Search results for ""hurtado""
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,U.S. Reimagining the Mathematics Classroom: Creating and Sustaining Productive Learning Environments
How can you maximize your students learning as they engage in mathematics? What does the latest research reveal about developing mathematically strong and engrossing math instruction?Reimagining the Mathematics Classroom presents a comprehensive systems approach to examining mathematics teaching. It synthesizes and illustrates current research on the essential elements of mathematics teaching and learning, unpacking each component the classroom physical space; mathematical discourse, tasks, assessments; and families and communities and providing concrete practical strategies and tools teachers can apply directly to their work. In addition, tips on using technology to assess and enhance learning are embedded throughout the book.Reimagining the Mathematics Classroom delivers proven techniques and real classroom examples written or videotaped to address these and other important questions and concerns with which teachers grapple: How can I encourage collaborative problem solving during group work? How do I establish norms, routines, and ground rules for group and whole-class math discourse? How can I build on existing textbook problems to make them more rigorous, relevant, and accessible? What technologies help elicit and extend students mathematical thinking? How do I assess students in their development of knowledge of procedures, concepts, and mathematical practices? How can I transform parental involvement to collaborative partnerships and joint engagement? Reimagining the Mathematics Classroom is a resource to explore individually, to share with a colleague, or to discuss as part of a study group. Professional development tools, such as those described below, are woven throughout the text, with supplementary materials (math problem worksheets, conversational prompts, purposeful questions, videos, and so forth available on NCTM s More4U website.Classroom cases in each chapter provide real-life scenarios of the research-based practices and guiding principles articulated in the chapter. Math examples from a range of grade levels focus on concepts that students have traditionally struggled to understand conceptually. Cases include reflection questions to guide in the analysis and implementation of these ideas in your own teaching practice. Every chapter ends with a bulleted list of strategies to help you follow through on that chapter's main theme in your own classroom.Reimagining the Mathematics Classroom is as practical as it is inspirational. It is sure to be a valuable addition to your professional library.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds – Dan Taps: Band 01A/Pink A
Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds features exciting fiction and non-fiction decodable readers to enthuse and inspire children. They are fully aligned to Letters and Sounds Phases 1–6 and contain notes in the back. The Handbooks provide support in demonstration and modelling, monitoring comprehension and expanding vocabulary. Dan wants to play with his family but everyone is too busy having fun without him! Find out what he encounters behind the different doors in this funny story. Pink A/Band 1A offers emergent readers very simple, highly predictable texts and provides direct support through illustrations. The focus sounds in this book are: /s/ /a/ /t/ /p/ /i/ /n/ /d/ Pages 14 and 15 contain a fun “I Spy” Letters and Sounds activity, which uses visual support to help children embed phonic knowledge. Reading notes within the book provide practical support for reading Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds with children, including a list of all the sounds and words that the book will cover.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd EU Cohesion Policy: A Multidisciplinary Approach
This engaging and topical book comprehensively explores the complexities surrounding the EU Cohesion Policy, which has been addressing regional and urban development across Europe since the 1980s. Adopting a multidisciplinary approach, it considers the goals of this long-term investment policy, which is to reduce territorial disparities between Member States and their regions, and its role in the European integration process.Bringing together contributions from an interdisciplinary team of eminent scholars and policy practitioners, chapters offer expert analysis of the disciplinary genealogies of the EU Cohesion Policy, its contemporary issues, and perceptive reflections on its future. The book provides keen insights into current academic-policy debates, and a deeper understanding of the EU Cohesion Policy’s achievements. The expert’s insights contribute to the debate that this policy must face to address the most pressing European challenges. Each chapter includes different perspectives ranging from political, economic and legal to the urban and social dimensions and investigates ways to boost research-policy dialogue on Cohesion Policy.Offering a forward-thinking account of the topic, this timely book will be welcomed by students, academics, researchers, and policymakers alike in disciplines including human geography and geopolitics, European politics and policy, economics, public policy, and urban and regional studies.
