Search results for ""hurtado""
Editorial Hurtado A Nosotros los masones biblioteca de grandes cl
Ediciones Sígueme, S.A. Hurtado L Señor Jesucristo la devoción a Jesús en el cri
Al-Andalus y el Mediterraneo Diego Hurtado de Mendoza el hombre del emperador
En el momento de máxima tensión en la cristiandad, y a punto de escindirse la Iglesia Católica,el emperador Carlos V llama al más brillante de sus diplomáticos, don Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, escritor, humanista y miembro de una de las familias más poderosas de la España de los Reyes Católicos y sus descendientes: los Hurtado de Mendoza.La misión encomendada es analizar los ritos y costumbres del clero y las órdenes religiosas para, en un gran concilio de la cristiandad, unificarlos con la intención de evitar el cisma.Cuando se dirige a abrir el Gran Concilio de Trento, la inestabilidad política y militar del Mediterráneo, le obliga a cambiar de planes para dirigirse a Venecia, donde cumplirá una misión urgente encomendada por el Emperador.La vida en la República de los canales, las intrigas políticas y ambiciones de poder de los senadores y su amor por el oro, son los hilos que el embajador del Emperador tendrá que moverpara conseguir que el Dogo, máxima autoridad d
EDIBESA 366 textos de San Alberto Hurtado un pensamiento para cada día
El programa de vida de san Alberto Hurtado fue la síntesis de "Amarás a Dios con todo tu corazón...y a tu prójimo como a ti mismo".Benedicto XVI, Homilía en la misa de canonización (23 de octubre de 2005).Jesíta chileno, apoóstol del siglo XX en los ámbitos universitarios y obreros, su figura es gigante. Su fortaleza, tesón y las ganas de servir a Dios marcaron su vida. Su inmenso arrastre entre los jóvenes sobrepasó los límites del colegio donde empezó sus primeros pasos apostólicos. Fue llamado como asesor de la Acción Católica Juvenil. Con sus jóvenes colaboradores recorrió la patria inflamando los corazones juveniles en el deseo de luchar por la gloria de Cristo.Jesús lo llamaba. En cada lugar el padre Alberto Hurtado veía la cara de Cristo en los pobres. Había muchos que necesitaban techo, abrigo y comida. Para ellos fundó el Hogar de Cristo en 1944. Sin tiempo para desfallecer siempre tenía un nuevo proyecto entre sus manos. Una nueva casa de acogida para los niños, t
Histria LLC To Find a Killer: The Homophobic Murders of Norma and Maria Hurtado and the LGBT Rights Movement
Beginning with a gripping, firsthand account of the 2011 anti-gay murder of twenty-four year-old Norma Hurtado, a student the author taught in an Austin high school ten years earlier, this series of interwoven essays employs a mix of narrative nonfiction and political analysis to uncover the intersectional nature of the disparities impacting the LGBTQ community. Drawing from his fifteen-years’ experience as a grassroots organizer in Texas and California, Greco argues for the types of political organizations and public policies necessary to address these challenges. To Find a Killer charts a robust but pragmatic course for the LGBTQ movement today: investing in grassroots leadership development, rooting organizations in local civic and religious institutions, and focusing not just on legal equality, but a wider set of socio-economic issues.
Faithlife Corporation Honoring the Son
Larry W. Hurtado has been one of the leading scholars on early Christology for decades. In Honoring the Son: Jesus in Earliest Christian Devotional Practice, Hurtado helps readers understand early Christology by examining not just what early Christians believed or wrote about Jesus, but what their devotional practices tell us about the place of Jesus in early Christian worship. Drawing on his extensive knowledge of early Christian origins and scholarship on New Testament Christology, Hurtado examines the distinctiveness of early Christian worship by comparing it to both Jewish worship patterns and worship practices within the broader Roman--era religious environment. He argues that the inclusion of the risen Jesus alongside the Father in early Christian devotional practices was a distinct and unique religious phenomenon within its ancient context. Additionally, Hurtado demonstrates that this remarkable development was not invented decades after the resurrection of Christ as some scholars once claimed. Instead, the New Testament suggests that Jesus--followers, very quickly after the resurrection of Christ, began to worship the Son alongside the Father. Honoring the Son offers a look into the worship habits of the earliest Christians to understand the place of Jesus in early Christian devotion.
