Search results for ""author miguel""
Herder Editorial Giordano Bruno universo infinito unión con Dios perfección del hombre
El siglo XVI es un siglo de hierro en el qe Europa asiste a cambios decisivos. La reforma religiosa desemboca en la tragedia de las guerras de religión; el descubrimiento de América abre paso a la empresa depredadora de la colonización; el Estado moderno prosigue su difícil obra de construcción, al tiempo que el sistema del saber y la imagen del mundo dominantes durante siglos entran en una crisis irreversible de la que surgirá el pensamiento de la modernidad. Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) se enfrenta en su obra a buena parte de estos problemas, a la vez que lleva a cabo una revisión crítica del conjunto de la tradición filosófica y teológico-religiosa de Occidente con el fin de elaborar un pensamiento que recupere el conocimiento de la verdadera estructura del universo y devuelva la paz civil a una Europa envenenada por el sectarismo religioso, haciendo posible al mismo tiempo a la personalidad especulativa el libre ejercicio de la filosofía.El presente estudio aborda algunos compone
Don Quijote de la Mancha Puesto en castellano actual íntegra y fielmente por Andrés Trapiello
El Quijote es una de las novelas menos leídas por los lectores españoles e hispanohablantes, a menudo buenos y cultivados lectores, abrumados o desalentados por la dificultad de un castellano, el del siglo xvii. Trapiello se ha decidido a traducirla íntegra y fielmente, sin alejarse nunca del maravilloso lenguaje cervantino.
Alianza Editorial El fin de la clase ociosa de Romanones al estraperlo 19001950
Este texto sigue la trayectoria de las clases altas residentes en Madrid durante la primera mitad del siglo XX y su decadencia en el contexto político de ese convulso periodo histórico. Situando a la Guerra Civil como el punto central de una de las rupturas decisivas en la historia contemporánea, indaga en una clase social, ?las buenas familias?, que, a pesar de pertenecer al bando vencedor, paradójicamente protagonizó la pérdida de las bases tradicionales de poder.Economía, sociedad y política se entrecruzan a lo largo de estas páginas, para terminar con un análisis comparado con las clases altas de las principales ciudades europeas y americanas, pues los cambios acontecidos en Madrid formaban parte de un más amplio patrón de transformación de grupos dominantes durante el periodo de entreguerras.Lectura necesaria en el actual momento de crisis económica que ha llevado a un aumento considerable de las desigualdades sociales.
Alianza Editorial Por tierras de Portugal y Espaa Around Portugal and Spain
Publicado en 1911, " Por tierras de Portugal y de España " comprende artículos escritos por Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936) entre 1906 y 1909, y recoge las impresiones del autor sobre la literatura y la tierra portuguesas, en su primera parte, y españolas, en la segunda, al compás de sus viajes por los territorios de Cataluña, Extremadura, Castilla la Vieja, el País Vasco, Galicia y las Canarias. Como en " Andanzas y visiones españolas " , Unamuno lleva aquí a su más cabal expresión las palabras escritas en el ensayo " Excursión " : " No ha sido en libros [.] donde he aprendido a querer a mi patria: ha sido recorriéndola, ha sido visitando devotamente sus rincones " .Edición de Ángel Rivero
Alianza Editorial Niebla
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: El libro de bolsillo, Bibliotecas de autor, Biblioteca UnamunoSíntesis de los diferentes géneros literarios utilizados anteriormente por Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936), Niebla gozó desde su aparición en 1914 de una amplia popularidad. Interrogándose a sí mismo más de veinte años más tarde acerca de esta predilección mayoritaria, Unamuno llegó a la conclusión de que era la fantasía y la tragicomedia de este relato lo que más hablaba y decía al hombre individual que es el universal, al hombre por encima, y por debajo a la vez, de clases, de castas, de posiciones sociales, pobre o rico, plebeyo o noble, proletario o burgués.Introducción de Ana Suárez Miramón
Alhambra En busca de la flor negra
Alfaguara The silver swan
