Search results for ""author miguel""
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Ediciones Dauro S.L. Picio un perroflauta en el 15M
Fórcola Ediciones Variaciones sobre el naufragio acerca de lo imposible del concluir
Para Giacometti, ser artista es fracasar como nadie se atreve a hacerlo, mientras que para Goethe, el no poder acabar su obra es lo que engrandece a un escritor. La obra perfecta está únicamente en la cabeza del artista. La insatisfacción es la esencia y la naturaleza íntima del talento, y la obra, el poema o el libro, sean como fueren, siempre podrían haber sido diferentes de como han llegado a ser.Miguel Ángel Ortiz Albero rastrea en la obra de escritores como Baudelaire, Cioran, Kafka, Sebald o Vila-Matas, y de artistas como Boltanski, Cézanne o Delacroix, la posibilidad de reflexionar acerca de cuándo podía darse por finalizado, si es que esto fuese posible, el proceso de un trabajo creador. Todos aquellos que han cogido una máquina de escribir o un pincel, quienes han esbozado un gesto en el aire o han esculpido la roca, o aquellos que han decidido hilvanar un discurso, todo ellos han soñado al inicio con el resultado perfecto, con la obra ideal que habría de ajustarse a sus a
Este libro es un viaje que emprendemos a la búsqueda del secreto de la creatividad y que se divide en dos etapas. En la primera, más teórica, sobrevolamos una serie de investigaciones ajenas en torno al concepto de creatividad. En la segunda nos zambullimos en magníficos trabajos de diseño e ilustración mientras nos acompaña el lejano eco de las reflexiones de sus autores. Para ello los creadores nos han abierto sus cuadernos, sus mentes y en alguna medida sus almas. Como no puede ser de otra manera, dejamos que cada uno de ellos lleve el timón libremente y durante el tiempo necesario. Las personas creativas, como veremos, poseen una fuerte personalidad y gran determinación, pero necesitan libertad y un trato afectuoso. Por eso unos prefieren surcar mares profundos, viajes peligrosos alejados de tierra a merced de los vientos, y otros se decantan por viajes breves y placenteros junto a la costa. El lector, seguro, disfrutará con la variedad del viaje.
Legados Ediciones Diluvio personal La kermesse heroica Spanish Edition
Apoyo administrativo a la gestión de recursos humanos gestión integrada de recursos humanos
Objetivos - Aplicar procedimientos administrativos en procesos de selección de recursos humanos, utilizando los métodos y sistemas más adecuados. - Aplicar procedimientos administrativos de gestión de la formación, para introducir procesos de mejora continua en la capacitación de los recursos humanos utilizando los métodos y sistemas más adecuados. - Aplicar procedimientos administrativos para la gestión ascensos y promoción del desarrollo profesional y personal. Contenidos Organización del trabajo y recursos humanos Introducción. División del trabajo y funciones. Funciones específicas del Departamento de Recursos Humanos. Resumen. Reclutamiento y selección de personal Introducción. Detección de necesidades de contratación. Determinación del perfil del candidato y oferta de empleo. Soporte documental e informático en el proceso de selección. Citación de los candidatos a las pruebas de selección. Soporte documental de las pruebas de selección. Documentación de los resultados de la selec
Linkgua Viaje Al Parnaso
Linkgua Poemas
Linkgua La gitanilla
Karnac Books Who Am I
Nova Science Publishers Inc Public Finance: Lessons from the Past & Effects on the Future
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Charlemagne and the Paladins
