Search results for ""Author Andrea"
Westermann Schulbuch Einsteigen und durchstarten Medienbildung 3. Arbeitsheft
Westermann Schulbuch Einsteigen und durchstarten Praktikum und Berufswahl
Westermann Schulbuch Elemente der Mathematik SII. Qualifikationsphase Leistungskurs Schulbuch. NordrheinWestfalen
Schoeningh Verlag Beschtzer der Diebe EinFach Deutsch Unterrichtsmodelle Klassen 5 7
Georg Thieme Verlag I care Altenpflege Langzeitpflege
Klett Lerntraining Bibi Tina Eine Freundin für Sabrina
Klett Sprachen GmbH Der doppelte Leo
FISCHER, S. Die Moskauer
S Fischer Verlag GmbH Ein Herz und eine Seele
Volk u. Wissen Vlg GmbH Songbuch Allgemeine Ausgabe Schlerbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Fundamente der Mathematik 10. Schuljahr. NordrheinWestfalen Schülerbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Fundamente der Mathematik 7. Schuljahr RheinlandPfalz Schülerbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Fundamente der Mathematik 7 Schuljahr Schlerbuch Gymnasium SachsenAnhalt
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Fundamente der Mathematik 8 Schuljahr Arbeitsheft mit Lsungen Gymnasium Niedersachsen
Weber Verlag Verborgene Schönheit
Edition Moderne IN NY
Dewi Lewis Publishing Bikers
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Managing Tourism Destinations
This title offers a wide-ranging selection of the most significant previously published papers on the management of tourism destinations. The volume covers four major themes: managing tourism destinations and the determinants of travel choice; planning and policy making; development and evolution; and the impacts of tourism management on the society and the environment. In his scholarly introduction, the editor briefly discusses each article and identifies its contribution to the academic literature. The book is intended for researchers and students interested in a thorough compilation and critical review of key articles in the area. It may also act as a useful reference benchmark for consultants and tourism policymakers.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Energy Storage: Latest Developments from R&D to the Market
ADVANCES IN ENERGY STORAGE An accessible reference describing the newest advancements in energy storage technologies Advances in Energy Storage: Latest Developments from R&D to the Market is a comprehensive exploration of a wide range of energy storage technologies that use the fundamental energy conversion method. The distinguished contributors discuss the foundational principles, common materials, construction, device operation, and system level performance of the technology, as well as real-world applications. The book also includes examinations of the industry standards that apply to energy storage technologies and the commercial status of various kinds of energy storage. The book has been written by accomplished leaders in the field and address electrochemical, chemical, thermal, mechanical, and superconducting magnetic energy storage. They offer insightful treatments of relevant policy instruments and posit likely future advancements that will support and stimulate energy storage. Advances in Energy Storage also includes: A thorough introduction to electrochemical, electrical, and super magnetic energy storage, including foundational electrochemistry concepts used in modern power sources A comprehensive exploration of mechanical energy storage and pumped hydro energy storage Practical discussions of compressed air energy storage and flywheels, including the geology, history, and development of air energy storage In-depth examinations of thermal energy storage, including new material developments for latent and thermochemical heat storage Perfect for practicing electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, and materials scientists, Advances in Energy Storage: Latest Developments from R&D to the Market is also an indispensable reference for researchers and graduate students in these fields.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Handbook of Global Trade Policy
Provides a state-of-the-art overview of international trade policy research The Handbook of Global Trade Policy offers readers a comprehensive resource for the study of international trade policy, governance, and financing. This timely and authoritative work presents contributions from a team of prominent experts that assess the policy implications of recent academic research on the subject. Discussions of contemporary research in fields such as economics, international business, international relations, law, and global politics help readers develop an expansive, interdisciplinary knowledge of 21st century foreign trade. Accessible for students, yet relevant for practitioners and researchers, this book expertly guides readers through essential literature in the field while highlighting new connections between social science research and global policy-making. Authoritative chapters address new realities of the global trade environment, global governance and international institutions, multilateral trade agreements, regional trade in developing countries, value chains in the Pacific Rim, and more. Designed to provide a well-rounded survey of the subject, this book covers financing trade such as export credit arrangements in developing economies, export insurance markets, climate finance, and recent initiatives of the World Trade Organization (WTO). This state-of-the-art overview: Integrates new data and up-to-date research in the field Offers an interdisciplinary approach to examining global trade policy Introduces fundamental concepts of global trade in an understandable style Combines contemporary economic, legal, financial, and policy topics Presents a wide range of perspectives on current issues surrounding trade practices and policies The Handbook of Global Trade Policy is a valuable resource for students, professionals, academics, researchers, and policy-makers in all areas of international trade, economics, business, and finance.
