Search results for ""Turner Publicaciones, S.L.""
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Sigfredo Chacón - Crossings
Chacón's work can be read as a pictorially narrated story of the problems of modern and contemporary painting. Throughout his career, genres and aesthetics are transgressed in his artistic production, "pure" painting is invaded by conceptual art or becomes an installation, and the most radical geometry shares the stage with abstract expressionism. This book is the most complete editorial work dedicated to the artist, one of the main protagonists of contemporary Venezuelan and Latin American art. It contains critical texts by authors of international and national prestige, such as Jesús Fuenmayor, Dan Cameron, Nadja Rottner and Félix Suazo; it also includes a complete interview with the artist by graphic designer and curator Álvaro Sotillo and a detailed chronology by Israel Ortega and Leonor Solá. Illustrated with numerous reproductions of his works and a selection of previously unpublished historical photographs, it is destined to become an essential bibliographical reference.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. If I Lose Memory: Twenty Contemporary Cuban Artists
In this volume Corina Matamoros brings together some of the most outstanding creators of the Cuban contemporary artistic scene, with essays that reveal a sharp curatorial perspective. Emerging, for the most part, from shows organised at the National Museum of Fine Arts (Havana), these texts examine the personal poetics of the authors, while revealing the intense consonance that has existed between their brilliant artistic productions and the sustained and faithful welcome they have received in the collections of the National Museum, to which the author has dedicated her professional life. Creators such as José Toirac, Los Carpinteros, Lázaro Saavedra, Carlos Garaicoa, Abel Barroso, Aimée García, Sandra Ramos, Kcho, Eduardo Ponjuán, José Manuel Fors, and Gustavo Pérez Monzón, among others, are treated, according to the prologue by Dr. Juan Martínez, with vibrant prose, intelligence, and haiku economy. If I Lose Memory is an excellent addition to the corpus of literature on Cuban contemporary art. Text in English and Spanish. Contents: Prologue; JOSÉ MANUEL FORS | A Pike in Flanders; CARLOS GARCÍA | A History of Abstractions; SANTIAGO RODRÍGUEZ OLAZÁBAL | Between Heaven and Earth; JOSÉ TOIRAC | Coming Back; ALFREDO RAMOS | Vestiges; LOS CARPINTEROS | Inventing the World; CARLOS GARAICOA | The Architecture of the Amends; TANIA BRUGUERA | The Transposed Heads; ABEL BARROSO | Against the Borders; KCHO | The Drunken Boat; SANDRA RAMOS | Nautilus; EDUARDO PONJUÁN | Kiss Me again; ERNESTO RANCAÑO | Critical Biography Sketch; ROCÍO GARCÍA | If I Lose Memory; AIMÉE GARCÍA | A Cautious Deception of Meanings; RENÉ FRANCISCO RODRÍGUEZ | He Shaves His Body Self-Confidently; GLENDA LEÓN | Vital Signs; GLEXIS NOVOA | The Landscape and the Window; LÁZARO SAAVEDRA | The Lines Are Congested; GUSTAVO PÉREZ MONZÓN | Man, the Chosen Number; Artists Biographies.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Arnaldo Coen
Arnaldo Coen (1940) is one of the most prominent Mexican artists. As a result of his restless, transgressive and irreverent creativity, his work has never ceased to be fresh. He has made important individual exhibits in the Museum of Modern Art and in the National Hall of the Palace of Fine Arts. His work has been exhibited in Asia, Europe, Africa, and Latin America, featuring in important collections and exhibitions in different cultural venues such as the Museum of Modern Art, Tlatelolco Cultural Center, Museum of Contemporary Art, Isidro Fabela Cultural Center, Museum of Mexican Art in Chicago and the Bank of Mexico, to name a few. This award winning artist has also been the focus of several recognised art critics such as Octavio Paz, Raquel Tibol, Carlos Monsivais, Juan Garcia Ponce, Salvador Elizondo, Teresa del Conde, Sigrunn Paas, Josephine Siller. Arnaldo Coen is the first monograph covering the artist's pictorial and sculptural works from the 1960s to date, with some 300 images complementing this contemporary, provocative and irreverent compendium of Coen's legacy.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Iconocracia
