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Biblioteca Autores Cristianos La escuela de Salamanca de la monarquía hispánica al orbe católico
Encuadernación: cartonéColección: BAC maior,90Esta obra analiza la evolución y proyecciones del concepto Escuela de Salamanca, desde sus orígenes hasta el siglo xx, en los diversos contextos históricos, construcciones culturales e interpretaciones. La Escuela de Salamanca, como germen de escuelas de pensamiento y aplicaciones prácticas, se pone en relación directa con diversas instituciones que la hacen evolucionar y difundirse. Lo que tradicionalmente se ha denominado Escuela de Salamanca, entendiendo por tal la particular relación que se da entre la Universidad de Salamanca, los dominicos de San Esteban y la Monarquía hispánica, en el siglo siguiente adquiere un nuevo paradigma cuando el contexto esté determinado por el Orbe católico, los jesuitas y el Papado. Este recorrido, con una mirada atenta hacia las instituciones vinculadas, nos lleva hasta el ambiente restaurador del siglo XX, donde se construye conceptualmente lo que conocemos como Escuela de Salamanca. Por ello se l
Alianza Editorial Joseph Haydn y el cuarteto de cuerda
El cuarteto de cuerda constituye, junto con la sinfonía para orquesta y la sonata para piano, uno de los principales géneros instrumentales que han vertebrado la historia de la música occidental en los últimos tres siglos. Esta gran tradición compositiva ha transcurrido desde Mozart, Boccherini, Beethoven y Schubert hasta Webern, Bartók, Shostakovich y, en las últimas décadas, Elliott Carter. La contribución de Joseph Haydn a la gestación del cuarteto fue tan trascendental que en ocasiones ha sido considerado como su ?inventor?. Concebido como una introducción al legado cuartetístico de este compositor austriaco fundamental, el presente libro desgrana las novedades, audacias e innovaciones que explican la grandeza de estas obras, al tiempo que las inserta en el contexto histórico y estético en que fueron compuestas. Aspira, así, a convertirse en una guía imprescindible para aficionados y estudiosos interesados en conocer esta música extraordinaria, proporcionando algunas claves que fac
El poder y el baln Episodios futbolsticos que hicieron Historia
No hay que mezclar el fútbol con la política? más que nada porque es innecesario: viven juntos desde que el balón echó a rodar. En cualquier parte del planeta la fascinación que provoca el deporte de masas por excelencia va de la mano de su relación con las esferas del poder. Da igual la ideología o la época, momentos de paz o cuando el mundo arde bajo el ruido de las armas. El fútbol fue un pilar en la Italia de Mussolini o en la España de Franco, como lo fue en la Unión Soviética con la figura de Lavrenti Beria o en la Alemania Oriental con la cabeza de la Stasi al mando del Dinamo de Berlín. Lo fue en las dictaduras Sudamericanas de los años 70 y en los procesos de independencia de los países africanos.Este libro recoge treinta historias reales de esa relación entre el fútbol y el poder, episodios en los que, al final, aparecen dramas humanos de jugadores, entrenadores o directivos que se vieron en medio de ese potente atractivo que el balompié provoca en los políticos sea cual sea
La viajera sentimental
Se reúne aquí los escritos de los viajes de Vernon Lee por Alemania, Italia, Francia y Suiza en busca del espíritu del lugar. Pese a que su infancia estuvo repartida en períodos de seis meses entre esos cuatro países, Vernon Lee cuenta cómo su familia no viajaba, sino que simplemente se trasladaba entre domicilios evitando cualquier actividad turística. La consecuencia fue que su pasión viajera no nació de visitar distintos lugares sino de la fascinación infantil producida por lecturas y conversaciones. La escritora regresa a los lugares habitados o imaginados en su infancia, adentrándose por el Rin hasta el corazón de Alemania, por las carreteras italianas hasta Portofino, en tren por Francia hasta Montreuil, y por los Alpes hasta Berna. La experiencia viajera, casi siempre acompañada de alguna amiga, se enriquece con el acervo estético y cultural de la autora sobre leyendas, lecturas y personajes literarios que llegan hasta el Viaje sentimental de Laurence Sterne. Vernon Lee no prete
Editorial Renacimiento Manzanas robadas
Tutor Formación Competencia matemtica N2
Tutor Formación Mantenimiento y mejora de las actividades diarias de personas dependientes en instituciones
Tutor Formación Intervencin en la atencin higinicoalimentaria en instituciones
Tutor Formación Servicio especializado de vinos
Real Academia de la Historia La Edad Media hispánica en torno a cuatro centenarios
711-712: conquista islámica de Hispania.1212: batalla de Las Navas de Tolosa.1412: Compromiso de Caspe.1512: incorporación de Navarra a Castilla.Los centenarios de aquellos sucesos confluyen en 2012. Es cierto que las conmemoraciones de centenarios tienen mucho de coyuntural, pero también lo es que pueden ser ocasión para mostrar al público algunos aspectos de la historia que, de otra manera, no llamarían su atención.