Edward Elgar Elgar Encyclopedia of Pricing
University of Pennsylvania Press Homo Cinematicus: Science, Motion Pictures, and the Making of Modern Germany
In the early decades of the twentieth century, two intertwined changes began to shape the direction of German society. The baptism of the German film industry took place amid post-World War I conditions of political and social breakdown, and the cultural vacuum left by collapsing institutions was partially filled by moving images. At the same time, the emerging human sciences—psychiatry, neurology, sexology, eugenics, industrial psychology, and psychoanalysis—began to play an increasingly significant role in setting the terms for the way Germany analyzed itself and the problems it had inherited from its authoritarian past, the modernizing process, and war. Moreover, in advancing their professional and social goals, these sciences became heavily reliant on motion pictures. Situated at the intersection of film studies, the history of science and medicine, and the history of modern Germany, Homo Cinematicus connects the rise of cinema as a social institution to an inquiry into the history of knowledge production in the human sciences. Taking its title from a term coined in 1919 by commentator Wilhelm Stapel to identify a new social type that had been created by the emergence of cinema, Killen's book explores how a new class of experts in these new disciplines converged on the figure of the "homo cinematicus" and made him central to many of that era's major narratives and social policy initiatives. Killen traces film's use by the human sciences as a tool for producing, communicating, and popularizing new kinds of knowledge, as well as the ways that this alliance was challenged by popular films that interrogated the truth claims of both modern science and scientific cinema. In doing so, Homo Cinematicus endeavors to move beyond the divide between scientific and popular film, examining their historical coexistence and coevolution.
Stanford University Press Present Pasts: Urban Palimpsests and the Politics of Memory
Memory of historical trauma has a unique power to generate works of art. This book analyzes the relation of public memory to history, forgetting, and selective memory in Berlin, Buenos Aires, and New York—three late-twentieth-century cities that have confronted major social or political traumas. Berlin experienced the fall of the Berlin Wall and the city’s reemergence as the German capital; Buenos Aires lived through the dictatorships of the 1970s and 1980s and their legacy of state terror and disappearances; and New York City faces a set of public memory issues concerning the symbolic value of Times Square as threatened public space and the daunting task of commemorating and rebuilding after the attack on the World Trade Center. Focusing on the issue of monumentalization in divergent artistic and media practices, the book demonstrates that the transformation of spatial and temporal experience by memory politics is a major cultural effect of globalization.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Batch Effects and Noise in Microarray Experiments: Sources and Solutions
Batch Effects and Noise in Microarray Experiments: Sources and Solutions looks at the issue of technical noise and batch effects in microarray studies and illustrates how to alleviate such factors whilst interpreting the relevant biological information. Each chapter focuses on sources of noise and batch effects before starting an experiment, with examples of statistical methods for detecting, measuring, and managing batch effects within and across datasets provided online. Throughout the book the importance of standardization and the value of standard operating procedures in the development of genomics biomarkers is emphasized. Key Features: A thorough introduction to Batch Effects and Noise in Microrarray Experiments. A unique compilation of review and research articles on handling of batch effects and technical and biological noise in microarray data. An extensive overview of current standardization initiatives. All datasets and methods used in the chapters, as well as colour images, are available on, so that the data can be reproduced. An exciting compilation of state-of-the-art review chapters and latest research results, which will benefit all those involved in the planning, execution, and analysis of gene expression studies.
