Search results for ""Author THOMAS""
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Diagnostische und interventionelle Radiologie
Das Fachbuch bietet Informationen zum neuesten Stand der Diagnostik und zu den aktuellen Möglichkeiten für interventionelle Verfahren. Es ist das erste deutschsprachige Fachbuch, das die gesamte Radiologie in einem Band auf Facharztniveau darstellt. In den klinischen Kapiteln werden zunächst die Klinik, dann die diagnostischen und interventionellen Optionen ausführlich dargestellt. Der Band berücksichtigt die Leitlinien der Deutschen Röntgengesellschaft und bietet mehr als 1000 Abbildungen in höchster Qualität zum Abgleich mit eigenen Befunden.
Walter de Gruyter Algorithmen - Eine Einführung
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Marketing Communications in Emerging Economies, Volume II: Conceptual Issues and Empirical Evidence
Drawing on the expertise of multi-disciplinary scholars from emerging economies, this volume aims to share fascinating perspectives on marketing communications by discussing the shift in the power of public relations, and highlighting how the small and local use communication effectively to improve performance and shares useful lessons on how to communicate hope by responding to customer emotions during uncertainties. The book contains valuable lessons and insights on communicating corporate social responsibility, effective social media communication, enacting brand purpose through communication, and using aesthetics in point-of-purchase advertising to drive purchase intention. It is the first of its kind to highlight key conceptual issues and provide critical empirical evidence on marketing communications in and from emerging economies. Corporate executives, educators, students, policymakers and businesses would find this book a useful tool on marketing communication as it lays bare some important strategic and operational insights specific to emerging markets.
UEA Publishing Project A Juvenile Miscellany: An Anthology of Lydia Maria Child's Writing for Children
Author and activist Lydia Maria Child was a foundational figure in the development of American literature in the early nineteenth century. After her debut novel Hobomok (1824) challenged readers with its representation of interracial marriage, she continued to blaze literary trails for the rest of her life, developing a loyal readership as she confronted the most pressing issues in American life. She wrote novels, poems and short stories, composed housekeeping and parenting manuals, edited abolitionist newspapers and narratives -- most notably Harriet Jacobs' Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861). Less well-known is that she almost single-handedly invented a new American literature for children. For decades, and particularly during her time at the helm of ground-breaking children's magazine The Juvenile Miscellany (1826-1834), Child was a constant companion for young readers across the world. For the first time, this anthology brings together a career-spanning collection of Child's writing for children which demonstrates the extraordinary richness and range of her vital work in this field. As she shaped the idea of what children's literature could be and do, Child trusted her young readers to understand difficult questions of social and racial justice, explorations of natural and national history, sentimental domestic sketches, and much more besides. Contemporary readers can now rediscover the delight that the arrival of a new issue of The Juvenile Miscellany brought to the world while grappling critically with the ongoing resonance of these questions in the twenty-first century.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Welfare Measurement, Sustainability and Green National Accounting: A Growth Theoretical Approach
One of the basic issues of accounting is to augment, or extend the conventional net national product measure so as to obtain a better indicator of welfare. This book extends the usual analysis of social accounting by including technological change, externalities and uncertainty.This important new book analyses welfare measurement, sustainability and 'green accounting' within general equilibrium models. A large part of the book is devoted to welfare measurement in the presence of technological change and external effects which complicate 'green accounting' to a considerable extent. In addition to environmental externalities, the authors also discuss external effects arising from investments in human capital and their implications for welfare measurement. Other areas examined are welfare measurement under uncertainty and examples of cost-benefit analyses of environmental and other policies.The book will be required reading for graduate students and professional economists interested in macroeconomics, environmental and resource economics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Econometrics and Risk Management
The main theme of this volume is credit risk and credit derivatives. Recent developments in financial markets show that appropriate modeling and quantification of credit risk is fundamental in the context of modern complex structured financial products. The reader will find several points of view on credit risk when looked at from the perspective of Econometrics and Financial Mathematics. The volume consists of eleven contributions by both practitioners and theoreticians with expertise in financial markets, in general, and econometrics and mathematical finance in particular. The challenge of modeling defaults and their correlations is addressed, and new results on copula, reduced form and structural models, and the top-down approach are presented. After the so-called subprime crisis that hit global markets in the summer of 2007, the volume is very timely and will be useful to researchers in the area of credit risk.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Companion to the Middle English Lyric
Comprehensive survey of the Middle English lyric, one of the most important forms of medieval literature. Winner of a CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title Award The Middle English lyric occupies a place of considerable importance in the history of English literature. Here, for the first time in English, are found many features of formal and thematic importance: they include rhyme scheme, stanzaic form, the carol genre, love poetry in the manner of the troubadour poets, and devotional poems focusing on the love, suffering and compassion of Christ and theVirgin Mary. The essays in this volume aim to provide both background information on and new assessments of the lyric. By treating Middle English lyrics chapter by chapter according to their kinds - poems dealing with love, with religious devotion, with moral, political and popular themes, and those associated with preaching - it provides the awareness of their characteristic cultural contexts and literary modalities necessary for an informed critical reading. Full account is taken of the scholarship upon which our knowledge of these lyrics rests, especially the outstanding contributions of the last few decades and such recent insights as those of gender criticism. Also included are detailed discussions of the valuable information afforded by the widely varying manuscript contexts in which Middle English lyrics survive and of the diverse issues involved in editing these texts. Separate chapters are devotedto the carol, which came to prominence in the fifteenth century, and to Middle Scots lyrics which, at the end of the Middle English lyric tradition, present some sophisticated productions of an entirely new order. Contributors: Julia Boffey, Thomas G. Duncan, John Scattergood, Vincent Gillespie, Christiania Whitehead, Douglas Gray, Karl Reichl, Thorlac Turville-Petre, Alan J. Fletcher, Bernard O'Donoghue, Sarah Stanbury and Alasdair A. MacDonald. THOMAS G. DUNCAN is Honorary Senior Lecturer, School of English, University of St Andrews
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The New Economic Analysis of Multinationals: An Agenda for Management, Policy and Research
In this seminal book, a distinguished group of experts pinpoint and rigorously analyse central topics in international business research. This volume will become a major reference tool for understanding the economics of multinational enterprise. The emphasis throughout is on a new dynamic research agenda, for theory, for empirical research and for public policy.The wide-ranging topics discussed include: the importance of the location of production market structure and multinational enterprise technology, productivity and the multinational firm multinational enterprises and developing countries international business and public policy issues analytic models. The juxtaposition of ideas will provoke productive discussions among faculty and at conferences, and will stimulate useful new thought processes in any individual researcher. This book will be required reading for academics and scholars seeking guidance on the future research agenda for the economics of multinational enterprise.