Real Academia de la Historia Fiscalidad y poder real en Castilla 12521369
Nueva edición del libro del mismo título publicado en 1993, que recibió el Premio Nacional de Historia del Ministerio de Cultura.En 'Fiscalidad y poder real en Castilla', se estudia e interpreta la profunda transformación del sistema hacendístico de la monarquía castellana desde mediados del siglo XIII, como elemento clave de una nueva organización política. El autor sigue este proceso desde los tiempos de Alfonso X (1252-1284) hasta los de Pedro I (1351-1369), considerando la precocidad e importancia de las medidas tomadas por el Rey Sabio y continuadas por sus sucesores, en especial Alfonso XI (1312-1350), hasta completar un sistema impositivo que apenas se modificó en varios siglos, cuya implantación contribuyó a reorganizar las relaciones y repartos de poder entre la monarquía y los miembros de la 'sociedad política': municipios de realengo, nobleza y obispos.Se incluye en anexo un panorama europeo de la 'revolución fiscal' para entender mejor el caso castellano en lo que t
Los musulmanes en la guerra de la Alemania nazi Ensayo Spanish Edition
En la fase más decisiva de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, después de sufrir los primeros reveses militares en la Unión Soviética, la Alemania de Hitler, dejando de lado sus prejuicios racistas en favor del pragmatismo geoestratégico, intentó instrumentalizar el Islam en su beneficio. A partir de ese momento, los musulmanes de territorios tan dispares como el norte de África, los Balcanes o el Cáucaso, donde combatían las tropas del Tercer Reich, se convirtieron en objetivo de la propaganda nazi. Para los dirigentes nazis más entusiastas de este proyecto, con Heinrich Himmler a la cabeza, los musulmanes eran una poderosa fuerza que tenía los mismos enemigos que Alemania: el Imperio Británico, la Unión Soviética y los judíos. Uno de los objetivos de esta campaña fue reclutar el máximo de hombres para su esfuerzo bélico; otro, minar los imperios británico y soviético a los que combatían."Los musulmanes en la guerra de la Alemania nazi" es el primer estudio exhaustivo de los ambiciosos int
Ediciones Rubeo Apagón en la cripta
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH On the Formalization of Model-Driven Software Engineering
Diogenes Verlag AG Meistererzhlungen Die Beispielhaften Novellen
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Art of Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry
The Art of Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry The new edition of the classic textbook that has helped thousands of students understand and solve the complex mechanistic problems posed by organic reactions The Art of Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry is a must-have workbook for students and professionals alike, offering step-by-step guidance on applying proven strategies and logical techniques to solve complex reaction mechanism problems. The book is organized in two sections: The Toolbox and the Problem Chest. The first part is presented in four chapters covering advanced contemporary issues of molecular structure and orbital configuration, stereoelectronic constraints, electron shifts, redeployment and arrow-pushing allowances and pitfalls, as well as functional groups roles and key intermediate species, all of which dominate the reaction mechanism scenario. These concepts are rounded up by a series of time-tested problem analysis strategies and thinking routes shown in flowcharts