Search results for ""Taylor Francis Inc""
Taylor & Francis Inc New Frontiers in Urban Analysis: In Honor of Atsuyuki Okabe
Bringing together the world’s leading experts in Urban Analysis, this remarkable and critically acclaimed volume applies the theories and models of Atsuyuko Okabe, Japan’s preeminent spatial analyst, to case studies in urban planning, transport, administration, and public health in the context of the highly advanced Japanese planning system. It includes information that has never appeared in English, covering the development of techniques in GIS, spatial modeling, and methodologies of spatial analysis as they are applied to urban environments. Each of the contributors has worked directly with or studied under Professor Okabe
Taylor & Francis Inc Far from the Factory: Lean for the Information Age
If you currently employ knowledge workers who do most of their work on computers or with computers, access the Internet, utilize internal and external databases, use e-mail or other new messaging technology, then this book is for you. Quite simply, this handbook is for any organization with a lot of Web DNA that wishes to cut costs, improve performance, and stay perpetually competitive. It is for change agents or managers within those organizations who work with information and want to leverage the latest crop of tool sets to deliver on the promise of Lean for the modern, information-rich office.… packed with new ideas … breaks new ground in so many directions … .— John Bicheno, Director, Lean Enterprise Research Centre, Cardiff Business School … excellent … on several levels … … teaches us how to visualize the depth of hidden wastes in our complex information flows and the large opportunity for improvement that this suggests.— Keith Russell, PhD, Global Continuous Improvement Leader R&D, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals Very interesting view on operational excellence, helpful to readers without a background in this area of expertise.— Bert Nordberg, President and CEO. Sony EricssonCongratulations to all the readers holding this book! ... These Lean ideas must be an integral part of the daily operations of your business. I am going to get each and every one of my management team a copy of this brilliant book at the start for our own Lean journey.— Lennart Käll, CEO, Wasa KreditIt’s one thing to develop a concept. It’s another to make it sing. This is the hymnal.— Dr. Don V. Steward, CEO Problematics, Professor Emeritus, Sacramento State University, inventor of DSM … a must read for CIOs everywhere." — Julian Amey, Principal Fellow, Warwick University
Taylor & Francis Inc RFID and Auto-ID in Planning and Logistics: A Practical Guide for Military UID Applications
As RFID technology is becoming increasingly popular, the need has arisen to address the challenges and approaches to successful implementation. RFID and Auto-ID in Planning and Logistics: A Practical Guide for Military UID Applications presents the concepts for students, military personnel and contractors, and corporate managers to learn about RFID and other automatic information capture technologies, and their integration into planning and logistics functions. The text includes comparisons of RFID with technologies such as bar codes, satellite tags, and global positioning systems and provides a decision model for choosing the appropriate technology for a given application.By providing the histories, current use, and future applications of RFID and automatic identification technologies (AIT), the book discusses supply chain planning and logistics uses for these technologies. It addresses the fundamental relationships in RFID, including how antennae, integrated circuitry, and substrate work together. The text provides detailed information for troubleshooting design issues and an understanding of passive, semi-passive, and active tags, so an informed choice of technology type can be made. It describes the unique identification (UID) standards necessary for military contractors and how to use RFID and AIT to meet those requirements.This book is unique in the depth of material presented, making it appropriate for engineers, students, and operational personnel as a resource for foundational concepts for integrating logistics and RFID. A comprehensive reference, this volume can is an academic text, a practitioner’s handbook, and a military contractor’s UID guide for using RFID and AIT technologies.
Taylor & Francis Inc Transgenic Horticultural Crops: Challenges and Opportunities
As the world debates the risks and benefits of plant biotechnology, the proportion of the global area of transgenic field crops has increased every year, and the safety and value continues to be demonstrated. Yet, despite the success of transgenic field crops, the commercialization of transgenic horticultural crops (vegetables, fruits, nuts, and ornamentals) has lagged far behind. Transgenic Horticultural Crops: Challenges and Opportunities examines the challenges for the creation and commercialization of horticultural biotechnology and identifies opportunities, strategies, and priorities for future progress. A "must read" for anyone working in the fields of genetic engineering or plant breeding, for policy makers, educators, students, and anyone interested in the issues of genetic engineering of fruits, vegetables and ornamentals, this book covers: Past achievements, newest developments, and current challenges in transgenic fruit, nut, vegetable, ornamental, and pharmaceutical crops Reviews transgenic horticultural crops in the U.S., Europe, Africa, and Asia Hurdles to the commercialization of transgenic technology in economics and marketplace, consumer acceptance, intellectual property right protection, public–private partnership, and regulation Critical evaluation of the benefits and risks of genetically engineered horticultural crops, including risk assessment and transgene containment Presents case studies and an industry perspective on transgenic horticultural crops The production and commercialization of transgenic horticultural crops is an enormous task—its progress and realization require an informed research community, horticultural industry, government, and body of consumers. To aid in this effort, this book provides facts, analyses and insights by leading experts in this field to inform a wide audience of students, agricultural and genetic professionals, and the interested public. Part of the global conversation on the pros and cons of transgenic foods, Transgenic Horticultural Crops aims to stimulate more interest and discussion on the subject and to promote the development of safe and sustainable genetically modified horticultural crop varieties.
Taylor & Francis Inc Listening to the Voice of the Market: How to Increase Market Share and Satisfy Current Customers
Typically, when companies want to improve their products, they go to their customers. But why not reach further and explore the entire market? In this eye-opening book, Eric Reidenbach goes beyond the "voice of the customer" that so many consultants talk about to introduce you to a groundbreaking concept: the Voice of the Market. Like most business people in this global marketplace, you are searching for that edge that will help you increase market share. In this book, Dr. Reidenbach, teaches you how to identify, and capture the Voice of the Market and then use that data and a new understanding of it to make your organization market-focused. It is not about hijacking customers with one-time special pricing. Instead, it is about applying the proper tools and processes to move your organization from a production or sales orientation to a truly market-based focus. Listening to the Voice of the Market: How to Increase Market Share and Satisfy Current Customers is not for the lazy entrepreneur. Of course, interviewing internal customers is much simpler and probably less painful than probing the thoughts of those customers who have so far eluded you. But with this book as your guide, you will develop surveys that are more than skin deep, learn how to deliver them to the right people, collect information that is useful, and then turn that information into action steps that will help you cultivate customers who feel listened to, which is the first and most obvious step in building loyal relationships.