Equinox Publishing Ltd Mediterranean Resilience: Collapse and Adaptation in Antique Maritime Societies
Mediterranean Resilience examines various forms of adaptation adopted by coastal societies in the ancient Mediterranean in response to external pressures they occasionally experienced. The investigation spans the longue durée stretching from the epi-paleolithic to the Medieval period. Special attention is given to the impact of two groups of variables: climate and sea level changes on the one hand, and fluctuations in political circumstances connected with the domination of empires, on the other hand. For adaptation, the volume analyses modes of coastal residence, subsistence, and maritime connectivity, not as a static feature, constant throughout history, but as a process that requires permanent adjustments due to changes in environmental, social and political conditions. Methodologically, various forms of case studies are employed, isolating thematic issues, geographic micro-regions, temporal boundaries, and disciplinary perspectives, ultimately seeking to embrace as wide an array of phenomena as possible in the human experience of collapse and adaptation.
Guilford Publications Neuropsychology of Everyday Functioning
The go-to resource for assessing and predicting functional abilities in persons with brain injury or cognitive decline has now been revised and expanded to reflect significant advances in the field. With a focus on key real-world capacities--independent living, vocational functioning, medication management, and driving--leading experts explore how individuals go about their daily lives, where and why disruptions occur, and potential opportunities for improving function. Strategies for direct assessment are reviewed, from standard neuropsychological tests to multimodal approaches and technology-based tools. Chapters also provide functional assessment guidance for specific neurological and psychiatric conditions: dementia, traumatic brain injury, depression, schizophrenia, and others. New to This Edition *Incorporates over a decade of technological and methodological innovations. *Chapter on theories and models of everyday functioning. *Chapters on naturalistic assessment, wearable sensors, ambulatory assessment, and virtual-reality-based tools. *Practical clinical implications are highlighted throughout.
Guilford Publications Sitting Together: Essential Skills for Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy
This practical guide helps therapists from virtually any specialty or theoretical orientation choose and adapt mindfulness practices most likely to be effective with particular patients, while avoiding those that are contraindicated. The authors provide a wide range of meditations that build the core skills of focused attention, mindfulness, and compassionate acceptance. Vivid clinical examples show how to weave the practices into therapy, tailor them to each patient's needs, and overcome obstacles. Therapists also learn how developing their own mindfulness practice can enhance therapeutic relationships and personal well-being. The Appendix offers recommendations for working with specific clinical problems. Free audio downloads (narrated by the authors) and accompanying patient handouts for selected meditations from the book are available at also Mindfulness and Psychotherapy, Second Edition, edited by Christopher K. Germer, Ronald D. Siegel, and Paul R. Fulton, which reviews the research on therapeutic applications of mindfulness and delves into treatment of specific clinical problems.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Sweet Reason: A Field Guide to Modern Logic
Sweet Reason: A Field Guide to Modern Logic, 2nd Edition offers an innovative, friendly, and effective introduction to logic. It integrates formal first order, modal, and non-classical logic with natural language reasoning, analytical writing, critical thinking, set theory, and the philosophy of logic and mathematics. An innovative introduction to the field of logic designed to entertain as it informs Integrates formal first order, modal, and non-classical logic with natural language reasoning, analytical writing, critical thinking, set theory, and the philosophy of logic and mathematics Addresses contemporary applications of logic in fields such as computer science and linguistics A web-site ( linked to the text features numerous supplemental exercises and examples, enlightening puzzles and cartoons, and insightful essays
Taylor & Francis Inc Integrated Assessment of Health and Sustainability of Agroecosystems
Exploring the implementation of participatory, multistakeholder, and transdisciplinary ecosystem health research, Integrated Assessment of Health and Sustainability of Agroecosystems combines the latest theories in complexity and management with practical tools and approaches for sustainable rural development research. Although the text focuses on smallholder farming communities in the central highlands of Kenya, the material discussed can be—and has been—effectively applied to agroecosystems in many other parts of the world.After showing how the agroecosystem health framework was successfully adapted in a smallholder-dominated agroecosystem, the book integrates participatory methods, systems analyses, pulse process models, and soft systems methods in an open-ended, adaptive R&D process. It then looks at how to use correspondence analysis to refine a research-based suite of indicators and analyze data obtained using indicators. Incorporating the authors’ pioneering work in the ecosystem health field, this book demonstrates the potential of the agroecosystem health paradigm as a framework in the decision-making processes of agricultural communities in a tropical highlands area.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy, 2 Volume Set
This new edition of A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy has been extended significantly to include 55 chapters across two volumes written by some of today's most distinguished scholars. New contributors include some of today’s most distinguished scholars, among them Thomas Pogge, Charles Beitz, and Michael Doyle Provides in-depth coverage of contemporary philosophical debate in all major related disciplines, such as economics, history, law, political science, international relations and sociology Presents analysis of key political ideologies, including new chapters on Cosmopolitanism and Fundamentalism Includes detailed discussions of major concepts in political philosophy, including virtue, power, human rights, and just war
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Atlas of Endoscopic Ultrasonography
Atlas of Endoscopic Ultrasonography Atlas of Endoscopic Ultrasonography, Second Edition offers an outstanding visual guide to this very common diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic tool. With contributions from noted experts in the field, the Atlas contains 400 high-quality color and black and white images obtained from real cases, each accompanied by detailed annotation to aid readers in their understanding of this popular technical procedure. In addition, there is a companion website featuring 50 video clips of real-life procedures in action, as well as the entire collection of images from within the book. Updated throughout to include the most recent advances in interventional Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) guided therapies Contains a large collection of color images obtained from both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, also available on the companion website image bank Provides a highly integrated and accessible multimedia introduction to endoscopic ultrasonography Includes a companion website offering insightful videos Written for gastroenterologists, students, residents, and radiologists, Atlas of Endoscopic Ultrasonography, Second Edition is an essential introduction to endoscopic ultrasonography.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Reckoned Expense: Edmund Campion and the Early English Jesuits.