If true false else true
If true: false; else: true neix de l?experiència del glitch, del desacord. Neix d?imaginar-se una sonda perduda per l?espai per sempre més a conseqüència d?un petit error de càlcul: insignificant al començament, però més i més gros i exponencialment ineludible cada vegada. També neix de l?Elogi del malentès, exposició itinerant comissariada per Joana Hurtado, i de la performance de poesia i electrònica que, amb el músic i matemàtic Joan Martínez, l?autora d?aquesta plaquette va pensar com a activitat vinculada de l?exposició. iftrue: false; else: true és, llavors, un elogi de les distàncies, dels punts de desencontre i dels punts de no-retorn.
Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica de la Universidad de Málaga Arqueología y erudición en Málaga durante el siglo XIX
En este trabajo se pretende dar a conocer el ambiente erudito y cultural vinculado al mundo de las antigüedades y estudios arqueológicos de la Málaga del siglo XIX. Se caracteriza por diversas formas de acercamiento a la arqueología, desde la seriedad erudita de Manuel Rodríguez Berlangoa o los hermanos José y Manuel Oliver y Hurtado a la presencia de aficionados y coleccionistas fruto de una sociedad con una burguesía en auge. También estudiamos dos focos tradicionales de erudición como son Ronda y Antequera, todo ello sin olvidar y teniendo como referentes el contexto nacional y andaluz.
University of Illinois Press Mexicans in California: Transformations and Challenges
Numbering over a third of California's population and thirteen percent of the U.S. population, people of Mexican ancestry represent a hugely complex group with a long history in the country. Contributors explore a broad range of issues regarding California's ethnic Mexican population, including their concentration among the working poor and as day laborers; their participation in various sectors of the educational system; social problems such as domestic violence; their contributions to the arts, especially music; media stereotyping; and political alliances and alignments.Contributors are Brenda D. Arellano, Leo R. Chavez, Yvette G. Flores, Ramón A. Gutiérrez, Aída Hurtado, Olga Nájera-Ramírez, Chon A. Noriega, Manuel Pastor Jr., Armida Ornelas, Russell W. Rumberger, Daniel Solórzano, Enriqueta Valdez Curiel, and Abel Valenzuela Jr.
Semana Santa de Jerez
La Semana Santa de Jerez de la Frontera es una de las cinco grandes celebraciones pasionistas andaluzas y es el reflejo espléndido y sorprendente de una sociedad fervorosa, religiosa (a su manera), culta y viva, que evoca una estética soñada, como la que captaron el abulense Juan José Serrano o el arcense Eduardo Pereiras Hurtado, pero sin que quede fosilizada en aquellas vetustas imágenes en sepia.La fiesta mayor conoció las influencias austeras, místicas y barrocas, románticas, populares y flamencas, y se sobrepuso a las crisis sociopolíticas; floreció en los años de la Belle Époque primo-riverista y en su secuela nacionalcatolicista; se adaptó al moderno flower power que llegó a ritmo de folk, pop y rock and roll, o explosionó en un modelo global y depurado, con un lenguaje teatral, cinematográfico y televisivo.Se trata de una Semana Santa de primer nivel fenomenológico y patrimonial, revalorizada, tradicional e innovadora, con seleccionadas adherencias y creatividad, y con
John Wiley & Sons Inc Planning and Management for a Changing Environment: A Handbook on Redesigning Postsecondary Institutions
An outstanding roster of higher education scholars and practitioners come together to offer latest expertise on strategic and operational planning with emphasis on the importance of contextual planning?that is planning based in the unique circumstances and environment of each individual institution--as the only planning approach that will yield successful results. The contributors include: Paul T. Brinkman, Ellen Earle Chaffee, Burton R. Clark, David William Cohen, Eric L. Dey, David D. Dill, Elaine El-Khawas, Rhonda Martin Epper, Peter T. Ewell, Ira Fink, Dorothy E. Finnegan, Fred J. Galloway, Harvey A. Goldstein, William H. Graves, Patricia J. Gumport, Raymond M. Haas, Terry W. Hartle, Robert G. Henshaw, Richard B. Heydinger, Sylvia Hurtado, Sarah Williams Jacobson, Dennis P. Jones, George Keller, R. Sam Larson, Bruce A. Loessin, Michael I. Luger, Theodore J. Marchese, Lisa A. Mets, James R. Mingle, Anthony W. Morgan, James L. Morrison, Anna Neumann, John L. Oberlin, Anne S. Parker, Marvin W. Peterson, Brian Pusser, Frans van Vught, and Ian Wilson.