Search results for ""Author Andrea"
Taschen GmbH Hokusai. Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji
Mount Fuji has long been a centerpiece of Japanese cultural imagination, and nothing captures this with more virtuosity than the landmark woodblock print series Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji by Katsushika Hokusai (1760–1849). The renowned printmaker documents 19th-century Japan with exceptional artistry and adoration, celebrating its countryside, cities, people, and serene natural beauty. Produced at the peak of Hokusai’s artistic ambition, the series is a quintessential work of ukiyo-e that earned the artist world-wide recognition as a leading master of his craft. The prints illustrate Hokusai’s own obsession with Mount Fuji as well as the flourishing domestic tourism of the late Edo period. Just as the mountain was a cherished view for travelers heading to the capital Edo (now Tokyo) along the Tōkaidō road, Mount Fuji is the infallible backdrop to each of the series’ unique scenes. Hokusai captures the distinctive landscape and provincial charm of each setting with a vivid palette and exquisite detail. Including the iconic Under the Great Wave off Kanagawa (also The Great Wave), this widely celebrated series is a treasure of international art history. Among only a few complete reprints of the series, this XXL edition pays homage to Hokusai’s striking colors and compositions with unprecedented care and magnitude. Bound in the Japanese tradition with uncut paper, Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji presents the original 36 plates plus the additional 10 later added by the artist. The perfect companion piece to TASCHEN’s One Hundred Views of Edo and The Sixty-Nine Stations along the Kisokaidō, this publication paints an enchanting picture of pre-industrial Japan and is itself a stunning monument to the art of woodblock printing.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Digital Supply Chain and Logistics with IoT: Practical Guide, Methods, Tools and Use Cases for Industry
The concepts for Industry 4.0 and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) will fundamentally change supply chains, production processes and industries. Intelligent technologies such as IoT, edge and cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and digital assistance systems are drivers of this change. This book provides a comprehensive overview of IoT use cases with illustrative practical examples of how digitization or innovation projects can be successfully implemented. It takes into consideration that processes are getting more flexible and efficient, and new digital technologies allow seamless, location-independent communication in near real time between things, processes and people through the digitization of physical objects and processes. Considering these changes, the book provides a guideline on how companies should position themselves for the future with industrial IoT in order to still play a decisive role in the industry in a few years' time. The book is aimed at both decision-makers and practitioners who, on the one hand, recognize the opportunities and possibilities for their company and, on the other hand, want to learn how to use the appropriate technologies. With this in mind it will be valuable for entrepreneurs, managers, architects and also developers in the field of Industry 4.0.
SPCK Publishing Newlandic: Discovering New Territory and Finding Renewal in God
“Whether you are new to the Christian faith, or have been a believer for many years, this book will inspire and equip you to return to the heart of discipleship. I found myself equipped by this message, to make big changes in lots of small, simple, practical ways that anyone can do.” Pete Greig, International Director 24–7 Prayer, Senior Pastor Emmaus Rd, GuildfordLife, God, and faith contain endless “Terra Incognita”, or uncharted territory, just waiting to be discovered. You were made to believe, think, and act with a Newlandic spirit, and to live in a Newlandic way. Regardless of whether you greet new things with enthusiasm or a hint of scepticism, God is Newlandic. He wants to lead you to wide open spaces, to break down barriers that limit you, to broaden your horizons. Boppi identifies four Newlandic territories: our image of God, our own hearts, our relationships, and our interaction with the world. As we let go of fear and begin to apply God’s Newlandic principles, we will begin to see a breathtaking panorama.
Potomac Books Inc Air Commanders
Air Commanders combines short military biographies and operational analyses to reveal how the personalities, attitudes, and life experiences of twelve outstanding U.S. airmen shaped the central air campaigns in American history. From Gen. Carl Tooey Spaatz, who began his career in World War I, to the contemporary Gen. T.