Taylor & Francis Inc Rapid Detection and Characterization of Foodborne Pathogens by Molecular Techniques
Decades of development of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) have yielded a significant array of associated techniques that make it possible to rapidly detect low numbers of all known pathogenic microorganisms without the traditional, more taxing methods of cultivation and phenotypic characterization. Written by one of the most prolific and respected researchers in food safety, Rapid Detection and Characterization of Foodborne Pathogens by Molecular Techniques describes the application of molecular techniques for the detection and discrimination of major infectious bacteria associated with foods. The book puts a particular focus on genes associated with pathogenicity used in PCR, including real-time PCR for specific detection of pathogenic bacteria and the inherent limitations of such methodology with certain pathogens. It also emphasizes methods for extracting microorganisms from complex food matrices and DNA purification techniques. The coverage begins with a highly comprehensive review of real time PCR, complete with theoretical and operational concepts. Each chapter deals with a specific organism and the techniques applied to that organism. The text includes references on the use of PCR primers and DNA probes, the DNA sequence of each being listed at the end of each chapter to create a complete compendium.This is not a "recipe book", but rather a resource with sufficiently detailed information that allows readers to fully comprehend the methodology described and the significance of the results. Copiously illustrated with figures, tables, charts, and graphs, this is a detailed presentation of the major, contemporary studies involving the molecular detection, quantification, and subspecies differentiation of each organism. With objective assessments of the molecular techniques, their advantages, and limitations, the book allows investigators to readily identify the precise molecular technique and application
Taylor & Francis Inc Fenaroli's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients
Since publication of the first edition in 1971, Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients has remained the standard reference for flavor ingredients throughout the world. Each subsequent edition has listed more flavor ingredients and allied substances, including those conferred food additive status, substances generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by qualified scientists (including the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers’ Association Expert Panel) and those substances having undergone GRAS Notification with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). New in the Sixth Edition 200+ newly approved flavor ingredients Ingredient’s safety standing with the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers’ Association and/or the FDA Extensive and expanded information on aroma and taste thresholds Updated regulatory information on each flavor ingredient New discussion on botanical substances that serve as flavoring ingredients The fourth and fifth editions added more than 300 new entries and represented a total reorganization and updating of the text, consistent with new data and regulations. This, the sixth edition, is likewise expanded with over 200 new entries, including many botanicals and other natural substances. The addition of botanicals is a response to an expanded readership with an interest in dietary supplements, in which a number of flavoring botanicals serve a dual role.
Taylor & Francis Inc Intelligent Instrumentation: Principles and Applications
With the advent of microprocessors and digital-processing technologies as catalyst, classical sensors capable of simple signal conditioning operations have evolved rapidly to take on higher and more specialized functions including validation, compensation, and classification. This new category of sensor expands the scope of incorporating intelligence into instrumentation systems, yet with such rapid changes, there has developed no universal standard for design, definition, or requirement with which to unify intelligent instrumentation.Explaining the underlying design methodologies of intelligent instrumentation, Intelligent Instrumentation: Principles and Applications provides a comprehensive and authoritative resource on the scientific foundations from which to coordinate and advance the field. Employing a textbook-like language, this book translates methodologies to more than 80 numerical examples, and provides applications in 14 case studies for a complete and working understanding of the material.Beginning with a brief introduction to the basic concepts of process, process parameters, sensors and transducers, and classification of transducers, the book describes the performance characteristics of instrumentation and measurement systems and discusses static and dynamic characteristics, various types of sensor signals, and the concepts of signal representations, various transforms, and their operations in both static and dynamic conditions. It describes smart sensors, cogent sensors, soft sensors, self-validating sensors, VLSI sensors, temperature-compensating sensors, microcontrollers and ANN-based sensors, and indirect measurement sensors.The author examines intelligent sensor signal conditioning such as calibration, linearization, and compensation, along with a wide variety of calibration and linearization techniques using circuits, analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), microcontrollers, ANNs, and software. The final chapters highlight ANN techniques for pattern classification, recognition, prognostic diagnosis, fault detection, linearization, and calibration as well as important interfacing protocols in the wireless networking platform.
Taylor & Francis Inc Discrete Random Signal Processing and Filtering Primer with MATLAB
Engineers in all fields will appreciate a practical guide that combines several new effective MATLAB® problem-solving approaches and the very latest in discrete random signal processing and filtering.Numerous Useful Examples, Problems, and Solutions – An Extensive and Powerful ReviewWritten for practicing engineers seeking to strengthen their practical grasp of random signal processing, Discrete Random Signal Processing and Filtering Primer with MATLAB provides the opportunity to doubly enhance their skills. The author, a leading expert in the field of electrical and computer engineering, offers a solid review of recent developments in discrete signal processing. The book also details the latest progress in the revolutionary MATLAB language.A Practical Self-Tutorial That Transcends TheoryThe author introduces an incremental discussion of signal processing and filtering, and presents several new methods that can be used for a more dynamic analysis of random digital signals with both linear and non-linear filtering. Ideal as a self-tutorial, this book includes numerous examples and functions, which can be used to select parameters, perform simulations, and analyze results. This concise guide encourages readers to use MATLAB functions – and those new ones introduced as Book MATLAB Functions – to substitute many different combinations of parameters, giving them a firm grasp of how much each parameter affects results. Much more than a simple review of theory, this book emphasizes problem solving and result analysis, enabling readers to take a hands-on approach to advance their own understanding of MATLAB and the way it is used within signal processing and filtering.
Taylor & Francis Inc Systems Evaluation: Methods, Models, and Applications
A book in the Systems Evaluation, Prediction, and Decision-Making Series, Systems Evaluation: Methods, Models, and Applications covers the evolutionary course of systems evaluation methods, clearly and concisely. Outlining a wide range of methods and models, it begins by examining the method of qualitative assessment. Next, it describes the process and methods for building an index system of evaluation and considers the compared evaluation and the logical framework approach, analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and the data envelopment analysis (DEA) relative efficiency evaluation method.Unique in its emphasis on the practical applications of systems evaluation methods and models, the book introduces several new evaluation models of grey system, including general grey incidence model, grey incidence models based on similarity and closeness, grey cluster evaluation based on triangular whitenization functions, and multi-attribute grey target decision model. Explaining intricate concepts in language that is easy to understand it provides step-by-step explanations of the various methods and models.The text illustrates the practical application, analysis, and computation of systems evaluation methods and models with an abundance of practical examples and empirical studies. The case studies examine post evaluation of road-bridge construction projects, the efficiency evaluation of the science and technology activities, the evaluation of energy-saving projects in China, and the evaluation and selection of international cooperation projects.