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Philo und das Neue Testament: Wechselseitige Wahrnehmungen I. Internationales Symposium zum Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum. 1.-4. Mai 2003, Eisenach/Jena
Der Band gibt die Ergebnisse eines internationalen Symposiums wieder, das im Rahmen des Projekts "Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum Novi Testamenti" im Mai 2003 in Eisenach und Jena stattfand. In übergreifenden Standortbestimmungen (u.a. durch Greg L. Sterling u. L. Hurtado) wird grundlegend das Verhältnis von Philo und dem Neuen Testament reflektiert.In den Einzelbeiträgen, die mehrheitlich die Form von Paar-Vorträgen aufweisen, nehmen Philo-Spezialisten und Neutestamentler aus wechselseitiger Perspektive heraus u.a. zu Fragen der Inspiration, Mystik, Logos-Theologie und Anthropologie im Werk Philos bzw. einzelner neutestamentlicher Schriften Stellung. Ein Schwerpunkt der Aufsätze liegt auf den paulinischen Briefen, daneben stehen Beiträge zur Apostelgeschichte, dem 1. Petrusbrief und dem Brief an die Hebräer. Eine dritte Gruppe von Aufsätzen präsentiert das Ergebnis von gemeinsamen Philo-Lektüren während der Tagung unter altphilologischer Leitung. Damit kommt ein weiterer Rezeptionshorizont in den Blick, der sowohl für Philo wie das Neue Testament relevant ist.In Zeiten zunehmender Spezialisierung zeigt dieser Sammelband die Notwendigkeit der interdisziplinären Beschäftigung mit dem komplexen Phänomen des Frühjudentums.
Ensueño viajero
Rodrigo García-Quismondo Hurtado nació en Madrid, muy cerca del Mirador de las Vistillas, donde sus principales vecinos eran el paisaje sobre la Casa de Campo, al fondo la Sierra del Guadarrama y unas puestas de sol sobre un cielo velazqueño que siempre le inspiraron el amor al paisaje y a la poesía.Su infancia son recuerdos del colegio municipal Vázquez de Mella, el colegio de la Salle en la madrileña calle de la Paloma y el Instituto San Isidro (antiguo Colegio Imperial). Compartía juegos como el guá, dola, el rescate, etc.Comenzó a trabajar a los 14 años, curiosamente en una editorial, y, a esa temprana edad, le enviaron a la Biblioteca Nacional para participar en un curso de libreros y archiverosdonde se le desarrollaron sus tendencias literarias. Curiosamente, ningún responsable de la editorial quiso hacer ese curso, cosa que les agradeció toda su vida.Después le llegaría la afición a la montaña, que ha mantenido durante el resto de su vida y que compartió conmigo
Fordham University Press Ens rationis from Suárez to Caramuel: A Study in Scholasticism of the Baroque Era
The influence of the Spanish Jesuit Francisco Suárez (1548–1617) on 17th-century philosophy, theology, and law can hardly be underestimated. In this groundbreaking book, Daniel D. Novotný explores one of the most controversial topics of Suárez’s philosophy: “beings of reason.” Beings of reason are impossible intentional objects, such as blindness and square-circle. The first part of this book is structured around a close reading of Suárez’s main text on the subject, namely Disputation 54. The second part centers on texts on this topic by other outstanding philosophers of the time, such as the Spanish Jesuit Pedro Hurtado de Mendoza (1578–1641), the Italian Franciscan Bartolomeo Mastri (1602–73), and the Spanish-Bohemian-Luxembourgian polymath Juan Caramuel de Lobkowitz (1606–82). The book should be of interest not just to those concerned with beings of reason but also for all those with a broader interest in the history of the period. It is written in a clear style that will make it appealing both to historians of philosophy and to anyone interested in applying analytical tools to the history of philosophy.
