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Kohlhammer Planungsleistungen Und Honorare Mit Bim
Birkhauser Bionisch bauen: Von der Natur lernen
Nature has always been a source of inspiration for the design of the human environment. The analysis of biological constructions can not only lead to astonishing technical solutions but can also inspire the design of architecture. Bionics is a fascinating border area between pure research and practical application: biologists, chemists, physicists, mineralogists, and paleontologists meet up with material scientists, engineers, and architects and transfer their knowledge to architecture and construction. Using numerous practical examples, this richly illustrated introduction traces the process from the understanding of how something functions, to abstraction—for example in computer models—and the construction of initial prototypes, through to fully functional manufacture and production.
Springer International Publishing AG Bio-Inspired Information Pathways: From Neuroscience to Neurotronics
This open access book offers a timely and comprehensive review of the field of neurotronics. Gathering cutting-edge contributions from neuroscientists, biologists, psychologists, as well as physicists, microelectronics engineers and information scientists, it gives extensive information on fundamental information pathways in selected nervous systems. It also highlights their relevance as building blocks for novel computing architectures, such as bio-inspired electronic devices, neuromorphic architectures, memristive devices, adaptive sensors and emergent, pulsed-coupled oscillatory networks. All in all, this book offers a unique bridge between fundamental research in neuroscience, neural information processing, nonlinear dynamics, and self-organization, and advanced practical applications concerning the fabrication of hardware-oriented computing.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Intelligent Systems Design and Applications: 21st International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2021) Held During December 13–15, 2021
This book highlights recent research on intelligent systems and nature-inspired computing. It presents 132 selected papers from the 21st International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2021), which was held online. The ISDA is a premier conference in the field of computational intelligence, and the latest installment brought together researchers, engineers and practitioners whose work involves intelligent systems and their applications in industry. Including contributions by authors from 34 countries, the book offers a valuable reference guide for all researchers, students and practitioners in the fields of Computer Science and Engineering.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins: Teilband III Wille und Handlung Texte aus dem Nachlass (1902-1934)
Die ersten drei Bände der vorliegenden, vier Teilbände umfassenden Edition bieten eine umfangreiche Präsentation von Husserls deskriptiver Erforschung der intentionalen Strukturen des Bewusstseins in den drei Hauptklassen von intentionalen Akten, den Verstandes-, Gemüts- und Willensakten. Der größte Teil der wiedergegebenen Manuskripte entstand in den Jahren zwischen 1908 und 1915. Im Jahr 1925 hat Husserls Assistent Ludwig Landgrebe auf der Grundlage vieler der hier edierten Texte ein umfangreiches Typoskript mit dem Titel „Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins“ angefertigt. Husserls fragmentarischer Entwurf einer Einleitung zu diesem Typoskript wird im ersten Band der Edition wiedergegeben.Der dritte Teilband dokumentiert Husserls deskriptive Forschung im Willensgebiet, seine Analysen der Willens- und Handlungsformen, eingeschlossen die Willenspassivität in Form der Neigungen, Triebe, Tendenzen und Strebungen. Das Wollen als Ingangsetzen der Handlung, das fiat, wird vom die Handlung ausführenden Wollen, dem Handlungswillen, unterschieden. Verschiedene Formen der Handlung werden analysiert. Passive und aktive Willensmodi und ihre Beziehung werden untersucht.Dieser Band ist der dritte Teilband des vier Teilbände umfassenden Sets Husserliana 43. Er enthält keine Einleitung (erhältlich als Teil des Teilbandes 1) und keinen Index (erhältlich als Teilband 4). This volume is the third part of the four-part set Husserliana 43. It does not contain the Introduction (available as part of the first volume of the set) nor Index (available as the fourth volume of the set).
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins: Teilband I Verstand und Gegenstand Texte aus dem Nachlass (1909-1927)
Die ersten drei Bände der vorliegenden,vier Teilbände umfassenden Edition bieten eine umfangreiche Präsentation von Husserls deskriptiver Erforschung der intentionalen Strukturen des Bewusstseins in den drei Hauptklassen von intentionalen Akten, den Verstandes-, Gemüts- und Willensakten. Der größte Teil der wiedergegebenen Manuskripte entstand in den Jahren zwischen 1908 und 1915. Im Jahr 1925 hat Husserls Assistent Ludwig Landgrebe auf der Grundlage vieler der hier edierten Texte ein umfangreiches Typoskript mit dem Titel „Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins“ angefertigt. Husserls fragmentarischer Entwurf einer Einleitung zu diesem Typoskript wird im ersten Band der Edition wiedergegeben.Der erste Teilband enthält Manuskripte, die der deskriptiven Analyse verschiedener Weisen der Objektivation in unterschiedlichen Aktformen und Aktvollzügen des Vorstellens und Denkens wie dem thematischen Meinen, dem Aufmerken und Zuwenden, dem Explizieren und Urteilen sowie dem Stellungnehmen gewidmet sind. Husserls besonderes Interesse gilt dabei der Beziehung zwischen Rezeptivität und Spontaneität.Dieser Band ist der erste Teilband des vier Teilbände umfassenden Sets Husserliana 43. Er enthält keinen Index (erhältlich als Teilband 4). This volume is the first part of the four-part set Husserliana 43. It does not contain the Index (available as the fourth volume of the set).