Taylor & Francis Inc Accounting in the Lean Enterprise: Providing Simple, Practical, and Decision-Relevant Information
Despite the obvious need for transparency, a company’s Lean results can continue to hide behind the mask of traditional accounting and dilute the benefits of a Lean implementation. When your organization opts to go Lean, you must empower your accountants with Lean tools that serve the Lean mission.Winner of a Shingo Research and Professional Publication AwardAccounting in the Lean Enterprise: Providing Simple, Practical, and Decision-Relevant Information explains how to develop the information and financial reports that serve the needs of a Lean-minded business. It presents alternative methods of reporting, and includes a step-by-step guide for transitioning to Lean accounting methods. The book is divided into three parts: The Fundamentals of Lean as a Competitive Strategy The Nuts and Bolts of Lean Accounting Controls and Transition Walking you through Lean tools, activities, and philosophies, it addresses some of the most often asked questions about Lean implementations. It confronts many of the fears that are the source of accountants’ resistance to change—including inventory management and valuation, GAAP compliance, and loss of control and benchmarks. Each fear is identified and resolved in a "Fear Box" inset, as the related topic is discussed.Filled with checklists, guidelines, exercises, case studies, real-world examples, and company stories, the book provides you with the tools you will need to provide relevant, timely, and actionable information to the decision makers in your Lean environment.
Taylor & Francis Inc Lean Manufacturing: Business Bottom-Line Based
The delivery of real bottom-line results from manufacturing improvements has proven to be much harder than expected for most companies. TQM, Zero-Defect Manufacturing, and Business Process Re-engineering have dropped off the landscape for taking much too long and failing to deliver the promised results. Lean Six Sigma is now experiencing the same fundamental difficulty. Delineating a quantitative approach, Lean Manufacturing: Business Bottom-Line Based shows you how to revitalize Lean Six Sigma by aligning it with your business’ bottom line and thus delivering results that your executives, business leaders, and customers expect.Written by an expert who has transformed product design and manufacturing at companies ranging from Maytag and Visteon to General Electric, the book demonstrates that an awareness of manufacturing business metrics is absolutely essential for every lean manufacturing practitioner. The author has seen first-hand the limitation of traditional lean manufacturing driven by business bottom lines. He outlines case studies linking world events and manufacturing efficiency and presents lean manufacturing strategies and techniques designed to accelerate responses to current and future events on the floors of the world’s manufacturing facilities. Typically, advice on lean manufacturing comes in the form of techniques regarding a particular tool or tool-box, yet the factory floor, like everything in the global community, is profoundly driven by business bottom lines. This book presents a systematic approach to improve business bottom lines through identifying and eliminating waste, and adding value and fulfillment by flowing the product at the demand of the customer.
Taylor & Francis Inc Industrial Combustion Testing
Until now, anyone conducting industrial combustion tests had to either rely on old methods, go scurrying through the literature to find proven applicable methodologies, or hire top-shelf consultants such as those that work for cutting-edge companies like John Zink. Manufacturers can no longer take industrial combustion for granted. Air and noise pollution standards must be met, and today no one can afford the inefficient use of fuel. Drawing on three decades of experience, Charles Baukal Jr. is not only aware of the best methods but is responsible for designing and implementing a number of them, owning 11 patents of his own, as well as having hundreds of articles to his credit. Providing busy engineers with a convenient reference that gives them state-of-the-art techniques without having to cull through the literature, this practical compendium: Demonstrates how to conduct meaningful experiments with industrial scale combustion equipment Illustrates a number of methods through case studies Includes detailed pictures, figures, graphs, and tables, to explain processes and make sense of the data Presents valuable information on advanced diagnostics, burner and flare testing, and testing in combustors, including techniques for a variety of kilns, furnaces, and boilers Written to make better practioners out of academicians and better scholars out of hands-on engineers, this unique volume teaches academics how to work at the large scales associated with industrial combustion, while also teaching engineers the rigorous approach needed for successful modeling.
Taylor & Francis Inc Modern Predictive Control
Modern Predictive Control explains how MPC differs from other control methods in its implementation of a control action. Most importantly, MPC provides the flexibility to act while optimizing—which is essential to the solution of many engineering problems in complex plants, where exact modeling is impossible. The superiority of MPC is in its numerical solution. Usually, MPC is employed to solve a finite-horizon optimal control problem at each sampling instant and obtain control actions for both the present time and a future period. However, only the current control move is applied to the plant.This complete, step-by-step exploration of various approaches to MPC: Introduces basic concepts of systems, modeling, and predictive control, detailing development from classical MPC to synthesis approaches Explores use of Model Algorithmic Control (MAC), Dynamic Matrix Control (DMC), Generalized Predictive Control (GPC), and Two-Step Model Predictive Control Identifies important general approaches to synthesis Discusses open-loop and closed-loop optimization in synthesis approaches Covers output feedback synthesis approaches with and without a finite switching horizon This book gives researchers a variety of models for use with one- and two-step control. The author clearly explains the variations between predictive control methods—and the root of these differences—to illustrate that there is no one ideal MPC and that one should remain open to selecting the best possible model in each unique circumstance.
Taylor & Francis Inc Veterinary Medicines in the Environment
Examine the Current State of the ScienceSurface water sampling programs across the globe have shown the presence of many different classes of medicines. The potential risks associated with the release of these medicines into the environment have become an increasingly important issue for environmental regulators. Effects of Veterinary Medicines in the Environment examines the current state of the science in evaluating the potential risks of veterinary medicines to aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.International Panel Provide Guidance The book brings together more than 30 experts, from eight countries, with expertise in risk assessment, environmental toxicology and chemistry, and environmental policy and regulation. These experts provide guidance, based on standard risk assessment approaches, on how to assess the environmental effects of veterinary medicines. The text discusses pathways to the environment, exposure and effects assessment, and risk assessment and management in terrestrial and aquatic environments. It reviews classes of veterinary medicines and current regulations, identifies the environmental fate of the medicines, and assesses the use of read-across, QSAR, and other modeling approaches.Detailed Coverage of Technical ApproachesAn examination of the current state of the science, the book provides integrated content in a single source. It provides detailed coverage of technical approaches that helps practitioners better understand the environmental risks of veterinary medicines.
Taylor & Francis Inc Lighting Redesign for Existing Buildings
In Lighting Redesign for Existing Buildings, veteran lighting journalist and educator Craig DiLouie identifies opportunities to both save energy and improve lighting performance in existing buildings. The book outlines the decision-making process behind whether to retrofit or redesign an existing lighting system, describes basic lighting design techniques and how to evaluate lighting equipment, details lighting legislation and energy codes, identifies advanced lighting strategies, and describes the role planned maintenance can play in saving energy and ensuring long-term performance. Readers will gain in-depth insight into assessing and capturing their opportunities with better lighting.