University of Illinois Press Labor Justice across the Americas
Opinions of specialized labor courts differ, but labor justice undoubtedly represented a decisive moment in worker 's history. When and how did these courts take shape? Why did their originators consider them necessary? Leon Fink and Juan Manuel Palacio present essays that address these essential questions. Ranging from Canada and the United States to Chile and Argentina, the authors search for common factors in the appearance of labor courts while recognizing the specific character of the creative process in each nation. Their transnational and comparative approach advances a global perspective on the various mechanisms for regulating industrial relations and resolving labor conflicts. The result is the first country-by-country study of its kind, one that addresses a defining shift in law in the first half of the twentieth century. Contributors: Rossana Barragán Romano, Angela de Castro Gomes, David Díaz-Arias, Leon Fink, Frank Luce, Diego Ortúzar, Germán Palacio, Juan Manuel Palacio, William Suarez-Potts, Fernando Teixeira da Silva, Victor Uribe-Urán, Angela Vergara, and Ronny J. Viales-Hurtado.
Desclée De Brouwer Así vemos a Dios
El pensamiento teológico ha estado, hasta ayer, en manos de los varones, con lo que la reflexión y el razonamiento sobre Dios se nos ha hurtado a las mujeres. En el ámbito de la mística hay figuras femeninas que han rivalizado en intensidad y profundidad con los mejores, aunque su condición de iletradas hizo que se perdieran muchos testimonios de nuestro sexo que hubieran resultado igualmente valiosos. Actualmente el problema femenino para hablar de Dios es que todo el lenguaje y las categorías acuñadas se han hecho por varones y desde los valores que éstos consideran como excelsos: omnipotencia, trascendencia, luminosidad... lo que choca de frente con la sensibilidad de los débiles ?donde tradicionalmente nos encuadramos las mujeres? que ven a un Dios inmanente compartiendo la vida del sufrimiento. A pesar de la existencia de estos impedimentos, algunas teólogas nos ofrecen desde cinco ángulos distintos su visión de Dios con la ilusión de que aumente en los lectores el interés por ade
Los hiperboreos
Bruno malvive de su trabajo en la sección de zapatería de Almacenes Hurtado, donde le han otorgado una medalla que premia su puntualidad, y comparte piso con dos jóvenes ansiosos por labrarse un futuro en el mundillo de las redes sociales y el marketing. En la sala de retención, donde espera una reprimenda del director de la cadena por haber puesto en duda la ortografía de un cartel publicitario de la casa, conocerá a Beatriz, quien, a diferencia de la musa de Dante, lo llevará al paraíso emocional y sexual. A partir de esa reunión con el gerifalte de la empresa y de su relación de pareja, Bruno creerá entrever un futuro mejor. En 'Los hiperbóreos', Gabriel Noguera ahonda en la vacuidad del mundo moderno y perfila unos personajes que escenifican la precariedad laboral, las frustraciones que genera la cultura de la imagen y, en última instancia, la ?en apariencia inexistente? lucha de clases. Con humor ácido y socarrón, el autor nos pone ante la punzante pregunta de si puede existir una
University of Illinois Press Labor Justice across the Americas
Opinions of specialized labor courts differ, but labor justice undoubtedly represented a decisive moment in worker 's history. When and how did these courts take shape? Why did their originators consider them necessary? Leon Fink and Juan Manuel Palacio present essays that address these essential questions. Ranging from Canada and the United States to Chile and Argentina, the authors search for common factors in the appearance of labor courts while recognizing the specific character of the creative process in each nation. Their transnational and comparative approach advances a global perspective on the various mechanisms for regulating industrial relations and resolving labor conflicts. The result is the first country-by-country study of its kind, one that addresses a defining shift in law in the first half of the twentieth century. Contributors: Rossana Barragán Romano, Angela de Castro Gomes, David Díaz-Arias, Leon Fink, Frank Luce, Diego Ortúzar, Germán Palacio, Juan Manuel Palacio, William Suarez-Potts, Fernando Teixeira da Silva, Victor Uribe-Urán, Angela Vergara, and Ronny J. Viales-Hurtado.