Encuadernación: Rústica.Colección: Literaturas.El escritor de lengua inglesa más inteligente, el estilista más elegante. GEORGE STEINERHa pasado el tiempo para Quirke, el hastiado forense que conocimos en El secreto de Christine. La muerte de su gran amor y el distanciamiento de su hija han conseguido acentuar su carácter solitario, pero su capacidad para meterse en problemas continúa intacta.Cuando Billy Hunt, conocido de sus tiempos de estudiante, le aborda para hablarle del aparente suicidio de su esposa, Quirke se da cuenta de que se avecinan complicaciones, pero, como siempre, las complicaciones son algo a lo que no podrá resistirse. De este modo se verá envuelto en un caso sórdido en el que se mezclan las drogas, la pornografía y el chantaje, y que una vez más pondrá en peligro su vida.Esta novela de ambiente y trama apasionantes confirma a Benjamin Black como uno de los escritores contemporáneos de mejor estilo y mayor capacidad de persuasión en el género
Abada Editores Aforismos y reflexiones
El elefante
Un niño tomó un libro de la estantería, el que hablaba de unos animales enormes, súper narigudos, inteligentes, juguetones, cariñosos y con una memoria prodigiosa... Los elefantes! Y, fascinado, siguió leyendo y leyendo...El niño aprendió cosas sorprendentes como que los elefantes, aunque son muy fuertes, tienen una piel muy sensible, capaz de percibir una mosca posándose en su lomo o que el elefante de la sabana macho pesa lo mismo que cuatro coches grandes, uno encima del otro.Le divirtió saber que caminan de puntillas como si calzasen zapatos de tacón, que usan sus grandes orejas para saludar a un amigo o como un ventilador gigante cuando hace calor. Y también que un macho adulto puede comer más de trescientos kilos de vegetales al día.Un libro con espectaculares dibujos y muy interesante para los niños que empiecen a preocuparse por estos increíbles grandullones que han sido usados para trabajar, para divertir en los circos, para luchar en las guerras, y hoy están en pe
Editorial Kókinos Piensa y crea como un artista
Descubre cómo piensa y crea un artista.Experimenta pintado, diseñando ropa, ilustrando, haciendo esculturas, fotografías, artesanía en papel, construcciones...Inspírate en magníficos artistas contemporáneos y diviértete creando obras de arte de todo tipo: esculturas de hielo, cuadros con patas, robots que hacen breakdance, recetas de platos en 3D...
Reino de Cordelia S.L. Rubber Flesh
Ediciones del Genal SS Heliópolis la primera inmigración de andaluces a Hawai 1907
Impedimenta La familia Carter Recuerda esta cancin
Una biografía ilustrada única, una premiada novela gráfica que narra la historia de la mítica Familia Carter, el primer supergrupo de country de la historia, que realizó centenares de grabaciones y vendió millones de discos, revolucionando el concepto de la música popular. Muchas de sus canciones, desde Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone? o Wildwood Flower a Will the Circle Be Unbroken?, han marcado e influenciado a generaciones enteras de músicos, desde Woody Guthrie a Pete Seeger, Bob Dylan y Johnny Cash (que acabó casándose con la famosa June Carter Cash). Un relato en movimiento que revela el ascenso de la familia al éxito, las luchas que tuvieron que librar a lo largo del camino y su impacto en la música contemporánea. Una historia de éxito y de fracaso, de riqueza y de pobreza, de racismo y de tolerancia, de creatividad y de negocios, en suma, del poder de la música y del amor. Ganadora de un prestigioso premio Eisner, he aquí la historia de la familia de granjeros que creó la música
Impedimenta Botanicum
Una nueva entrega de la colección Visita nuestro Museo (ANIMALIUM, HISTORIUM), una galería para visitantes de todas las edades que recorre la vida vegetal de los cinco continentes.Tras el éxito de ANIMALIUM, HISTORIUM e HISTORIA DE LA VIDA, estamos encantados de invitaros a visitar una nueva y fascinante entrega de la colección Visita nuestro Museo, esta vez centrada en las maravillas de las plantas de nuestro planeta. Un jardín botánico portátil, una experiencia sensorial total, una guía única comisariada por Kathy Willis, conservadora jefe de los Kew Gardens de Londres y que se presenta con las esplendorosas ilustraciones de Katie Scott (Animalium, Historia de la vida). Sin duda, uno de los libros más bellos e irresistibles de este otoño.