University of New Mexico Press Intimate Frontiers: Sex, Gender and Culture in Old California
This book reveals how powerful undercurrents of sex, gender, and culture helped shape the history of the American frontier from the 1760s to the 1850s. Looking at California under three flags -- those of Spain, Mexico, and the United States -- Hurtado resurrects daily life in the missions, at mining camps, on overland trails and sea journeys, and in San Francisco. In these settings Hurtado explores courtship, marriage, reproduction, and family life as a way to understand how men and women -- whether Native American, Anglo American, Hispanic, Chinese, or of mixed blood -- fit into or reshaped the roles and identities set by their race and gender.
Cornell University Press The Gathering Storm: Eduardo Frei's Revolution in Liberty and Chile's Cold War
In this novel take on diplomatic history, Sebastián Hurtado-Torres examines the involvement of the United States in Chile during the Eduardo Frei administration (1964–1970) and shows how the engagement between the two nations deepened the process of political polarization in Chile. At the heart of The Gathering Storm is a description of the partnership between Frei's government and that of Lyndon B. Johnson. Both leaders considered modernization to be integral to political and economic development, and the US Embassy in Santiago was recognized by all parties to be the center of this modernizing agenda and the practical work of the Alliance for Progress (AFP). Hurtado-Torres portrays the diplomatic and economic relationship between Chile and the United States in a manner that departs from the most militant and conservative interpretations of US foreign policy toward Latin America. By focusing on the active participation of agents of US foreign policy—particularly those associated with the AFP—and not secret operatives of the Central Intelligence Agency, Hurtado-Torres offers a fresh narrative about a critical period in Chilean political history and a new understanding of the ways and means through which the foreign policy of the United States was carried out.
New York University Press Voicing Chicana Feminisms: Young Women Speak Out on Sexuality and Identity
Explores the relationship between Chicana feminism and the lived experiences of Chicanas Chicana voices are missing from the psychology of women. Though “Chicana feminisms” have only recently been enumerated, a feminist perspective has long existed in Chicano communities without ever having been explicitly named. Grounded in specific aspects of Chicano culture such as the contested role of La Malinche and the complexities of Marianismo, the distinguishing feature of Chicana feminisms has been their embrace of diversity. Chicanas readily acribe to many feminisms and do not expect there to be only one. Focusing on young women between the ages of 20 and 30, Chicanas Speak Feminisms explores the relationship between Chicana feminism and the lived experiences of Chicanas. What do they see as their day-to-day manifestation of feminist consciousness? What is the relationship between what Chicana feminists propose and their lived experiences as women and as members of other significant social groups? Including rich ethnographic testimony based on questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and shadowing, Hurtado allows the women to speak in their own terms about how they see their femininity, sexuality, gender identity, ethnic/racial identity, and ties to other feminisms and political struggles.
Ediciones Cátedra Cada loco con su tema Los empeos del mentir Cada loco con su tema The efforts of lying
Antonio Hurtado de Mendoza (1586-1644) gozó de la estima de sus contemporáneos: Cervantes en Viaje del Parnaso, Lope de Vega en La Circe, Tirso de Molina en Los cigarrales de Toledo, Pérez de Montalbán en Para todos, Vélez de Guevara en El diablo Cojuelo o Gracián en su Agudeza dejan testimonio fehaciente de la consideración que mereció, desde los tiempos de joven cortesano al servicio del conde de Saldaña hasta su ascenso a la sombra del conde-duque de Olivares y el desempeño de una secretaría real. Entremesista muy valorado en su tiempo y autor de varios tratados, relaciones y un amplio conjunto de poemas, de él se conocen trece comedias. Se editan en este volumen dos de ellas: Cada loco con su tema, sobre el matrimonio concertado contra la voluntad de la dama, y Los empeños del mentir, una comedia de enredo en la que el embuste es el motor que fuerza la reacción de los personajes.