Symbolically, the quintessential English feudal monarch is King Arthur, but stories of Charlemagne and his Knights'' quests throughout Christian Europe had a much wider impact. Amidst the chaos and violence of Europe in the eighth century, Charlemagne became king of the Franks and slowly established an empire the likes of which had not been seen since the days of the Romans. As Charlemange''s power grew, so did the stories attached to his name. This book explores the myths and legends of the great king Charlemagne, from the stories about his mother, Bertha Bigfoot, and his youthful adventures with the thief, Basin, to his fantastical journeys to Jerusalem and Constantinople. It also retells the stories of his most famous knights, the Paladins. These brave warriors were all heroes in their own right, and included many famous names such as Roland, Ogier the Dane, Oliver, Archbishop Turpin, and Renault of Montalban who rode the famous steed, Bayard. Together with his Paladins,
B&H Publishing Group Siervos Para Su Gloria
Visor libros, S.L. Hacia la creacin de una cultura e identidad nacionales Azorn y su lectura de los clsicos
El presente libro propone una novedosa interpretación de Lecturas españolas (1912), Clásicos y modernos (1913), Los valores literarios (1914) y Al margen de los clásicos (1915), cuatro obras del escritor José Martínez Ruiz, Azorín, dedicadas fundamentalmente al ejercicio de la crítica literaria. Después de unos años enfrascado en la tarea de comentar casi a diario la actualidad política española en periódicos como ABC, Diario de Barcelona o El Pueblo Vasco, Azorín retomará la que fue sin duda su ocupación predilecta. Con la publicación de estas cuatro obras (también conocidas como tetralogía crítica), el escritor de Monóvar se propondrá sentar las bases de una nueva identidad nacional, de un nuevo ser español (Volksgeist) capaz de satisfacer las demandas de modernidad de las nuevas generaciones y de aportar valores y modelos dignos de imitación para el futuro. Así lo había manifestado en la nota introductoria a Lecturas españolas, al reconocer explícitamente que le había guiado una cur
M.A.R. Editor Extraña noche en Linares
La realidad y la fantasía, lo que parece imposible introducido en nuestra vida cotidiana, desde el comienzo en una mina de Linares con reminiscencias de los sueños más perversos de Potocki o Nieva, hasta los amores de Jack Lemmon y Shirley MacLaine en las calles de París, se entrecruzan en Extraña noche en Linares. Nuestra vida se enreda en la de Tamara de Lempick, François Truffaut mientras rueda 451 Fahrenheit o en el amor naciente de dos estudiantes en una manifestación en Václavské Námêstí, en una Praga que quiere ser revolucionaria. Como resultado, comprendemos la trascendencia de nuestra vida, somos un eslabón imprescindible en la cadena de la historia.En Extraña noche en Linares Miguel Ángel de Rus culmina el proceso de su obra narrativa de fundir verdad, sueños y tradición cultura y su choque con las nuevas formas de entender el mundo. Afirma en el prólogo el escritor José Manuel Fernández Arguelles, "como todas las obras que pretenden trascender, busca lo sublime." En este
Editorial Comares Diccionario básico jurídico
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Pepitas de oro: Ana Frank / Gold Nuggets: Anne Frank
Urano World Camino del Duelo, El
Vegueta Ediciones Rosalind Franklin: El Secreto de la Vida
Vegueta Ediciones Einstein: El Genio de la Luz
Orbis Books (USA) Trails of Hope and Terror: Testimonies on Immigration
Orbis Books (USA) Reading the Bible from the Margins
Feiwel and Friends This Is Baby
These are Baby's EYES. This is Baby's NOSE. These are Baby's FINGERS. These are Baby's TOES. #1 New York Times-bestselling author and late-night superstar Jimmy Fallon returns with his third picture book. Jimmy's sweet-and-simple text, once again paired with lively and charming artwork by Miguel Ordonez, will help little ones learn the words for the various parts of their body in no time.
Tundra Books Great Dog
Cinebook Ltd Last Templar the Vol. 2 the Knight in the Crypt
The investigation onto the museum raid continues, but it's a difficult one. One of the four 'knights' has already died in his - guarded - hospital room, and FBI Agent Reilly is unknowingly engaged in a race to find the other thieves before the mysterious assassins trying to eliminate them. Meanwhile, young archaeologist Tess Chaykin is following up the Templar lead - one that the FBI considers too far-fetched to be worth looking into...
