Search results for ""author schnell"
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Figures of Presence and Absence: An Introduction to the French Dispute about Sacred Images and the Role of Art in the Life of the Church in the Early Modern Period
An introduction to the dispute about religious art conducted in France from the beginning of the sixteenth century until the end of the eighteenth century. The debate involved not only Catholic and Protestant theologians, but also lay writers who tried to replace dogmatic Christianity with the ‘religion of reason’ invented by the philosophes. A recurrent theme in the majority of statements in this discussion is a contention that religious images must not be perceived as ‘portraits of God’, but that they should be seen merely as ‘separated signs’, detached from their invisible prototype; signs that only remind the faithful about God. French writers favoured restraint in shaping paintings and sculptures, fearing that otherwise works of art might excessively fascinate viewers with their sophisticated appearance, or might too profoundly move the emotions of the faithful. Christianity was for these writers above all a religion of the Word, and they considered images merely as a pastoral aid intended for ‘simpletons’ who either could not read or were unable to grasp the teachings of the catechism or the message of simple homilies. So, these writers approached religious art with reservations. Yielding to the above theoretical assumptions, the makers of religious art in seventeenth-century France achieved a high level of workmanship, characterized by noble simplicity and purity, only to succumb to the banality of schematic solutions in the following century, as they were unwilling to exert themselves in a domain that was becoming increasingly disregarded by the elites.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag The Ishtar Gate of Babylon: From Fragment to Monument
The lavishly decorated Ishtar Gate was one of ancient Babylon’s city gates. The Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II built it in the 6th century BCE. During the annual New Year festival, the processions of the gods passed through this gate as they entered the city centre. But how did the Babylonians make the glazed bricks used in the gate’s construction? What was the significance of the lions, dragons, and bulls that adorned the gate? How and why did pieces of the gate end up in Berlin, where the Ishtar Gate was reconstructed from thousands of fragments in the 1920s? And how authentic is this reconstruction?
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Transport and subgap states in superconducting heterostructures of effective Dirac systems
In recent years, effective Dirac systems have received a lot of attention in solid state physics. These are systems whose dispersion can effectively be described by a Dirac cone, the most prominent examples being graphene and topological insulators (TIs). These systems exhibit intriguing phenomena---for example, TIs can host perfectly transmitted modes or, in conjunction with superconductors, Majorana zero modes. This work deals with superconducting heterostructures of both of the aforementioned materials and examines transport phenomena as well as the formation of sub-gap states in such systems: In the first chapter, superconducting bilayer graphene with a chemisorbed adatom is investigated and the existence of peculiar sub-gap states, so-called Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states, is shown. The second chapter deals with T junction devices made out of three-dimensional (3D) TI nanowires. Together with proximity induced superconductivity in one arm and external magnetic fields, this setup allows for the occurrence of crossed Andreev reflection, including perfect crossed Andreev reflection, and negative nonlocal conductance. In the third chapter, Josephson junctions of 3D TI nanowires are investigated. The origin of unusual, experimentally observed supercurrent oscillations in dependence of a parallel magnetic field is examined in a semiclassical analysis.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag The Imperial Pfalz of Gelnhausen
Among the German Staufen castles, the architecture and architectural sculpture of the Gelnhausen pfalz, with its Upper Rhine-Alsatian and Southern French forms, is the most artistically noble. However, with the end of the Staufen dynasty and the system of pfalzen in the 13th century, the complex lost its importance. A period of decay set in. What is now only in ruins was once a seat of administration and hosted a farmyard, a place of adjudication, receptions, festivities and imperial diets. Thomas Biller explains the significance of the building, which was used as a seat of government, on the basis of individual building elements and ornaments and sheds light on various reconstruction attempts.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Obscured by Walls: The Bema Display of the Cretan Churches from Visibility to Concealment
This study reveals the artistic and cultic multiplicity of arrangements, consisting of archaism and modernization, ahead of the crystallization of the Iconostasis as the »distinctive feature of churches of the Byzantine rite«. Thus it demonstrates a material proof of cultural identity and religious consciousness of the Orthodox populace in an area (Crete) and a period (Venetian rule) that is characterized by both osmosis and conflict. The book researches the Bema display of Cretan churches in a time period spanning from the Byzantine re-conquest of the island (11th century) until the middle of the Venetian dominance (15th century). It focuses on the apparition and distribution of the Templon-barrier, the function of a certain group of frescoes as prostration images and the (partial) establishment of fresco-painted masonry screens at the Orthodox churches of the island, just before the prevalence of the »wooden wall of icons« – known as Iconostasis.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Material Culture and Identity between the Mediterranean World and Central Europe
Based on the research project the project "Metal finds as testimony to the interaction between Greeks and indigenous people in Sicily between the 8th and 5th centuries BC", the nineteen contributions to this volume deal with the interactions between archaeological legacies and identities both from a theoretical-methodological point of view and on the basis of concrete case studies. The focus is on ancient Sicily and its extensive connections and interdependencies, but the geographical framework extends from Asia Minor and Greece via Sicily and Lower Italy to France and Central Europe.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Protestantischer Kirchenbau der Frühen Neuzeit in Europa / Protestant Church Architecture in Early Modern Europe: Grundlagen und neue Forschungskonzepte / Fundamentals and New Research Approaches
A comprehensive account of Protestant church building in the early modern period throughout Europe. 26 German- and English-language contributions by renowned experts present a wide range of topics that open up the form and content of church building in its peculiarities as well as theological and socio-political issues. The volume is the result of a workshop that took place in Vienna at the end of 2013 as part of the research project of the same name under the direction of Prof. Dr. Jan Harasimowicz. The contributions show the efforts made by the denominations that emerged from the Reformation movement to create a ‘preaching space’ adapted to their needs. Western European, especially Dutch and French solutions soon found their way to Northern and Central Europe, where they were modified differently as needed. A feature of the post-Reformation era, however, was the emergence of new ways of cultural transfer. An important role was played by the countries in the Baltic Sea region, which, thanks to the Reformation, gained their own cultural identity.
