Search results for ""author sylvie""
Verso Books Revolutionary Yiddishland: A History of Jewish Radicalism
Jewish radicals manned the barricades on the avenues of Petrograd and the alleys of the Warsaw ghetto; they were in the vanguard of those resisting Franco and the Nazis. They originated in Yiddishland, a vast expanse of Eastern Europe that, before the Holocaust, ran from the Baltic Sea to the western edge of Russia and incorporated hundreds of Jewish communities with a combined population of some 11 million people. Within this territory, revolutionaries arose from the Jewish misery of Eastern and Central Europe; they were raised in the fear of God and taught to respect religious tradition, but were caught up in the great current of revolutionary utopian thinking. Socialists, Communists, Bundists, Zionists, Trotskyists, manual workers and intellectuals, they embodied the multifarious activity and radicalism of a Jewish working class that glimpsed the Messiah in the folds of the red flag.Today, the world from which they came has disappeared, dismantled and destroyed by the Nazi genocide. After this irremediable break, there remain only survivors, and the work of memory for red Yiddishland. This book traces the struggles of these militants, their singular trajectories, their oscillation between great hope and doubt, their lost illusions-a red and Jewish gaze on the history of the twentieth century.
Classiques Garnier Vers Une Histoire Litteraire Transatlantique
Alex and Marie Manoogian Museum A Legacy of Armenian Treasures: Testimony to a People–The Alex and Marie Manoogian Museum
The Alex and Marie Manoogian Museum in Michigan holds the largest and most representative gathering of Armenian art and artifacts outside Armenia, including illuminated manuscripts, early printed books, rugs and carpets, sacred vessels and vestments, textiles and embroidery, ceramics, metalwork, paintings, coins, and objects from the ancient kingdom of Urartu. A Legacy of Armenian Treasures features more than 160 of the museum's most vital and beautiful pieces, each reproduced in full color and accompanied by a detailed entry. Essays by nine scholars of Armenian art and artifacts shed light not only on the artistic significance of these objects but on their cultural context as well.
Manchester University Press Bellies, Bowels and Entrails in the Eighteenth Century
This collection of essays seeks to challenge the notion of the supremacy of the brain as the key organ of the Enlightenment, by focusing on the workings of the bowels and viscera that so obsessed writers and thinkers during the long eighteenth-century. These inner organs and the digestive process acted as counterpoints to politeness and other modes of refined sociability, drawing attention to the deeper workings of the self. Moving beyond recent studies of luxury and conspicuous consumption, where dysfunctional bowels have been represented as a symptom of excess, this book seeks to explore other manifestations of the visceral and to explain how the bowels played a crucial part in eighteenth-century emotions and perceptions of the self. The collection offers an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspective on entrails and digestion by addressing urban history, visual studies, literature, medical history, religious history, and material culture in England, France, and Germany.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Charles Koechlin: Compositeur Et Humaniste
Little, Brown & Company Daniel: My French Cuisine
Snoeck Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Sylvie Fleury: Exhibition History 1991-2023: Cat. Kunst Museum Winterthur
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Geometric And Topological Methods For Quantum Field Theory - Proceedings Of The Summer School
This volume offers an introduction to recent developments in several active topics of research at the interface between geometry, topology and quantum field theory. These include Hopf algebras underlying renormalization schemes in quantum field theory, noncommutative geometry with applications to index theory on one hand and the study of aperiodic solids on the other, geometry and topology of low dimensional manifolds with applications to topological field theory, Chern-Simons supergravity and the anti de Sitter/conformal field theory correspondence. It comprises seven lectures organized around three main topics, noncommutative geometry, topological field theory, followed by supergravity and string theory, complemented by some short communications by young participants of the school.
Les Fugitives Selfies
Taking selfies is not the exclusive preserve of millennials. In Selfies, the niece of French philosopher Simone Weil, also daughter of one of the most brilliant mathematicians of the 20th c., gives a playful twist to the concept of self-representation: taking her cue from self-portraits by women artists, ranging from the 13th c. through the Renaissance to Frida Kahlo and Vivian Maier, Weil has written a memoir in pieces, that is yet unified. Each picture acts as a portal to a significant moment from Weil's own life (as schoolgirl, writer, daughter and mother) and sparks anecdotes tangentially touching on topical issues (from the Palestinian question to the pain of a mother witnessing her son's psychotic breakdown, to the subtle manifestations of anti-Semitism, to ageism, genetics, and a Jewish dog...). Switching from poignant to light-hearted, with Weil's trademark irony and self-deprecating humour, Selfies is a sophisticated, `delightful read', with heartwrenching tendencies. (Front cover photograph: VIVIAN MAIER, Self-portrait, New York, NY, 1955 copyright Estate of Vivian Maier, Courtesy Maloof Collection and Howard Greenberg Gallery, New York. End page photograph of the author by Marc Riboud, courtesy of Catherine Riboud, Paris.)