Hodder Gibson TeeJay Intermediate 2 Mathematics: Book 2
This book was written as the second half of a course suitable for those pupils who would have sat either Intermediate 2 or Standard Grade Credit Maths at the end of their 4th (or in some cases 3rd) years at school. It also, along with Int-2-Credit book 1, provides an ideal book to use with pupils studying for the new CfE National 5 course being developed in schools. The second half of the book consists of a wealth of revision and support materials including specimen exam papers.Book IC1 followed the order of Intermediate 2, covering Mathematics 1 and Mathematics 2, but doing so to the depth of Credit.The first half of this book completes the Intermediate 2 course, covering the Mathematics 3 element of the work. It also has 4 home exercises (Practice make Perfect), as well as end of chapter summary exercises (Remember, Remember...) and non-calculator practice exercises.The second half of the book revises the work required to attempt either the Credit or the Intermediate 3 exam. It has:-- Basic (KU) mini-exercises covering all the topics.Questions similar to those in Paper 1 (non-calculator), gleaned from the last 5 or 6 years papers.- Questions of a Paper 2 type, again similar to those from the last 5 or 6 years papers.- A specimen Credit Paper (non-calculator and calculator).- A specimen Intermediate 2 Paper (non-calculator and calculator).As well as this, we have included 2 short chapters at the back, covering a couple of early Higher Maths topics, namely "Recurrence Relations" and "Equations of Lines".These are optional, but could be used in S4, after completing the Credit / Intermediate 2 course, or in the summer term as pupils return having just sat their Maths exam.
Hodder Gibson TeeJay Mathematics CfE Third Level Book 3A
Trust TeeJay's proven approach, which successfully develops mathematical skills and adds fun to learning.This book provides hundreds of practice questions, with progression and consolidation - the core TeeJay philosophy - underpinning every exercise and chapter.- Use Book 3A followed by Book 3B to cover the entire Third Level curriculum- Chapter Zero revises all of the strands from Second Level- Every chapter ends with 'The 3Rs' exercise so that pupils can Revisit, Review and Revise that topic- Extension work provides extra stretch for high-attaining pupils- Answers for all questions are in the back of the book; answers for 'The 3Rs' are available on the TeeJay Maths website
Hodder Gibson TeeJay General Maths 4G
This book, along with General Book 3G covers in depth the entire contents of the General Course. It is also an invaluable resource which can easily be used to cover the outcomes of the new CfE National 4 course being introduced to Scottish schools. It is a pupil friendly book and is one of our biggest selling resources. We found that pupils who struggled with the complexities of other General resources on the market, and who found the sudden change of pace and the level of difficulty too great to cope with, felt a lot more comfortable with our 3G and 4G textbooks.In Book 3G, we truncated the work in some chapters, for example:Pythagoras - Hypotenuse onlyCircle work - Circumference onlyTrigonometry - Tangent only (Tan tables at back of book), in order to allow pupils to have access to these topics and feel confident with the work without burdening them with all the "tricky bits"!Though the missing topics from these chapters were covered in the Extension Materials in 3G, they are re-produced in this book with changed numbers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environmental Instruments and Institutions
Economic Incentives are playing an increasingly important role in pollution control.This authoritative collection - edited by leading contributors to the field - presents the most important published work on the legal and economic instruments and institutions which have been used during the last thirty years to control pollution. The papers focus on issues of instrument design, implementation, enforcement and evaluation, and consider strategies for coping with uncertainty and 'second-best' situations.
Bodleian Library A Barrel of Monkeys: A Compendium of Collective Nouns for Animals
We’re all familiar with ‘a flock of sheep’ but what are the collective nouns for racehorses, pigs, zebras or giraffes? Drawing on a range of sources, from fifteenth-century hunting terms to more recent inventions that have now entered the language, this book collects over 100 examples of the most interesting collective nouns for animals, each illustrated with charming woodcuts by the renowned naturalist engraver of the eighteenth century, Thomas Bewick. Some describe a key characteristic of the animal in question: ‘a shrewdness of apes’, ‘a busyness of ferrets’. Others are delightfully humorous: ‘a piddle of puppies’, ‘a crash of rhinoceroses’. Featuring pets, farmyard animals, big cats and wild beasts, this beautifully presented book is the perfect gift for animal lovers and all those with an interest in this quirky linguistic tradition.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Food Science and Technology 2: Food Process Engineering and Packaging
This book is a source of basic and advanced knowledge in food science for students or professionals in the food science sector, but it is also accessible for people interested in the different aspects concerning raw material stabilisation and transformation in food products. It is an updated and translated version of the book "Science des aliments" published in 2006 by Lavoisier. "Science des aliments" is a general and introductory food science and technology handbook, based on the authors' Masters and PhD courses and research experiences. The book is concise, pedagogical and informative and contains numerous illustrations (approximately 500 original figures and tables). In three volumes), it summarizes the main knowledge required for working in food industries as scientists, technical managers or qualified operators. It will also be helpful for the formation of students in food science and biotechnologies (bachelor's and master's degree).