Taylor & Francis Inc Physicochemical Aspects of Food Engineering and Processing
Physical and chemical interactions between various constituents resulting from processing operations often lead to physical, sensory, and nutritional changes in foods. Combining important information on processing and food quality, Physicochemical Aspects of Food Engineering and Processing describes the effects of various processing technologies on quality changes of different major foods in an integrative manner.Written by Physicochemical Experts in Food Engineering & Processing Part I critically reviews the physicochemical property changes of different foods undergoing selected processes, such as microencapsulation, frying, microwave-assisted thermal processing, high-pressure processing, pulsed electric field processing, and freezing. This section also includes a chapter on the effects of various processing technologies on microbial growth and inactivation. Part II focuses on multiphase food systems made of proteins, seafoods, red meats, and pet foods, and the physicochemical changes they undergo when being processed. Physicochemical Aspects of Food Engineering and Processing covers the engineering, processing, and quality angles equally. It is an extremely useful resource for academic and industrial researchers seeking an up-to-date overview of the increasingly important combination of both sides of food research and development.
Taylor & Francis Inc Stochastic Simulations of Clusters: Quantum Methods in Flat and Curved Spaces
Unravels Complex Problems through Quantum Monte Carlo MethodsClusters hold the key to our understanding of intermolecular forces and how these affect the physical properties of bulk condensed matter. They can be found in a multitude of important applications, including novel fuel materials, atmospheric chemistry, semiconductors, nanotechnology, and computational biology. Focusing on the class of weakly bound substances known as van derWaals clusters or complexes, Stochastic Simulations of Clusters: Quantum Methods in Flat and Curved Spaces presents advanced quantum simulation techniques for condensed matter.The book develops finite temperature statistical simulation tools and real-time algorithms for the exact solution of the Schrödinger equation. It draws on potential energy models to gain insight into the behavior of minima and transition states. Using Monte Carlo methods as well as ground state variational and diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) simulations, the author explains how to obtain temperature and quantum effects. He also shows how the path integral approach enables the study of quantum effects at finite temperatures.To overcome timescale problems, this book supplies efficient and accurate methods, such as diagonalization techniques, differential geometry, the path integral method in statistical mechanics, and the DMC approach. Gleaning valuable information from recent research in this area, it presents special techniques for accelerating the convergence of quantum Monte Carlo methods.
Taylor & Francis Inc Critical Limb Ischemia
Covering both noninvasive and surgical treatment alternatives, Critical Limb Ischemia defines practical guidelines for a multidisciplinary approach to critical limb ischemia and follows a step-by-step description of the latest techniques.Topics covered include: Balloon angioplasty and stenting Cryoplasty Pharmacotherapy Topical therapies combined with hyperbolic oxygen treatment Endovascular techniques Strategies for leg revascularization The book provides vascular surgeons, general and interventional cardiologists, interventionalists, radiologists, podiatrists, and endocrinologists a valuable resource for daily practice.
Taylor & Francis Inc Mechanical Measurements
A comprehensive textbook on mechanical measurement, this book covers the material in five modules. Module I deals with the basics of measurements without reference to any particular field and hence is to be dealt with at the beginning. Chapters 4, 6 and 13 deal with basic quantities that interest all engineers and should be included in any course on “Mechanical Measurements”. Parts of other chapters may be included to suit the requirements of a particular class. The book may also be useful to practicing engineers who want to refresh their knowledge of measurements. The material of the book is based on the notes prepared for a course taught by the author at IIT Madras for more than 20 years.
Taylor & Francis Inc Bio-Inspired Computing and Networking
Seeking new methods to satisfy increasing communication demands, researchers continue to find inspiration from the complex systems found in nature. From ant-inspired allocation to a swarm algorithm derived from honeybees, Bio-Inspired Computing and Networking explains how the study of biological systems can significantly improve computing, networking, and robotics. Containing contributions from leading researchers from around the world, the book investigates the fundamental aspects and applications of bio-inspired computing and networking. Presenting the latest advances in bio-inspired communication, computing, networking, clustering, optimization, and robotics, the book considers state-of-the-art approaches, novel technologies, and experimental studies, including bio-inspired: Optimization of dynamic NP-hard problems Top-down controller design for distributing a robot swarm among multiple tasks Self-organizing data and signals cellular systems Dynamic spectrum access in cognitive radio networks QoS-aware architecture for scalable, adaptive, and survivable network systems Locomotion control of the Hexapod Robot Gregor III The book explores bio-inspired topology control and reconfiguration methods, as well as bio-inspired localization, synchronization, and mobility approaches. Providing wide-ranging coverage that includes past approaches, current challenges, and emerging concepts such as the evolution and self-healing of network architectures and protocols, this comprehensive reference provides you with the well-rounded understanding you need to continue the advancement of the development, design, and implementation of bio-inspired computing and networking.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Female Brain
The first edition of The Female Brain laid the groundwork for gaining a better understanding of the female brain, examining the evidence for structural and functional differences between the brains of males and females. Addressing a wealth of new research, the second edition continues in this vein, leading readers through the basic principles of anatomy and physiology and on to the complex behavioral functions which constitute the workings of the normal and abnormal female brain.Examines Questions about Structural and Functional DifferencesThe book addresses the question of structural and functional differences between the female brain and the male brain. Are there differences? How good is the evidence? Where do the differences lie? Are there differences in the neuroanatomy of females, and if so, where? Do females and males process information differently, and if so, how? The author puts the relative lack of information on the female brain into historical perspective and reviews empirical evidence relevant to the different aspects of brain structure and function. She elucidates laterality, the functional asymmetry of the brain, the left brain-right brain distinctions, and how they differ between females and males.A Clear Presentation and Evaluation of Medical and Scientific EvidenceFilled with rigorous scientific analysis in an easily accessible format and detailed explanatory diagrams, the book systematically develops the topic from anatomy to behavior. It draws on current research to explain why men and women behave differently and why these differences should be exploited when designing research and clinical studies.
Taylor & Francis Inc VSM Video Participant Guide
This product is usually sold with the Value Stream Management video series.
Taylor & Francis Inc Knowledge Discovery for Counterterrorism and Law Enforcement
Most of the research aimed at counterterrorism, fraud detection, or other forensic applications assumes that this is a specialized application domain for mainstream knowledge discovery. Unfortunately, knowledge discovery changes completely when the datasets being used have been manipulated in order to conceal some underlying activity. Knowledge Discovery for Counterterrorism and Law Enforcement operates from the premise that detection algorithms must be rethought to be effective in this domain, and presents a new approach based on cutting-edge analysis for use in adversarial settings.Reveals How Criminals Conceal InformationThis volume focuses on four main forms of knowledge discovery: prediction, clustering, relationship discovery, and textual analysis. For each of these application areas, the author discusses opportunities for concealment that are available to criminals and reveals some of the tactics that can aid in detecting them. He reviews what is known about the different technologies for each area and evaluates their effectiveness. The book also supplies a preview of technologies currently under development and describes how they will fit in to existing approaches to knowledge discovery. Provides Proactive Formulas for Staying One Step Ahead of AdversariesWhile all knowledge-discovery systems are susceptible to manipulation, designers and users of algorithmic systems who are armed with the knowledge of these subversive tactics are better able to create systems to avoid these vulnerabilities. This book delineates an effective process for integrating knowledge-discovery tools, provides a unique understanding of the limits of the technology, and contains a clear presentation of the upsides and pitfalls of data collection. It is a powerful weapon in the arsenal of anyone confronting the increasingly sophistic
Taylor & Francis Inc Structural Dynamics: Vibration and Systems
Based on courses taught at the Indian Institute of Technology, this book unifies two concepts, vibration of mechanical Systems and structural dynamics , in an integrated manner. The editor follows an intuitive pedagogy introducing fundamentals and moving on to more advanced concepts. It includes numerous examples and reviews the most useful computer software. Additional topics include free vibration of Single degree of freedom, system forced vibration of single degree of freedom system, numerical methods in structural analysis, vibration of two degrees of freedom, system free vibration of multiple degrees of freedom, and system forced vibration analysis of multiple degrees of freedom systems.