New York University Press The Gender and Psychology Reader
In The Gender and Psychology Reader, Blythe McVicker Clinchy and Julie K. Norem have culled through a diverse group of readings to provide a wide-ranging exploration of both progress made and problems encountered as psychologists grapple with gender. The volume includes both classic and contemporary readings, drawn from all branches of psychology-- social, developmental, personality, cognitive, history, physiological/biological--as well as from other disciplines, including sociology, philosophy, and anthropology.The essays cover a gamut of subjects including epistemological issues, the study of difference, the embodiment of gender, autonomy and connection in relationships, and clinical implications. A concluding chapter by the editors considers themes that can be traced through the different sections, gaps in current perspectives, and future directions.The Gender and Psychology Reader includes contributions from an array of distinguished scholars from varying methodological and disciplinary backgrounds. Among the contributors are Laurel Furumoto, Jeanne Marecek, Laura S. Brown, Anne Fausto- Sterling, Sandra Lipsitz Bem, Michelle Fine, Jospeh H. Pleck, J. G. Morawski, Daniel A. Hart, Barrie Thorne, and Aida Hurtado. Organized for easy use as either a primary or supplementary text for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses in psychology, The Gender and Psychology Reader will also serve as the essential reference for those in clinical practice interested in gender issues.
Pennsylvania State University Press The Conquest on Trial: Carvajal's Complaint of the Indians in the Court of Death
Michael de Carvajal’s fascinating and unusual play—published by Luis Hurtado de Toledo in 1557—is a rare sixteenth-century theatrical piece about the conquest of the New World. It is a long-ignored but fundamental source for the study of Latin American cultural history. A theatrical version of the Spanish Conquest clearly influenced by Bartolomé de Las Casas, the play centers on a group of American natives filing a complaint against the Spanish conquistadors—before a tribunal presided over by Death. They denounce the horrors and crimes committed against them by the conquistadors and colonizers in their idolatrous greed for gold. The play constitutes an allegorical summary of the debates of the day about the emergence of the Spanish Empire, the justification of conquest, the right to wage war against the Indians, the evangelization of the natives, the discrimination against the newly converted peoples of the New World, the exploitation of Indian labor, the extent of the emperor’s sovereignty, and the right to resist tyranny. The translation by Carlos Jáuregui and Mark Smith-Soto is the first English edition of this important work. It is presented in an annotated, bilingual edition, with a critical introduction that discusses the origins and ideological significance of the play.
Little, Brown & Company With Prejudice
No one knows what happened that night, and now seven strangers must decide, in this "exciting" and "clever" thriller (New York Times Book Review)On the night that Melina Mora, a proud, free-spirited woman, was murdered, she was seen with a young man that matched Gabriel Soto's description. Two strands of her hair were found in his bedroom. Sandy Grunwald, a young prosecutor whose political ambitions depend on securing a conviction, finds herself pitted against a preening public defender armed with a freshly discovered, dynamite piece of evidence on the eve of the trial.And then there's the jury for the high-stakes Miami trial: Earl Thomas, a straitlaced taxman with his fair share of police encounters, as the begrudging foreperson, and Laura Hurtado-Perez, a physician whose unassuming manner conceals a private pain. There's also Joseph Cole, who's the founder of his local neighbourhood watch and unduly obsessed with the families around him. Along with four others, these jurors from varied walks of life come together to make one of the most important decisions of their lives.But as the prosecutor, public defender, and judge know all too well, the criminal justice system is complex and the jury's experiences, biases, and beliefs will ultimately shape the verdict.With striking originality and expert storytelling, Robin Peguero's debut novel explores the prejudice that hangs over every trial in America.