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Food Science and Technology 1: Food Alteration and Food Quality
This book serves as a general introduction to food science and technology, based on the academic courses presented by the authors as well as their personal research experiences. The authors' main focus is on the biological and physical-chemical stabilization of food, and the quality assessment control methods and normative aspects of the subsequent processes. Presented across three parts, the authors offer a detailed account of the scientific basis and technological knowledge needed to understand agro-food transformation. From biological analyses and process engineering, through to the development of food products and biochemical and microbiological changes, the different parts cover all aspects of the control of food quality.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Family Firms
This comprehensive Research Handbook offers new insights into how family businesses use entrepreneurship and innovation to address global challenges and ensure their survival and growth across generations.Using expertise from leading scholars around the world, this Handbook takes an international perspective and explores different national contexts and cultures. Key themes include theoretical advances and perspectives in entrepreneurship and innovation in family firms, current state-of-the-art research in entrepreneurship and innovation in family firms, and new and established research methods in entrepreneurship, innovation, and family firm research. Covering important concepts, including internationalization, governance, and resilience, this Research Handbook lays out a highly topical selection of advances in research on entrepreneurship and innovation in family firms.Examining the major overarching themes of theory, empirics and methods, this Research Handbook will be a valuable resource for scholars and advanced students of entrepreneurship, family business, organizational innovation, and organization studies. It will also be useful for business leaders and practitioners in these areas.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook of Innovation for a Circular Economy
The transition to a circular economy requires innovation at all levels of society. This insightful Research Handbook is the first comprehensive edited work examining how innovation can contribute to a more circular economy.Illustrating the critical part played by individuals, organisations and system-level actors in the development of circular innovations, this Research Handbook demonstrates that while many firms are working towards a circular economy, most of the innovations are incremental. Hence, the loop is far from closed, and much more radical work remains to be done by both academics and practitioners. The content and structure reflect a multi-level understanding of innovation for a circular economy, with conceptual chapters and strong empirical research with both quantitative and qualitative research designs. Highlighting the urgent need for a circular economy, authors call for more comprehensive and radical innovation efforts to achieve it.This Research Handbook will be an invaluable resource for academics and students of innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as those more broadly interested in the circular economy. Practitioners and policymakers will also find this useful for providing practical examples of how to understand innovation processes and frameworks that contribute to a circular economy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Elgar Companion to the Hague Conference on Private International Law
This comprehensive Companion is a unique guide to the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH), an intergovernmental organisation dedicated to developing multilateral legal instruments pertaining to personal, family and commercial legal situations that cross national borders. The Companion is a critical assessment of, and reflection on, past and possible future contributions of the HCCH to the further development and unification of private international law. Written by international experts who have all directly or indirectly contributed to the work of the HCCH, chapters analyse its structure and working methods, as well as explore its significant achievements in the areas of international family law, civil procedure, legal cooperation, commercial and finance law. The contributors also discuss the many challenges both the HCCH and other global organisations are facing, including the advent of regionalism and renewed nationalism.Scholars and students of private international law, as well as private legal practitioners and members of the judiciary, will find this book to be crucial reading. Those working at other international organisations such as NGOs, banks and businesses will also find its insights into the workings of a successful international organisation beneficial.
CABI Publishing Europe's Changing Woods and Forests: From Wildwood to Managed Landscapes
Our understanding of the historical ecology of European forests has been transformed in the last twenty years. Bringing together key findings from across the continent, Europe's Changing Woods and Forests: From Wildwood to Managed Landscapes provides a comprehensive account of recent research and the relevance of historical studies to our current conservation and management of forests. Combining theory with a series of regional case studies, this book shows how different aspects of forestry play out according to the landscape and historical context of the local area, with broad implications for woodland history, policy and management. Beginning with an overview of Europe's woods and forests, the book reviews a variety of management techniques (including wood-pastures, coppicing, close-to-nature forestry and the impact of hunting), describes how plants and animals respond to changes in woodland and forest cover, and includes case histories from around the continent. It concludes with a discussion of how lessons learned from the past can help in the future. This book is both a vital resource and an interesting read for foresters, conservationists, landscape historians, geographers and ecologists.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on International Consumer Law, Second Edition
Consumer law and policy continues to be of great concern to both national and international regulatory bodies, and the second edition of the Handbook of Research on International Consumer Law provides an updated international and comparative analysis of the central legal and policy issues, in both developed and developing economies. Taking a thematic approach, and yet highlighting issues in different national contexts, the Handbook explores issues which are common to all countries, such as social policy and effective business regulation, and relates consumer law to contemporary trends in human rights law.Features of this edition: consideration of the potential for new regulatory complexity as a result of Brexit• reflections on the growth of middle class consumption in Asia and Latin America and the impact that this will have on business reforms• coverage of increasing divergence between the regulatory models of both the EU and the US• focus on the challenges and opportunities that the digital age presents for consumer market regulation• analysis of the significant changes in consumer credit law and policy since the financial crash of 2008. This Handbook will provide researchers, students and policymakers with an insight to the main policy debates in differing national and sectoral contexts, and provide models of legal regulation which contribute to the evaluation and development of consumer laws and policy.Contributors include: I. Benöhr, O. Dixon, C. Hawes, D.R. Hensler, G. Howells, D. Kingsford Smith, A. MacCulloch, H.-W. Micklitz, J.P. Nehf, J. Niemi, L. Nottage, D.G. Owen, P. Quirk, S. Rachagan, I. Ramsay, J.A. Rothchild, P. Rott, R. Schulze, C. Scott, K. Tokeley, C. Twigg-Flesner, J. Watson, T. Wilhelmsson, C. Willett
Pushkin Press Vertigo
An irresistible gift edition of the mindbending thriller that inspired Hitchcock's Vertigo He isn't a cop anymore, but when an old friend asks Flavières to keep an eye on his dazzlingly beautiful wife, how can he refuse? And so he begins to scour the streets of wartime Paris in search of a woman who belongs to no one, not even to herself. Soon, intrigue is replaced by obsession, and dreams by nightmares, as the boundaries between the living and the dead begin to blur... This is the original breath-taking psychological thriller behind Hitchcock's legendary film-the story of a desperate man, tormented by his search for the truth, and ultimately destroyed by a dark, terrible secret.