Iconocracia uses photography to bring together approximately thirty creators of Cuban art from several generations who, despite their wide-ranging differences in biography, aesthetics and even politics, coincide in challenging what has been assimilated as Cuban photography and disseminated as such. The book is a collection of work by a series of artists who have managed to take in and process iconography with the steadfast goal of building, more than just an image, but a different imagery altogether from their individual positions and particular viewpoints. However, it also explores the very limits of photography as an act: the text by Ivan de la Nuez seeks to find a location other than the photographer's stance, radically stirring up what is usually considered to be a photographic object.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Lucien Herve: White Spain and Black Spain
Lucien Hervé (1910-2007) was one of the great architectural photographers of the 20th century. His methodological and conceptual patterns were reflected in his work, which includes a long collaboration with Le Corbusier. In 1958 he launched the project for a photobook on the monastery of El Escorial commissioned by the RM publishing house in Barcelona, and a year later, during a trip around Spain, a second commission on popular Mediterranean architecture arose. Although they remained unpublished, both works were the object of constant revision by the photographer throughout his life. Sixty years later, both photobooks are published, preceded by specialised texts by architects Javier Mosteiro and Marco Iuliano. The publication is completed by a volume in which Iñaki Bergera and art historian Horacio Fernández offer us an overview of the artist's life and investigate the relationship between these two projects. Text in English and Spanish. Contents: Volume 1: Prefacio / Preface - Judith Hervé; Hervé en España. Blancos y negros, luces y sombras / Hervé in Spain. Whites and Blacks, Lights and Shadows; - Iñaki Bergera; Rigor y tijeras / Rigueur and Scissors - Horacio Fernández. Volume 2: Mediterránea / Mediterranean - Marco Iuliano; Arquitectura popular española / Spanish Popular Architecture - Lucien Hervé. Volume 3: El Escorial, a la luz -y contraluz- de Lucien Hervé: imágenes y reflexiones / El Escorial in the Light - and the Backlight - of Lucien Hervé: Images and Reflections - Javier Mosteiro; El Escorial - Lucien Hervé. Published to accompany an exhibitions at PhotoEspaña, Galería José de la Mano, Madrid, from 5 June to 31 July 2019.
Turner Publicaciones S.L. POLITICA INDIANA 3
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Philosophía vulgar
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Quevedo F Poesía II
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Cancionero
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Libro de cuentas. Escritos varios
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Comedias X
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Comedias V
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Comedias III
Turner Publicaciones S.L. En guerra con los berberiscos una historia de los conflictos en la costa mediterrnea
Desde el siglo XVI, la cruz y la media luna se han disputado el control del mar que las separa. Dos grandes imperios buscaban la forma de expandirse dominando una zona estratégica, el norte de África. Los ecos de estas luchas todavía perduran en las is
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Subjects
The Subjects are solo exhibition projects in which Spanish artists Cabello/Carceller, Francesc Ruiz and Pepo Salazar have a similar starting point: Salvador Dalí. The Subjects also questions the gaze of the artist figure within literature, gender thinking and the exhibition event. Cabello/Carceller presents a situation in which several characters dismantle its layers and show the uncertainty as an attitude. Pepo Salazar questions what a work art is and what is out of the work. Francesc Ruiz recovers lost characters from popular culture. Includes interviews with Montserrat Aguer (Director of the Center for Dalí Studies from the Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation), Manuel Borja-Villel (director of Centro Reina Sofía National Museum of Art), Vicente Todolí (director at Tate Modern when it presented the exhibition Dalí & Film) and Paul B. Preciado (philosopher and queer activist, Program Director of the MACBA Independent Studies).