Verlag G. Mainz Immobilization of RutheniumTriphos Catalysts and their Application for the Hydrogenation of Polar Bonds in Batch and ContinuousFlow Systems
Olympia Publishers Old Woman Rock
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Innerparteiliche Demokratie in Deutschland: Das Kritische Konzept Und Die Parteien Im 20. Jahrhundert
Nova Science Publishers Inc Behavioral Accounting
Dokument Forlag Yakuza Tattoo
Brill U Schoningh Christianity in Germany 1550-1850: Confessionalization - Enlightenment - Pluralization
Hachette Children's Group Giraffes Cant Dance 25th Anniversary Edition
Celebrate the 25th birthday of much-loved picture book classic, Giraffes Can''t Dance, with this special new edition featuring a super-shiny cover!Gerald the giraffe longs to go to the great Jungle Dance, but how can he join in when he doesn''t know how to tango or two-step? Everyone knows that giraffes can''t dance ... or can they?A funny, touching and triumphant story about being yourself and finding your own tune, Giraffes Can''t Dance has been a family favourite for 20 years.All toddlers should grow up reading this Daily MailA modern classic Baby & MeA joyful read about an outsider who finds acceptance on his own terms . . . there''s also a simple moral about tolerance and daring to be different JuniorA fantastically funny and wonderfully colourful romp Daily Telegraph
Green Magic Publishing Waking The Dragons: Norse Myth, Folklore, Runes and Magic
Dr Ludwig Reichert Reflections on Reflections: Near Eastern Writers Reading Literature
Potomac Books Inc Global Air Power
What influences have shaped air power since human flight became a reality more than a hundred years ago? Global Air Power provides insight into the evolution of air power theory and practice by examining the experience of six of the world's largest air forcesthose of the United Kingdom, the United States, Israel, Russia, India, and Chinaand ...
Wisewood, LLC Women Who Ride
Oekom Verlag GmbH Das große Insektensterben
European Photography Standpunkte Texte zur Fotografie
Edition Michael Fischer Kreative Jobs für kreative Köpfe
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Solidarische Toleranz: Kreuzestheologie Und Sozialethik Bei Alexander Von Oettingen
Duncker & Humblot Schiedsvereinbarung Und Privatrecht: Zu Der Rechtsnatur Und Den Wirkungen Der Schiedsvereinbarung
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Sie Laufen Und Werden Nicht Mude...: Betrachtungen Zum Pastoralen Dienst Aus Arbeitspsychologischer Perspektive
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Recht und Spielregeln
Das Spiel ist in verschiedensten wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen als Form der Darstellung und Analyse etabliert. Vom Recht wird zwar oft gesagt, es stelle "Spielregeln der Gesellschaft" dar, über das Metaphorische hinausgehende Untersuchungen über Recht und Spiel gibt es indes praktisch nicht. Die Autoren der hier gesammelten Beiträge unternehmen einen Strukturvergleich von Recht und Spiel. Die Aufsätze vermitteln dabei ein möglichst repräsentatives Bild, von der Normativität von Spielregeln über prozedurale Gerechtigkeit, Verfahren der Tradition und Rezeption bis hin zu Mechanismen der Streitentscheidung (und vieles mehr).Der Zugang ist interdisziplinär: Neben der juristischen Sicht werden Recht und Spiel aus der Perspektive von Philosophie, Soziologie, Anthropologie, Pädagogik, Psychoanalyse, Kulturtheorie und Ästhetik betrachtet. Der Perspektivwechsel verdeutlicht die Facetten des Themas und stellt zudem Anschluß an Theorieströmungen in anderen Disziplinen her.Der Band soll Fachleuten und Noch-nicht-Fachleuten gleichermaßen Spiel- und Entdeckerfreude vermitteln - getreu dem Wort des Hegel-Schülers Julius Schaller: "Der ideale Ernst ist es ... nicht, welcher mit dem Spiele in Widerspruch tritt."
Limbus Verlag Die Erotik
Buch & media Bayerns Traditionen