and illustrated by application to specific cases. The Problem Chest puts together a set of 50 newly selected fully discussed mechanism problems of increasing difficulty, in which all the power of the Toolbox paraphernalia is put to work. Now in its third edition, The Art of Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry retains the structure of previous editions, previously rated among the 30 best organic chemistry books of all time by BookAuthority. More than 50 revised organic reaction mechanism problems are complemented by an entirely new set of problems, additional concepts and techniques, expanded coverage of applications in contemporary organic chemistry, embedded cases of the existing reaction pool taken from recent literature, and much more. Describes the principles, methods, tools, and problem analysis techniques required to solve organic reaction problems Extends the logic and strategy of the mechanistic approach beyond specific reactions and facts Discusses practical methods for improved problem solving for organic reaction mechanisms Explains tested strategies for analyzing the possibilities of reaction mechanisms between reactants and products Contains detailed appendices with definitions and examples of principles, reactions, mechanisms, and reagents The Art of Problem Solving in Organic Chemistry, Third Edition is an essential volume for advanced undergraduates, graduate students, lecturers, and professionals looking to improve their performance in finding solutions to organic reaction problems. It is an ideal textbook for courses on organic reactions and problem analysis, as well as an excellent supplement for courses covering reactive intermediates and mechanisms of molecular transformations.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Anthology of Post-Tonal Music: For Use with Understanding Post-Tonal Music
This anthology of over 40 scores and excerpts represents a wide range of music from across the twentieth century and into the twenty-first century, from pieces by Debussy, Stravinsky, and Bartok to works by Arvo Pärt, Thomas Adès, and Kaija Saariaho. Showcasing the vast range of compositional styles encompassed in the post-tonal era, this volume offers a convenient compendium including hard-to-find scores. Designed for use with Understanding Post-Tonal Music by Miguel A. Roig-Francolí, which includes extensive analyses of the scores provided here, this anthology can also stand alone for study and analysis in other courses on the history and analysis of post-tonal music.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Don Quixote: The Crazy Adventures Of A Knight-in-training
Alonso is an old man who is obsessed with stories of heroism. So, he reinvents himself as Don Quixote, knight-in-training! Accompanied by his servant-turned-squire, Sancho, as well as his trusty old horse Rosinante, he sets off on many crazy adventures. Join this wacky knight as he attempts to battle giants that aren't giants and saves maidens who might not want to be saved!
Prames S.A. Bajo Martín
El Bajo Martín, conocido por su parque cultural, es un lugar privilegiado para quienes buscan el encanto insospechado de lo natural. Esta guía nos descubre un pequeño y desconocido paraíso de estepas, saladas, estrechos fluviales, yacimientos minerales y bosques singulares como el tamarizal de Valimaña. En Las Planetas vive la rara alondra ricotí, en el pinar de Cerezuelo vuela el águila culebrera. y en los viejos mases se refugian lechuzas y cernícalos primilla.