University of Texas Press Bridging: How Gloria Anzaldúa's Life and Work Transformed Our Own
The inspirational writings of cultural theorist and social justice activist Gloria Anzaldúa have empowered generations of women and men throughout the world. Charting the multiplicity of Anzaldúa's impact within and beyond academic disciplines, community trenches, and international borders, Bridging presents more than thirty reflections on her work and her life, examining vibrant facets in surprising new ways and inviting readers to engage with these intimate, heartfelt contributions.Bridging is divided into five sections: The New Mestizas: "transitions and transformations"; Exposing the Wounds: "You gave me permission to fly in the dark"; Border Crossings: Inner Struggles, Outer Change; Bridging Theories: Intellectual Activism with/in Borders; and "Todas somos nos/otras": Toward a "politics of openness." Contributors, who include Norma Elia Cantú, Elisa Facio, Shelley Fisher Fishkin, Aída Hurtado, Andrea Lunsford, Denise Segura, Gloria Steinem, and Mohammad Tamdgidi, represent a broad range of generations, professions, academic disciplines, and national backgrounds. Critically engaging with Anzaldúa's theories and building on her work, they use virtual diaries, transformational theory, poetry, empirical research, autobiographical narrative, and other genres to creatively explore and boldly enact future directions for Anzaldúan studies.A book whose form and content reflect Anzaldúa's diverse audience, Bridging perpetuates Anzaldúa's spirit through groundbreaking praxis and visionary insights into culture, gender, sexuality, religion, aesthetics, and politics. This is a collection whose span is as broad and dazzling as Anzaldúa herself.
Little, Brown & Company With Prejudice
Earl Thomas, a straight-laced taxman with his fair share of police encounters, is the begrudging foreperson in a high-stakes trial in Miami. Laura Hurtado-Perez is a physician whose unassuming manner conceals a private pain. Joseph Cole is the founder of his local neighborhood watch, unduly obsessed with the families around him.Along with four others, these jurors of varying ages and walks of life whose paths would likely never have otherwise crossed must come together to make one of the most important decisions of their lives.On the night Melina Mora, a free-spirited woman both proud and kind, was murdered, she was seen with a young man of Gabriel Soto's description. Two strands of her hair were found in his bedroom. Sandy Grunwald, a young prosecutor whose political ambitions depend on securing a conviction, finds herself pitted against Jordan Whipple, a preening public defender armed with a freshly discovered, dynamite piece of evidence on the eve of the trial-if the Honorable Darla Tackett will admit it.What Sandy, Jordan, and Judge Tackett all know, however, is that the criminal justice system is complicated, and everyone has a story-especially the jury. And it's their experiences, biases, and beliefs that will ultimately shape the verdict.With striking originality and expert storytelling, Robin Peguero's debut novel explores the prejudice that hangs over every trial in America. You've never read a legal thriller quite like this. There's never been a thriller writer quite like Peguero. And you will not be able to predict how it all ends.
Edinburgh University Press Adam Smith and Rousseau: Ethics, Politics, Economics
Looks at all aspects of the pivotal intellectual relationship between two key figures of the EnlightenmentThis collection brings together an international and interdisciplinary group of Adam Smith and Jean-Jacques Rousseau scholars to explore the key shared concerns of these two great thinkers in politics, philosophy, economics, history and literature.Rousseau (1712 78) and Smith (1723 90) are two of the foremost thinkers of the European Enlightenment. They both made seminal contributions to moral and political philosophy and shaped some of the key concepts of modern political economy. Among Smith's first published works was a letter to the 'Edinburgh Review' where he discusses Rousseau's 'Discourse on the Origin of Inequality'. Smith continued to engage with Rousseau's work and to explore many shared themes such as sympathy, political economy, sentiment and inequality. Though we have no solid evidence that they met in person, we do know that they shared many friends and interlocutors. In particular, David Hume was Smith's closest intellectual associate and was also the one who arranged for Rousseau's stay in England in 1766.ContributorsTabitha Baker, University of Warwick, UK.Christel Fricke, University of Oslo, Norway.Charles L. Griswold, Boston University, USA.Ryan Patrick Hanley, Marquette University, USA.Mark Hill, London School of Economics, UK.Mark Hulliung, Brandeis University, USA.Jimena Hurtado, Universidad de los Andes, Columbia.John McHugh, Denison University, USA.Jason Neidleman, University of La Verne, USA.Maria Pia Paganelli, Trinity University, USA.Dennis C. Rasmussen, Tufts University, USA. Neil Saccamano, Cornell University, USA. Michael Schleeter, Pacific Lutheran University, USA. . Adam Schoene, Cornell University, USA. Craig Smith, University of Glasgow, UK.