Pushkin Press The Wonders
María and her granddaughter Alicia have never met. Decades apart, both make the same journey to Madrid in search of work and independence. María, scraping together a living as a cleaner and carer, sending money back home for the daughter she hardly knows; Alicia, raised in prosperity until a family tragedy, now trapped in a poorly paid job and a cycle of banal infidelities. Their lives are marked by precarity, and by the haunting sense of how things might have been different. Through a series of arresting vignettes, Elena Medel weaves together a broken family's story, stretching from the last years of Franco's dictatorship to mass feminist protests in contemporary Madrid. Audacious, intimate and shot through with razor-edged lyricism, The Wonders is a revelatory novel about the many ways that lives are shaped by class, history and feminism: about what has changed for working class women, and what has remained stubbornly the same.
Pan Macmillan William at Christmas
Everyone's favourite troublemaker is causing trouble all year round in this charming, festive anniversary edition of William at Christmas, with nine classic stories by Richmal Crompton - updated for a new generation of readers. Featuring Thomas Henry’s original illustrations and an introduction by Julia Donaldson.'William is as fresh and funny as ever' – Chris Riddell, author and illustrator.'Gloriously funny' – Sue Townsend, author of The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 ¾There is only one William. This tousle-headed, snub-nosed, hearty, lovable imp has been harassing his unfortunate family and delighting readers since 1922.It’s the holiday season and William Brown has lots to do. Not only does he need to find the hidden Christmas presents and get ready for the local pantomime, but he also has to put up with prim and proper aunts. Joined by his gang of ever faithful Outlaws, he’s sure to make Christmas unforgettable and attract trouble wherever he goes.Enjoy more of William's adventures in Just William, More William, William Again and William the Outlaw.
Skyhorse Publishing Thunder Without Rain: A Memoir with Dangerous Game, God's Cattle, The African Buffalo
“When you hear thunder without rain–it is the buffalo approaching.” This line from a Yoruba hunting poem conveys the magnificent power of the African buffalo, also called “God’s cattle.” Hunter and writer Thomas McIntyre has pursued this special animal for the last forty years, and he now shares his expertise in Thunder Without Rain. McIntyre's topics are wide-ranging, from the various species of the African buffalo and their territories to the cultural importance of buffalo and its place among wild bovids. Other material he covers includes: African, European, and American methods for hunting buffalo Historical explorers as buffalo hunters Great buffalo hunters, including Theodore Roosevelt, Robert Ruark, Craig Boddington, and Robert Jones Ernest Hemingway’s writing on buffalo Correct cartridges for hunting African buffalo And finally, what makes buffalo so dangerous—and so sought after★ After exploring all topics related to the African buffalo, including hunts of his own, McIntyre ends with the fate of modern buffalo hunting, now often guided and for a high price, and the sustainability of this practice. In Thunder Without Rain, McIntyre confronts his obsession with African buffalo and brings the reader along for a fascinating journey.
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Groo Meets Tarzan
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Springer Handbook of Acoustics
Acoustics, the science of sound, has developed into a broad interdisciplinary field encompassing the academic disciplines of physics, engineering, psychology, speech, audiology, music, architecture, physiology, neuroscience and others. Here is an unparalleled modern handbook reflecting this richly interdisciplinary nature edited by one of the acknowledged masters in the field, Thomas Rossing.Researchers and students benefit from the comprehensive contents spanning: animal acoustics including infrasound and ultrasound, environmental noise control, music and human speech and singing, physiological and psychological acoustics, architectural acoustics, physical and engineering acoustics, medical acoustics and ocean acoustics.The Springer Handbook of Acoustics reviews the most important areas of acoustics, with emphasis on current research. The authors of the various chapters are all experts in their fields. Each chapter is richly illustrated with figures and tables. The latest research and applications are incorporated throughout, e.g. computer recognition and synthesis of speech, physiological acoustics, psychological acoustics, thermoacoustics, diagnostic imaging and therapeutic applications and acoustical oceanography.This new edition of the Handbook features over 11 revised and expanded chapters, new illustrations and two new chapters covering microphone arrays, acoustic metamaterials and acoustic emission. These improvements will make the handbook even more useful as a reference and a guide for researchers and students in every branch of acoustics.Praise for the first edition:"This treatise is a successful attempt to cover in one book the diverse field of acoustics, which ranges from physics to music and from formal mathematics to technological applications. ... It is this reviewer's opinion that a handbook like Rossing's, which covers the whole field of acoustics, serves a real purpose because it not only gives one a chance to see how one's specialty is covered but it also permits one to make a quick survey of other acoustical areas." (Leo Beranek, American Journal of Physics, Vol. 77 (12), December, 2009)"The Springer Handbook of Acoustics falls into that exceptional list. ...every physics department should have a copy available." (John L. Hubisz, The Physics Teacher, Vol. 48, March, 2010)"This handbook is an excellent addition to the acoustics literature. ... The handbook nicely covers