Princeton University Press Alexander von Humboldt
Oxford University Press Capitalism Before Corporations
Editorial Ariel La era del ingenio el siglo XVII y el nacimiento de la mente moderna
La mentalidad de los tiempos modernos se establecio? en el sigloxviimientras, en medio de guerra e injusticia, tuvo lugar un peri?odo de revolucio?n intelectual. Pero que? le sucedio? a la mente europea entre 1605 ?cua?ndo la audiencia que asis- tio? a la primera funcio?n de Macbeth pensaba que el regicidio era tal aberracio?n del orden natural que hari?a que fantasmas se alzara?n de las profundidades de la tierra? y 1649, cua?ndo una gran multitud, quiza?s algunos de los que habi?an visto Macbeth cuarenta an?os atra?s, podi?an quedarse a contemplar tranquilamente la ejecucio?n de un rey?En este agitado peri?odo, la ciencia se movio? desde la alquimia y la astrologi?a de John Dee hasta el minucioso trabajo y la astronomi?a de Galileo, desde el clasi- cismo de Aristo?teles hasta la investigacio?n basada en la evidencia de la Royal Society. A pesar de eso, los usos antiguos au?n persisti?an y afectaban la nueva mentalidad: Newton, el hombre que entendi?a la gravedad y las leyes del mo
Editorial Ariel La utopía de las normas de la tecnología la estupidez y los secretos placeres de la burocracia
Un libro imprescindible para los tiempos que vivimos, que nos arma de argumentos en el debate presente sobre el cambio de modelo y que nos señala el camino hacia un mundo mejor y más justo. Cuál es el origen de ese afán por regular, imponer normas y burocratizar todos y cada uno de los aspectos de nuestra vida? Y lo más importante, hasta qué punto nos arruina la vida toda esa cantidad de formularios, procedimientos y documentación? Graeber pone luz a las distintas formas con las que la burocracia se inmiscuye en nuestro día a día, revelando hasta qué punto llega a determinar nuestras vidas. Un interminable y abominable papeleo que anula la creatividad y consume gran parte del tiempo. El avance tecnológico se ha descubierto así como otro mecanismo más de control, mucho más poderoso, al que sin embargo nos hemos plegado sin oponer resistencia, seducidos por sus encantos. Navegando desde el influjo de la economía liberal de la segunda mitad del siglo xx hasta el significado oculto tras pe
Budrich Wie Seelsorge wirken kann
Universitatsverlag Winter Die Welt Im Ubergang: Der Diskursive, Subjektive Und Skeptische Charakter Der 'mappamondo' Des Fra Mauro
Harrassowitz Traditio Obligat - Variatio Delectat: Zur Uberlieferungsdynamik Altagyptischer Traditionsliteratur
Auer Verlag i.d.AAP LW Chemische Reaktionen Chemie differenziert unterrichten Praxiserprobte Materialien fr heterogene Klassen
Arena Verlag GmbH Tilda Apfelkern Schn dass du da bist
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Dissidenten, Aussenseiter Und Querulanten: Literarische Und Historische Gestalten in Religiosen Kontexten Ausserhalb Des Normativen
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Salomo: Von Der Weisheit Eines Frauenliebhabers
ALFRED PUBLISHING CO.(UK)LTD Three Duets Op 4 Kalmus Edition
Columbia University Press Repertoires of Terrorism
Goldegg Verlag GmbH Der Keller ist dem Österreicher sein Aussichtsturm Taschenbuchausgabe
edition krimi Blutrausch Ein DresdenKrimi mit Wolf Knig
edition krimi Verlorenes Land Ein DDRKrimi
Groos Edition Julius Chinesisch Deutsches Lernwrterbuch
Deutscher Wissenschafts V Hitlers verborgener Großvater und die Ursprünge des Holocaust
Westend Hilfe ich bin ein Mensch
Ulmer Eugen Verlag Proteaceae
Deutscher Apotheker Vlg aporello Hilfsstoffe in der Rezeptur
Books on Demand Zwei Ehen - ein Leben: Man(n) soll die Richtige heiraten Autobiografie aus den Jahren 1955 - 2017
Books on Demand Legenden von Asgor: Die vergessene Magie
FISCHER Sauerländer Das verrückte ExperimentierLabor
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH 100 Highlights Sdamerika Alle Ziele die Sie gesehen haben sollten
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Der Schattenmann Schauplatz Berlin Tagebuchaufzeichnungen 1938 1948
Arena Verlag GmbH Tilda Apfelkern Einfach unzertrennlich
Arena Verlag GmbH Juli Lwenzahn Jeder Tag ein Abenteuer Vorlesebuch
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the Politics of Human Rights Law
International human rights law is undoubtedly intertwined with politics. This Research Handbook explores and provokes reflection on how politics impacts human rights legislation and, conversely, how human rights law shapes politics and the functioning of the state.Bringing together leading international scholars in human rights law and politics, the Research Handbook provides theoretical reflections and empirical analyses across the areas of governance and policies and examines the implementation mechanisms of human rights law in national and international jurisdictions. Chapters discuss issues such as the mobilization of human rights in developing countries, the politics of torture and resource allocation, and the influence of politics on international institutions. It also presents a critical analysis of the human rights regimes in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East, and how the state works in ways which respect the ethics and values of human rights law.Providing a comprehensive overview of the reciprocal relationship between politics and human rights legislation, this Research Handbook will be essential reading for students and academics in human rights, international politics, law and politics, and public policy.
