Search results for ""author sylvie""
Classiques Garnier La Revue Des Lettres Modernes: La Memoire Et Le Present. Actualite de Julien Gracq
Stackpole Books Creative Basket Weaving: Step-by-Step Instructions for Gathering and Drying, Braiding, Weaving, and Projects
So many interesting basketry designs made from plant leaves and bark that you can find in nature or purchase from suppliers. Projects are divided by the type of plant used: iris leaves, cattail leaves, willow stems, and bark. The author teaches you how to harvest these materials and the basic materials and weaving techniques in the front section. Then there are around 25 projects, ranging from traditional baskets to wall-hangings to a shoulder bag, pencil cup, Christmas decorations, and much more. The projects are modern in style and would look great in any home, while being functional.
Verlag am Sipbach HERR KAINZ UND ICH
Frech Verlag GmbH PSSocken mit dem addiCraSyTrio stricken kreativkompakt Passgenau durch Propellerspitze und Streifenferse
Carl Hanser Verlag Roman damour Roman
Goldmann TB Roman damour
Hardie Grant Books Cassoulet Confessions: Food, France, Family and the Stew That Saved My Soul
Cassoulet Confessions is an enthralling memoir by award-winning food and travel writer Sylvie Bigar that reveals how a simple journalistic assignment sparked a culinary obsession and transcended into a quest for identity. Set in the stunning southern French countryside, this honest and poignant memoir conveys hunger for authentic food and a universal hunger for home. In Cassoulet Confessions, Sylvie travels across the Atlantic from her home in New York to the origin of cassoulet – the Occitanie region of Southern France. There she immerses herself in all things cassoulet: the quintessential historic meat and bean stew. From her first spoonful, she is transported back to her dramatic childhood in Geneva, Switzerland, and finds herself journeying through an unexpected rabbit hole of memories. Not only does she discover the deeper meanings of her ancestral French cuisine, but she is ultimately transformed by having to face her unsettling, complex family history. Sylvie’s simple but poetic prose immerses us in her story: we smell the simmering aromas of French kitchens, empathise with her family dilemmas, and experience her internal struggle to understand and ultimately accept herself.
Frances Lincoln Publishers Ltd Paul Klee Sticker Art Shapes
This book contains six of his most famous paintings and, with over 75 large-sized stickers, it allows both children and adults to experiment themselves, placing the re-usable stickers on different paintings to see how small - and large - changes, completely change a work of art.
Free Association Books Beyond Beige
This book is about the joys and horrors of our old age. It will show you the uncensored reality of my experience and that of women who confided in me. You will find humour, despair, and some gritty bits but absolutely no euphemisms.
Austin Macauley Publishers The Blossoming Lotus: A journey of child abuse, mental illness and recovery
Vintage Publishing I'm Your Man: The Life of Leonard Cohen
WITH A NEW AFTERWORD BY THE AUTHORThe definitive biography of the late Leonard Cohen - singer-songwriter, musician, poet, and novelist.The genius behind such classic songs as Suzanne, So Long, Marianne, Bird on the Wire and Hallelujah, Leonard Cohen has been one of the most important and influential songwriters of our time, a man of spirituality, emotion, and intelligence whose work has explored the definitive issues of human life - sex, religion, power, meaning, love.I'm Your Man explores the facets of Cohen's life. Renowned music journalist Sylvie Simmons draws on Cohen's private archives and a wealth of interviews with many of his closest associates, colleagues, and other artists whose work he has inspired.Containing exclusive material and interviews, this is the biography to buy on Leonard Cohen.