both basics and advances in several areas of acoustics. Several chapters provide good mathematical depth, making the handbook useful as a research and technical resource. ...Overall, a very useful educational and research resource. Summing Up: Recommended. Upper-division undergraduates through professionals." (M. G. Prasad, CHOICE, Vol. 45 (5), January, 2008)"This book covers a wide range of topics and the inclusion of musical acoustics, computer and electronic music appeal to me (singer, song-writer, performer and recording studio co-owner). This handbook is probably well suited for an undergraduate-level introduction to an acoustics course. ... The wide range of topics, inclusion of music-related chapters, eye-pleasing presentations and other useful features make this a very good book to have on your shelf." (Tim Casey, International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, Vol. 13 (1), 2008)"The Springer Handbook of Acoustics comprises 28 chapters written by 33 authors. The Handbook of Acoustics is useful as a source book for anyone who needs or wants to become familiar with the jargon and issues related to a specific subfield of acoustics ... ." (Robert I. Odom, Siam Review, Vol. 50 (3), 2008)The Springer Handbook of Acoustics reviews the most important areas of acoustics, with emphasis on current research. The authors of the various chapters are all experts in their fields. Each chapter is richly illustrated with figures and tables. The latest research and applications are incorporated throughout, e.g. computer recognition and synthesis of speech, physiological acoustics, psychological acoustics, thermoacoustics, diagnostic imaging and therapeutic applications and acoustical oceanography.This new edition of the Handbook features over 13 revised and expanded chapters, new illustrations and 3 new chapters covering microphone arrays, acoustic metamaterials and acoustic emission. These improvements will make the handbook even more useful as a reference and a guide for researchers and students in every branch of acoustics.
SAP Press SAP S/4HANA Cloud: An Introduction
SAP S/4HANA Cloud has a lot to offer—see what’s possible! Explore core functionality like finance, logistics, and reporting with embedded analytics. Learn how SAP S/4HANA Cloud impacts your users and how it can be extended, integrated, and adopted by your organization. Get information on the latest intelligent technologies and see how SAP S/4HANA Cloud can help unify and streamline your business. A bold new world awaits in the cloud! Highlights include: 1) User experience 2) Analytics 3) Business functionality 4) Global business processes 5) Extensibility 6) Integration 7) Adoption 8) Lifecycle management 9) Intelligent enterprise
University of Toronto Press Top Secret Canada: Understanding the Canadian Intelligence and National Security Community
National security in the interest of preserving the well-being of a country is arguably the first and most important responsibility of any democratic government. Motivated by some of the pressing questions and concerns of citizens, Top Secret Canada is the first book to offer a comprehensive study of the Canadian intelligence community, its different parts, and how it functions as a whole. In taking up this important task, contributors aim to identify the key players, explain their mandates and functions, and assess their interactions. Top Secret Canada features essays by the country’s foremost experts on law, foreign policy, intelligence, and national security, and will become the go-to resource for those seeking to understand Canada’s intelligence community and the challenges it faces now and in the future.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Division Leclerc: The Leclerc Column and Free French 2nd Armored Division, 1940–1946
'General Leclerc' was the nom de guerre adopted by the Gaullist officer Philippe de Hautcloque, to protect his family in occupied France. He became France's foremost fighting commander, and his armored division (the '2e DB') its most famous formation. Starting as a small scratch force of mostly African troops organised and led by Leclerc in French Equatorial Africa, it achieved early success raiding Italian and German positions in co-operation with Britain’s Long Range Desert Group. Following the Allied victory in North Africa it was expanded and reorganised as a US Army-style armoured division, with American tanks and other armoured vehicles. Shipped to the UK, in spring 1944, it was assigned to Patton's US Third Army, landing in time for the Normandy breakout and being given the honour of liberating Paris in August 1944. Combining a thorough analysis of their combat and organisation with detailed colour plates of their uniforms and equipment, this is the fascinating story of Free France’s most effective fighting force.
Bristol University Press Hearing the Voices of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Communities: Inclusive Community Development
Over the past decade, interest in Gypsies, Roma and Travellers (GRT) has risen up the political and media agendas, but they remain relatively unknown. This topical book is the first to chart the history and contemporary developments in GRT community activism, and the community and voluntary organisations and coalitions which support it. Underpinned by radical community development and equality theories, it describes the communities' struggle for rights against a backdrop of intense intersectional discrimination across Europe, and critiques the ambivalent role of community development in fostering these campaigns. Much of it co-written by community activists, it is a vehicle for otherwise marginalised voices, and an essential resource and inspiration for practitioners, lecturers, researchers and members of GRT communities.
Temple University Press,U.S. Baltimore '68: Riots and Rebirth in an American City
The first comprehensive study of one city, Baltimore, forty years after the unrest that swept across some 120 U.S. cities.