Essays exploring different facets of the life and influence of Edmund Campion, the sixteenth-century Jesuit and martyr. This volume forms the first modern study of Edmund Campion, the Jesuit priest executed at Tyburn in 1581, and through him focuses on a theme that has been attracting growing interest among sixteenth-century historians: the passagefrom a Catholic to an Anglican England, and the resistance to this move. The essays collected here investigate the historical context of Campion's mission; different aspects of his writing and work; the network of colleagues withwhom he was in contact; his relationship with contemporaries such as Sir Philip Sidney; the effect of his English mission; and the legacy he left. THOMAS M. MCCOOG, S.J. is the Archivist of the British province of theSociety of Jesus and a member of the Jesuit Historical Institute at Rome. Contributors: FRANCISCO DE BORJA MEDINA, JOHN BOSSY, NANCY POLLARD BROWN, KATHERINE DUNCAN-JONES, DENNIS FLYNN, VICTOR HOULISTON, JOHN J. LAROCCA, COLM LENNON, DAVID LOADES, JAMES MCCONICA, THOMAS M. MCCOOG, THOMAS MAYER, MICHAEL QUESTIER, ALISON SHELL, MICHAEL E. WILLIAMS
Duke University Press Satire or Evasion?: Black Perspectives on Huckleberry Finn
Though one of America’s best known and loved novels, Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has often been the object of fierce controversy because of its racist language and reliance on racial stereotypes. This collection of fifteen essays by prominent African American scholars and critics examines the novel’s racist elements and assesses the degree to which Twain’s ironies succeed or fail to turn those elements into a satirical attack on racism. Ranging from the laudatory to the openly hostile, these essays include personal impressions of Huckleberry Finn, descriptions of classroom experience with the book, evaluations of its ironic and allegorical aspects, explorations of its nineteenth-century context, and appraisal of its effects on twentieth-century African American writers. Among the issues the authors contend with are Twain’s pervasive use of the word “nigger,” his portrayal of the slave Jim according to the conventions of the minstrel show “darky,” and the thematic chaos created by the “evasion” depicted in the novel’s final chapters.Sure to provoke thought and stir debate, Satire or Evasion? provides a variety of new perspectives on one of this country’s most troubling classics. Contributors. Richard K. Barksdale, Bernard W. Bell, Mary Kemp Davis, Peaches M. Henry, Betty Harris Jones, Rhett S. Jones, Julius Lester, Donnarae MacCann, Charles H. Nichols, Charles H. Nilon, Arnold Rampersad, David L. Smith, Carmen Dubryan, John H. Wallace, Kenny Jackson Williams, Fredrick Woodard
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Color Atlas of Small Animal Anatomy: The Essentials
This new resource provides a basic foundation in small animal anatomy for students of veterinary medicine, animal science, and veterinary technology. Extraordinary accuracy and beautiful original artwork make this a truly unique learning tool that includes the anatomy of all organ systems in the dog, cat, rabbit, rat, and guinea pig - all described in a consistent manner. Learning features include: carefully selected labeling helps students learn and remember structures and relationships; male and female of species are depicted on facing pages so topographic anatomy can be compared; structures common to various animals are labeled several times, whereas unique structures are labeled on one or two species so students can make rapid distinctions of the structures peculiar to certain animals; and an introduction that provides readers with a background in nomenclature and anatomic orientation so they can benefit from the atlas even if they lack training in anatomy. The Atlas depicts topographic relationships of major organs in a simple, yet technically accurate presentation that's free from extraneous material so that those using the atlas can concentrate on the essential aspects of anatomy. It will be an invaluable resource for veterinary students, teachers and practitioners alike.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Cultures of Caregiving: Conflict and Common Ground among Families, Health Professionals, and Policy Makers
As the population ages and the health care system focuses on cost-containment, family caregivers have become the frontline providers of most long-term and chronic care. Patient care at home falls mainly on untrained and unprepared family members, who struggle to adjust to the new roles, responsibilities, and expenses. Because the culture of family caregivers-their values, priorities, and relationships to the patient-often differs markedly from that of professionals, the result can be conflict and misunderstanding. In The Cultures of Caregiving, Carol Levine and Thomas Murray bring together accomplished physicians, nurses, social workers, and policy experts to examine the differences and conflicts (and sometimes common ground) between family caregivers and health care professionals-and to suggest ways to improve the situation. Topics addressed include family caregivers and the health care system; cultural diversity and family caregiving; the changing relationship between nurses, home care aides, and families; long-term health care policy; images of family caregivers in film; and the ethical dimensions of professional and family responsibilities. The Cultures of Caregiving provides needed answers in the contemporary crisis of family caregiving for a readership of professionals and students in medical ethics, health policy, and such fields as primary care, geriatrics, oncology, nursing, and social work. Contributors: Donna Jean Appell, R.N., Project DOCC: Delivery of Chronic Care; Jeffrey Blustein, Ph.D., Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Barnard College; Judith Feder, Ph.D., Georgetown University; Gladys Gonzalaz-Ramos, M.S.W., Ph.D., New York University School of Social Work and NYU Medical School; David A. Gould, Ph.D., United Hospital Fund in New York City; Eileen Hanley, R.N., M.B.A., St. Vincent's Hospital Manhattan / Saint Vincent Catholic Medical Centers, New York City; Maggie Hoffman, Project DOCC: Delivery of Chronic Care; Alexis Kuerbis, C.S.W., Mount Sinai Medical Center; Carol Levine, M.A., United Hospital Fund, in New York City; Jerome K. Lowenstein, M.D., New York University Medical Center; Mathy Mezey, R.N., Ed.D., New York University; Thomas H. Murray, Ph.D., The Hastings Center, Garrison, New York; Judah L. Ronch, Ph.D., LifeSpan DevelopMental Systems; Sheila M. Rothman, Ph.D., Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health; Rick Surpin, Independence Care System.