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Comparative Constitutional Theory
The need for innovative thinking about alternative constitutional experiences is evident, and readers of Comparative Constitutional Theory will find in its pages a compendium of original, theory-driven essays. The authors use a variety of theoretical perspectives to explore the diversity of global constitutional experience in a post-1989 world prominently marked by momentous transitions from authoritarianism to democracy, by multiple constitutional revolutions and devolutions, by the increased penetration of international law into national jurisdictions, and by the enhancement of supra-national institutions of governance. Scholars around the globe will be interested in this book's unique discussion of comparative constitutional theory, and students and college professors will appreciate the accessibility of the chapters and the placement of the United States in comparative focus.Contributors include: W.-C. Chang, J.I. Colón-Riós, V. Ferreres Comella, J.E. Finn, S. Gardbaum, M.A. Graber, G. Halmai, J. Hiebert, G. Jacobsohn, J. King, H. Klug, D. Landau, D.S. Law, J. McLean, J.-W. Müeller, D. Robertson, Y. Roznai, C. Saunders, M. Schor, H. Schweber, S. Tierney, A. Torres Pérez, M. Tushnet, J. Weinrib
Fordham University Press The Government of Life: Foucault, Biopolitics, and Neoliberalism
Foucault’s late work on biopolitics and governmentality has established him as the fundamental thinker of contemporary continental political thought and as a privileged source for our current understanding of neoliberalism and its technologies of power. In this volume, an international and interdisciplinary group of Foucault scholars examines his ideas of biopower and biopolitics and their relation to his project of a history of governmentality and to a theory of the subject found in his last courses at the College de France. Many of the chapters engage critically with the Italian theoretical reception of Foucault. At the same time, the originality of this collection consists in the variety of perspectives and traditions of reception brought to bear upon the problematic connections between biopolitics and governmentality established by Foucault’s last works.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc FGTeeV Presents: Into the Game!
It’s game time! Press start on Into the Game, the awesome-packed, New York Times bestselling graphic novel adventure by YouTube’s favorite family of gamers, FGTeeV!The FGTeeV family gamers have played hundreds of games together. Which is why Moomy decides to make a new game called My Pet Fish. Just one problem: the game is SUPER boring. And one other problem: Moomy and Duddy accidentally got sucked into it—and now they’re trapped!It’s up to the kids, Lexi, Mike, Chase, and Shawn, to jump into the gaming console and rescue their parents. But first, they have to battle their way through their favorite games until they find the one their parents are stuck in. Can the kids take on a vicious pack of vampire prairie dogs, flying doody diapers, some spooky ghouls, and one incredibly dull fish before Moomy and Duddy are bored to death? Game like never before in this exhilarating graphic novel adventure from YouTube sensation FGTeeV, with more than 11 million subscribers and over 11 billion views!
Kerber Verlag Miguel Rothschild: Premonition
In the monograph with the title Premonition, Miguel Rothschild (*1963) presents a selection of works from his two most recent series. The Berlin-based, Argentine artist occupies himself in them with spirits and the apocalypse. The mystically connoted photographs of skies and forests are given a second level — in terms of both content and the visual — by means of burn holes. Here, the spirits of the forest ascend between the treetops, there it is a baroque or romantic sky that receives these demonic and at the same time alluring souls. Rothschild’s ambiguous visions prompt us to interrogate our relationship to nature.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Terrorists, Enemy Combatant Detainees & the Judicial System
Nova Science Publishers Inc Protein Purification
Hachette Children's Group Going to the Volcano
Buckle up and jump on board for the funniest, most EXPLOSIVE picture book of the year - you'll want to read it again and again-o!Join two intrepid explorers as they take a train-o, jump on a plane-o, ride a Great Dane-o (down the lane-o) on their way to look at the volcano. Nothing could possibly go wrong - could it?!A hilariously anarchic rhyming story from multi-award-winning author Andy Stanton.Andy has won a string of awards for his Mr Gum books, including the Red House Children's Book Award, the Roald Dahl Funny Prize, and the Blue Peter Book Award for Best Book With Pictures (twice).Miguel Ordonez is the illustrator of the New York Times bestselling Your Baby's First Word Will Be Dada, written by Jimmy Fallon, the Emmy and Grammy award-winning host of NBC's The Tonight Show.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc FGTeeV: Game Break!