Ediciones El Viso Great Bindings from the Spanish Royal Collections: 15th - 21st Centuries
This is the first time that many of these bindings have been shown and photographed Features specialist writers from the UK, France and Spain The exhibition that this book accompanied, took place in April 2012, bringing together two hundred and fifty bound volumes selected from Spain's National Heritage collections, making up an exceptional and unrepeatable exhibition of these astonishing works of art. These are works that were created for the monarch's own use, beginning in the days of Charles V and Philip II, offering us a marvellous insight into the Royal Libraries of the House of Hapsburg and the House of Bourbon. We also come across items from a number of extraordinary complete collections that were treasured by conspicuous patrons and ending up by enriching the King's library, thus endowing the Crown with the enormous intellectual prestige enjoyed by their owners for having gathered together such works. Contents: La encuadernacion, lenguaje artistico - Victor Nieto Alcalde Lo humilde entre lo egregio - Carlos Claveria Claves evolutivas de la encuadernacion heraldica de Patrimonio Nacional Valentin - Moreno Gallego Libros para leer. Encuadernaciones comerciales en pergamino y papel en la epoca de la imprenta manual - Nicholas Pickwoad Diego Hurtado de Mendoza - Anthony Hobson Tres aspectos de la encuadernacion francesa en las colecciones patrimoniales - Isabelle De Conihout and Pascal Ract-Madoux Encuadernaciones bodonianas - Pedro Catedra Eadem sed aliter: uniformidad y singularidad en la encuadernacion de Camara - Maria Luisa Lopez-Vidriero De la industria al arte. Dos cambios de siglo en la encuadernacion de la Real Biblioteca - Dolores Baldo Bibliografia tematica de la encuadernacion en Espana (siglos xix-xxi): historiografia de sus estudios contemporaneos Concha Lois
University of Texas Press Handbook of Middle American Indians, Volume 9: Physical Anthropology
Physical Anthropology is the ninth volume in the Handbook of Middle American Indians, published in cooperation with the Middle American Research Institute of Tulane University under the general editorship of Robert Wauchope (1909–1979). The volume editor is T. Dale Stewart (1901–1997), senior physical anthropologist of the United States National Museum, Smithsonian Institution, former director of its Museum of Natural History, and a past president of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists. The articles in this volume, together with illustrations, tabular data, bibliographies, and index, constitute an invaluable reference work on the human biology of Middle America and its relationships to human society and culture. Contents include the following articles: “History of Physical Anthropology,” by Juan Comas “Preceramic Human Remains,” by Arturo Romano “Anthropometry of Late Prehistoric Human Remains,” by Santiago Genovés T. “Dental Mutilation, Trephination, and Cranial Deformation,” by Javier Romero “Pre-Hispanic Osteopathology,” by Eusebio Dávalos Hurtado “Anthropometry of Living Indians,” by Johanna Faulhaber “Distribution of Blood Groups,” by G. Albin Matson “Physiological Studies,” by D. F. Roberts and Marshall T. Newman “Skin, Hair, and Eyes,” a series including “Introduction,” by T. D. Stewart; “Dermatoglyphics,” by Marshall T. Newman; “Hair,” by Mildred Trotter and Oliver H. Duggins; and “Color of Eyes and Skin,” by T. D. Stewart “Physical Plasticity and Adaptation,” by T. D. Stewart “Pathology of Living Indians as Seen in Guatemala,” by Nevin S. Scrimshaw and Carlos Tejada “Psychobiometry,” by Javier Romero The Handbook of Middle American Indians was assembled and edited at the Middle American Research Institute of Tulane University with the assistance of grants from the National Science Foundation and under the sponsorship of the National Research Council Committee on Latin American Anthropology.