Walker Books Ltd Monti and Leo A Newcomer in Pocketville
A charming graphic novel for early readers with strong themes of friendship and kindness that celebrates difference and new ideas with a light-hearted touch.Pocketville is a small town, set in its ways, and the arrival of a stranger causes a stir. Monti the mole is stunned one morning to find Leo the crocodile hogging his special reading rock. When Monti visits the bakery and the library, he learns that the last cinnamon roll has been purchased, and the book he was waiting for has been checked out. What's a fastidious mole to do? When Monti confronts Leo, the newcomer turns out to be agreeable in the extreme, and friendship is a given. Now to convince the town's cantankerous baker, Ms Sheep, to stop turning everyone against Leo. Together, Monti and Leo hatch a plot that will have Ms Sheep singing Leo's praises in no time. This reassuring tale of friendship against the odds from the creator of the graphic memoir Sylvie draws on the author's experiences as an immigra
Narcea, S.A. de Ediciones La agresividad en niños de 0 a 6 años energía vital o desórdenes de comportamiento
Generalmente los padres se inquietan y se muestran impotentes ante las manifestaciones de agresividad de los niños pequeños. En estas ocasiones, acuden a las maestras y maestros de educación infantil buscando ayuda y asesoramiento.Es importante distinguir la energía vital propia del niño y su sana exteriorización, de ciertos comportamientos poco apropiados o perjudiciales; así como dar pautas al niño para ayudarle a establecer formas constructivas de expresar sus emociones. Este libro permite a los docentes profundizar en el tema de la agresividad y supone una guía para educar al niño en la expresión de sentimientos y en la construcción de relaciones positivas con los otros.Extracto del Índice1. AGRESIVIDAD Y PROBLEMAS DE COMPORTAMIENTO. Distinción entre agresividad normal y desórdenes de comportamiento. Factores de influencia e intervención.2. DESARROLLO DE LA AGRESIVIDAD EN EL NIÑO. Vínculos y crisis (0-1 año). El explorador (1-2 años). Rabietas (2-3 años). Palabrotas (3
Larousse Maxi baby enciclopedia
La Baby Enciclopedia ha crecido, en formato y en número de páginas, para dar entrada a muchas más curiosidades.En este volumen hay muchas informaciones sobre temes tan variados como el cuerpo humano, el Universo, la vida animal o las cuatro estaciones.
J.H.Roll Verlag Dendara: Album Iconographique
Classiques Garnier Koffi Kwahule
Candlewick Press,U.S. Sylvie
Bassermann, Edition Montessori für die Kleinsten von der Geburt bis 3 Jahre. 70 abwechslungsreiche Aktivitäten zum Entdecken und Lernen
Crooked Lane Books The Hawthorne School
John Wiley & Sons Inc Statistical Methods for Dose-Finding Experiments
Dose-finding experiments define the safe dosage of a drug in development, in terms of the quantity given to a patient. Statistical methods play a crucial role in identifying optimal dosage. Used appropriately, these methods provide reliable results and reduce trial duration and costs. In practice, however, dose-finding is often done poorly, with widely used conventional methods frequently being unreliable, leading to inaccurate results. However, there have been many advances in recent years, with new statistical techniques being developed and it is important that these new techniques are utilized correctly. Statistical Methods for Dose-Finding Experiments reviews the main statistical approaches for dose-finding in phase I/II clinical trials and presents practical guidance on their correct use. Includes an introductory section, summarizing the essential concepts in dose-finding. Contains a section on algorithm-based approaches, such as the traditional 3+3 design, and a section on model-based approaches, such as the continual reassessment method. Explains fundamental issues, such as how to stop trials early and how to cope with delayed or ordinal outcomes. Discusses in detail the main websites and software used to implement the methods. Features numerous worked examples making use of real data. Statistical Methods for Dose-Finding Experiments is an important collaboration from the leading experts in the area. Primarily aimed at statisticians and clinicians working in clinical trials and medical research, there is also much to benefit graduate students of biostatistics.