New York Times bestselling author and YouTube family gaming sensation FGTeeV need YOU. Help them to victory by gaming your way through 128 pages of fun-filled, full-color activities!Join YouTube sensation FGTeeV as they game their way to victory! Help them fight their way through mazes, unscramble the word searches, and break into the game with these awesome activities. Featuring all your favorite characters from FGTeeV, this book promises hours of adventure, with connect-the-dots, spot-the-differences, word scrambles, and much, much more.This full-color paperback standalone activity book features all of your favorite FGTeeV characters while putting you in the center of the adventure!Go on an laugh-filled journey with FGTeeV, one of the most popular YouTubers in the world with more than 18 MILLION subscribers!
HarperCollins Publishers Inc FGTeeV Saves the World!
It’s game time! Press start on FGTeeV Saves the World!, the second graphic novel in the awesome-packed, New York Times bestselling series by YouTube’s favorite family of gamers, FGTeeV! The FGTeeV family gamers really, really love playing games! But for Duddy, one game is by far best: Super Realistic (And Totally Not Made Up) Zombie Battles from the War of 1812. Even though in Duddy’s opinion the updated version doesn’t stand up to the classic original, it doesn’t mean that he can’t quickly rack up all the power-ups, bonuses, and achievements to show the kids—Lexi, Mike, Chase, and Shawn—how it’s done. That is until the game freezes! The family heads to the Shady Acres Mall to fix their controller, but while at the game store, one wrong click causes all the characters from the Zombie Battles game to explode into the real world. It’s total mayhem! Now Duddy, Moomy, Lexi, Mike, Chase, and Shawn have to fight their own avatars in order to save the world—but will they be able to stop the army of world-conquering video game villains before the bad guys level up? Game like you never gamed before in the fun-filled second graphic novel adventure from YouTube sensation FGTeeV, with more than 18 MILLION subscribers and over 18.6 BILLION views!
Editorial Edinumen Una desaparicion misteriosa (Level A1): Illustrated comic in Easy Read Spanish from Malamute
Oxford University Press The Digits: Odds Vs Evens
Join the Digits for another action-packed adventure! When the Digits start squabbling over whether odd or even numbers are best, Ten challenges everyone to a football match to settle the argument. Ideal for understanding odds and evens - you can count on the Digits to make numbers fun! This playful picture book series about a group of number friends is ideal for developing early maths skills.
Editorial Berenice El Corn ayer y hoy perspectivas actuales sobre el islam estudios en honor del profesor Julio Corts
Coordinadores: Miguel Hernando de Larramendi es profesor de Mundo Árabo-Islámico en la Facultad de Humanidades de Toledo, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Su trabajo se centra en el ámbito de las relaciones hispano-marroquíes, la política exterior española con los países árabes, y los sistemas políticos magrebíes e inmigración magrebí en España. De entre sus obras destacan Inmigración, traducción y culturas y Elecciones, Participación y Transiciones Políticas en el Norte de África. Salvador Peña Martín es profesor de Traducción en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Málaga. Su trabajo se centra en el islam medieval, la numismática árabe medieval y el pensamiento andalusí. De entre sus obras destacan El mensaje de las monedas almohades: numismática, traducción y pensamiento islámico; Maarri según Batalyawsi: Crítica y poética en Al-Andalus, Siglo XI, y Traductología.
Editorial Popular Educación de adultos iniciación a lenguaje temas sociales geografía y matemáticas
Estos métodos son básicos para la iniciación a las diferentes materias que en ellos aparecen: Lenguaje/Temas Sociales, Geografía y Matemáticas.Han sido elaborados para ser utilizados en grupo, aunque también pueden usarse individualmente. Creemos que la dinámica propia de los grupos de adulto conseguirá el mejor rendimiento de estos métodos.