Cornell University Press Field Guide to Grasshoppers, Katydids, and Crickets of the United States
In much of North America, crickets and katydids provide the soundtrack to summer nights, and grasshoppers frequent the fields and roadsides of midsummer days. Although insects from this group have long been the bane of those who make their living from the land, grasshoppers, katydids, and crickets are themselves crucial food sources for many species of birds, reptiles and amphibians, and other creatures.Field Guide to Grasshoppers, Katydids, and Crickets of the United States introduces readers to the biology, behavior, and ecological significance of one of the most obvious (abundant, large, and colorful) and important (ecologically and economically significant) insect groups in North America, the order Orthoptera. A simple, illustrated identification guide assists the reader in distinguishing among the various groups and narrows down the options to expedite identification. The book treats more than a third of the species found in the United States and Canada in brief, easy-to-understand sections that provide information on distribution, identification, ecology, and similar species. Distribution maps accompany each profile, and 206 species are pictured in color. Black-and-white drawings highlight distinguishing characteristics of some of the more difficult-to-identify species. Sonograms provide a graphic representation of the insects' distinctive sounds, which may be heard on Thomas J. Walker's website: Singing Insects of North America.This is the first treatment of North American grasshoppers, katydids, and crickets to portray the insects in full color, and it will be the first time many amateur naturalists and students have the opportunity to see the amazing and colorful world of Orthoptera, because many are cryptically colored (their bright colors evident only in flight) or cryptic in behavior (nocturnal in their habits). John L. Capinera, Ralph D. Scott, and Thomas J. Walker designed their book for amateur naturalists who wish to know the local fauna, for students who seek to identify insects as part of entomology and natural history courses, and for professional biologists who need to identify invertebrates. This invaluable field guide will be a useful supplement for laboratory and field activities and a reference for classrooms at every level.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Speech Coding: A Computer Laboratory Textbook
Puts a wealth of speech analysis tools at your fingertips and allows the reader to gain good intuitive sense of how modern speech coders work. Covers all the basic approaches found in speech coding and describes the algorithms in both simple parametric terms and complete equation form. The book is packed with exercises and projects for hands-on experimentation with algorithms. Plus, the accompanying user-friendly, graphical interface software helps to develop a practical, intuitive sense of how modern speech coders work.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Statistical Tests for Mixed Linear Models
An advanced discussion of linear models with mixed or random effects. In recent years a breakthrough has occurred in our ability to draw inferences from exact and optimum tests of variance component models, generating much research activity that relies on linear models with mixed and random effects. This volume covers the most important research of the past decade as well as the latest developments in hypothesis testing. It compiles all currently available results in the area of exact and optimum tests for variance component models and offers the only comprehensive treatment for these models at an advanced level. Statistical Tests for Mixed Linear Models: Combines analysis and testing in one self-contained volume. Describes analysis of variance (ANOVA) procedures in balanced and unbalanced data situations. Examines methods for determining the effect of imbalance on data analysis. Explains exact and optimum tests and methods for their derivation. Summarizes test procedures for multivariate mixed and random models. Enables novice readers to skip the derivations and discussions on optimum tests. Offers plentiful examples and exercises, many of which are numerical in flavor. Provides solutions to selected exercises. Statistical Tests for Mixed Linear Models is an accessible reference for researchers in analysis of variance, experimental design, variance component analysis, and linear mixed models. It is also an important text for graduate students interested in mixed models.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Psychology, Clinical Psychology
Psychology is of interest to academics from many fields, as well as to the thousands of academic and clinical psychologists and general public who can't help but be interested in learning more about why humans think and behave as they do. This award-winning twelve-volume reference covers every aspect of the ever-fascinating discipline of psychology and represents the most current knowledge in the field. This ten-year revision now covers discoveries based in neuroscience, clinical psychology's new interest in evidence-based practice and mindfulness, and new findings in social, developmental, and forensic psychology.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Clinical Care Conundrums: Challenging Diagnoses in Hospital Medicine
Introducing the first evidence-based casebook for hospital clinicians This book introduces illustrated, evidence-based clinical cases drawn from real-world hospital practice. Geared to the needs of hospital clinicians, Clinical Care Conundrums: Challenging Diagnoses in Hospital Medicine focuses on sharpening clinical reasoning and diagnostic skills, giving readers the tools to recognize and diagnose a wide array of diseases, while promoting diagnostic safety in hospital medicine. Written by leading experts on the topics under discussion, this volume offers a hand-picked collection of case studies from the widely popular Clinical Care Conundrum (CCC) series found in the Journal of Hospital Medicine. Each chapter presents a case to an expert clinician, who explains his or her approach to diagnosing challenging medical dilemmas. Each chapter concludes with a concise review of recent literature and, if applicable, with discussions of cognitive errors that may impact clinical diagnosis and patient care. Readers will find: An appealing presentation style that combines high-quality images and text Coverage of both common conditions and uncommon but important diseases encountered in the hospital setting A look at the state of the art of clinical reasoning, an area of critical interest to clinicians Practical "pearls" for each case study that readers can apply in their own practice Clinical Care Conundrums is an indispensable reference for hospitalists, hospital-based physicians and midlevel providers, physicians-in-training, and the many other medical practitioners who come up against difficult cases on a daily basis.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Taking the Lead in Patient Safety: How Healthcare Leaders Influence Behavior and Create Culture