American Psychological Association Treatment Integrity: A Foundation for Evidence-Based Practice in Applied Psychology
Evidence-based interventions in education, community, and health care settings often fail to live up to their potential because they are not implemented consistently or competently. This timely book explores treatment integrity – the extent to which a promising intervention is implemented as designed and achieves successful outcomes. Chapters walk the reader first through conceptual and then through applied aspects of treatment integrity, covering: • The components and characteristics of high-quality implementation • The description and measurement of intervention components • Specific approaches that promote effective delivery of services; and • Examples of programs that embody principles of treatment integrity A one-stop source of information and ideas for researchers and those on the front lines, this book is also an ideal text for graduate trainees in health services and education.
Hodder Education TeeJay Maths Primary 1: Bumper Workbook B
Learning + fun = TeeJay Maths!The No.1 choice for Scottish parents and teachers for over 25 years- Help your child to develop essential numeracy and mathematical skills throughout Primary 1- Watch your child's confidence grow as they practise and improve their maths skills- Check understanding using 'I can do this' pages at the end of each topic6 clear and colourful write-in workbooks- Easy for you to use- Fun for your child to fill in!Topics covered:- The Numbers 11 to 20- Information Handling and Time- 2D and 3D Shapes- Money- Position and Movement- Measure and Patterns
John Wiley & Sons Inc Shaping Future 6G Networks: Needs, Impacts, and Technologies
Shaping Future 6G Networks Discover the societal and technology drivers contributing to build the next generation of wireless telecommunication networks Shaping Future 6G Networks: Needs, Impacts, and Technologies is a holistic snapshot on the evolution of 5G technologies towards 6G. With contributions from international key players in industry and academia, the book presents the hype versus the realistic capabilities of 6G technologies, and delivers cutting-edge business and technological insights into the future wireless telecommunications landscape. You’ll learn about: Forthcoming demand for post 5G networks, including new requirements coming from small and large businesses, manufacturing, logistics, and automotive industry Societal implications of 6G, including digital sustainability, strategies for increasing energy efficiency, as well as future open networking ecosystems Impacts of integrating non-terrestrial networks to build the 6G architecture Opportunities for emerging THz radio access technologies in future integrated communications, positioning, and sensing capabilities in 6G Design of highly modular and distributed 6G core networks driven by the ongoing RAN-Core integration and the benefits of AI/ML-based control and management Disruptive architectural considerations influenced by the Post-Shannon Theory The insights in Shaping Future 6G Networks will greatly benefit IT engineers and managers focused on the future of networking, as well as undergraduate and graduate engineering students focusing on the design, implementation, and management of mobile networks and applications.
East European Monographs Public Spaces in Budapest
Long-time expert on the social and political movements of Hungary, Andras Gero turns his keen eye to the motivations, desires, and actions behind the design and decoration of Kossuth Square, a public space that faces Hungary's Building of Parliament.
Seagull Books London Ltd From the Berlin Journal
Max Frisch (1911 91) was a giant of twentieth-century German literature. When Frisch moved into a new apartment in Berlin's Sarrazinstrasse, he began keeping a journal, which he came to call the Berlin Journal. A few years later, he emphasized in an interview that this was by no means a "scribbling book," but rather a book "fully composed." The journal is one of the great treasures of Frisch's literary estate, but the author imposed a retention period of twenty years from the date of his death because of the "private things" he noted in it. From the Berlin Journal now marks the first publication of excerpts from Frisch's journal. Here, the unmistakable Frisch is back, full of doubt, with no illusions, and with a playfully sharp eye for the world. From the Berlin Journal pulls from the years 1946 49 and 1966 71. Observations about the writer's everyday life stand alongside narrative and essayistic texts, as well as finely-drawn portraits of colleagues like Gunter Grass, Uwe Johnson, Wolf Biermann, and Christa Wolf, among others. Its foremost quality, though, is the extraordinary acuity with which Frisch observed political and social conditions in East Germany while living in West Berlin.
Fordham University Press Sovereignties in Question: The Poetics of Paul Celan
Contents • Shibboleth: For Paul Celan • “A Self-Unsealing Poetic Text”: Poetics and Politics of Witnessing • Language Does Not Belong: An Interview • The Majesty of the Present: Reading Celan’s “The Meridian” • Rams: Uninterrupted Dialogue—between Two Infinities, the Poem This book brings together five powerful encounters. Themes central to all of Derrida’s writings thread the intense confrontation between the most famous philosopher of our time and the Jewish poet writing in German who, perhaps more powerfully than any other, has testified to the European experience of the twentieth century. They include the date or signature and its singularity; the notion of the trace; temporal structures of futurity and the “to come”; the multiplicity of language and questions of translation; such speech acts as testimony and promising, but also lying and perjury; the possibility of the impossible; and, above all, the question of the poem as addressed and destined beyond knowledge, seeking to speak to and for the irreducibly other. The memory of encounters with thinkers who have also engaged Celan’s work animates these writings, which include a brilliant dialogue between two interpretative modes—hermeneutics and deconstruction. Derrida’s approach to a poem is a revelation on many levels, from the most concrete ways of reading —for example, his analysis of a sequence of personal pronouns—to the most sweeping imperatives of human existence (and Derrida’s writings are always a study in the imbrication of such levels). Above all, he voices the call to responsibility in the ultimate line of Celan’s poem: “The world is gone, I must carry you,” which sounds throughout the book’s final essay like a refrain. Only two of the texts in this volume do not appear here in English for the first time. Of these, Schibboleth has been entirely retranslated and has been set following Derrida's own instructions for publication in French; "A Self-Unsealing Poetic Text" was substantially rewritten by Derrida himself and basically appears here as the translation of a new text. Jacques Derrida’s most recent books in English translation include Counterpath: Traveling with Jacques Derrida (with Catherine Malabou). He died in Paris on October 8, 2004. Thomas Dutoit teaches at the Université de Paris 7. He translated Aporias and edited On the Name, both by Jacques Derrida.