Crooked Lane Books The Hawthorne School: A Novel
Free Association Books Take Charge of Your Diet: A Self-Help Workbook Using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
This is a short, accessible workbook offering a new approach to weight loss based on the principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Rather than proposing a particular diet, the workbook offers practical tools to help slimmers adhere to whatever plan they have chosen. Written in plain language for the general reader it is based on principles widely discussed in academic research on addiction treatment. Informed by the author's professional experience of working with people addicted to alcohol, gambling and drugs, this book adapts the tools of addiction treatment to help people manage their weight loss. Addiction treatment centres often produce manuals for counsellors to work through with their clients in a step by step fashion, and the author follows this format to produce a workbook. The reader is taken through ten easy to follow stages. These are similar to those suggested in addiction recovery, but here they are applied to weight loss: keeping a diary, building motivation, identifying unmet needs, drawing a plan, creating new habits, identifying triggers and risk situations and learning how to deal with cravings and relapse. The last chapter also contains information for family, friends, carers or professionals to support loved ones or clients through the ten stages. Each chapter contains an explanation of the stage, one or more examples to illustrate the task and exercises to be completed by the reader followed by useful tips. The aim is for the reader to use the traditional tools of addiction treatment to become their own weight loss coach. It is designed as a 'companion' to a diet to increase slimmers' motivation and self-confidence, and goes beyond the diet to adapting to life after weight loss.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Vrysaki: A Neighborhood Lost in Search of the Athenian Agora
Between 1931 and 1939, central Athens was transformed by the expropriation and demolition of the Vrysaki neighborhood at the foot of the Acropolis. In these few years, more than 5,000 inhabitants were displaced and 348 properties were torn down so that the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) could excavate the ancient Agora; the scale of the project and the degree to which it was documented make this a unique episode in the history of Greek archaeology. Using materials from the ASCSA Archives and a large collection of photographs from the 1930s, this volume details the history of the negotiations, the expropriations, and, most importantly, the Vrysaki neighborhood itself. Illustrating its streets, shops, houses, names, and faces, the author provides a vivid recreation of the community that was Vrysaki.
Encre Marine Les Plumes Du Quetzal
Astra Publishing House Eugene And the Sounds Of the City
A bear who loves to dance finds music and delight in all the sounds of the city, and discovers that silence shared with others can be a music all its own. Eugene loves to dance. He loves it so much he'll dance to any noise in the city, whether it be a car horn or a jackhammer. He wishes he could get everyone else to dance along with him, but no one else seems to care. When an evening snow begins to fall, Eugene discovers the magic ingredient that will put everyone in a mood to frolic. Here's a gleeful celebration of the rhythms of daily life, and a lesson in how to find the music that's all around you.
Wallflower Press East–West Encounters
Wallflower Press East–West Encounters
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd La traque informationnelle
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Informational Tracking
“What is colour?”, “What is the precise meaning of the statement ‘the stock exchange closes at a 5% drop this evening’?”, “How are TV viewers defined?”, or “How can images produce meaning?” Such everyday questions are examined in this book. To make our analysis intuitive and understandable, numerous concrete examples illustrate our theoretical framework and concepts. The examples include gaming, fictional skits in leisure entertainment, and enigmas. The golden thread running through the text revisits the informational process and places the datum as its pivot. The epistemological perspective of our novel approach is that of “radical relativity”. This is based on the precept that a perceptual trace carries with it the spectrum of the process that has engendered it. Given this, the informational tracking endeavour tracks the meaning-making process, notably through interpretive scaffoldings that leads to plausible realities.
Peeters Publishers Dendara XV. Traduction: Le Pronaos Du Temple D'Hathor: Plafond Et Parois Exterieures
Dans la collection des OLA, la traduction des textes de Dendara se poursuit regulierement depuis 1997 (Dendara I, II, III, IV, V, VI, XIII, XIV, XV, Temple d'Isis); deux volumes de commentaires y ont ete egalement publies: Fetes d'Hathor et Temple d'Isis).Avec la traduction des textes du pronaos du temple d'Hathor (Dendara XIII, XIV, XV), l'auteur a prefere rompre avec l'ordre "normal" pour faire connaitre au plus vite la teneur de textes remarquables inconnus du monde scientifique (publies sur internet - Les trois ouvrages sont pourvus de nombreuses photos inedites. Le commentaire des textes de Dendara XIII-XIV-XV et l'analyse de la decoration du pronaos seront publies en 2013, egalement dans les OLA.