University of California Press Herbert Eugene Bolton: Historian of the American Borderlands
This definitive biography offers a new critical assessment of the life, works, and ideas of Herbert E. Bolton (1870-1953), a leading historian of the American West, Mexico, and Latin America. Bolton, a famous pupil of Frederick Jackson Turner, formulated a concept - the borderlands - that is a foundation of historical studies today. His research took him not only to the archives and libraries of Mexico but out on the trails blazed by Spanish soldiers and missionaries during the colonial era. Bolton helped establish the reputation of the University of California and the Bancroft Library in the eyes of the world and was influential among historians during his lifetime, but interest in his ideas waned after his death. Now, more than a century after Bolton began to investigate the Mexican archives, Albert L. Hurtado explores his life against the backdrop of the cultural and political controversies of his day.
University of Texas Press The Magic Key: The Educational Journey of Mexican Americans from K-12 to College and Beyond
Mexican Americans comprise the largest subgroup of Latina/os, and their path to education can be a difficult one. Yet just as this group is often marginalized, so are their stories, and relatively few studies have chronicled the educational trajectory of Mexican American men and women. In this interdisciplinary collection, editors Zambrana and Hurtado have brought together research studies that reveal new ways to understand how and why members of this subgroup have succeeded and how the facilitators of success in higher education have changed or remained the same.The Magic Key’s four sections explain the context of Mexican American higher education issues, provide conceptual understandings, explore contemporary college experiences, and offer implications for educational policy and future practices. Using historical and contemporary data as well as new conceptual apparatuses, the authors in this collection create a comparative, nuanced approach that brings Mexican Americans’ lived experiences into the dominant discourse of social science and education. This diverse set of studies presents both quantitative and qualitative data by gender to examine trends of generations of Mexican American college students, provides information on perceptions of welcoming university climates, and proffers insights on emergent issues in the field of higher education for this population. Professors and students across disciplines will find this volume indispensable for its insights on the Mexican American educational experience, both past and present.
University of Nebraska Press The Road to the Land of the Mother of God: A History of the Interoceanic Highway in Peru
The Interoceanic Highway is many things to many people: an emblematic project during a period focused on integration, a dream realized for an isolated region, a symbol of the profound fragility of state institutions, a key cause of political corruption, and a major driver of ecological and cultural devastation. This highway links the Andean highlands with the Amazonian lowlands in southern Peru, offering an outlet for Brazil’s emergent economy. While it finally brought an end to the isolation of Madre de Dios and other parts of southern Peru and the western Amazon, it was made possible by political corruption revealed in the Lava Jato scandal, and it permitted the spread of criminal business activities. But the Interoceanic Highway’s deeper history must be appreciated in order to fully understand why it was built and the impacts it has generated.The Road to the Land of the Mother of God explores more than five hundred years of the history of Peru’s Interoceanic Highway, showing how the purposes, portrayals, and importance of roads change fundamentally over time, and thus how roads bring significantly more impacts and costs than their advocates and critics generally anticipate. By taking a deeper look at infrastructure history, Stephen G. Perz and Jorge Luis Castillo Hurtado portray infrastructure as an integrative optic for understanding changes in local livelihoods, regional development, and social conflicts.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Let's Make Animated Flip Books: Learn to Illustrate and Create Your Own Animated Flip Books Step by Step
Inkshares The Devils Promise
Kitsune Books Esencia Minimalista
Democracia sin atajos una concepción participativa de la democracia deliberativa