Editorial Kókinos La ballena azul
Una ballena azul pesa lo mismo que una manada de 55 hipopótamos, su corazón es del tamaño de un coche y su canto es más potente que el motor de un avión a reacción. El protagonista de este cuento, antes de dormir, aprenderá esto y cosas aún más sorprendentes.Este álbum es especialmente interesante porque es ?apto para todo público?. Los niños mayorcitos pueden hacer una lectura más compleja y los pequeños otra. Un lector avezado leerá que esta ballena mide más de 30 metros. Y uno que apenas se inicia aprenderá que mide lo mismo que un camión, una excavadora, un barco, un coche, una bicicleta, una moto, una furgoneta y un tractor puestos en fila uno tras otro. El primero sabrá que cuando la ballena exhala el aire, este llega a los 10 metros de alto. El otro escuchará que con ese aire se pueden inflar 2.000 globos.Las acertadas ilustraciones son un desborde de ternura, gracia e imaginación. Logran que esta suerte de documental resulte apasionante y pueda captar fácilmente la aten
Errata Naturae Editores S.L. La vida agria
Corren los años cincuenta y nos hallamos en una ciudad cuya topografía está deformada, si bien remite claramente a Milán. El protagonista de esta historia, y álter ego del autor, deja atrás, junto a cierta vida provinciana, a su mujer y a su hijo, y llega a la metrópolis con una misión: atentar contra la empresa propietaria de la mina de su localidad natal, en la que han muerto cuaren-ta y tres personas a causa de una negligencia que resultó per-fectamente rentable.Una vez allí, y para poder sobrevivir, empieza a llevar el estilo de vida que le impone la ciudad, encuentra trabajo en un periódico y comienza a hacer nuevas amistades. Al poco inicia una relación sentimental con Anna y pasa por varias ocupaciones, para dedicarse al fin a traducir febrilmente. Al mismo tiempo, cada vez se le hacen más presentes la alienación que impone la gran ciudad, la náusea del tráfico, las insípidas obligaciones sociales y la histérica frivolidad generacional que ampara el boom económico, su pr
Ondas Una breve introduccin Libro bolsillo Band 6071
Este pequeño libro de introducción a las ondas destaca, además de por su rigor, por la transversalidad de su planteamiento. Mike Goldsmith trata en él principios físicos fundamentales con el atractivo añadido de buscar (y encontrar) analogías, paralelismos, semejanzas profundas al indagar en fenómenos en apariencia muy distintos, como pueden ser el vuelo de aviones supersónicos y los maremotos. La obra aborda los fenómenos ondulatorios, las "ondas", de la manera más general posible, lo que le permite abarcar temas muy variados (la luz, el sonido, las olas, los temblores de tierra...), llegando a todas las ramas de la física y, más allá, incluso a la geología y la biología, lo que hace que resulte de interés para todos los aficionados a la ciencia.
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Mi marido me pega lo normal
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: Booket divulgaciónSubcolección: ActualidadCómo puede una mujer llegar a pensar que es normal que su marido la maltrate? Este libro analiza la agresión a la mujer en la realidad cotidiana, despojándola de mitos y justificaciones, y responde a éstas y otras preguntas desde una perspectiva médica y legal, pero también moral, ya que, como afirma el autor muchas de las vigas de nuestra sociedad están podridas.
jp publishing groud ltd El sonámbulo de las sombras
Martino Fine Books The Tragic Sense of Life in Men and in Peoples
Hal Leonard Corporation Cervantes's Eight Interludes
Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616) is Spain's most famous author primarily because of his celebrated novel ÊDon QuixoteÊ. His first love however was the theater for which he wrote extensively. His ÊInterludesÊ published 400 years ago in 1615 are short comic plays that explore the underbelly of Renaissance Spanish society. Their characters include hillbillies and con artists pimps and prostitutes adulterous wives and jealous husbands and an array of other comical figures. Cervantes's treatment of them is simultaneously critical and sympathetic. Although interludes tend to be works of light comedy Cervantes often imbues his with deeper themes.ÞCharles Patterson a scholar of Hispanic theater has created translations of the ÊInterludesÊ that are true to the earthiness of the originals but designed to be readily playable for today's actors and accessible to modern audiences. This book includes an introduction that places the plays in context briefly describing the life of Cervantes theater in early modern Spain Cervantes's interludes and Patterson's approach to translating them. Casual readers theater and literature students and professional actors alike will delight in these comedic gems that reveal a less familiar side of one of history's greatest writers.