Written by industry professionals: a workplace safety specialist in conjunction with a practicing physician and medical manager. Provides recommendations for assessing hospital safety practices as well as specific suggestions for behavioural interventions. Brings a systematic approach to healthcare safety, identifying common problems through illustrative case studies and offering solutions. Offers several different perspectives including patient safety, doctor safety, and administrator safety.
Yale University Press Weatherbeaten: Winslow Homer and Maine
A celebration of the American painter's life and work in the region he loved best In 1883 American artist Winslow Homer (1836–1910) moved his studio from New York City to Prouts Neck, a slip of coastline just south of Portland, Maine. Here, over the course of twenty-five years, Homer produced his most celebrated and emotionally powerful paintings, which often depicted the dramatic views and storm-strewn skies around his home. Homer's influence and the Prouts Neck area would have a profound effect on the rise of a new American modernism, inspiring the artists who followed him.This beautifully illustrated catalogue celebrates Homer's legacy at Prouts Neck, and documents the Portland Museum of Art's six-year conservation project to preserve the Winslow Homer Studio, the former carriage house in which Homer lived and worked. Photographs of the studio and site, never before open to the public, highlight views that are recognizable as the subject of so many of Homer's paintings. Essays by leading scholars examine his iconic masterpieces; his artistic development in Prouts Neck; the architecture of his studio; his relationship to French painting; and the full range of his marine paintings.Published in association with the Portland Museum of ArtExhibition Schedule:Portland Museum of Art(09/22/12-12/30/12)
University of Washington Press Spy Satellites and Other Intelligence Technologies that Changed History
Much has been said and written about the failure of U.S. intelligence to prevent the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, and its overestimation of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction under Saddam Hussein. This book focuses instead on the central role that intelligence-collection systems play in promoting arms control and disarmament. Ambassador Thomas Graham Jr. and Keith Hansen bring more than fifty combined years of experience to this discussion of the capabilities of technical systems, which are primarily based in space. Their history of the rapid advancement of surveillance technology is a window into a dramatic reconceptualization of Cold War strategies and policy planning. Graham and Hansen focus on the intelligence successes against Soviet strategic nuclear forces and the quality of the intelligence that has made possible accurate assessments of WMD programs in North Korea, Iran, and Libya. Their important insights shed a much-needed light on the process of verifying how the world harnesses the proliferation of nuclear arms and the continual drive for advancements in technology.
Indiana University Press Global Governance and the UN: An Unfinished Journey
In the 21st century, the world is faced with threats of global scale that cannot be confronted without collective action. Although global government as such does not exist, formal and informal institutions, practices, and initiatives—together forming "global governance"—bring a greater measure of predictability, stability, and order to trans-border issues than might be expected. Yet, there are significant gaps between many current global problems and available solutions. Thomas G. Weiss and Ramesh Thakur analyze the UN's role in addressing such knowledge, normative, policy, institutional, and compliance lapses. The UN's relationship to these five global governance gaps is explored through case studies of some of the most burning problems of our age, including terrorism, nuclear proliferation, humanitarian crises, development aid, climate change, human rights, and HIV/AIDS.
Indiana University Press Between Home and the Front: Civil War Letters of the Walters Family
The personal letters of Americans during the Civil War preserve first-person records of news, people, and emotions that humanize the horrific events of the war and provide unique insights into the conflict's effects on individuals, families, communities, and America. Often, however, only the letters sent home survived, leaving half of the story missing. Between Home and the Front presents previously unpublished letters from the Walters family's collection held by the Smithsonian's National Postal Museum, which include the exchange of correspondence between the home front and front line, a perspective not often seen.Between Home and the Front gives us a glimpse into the poignant questions, answers, and sentiments Private David Walters of the 5th Indiana Calvary and his wife Rachel shared in their correspondence. The letters from David give details about some of the lesser-known actions of the western theater of combat, such as Morgan's Raid. The letters by Rachel Walters record how she managed the household and a young child while becoming hub of communication for the family, often receiving missives from David's brothers, Isaac and John Wesley, both of whom served with Indiana units, and relaying the information to others. From the early letters describing a Civil War soldier's enlistment to his widow's struggle in the aftermath of the war, the letters of the Walters family add incomparable details to the study of the Civil War. Between Home and the Front offers not only unique first-person accounts from those that experienced the Civil War but also meticulous annotations that provide valuable historical context for the events, people, and material culture described in the letters.