Editorial Kairos Acción Compasiva
Editorial Kairos La gimnasia de la gente felíz: Qi Gong
Workman Publishing I Am a Filipino: And This Is How We Cook
2019 James Beard Award FinalistNamed a Best Cookbook of the Year by The New Yorker, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, New York Times Book Review, Houston Chronicle, Food52, PopSugar, and more To eat—and cook—like a Filipino involves puckeringly sour adobos with meat so tender you can cut it with a fork, national favorites like kare kare (oxtail stew) and kinilaw (fresh seafood cured in vinegar), Chinese-influenced pansit (noodles), tamales by way of early Mexican immigrants, and Arab-inflected fare, with its layered spicy stews and flavors of burnt coconut. But it also entails beloved street snacks like ukoy (fritters) and empanadas and the array of sweets and treats called meryenda. Dishes reflect the influence and ingredients of the Spaniards and Americans, among others, who came to the islands, but Filipinos turned the food into their own unique and captivating cuisine. Filled with riotously bold and bright photographs, I Am a Filipino is like a classic kamayan dinner—one long festive table piled high with food. Just dig in!
Europa Editions (UK) Ltd The Tyranny of Algorithms
The impact of the digital world and its algorithms on human beings and societyWe read all sorts of things about AI, as the promise of a future happiness or as a threat capable of putting an end to humanity. While we cannot be "for" or "against" AI – it’s already here, and not likely to disappear any time soon - the question we face is how to exist as human beings - individually, socially, collectively - in a world governed by algorithms. Since the dawn of humanity, technological objects have intersected with the human mind: it is we who have shaped them; but as we use them, they in turn shape our brain. With the development of new technologies, this hybridization is becoming more and more apparent, and machines now threaten to colonize us, if we use them badly. AI allows us to make many kinds of work easier, but these benefits often come at the cost of reducing a person to a set of micro-data, far removed from the human characteristics that define him. Worse yet: the whole economy is now subject to the "decisions" suggested by machines. We have entered an era of algorithmic governmentality, in which leaders have deliberately delegated their decision-making to AI.How, then, can we still talk about democracy? And consequently, how can we organize collective action, confronted by a power that is based on the supposed infallibility of machines? Benasayag gives his considered answers in this short but illuminating book, a hybrid of essay and interview.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Comparative Constitutional Theory
The need for innovative thinking about alternative constitutional experiences is evident, and readers of Comparative Constitutional Theory will find in its pages a compendium of original, theory-driven essays. The authors use a variety of theoretical perspectives to explore the diversity of global constitutional experience in a post-1989 world prominently marked by momentous transitions from authoritarianism to democracy, by multiple constitutional revolutions and devolutions, by the increased penetration of international law into national jurisdictions, and by the enhancement of supra-national institutions of governance. Scholars around the globe will be interested in this book's unique discussion of comparative constitutional theory, and students and college professors will appreciate the accessibility of the chapters and the placement of the United States in comparative focus.Contributors include: W.-C. Chang, J.I. Colón-Riós, V. Ferreres Comella, J.E. Finn, S. Gardbaum, M.A. Graber, G. Halmai, J. Hiebert, G. Jacobsohn, J. King, H. Klug, D. Landau, D.S. Law, J. McLean, J.-W. Müeller, D. Robertson, Y. Roznai, C. Saunders, M. Schor, H. Schweber, S. Tierney, A. Torres Pérez, M. Tushnet, J. Weinrib
Fantagraphics Milky Way
Taylor & Francis Inc Stinkbugs: Biorational Control Based on Communication Processes
This book presents an overview of the Pentatomidae species, covering their biology, phylogeny and reproductive behavior, main plants used in their diet and their nutritional exigencies, predatory stinkbugs, interactions between herbivores-plants and natural enemies, use of pheromone for monitoring phytophagous populations, and chemical and vibrational communication signals. It also presents possible technologies to be applied in field crops for pest management that could be developed as the basis of the interplay of stink bug communication signals.
Fordham University Press The Government of Life: Foucault, Biopolitics, and Neoliberalism
Foucault’s late work on biopolitics and governmentality has established him as the fundamental thinker of contemporary continental political thought and as a privileged source for our current understanding of neoliberalism and its technologies of power. In this volume, an international and interdisciplinary group of Foucault scholars examines his ideas of biopower and biopolitics and their relation to his project of a history of governmentality and to a theory of the subject found in his last courses at the College de France. Many of the chapters engage critically with the Italian theoretical reception of Foucault. At the same time, the originality of this collection consists in the variety of perspectives and traditions of reception brought to bear upon the problematic connections between biopolitics and governmentality established by Foucault’s last works.