Skyhorse Publishing Abel Sanchez and other stories
Europa Verlag GmbH Die Krebsrevolution Wege aus der Angst durch integrative Medizin
Flame Tree Publishing Don Quixote
After a lifetime of reading books on chivalry in his library, the eccentric Don Quixote embarks on a quest to become a wandering knight, accompanied by his hapless servant, Sancho Panza. Don Quixote sets off on a comedic journey through medieval Spain, in a series of clumsy adventures, tilting at windmills and rescuing those even more hopeless than himself. This edition ofDon Quixoteis abridged, to offer a less daunting, more accessible version of the work to the reader.Flame Tree Gothic Fantasy, Classic Stories and Epic Tales collections bring together the entire range of myth, folklore, epic literature and modern short fiction. Highlighting the roots of suspense, supernatural, science fiction and mystery stories, the books in Flame Tree Collections series are beautifully presented, perfect as a gift and offer a lifetime of reading pleasure.
Rethink Press How to Homeschool: A Guide for Progressive Parents
Fordham University Press Queer God de Amor
Queer God de Amor explores the mystery of God and the relationship between divine and human persons. It does so by turning to the sixteenth-century writings of John of the Cross on mystical union with God and the metaphor of sexual relationship that he uses to describe this union. Juan’s mystical theology, which highlights the notion of God as lover and God’s erotic-like relationship with human persons, provides a fitting source for rethinking the Christian doctrine of God, in John’s own words, as “un no sé qué,” “an I know not what.” In critical conversations with contemporary queer theologies, it retrieves from John a preferential option for human sexuality as an experience in daily life that is rich with possibilities for re-sourcing and imagining the Christian doctrine of God. Consistent with other liberating perspectives, it outs God from heteronormative closets and restores human sexuality as a resource for theology. This outing of divine queerness—that is, the ineffability of divine life—helps to align reflections on the mystery of God with the faith experiences of queer Catholics. By engaging Juan de la Cruz through queer Latinx eyes, Miguel Díaz continues the objective of this series to disrupt the cartography of theology latinamente.
John Wiley & Sons Inc La Casa Que El Queso Construyó: Vida Inusual Del Emigrante Mexicano Que Definio Una Industria Global Multibillonaria
A quintessential American dream story from a Mexican entrepreneur who shares the tale of building a multi-million-dollar business from scratch, complete with both success and failure, and always a vision of hope Leal came to the U.S. penniless as a teenager, speaking almost no English; he literally slept in the boiler room of a Wisconsin cheese factory for months before he was caught. Through hard work, grit, and ingenuity Leal would go on to launch his own business. He is widely credited with introducing Mexican cheeses to the U.S. market and grew his company to a multibillion-dollar success story. Yet, like many successful entrepreneurs, Leal’s great successes were matched by personal failures: the end of a marriage; trouble with law enforcement; and the deeply felt sense that there must be something more to life than great wealth. Leal’s memoir, THE HOUSE THAT CHEESE BUILT, is both a beautiful illustration of the immigrant experience—isolation, fear, and ambition for a better life and assimilation—as well as a thoughtful personal account of entrepreneurship and all its benefits and costs.
Penguin Books Ltd Men of Maize
Deep in the mountain forests of Guatemala, a community of Indigenous Mayans the 'men of maize' serves as stewards to sacred corn crops. When profiteering outsiders encroach on their territory and threaten to abuse the fertile land, they enter a bloody struggle to protect their way of life. Blurring the lines between history and mythology, Nobel Prize winner Miguel Ángel Asturias's lush, dream-like work offers a prescient warning against the loss of ancestral wisdom and the environmental destruction set in motion by colonial oppression and capitalist greed.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Urban Planning: Practices, Challenges & Benefits
Hoaki Illustrators on Creative Processes
In How Ideas Are Born, readers will find a treasure chest of images by 26 diverse illustrators from 12 different countries that the author has gathered, selected and curated for the book. The types of images and styles vary, ranging from the childlike and naive to the poignant, suggestive and truly masterly. In addition to the 270 images, the book contains 110 drawings and pages from notebooks and sketchbooks that take the reader deeper into the nature of each artist's work. The visual elements are complemented by revealing interviews with each artist in which they discuss what compelled them to become illustrators, their inspirations, and the research, methods, personal philosophies and work processes that allow them to transform a creative impulse or an emotion into an idea, and an idea into a work of art. We learn about what drives and inspires them as well as the origins of their ideas and creativity, from an innocent curiosity about shapes and colors to the desire to share something fascinating and wonderful with others in a unique and original way. Contributors: ARGENTINA: Isol Misenta. BELGIUM: Tom Schamp. BRASIL: Flavio Morais. CANADA: Anita Kunz. FRANCE: Serge Bloch, Delphine Durand, Martin Jarrie, Herve Tullet. IRELAND: Chris Haughton. ITALY: Simone Rea, Valerio Vidali. JAPAN: Yoshiko Hada. PORTUGAL: Ana Biscaia, Carolina Celas. SPAIN: Elisa Arguile, Pablo Auladell, Pep Carrio, Jesus Cisneros, Isidro Ferrer, Manuel Marsol, M.A. Perez Arteaga. SWITZERLAND: Fanny Dreyer. USA: Gary Baseman (Los Angeles, CA), Katie Benn (San Francisco, CA), Lisa Congdon (Portland, OR), Elizabeth Haidle (Portland, OR).