Peeters Publishers Dendara V-VI. Les Cryptes Du Temple D'Hathor. Vol. I: Traduction
La traduction complete du temple d'Hathor a Dendara a ete entreprise en 1997; elle forme actuellement les numeros 81, 88, 95 et 101 de la collection Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta.Les onze cryptes du temple d'Hathor, publiees par Emile Chassinat et Francois Daumas en deux volumes ("Dendara" V et VI), ont ete reparties selon leur situation "verticale" dans le temple: est, sud et ouest; cependant, la lecture des cryptes est semblable a celle des registres, c'est-a-dire qu'il faut considerer "horizontalement" le sous-sol puis le rez-de-chaussee et enfin l'etage. Tant l'interpretation que l'etude du vocabulaire gagnent beaucoup a regrouper les cryptes de meme niveau.L'analyse de la decoration precede la traduction fournie en regard de la transcription.
Peeters Publishers Dendara IV. Traduction
Dendara IV. Traduction est le quatrieme volume de la collection Dendara. Les volumes de textes hieroglyphiques publies depuis plus de soixante ans par l'IFAO (Caire) sont presentes en traduction de la maniere suivante: - Breve introduction qui presente les grands themes de la decoration, prelude a une etude d'ensemble. - Traduction donnee en regard de la transcription. - Corrigenda des textes hieroglyphiques. - Index phraseologique (releve de tous les mots avec leur contexte et l'indication du dieu ou de l'offrande) - Planches au trait reproduites d'apres la publication d'E. Chassinat dont les premiers volumes sont epuises. - Couverture photographique assez largement completee par des cliches de la totalite des chapelles. Ancien pensionnaire de l'IFAO, docteur d'Etat des lettres, directeur de recherche au CNRS, Sylvie Cauville est specialiste des temples de la derniere periode de l'Egypte, dont Edfou et particulierement Dendara.
Classiques Garnier Femmes d'a Cote: Filles, Soeurs, Epouses d'Hommes Celebres
Capstone Press Get Involved in an Art Club
Rowman & Littlefield The Art of Decorative Matting
Learn how to construct the beautiful decorated mats called French mats, or 'line and wash' mats, in this detailed step-by-step manual by a French expert. Included are instructions for 37 different mats, including antique, classical, and unusual 'fantasy' designs, for professional-quality picture framing. The unique layout of the book offers a quick and practical way to choose from the different examples. Each mat pattern is reproduced in full color and at actual size along the edge of the page: just place the book on your artwork and flip the pages to find the perfect mat. Every mat design comes with a template and complete information about measurements, the placement of lines, color washes, and gilded bands, as well as the construction of invisible spacers and elegant beveled mats, to give depth and a professional finish to the ensemble. No calculations are necessary: you have only the pleasure of cutting and decorating the mats. Whether the artwork you want to frame is antique or contemporary, you will find among the styles here just the one that is right for it, and for the interior in which it will be displayed. (9 X 12, 100 pages, color photos, diagrams)
Ökobuch Verlag GmbH Korbflechten mit Altpapier einfach schn und haltbar
Aquamarin- Verlag GmbH Willkommen auf der Erde Eine Seele begrüßen verstehen und begleiten
Aladin Verlag Sie kommen
Christophorus Verlag CraSy Oberteile Kleider aus Jersey 1 Schnitt 1000 Styles selbstgenht
Christophorus Verlag Socken stricken Passgenau mit Streifenferse
Kerber Verlag Sylvie Leblanc H2Oscapes
H2O-scapes by Sylvie Leblanc (b. 1959) are photographic studies of the sky and the water, created between 2009 and 2023 in La Malbaie, Canada. All 57 photographs were taken from the same location and depict the various physical states of the water in and above the Saint Lawrence River. Sometimes the landscape is entirely shrouded in fog without any visible horizon line; sometimes the outlines of islands are visible. Dramatic cloud formations, drifting ice floes or soft waves: Leblanc''s landscape remains the same and yet is presented in a multitude of different ways. Her photographs transform the dynamic play of the water molecules into a moment of stillness and a space for dreams and contemplation.Text in English and German.
Carl Hanser Verlag Stiller Tausch