Este libro articula una concepción participativa de la democracia deliberativa que aspira a mejorar el control democrático de la ciudadanía y defiende la importancia de la participación ciudadana frente a concepciones que menosprecian su valor. Para ello, ofrece un análisis crítico de concepciones pluralistas, epistémicas y lotocráticas de la democracia. Sus defensores proponen varios atajos institucionales para solventar problemas que aquejan a las sociedades democráticas como, por ejemplo, la necesidad de superar desacuerdos profundos, la ignorancia política de los ciudadanos o la baja calidad de la deliberación pública. Desafortunadamente, todos esos atajos no democráticos requieren que la ciudadanía defiera ciegamente a las decisiones de actores sobre los que no puede ejercer ningún tipo de control (mayorías electorales, expertos políticos o ciudadanos elegidos al azar). Implementar dichas propuestas socavaría, por tanto, la democracia.Además, dichas concepciones asumen ingenua
Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. Poesía erótica
Erótica Hispánica es una colección que aspira a recuperar la vertiente de nuestra cultura históricamente más desatendida, cuando no negada u ocultada. Un extremo cuidado en la pulcritud con que lo textos son presentados y aclarados facilita al lector el entendimiento y disfrute pleno de estos otros clásicos.
Prh Grupo Editorial Goat. Quién Es El Mejor Jordan O Lebron Goat Whos the Best
Sophia Institute Press New Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet KS2 - Plants vs People - Level 2: Mercury/Brown band
From boiling hot deserts to icy plains, plants and humans have adapted to survive in almost every environment on our planet. In this book, you'll find out what plants and people need to survive and how they have adapted to life in extreme conditions. You'll also discover some fascinating facts, such as ... How plants convert the sun's energy to make their own food How nomads in the Gobi Desert can survive temperatures of -40° C How some plants can grow in soil as hot as a cup of tea! Plants v.People is part of the Reading Planet range of books for Stars (Lime) to Supernova (Red+) band. Children aged 7-11 will love reading the exciting collection of fiction and non-fiction written by top authors. Inspire them to keep reading through gripping stories and fascinating information books packed with rich language and stunning artwork. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and questions to support reading at home and develop comprehension skills.Reading age: 7-8 years
EUNSA. Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S.A. Reflexiones sobre el trabajo en el hogar y la vida familiar
La Esfera de los Libros, S.L. La librera del callejn un pintor en busca de su amada un viejo librero republicano y una trama de espionaje en el Madrid de los aos cuarenta
Año 1940. Tras su exilio en París, el pintor Adrián Fadrique decide volver a Madrid con el fin de recuperar su pasado y encontrar a Amelia. En su vida hay un vacío de memoria a causa de un accidente que borró gran parte de sus recuerdos, algo que le empuja a regresar al lugar donde pasó los mejores años de su vida.En la ciudad subsisten restos ocultos de resistencia republicana y un numeroso grupo de agentes extranjeros que tratan de decantar la posición de España en la recién estallada Guerra Mundial. En esta encrucijada, el artista se ve envuelto en una trama que le lleva a colaborar con La Fundación, un movimiento clandestino auspiciado por la inteligencia británica y liderado por Ernesto Lara, en cuya vieja librería abandonada se veían durante la guerra. Es así como va dándose cuenta de quien fue realmente, al tiempo que va hallando pistas sobre el paradero de Amelia.Muchos años más tarde, el profesor Alejandro Piedra consigue comprar un óleo del desconocido Adrián Fadrique e
Aprender Office 3652019 con 100 ejercicios prcticos
Sin duda alguna, Office 365 es la mejor apuesta de Microsoft para la suite de ofimática más célebre y empleada del mundo. Por un lado, tendrá acceso a todas las aplicaciones (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access y Outlook), dispondrá de un espacio de almacenamiento en la nube de 1 TB, estará al día en las últimas novedades de los programas y tendrá acceso automático a cada una de las actualizaciones incluidas en su suscripción. Todo son ventajas! Por otro lado, al completar los 100 ejercicios del libro, será capaz de decidir cuál de las aplicaciones se adecua mejor a sus necesidades, tanto personales como profesionales, y cuál de las modalidades disponibles se adapta mejor a su entorno en la actualidad. Con este libro: Descubrirá las diferencias entre las distintas modalidades de la suite (suscripción, compra y online). Aprenderá a obtener, instalar y configurar Office 365, tanto en su equipo como en otros dispositivos. Trabajará con los elementos de la interfaz de Office comunes en todas l
Ediciones Carena Dos coronas para una dama
En este libro nos acercamos a ese período de la historia del país del Nilo. Vemos a personajes que se mueven por los intereses que siempre acompañan al hombre: la ambición, el sexo, el amor. Todo ello en un entorno que se rige por unas normas que hoy no podemos comprender.