Edaf Antillas Mar de Viento
Edaf Antillas Generales Y Mandos de la Guerra Civil
Cuento de Luz SL Los despistes del abuelo Pedro (Grandpa Monty's Muddles)
Un cuento que con ternura y sentido del humor, trata el Alzheimer y demencia senil, desde el cariño y la comprension como la mejor manera de sobrellevar esta dolencia. ¿Que mejor apoyo que la ayuda de un nieto travieso a su querido abuelito? In this tale, the problem of memory loss is seen from a humorous perspective, since a smile is always the best solution. Lexile Level: 940L
Texas Christian University Press,U.S. Between Day and Night: New and Selected Poems, 1946-2010
Miguel González-Gerth, an esteemed translator, poet, editor, and professor emeritus at the University of Texas at Austin, has been publishing his original English and Spanish poetry since 1946. Born in Mexico City in 1926, González-Gerth moved to the United States in 1940 and made it his permanent home. He received his B.A. from the University of Texas in 1950 and a PhD from Princeton in 1973, and taught at UT for over thirty years.Editor David Colón has compiled a selection of González-Gerth’s poems that demonstrate the range of interests, themes, and styles that span more than a century of a life dedicated to Hispanic literature studies. The poems in this collection are arranged chronologically, exhibiting “the different phases of a poet’s life as well as different historical moments and literary traditions.”Many of the poems appear with side-by-side translation, demonstrating not only the creativity born of a unique cultural perspective, but the profound understanding and commitment to the process of translation, taking a poem through its original written language, rethinking the words, allusions, connotations, and presenting it in a different language and tradition. “He has two guiding principles as a translator of poetry: to keep the languages distinct, and to approach the act of reproduction as an art form itself. In the end, the translation must work on the terms of its own language. It is more important for it to be a successful poem than a faithful copy,” writes Colón in the introduction. Between Day and Night provides a record of González-Gerth’s achievement as a poet and translator, a writer who stays true to the languages and poetic styles of Latin America and Anglo-America, and “work[s] with essentially two minds.”
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Ensuring Sustainability: New Challenges for Organizational Engineering
This book presents a selection of the best papers given at the XXIV International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management. The conference is promoted by ADINGOR (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ingeniería de Organización) and organized by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. It took place at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Leganés, Spain) in July 2020. Ensuring Sustainability embodies the latest advances in research and cutting-edge analyses of real case studies in industrial engineering and operations management from diverse international contexts. It also identifies business applications for the latest findings and innovations in operations management and the decision sciences.
University of Pennsylvania Press "The Bagnios of Algiers" and "The Great Sultana": Two Plays of Captivity
Best known today as the author of Don Quixote—one of the most beloved and widely read novels in the Western tradition—Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616) was a poet and a playwright as well. After some early successes on the Madrid stage in the 1580s, his theatrical career was interrupted by other literary efforts. Yet, eager to prove himself as a playwright, shortly before his death he published a collection of his later plays before they were ever performed. With their depiction of captives in North Africa and at the Ottoman court, two of these, "The Bagnios of Algiers" and "The Great Sultana," draw heavily on Cervantes's own experiences as a captive, and echo important episodes in Don Quixote. They are set in a Mediterranean world where Spain and its Muslim neighbors clashed repeatedly while still remaining in close contact, with merchants, exiles, captives, soldiers, and renegades frequently crossing between the two sides. The plays provide revealing insights into Spain's complex perception of the world of Mediterranean Islam. Despite their considerable literary and historical interest, these two plays have never before been translated into English. This edition presents them along with an introductory essay that places them in the context of Cervantes's drama, the early modern stage, and the political and cultural relations between Christianity and Islam in the early modern period.
WW Norton & Co The Shining Path: Love, Madness, and Revolution in the Andes
On 17 May 1980, on the eve of Peru’s presidential election, five masked men stormed a small town in the Andean heartland. They set election ballots ablaze and vanished into the night but not before planting a red hammer-and-sickle banner in the town square. The lone man arrested the next morning later swore allegiance to a group called Shining Path. The tale of how this ferocious group of guerrilla insurgents launched a decade-long reign of terror, and how brave police investigators and journalists brought it to justice, may be the most compelling chapter in modern Latin American history but the full story has never been told. Described by a U.S. State Department cable as “cold-blooded and bestial”, Shining Path orchestrated bombings, assassinations and massacres across the cities, countryside and jungles of Peru in a murderous campaign to seize power and impose a Communist government. At its helm was the professor-turned-revolutionary Abimael Guzmán, who launched his single-minded insurrection alongside two women: his charismatic young wife, Augusta La Torre and the formidable Elena Iparraguirre, who married Guzmán soon after Augusta’s mysterious death. Their fanatical devotion to an outmoded and dogmatic ideology, and the military’s bloody response, led to the death of nearly 70,000 Peruvians. Orin Starn and Miguel La Serna’s narrative history of Shining Path is both panoramic and intimate, set against the socioeconomic upheavals of Peru’s rocky transition from military dictatorship to elected democracy. They take readers deep into the heart of the rebellion and the lives and country it nearly destroyed. We hear the voices of the mountain villagers who organised a fierce rural resistance and meet the irrepressible black activist María Elena Moyano and the Nobel Prize–winning novelist Mario Vargas Llosa, who each fought to end the bloodshed. Deftly written, The Shining Path is an exquisitely detailed account of a little-remembered war that must never be forgotten.