University of Illinois Press Diary of a Philosophy Student: Volume 2, 1928-29
Simone de Beauvoir, still a teen, began a diary while a philosophy student at the Sorbonne. Written in 1926-27—before Beauvoir met Jean-Paul Sartre—the diaries reveal previously unknown details about her life and times and offer critical insights into her early intellectual interests, philosophy, and literary works. Presented for the first time in translation, this fully annotated first volume of the Diary includes essays from Barbara Klaw and Margaret A. Simons that address its philosophical, historical, and literary significance. It remains an invaluable resource for tracing the development of Beauvoir’s independent thinking and her influence on philosophy, feminism, and the world.
University of Illinois Press Diary of a Philosophy Student: Volume 2, 1928-29
Simone de Beauvoir, still a teen, began a diary while a philosophy student at the Sorbonne. Written in 1926-27—before Beauvoir met Jean-Paul Sartre—the diaries reveal previously unknown details about her life and times and offer critical insights into her early intellectual interests, philosophy, and literary works. Presented for the first time in translation, this fully annotated first volume of the Diary includes essays from Barbara Klaw and Margaret A. Simons that address its philosophical, historical, and literary significance. It remains an invaluable resource for tracing the development of Beauvoir’s independent thinking and her influence on philosophy, feminism, and the world.
Classiques Garnier Drames Et Pieces Historiques: Tome V - Theodora, Cleopatre, Gismonda
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Sustainability and Firms: Technological Change and the Changing Regulatory Environment
This important book addresses the prospects for reconciling economic competitiveness with sustainable development. It shows that we cannot simply assume that changes in public attitudes, business policies and government regulation will guarantee the conditions for long-term ecological, social and economic sustainability.On the basis of new original case studies, the authors consider corporate environmental strategies, technological change and sustainable development as a social partnership between firms, citizens and government. They suggest that competitiveness must be considered as a dynamic process requiring proactive and reactive adjustments by business and government institutions all working towards sustainability.Sustainbility and Firms combines intellectual rigour with accessibility to communicate fundamental ideas to help policy decision-makers, enterprise managers, environmental scientists and economists grapple effectively with the problems of competitiveness, technological change, strategies of firms, governance and sustainable development.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc From UXD to LivXD: Living eXperience Design
Living eXperience Design – the design of life experiences – is an extension of user experience design (UXD). The context comprises usage and practice in real contexts in which spatial, urban, social, temporal, historical and legal dimensions are considered. Reflecting upon LivXD is to examine the whole experience of a target audience in a variety of situations – and not only in those involving digital technology. This book begins with the definition of LivXD and its associated epistemology, and proceeds to detail field experiments in certain privileged areas: the relation to creation and works, mediation and adult education.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Sémiotique du mouvement: Du geste à la parole
Le geste ne peut être considéré en lui-même et pour lui-même qu’en se plaçant dans une perspective restrictive. En effet, le mouvement volontaire s’inscrit dans une action, et dans tous les cas, il est tributaire d’un contexte. Le mouvement est bien ce qui permet d’accéder au monde : ne dit-on pas de certains malades, pourtant conscients, qu’ils « sont murés en eux-mêmes », signifiant ainsi que le rôle de passeur de sens du mouvement est à jamais perdu ? L’une des difficultés majeures dans les tentatives d’harmonisation entre domaines provient du fait qu’il est délicat de faire coïncider les données provenant des champs neurophysiologique et biologique avec celles issues de modèles linguistiques. C’est pourquoi nous avons demandé à des chercheurs appartenant à diverses disciplines (philosophie, psychologie expérimentale, sociologie, linguistique et phonétique) d’illustrer la notion de « sémiotique du mouvement ». Un premier volet s’attache à préciser les enjeux théoriques du mouvement, de sa conception à sa représentation et à sa réalisation, d’une manière générale et dans ses rapports à la vision et à la parole. La deuxième et la troisième section apportent des éclairages plus spécifiques en focalisant le propos sur les aspects linguistiques.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers New Paradigms for Treating Relationships
New Paradigms for Treating Relationships is a contemporary international perspective on the psychoanalytic theory and practice of couple and family therapy. It summarizes theory, sets it in context, and illustrates the concepts with clinical illustrations. This clearly written and engaging book is essential for practicing couple and family therapists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts, teachers of psychotherapy, as well as for students of psychoanalysis and philosophy.
Brandeis University Press Transmitting Jewish History – Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi in Conversation with Sylvie Anne Goldberg
The deeply personal reflections of a giant of Jewish history. Scholar Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi (1932–2009) possessed a stunning range of erudition in all eras of Jewish history, as well as in world history, classical literature, and European culture. What Yerushalmi also brought to his craft was a brilliant literary style, honed by his own voracious reading from early youth and his formative undergraduate studies. This series of interviews paints a revealing portrait of this giant of history, bringing together exceptional material on Yerushalmi’s personal and intellectual journeys that not only attests to the astonishing breakthrough of the issues of Jewish history into “general history,” but also offers profound insight into being Jewish in today's world.