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Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet KS2 - Get Active! - Level 3: Venus/Brown band
Regular exercise is good for your body and your brain … It’s time to get moving!Maybe you love dancing to your favourite song or kicking a football around in the park … Or perhaps you haven’t found an activity you really enjoy – or you’re looking for a new challenge! This book is packed full of ideas to get you moving. So take a look inside – you may discover the perfect activity or sport for YOU! Get Active! is part of the Reading Planet range of books for Stars (Lime) to Supernova (Red+) band. Children aged 7-11 will love reading the exciting collection of fiction and non-fiction written by top authors. Inspire them to keep reading through gripping stories and fascinating information books packed with rich language and stunning artwork. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and questions to support reading at home and develop comprehension skills.Reading age: 8-9 years
UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center Press Paths to Discovery: Autobiographies from Chicanas with Careers in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering
In Paths to Discovery a group of extraordinary Chicanas trace how their interest in math and science at a young age developed into a passion fed by talent and determination. Today they are teaching at major universities, setting public and institutional policy, and pursuing groundbreaking research. These testimonios—personal stories—will encourage young Chicanas to enter the fields of mathematics, science, and engineering and to create futures in classrooms, boardrooms, and laboratories across the nation.
University of Texas Press meXicana Fashions: Politics, Self-Adornment, and Identity Construction
2020 Second Place, Best Nonfiction Multi Author, International Latino Book AwardsCollecting the perspectives of scholars who reflect on their own relationships to particular garments, analyze the politics of dress, and examine the role of consumerism and entrepreneurialism in the production of creating and selling a style, meXicana Fashions examines and searches for meaning in these visible, performative aspects of identity.Focusing primarily on Chicanas but also considering trends connected to other Latin American communities, the authors highlight specific constituencies that are defined by region (“Tejana style,” “L.A. style”), age group (“homie,” “chola”), and social class (marked by haute couture labels such as Carolina Herrera and Oscar de la Renta). The essays acknowledge the complex layers of these styles, which are not mutually exclusive but instead reflect a range of intersections in occupation, origin, personality, sexuality, and fads. Other elements include urban indigenous fashion shows, the shifting quinceañera market, “walking altars” on the Days of the Dead, plus-size clothing, huipiles in the workplace, and dressing in drag. Together, these chapters illuminate the full array of messages woven into a vibrant social fabric.
University of Texas Press meXicana Fashions: Politics, Self-Adornment, and Identity Construction
2020 Second Place, Best Nonfiction Multi Author, International Latino Book AwardsCollecting the perspectives of scholars who reflect on their own relationships to particular garments, analyze the politics of dress, and examine the role of consumerism and entrepreneurialism in the production of creating and selling a style, meXicana Fashions examines and searches for meaning in these visible, performative aspects of identity.Focusing primarily on Chicanas but also considering trends connected to other Latin American communities, the authors highlight specific constituencies that are defined by region (“Tejana style,” “L.A. style”), age group (“homie,” “chola”), and social class (marked by haute couture labels such as Carolina Herrera and Oscar de la Renta). The essays acknowledge the complex layers of these styles, which are not mutually exclusive but instead reflect a range of intersections in occupation, origin, personality, sexuality, and fads. Other elements include urban indigenous fashion shows, the shifting quinceañera market, “walking altars” on the Days of the Dead, plus-size clothing, huipiles in the workplace, and dressing in drag. Together, these chapters illuminate the full array of messages woven into a vibrant social fabric.
