Search results for ""Author Andrea"
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Modern Day Challenges in Academia: Time for a Change
Examining the modern day challenges faced by academics throughout their working lives, this timely book investigates the ways in which academic careers are changing, the reasons for these changes and their potential future impacts. Contributors with experience of work in both traditional and contemporary institutions utilise theoretical and empirical methods to provide international perspectives on the key issues confronting modern day academics. Split across three chronological parts this book guides the reader through the phases of an academic's working life and the unique challenges encountered at each stage. For those entering academia key issues considered relate to career paths and motivations and transitions from industry to academia. During academia chapters study the understanding of external examiners, questions surrounding student supervision, work-life balance, use of technology and the trade off between teaching and research. Upon leaving academia concerns turn to the difficulties of working past retirement age and emeritus roles. Exploring how academics survive and thrive in the modern higher education arena, this analytical book will be a useful tool for new and established academics and policy makers working in higher education as well as for programme leaders in educational management. Contributors include: A. Agarwal, D. Anderton, K.E. Andreasen, M. Antoniadou, W. Chambers, C. Cook, M. Crowder, P. Cureton, E. Epaminonda, M. Gibson-Sweet, J. Haddock-Fraser, J. Jones, A. Karayiannis, H. Kogetsidis, P.D. Ktoridou, S.-J. Lennie, B. Longden, S. Marriott, M. Mouratidou, T. Proctor, A. Rasmussen, C. Rees, S.K. Rehbock, K. Rowlands, P.J. Sandiford, J. Stewart, S. Wells
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Early Modern Military Identities, 1560-1639: Reality and Representation
An investigation into how soldiers of this period considered and presented themselves. Within the large-scale historiography of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century warfare and the early modern military revolution there remain many unanswered questions about the individual soldier and their relationship to the profession of arms. What was it that distinguished a soldier from the rest of society? How was the military life perceived in this period by those with first-hand experience of soldiery, or who represented soldiers on the page and stage?How were nationality, class, and gender used to construct military identities? And how were such identities also shaped by classical and medieval models? This book examines how early modern fighting men and their peers viewed and represented themselves in military roles, and how they were viewed and fashioned by others. Focusing on English, Irish and Anglo-Irish soldiers active between the 1560s and 1630s, and using sources including poetry, petitions, sermons, military treatises and manuals, campaign records, and plays by Shakespeare, Middleton and their contemporaries, a combination of historians and literary scholars offer new investigations into the construction, representation and interpretation of military identity, and consider the personal and political implications of martial self-fashioning. Drawing on a variety of disciplines and methodologies, the essays here demonstrate how the study of military identity-and military identities-intersects with that of life-writing, digital humanities, gender, disability, the history of emotions, and the relationship between early modern literature and martial culture. MATTHEW WOODCOCK is Professor of Medieval and Early Modern Literature, University of East Anglia; CIAN O'MAHONY is an Independent Scholar. Contributors: Angela Andreani, Benjamin Armintor, Ruth Canning, David Edwards, Andrew Hadfield, Andrew Hiscock, Adam McKeown, Philip Major, Cian O'Mahony, James O'Neill, Vimala Pasupathi, Clodagh Tait, David Trim, Matthew Woodcock.