Taylor & Francis Inc Aperiodic Structures in Condensed Matter: Fundamentals and Applications
One of the Top Selling Physics Books according to YBP Library ServicesOrder can be found in all the structures unfolding around us at different scales, including in the arrangements of matter and in energy flow patterns. Aperiodic Structures in Condensed Matter: Fundamentals and Applications focuses on a special kind of order referred to as aperiodic order.The book covers several topics dealing with the role of aperiodic order in numerous domains of the physical sciences and technology. It first presents the most characteristic features of various aperiodic systems. The author then describes theoretical aspects and useful mathematical approaches to properly study the physical systems. Focusing on applied issues, he discusses how to exploit aperiodic order in different technological devices. The author also examines one-, two-, and three-dimensional designs. For those new to the field of aperiodic systems, this book is an excellent guide to the many facets and applications of aperiodic structures.
Taylor & Francis Inc Diagnostic Pulmonary Pathology
Maintaining the first edition’s unique parallel to the strategy used by pathologists and pulmonologists to arrive at a patient’s diagnosis in daily practice, Diagnostic Pulmonary Pathology starts with the patient and their biopsy findings, directing the pathologist or clinician to the proper diagnosis. With many advances in pulmonary pathology, radiology, and pulmonary medicine, this new edition provides thorough updates in: progress in classification and diagnosis of interstitial lung diseases evolution of our understanding of pre-neoplastic lesions technology in histopathology molecular pathology thoracic radiology Written by contributing doctors who are at the forefront of recent advancements, Diagnostic Pulmonary Pathology: is organized based on how the patient should be approached, and the patient’s own projections, signs, symptoms, and disease provides new imaging techniques and molecular diagnostic tests investigates the new classification schemes, i.e. classification and terminology for lung neoplasms, pulmonary hypertension, and lung transplant rejection gives coverage of the merging of radiology and pathology, including molecular imaging
Taylor & Francis Inc Reliability Technology, Human Error, and Quality in Health Care
Eliminates the need to pick through journal articles, online databases, and conference proceedings to obtain informationDiscusses medical device maintenance, human error reporting systems and models for predicting human reliability and error, patient safety, quality methodsCovers and steps for improving quality in healthcareHighlights mathematical concepts and introductory material on reliability technology, human error, and quality Contains examples, their solutions, and end-of-chapter problems
Taylor & Francis Inc IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Handbook
Take Part in the Future of Wireless/Wireline Convergence The IP multimedia subsystem (IMS), established as the foundation for future wireless and wireline convergence, is the bedrock that will facilitate easy deployment on new, rich, personalized multimedia communication services that mix telecom and data services. Designers, planners, and researchers of communication systems will need to make full use of the technology occurring with this convergence if they want to be the ones providing end users with new and efficient services that are as cost-effective as they are innovative.To provide researchers and technicians with the tools they need to optimize their role in this communication revolution, the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Handbook presents all the technical aspects of the IMS needed to support the growth of digital traffic and the implementation of underlying networks. This guide covers everything from basic concepts to research-grade material, including the future direction of the architecture. Organized in three sections, the book brings together the technical savvy of 50 pioneering experts from around the world, providing complete coverage of relevant concepts, technologies, and services. Learn How IMS Will Speed InnovationFilling the gap between existing traditional telecommunications and Internet technologies, IMS has led to an environment in which new services and concepts are introduced more quickly than ever before, such as reusable service components and real-time integration. The technology promises to be a cost-effective evolutionary path to future wireless and wireline convergences that will meet next-generation service requirements.
Taylor & Francis Inc Investigation and Prevention of Officer-Involved Deaths
Each year, too many law enforcement officers die in the line of duty and too many people are killed by the police. Yet, can any of these deaths be avoided? To answer this we must investigate the nature and causes of these deaths in an unbiased and objective manner to highlight and expose weaknesses in policy that can be amended through more rigorous, enlightened, and culture-sensitive training. Examining hypothetical cases drawn from the most prevalent and typical officer-involved deaths in recent years, Investigation and Prevention of Officer-Involved Deaths reviews the circumstances, relevant discussions, and critical issues for each case type wherein law enforcement officers have had to respond outside of their usual and trained experience and where the final outcome was the death of either the suspect, an innocent bystander, or the officer. With a focus on crime scene investigation and the collection and preservation of the relevant forensic evidence, the book outlines appropriate crime scene procedures for each situation and lists potential categories of forensic evidence to be searched for, collected, and submitted to the forensic laboratory for analysis. The authors discuss postmortem protocols, including autopsy reports, toxicological analyses, and other appropriate investigative findings. They then examine policy and training protocols for each, look at the use and potential benefit of less-lethal weapons, and pose the critical question of "what would you do if you were the police officer."Through the serious study of each of the categories presented in this book, police officers and other groups of law enforcement officials can more fully comprehend and appreciate the societal significance of such cases. The more aware, sensitive, and well-educated are officers of the law, the more dignified, humane, and safe are the communities they are sworn to serve.