Editorial el Pirata Las legiones de Roma
What would you do if you were told that time travel is possible? The Legions of Rome is the first book in the Los Exploradores del Tiempo series, illustrated in full color and combining comic dialogues with a historical novel for children ages 9 - 12. Each book allows us to enjoy a fascinating journey through the time of VÍctor, Cristina, Celoni and Ibis. Readers get to time travel themselves in this book using the Time Clock to decipher the page number that is hidden behind a red background and thus be able to travel through time to discover incredible historical curiosities.
SelfMadeHero Don Quixote Vol. Ii
The second volume of Don Quixote is much darker than the first, picking up the story where Volume I left off and taking us to Don Quixote's death. Don Quixote battles cats, puppets and the famous Knight of the Mirrors. He plunges head first into the legendary Cave of Montesinos and seeks to disenchant his imaginary truelove Dulcinea del Toboso, who is imprisoned there. Meanwhile Sancho Panza is finally given an island to rule over by the Duke and Duchess who, like many characters Quixote and Sancho meet in Vol II, have read Vol I. The Duke and Duchess play endless cruel tricks on our heroes and slowly our heroes’ madness and foolishness becomes painfully apparent. On his deathbed Quixote becomes Alonso once more, he finally denies the existence of Giants, Knights, Damsels and to Sancho’s horror he denies there ever was a Don Quixote de la Mancha. Sancho begs that they should ride out one more time, but it is too late Alonso Quixana is dead.
University of Illinois Press Mist: A TRAGICOMIC NOVEL
A towering figure of political, philosophical, and literary controversy, Miguel de Unamuno was the undisputed intellectual leader of the brilliant Generation of 1898 that ushered in a second golden age of Spanish culture. In the vast and varied body of his work, none conveys his intellectual legacy more effectively than Mist, a monument of the philosophical novel and a masterpiece of modern experimental fiction. Dispensing with the conventions of action, time and place, and analysis of character, Mist proceeds entirely on the strength of dialogue that reveals the struggles of what Unamuno called his "agonists." These include Augusto Perez, the pampered son of a recently deceased mother; the deceitful, scheming Eugenia, whom Augusto obsessively idealizes; and Augusto's dog Orfeo, who gives a funeral oration upon his master's death. Mist even includes a chapter that explains Unamuno's theory of the antinovel. Anticipating later writers such as Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre, Unamuno exploited fiction as a vehicle for the exploration of philosophical themes. First published in 1914, Mist exemplified a new kind of novel with which Unamuno aimed to shatter fiction's conventional illusions of reality. It is an antinovel that treats its fictionality ironically. This historic reissue includes a foreword by Theodore Ziolkowski.