Auer-System-Verlag, Carl Rechte Wrter Von Abendland bis Zigeunerschnitzel
Hanser Fachbuchverlag Mobile und stationäre NiederspannungsGleichstromnetze
Peeters Publishers Kres Texnites. L'artisan Cretois: Recueil D'articles En L'honneur De Jean-Claude Poursat, Publie a L'occasion Des 40 Ans De La Decouverte Du Quartier Mu
Table des MatieresAvant-proposPreface du Directeur de l'Ecole francaise d'AthenesBiographie de Jean-Claude PoursatBibliographie de Jean-Claude PoursatAbreviations bibliographiquesArticles- Maria Andreadaki-Vlasaki, Cultes et divinites dans la ville minoenne de La Canee. Quelques reflexions- Claude Baurain, " !nya te Minvw \nnevrow basileue " (Homere, Od. XIX 178-179)- Isabelle Bradfer-Burdet, Une kouloura dans le " Petit Palais " de Malia- Pascal Darcque, Mycenes : une ville ou un palais ?- Beatrice Detournay, Les premieres femmes sur les fouilles de Malia (1923-1925) - Christos Doumas, La repartition topographique des fresques dans les batiments d'Akrotiri a Thera- Jan Driessen, On the Use of the Upper Floors in Minoan Neopalatial Architecture- Alexandre Farnoux, Art et litterature : la coupe de Nestor - Louis Godart, Le developpement et la diffusion des ecritures egeennes- Carl Knappett, Artworks and Artefacts : The Pottery from Quartier Mu, Malia - Olga Krzyszkowska, Amethyst in the Aegean Bronze Age. An Archaeological Enigma? - Robert Laffineur, Les chapiteaux chevilles. Propos sur l'architecture minoenne en materiaux perissables- Vincenzo La Rosa, Le motif du poulpe dans la ceramique de Camares a Phaistos - Sylvie Muller-Celka, Le " Cratere au Parasol ", Chypre et l'Egee. Une histoire de vases- Walter Muller, Gold Rings on Minoan Fingers- Elsa Papatsaroucha, La pierre et l'objet double : Questions iconographiques de la glyptique minoenne - Olivier Pelon, Les deux destructions du palais de Malia - Ingo Pini, Spatbronzezeitliche Agaische Weichsteinsiegel mit Ausnahme der ?Mainland Popular Group' von Fundorten Ausserhalb Kretas- Rene Treuil, Entre morts et vivants a Malia. La " zone des necropoles " et les quartiers d'habitation - Peter Warren, A Model of Iconographical Transfer. The Case of Crete and EgyptTabula gratulatoria
Books on Demand Rudolf Schmidt-Dethloff: Liebe zur Landschaft
Hatje Cantz Verlag GmbH William Blakes Universum
John Wiley & Sons Inc Robot Evolution: The Development of Anthrobotics
Lavishly Illustrated, Comprehensive, Detailed, andReader-Friendly--This is the Ultimate Robot Book! From newlydiscovered designs of Leonardo da Vinci to the pioneeringnineteenth-century work of Nikola Tesla, and on to burgeoninganthropomorphic robots, "anthrobots," that are dextrous,communicative, and autonomous, Robot Evolution covers the lengthand ever-widening breadth of this new robotics field. Acknowledgedrobotics expert Mark Rosheim offers at once a fascinating look atmore than 2,000 years of robot history, as well as a technicalguide to their development, design, and component parts. This bookexplores the evolution and increasing complexity of robot designsand points out the advantages and disadvantages of various designapproaches for robot arms, hands, wrists, and legs. By analyzingthe kinematics of robot components in comparison to human limbs,Robot Evolution also introduces a powerful new design tool tomeasure and evaluate past, present, and new designs. This bookfeatures: * Robot survey from ancient Greece to the nineteenth century * Analysis of modern robots from 1950 to the present * Comparative anatomy of human and robot joints * Chapter-by-chapter analysis of robot arms, wrists, hands, andlegs * Evolution of sensors and artificial intelligence * Development of mechanical men from man-amplifiers to amazinganthropomorphic robots--anthrobots!
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. Cultivating Confidence: Verification, Monitoring and Enforcement for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons
The Nuclear Security Project, launched in 2007, helped reframe the global debate on nuclear issues and garnered significant global and domestic attention, increasing the political space for addressing global nuclear dangers and advancing understanding of the steps needed to reduce nuclear dangers. This volume, one of several under the project, presents a blueprint for actions government leaders can take to guide the policy making and technical development necessary to move toward a world free of nuclear weapons. Ten expert contributors identify the key technical, political, and diplomatic challenges associated with verifying, monitoring, and enforcing a world free of nuclear weapons and provide potential solutions to those challenges. Unifying themes include principal challenges or stumbling blocks; current technical limits that should inform decisions about investment in further research and technical analysis; technical constraints to developing the kind of system necessary to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons; and developing the architecture for a verification system.Contributors: Steven P. Andreasen, Everet H. Beckner, James Fuller, Steinar Høibråten, Edward Ifft, Halvor Kippe, Harold Müller, Annette Schaper, Thomas E. Shea, Ralf Wirtz
Pennsylvania State University Press Friendship in Jewish History, Religion, and Culture