University Press of Florida Travels on the St. Johns River
A selection of writings from naturalists John and William Bartram, who explored Florida in 1765In 1765 father and son naturalists John and William Bartram explored the St. Johns River Valley in Florida, a newly designated British territory and subtropical wonderland. They collected specimens and recorded extensive observations of the region’s plants, animals, geography, ecology, and Native cultures. The chronicle of their adventures provided the world with an intimate look at La Florida.Travels on the St. Johns River includes writings from the Bartrams' journey in a flat-bottomed boat from St. Augustine to the river's swampy headwaters near Lake Loughman, just west of today’s Cape Canaveral. Vivid entries from John's Diary detail the settlement locations of Indigenous people and what vegetation overtook the river's slow current. Excerpts from William's narrative, written a decade later when he tried to make a home in East Florida, contemplate the environment and the river that would come to be regarded as the liquid heart of his celebrated Travels. A selection of personal letters reveal John's misgivings about his son's decision to become a planter in a pine barren with little shelter, but they also speak to William's belated sense of accomplishment for traveling past his father's footsteps.Editors Thomas Hallock and Richard Franz provide valuable commentary and a modern record of the flora and fauna the Bartrams encountered. Taken together, the firsthand accounts and editorial notes help us see the land through the explorers' eyes and witness the many environmental changes the centuries have wrought.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Gridlock: Why Global Cooperation is Failing when We Need It Most
The issues that increasingly dominate the 21st century cannot be solved by any single country acting alone, no matter how powerful. To manage the global economy, prevent runaway environmental destruction, reign in nuclear proliferation, or confront other global challenges, we must cooperate. But at the same time, our tools for global policymaking - chiefly state-to-state negotiations over treaties and international institutions - have broken down. The result is gridlock, which manifests across areas via a number of common mechanisms. The rise of new powers representing a more diverse array of interests makes agreement more difficult. The problems themselves have also grown harder as global policy issues penetrate ever more deeply into core domestic concerns. Existing institutions, created for a different world, also lock-in pathological decision-making procedures and render the field ever more complex. All of these processes - in part a function of previous, successful efforts at cooperation - have led global cooperation to fail us even as we need it most. Ranging over the main areas of global concern, from security to the global economy and the environment, this book examines these mechanisms of gridlock and pathways beyond them. It is written in a highly accessible way, making it relevant not only to students of politics and international relations but also to a wider general readership.
Voltaire Foundation Œuvres complètes de Voltaire (Complete Works of Voltaire) 61B: Theatre 1766-1767
Princeton University Press Artists Respond: American Art and the Vietnam War, 1965–1975
How the Vietnam War changed American artBy the late 1960s, the United States was in a pitched conflict in Vietnam, against a foreign enemy, and at home—between Americans for and against the war and the status quo. This powerful book showcases how American artists responded to the war, spanning the period from Lyndon B. Johnson’s fateful decision to deploy U.S. Marines to South Vietnam in 1965 to the fall of Saigon ten years later.Artists Respond brings together works by many of the most visionary and provocative artists of the period, including Asco, Chris Burden, Judy Chicago, Corita Kent, Leon Golub, David Hammons, Yoko Ono, and Nancy Spero. It explores how the moral urgency of the Vietnam War galvanized American artists in unprecedented ways, challenging them to reimagine the purpose and uses of art and compelling them to become politically engaged on other fronts, such as feminism and civil rights. The book presents an era in which artists struggled to synthesize the turbulent times and participated in a process of free and open questioning inherent to American civic life.Beautifully illustrated, Artists Respond features a broad range of art, including painting, sculpture, printmaking, performance and body art, installation, documentary cinema and photography, and conceptualism.Published in association with the Smithsonian American Art MuseumExhibition ScheduleSmithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DCMarch 15–August 18, 2019Minneapolis Institute of ArtSeptember 28, 2019–January 5, 2020
Harvard University Press World Inequality Report 2022
Produced by a team of world-leading economists, this is the benchmark account of recent and historical trends in inequality.World Inequality Report 2022 is the most authoritative and comprehensive account available of global trends in inequality. Researched, compiled, and written by a team of world-leading economists, the report builds on the pioneering edition of 2018 to provide policy makers and scholars everywhere up-to-date information about an ever broader range of countries and about forms of inequality that researchers have previously ignored or found hard to trace.Over the past decade, inequality has taken center stage in public debate as the wealthiest people in most parts of the world have seen their share of the economy soar relative to that of others. The resulting political and social pressures have posed harsh new challenges for governments and created a pressing demand for reliable data. The World Inequality Lab, housed at the Paris School of Economics and the University of California, Berkeley, has answered this call by coordinating research into the latest trends in the accumulation and distribution of income and wealth on every continent. This new report not only extends the lab’s international reach but provides crucial new information about the history of inequality, gender inequality, environmental inequalities, and trends in international tax reform and redistribution.World Inequality Report 2022 will be a key document for anyone concerned about one of the most imperative and contentious subjects in contemporary politics and economics.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Unified Theory of Concrete Structures