Distributed Art Publishers Women Painting Women
Replete with complexities, abjection, beauty and joy, Women Painting Women offers new ways to imagine the portrayal of women, from Alice Neel to Jordan Casteel A thematic exploration of nearly 50 female artists who choose women as subject matter in their works, Women Painting Women includes nearly 50 portraits that span the 1960s to the present. International in scope, the book recognizes female perspectives that have been underrepresented in the history of postwar figuration. Painting is the focus, as traditionally it has been a privileged medium for portraiture, particularly for white male artists. The artists here use painting and women as subject matter and as vehicles for change. They range from early trailblazers such as Emma Amos and Alice Neel to emerging artists such as Jordan Casteel, Somaya Critchlow and Apolonia Sokol. All place women—their bodies, gestures and individuality—at the forefront. The pivotal narrative in Women Painting Women is how the artists included use the conventional portrait of a woman as a catalyst to tell another story outside of male interpretations of the female body. They conceive new ways to activate and elaborate on the portrayal of women by exploring themes of the Body, Nature Personified, Selfhood and Color as Portrait. Replete with complexities, realness, abjection, beauty, complications, everydayness and joy, the portraits in this volume make way for women artists to share the stage with their male counterparts in defining the image of woman and how it has evolved. Artists include: Rita Ackermann, Njideka Akunyili Crosby, Emma Amos, María Berrío, Louise Bonnet, Lisa Brice, Joan Brown, Jordan Casteel, Somaya Critchlow, Kim Dingle, Marlene Dumas, Celeste Dupuy-Spencer, Nicole Eisenman, Tracey Emin, Natalie Frank, Hope Gangloff, Eunice Golden, Jenna Gribbon, Alex Heilbron, Ania Hobson, Luchita Hurtado, Chantal Joffe, Hayv Kahraman, Maria Lassnig, Christiane Lyons, Danielle Mckinney, Marilyn Minter, Alice Neel, Elizabeth Peyton, Paula Rego, Faith Ringgold, Deborah Roberts, Susan Rothenberg, Jenny Saville, Dana Schutz, Joan Semmel, Amy Sherald, Lorna Simpson, Arpita Singh, Sylvia Sleigh, Apolonia Sokol, May Stevens, Claire Tabouret, Mickalene Thomas, Nicola Tyson and Lisa Yuskavage.
University of Texas Press Mexico's Recent Economic Growth: The Mexican View
The Mexican economy underwent a process of growth and transformation in the twentieth century, which was confirmed by the indexes and figures that economists use to chart the rate of growth, even allowing for possible inaccuracies in these figures.This volume of six essays makes readily available to English-speaking readers a selection of significant contributions by outstanding Mexican economists dealing with the mid-twentieth-century growth of the Mexican economy.Enrique Pérez López provides an overview of the development of the gross national product in the economy and the structural changes that were imperative if basic social goals were to be implemented and the optimal adjustments to changing world conditions effected. Ernesto Fernández Hurtado discusses the process of accommodation and cooperation between the public and the private sectors that has contributed significantly to economic growth, stressing particularly the role of agriculture. Mario Ramón Beteta describes central bank policy and the functioning of the Central Bank, showing how control over credit and the banking system assures stability and accelerating growth through its credit rationing.Alfredo Navarrete R. traces the sources of domestic savings that have provided 90 percent of the capital employed in the economy since the Revolution, and Ifigenia M. de Navarrete demonstrates that rapid economic growth has not resulted in a more equitable distribution of income. Victor Urquidi stresses the balanced growth, achieved by allocating public capital formation to basic infrastructure, that has helped develop agriculture as well as industry, and indicates the nature of the structural change that must occur if the economy is to expand rapidly.In his introduction Tom E. Davis compares growth in Mexico with developments during the same period in Chile and Argentina.The country reached its midcentury standard of living after fifty years of drastic social and political changes under a constitution that altered the system and the concept of private property and the role of the state. These new concepts brought about changes in the structure of production and social relationships, together with a rise to new cultural, technical, and moral levels. These changes, in turn, placed Mexico in a new position with new problems. A question that must be answered is whether the economic goals of the future require a reappraisal of social relationships and of the ways of administering and utilizing the country’s resources and potential productivity.