Catholic Truth Society Our Lady, Untier of Knots: Story of a Marian Devotion
Prames S.A. Bajo Martín
El Bajo Martín, conocido por su parque cultural, es un lugar privilegiado para quienes buscan el encanto insospechado de lo natural. Esta guía nos descubre un pequeño y desconocido paraíso de estepas, saladas, estrechos fluviales, yacimientos minerales y bosques singulares como el tamarizal de Valimaña. En Las Planetas vive la rara alondra ricotí, en el pinar de Cerezuelo vuela el águila culebrera. y en los viejos mases se refugian lechuzas y cernícalos primilla.
Edaf Antillas Mar de Viento
Edaf Antillas Generales Y Mandos de la Guerra Civil
Cuento de Luz SL Los despistes del abuelo Pedro (Grandpa Monty's Muddles)
Un cuento que con ternura y sentido del humor, trata el Alzheimer y demencia senil, desde el cariño y la comprension como la mejor manera de sobrellevar esta dolencia. ¿Que mejor apoyo que la ayuda de un nieto travieso a su querido abuelito? In this tale, the problem of memory loss is seen from a humorous perspective, since a smile is always the best solution. Lexile Level: 940L
Texas Christian University Press,U.S. Between Day and Night: New and Selected Poems, 1946-2010
Miguel González-Gerth, an esteemed translator, poet, editor, and professor emeritus at the University of Texas at Austin, has been publishing his original English and Spanish poetry since 1946. Born in Mexico City in 1926, González-Gerth moved to the United States in 1940 and made it his permanent home. He received his B.A. from the University of Texas in 1950 and a PhD from Princeton in 1973, and taught at UT for over thirty years.Editor David Colón has compiled a selection of González-Gerth’s poems that demonstrate the range of interests, themes, and styles that span more than a century of a life dedicated to Hispanic literature studies. The poems in this collection are arranged chronologically, exhibiting “the different phases of a poet’s life as well as different historical moments and literary traditions.”Many of the poems appear with side-by-side translation, demonstrating not only the creativity born of a unique cultural perspective, but the profound understanding and commitment to the process of translation, taking a poem through its original written language, rethinking the words, allusions, connotations, and presenting it in a different language and tradition. “He has two guiding principles as a translator of poetry: to keep the languages distinct, and to approach the act of reproduction as an art form itself. In the end, the translation must work on the terms of its own language. It is more important for it to be a successful poem than a faithful copy,” writes Colón in the introduction. Between Day and Night provides a record of González-Gerth’s achievement as a poet and translator, a writer who stays true to the languages and poetic styles of Latin America and Anglo-America, and “work[s] with essentially two minds.”
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Ensuring Sustainability: New Challenges for Organizational Engineering
This book presents a selection of the best papers given at the XXIV International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management. The conference is promoted by ADINGOR (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ingeniería de Organización) and organized by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. It took place at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Leganés, Spain) in July 2020. Ensuring Sustainability embodies the latest advances in research and cutting-edge analyses of real case studies in industrial engineering and operations management from diverse international contexts. It also identifies business applications for the latest findings and innovations in operations management and the decision sciences.