Unified Theory of Concrete Structures develops an integrated theory that encompasses the various stress states experienced by both RC & PC structures under the various loading conditions of bending, axial load, shear and torsion. Upon synthesis, the new rational theories replace the many empirical formulas currently in use for shear, torsion and membrane stress. The unified theory is divided into six model components: a) the struts-and-ties model, b) the equilibrium (plasticity) truss model, c) the Bernoulli compatibility truss model, d) the Mohr compatibility truss model, e) the softened truss model, and f) the softened membrane model. Hsu presents the six models as rational tools for the solution of the four basic types of stress, focusing on the significance of their intrinsic consistencies and their inter-relationships. Because of its inherent rationality, this unified theory of reinforced concrete can serve as the basis for the formulation of a universal and international design code. Includes an appendix and accompanying website hosting the authors’ finite element program SCS along with instructions and examples Offers comprehensive coverage of content ranging from fundamentals of flexure, shear and torsion all the way to non-linear finite element analysis and design of wall-type structures under earthquake loading. Authored by world-leading experts on torsion and shear
Little, Brown & Company The Perfect Predator: A Scientist's Race to Save Her Husband from a Deadly Superbug: A Memoir
A "fascinating and terrifying" memoir of one woman's extraordinary effort to save her husband's life (Scientific American) - and the discovery of a forgotten cure that has the potential to save millions more.Epidemiologist Steffanie Strathdee and her husband, psychologist Tom Patterson, were vacationing in Egypt when Tom came down with a stomach bug. What at first seemed like a case of food poisoning quickly turned critical, and by the time Tom had been transferred via emergency medevac to the world-class medical center at UC San Diego, where both he and Steffanie worked, blood work revealed why modern medicine was failing: Tom was fighting one of the most dangerous, antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the world.Frantic, Steffanie combed through research old and new and came across phage therapy: the idea that the right virus, aka "the perfect predator," can kill even the most lethal bacteria. Phage treatment had fallen out of favor almost 100 years ago, after antibiotic use went mainstream. Now, with time running out, Steffanie appealed to phage researchers all over the world for help. She found allies at the FDA, researchers from Texas A&M, and a clandestine Navy biomedical center - and together they resurrected a forgotten cure.A nail-biting medical mystery, The Perfect Predator is a story of love and survival against all odds, and the (re)discovery of a powerful new weapon in the global superbug crisis.
Columbia University Press Tropical Deforestation: Small Farmers and Land Clearing in the Ecudorian Amazon
Addressing decades of rain forest destruction, concerned scientists, often in concert with various environmental movements, have amassed an impressive amount of information on deforestation in areas throughout the world. In Tropical Forests, Rudel draws upon hundreds of these studies to develop a broader perspective on the problem of deforestation. Through a meta-analysis, Rudel identifies the forces that have driven forest cover change since 1980 and spells out their implications for efforts to conserve biodiversity and expedite sustainable development in the tropics.Rudel builds on local studies to offer clear explanations of what has happened in each of the world's tropical forest regions. He assesses global trends while also offering vivid descriptions of the effects of deforestation in specific areas. His work concludes with a chapter that describes policy directions for conserving biodiversity and promoting sustainable development in each region.
The University of Chicago Press Hierarchy: Perspectives for Ecological Complexity
Although complexity surrounds us, its inherent uncertainty, ambiguity, and contradiction can at first make complex systems appear inscrutable. Ecosystems, for instance, are nonlinear, self-organizing, seemingly chaotic structures in which individuals interact both with each other and with the myriad biotic and abiotic components of their surroundings across geographies as well as spatial and temporal scales. In the face of such complexity, ecologists have long sought tools to streamline and aggregate information. Among them, in the 1980s, T. F. H. Allen and Thomas B. Starr implemented a burgeoning concept from business administration: hierarchy theory. Cutting-edge when Hierarchy was first published, their approach to unraveling complexity is now integrated into mainstream ecological thought. This thoroughly revised and expanded second edition of Hierarchy reflects the assimilation of hierarchy theory into ecological research, its successful application to the understanding of complex systems, and the many developments in thought since. Because hierarchies and levels are habitual parts of human thinking, hierarchy theory has proven to be the most intuitive and tractable vehicle for addressing complexity. By allowing researchers to look explicitly at only the entities and interconnections that are relevant to a specific research question, hierarchically informed data analysis has enabled a revolution in ecological understanding. With this new edition of Hierarchy, that revolution continues.
Broadview Press Ltd Utopia
This volume includes the full text of More’s 1516 classic, Utopia, together with a wide range of background contextual materials. For this edition the G.C. Richards translation has been substantially revised and modernized by William P. Weaver of Baylor University.As with other volumes in this series, the text and annotations in this edition are taken from The Broadview Anthology of British Literature, acclaimed as “the new standard” in the field. Appendices include illustrations from early editions; relevant passages from the Bible and from Plato; excerpts from More’s 1534 Dialogue of Comfort against Tribulation that have been cited for their alleged relevance to the debate over whether or not More himself espoused the “communist” principles of the Utopia he imagined.