The ubiquity of friendship in human culture contributes to the fallacy that ideas about friendship have not changed and remained consistent throughout history. It is only when we begin to inquire into the nature and significance of the concept in specific contexts that we discover how complex it truly is. Covering the vast expanse of Jewish tradition, from ancient Israel to the twenty-first century, this collection of essays traces the history of the beliefs, rituals, and social practices surrounding friendship in Jewish life.Employing diverse methodological approaches, this volume explores the particulars of the many varied forms that friendship has taken in the different regions where Jews have lived, including the ancient Near East, the Greco-Roman world, Europe, and the United Sates. The four sections—friendship between men, friendship between women, challenges to friendship, and friendships that cross boundaries, especially between Jews and Christians, or men and women—represent and exemplify universal themes and questions about human interrelationships. This pathbreaking and timely study will inspire further research and provide the groundwork for future explorations of the topic.In addition to the editor, the contributors are Martha Ackelsberg, Michela Andreatta, Joseph Davis, Glenn Dynner, Eitan P. Fishbane, Susannah Heschel, Daniel Jütte, Eyal Levinson, Saul M. Olyan, George Savran, and Hava Tirosh-Samuelson.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Führung im Denken und Handeln Gregors des Grossen
Gregor der Grosse (590-604) war sowohl ein geschickter Kirchenpolitiker als auch ein inspirierter Denker. Barbara Müller erschliesst den inneren Zusammenhang beider Bereiche unter dem Aspekt der Führung, indem sie sowohl Gregors literarische Werke als auch seine päpstliche Korrespondenz analysiert.Aus Gregors Schriften geht hervor, dass für ihn Kirchenleitung vor allem kluge Personalpolitik bedeutete. Obschon sein Ideal der Mönchsbischof nach östlichem Vorbild war, zeichneten sich in der Praxis seine Personalpolitik und seine Führungsmassnahmen durch eine erstaunliche Vielfalt aus. Durch die Berücksichtigung verschiedenster Schriften und aufgrund des konsequent chronologischen Vorgehens lassen sich im führungsbezogenen Denken und Handeln Gregors sowohl Entwicklungen als auch Divergenzen feststellen. Der umfassende Zugang durchbricht die in der Gregor-Forschung verbreitete Tendenz, das Denken und das kirchenpolitische Handeln Gregors je gesondert voneinander zu beleuchten.Die Studie geht auch auf bislang wenig Beachtetes ein, wie beispielsweise Gregors Andreaskloster in Rom, das als ein Hort der kirchlichen Reform identifiziert wird, oder seine östliche Prägung aufgrund seines langjährigen Aufenthaltes in Konstantinopel. Barbara Müller analysiert seine Korrespondenz und zeigt einen anfänglich zerrissenen Mönch, der schliesslich zu einem quasi-mystischen Verständnis von Führung und Kirchenpolitik fand.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on International Law and Peace
Peace is an elusive concept, especially within the field of international law, varying according to historical era and between Research Handbook responds to the gap created by the neglect of peace in international law scholarship. Explaining the normative evolution of peace from the principles of peaceful co-existence to the UN declaration on the right to peace, this Research Handbook calls for the fortification of international institutions to facilitate the pursuit of sustainable peace as a public good. It sets forth a new agenda for research that invites scholars from a broad array of disciplines and fields of law to analyse the contribution of international institutions to the construction and implementation of sustainable peace. With its critical examination of courts, transitional justice institutions, dispute resolution and fact-finding mechanisms, this Research Handbook goes beyond the traditional focus on post-conflict resolution, and includes areas not usually found in analyses of peace such as investment and trade law. Bringing together contributions from leading researchers in the field of international law and peace, this Research Handbook analyses peace in the context of law applicable to women, refugees, environmentalism, sustainable development, disarmament, and other key contemporary issues. This thoughtful Research Handbook will be a crucial tool for policymakers, practitioners, and academics in the fields of international law, human rights, jus post bellum, and development. Its comprehensive insights to the field will also be of benefit for students of political science, law, and peace studies. Contributors: B.A. Andreassen, C.M. Bailliet, D. Behn, K. Egeland, O. Engdahl, O.K. Fauchald, J. Garcia-Godos, C. Hellestveit, M. Janmyr, S. Kanuck, K.M. Larsen, K. Lidén, G. Nystuen, S. O'Connor, J.C. Sainz-Borgo, K. Skarstad, V.B. Strand, H. Syse, A Tadjdini, C. Voigt, C. Weiss, P. Wrange, G. Zyberi
Pennsylvania State University Press Friendship in Jewish History, Religion, and Culture
