and diffusivity, the text includes worked examples and end-of-chapter problems with answers provided in an accompanying appendix, which help make it ideal for self-study. Long-standing methodological problems arising in popular presentations of dimensional analysis are also identified and solved, making the book a useful text for advanced students and professionals.
Taylor Trade Publishing Fuqua
Born in 1918 in rural Prince Edward County, Virginia, J.B. Fuqua knew by the age of 14 that he wanted more out of life than being a tobacco farmer. In this book, he discusses the highlights of his multi-faceted career. He records not only the details of various deals and the influential faces he has known, but also offers up lessons he has learned along the way about work, family, and life.
Arcadia Publishing Hempstead Village
Arcadia Publishing (SC) Maritime Elizabeth City
Archipelago Books My Struggle: Book One
Penguin Putnam Inc Hope's Gift
Outlook Verlag Colección de los mejores autores españoles: Vol. 58 Tomo 2
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Yoga auf dem Stuhl für Dummies
Alles, was Sie für Yoga brauchen, ist ein Stuhl. Larry Payne und Don Henry zeigen Ihnen in diesem Buch, wie Sie dank der Stabilität und Sicherheit, die Ihnen ein Stuhl bietet, Yoga praktizieren können - auch, wenn Sie in Ihrer Mobilität eingeschränkt sind. Das Buch enthält viele Illustrationen und Beschreibungen traditioneller Yoga-Übungen, die Sie auch im Sitzen ausführen können. So kann jeder von der entspannenden und stresslindernden Wirkung von Yoga profitieren, sei es nach einer Verletzung, im fortgeschrittenen Alter, in der Schwangerschaft und vieles mehr. Stellen Sie mit diesem Buch Ihren eigenen Übungsplan für zu Hause, unterwegs oder im Büro zusammen. So bleiben Sie auch im Sitzen aktiv!
Orenda Books Little Drummer: a nerve-shattering, shocking instalment in the award-winning Oslo Detectives series
Godfather of Nordic Noir Kjell Ola Dahl returns with tense, sophisticated, searingly relevant international thriller that explodes the Nordic Noir genre, as Frølich and Gunnarstranda investigate the death of a woman whose scientist boyfriend has also gone missing… ‘Dahl is a quiet master of the detective thriller, delivering complex plots and a simpatico hero…’ The Times ‘If you have never sampled Dahl, now is the time to try’ Daily Mail ‘Further cements Dahl as the Godfather of Nordic Noir, reminding readers why they fell in love with the genre in the first place’ CultureFly ______________When a woman is found dead in her car in a Norwegian parking garage, everyone suspects an overdose … until a forensics report indicates that she was murdered. Oslo Detectives Frølich and Gunnarstranda discover that the victim’s Kenyan scientist boyfriend has disappeared, and their investigations soon lead them into the shady world of international pharmaceutical deals. While Gunnarstranda closes in on the killers in Norway, Frølich and Lise, his new journalist ally, travel to Africa, where they make a series of shocking discoveries about exploitation and corruption in the distribution of foreign aid and essential HIV medications. When tragedy unexpectedly strikes, all three investigators face incalculable danger, spanning two continents. And not everyone will make it out alive…Exploding the confines of the Nordic Noir genre, Little Drummer is a sophisticated, fast-paced, international thriller with a searingly relevant, shocking premise that will keep you glued to the page. _________________________________ ‘A triumph’ Denzil Meyrick ‘Kjell Ola Dahl’s novels are superb. If you haven’t read one yet, you need to – right now’ William Ryan ‘Dark, stylish and suspenseful … the perfect example of why Nordic Noir has become such a popular genre’ Reader’s Digest ‘Kjell Ola Dahl’s fine style and intricate plotting are superb. He keeps firm hold of the story, never letting go of the tension’ Crime Review WHAT READERS ARE SAYING ***** ‘A dark, emotive and twisty mystery’ ‘Extremely gripping’ ‘Engrossing and beautifully crafted’ ‘Fiercely powerful and convincing’
Orenda Books The Courier
The international bestselling godfather of Nordic Noir takes on one of the most horrific periods of modern history, in a stunning standalone thriller … NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER **SHORTLISTED FOR THE PETRONA AWARD FOR BEST SCANDINAVIAN CRIME NOVEL** **LONGLISTED FOR THE CWA INTERNATIONAL DAGGER**` ____________________ ‘The Courier is a stylish stand-alone thriller from the godfather of Scandi noir … Ola Dahl ratchets up the tension from the first pages and never lets go’ The Times ‘Absorbing, heart-rending and perfectly plotted. Kjell Ola Dahl’s The Courier passes seamlessly from the present to the dark past of WWII. Fabulous!’ Denzil Meyrick ‘Cleverly braiding together past and present, the who and why of murder and betrayal are unpicked. The detail is impressive’ Daily Mail ____________________ In 1942, Jewish courier Ester is betrayed, narrowly avoiding arrest by the Gestapo. In a great haste, she escapes to Sweden, saving herself. Her family in Oslo, however, is deported to Auschwitz. In Stockholm, Ester meets the resistance hero, Gerhard Falkum, who has left his little daughter and fled both the Germans and allegations that he murdered his wife, Åse, who helped Ester get to Sweden. Their burgeoning relationship ends abruptly when Falkum dies in a fire. And yet, twenty-five years later, Falkum shows up in Oslo. He wants to reconnect with his daughter. But where has he been, and what is the real reason for his return? Ester stumbles across information that forces her to look closely at her past, and to revisit her war-time training to stay alive… Written with Dahl's trademark characterization and elegant plotting, The Courier sees the hugely respected godfather of Nordic Noir at his best, as he takes on one of the most horrific periods of modern history, in an exceptional, shocking thriller. ____________________ ‘A dark but richly described backdrop and a relentless, underlying tension drive this sad story to its bittersweet conclusion. Fans of Nordic noir will be satisfied’ Publishers Weekly ‘Skilfully juggling three Oslo timelines — in 1942, 1967 and 2015 — Dahl starts his story with Germany’s occupation of Norway and the work of those who tried to resist, then brings his characters forward to a post-war unravelling of what really happened in those dangerous days — and the traumatic rewriting of personal stories’ The Times ‘A fascinating, intricate, provocative read, set in motion by events in 1942, and brilliantly highlighting human need and emotions … ‘The Courier’ sent a shiver coursing through me, it is a truly eloquent and rewarding tale, and oh that ending!’ LoveReading ‘Written with Dahl’s trademark characterisation and clever plotting, The Courier sees one of Norway’s most critically acclaimed authors at his best … This stunning and compelling wartime thriller is reminiscent of the writing of John Le Carré and William Boyd’ New Books Magazine ‘Kjell Ola Dahl’s novels are superb. If you haven’t read one, you need to – right now’ William Ryan ‘The kind of masterful, detailed plotting that Dahl is known for … the power of The Courier is how Dahl has given a complex, human face to such an inhuman tragedy’ Crime Fiction Lover
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Crime and Technology
Examining the consequences of technology-driven lifestyles for both crime commission and victimization, this comprehensive Handbook provides an overview of a broad array of techno-crimes as well as exploring critical issues concerning the criminal justice system’s response to technology-facilitated criminal activity.The Handbook adopts a unique three-fold typology of technology-enabled crime: techno-crime committed by professional criminals (crime as work), techno-crime committed in traditional workplace settings (crime at work), and techno-crime committed by individuals outside of traditional workplace settings (crime after work.) Chapters explore an extensive range of criminal activities facilitated by the digital age, from embezzlement, financial fraud, corporate espionage, phishing, and ransomware to identity theft, hacking, cyber terrorism, and internet sex and hate crimes. Looking to the future, the Handbook considers timely questions posed by our continued reliance on information technology, including whether we are in danger of becoming a global surveillance state and how we might prevent the facilitation of cyber terrorism by social media giants.This dynamic Handbook will be an invaluable resource for scholars and students interested in criminology, digital sociology, terrorism and security, and surveillance studies. Offering practical insights on the need for a coordinated global techno-crime control strategy, it will serve as a resource for policymakers seeking cutting edge solutions to the growing problem of techno-crime.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Canadian Real Estate Action Plan: Proven Investment Strategies to Kick Start and Build Your Portfolio
Real estate, like any other investment, is a means to an end: that end might be a secondary source of income, a strategic plan for your retirement, or a way to attain complete financial independence. Whatever your goal is, you've decided that real estate is a tool you want to use. So how do you use it? How do you make it work for you and avoid getting burned in the market? And how much of it do you need to fulfill your ambitions? Peter Kinch is one of Canada's top mortgage brokers and has helped thousands of investors clarify their dreams and turn them into reality. In The Canadian Real Estate Action Plan, Peter walks you through one of his investor workshops, helping you develop not just a plan, but your plan, including: Defining your end goal, and how much real estate you need to achieve it Determining the kinds of investments that are right for you Identifying obstacles to your success, and overcoming them Discovering financing options and solutions, including recent changes that affect investors New investors will get the thorough background information they need to get started, while more experienced investors will benefit from exploring alternative options and lesser-known strategies. Both will see how long-term thinking is the key to their portfolio's continued profitability. The best way to achieve your goals is to plan for your success, and there's no better tool to help you do just that than The Canadian Real Estate Action Plan.