Vintage Publishing The Inseparables: The newly discovered novel from Simone de Beauvoir
When Andrée joins her school, Sylvie is immediately fascinated. Andrée is small for her age but walks with the confidence of an adult.The girls become close. They talk for hours about equality, justice, war and religion; they lose respect for their teachers; they build a world of their own. But as the girls grow into young women, the pressures of society mount, threatening everything.This novel was never published in Simone de Beauvoir's lifetime. It tells the story of the real-life friendship that shaped one of the most important thinkers and feminists of the twentieth century.'Slim, elegant, achingly tragic and unaffectedly lovely in its evocation of the closeness between girls - and the pressures that sunder them' SpectatorTRANSLATED BY LAUREN ELKIN - INTRODUCED BY DEBORAH LEVY
Springer International Publishing AG Practical Pharmaceutics: An International Guideline for the Preparation, Care and Use of Medicinal Products
Practical Pharmaceutics contains essential knowledge on the preparation, quality control, logistics, dispensing and use of medicines. It features chapters written by experienced pharmacists and scientists working in hospitals, academia and industry throughout Europe, including practical examples as well as information on current GMP and GMP-based guidelines and EU-legislation. In this second edition all chapters have been updated with numerous new as well as didactically revised illustrations and tables. A completely new chapter about therapeutic proteins and Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products was added. From prescription to production, from usage instructions to procurement and the impact of medicines on the environment, the book provides step-by-step coverage that will help a wide range of readers, students as well as professionals. It offers product knowledge for all pharmacists working directly with patients and it will enable them to make the required medicine available, to store medicines properly, to adapt medicines if necessary and to dispense medicines with the appropriate information for patients as well as caregivers about product care and how to maintain the quality of the product. The basic knowledge presented in the book will also be valuable for industrial pharmacists to remind and focus them on the application of the medicines manufactured. The basic and practical knowledge on the design, preparation and quality management of medicines can directly be applied by the pharmacists whose main duty is production in community and hospital pharmacies and in industry. Undergraduate as well as graduate pharmacy students will find knowledge presented in a coherent way and fully supported with relevant examples. Practical Pharmaceutics has become a reliable and recognised source for the acquisition of pharmaceutical-technological knowledge. The book is used in the curriculum of a number of international universities and schools of Pharmacy.
Editions Flammarion French Pastries and Desserts by Lenôtre: More than 200 Classic Recipes
University of Texas Press Color: American Photography Transformed
Capturing the world in color was one of photography’s greatest aspirations from the very beginnings of the medium. When color photography became a reality with the introduction of the Autochrome in 1907, prominent photographers such as Alfred Stieglitz were overjoyed. But they quickly came to reject color photography as too aligned with human sight. It took decades for artists to come to understand the creative potential of color, and only in 1976, when John Szarkowski showed William Eggleston’s photographs at the Museum of Modern Art, did the art world embrace color. By accepting color’s flexibility and emotional transcendence, Szarkowski and Eggleston transformed photography, giving the medium equal artistic stature with painting, but also initiating its demise as an independent art.The catalogue of a major exhibition at the Amon Carter Museum of American Art, which holds one of the premier collections of American photography, Color tells, for the first time, the fascinating story of color’s integration into American fine art photography and how its acceptance revolutionized the practice of art. Tracing the development of color photography from the first color photograph in 1851 to digital photography, John Rohrbach describes photographers’ initial rejection of color, their decades-long debates over what color brings to photography, and how their gradual acceptance of color released photography from its status as a second-tier art form. He shows how this absorption of color instigated wide acceptance of a fundamentally new definition of photography, one that blends photography’s documentary foundations with the creative flexibility of painting. Sylvie Pénichon offers a succinct survey of the technological advances that made color in photography a reality and have since marked its multifaceted development. These texts, illuminated by seventy-five full-page plates and more than eighty illustrations, make this book a groundbreaking contribution to photographic studies.
Vintage Publishing The Inseparables: Vintage Classics French Series
When Andrée joins her school, Sylvie is immediately fascinated. Andrée is small for her age but walks with the confidence of an adult.The girls become close. They talk for hours about equality, justice, war and religion; they lose respect for their teachers; they build a world of their own. But as the girls grow into young women, the pressures of society mount, threatening everything.This novel was never published in Simone de Beauvoir's lifetime. It tells the story of the real-life friendship that shaped one of the most important thinkers and feminists of the twentieth century.'Slim, elegant, achingly tragic and unaffectedly lovely in its evocation of the closeness between girls - and the pressures that sunder them' SpectatorVINTAGE FRENCH CLASSICS - five masterpieces of French fiction in gorgeous new gift editions.TRANSLATED BY LAUREN ELKIN - INTRODUCED BY DEBORAH LEVY