Taylor & Francis Inc Abdominal Obesity and the Endocannabinoid System: From Basic Aspects to Clinical Management of Related Cardiometabolic Risk
This internationally renowned author team provides a unique and thorough analysis and distillation of the endocannabinoid system and its relationship to abdominal obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) plays an important role in cardiometabolic risk, as well as modulating energy balance, feeding behavior, hepatic lipogenesis, and perhaps glucose homeostasis. Evidence suggests that the ECS is overactive in human obesity and dyslipidemia.Critical to the management of cardiometabolic risk, this new, timely book provides practical overviews and management guidance on many important topics, including: abdominal obesity and the metabolic syndrome the endocannabinoid system and energy balance: functions and dysfunctions abdominal obesity, the EC system, and cardiometabolic risk
Taylor & Francis Inc Introduction to Molecular Biology, Genomics and Proteomics for Biomedical Engineers
Illustrates the Complex Biochemical Relations that Permit Life to ExistIt can be argued that the dawn of the 21st century has emerged as the age focused on molecular biology, which includes all the regulatory mechanisms that make cellular biochemical reaction pathways stable and life possible. For biomedical engineers, this concept is essential to their chosen profession. Introduction to Molecular Biology, Genomics, and Proteomics for Biomedical Engineers hones in on the specialized organic molecules in living organisms and how they interact and react. The book’s sound approach to this intricately complex field makes it an exceptional resource for further exploration into the biochemistry, molecular biology, and genomics fields. It is also beneficial for electrical, chemical, and civil engineers as well as biophysicists with an interest in modeling living systems. This seminal reference includes many helpful tools for self study, including— 143 illustrations, 32 in color, to bolster understanding of complex biochemical relations 20 tables for quick access to precise data 100 key equations Challenging self-study problems within each chapter Conveys Human Progress in the Manipulation of Genomes at the Molecular LevelIn response to growing global interest in biotechnology, this valuable text sheds light on the evolutionary theories and future trends in genetic medicine and stem cell research. It provides a broader knowledge base on life-permitting complexities, illustrates how to model them quantitatively, and demonstrates how to manipulate them in genomic-based medicine and genetic engineering. Consequently, this book allows for a greater appreciation among of the incredible complexity of the biochemica
Taylor & Francis Inc Understanding Dynamics of Geographic Domains
Although the dynamic aspect of the world is widely recognized, information systems have lagged in their ability to represent these dynamics and provide support for users and analysts, especially those who work with dynamic geographic domains. A collection of peer-reviewed articles, Understanding Dynamics of Geographic Domains showcases new research and perspectives on theoretical aspects of geographic dynamics and including novel data modeling and visualization-related studies.Multidisciplinary Book Brings Together Respected SpecialistsEditors Kathleen Stewart Hornsby and May Yuan bring together prominent and respected specialists to create a multidisciplinary book that combines coverage of topics from the perspectives of GIS, computer science, image processing, and information and data processing. Containing an 8-page color insert, the book is divided into three sections that explore the conceptual and cognitive underpinnings of geographic dynamics and data modeling topics; the related analytical and computational approaches; and topics relating to the visualization and simulation of geographic dynamics.A Milestone for Research DevelopmentsA quick review of the contents and contributors reveals the breadth and depth of knowledge provided. Incorporating theoretical, cognitive, methodological, and applied articles, the coverage is closely related to the national research agenda on Geographic Information Science proposed by the University Consortium of Geographic Information Science (UCGIS). Indeed, the foundations for this book began with a workshop co-sponsored by the UCGIS on the topic of geographic dynamics. This makes the book not only a top-notch reference but also a milestone for research developments in the field.
Taylor & Francis Inc Computation and Visualization for Understanding Dynamics in Geographic Domains: A Research Agenda
This book aims to synthesize key ideas and issues discussed during the workshop held in 2006 and expand upon the workshop discussions to provide a comprehensive overview of geographic dynamics and approaches to advancing the understanding through computation and visualization.
Taylor & Francis Inc Feedback, Nonlinear, and Distributed Circuits
Upon its initial publication, the Handbook of Circuits and Filters broke new ground. It quickly became the resource for comprehensive coverage of issues and practical information that can be put to immediate use. Not content to rest on his laurels, editor Wai-kai Chen divided the second edition into volumes, making the information easily accessible and digestible. In the third edition, these volumes have been revised, updated, and expanded so that they continue to provide solid coverage of standard practices and enlightened perspectives on new and emerging techniques.Feedback, Nonlinear, and Distributed Circuits draws together international contributors who discuss feedback amplifier theory and then move on to explore feedback amplifier configurations. They develop Bode’s feedback theory as an example of general feedback theory. The coverage then moves on to the importance of complementing numerical analysis with qualitative analysis to get a global picture of a circuit’s performance. After reviewing a wide range of approximation techniques and circuit design styles for discreet and monolithic circuits, the book presents a comprehensive description of the use of piecewise-linear methods in modeling, analysis, and structural properties of nonlinear circuits highlighting the advantages. It describes the circuit modeling in the frequency domain of uniform MTL based on the Telegrapher’s equations and covers frequency and time domain experimental characterization techniques for uniform and nonuniform multiconductor structures.This volume will undoubtedly take its place as the engineer's first choice in looking for solutions to problems encountered in the analysis and behavior predictions of circuits and filters.
Taylor & Francis Inc Molecular Electronics, Circuits, and Processing Platforms
When microelectronic devices replaced vacuum tubes, it marked a revolution in electronics that opened the way to the computer age. We are on the verge of witnessing another equally profound shift. As molecular devices replace semiconductors, we will achieve new levels of performance, functionality and capability that will hugely impact electronics, as well as signal processing and computing. Molecular Electronics, Circuits, and Processing Platforms guides you confidently into this emerging field. Helping you to forge into the molecular frontier, this book examines the various concepts, methods and technologies used to approach and solve a wide variety of problems. The author works from new devices to systems and platforms. He also covers device-level physics, system-level design, analysis, and advanced fabrication technologies. Explore the latest and emerging molecular, biomolecular, and nanoscale processing platforms for building the next generation of circuits, memories and computations. By examining both solved and open issues, this book thoroughly develops the basic theory and shows you how to apply this knowledge toward new developments and practical hardware implementation. Don’t fall behind. Let Molecular Electronics, Circuits, and Processing Platforms take you to the next level of electronics design and applications.
Taylor & Francis Inc Pathology, Toxicogenetics, and Criminalistics of Drug Abuse
Extracted from the Drug Abuse Handbook, 2nd edition, to give you just the information you need at an affordable price.Pathology, Toxicogenetics, and Criminalistics of Drug Abuse presents a detailed introduction to the cutting-edge advances in this emerging field. Beginning with a definition and explanation of the scheduling of controlled substances, the book covers all illicit drugs, as well as several legitimate pharmaceutical preparations that are used illicitly, including steroids. It describes in detail the most common pathologic syndromes seen in the hearts, lungs, and central nervous systems of drug abusers and explains how inherited genetic defects and variations can alter drug effects. Written by leading investigators in the field, this useful volume describes the techniques most commonly used by forensic analysts including chemical confirmatory tests such as microcrystal identification and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The book reviews the basics of toxicogenetics, including the molecular changes in cardiac structure ("channelopathies") that may cause sudden death.