Hancock House Publishers Ltd ,Canada Squandering Billions
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Discovering Your Personality Type
HarperCollins Publishers Camping: Explore the great outdoors with family and friends (National Trust History & Heritage)
Get into the great outdoors with this inspirational and practical guide to camping. Includes a guide to all the National Trust's sites – from camping to glamping and beyond – as well as the equipment, recipes and fun games you'll need. This is a practical and inspirational guide to camping. It's about getting outside and enjoying the Great British Outdoors, whether you want to do it under canvas or in a glamorous yurt. As well as a guide to all the locations and types of campsite the National Trust has – many in stunning scenery – there's information about everything from the best kind of tent to what kind of boots will keep blisters at bay. There's also a brilliant range of recipes that you can cook outdoors, even pizzas and cakes, so you can eat like a king in the wilderness. There are games and outdoor adventures for all ages – pond-dipping and tracking wildlife get you up close to nature, while kite-flying and building a woodland den brings out the adventurer in everyone.
Amber-Allen Publishing,U.S. The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship, A Toltec Wisdom Book
Bloodaxe Books Ltd I'm Ok, I'm Pig!
Kim Hyesoon is one of South Korea's most important contemporary poets. She began publishing in 1979 and was one of the first few women in South Korea to be published in Munhak kwa jisong (Literature and Intellect), one of two key journals which championed the intellectual and literary movement against the US-backed military dictatorships of Park Chung Hee and Chun Doo Hwan in the 1970s and 80s. Don Mee Choi writes: 'Kim's poetry goes beyond the expectations of established aesthetics and traditional "female poetry" (yoryusi), which is characterised by its passive, refined language. In her experimental work she explores women's multiple and simultaneous existence as grandmothers, mothers, and daughters in the context of Korea's highly patriarchal society, a nation that is still under neo-colonial rule by the US. Kim's poetics are rooted in her attempt to resist conventional literary forms and language long defined by men in Korea. According to Kim, "women poets oppose and resist their conditions, using unconventional forms of language because their resistance has led them to a language that is unreal, surreal, and even fantastical. The language of women's poetry is internal, yet defiant and revolutionary".'
John Wiley & Sons Inc Chair Yoga For Dummies
If you can sit in a chair, you can enjoy the benefits of yoga! Chair Yoga For Dummies is a guide to developing a yoga practice that you can do while seated in a chair. Traditional yoga poses can be replicated as sitting yoga poses and stretches, enjoyable and accessible for people at all levels of experience and mobility. There's a reason yoga has been around for thousands of years. Practicing chair yoga regularly can decrease your blood pressure, anxiety, inflammation, and chronic pain. It also increases flexibility, balance, and strength. And it helps you sleep better, too. All you need to get started is yourself, a chair, and this book—couldn't be simpler. With this book on your desk, you can infuse a little namaste into your office routine or build a personalized home practice that fits your lifestyle and abilities. You’ll learn specific poses to target problem areas, and guidance on creating your own chair yoga workout plan. Practitioners can achieve meditation, flexibility goals, and more. Get guidance on creating your own custom chair yoga workout plan Reduce stress, get stronger, and feel healthier—without leaving your seat Enjoy the benefits of yoga adapted to office workers and those with decreased mobility Learn proper technique and alignment from clear illustrations and descriptions Stay active while seated!
John Wiley & Sons Inc So Smart But...: How Intelligent People Lose Credibility - and How They Can Get it Back
This fascinating book demonstrates that to be a good communicator and therefore an effective manager, a person must have five qualities in order to be viewed as totally credible–competence, character, composure, sociability, and extroversion. While some executives seem to possess all these qualities and be born with savvy communication skills, Weiner shows how anyone can find ways to make measurable improvements in how they present themselves that will enhance their credibility.