Springer International Publishing AG A History of Genomics across Species, Communities and Projects
This open access book offers a comprehensive overview of the history of genomics across three different species and four decades, from the 1980s to the recent past. It takes an inclusive approach in order to capture not only the international initiatives to map and sequence the genomes of various organisms, but also the work of smaller-scale institutions engaged in the mapping and sequencing of yeast, human and pig DNA. In doing so, the authors expand the historiographical lens of genomics from a focus on large-scale projects to other forms of organisation. They show how practices such as genome mapping, sequence assembly and annotation are as essential as DNA sequencing in the history of genomics, and argue that existing depictions of genomics are too closely associated with the Human Genome Project. Exploring the use of genomic tools by biochemists, cell biologists, and medical and agriculturally-oriented geneticists, this book portrays the history of genomics as inseparably entangled with the day-to-day practices and objectives of these communities. The authors also uncover often forgotten actors such as the European Commission, a crucial funder and forger of collaborative networks undertaking genomic projects. In examining historical trajectories across species, communities and projects, the book provides new insights on genomics, its dramatic expansion during the late twentieth-century and its developments in the twenty-first century. Offering the first extensive critical examination of the nature and historicity of reference genomes, this book demonstrates how their affordances and limitations are shaped by the involvement or absence of particular communities in their production.
Springer International Publishing AG A History of Genomics across Species, Communities and Projects
This open access book offers a comprehensive overview of the history of genomics across three different species and four decades, from the 1980s to the recent past. It takes an inclusive approach in order to capture not only the international initiatives to map and sequence the genomes of various organisms, but also the work of smaller-scale institutions engaged in the mapping and sequencing of yeast, human and pig DNA. In doing so, the authors expand the historiographical lens of genomics from a focus on large-scale projects to other forms of organisation. They show how practices such as genome mapping, sequence assembly and annotation are as essential as DNA sequencing in the history of genomics, and argue that existing depictions of genomics are too closely associated with the Human Genome Project. Exploring the use of genomic tools by biochemists, cell biologists, and medical and agriculturally-oriented geneticists, this book portrays the history of genomics as inseparably entangled with the day-to-day practices and objectives of these communities. The authors also uncover often forgotten actors such as the European Commission, a crucial funder and forger of collaborative networks undertaking genomic projects. In examining historical trajectories across species, communities and projects, the book provides new insights on genomics, its dramatic expansion during the late twentieth-century and its developments in the twenty-first century. Offering the first extensive critical examination of the nature and historicity of reference genomes, this book demonstrates how their affordances and limitations are shaped by the involvement or absence of particular communities in their production.
Alma Books Ltd Don Quixote: Newly Translated and Annotated (Alma Classics Evergreens)
When an ageing, impoverished nobleman decides to style himself “Don Quixote” and embarks upon a series of daring endeavours, it is clear that his ability to distinguish between reality and the fantasy world of literary romance has broken down. His exploits turn into comic misadventures, in which everyday objects are transformed into the accoutrements of chivalry, peasant girls become princesses and windmills are mistaken for formidable giants, leading the hero and his squire Sancho Panza into the realms of absurdity and humiliation. Renowned for its comical set pieces, Don Quixote is a profound meditation on the relationship between truth and fiction and the morality of deception, as well as the foundation stone of the modern novel.
Profit Editorial El futuro de la empresa familiar de la unidad familiar a la continuidad empresarial
Formas para defender la empresa familiar de los peligros más comunes, haciendo de la familia empresaria la escuela de los valores propios de una empresa multi-generacionalEste libro trata sobre los profundos cambios de valores en la sociedad y su tremenda influencia futura en el desarrollo de la empresa familiar y en su continuidad. En este sentido, insiste en la relevancia de la familia, en el desarrollo de los valores y las virtudes del quehacer verdaderamente humano, de favorecer el esfuerzo, el compromiso, la iniciativa emprendedora y la dedicación a los demás, para que las empresas familiares consigan ser más sólidas en el futuro. Por todo ello, esta obra es de gran interés para conocer mejor las motivaciones de los miembros de las familias empresarias para llegar a ser una empresa multigeneracional exitosa".Las empresas familiares son la base del tejido productivo del país y el modelo que sigue la mayoría de los negocios para nacer y desarrollarse.Miguel Angel Gallo es
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Hay un monstruo allí fuera / There's a Monster Out There
Penguin Young Readers Don Quijote de la Mancha / Don Quijote of La Mancha
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Giants Volume 2: Ghosts Of Winter
Capstone Global Library Ltd Jack and the Beanstalk: A Discover Graphics Fairy Tale
Revisit the tale of Jack and the Beanstalk with this graphic novel for new readers. Jack trades his father's only cow for three magic beans. When an enormous beanstalk grows outside his window, Jack's adventure begins. What happens when Jack wakes the sleeping giant? Will Jack get back all the things the giant has stolen from his father?