University of Pennsylvania Press "The Bagnios of Algiers" and "The Great Sultana": Two Plays of Captivity
Best known today as the author of Don Quixote—one of the most beloved and widely read novels in the Western tradition—Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616) was a poet and a playwright as well. After some early successes on the Madrid stage in the 1580s, his theatrical career was interrupted by other literary efforts. Yet, eager to prove himself as a playwright, shortly before his death he published a collection of his later plays before they were ever performed. With their depiction of captives in North Africa and at the Ottoman court, two of these, "The Bagnios of Algiers" and "The Great Sultana," draw heavily on Cervantes's own experiences as a captive, and echo important episodes in Don Quixote. They are set in a Mediterranean world where Spain and its Muslim neighbors clashed repeatedly while still remaining in close contact, with merchants, exiles, captives, soldiers, and renegades frequently crossing between the two sides. The plays provide revealing insights into Spain's complex perception of the world of Mediterranean Islam. Despite their considerable literary and historical interest, these two plays have never before been translated into English. This edition presents them along with an introductory essay that places them in the context of Cervantes's drama, the early modern stage, and the political and cultural relations between Christianity and Islam in the early modern period.
WW Norton & Co The Shining Path: Love, Madness, and Revolution in the Andes
On 17 May 1980, on the eve of Peru’s presidential election, five masked men stormed a small town in the Andean heartland. They set election ballots ablaze and vanished into the night but not before planting a red hammer-and-sickle banner in the town square. The lone man arrested the next morning later swore allegiance to a group called Shining Path. The tale of how this ferocious group of guerrilla insurgents launched a decade-long reign of terror, and how brave police investigators and journalists brought it to justice, may be the most compelling chapter in modern Latin American history but the full story has never been told. Described by a U.S. State Department cable as “cold-blooded and bestial”, Shining Path orchestrated bombings, assassinations and massacres across the cities, countryside and jungles of Peru in a murderous campaign to seize power and impose a Communist government. At its helm was the professor-turned-revolutionary Abimael Guzmán, who launched his single-minded insurrection alongside two women: his charismatic young wife, Augusta La Torre and the formidable Elena Iparraguirre, who married Guzmán soon after Augusta’s mysterious death. Their fanatical devotion to an outmoded and dogmatic ideology, and the military’s bloody response, led to the death of nearly 70,000 Peruvians. Orin Starn and Miguel La Serna’s narrative history of Shining Path is both panoramic and intimate, set against the socioeconomic upheavals of Peru’s rocky transition from military dictatorship to elected democracy. They take readers deep into the heart of the rebellion and the lives and country it nearly destroyed. We hear the voices of the mountain villagers who organised a fierce rural resistance and meet the irrepressible black activist María Elena Moyano and the Nobel Prize–winning novelist Mario Vargas Llosa, who each fought to end the bloodshed. Deftly written, The Shining Path is an exquisitely detailed account of a little-remembered war that must never be forgotten.
Editorial el Pirata Las legiones de Roma
What would you do if you were told that time travel is possible? The Legions of Rome is the first book in the Los Exploradores del Tiempo series, illustrated in full color and combining comic dialogues with a historical novel for children ages 9 - 12. Each book allows us to enjoy a fascinating journey through the time of VÍctor, Cristina, Celoni and Ibis. Readers get to time travel themselves in this book using the Time Clock to decipher the page number that is hidden behind a red background and thus be able to travel through time to discover incredible historical curiosities.
SelfMadeHero Don Quixote Vol. Ii
The second volume of Don Quixote is much darker than the first, picking up the story where Volume I left off and taking us to Don Quixote's death. Don Quixote battles cats, puppets and the famous Knight of the Mirrors. He plunges head first into the legendary Cave of Montesinos and seeks to disenchant his imaginary truelove Dulcinea del Toboso, who is imprisoned there. Meanwhile Sancho Panza is finally given an island to rule over by the Duke and Duchess who, like many characters Quixote and Sancho meet in Vol II, have read Vol I. The Duke and Duchess play endless cruel tricks on our heroes and slowly our heroes’ madness and foolishness becomes painfully apparent. On his deathbed Quixote becomes Alonso once more, he finally denies the existence of Giants, Knights, Damsels and to Sancho’s horror he denies there ever was a Don Quixote de la Mancha. Sancho begs that they should ride out one more time, but it is too late Alonso Quixana is dead.