InterVarsity Press Commentary on Jeremiah
Taylor & Francis Ltd Delinquency and Drift Revisited, Volume 21: The Criminology of David Matza and Beyond
Fifty years ago, David Matza wrote Delinquency and Drift, challenging the ways people thought about the development of criminals. Today, Delinquency and Drift Revisited reminds criminologists that they ignore Matza’s writings at their own intellectual peril. Matza’s work shows his insights on a range of core criminological issues, such as: the complex nature of culture and its connection to criminality; the extent to which rule-breakers are truly different from the "rest of us"; the importance of focusing on human agency in understanding the subjective side of offending; the interaction of propensity and peer influences in criminal involvement; the role of the state in signifying individuals as deviant and entrapping them in criminal roles; and the processes that lead offenders to desist from crime. This volume was not written to pay homage to Matza, but to show how his ideas remain relevant to criminology today by continuing to question conventional wisdom, by making us pay attention to realities we have overlooked, and by inspiring us to theorize more innovatively.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG BÃ"rgertum. Neue Folge.: Bilanzen, Perspektiven, Begriffe
Wir leben in einer Welt, die zutiefst geprägt ist durch die rechtlichen, ideellen, ökonomischen und kulturellen Traditionen und Parameter der "bërgerlichen Gesellschaft". Diese trat seit dem 18. Jahrhundert sukzessive an die Stelle der feudal-ständischen Ordnung der Vormoderne, und hat auch die ideologischen Herausforderungen von rechts und links ëberdauert. Aber das öffentliche Bewusstsein ëber dieses grundlegende Fundament unserer politisch-sozialen Ordnung entspricht keineswegs seiner ungebrochenen Bedeutung. Der Band enthält den ersten vergleichenden Rëckblick auf die drei großen Bërgertumsprojekte der 1980er Jahre, welche die historische Forschung seither nachhaltig beeinflusst haben. Diese waren auf das 19. Jahrhundert konzentriert, sie prägen die Bërgertumsforschung bis heute. Erweitert hat sich die historische Forschung seither in Richtung kultureller Faktoren, dem entsprechen Beiträge zur Vergesellschftung und Lebensfëhrung. Zweitens präsentiert der Band Studien zu den Brëchen, Transformationen und Kontinuitäten bërgerlicher Lebensweisen im 20. Jahrhundert, angesichts der Herausforderungen durch den Sozialstaat, die politischen Gegenutopien, die Pluralisierungszumutungen der Moderne. Den Band schließen vier Beiträge zur Begrifflichkeit und Lebenswelt von Mittelklassen außerhalb Europas - in der Erwartung, dass Wissen ëber europäische Traditionen "bërgerlicher Gesellschaft" der Diskussion ëber "global middle classes" befruchten wird.
Cambridge University Press More: Utopia
This is a fully revised edition of one of the most successful volumes in the Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought series. Incorporating extensive updates to the editorial apparatus, including the introduction, suggestions for further reading, and footnotes, this third edition of More's Utopia has been comprehensively re-worked to take into account scholarship published since the second edition in 2002. The vivid and engaging translation of the work itself by Robert M. Adams includes all the ancillary materials by More's fellow humanists that, added to the book at his own request, collectively constitute the first and best interpretive guide to Utopia. Unlike other teaching editions of Utopia, this edition keeps interpretive commentary - whether editorial annotations or the many pungent marginal glosses that are an especially attractive part of the humanist ancillary materials - on the page they illuminate instead of relegating them to endnotes, and provides students with a uniquely full and accessible experience of More's perennially fascinating masterpiece.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG In Quest of Freedom: The Emergence of Spirit in the Natural World
Science deeply challenges classical descriptions of the human person as 'free' and as 'spirit'. This survey of contemporary neuroscience and evolutionary biology explores why these challenges have arisen. At the same time it finds in the religious dimension of human existence powerful resources for speaking of the 'Emergenz des Geistes' and of a deeper sense of human freedom.
INSTAP Academic Press Alatzomouri Pefka: A Middle Minoan IIB Workshop Making Organic Dyes
Excavation of an important site for the early history of dyeing in Minoan Crete revealed a Middle Bronze Age natural dye workshop with several basins carved into bedrock, pottery and stone vessels, stone tools, and animal and plant remains. The evidence contributes new information on the Minoan trade in textiles during the Old Palace period.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Antipsychotic Drugs: Pharmacology, Side Effects & Abuse Prevention
Ariadne Press Anyone Can Say: Tales from the End of the Post-War Era
De Gruyter Navigating Leadership Paradox: Engaging Paradoxical Thinking in Practice
One of the most significant management challenges in modern companies and organizations is dealing with unavoidable, complex paradoxes. Today’s world is multidimensional, multipolar, and multipurpose, and increasingly, classic management challenges such as leadership vs. management; exploitation vs. exploration, virtual vs. physical presence, economic sustainability vs. environmental sustainability, localization vs. globalization, etc. assume the characteristics of paradoxes rather than problems or dilemmas. Leadership of paradox is not about making a decision once and for all or prioritizing tough trade-offs, but about navigating between opposing considerations. Navigating Leadership Paradox argues that academic knowledge pools can support leaders’ decision-making and sense-making in organizations and navigating paradoxes. The book outlines a practical pathway for management leaders and professionals for steering through paradox using 5 phases, 10 paradoxes, 15 tools, 20 cases, and 25 learning points. It delineates how to identify a paradox by assessing the nature of your challenge and discusses the appropriate courses of action individually as well in collaboration with other stakeholders. It also gives inspiration and advice for professional helpers assisting others in navigating paradox as part of organizational development or other educational purposes. This book will be essential reading for practitioners and academicians in the fields of leadership paradox, complexity management, change management, leadership dilemmas and organizational paradox.