Capstone Global Library Ltd Red Riding Hood
Revisit the tale of Red Riding Hood in graphic novel form. A visit to her grandmother turns dangerous with the addition of a wolf! Will Red Riding Hood make it there safely, or fall victim to the wolf's traps?
Taylor & Francis Ltd Forgotten Agricultural Heritage: Reconnecting food systems and sustainable development
Contemporary agriculture is often criticized for its industrial scale, adverse effects on nutrition, rural employment and the environment, and its disconnectedness from nature and culture. Yet there are many examples of traditional smaller scale systems that have survived the test of time and provide more sustainable solutions while still maintaining food security in an era of climate change. This book provides a unique compilation of this forgotten agricultural heritage and is based on objective scientific evaluation and evidence of the value of these systems for present and future generations.The authors refer to many of these systems as Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) and show how they are related to the concepts of heritage and the World Heritage Convention. They demonstrate how GIAHS based on family farms, traditional indigenous knowledge and agroecological principles can contribute to food and nutrition security and the maintenance of agro-biodiversity and environmental resilience, as well as sustain local cultures, economies and societies. Two substantial chapters are devoted to descriptions and assessments of some 50 examples of designated and potential GIAHS from around the world, including rice-fish culture in China, mountain terrace systems in Asia, coffee agroforestry in Latin America, irrigation systems and land and water management in Iran and India, pastoralism in East Africa, and the dehesa agrosilvopastoral system of Spain and Portugal. The book concludes by providing policy and technical solutions for sustainable agriculture and rural development through the enhancement of these systems.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd War and Society
War is a paradox. On the one hand, it destroys bodies and destroys communities. On the other hand, it is responsible for some of the strongest human bonds and has been the genesis of many of our most fundamental institutions. War and Society addresses these paradoxes while providing a sociological exploration of this enigmatic phenomenon which has played a central role in human history, wielded an incredible power over human lives, and commanded intellectual questioning for countless generations. The authors offer an analytical account of the origins of war, its historical development, and its consequences for individuals and societies, adopting a comparative approach throughout. It ends with an appraisal of the contemporary role of war, looking to the future of warfare and the fundamental changes in the nature of violent conflict which we are starting to witness.This short, readable and engaging book will be an ideal reading for upper-level students of political sociology, military sociology, and related subjects.
Taschen GmbH Miguel Rio Branco. Maldicidade
In Maldicidade, the city never sleeps. By dawn or dusk, in New York, Havana, Salvador da Bahia, or Tokyo, it is an environment fraught with yearning, aching with solitude, and fretful with fortunes never made. This searing urban portrait from visual artist Miguel Rio Branco draws upon his itinerant early years as the son of diplomats to reveal the common threads of struggle and loneliness in metropolises around the world.The images are impeccably captured, but the pictures are not always pretty. Rio Branco is not interested in documenting historic city landmarks, an impressive skyline, or the aspirational dreams that soar up towards it. Instead, he focuses his camera on the city’s refuse and margins—on that which it has thrown away and on those it has cast aside and disappointed. In stark frames or soft impressions, it is street sleepers, beggars, prostitutes, stray dogs, smashed cars, and shattered glass that characterize his urban impressions. While subtle details reveal the specificity of place, it is the commonality of urban experience at the heart of Rio Branco’s project. Light on local context or explanatory narrative, the images are instead meticulously arranged into one redolent sequence of a universal city. Working as if in the cutting studio, Rio Branco excels in the rhythm and succession of pictures, crafting evocative patterns of motif (decrepit buildings, lone figures, smashed-up cars); color (rich reds, dusty pinks, stark whites and blues); and form (an anguished street sleeper beside an ecstatic statue of a saint). Throughout, occasional pictures of women are proffered as sensual, hopeful reprieve, interspersing the grit and the grime in commanding portraits or up-close, supple nudes. At once incisive in its message and lyrical in its arrangement, Maldicidade focuses attention on the city’s ineludible magnetism, as much as on its alienation and inhumanity. Biting, bare-faced, and achingly beautiful, it is a collection in which all city dwellers will find something of themselves, or something they long to escape.