Taylor & Francis Inc Vibration of Plates
Plates are integral parts of most engineering structures and their vibration analysis is required for safe design. Vibration of Plates provides a comprehensive, self-contained introduction to vibration theory and analysis of two-dimensional plates. Reflecting the author's more than 15 years of original research on plate vibration, this book presents new methodologies and demonstrates their effectiveness by providing comprehensive results. The text also offers background information on vibration problems along with a discussion of various plate geometries and boundary conditions, including the new concepts of Boundary Characteristic Orthogonal Polynomials (BCOPs).
Taylor & Francis Inc Mathematical Modeling of Food Processing
Written by international experts from industry, research centers, and academia, Mathematical Modeling of Food Processing discusses the physical and mathematical analysis of transport phenomena associated with food processing. The models presented describe many of the important physical and biological transformations that occur in food during processing.After introducing the fundamentals of heat, mass, and momentum transfer as well as computational fluid dynamics (CFD), the book focuses on specialized topics in food processing. It covers thermal, low temperature, non-thermal, and non-conventional thermal processing, along with the analysis of biological and enzyme reactors. The book also explores the use of artificial neural networks, exergy analysis, process control, and cleaning-in-place (CIP) systems in industry.With the availability of high speed computers and advances in computational techniques, the application of mathematical modeling in food science and engineering is growing. This comprehensive volume provides up-to-date, wide-ranging material on the mathematical analysis of transport phenomena in food.
Taylor & Francis Inc Bloodstain Pattern Analysis with an Introduction to Crime Scene Reconstruction
Objective establishment of the truth is the goal of any good crime scene investigator. This demands a consideration of all evidence available using proven scientific methodologies to establish objective snapshots of the crime. The majority of forensic disciplines shed light on the “who” of a crime, bloodstain pattern analysis is one of the most important disciplines to address “what” happened. Understanding the discipline, its underlying scientific basis, and how best to apply this knowledge is crucial in the investigator’s quest for the truth. Internationally known experts in crime scene analysis, Tom Bevel and Ross M. Gardner explore bloodstain pattern analysis in depth, explaining what it is, how it is used, and the practical methodologies employed to achieve defensible results. Bloodstain Pattern Analysis with an Introduction to Crime Scene Reconstruction, Third Edition: Presents a specific and detailed taxonomy of bloodstain pattern characteristics Offers a full-color fold-out Decision Map to guide analysts through the classification process Uses full-color photos and diagrams to illustrate concepts Describes the theory, principles, and methodology for crime scene reconstruction Details proven, applicable scientific methodologies Emphasizes observable and reproducible results to mitigate accusations of subjectivity in evidence and testimony Provides more than 60% new or significantly revised information Offering practical advice and tips for novices and experienced professionals, this book employs clear, lucid, and reasoned scientific arguments to provide the tools to guide and focus any investigative effort. Captain Tom Bevel is a 27-year veteran of the Oklahoma City Police Department, retiring in 1996 as Commander of the Homicide, Robbery, Missing Persons, and Unsolved Homicide units. He is held in high esteem as a qualified expert in crime scene reconstruction and bloodstain pattern analysis in state, federal, and foreign courts. His knowledge and expertise as a crime scene consultant has been sought after in 45 US states and 11 foreign countries. He owns a forensic education and consulting company in his home state of Oklahoma. Ross M. Gardner retired as a Command Sergeant Major and Special Agent in 1999 after serving a total of 24 years in US Army law enforcement. Certified by the International Association for Identification as a Senior Crime Analyst for the past 16 years, Gardner is an active instructor and consultant throughout the United States in crime scene analysis, bloodstain pattern analysis, and crime scene investigation.
Taylor & Francis Inc Marine Products for Healthcare: Functional and Bioactive Nutraceutical Compounds from the Ocean
Considered Mother Nature’s medicine cabinet in many areas of the world, marine organisms have been known from time immemorial to possess curative powers. But until recently, their bioactive compounds, nutraceutical properties, and commercial potential remained undiscovered. Bringing together widely scattered literature, Marine Products for Healthcare: Functional and Bioactive Nutraceutical Compounds from the Ocean discusses the importance of marine products as a source of nutraceuticals, food additives, and other useful ingredients in health protection and product formulationThe book begins with a discussion of the general characteristics of functional foods and an overview of the functionality of marine fishery products. It includes detailed discussions on nutraceutical and other functional properties of their seafood components including proteins, bioactive peptides, polyunsaturated fatty acids, polysaccharides, chondroitin, carotenoids, minerals, and shell waste products. Other chapters examine the role of seaweeds as food supplements, additives, and bioactive compounds; microalgae and corals rich in nutrients, pigments, and therapeutic agents; and secondary metabolites of corals, particularly sponges, that have potential as lifesaving drugs. The book also explores recent developments in food fortification, packaging, and drug delivery systems with particular reference with marine ingredients and concludes with a delineation of the safety hazards posed by some marine products. The science of discovering health promoting compounds from marine sources and techniques for extracting and purifying these chemicals is advancing. More than just a review of the science and market base available for the development of marine nutraceutical/functional food, this book provides a greater understanding of how consumer attitude and legal concerns will impact the kind of products that can be made.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Digital Signal Processing Handbook - 3 Volume Set
Now available in a three-volume set, this updated and expanded edition of the bestselling Digital Signal Processing Handbook continues to provide the engineering community with authoritative coverage of the fundamental and specialized aspects of information-bearing signals in digital form.Encompassing essential background material, technical details, standards, and software, The Digital Signal Processing Handbook, Second Edition reflects cutting-edge information on signal processing algorithms and protocols related to speech, audio, multimedia, and video processing technology associated with standards ranging from WiMax to MP3 audio, low-power/high-performance DSPs, color image processing, and chips on video. The three-volume set draws on the experience of leading engineers, researchers, and scholars and includes 29 new chapters that address multimedia and Internet technologies, tomography, radar systems, architecture, standards, and future applications in speech, acoustics, video, radar, and telecommunications. Each volume in the set is also available individually ... Emphasizing theoretical concepts, Digital Signal Processing Fundamentals (Catalog no. 46063) provides comprehensive coverage of the basic foundations of DSP. Coverage includes: Signals and Systems, Signal Representation and Quantization, Fourier Transforms, Digital Filtering, Statistical Signal Processing, Adaptive Filtering, Inverse Problems and Signal Reconstruction, and Time–Frequency and Multirate Signal Processing.Wireless, Networking, Radar, Sensor Array Processing, and Nonlinear Signal Processing (Catalog no. 46047) thoroughly covers the foundations of signal processing related to wireless, radar, space–time coding, and mobile communications together with associated applications to networking, storage, and communications.Video, Speech, and Audio Signal Processing and Associated Standards, (Catalog no. 4608X) details the basic foundations of speech, audio, image, and video processing and associated applications to broadcast, storage, search and retrieval, and communications.