RIBA Publishing Nature Inside: A biophilic design guide
Biophilic design brings positive experiences of nature into the built environment — whether in a domestic, work, leisure, healthcare, education or retail setting. Written by proponents, who are also leading expert practitioners, this book is the first design guide to biophilia for architects and interior designers. By raising awareness of biophilic design as a strategy to support psychological and physiological wellbeing, Nature Inside illustrates how it can be implemented, across a range of international case studies. It offers a plethora of practical insight and real-world solutions for all designers. Starting with the principles and processes of biophilic design in practice, it showcases a variety of interior spaces — residential, retail, workplace, hospitality, education, healthcare and manufacturing. The final chapter looks ‘outside the walls’, by providing a case study at the campus and city scale, concluding with an essential practical toolkit. Featured projects include: The London home of Kelly Hoppen MBE Seesaw Coffee, Beijing, by nota architects The Assemblage, New York, by Meyer Davis Studio Central Library, Calgary, Canada, by Snøhetta Bank of America Tower, New York, by COOKFOX TRi Restaurant, Hong Kong, by IBUKU
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Soil Science Simplified
Already renowned as a user-friendly beginners’ guide to soil science, Soil Science Simplified, 6th Edition is an updated version of the beloved textbook that includes even more thorough applications of soil science to interdisciplinary fields. It includes the most recent research concerning uses of soil in municipal, engineering, and other areas, conversion agriculture covering no-till, hoe-till, and the methodology of cover crops, crop rotations, N contribution, and worldwide trends in conversion agriculture. The experienced authors have fully revised and updated the fundamental chapters on physical, chemical, and biological properties to create an ideal introductory text.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Meters of Greek and Latin Poetry
A reprint of the University of Oklahoma Press edition of 1980.This reliable text presents a clear and simple outline of Greek and Latin meters in order that the verse of the Greeks and Romans may be read as poetry.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Handbook Of Photodynamic Therapy: Updates On Recent Applications Of Porphyrin-based Compounds
The main objective of this book is to present the recent applications of photodynamic therapy (PDT) in treating cancer and other diseases. The limitations associated with current PDT agents, and the synthetic designs that have been used in various laboratories are also discussed. The utility of certain tumor-avid agent for cancer imaging (fluorescence, PET, MRI) is also summarized. The book also includes the use of delivery vehicles, including nanoparticles in improving the tumor-specificity of the desired agents. The book is basically focused on the translational approach of drug development. By providing certain specific examples, a clear concept of moving a 'product' from the bench to bed-side is also discussed.To have a clear concept of drug development the book is divided in three parts — Medicinal Chemistry, Mechanistic and Clinical studies. Each part includes the contributions from the leading scientists with extensive experience in the respective field. The handbook is assembled by renowned scientists Dr Dougherty, known as the father of PDT, Dr Kessel, well known for his contributions on mechanism of PDT and Dr Pandey for his inventions in developing improved agents for PDT and cancer-imaging.
Baker Publishing Group Second Corinthians
There is an increasing hunger among Catholics to study the Bible in depth and in a way that integrates Scripture with Catholic doctrine, worship, and daily life. Second Corinthians is the fourth of seventeen volumes in the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (CCSS), a new series that will cover the entire New Testament and interprets Scripture from within the living tradition of the Church. This volume, like each in the series, is supplemented by features designed to help readers understand the Bible more deeply and use it more effectively.
Elsevier Health Sciences Pocketbook of Differential Diagnosis
This handy guide is packed full of information to support medical students, junior doctors and other health professionals in making an accurate diagnosis in relation to different presenting complaints. Now in its fifth edition, the Pocketbook takes the reader through the key steps of narrowing a differential diagnosis, including history, examination and investigation findings. It has been fully updated to cover the full range of common presenting problems facing clinicians today. This book is easy-to-read and logical, making it useful for all clinicians within a variety of settings, from the classroom to emergency department and primary care. This Fifth Edition covers 125 common presenting problems in both medicine and surgery in a consistent format. Each topic includes a list of all potential causes of the condition, colour coded to indicate common, occasional or rare causes. Important geographical variations are also highlighted. Two sections cover the differential diagnosis of biochemical and haematological disorders which provide a ready check when reviewing abnormal results The text includes a targeted guide to the relevant general and specific follow-up investigations which should be carried out as appropriate. Each topic ends with a box highlighting important learning points, or indicating symptom and signs suggestive of significant pathology which require urgent action. A new authorial team have thoroughly revised the contents and ensured the coverage is entirely appropriate for the book's readership.