Farrar, Straus and Giroux My Struggle: Book 2
Vintage Publishing Boyhood Island: My Struggle Book 3
An irresistible story of childhood adventure from the international phenomenon, Karl Ove Knausgaard.* Karl Ove Knausgaard's dazzling new novel, The Morning Star, is available to pre-order now *Childhood is exhilarating and terrifying. For the young Karl Ove, new houses, classes and friends are met with manic excitement and creeping dread. Adults occupy godlike positions of power, benevolent in the case of his doting mother, tyrannical in the case of his cruel father.In the now infamously direct style of the My Struggle cycle, Knausgaard describes a time in which victories and defeats are felt keenly and every attempt at self-definition is frustrated. This is a book about family, memory and how we never become quite what we set out to be.'Knausgaard finds the sublime in the everyday... Boyhood Island reverberates with the joys and anxieties of early youth, and Knausgaard brilliantly recreates their exaggerated feel' Times Literary Supplement
Vintage Publishing A Death in the Family: My Struggle Book 1
One of the Guardian's 100 Best Books of the 21st Century, an addictive and searingly honest novel about childhood, family and grief.* Karl Ove Knausgaard's dazzling new novel, The Morning Star, is available to pre-order now *Karl Ove Knausgaard writes about his life with painful honesty. He writes about his childhood and teenage years, his infatuation with rock music, his relationship with his loving yet almost invisible mother and his distant and unpredictable father, and his bewilderment and grief on his father's death.When Karl Ove becomes a father himself, he must balance the demands of caring for a young family with his determination to write great literature. Knausgaard has created a universal story of the struggles, great and small, that we all face in our lives. A profound and mesmerizing work, written as if the author's very life were at stake.'A masterpiece... Its depiction of a family's disintegration is one of the most powerful pieces of writing I've read in years' Observer
Vintage Publishing A Man in Love: My Struggle Book 2
An electrifying story about love and new life from the international phenomenon, Karl Ove Knausgaard.* Karl Ove Knausgaard's dazzling new novel, The Morning Star, is available to pre-order now *This is a book about leaving your wife and everything you know. It is about fresh starts, about love, about friendship. It is also about the earth-shattering experience of becoming a father, the mundane struggles of family life, ridiculously unsuccessful holidays, humiliating antenatal music classes, fights with quarrelsome neighbours, the emotional strains of childrens' birthday parties and pushing a pram around Stockholm when all you really want to do is write.This is a book about one man's life but, somehow, about everyone else's too.'Compelling, rewarding...breathtaking' Observer
Quercus Publishing Friendship: Echoes of the City II
Set in post-war Oslo and following on from Echoes of a City, by an author who understands the city like no other."One of Norway's finest writers" GUARDIAN"Profoundly resonant" TLS In Kirkeveien, Oslo, in the year 1956, forty-year-old Maj is worn down by being a homemaker and widowed mother. To the indignation of the Red Cross ladies, she cautiously frees herself from the role she has otherwise fulfilled to the letter. She finds a job that she turns out to be more than good at, and some kind of love, too. Her friend Margrethe is sick of her marriage to the antiquarian bookseller, Olaf Hall, but cannot think of divorce. Jesper gets a girlfriend who opens the door to a new, more liberated environment of vegetarianism and politics. And his best friend Jostein realises that his talent for making money will allow him access to a world that is larger and richer than that of the Oslo slaughterhouse.Friendship is a beautifully orchestrated story about people and their dreams, about social conventions, personal constraints and what it takes to have the courage to realise oneself. In this book brimming with human insight, as in Echoes of the City, in each of these characters we recognise something of ourselves.
Westholme Publishing Journal of the American Revolution 2022: Annual Volume
Hampton Roads Publishing Co Ufos, Ets, and Alien Abductions: A Scientist Looks at the Evidence
Earthbound Sports Uwharrie Lakes Region Trail Guide
Rowman & Littlefield The Winter Travelers: A Christmas Fable
It has been a hard year in New York City for princes and for beggars; and twenty-eight year old Charlie Andrews, a Wall Street profiteer, believes he has lost everything that matters in the world when he steps out onto the window ledge of the twenty-second floor of The Waldorf Hotel on a cold evening five days before Christmas. He has no idea that the last call he made on his cell phone has placed his fate in the hands of a young homeless woman who runs through the falling snow and turns his life with a brief exchange of dialogue: Most of us miss the real story, Charlie. What real story? The story we were put in this world to live. Why do we miss it? Because it's someone else's story. We just play a part in it. Thus begins their unforgettable journey into a dreamscape of time and memory on a train traveling through a blizzard to deliver them to the meaning and purpose of their lives.
University Press of America Delinquency and High School Dropouts: Reconsidering Social Correlates
Understanding delinquency and reasons why young adolescents disengage in education and later drop out of school has continually puzzled practitioners and theoreticians. While there have been works that have focused on delinquency and disengagement in education, the role that the family plays on reducing delinquency has generally remained unknown. Theoretical concepts that explain the propensities toward delinquent behavior and disengagement in education are discussed comprehensively in this unique book. "Adopted and cited in the 104th Congress, 2nd Session / Senate Document 104-20, Page 13, National Debate Topic for High Schools, 1996-97, (Pursuant to 44 United States Code, Section 1333)." (You may view the full citing at:
Random House USA Inc Walking with Jack: A Father's Journey to Become His Son's Caddie
Penguin Putnam Inc Soldier X
Sixteen-year-old Erik Brandt barely knows what Germany is fighting for when he is drafted into Hitler's army in 1944. Sent to the killing fields of the Eastern Front, he is surrounded by unimaginable sights, more horrific than he ever thought possible. It's kill or be killed, and it seems clear that Erik's days are numbered. Until, covered in blood and seriously injured, he conceives of another way to survive. Filled with gritty and visceral detail, Soldier X will change the way every reader thinks about the reality of war.
Penguin Random House Australia The Kid Who Invented the Popsicle: And Other Surprising Stories about Inventions
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