Taylor & Francis Inc Lipoic Acid: Energy Production, Antioxidant Activity and Health Effects
The recognition of oxidative stress as a major factor in health, aging, and disease has led to a surge in research aimed at uncovering effective countermeasures in the form of antioxidants. Unique in its two-fold protective function, alpha-lipoic acid has drawn unprecedented interest as a coenzyme in mitochondrial energy metabolism and as an antioxidant and cell redox modulator. Mounting data regarding its potential health benefits demands an authoritative, single-source reference to codify current knowledge and guide future research. A state-of-the-science compilation, Lipoic Acid follows the history of this potent coenzyme and the latest discoveries regarding the chemistry, biological action, and significance in energy production, antioxidant activity, and health. The book is divided into three sections: · Section I: Discovery and Molecular Structure reviews the early studies leading to the discovery of alpha-lipoic acid and explains the molecular structure, biosynthesis, and the characterization of lipoic acid and its chemical derivatives. · Section II: Metabolic Aspects describes in detail the human pharmacokinetics of alpha-lipoic acid including the lipoic acid-derived dehydrogenase complexes and their roles in energy metabolism. It also explains antioxidant activity and redox modulation and how lipoic acid induces Phase II detoxification enzymes through activation of Nrf2-dependent gene expression. · Section III Clinical Aspects discusses enzyme deficiency disorders and the effects of lipoic acid on insulin. It defines lipoic acid influence on signaling pathways and AMP-activated kinase, and considers the therapeutic implications for treatment of metabolic syndromes and the improvement of mitochondrial function by lipoic acid supplementation. Contributions from leading in
Taylor & Francis Inc Measurements of Phosphor Properties
Measuring the properties of phosphors is an essential step in developing and selecting phosphors for specific applications. Consisting of chapters drawn from the second edition of the best-selling Handbook of Phosphors, Measurements of Phosphor Properties outlines various methods for characterizing and measuring the optical and luminescence properties of phosphors. The book covers measurement in the vacuum-ultraviolet region, measurement of particle size and optical properties of phosphor powders, and relevant aspects of color vision in the human eye. It details the optical properties of powder layers, color vision, and other miscellanies. It concludes with a detailed history of phosphor technology and industry.
Taylor & Francis Inc XIth International Symposium on Amyloidosis
Edited by a stellar team of scientists compiling more than 120 papers into a single volume, the XIth Annual International Symposium on Amyloidosis represents the most important review of the state-of-the-science and future directions of this rapidly growing field. An unparalleled cast of pioneering researchers, including keynote speaker and Nobel Laureate Dr. Stanley Prusiner, present groundbreaking research in systemic amyloidosis including the mechanisms of disease and cellular toxicity, AA amyloidosis, familial amyloidosis, AL amyloidosis, clinical trials, and emerging Divided into six sections, the book begins with a study of the mechanisms of fibril formation and cellular response. It investigates possible horizontal transmission, charge differences of deposits in AL and NALCDD, and novel assays to detect amyloid induced apoptosis. The second section considers AA and localized amyloidosis and presents advances in non-invasive imaging, amyloid typing, and the translocation of systemic amyloidosis. The section on familial and TTR amyloidosis features an original report on hereditary gelsolin amyloidosis in an Iranian family, as well as other novel and rare mutations. An extensive section on AL amyloidosis introduces ALBASE as a platform analysis tool, AL amyloidosis in the elderly, and a study of the therapeutic potential of naturally occurring antibodies. Section five focuses on new and emerging diagnostic and translational approaches including characterization and identification through biopsy, mass spectrometry, proteomics, and the use of an amyloid "chip". The book concludes with clinical trials of diflunisal and high dose melphalan-dexamethasone and autologous stem cell transplantation. translational approaches.Focusing on new basic and translational medicine approaches in systemic amyloidosis, XIth Annual International Symposium on Amyloidosis provides clinicians and researchers with an invaluable single source reference to the most up-to-date research in the field.
Taylor & Francis Inc Gandhi's Footprints
Mahatma K. Gandhi's dedication to finding a path of liberation from an epidemic of violence has been well documented before. The central issue and the novelty of this book is its focus on what Gandhi wanted to liberate us for. The book also provides an assessment of how viable his positive vision of humanity is.Gandhi revolutionized the struggle for Indian liberation from Great Britain by convincing his countrymen that they must turn to nonviolence and that India needed to be liberated from its social ills—poverty, unemployment, opium addiction, institution of child marriage, inequality of women, and Hindu-Muslim frictions—even more than it needed political freedom.Although Gandhi's legacy has not been forgotten, it has often been distorted. He is called "Mahatma" and venerated as a saint, but not followed and often misinterpreted. Predrag Cicovacki attempts to de-mythologize Gandhi and take a closer look at his thoughts, aims, and struggles. He invites us to look at the footprints Gandhi left for us, and follow them as carefully and critically as possible. Cicovacki concludes that Gandhi's spiritual vision of humanity and the importance of adherence to truth (satyagraha)are his lasting legacy.
Taylor & Francis Inc Cultural Renewal: Restoring the Liberal and Fine Arts
The decline of interest in the liberal and fine arts is widely lamented. At issue is why this decline happened and how we might restore qualitative standards by which to live. Arthur Pontynen argues that cultural decline is the consequence of a tragically anti-intellectual academic tradition—and its alternative is the cosmopolitan pursuit of wisdom and beauty.Pontynen writes that the liberal and fine arts are justified by their attempt to understand the material realization of wisdom, of that which is true and good in reality and life. The current decline marks a denial that such qualitative aspirations are realistic. Instead of understanding art as the intellectual pursuit of ontological perfection, perfection is subjectified as willful preference or experience. Consequently, the liberal and fine arts have been displaced by a naturalistic social science and a relational existentialism. This reduction denies qualitive thoughts, words, and deeds.Pontynen establishes that the arts are not obsolete, merely subjectivist, or limited to a brutal (de)constructivism. He argues for a renewed idealism that is neither reductionist, trivializing, or brutalized. Pontynen offers an alternative, global narrative that is both realistic and idealistic; one that permits us to distinguish between the trivial, the brutal, and the profound.
Taylor & Francis Inc Thinking Through Creativity and Culture: Toward an Integrated Model
Creativity and culture are inherently linked. Society and culture are part and parcel of creativity's process, outcome, and subjective experience. Equally, creativity does not reside in the individual independent of culture and society.Vlad Petre Glveanu's basic framework includes creators and community, from which new artifacts emerge and existing artifacts are developed. He points to a relationship between self and other, new and old, specific for every creative act. Using this multifaceted system requires that researchers employ ecological research in order to capture the heterogeneity and social dimensions of creativity.Glveanu uses an approach based on cultural psychology to present creativity in lay terms and within everyday settings. He concludes with a unitary cultural framework of creativity interrelating actors, audiences, actions, artifacts, and affordances.