Christian Verlag GmbH Gourmetküche aus dem Schnellkochtopf
Espresso Tutorials GmbH Schnelleinstieg in SAP HCM
Espresso Tutorials GmbH Schnelleinstieg in SAP S4HANA
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Der schnellste Jude Deutschlands
Kommunal-u.Schul-Verlag Medienarbeit Schnelleinstieg für Bürgermeister
MITP Verlags GmbH Aktienanalyse und Unternehmensbewertung Schnelleinstieg
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Wiley-Schnellkurs Bürgerliches Recht
Im Studium kommen Sie am Bürgerlichen Recht kaum vorbei und das zu Recht: Es ist eben nunmal wichtig. Oliver Tillmann erklärt Ihnen die Systematik des BGB und was Sie zum Allgemeinen Teil wissen sollten. Hier erfahren Sie, das Wichtigste zu Willenserklärungen, Verträge, Stellvertretung, Rechts- und Geschäftsfähigkeit. Außerdem führt er Sie in das Schuldrecht und das Sachenrecht ein. Kursorisch streift er gegen Ende des Buches auch noch das Familien- und Erbrecht. Zahlreiche Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen helfen Ihnen, Ihr Wissen zu testen und zu festigen.
BoD - Books on Demand Schnelleinstieg in die Informationssicherheit
MITP Verlags GmbH Statistik mit R Schnelleinstieg
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Schneller lesen besser verstehen
Diogenes Verlag AG Schneller als das Auge
Droemer Taschenbuch Nur der Tod ist schneller
Espresso Tutorials GmbH Schnelleinstieg SAPMaterialwirtschaft in SAP S4HANA
Flying Kiwi Media GmbH WOA Heroes Schneller hrter lauter
Bibliograph. Instit. GmbH Abi genial Chemie Das SchnellMerkSystem
Bibliograph. Instit. GmbH Abi genial Mathematik Das SchnellMerkSystem
BusinessVillage GmbH BRAINTUNING schneller schlauer konzentrierter
Graefe und Unzer Verlag Wenig schnippeln schneller kochen
Espresso Tutorials GmbH Schnelleinstieg in das SAPFinanzwesen FI
Bibliograph. Instit. GmbH Abi genial Englisch Das SchnellMerkSystem
Bibliograph. Instit. GmbH Abi genial Deutsch Das SchnellMerkSystem
Espresso Tutorials GmbH Schnelleinstieg in SAP COPC ProduktkostenControlling
Motorbuch Verlag Die schnellsten Loks der Welt
Smart Business Concepts Solopreneur Alleine schneller am Ziel
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Wiley-Schnellkurs Organische Chemie II Reaktionen
Ist der Anfang bei der Organischen Chemie getan, geht es auch gleich weiter, denn nach den Grundlagen kommen die Reaktionen. David R. Klein erklärt Ihnen in dieser umfassend korrigierten Auflage, was Sie zu Substitutions-, Eliminierungs-, und Additionsreaktionen wissen sollten. Ein Kapitel zu Alkoholen und eine Einführung in die Synthesen runden das Buch ab. So ist dieser Schnellkurs die richtige Hilfestellung, wenn es in der Organischen Chemie ein wenig mehr als nur die Grundlagen sein soll. Mit zahlreichen Übungsaufgaben samt Lösungen können Sie Ihr Wissen gleich auch noch testen und festigen.
Eifeler Literaturverlag Wer schneller läuft ist länger tot
Schwandl, Robert Verlag Berliner UBahnLinien U3 Die WilmersdorfDahlemer Schnellbahn
Alexander Verlag Berlin Theater HORA Je langsamer desto schneller
Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag steuernkompakt Erbschaftsteuer Fr Onboarding Schnelleinstieg Fortbildung
Knaur MensSana TB Die 100 schnellsten Gesundheitstipps der Welt
MITP Verlags GmbH Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Schnelleinstieg
Haufe Lexware GmbH Schnelleinstieg Unternehmensbewertung und Finanzkennzahlen
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Wiley-Schnellkurs Investition und Finanzierung
Wie komme ich an Geld und wie verwende ich es am Besten? Mit diesen Fragen beschäftigen sich die Fächer Investition und Finanzierung. Jochen Beißer und Oliver Read erklären Ihnen die Aufgaben der Finanzwirtschaft, finanzwirtschaftliche Ziele und die Grundbegriffe des Finanzwesens. Sie führen Sie in die statische und dynamische Investitionsrechnung ein, in die Fremd-, Eigen- und Innenfinanzierung und vieles mehr. Abschließend widmen Sie sich noch der Finanzplanung. Mit Übungsaufgaben samt Lösungen können Sie Ihr frisch erworbenes Wissen testen und festigen.
Atelier Im Bauernhaus Die Zeit ist schneller als ich
Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag steuernkompakt Umsatzsteuer Fr Onboarding Schnelleinstieg Fortbildung
Podszun GmbH ICE1 Die Krönung des klassischen Schnellzugs
Haufe Lexware GmbH Schnelleinstieg Zoll für Import und Export
Goldmann TB Wer schneller denkt ist früher klug
Meyer + Meyer Fachverlag Krafttraining Schneller Muskelaufbau Anatomie Trainingslehre Ernhrung Motivation
Franckh-Kosmos Die Schnellsten im Beet Gemse fr Ungeduldige