Editorial Fundamentos Los empeños del mentir
La compañía José Estruch ha recuperado el texto de un autor un tanto olvidado, como es Antonio Hurtado de Mendoza, que es con toda probabilidad una reelaboración del que escribió este autor con Francisco de Quevedo en 1631.Una trama sencilla que se va complicando poco a poco según avanza la obra y los dos mentirosos van cambiando de papeles para ajustarse a las circunstancias, y un final tópico que, sin embargo, no incurre en el moralismo que se podría esperar de un autor decoroso, tan decoroso como Antonio Hurtado de Mendoza.Pilar Muñoz, La tribunaParece un acierto aquello de adaptar al siglo XXI la problemática barroca de las apariencias como forma de vida, más de moda que nunca en esta sociedad de famoseo monetario indiscriminado. [...] La escena se convierte en una trama de falsas apariencias por parte de todos los implicados. Quien más quien menos se arrima a la personalidad del famoso de turno o directamente la suplanta para medrar socialmente.Jorge Ureña, Lanza
Ediciones Trea, S.L. Soldados sin historia Los prisioneros de guerra en Espaa y Francia a finales del Antiguo Rgimen Estudios Histricos La Olmeda Spanish Edition
Los historiadores de la guerra suelen olvidar el sufrimiento de los hombres. Presentan los acontecimientos con frialdad, como si las tropas fueran peones de marfil en un tablero de tierra. Pero no es así. Dejando a un lado el sufrimiento y el dolor de los heridos o de quienes pierden a sus seres próximos, hay individuos que pasan a vivir en una terrible situación, los prisioneros de guerra: el desconcierto y la desazón por el porvenir se adueñan de ellos, pues su vida no está garantizada o va a desarrollarse en unas condiciones penosas. Estos estados han sido obviados y son escasísimos los estudios de que han sido objeto los prisioneros de guerra durante la Edad Moderna.Esta obra pretende contribuir a llenar un vacío en la historiografía española sobre el asunto, para lo que se ofrece el estudio y edición de la correspondencia de Dionisio Tomás de las Cagigas, un marino español que sufrió el cautiverio de guerra entre 1794 y 1795, en Francia, y en alta mar a manos de Inglaterra, tes
Linkgua Historia de la Guerra de Granada
Linkgua Poemas
Prh Grupo Editorial Nuevas evidencias científicas de la existencia de Dios New Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God
University of Nebraska Press The Destruction of California Indians
California is a contentious arena for the study of the Native American past. Some critics say genocide characterized the early conduct of Indian affairs in the state; others say humanitarian concerns. Robert F. Heizer, in the former camp, has compiled a damning collection of contemporaneous accounts that will provoke students of California history to look deeply into the state's record of race relations and to question bland generalizations about the adventuresome days of the Gold Rush.
University of Nebraska Press John Sutter and a Wider West
This volume begins with John Sutter's own account of his life and the discovery of gold at his sawmill in 1848. Leading historians Howard R. Lamar, Albert L. Hurtado, Iris H. W. Engstrand, Richard W. White, and Patricia Nelson Limerick then demythologize Sutter while giving him a more secure place in western history.