University of Illinois Press Mist: A TRAGICOMIC NOVEL
A towering figure of political, philosophical, and literary controversy, Miguel de Unamuno was the undisputed intellectual leader of the brilliant Generation of 1898 that ushered in a second golden age of Spanish culture. In the vast and varied body of his work, none conveys his intellectual legacy more effectively than Mist, a monument of the philosophical novel and a masterpiece of modern experimental fiction. Dispensing with the conventions of action, time and place, and analysis of character, Mist proceeds entirely on the strength of dialogue that reveals the struggles of what Unamuno called his "agonists." These include Augusto Perez, the pampered son of a recently deceased mother; the deceitful, scheming Eugenia, whom Augusto obsessively idealizes; and Augusto's dog Orfeo, who gives a funeral oration upon his master's death. Mist even includes a chapter that explains Unamuno's theory of the antinovel. Anticipating later writers such as Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre, Unamuno exploited fiction as a vehicle for the exploration of philosophical themes. First published in 1914, Mist exemplified a new kind of novel with which Unamuno aimed to shatter fiction's conventional illusions of reality. It is an antinovel that treats its fictionality ironically. This historic reissue includes a foreword by Theodore Ziolkowski.
Springer International Publishing AG A History of Genomics across Species, Communities and Projects
This open access book offers a comprehensive overview of the history of genomics across three different species and four decades, from the 1980s to the recent past. It takes an inclusive approach in order to capture not only the international initiatives to map and sequence the genomes of various organisms, but also the work of smaller-scale institutions engaged in the mapping and sequencing of yeast, human and pig DNA. In doing so, the authors expand the historiographical lens of genomics from a focus on large-scale projects to other forms of organisation. They show how practices such as genome mapping, sequence assembly and annotation are as essential as DNA sequencing in the history of genomics, and argue that existing depictions of genomics are too closely associated with the Human Genome Project. Exploring the use of genomic tools by biochemists, cell biologists, and medical and agriculturally-oriented geneticists, this book portrays the history of genomics as inseparably entangled with the day-to-day practices and objectives of these communities. The authors also uncover often forgotten actors such as the European Commission, a crucial funder and forger of collaborative networks undertaking genomic projects. In examining historical trajectories across species, communities and projects, the book provides new insights on genomics, its dramatic expansion during the late twentieth-century and its developments in the twenty-first century. Offering the first extensive critical examination of the nature and historicity of reference genomes, this book demonstrates how their affordances and limitations are shaped by the involvement or absence of particular communities in their production.
Springer International Publishing AG A History of Genomics across Species, Communities and Projects
This open access book offers a comprehensive overview of the history of genomics across three different species and four decades, from the 1980s to the recent past. It takes an inclusive approach in order to capture not only the international initiatives to map and sequence the genomes of various organisms, but also the work of smaller-scale institutions engaged in the mapping and sequencing of yeast, human and pig DNA. In doing so, the authors expand the historiographical lens of genomics from a focus on large-scale projects to other forms of organisation. They show how practices such as genome mapping, sequence assembly and annotation are as essential as DNA sequencing in the history of genomics, and argue that existing depictions of genomics are too closely associated with the Human Genome Project. Exploring the use of genomic tools by biochemists, cell biologists, and medical and agriculturally-oriented geneticists, this book portrays the history of genomics as inseparably entangled with the day-to-day practices and objectives of these communities. The authors also uncover often forgotten actors such as the European Commission, a crucial funder and forger of collaborative networks undertaking genomic projects. In examining historical trajectories across species, communities and projects, the book provides new insights on genomics, its dramatic expansion during the late twentieth-century and its developments in the twenty-first century. Offering the first extensive critical examination of the nature and historicity of reference genomes, this book demonstrates how their affordances and limitations are shaped by the involvement or absence of particular communities in their production.
Alma Books Ltd Don Quixote: Newly Translated and Annotated (Alma Classics Evergreens)
When an ageing, impoverished nobleman decides to style himself “Don Quixote” and embarks upon a series of daring endeavours, it is clear that his ability to distinguish between reality and the fantasy world of literary romance has broken down. His exploits turn into comic misadventures, in which everyday objects are transformed into the accoutrements of chivalry, peasant girls become princesses and windmills are mistaken for formidable giants, leading the hero and his squire Sancho Panza into the realms of absurdity and humiliation. Renowned for its comical set pieces, Don Quixote is a profound meditation on the relationship between truth and fiction and the morality of deception, as well as the foundation stone of the modern novel.