Elsevier Health Sciences McKee's Pathology of the Skin
Comprehensive and lavishly illustrated, McKee's Pathology of the Skin, 5th Edition, is your reference of choice for up-to-date, authoritative information on dermatopathology. You'll find clinical guidance from internationally renowned experts along with details on etiology, pathogenesis, histopathology, and differential diagnosis - making this unique reference unparalleled in its wealth of clinical and histopathological material. The 5th Edition of this classic text is a must-have resource for practicing dermatopathologists and general pathologists who sign out skin biopsies. Covers pathological aspects of skin diseases in addition to providing superb descriptions and illustrations of their clinical manifestations - the only available reference with this unique combination of features. Integrates dermatopathology, clinical correlations, and clinical photographs throughout, and features bulleted lists of clinical features and differential diagnosis tables for easy reference. Contains more than 5,000 superb histopathologic and clinical illustrations that demonstrate the range of histologic manifestations. Brings you fully up to date with key molecular aspects of disease, the capabilities and limitations of molecular diagnostics, and targeted/personalized medicine. Features up-to-date information on biologics, drug eruptions, and other developments in therapeutics. Helps you stay current with the latest diagnostic tumor markers and other new developments in immunohistochemistry. Includes a completely revised chapter on cutaneous lymphoma that reflects recent WHO-EORTC classification changes, as well as new coverage of sentinel lymph node biopsy for melanoma. Shares the knowledge of the main editor Dr. J. Eduardo Calonje, along with co-editors Thomas Brenn, and Alexander Lazar, and new co-editor Steven D. Billings who offers expertise on both dermatopathology and soft tissue tumors. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd The Trumpet-Major
With an Introduction and Notes by Charles P.C. Pettit. Thomas Hardy's only historical novel, The Trumpet Major is set in Wessex during the Napoleonic Wars. Hardy skilfully immerses us in the life of the day, making us feel the impact of historical events on the immemorial local way of life - the glamour of the coming of George III and his soldiery, fears of the press-gang and invasion, and the effect of distant but momentous events like the Battle of Trafalgar. He interweaves a compelling, bitter-sweet romantic love story of the rivalry of two brothers for the hand of the heroine Anne Garland, played out against the loves of a lively gallery of other characters. While there are elements of sadness and even tragedy, The Trumpet-Major shows Hardy's skills of story-telling, characterisation and description in a novel of vitality, comedy and warmth.
Orenda Books Stigma: The BREATHTAKING new instalment in the No. 1 bestselling Blix & Ramm series…
Incarcerated in a high-security prison, a broken Alexander Blix joins forces with Emma Ramm to find a ruthless killer who has escaped from a German jail and is making his way to Norway. Pulse-pounding Nordic Noir. ‘Blix suffers a series of vicious assaults in Stigma, the new novel by the stellar Norwegian crime-writing duo Jorn Lier Horst and Thomas Enger … tense, brutal and fast-moving’ Sunday Times BOOK OF THE MONTH ‘Darkly twisty’ Crime Monthly 'Superb Nordic noir. Dark, intricate and extremely compelling. Contemporary Scandinavian fiction at its best' Will Dean _______ Alexander Blix is a broken man. Convicted for avenging his daughter’s death, he is now being held in one of Norway’s high-security prisons. Inside, the other prisoners take every opportunity to challenge and humiliate the former police investigator. On the outside, Blix’s former colleagues have begun the hunt for a terrifying killer. Walter Kroos has escaped from prison in Germany and is making his way north. The only lead established by the police is that Kroos has a friend in Blix’s prison ward. And now they need Blix’s help. Journalist Emma Ramm is one of Blix’s few visitors, and she becomes his ally as he struggles to connect the link between past and present, between the world inside and outside the prison walls. And as he begins to piece things together, he identifies a woodland community in Norway where deeply scarred inhabitants foster deadly secrets... secrets that maybe the unravelling of everyone involved… Two of Nordic Noir's finest writers return with the emotive, breath-holdingly intense and searingly tense fourth book in the number-one bestselling Blix & Ramm series. _______ Praise for the Blix & Ramm series: ‘If you're a fan of writers like Lars Kepler, Stefan Ahnhem or Søren Sveistrup, you won't want to miss this' Crime by the Book ‘Two of the most distinguished writers of Nordic Noir’ Financial Times ‘An international sensation’ Vogue 'The most exciting yet' The Times 'Devilishly complex' Publishers Weekly ‘Fascinating’ Sun ‘Completely nerve-wracking’ Tvedestrandsposten ‘Everything I want in a book – mystery, tension and action’ Jen Med’s Book Reviews ‘Masterly’ NB Magazine ‘An absolute MUST for thriller fans … in a class of its own’ Krimi Couch
University of South Carolina Press The Magical Campus: University of North Carolina Writings, 1917-1920
This is a collection of Wolfe's earliest publications from his college years.The ""Magical Campus"" collects for the first time Thomas Wolfe's earliest published works - including poems, plays, short fiction, news articles, speeches, and essays - both signed and unsigned, assembled in chronological order. The collegiate career of Wolfe began at UNC Chapel Hill in 1916, at the age of fifteen, with a freshman year marked by obscurity and loneliness. By his junior year, he had emerged as a recognized and popular figure in campus life, a central participant in numerous organizations and fraternities, and the editor of several student publications. Wolfe began in these apprenticeship years his ascendancy to iconic literary status.Included in ""The Magical Campus"" is Wolfe's first published work, the poem ""A Field in Flanders"" from the November 1917 issue of the University of North Carolina Magazine. Here too is the poem ""The Challenge,"" Wolfe's first piece to be subsequently reprinted off campus in his hometown newspaper. ""A Cullenden of Virginia"" marked his inaugural foray into the realm of published fiction and his folk plays, such as ""The Return of Buck Gavin"" and ""Deferred Payment,"" are illustrative of his unrealized ambitions to be a playwright. Though they lack the sophistication and scale of the grand fictions that now define Wolfe's place in literature, his student publications speak to the potential he had tapped into.