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet KS2 - Incredible India - Level 4: Earth/Grey band
Join sister and brother, Sarita and Amar Joshi, on a whirlwind tour of India. Find out lots of fascinating information about this amazing country, including: Wonderful wildlife - including lions, tigers, elephants and snow leopards Delicious food - from samosas and dosas to spicy curries Colourful clothes - you'll even learn how to put on a sari Popular sports and entertainment - from cricket, to traditional music and Bollywood filmsAfter reading this book, you'll want to transport yourself to this incredible country! Incredible India is part of the Reading Planet range of books for Stars (Lime) to Supernova (Red+) band. Children aged 7-11 will love reading the exciting collection of fiction and non-fiction written by top authors. Inspire them to keep reading through gripping stories and fascinating information books packed with rich language and stunning artwork. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and questions to support reading at home and develop comprehension skills.Reading age: 8-9 years
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet KS2 - Spy Files - Level 5: Mars - Non-Fiction
Have you ever wondered how spies do their job? How they gather information and why people choose such dangerous and secretive work? Discover the answers to these questions and more in this top- secret guide to spies and spying. Learn all about secret codes and invisible ink, ingenious gadgets and the risks that spies face gathering information. Uncover the spies who play the dangerous game of working for both sides and meet with spies from the past who have helped shape history. Spy Files is part of the Reading Planet range of books for Stars (Lime) to Supernova (Red+) band. Children aged 7-11 will be inspired to love reading through the gripping stories and fascinating information books created by top authors. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and questions to support reading at home and develop comprehension skills. Reading age: 8-10 years
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet KS2 - Big, Bad and Seriously Dangerous - Level 2: Mercury/Brown band
Open this book if you dare! In it you will find the biggest and most scary animals alive today ... And some even bigger and even scarier creatures from the past! If you are brave enough, you will meet ... A snake as long as a bus A crocodile that weighed as much as ten tonnes A shark with a smile two metres wide ... Yikes!As well as many more big, bad and seriously dangerous creatures. Prepare to be amazed! Big, Bad and Seriously Dangerous! is part of the Reading Planet range of books for Stars (Lime) to Supernova (Red+) band. Children aged 7-11 will love reading the exciting collection of fiction and non-fiction written by top authors. Inspire them to keep reading through gripping stories and fascinating information books packed with rich language and stunning artwork. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and questions to support reading at home and develop comprehension skills.Reading age: 7-8 years
HarperCollins Publishers Level 3 – A Plane for Zane (Collins Peapod Readers)
Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect start to a child’s journey into learning English. Can Lucy help her robot Zane to fly? Includes: Before and after reading activities Picture dictionary Exam practice for Cambridge Pre A1 Starters Reading guide online
HarperCollins Publishers Level 3 – Animal Cake Day (Collins Peapod Readers)
Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect start to a child’s journey into learning English. Sally and Sammy make animal cakes for school. Includes: Before and after reading activities Picture dictionary Exam practice for Cambridge Pre A1 Starters Reading guide online
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Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig Tacita Dean: One Hundred and Fifty Years of Painting
Ohio University Press Theories of Dependent Foreign Policy and the Case of Ecuador in the 1980s
How do economic weakness and dependence influence foreign policy decisions and behavior in third world countries? Theories in Dependent Foreign Policy examines six foreign policy theories: compliance, consensus, counterdependence, realism, leader preferences and domestic politics, and each is applied to a series of case studies of Ecuador’s foreign policy during the 1980s under two regimes: Osvaldo Hurtado (1981-1984) and his successor León Febres Cordero (1984-1988). Hey shows that Ecuador during this period represented the third world in many ways. It was a new democracy, having just emerged from years of military rule, extremely indebted to the West, and dependent on primary product export economy that relied heavily on importers, especially the United States. Jeanne Hey finds that some of the most popular and enduring theories in western research, such as realism and compliance, poorly account for Ecuadorian foreign policy. She explains that poor countries like Ecuador have substantial foreign policy latitude in the diplomatic area. Drawing on archival research and interviews with policy makers including Presidents Hurtado and Febres Cordero, Dr. Hey convincingly argues that many of the traditional foreign policy theories do not “fit” dependent states, and inadequately account for the complexity of foreign policy in the third world.