Potomac Books Inc Air Commanders
Air Commanders combines short military biographies and operational analyses to reveal how the personalities, attitudes, and life experiences of twelve outstanding U.S. airmen shaped the central air campaigns in American history. From Gen. Carl Tooey Spaatz, who began his career in World War I, to the contemporary Gen. T.
Rowman & Littlefield Supporting Inclusion: School Administrators' Perspectives and Practices
Supporting Inclusion: School Administrators’ Perspectives and Practices provides significant insights that arm the reader with a variety of ideas and easy-to-implement applicable strategies gleaned from knowledgeable contemporaries. This book details various approaches taken by administrators as they transitioned their schools from a segregated resource environment to an inclusive framework. From elementary to high school, administrators in both large and small school districts describe approaches that best suited their populations’ needs. While transitioning to inclusion, administrators created structures that maximized staff talent and encouraged faculty buy-in. Challenges included calendaring collaboration time, providing inclusion and co-teaching training, properly mentoring first year teachers, securing expert ancillary staff, retraining paraprofessionals from resource to inclusive supporting roles, procuring appropriate technology and supplemental resources, and presenting strategies to accommodate behaviorally challenged students. Programing often required shifting populations and leveling classes. Ultimately, administrators established and sustained inclusive classrooms with a good deal of success.
Amazon Publishing Guiltless
The tiny Swedish island of Sandhamn has always been a haven for lawyer Nora Linde. With trouble brewing in her marriage, she finds its comforts more welcome than ever, even in the depths of winter. That is, until her two young sons trip across a severed arm in the woods. The boys' gruesome discovery will once again connect Nora with her childhood friend Thomas Andreasson, now a local police detective. When the limb is identified as belonging to a twenty-year-old woman who disappeared without a trace months earlier, what had been a missing persons case takes on a whole new urgency. Nora and Thomas delve deeply into the woman's final hours, each of them wrestling not only with the case but with the private demons it awakens in them. As they do, they'll find themselves drawn into the history of Sandhamn and the tensions that have been simmering just below the surface for more than a hundred years.
Walter de Gruyter Personalentscheidungen Für Gesellschaftliche Schlüsselpositionen: Institutionen, Semantiken, Praktiken
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on European Competition Law: Enforcement and Procedure
Key features:- Edited by leading academics and an experienced practitioner- Combines both practical insight and scholarly analysis- A rich compendium of commentary and analysis on all the main themes of competition law- Extensive coverage of both substantive, procedural and enforcement issues in two volumes.Handbook on European Competition Law: Enforcement and Procedure sets out in detail the procedural aspects of EU competition law, ranging from fines, remedies and judicial review. It also gives unique insight into both private and public enforcement of completion law, and offers commentary on the relationship between EU competition law and national competition law, and on the relationship between competition law and private international law.The companion volume, Handbook on European Competition Law: Substantive Aspects, sets the context for examination of substantive law by reviewing and analyzing the goals of competition law. It then covers the substantive building blocks of EU competition law, including horizontal and vertical agreements, cartels, mergers, and also provides valuable coverage of the interaction between competition and regulation, hub and spoke collusion, and information exchange agreements. The importance of the abuse of dominance doctrine is reflected in three discrete chapters considering exploitative abuses, exclusionary pricing abuses, and exclusionary non-pricing abuses.This Handbook will be an indispensable reference work for practitioners and scholars, as well as for those in an enforcement environment.Contributors: A. Andreangeli, K. Cseres, C. Genakos, D. Geradin, D.M.B. Gerard, Y. Katsoulacos, A.P. Komninos, N. Levy, I. Lianos, C. Malamataris, B.J. Rodger, H. Schweitzer, D. Ulph, J. Wileur
Melissa Publishing House Athens and Attica: History and Archaeology
Melissa Publishing House Archaiologia: Peloponnesos