The ubiquity of friendship in human culture contributes to the fallacy that ideas about friendship have not changed and remained consistent throughout history. It is only when we begin to inquire into the nature and significance of the concept in specific contexts that we discover how complex it truly is. Covering the vast expanse of Jewish tradition, from ancient Israel to the twenty-first century, this collection of essays traces the history of the beliefs, rituals, and social practices surrounding friendship in Jewish life.Employing diverse methodological approaches, this volume explores the particulars of the many varied forms that friendship has taken in the different regions where Jews have lived, including the ancient Near East, the Greco-Roman world, Europe, and the United Sates. The four sections—friendship between men, friendship between women, challenges to friendship, and friendships that cross boundaries, especially between Jews and Christians, or men and women—represent and exemplify universal themes and questions about human interrelationships. This pathbreaking and timely study will inspire further research and provide the groundwork for future explorations of the topic.In addition to the editor, the contributors are Martha Ackelsberg, Michela Andreatta, Joseph Davis, Glenn Dynner, Eitan P. Fishbane, Susannah Heschel, Daniel Jütte, Eyal Levinson, Saul M. Olyan, George Savran, and Hava Tirosh-Samuelson.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on International Law and Peace
Peace is an elusive concept, especially within the field of international law, varying according to historical era and between Research Handbook responds to the gap created by the neglect of peace in international law scholarship. Explaining the normative evolution of peace from the principles of peaceful co-existence to the UN declaration on the right to peace, this Research Handbook calls for the fortification of international institutions to facilitate the pursuit of sustainable peace as a public good. It sets forth a new agenda for research that invites scholars from a broad array of disciplines and fields of law to analyse the contribution of international institutions to the construction and implementation of sustainable peace. With its critical examination of courts, transitional justice institutions, dispute resolution and fact-finding mechanisms, this Research Handbook goes beyond the traditional focus on post-conflict resolution, and includes areas not usually found in analyses of peace such as investment and trade law. Bringing together contributions from leading researchers in the field of international law and peace, this Research Handbook analyses peace in the context of law applicable to women, refugees, environmentalism, sustainable development, disarmament, and other key contemporary issues. This thoughtful Research Handbook will be a crucial tool for policymakers, practitioners, and academics in the fields of international law, human rights, jus post bellum, and development. Its comprehensive insights to the field will also be of benefit for students of political science, law, and peace studies. Contributors: B.A. Andreassen, C.M. Bailliet, D. Behn, K. Egeland, O. Engdahl, O.K. Fauchald, J. Garcia-Godos, C. Hellestveit, M. Janmyr, S. Kanuck, K.M. Larsen, K. Lidén, G. Nystuen, S. O'Connor, J.C. Sainz-Borgo, K. Skarstad, V.B. Strand, H. Syse, A Tadjdini, C. Voigt, C. Weiss, P. Wrange, G. Zyberi
John Wiley & Sons Inc Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 45
Innovation today . . . Practice tomorrow. PROGRESS in Inorganic Chemistry Today's cutting-edge chemical experimentation is a foretaste of thetechnical arsenal of tomorrow's chemist. Progress in InorganicChemistry affords instant and convenient access to every area ofinnovative chemical research and has long served as theprofessional chemist's index to the newest and influential turns ininorganic chemistry. Featuring the work of internationally renownedchemists, Volume 45 discusses: * Selective Recognition of Organic Molecules by Metallohosts (JamesW. Canary and Bruce C. Gibb, New York University) * Metallacrowns: A New Class of Molecular Recognition Agents(Vincent L. Pecoraro, Ann J. Stemmler, Brian R. Gibney, Jeffrey J.Bodwin, Hsin Wang, Jeff W. Kampf, and Almut Barwinski, Universityof Michigan) * The Interpretation of Ligand Field Parameters (Adam J. Bridgemanand Malcolm Gerloch, University Chemical Laboratories) * Chemistry of Transition Metal Cyanide Compounds: ModernPerspectives (Kim R. Dunbar and Robert A. Heintz, Michigan StateUniversity) * Assembling Sugars and Metals: Novel Architectures andReactivities in Transition Metal Chemistry (Umberto Piarulli andCarlo Floriani, University of Lausanne) * Oxygen Activation Mechanism at the Binuclear Site of Heme-CopperOxidase Superfamily as Revealed by Time-Resolved Resonance RamanSpectroscopy (Teizo Kitagawa and Takashi Ogura, Institute forMolecular Science) "This series is distinguished not only by its scope and breadth,but also by the depth and quality of the reviews." --Journal of theAmerican Chemical Society "This series is a valuable addition to the library of thepracticing research chemist, and is a good starting point forstudents wishing to understand modern inorganic chemistry."--Canadian Chemical News "[This series] has won a deservedly honored place on the bookshelfof the chemist attempting to keep afloat in the torrent of originalpapers on inorganic chemistry." --Chemistry in Britain