Capstone Global Library Ltd Jack and the Beanstalk: A Discover Graphics Fairy Tale
Revisit the tale of Jack and the Beanstalk with this graphic novel for new readers. Jack trades his father's only cow for three magic beans. When an enormous beanstalk grows outside his window, Jack's adventure begins. What happens when Jack wakes the sleeping giant? Will Jack get back all the things the giant has stolen from his father?
Watkins Media Limited The Buddha Pill: Can Meditation Change You?
Millions of people meditate daily but can these practices really make us ‘better’ people? In The Buddha Pill, Farias and Wikholm put meditation and mindfulness under the microscope. Separating fact from fiction, they reveal what scientific research - including their own groundbreaking study on yoga and meditation in prisoners – tells us about the benefits and limitations of these techniques for improving lives. As well as illuminating the potential, the authors argue that these practices may have unexpected consequences and that peace and happiness may not always be the end result. Offering a compelling examination of research on Transcendental Meditation to recent studies on the effects of mindfulness and yoga, with fascinating contributions from spiritual teachers and therapists, Farias and Wikholm weave together a unique story about the science and the delusions of personal change. This isn't simply another book about the route to enlightenment and happiness, nor is it a 'how to'. Farias and Wikholm challenge assumptions about the uses and effects of meditation and yoga. Controversially, The Buddha Pill argues that personal change effected by these spiritual practices can vary widely from one individual to another, and that peace and compassion may not always be the end result. Combining insights from decades of scientific research with fascinating accounts from gurus and prisoners, The Buddha Pill weaves together a unique story about the science and delusions of personal change.
Oxford University Press Oxford Reading Tree Word Sparks: Level 11: Plant Pandemonium
After a visit from Marigold Mulch, a plant expert, Lucy's classmates are each given a seed to plant, but Lucy is convinced her seed is an egg! Using the world's largest known database of writing for and by children, our experts have defined 300 ambitious words to help children succeed at school. We've combined these with finelly levelled books that help you develop support comprehension and fluency, while inspiring and engaging your young readers.
Penguin Books Ltd Don Quixote
The prize-winning translation of Miguel de Cervantes's mock-epic masterworkDon Quixote has become so entranced by reading romances of chivalry that he determines to become a knight errant and pursue bold adventures, accompanied by his squire, the cunning Sancho Panza. As they roam the world together, the aging Quixote's fancy leads them wildly astray, tilting at windmills, fighting with friars, and distorting the rural Spanish landscape into a fantasy of impenetrable fortresses and wicked sorcerers. At the same time the relationship between the two men grows in fascinating subtlety. Often considered to be the first modern novel, Don Quixote is a wonderful burlesque of the popular literature its disordered protagonist is obsessed with.John Rutherford's landmark translation of Don Quixote won the 2002 Premio Valle Inclan prize for translation. His introduction discusses the traditional works parodied in Don Quixote and issues of literary translation. 'John Rutherford makes Don Quixote funny and readable ... His Quixote can be pompous, imposingly learned, secretly fearful, mad and touching' Colin Burrow, The Times Literary Supplement