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Política
Con tiempo, y también con suerte, puede que logremos salir adelante sin que nos pase nada terrible. Se imponen dos preguntas: tendremos suerte? Y, nos queda tiempo?Cuál es la diferencia entre vivir hoy en Dinamarca o en Siria? Efectivamente, la política. El primero es un país con un sistema democrático en el mejor sentido, el de la adaptabilidad. El otro es un Estado fallido. La diferencia es el bienestar o la guerra, la vida o la muerte. Lo dice Runciman y lo demuestra su libro: la política importa. Más que nunca, importa y dirige nuestras vidas, economías y culturas. Por si no se habían enterado: Politics is the new hype.Puede la impresora 3D cambiar la escala de los partidos políticos? Puede Google sustituir al Estado? Acaso nuestros tecnócratas son capaces de olfatear siquiera hacia dónde sopla el viento de la historia? Sin la irritante monserga de la corrección política, Runciman plantea estas y mejores preguntas mientras da cuenta de los auténticos mecanismos de la política
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Defying Stability - Artistic Processes in Mexico Between 1952-1967: Procesos Artaisticos En Maexico 1952-1967
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Historia mínima de la mitología
Carlos García Gual (Palma de Mallorca, 1943), escritor,crítico y traductor, es catedrático de Filología griega en launiversidad Complutense de Madrid. Ha escrito libros yartículos sobre literatura clásica y medieval, filosofía griegay mitología, entre los que destacan Epicuro (1981), La sectadel perro (1987), Audacias femeninas (1991), Introducción ala mitología griega (1992), La antigüedad novelada (1995),Apología de la novela histórica (2002), Diccionario demitos (2003), Historia, novela y tragedia (2006), Historiadel rey Arturo (2007), Las primeras novelas (2008),Prometeo, mito y literatura (2009), Encuentros heroicos(2009), Enigmático Edipo (2012) y Sirenas. Seducciones ymetamorfosis (2014). Como crítico literario colabora con ElPaís, Revista de Occidente y Claves de razón práctica, y es,además, director de la colección Biblioteca Clásica Gredos. Hatraducido numerosos textos clásicos y medievales, recibiendoen dos ocas
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Fritzia Irizar
The artist Fritzia Irízar questions the value of money and its purchasing power through objects taken out of their common environment which take on symbolic qualities. Irízar removes their monetary value and transforms the perception that viewers have of them. Text in English and Spanish.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Espejo y reino / Ornamento y Estado: Álvaro Perdices
This book brings together a wide series of photographs that travel through unknown times and places in the Salón de Reinos, the former Army Museum in Madrid. The images of Álvaro Perdices constitute an archive and visual device that reveals the corners, the absences, the shields without weapons, the empty showcases, the reflection of the intruders or the feasts that have gathered in the remains of the old palace of Felipe IV. The approaches of this art and archive project delve into the ruptures and changes of this state building and its symbols over time. Texts by Juan Herreros, María Virginia Jaua, María Dolores Jiménez-Blanco, Manolo Laguillo, Álvaro Perdices and Manuel Segade. In co-edition with the CA2M, Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Madrid. Text in English and Spanish.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Armando Romero
Armando Romero's paintings often juxtapose his re-painting of historical works by Old Masters like Velazquez, Bosch, and Veronese with images from popular culture; consequently, the adjective most commonly used to describe his work is 'irreverent.' This practice is typified in series like Las Nuevas Tentaciones De San Antonio (2000) in which he re-paints and re-presents Bosch's triptych The Temptations of St. Anthony (1501) but in addition to the fantastic imagery typical of Bosch already in the original, Romero adds Tweety, Pokemon, various Looney Tunes and Disney characters - Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Bugs Bunny, Woody Woodpecker, and Goofy - superheroes including Superman, Spiderman, and the Fantastic Four, the Jetsons, Topcat, Penelope Pitstop, the Flintstones, Smurfs, the gang from Scooby-Doo and Jerry from Tom and Jerry. At first glance, irreverent certainly seems like an appropriate description of such work but further consideration of his historical source here - particularly because Romero frequently returns to Bosch - suggests that we consider not only quite how irreverent describe the work of an artist as irreverent in the 21st century.
Turner Publicaciones S.L. México y la guerra civil española
A partir de fuentes diplomáticas y periodísticas de la época, en gran parte inéditas, México y la Guerra Civil española examina un episodio prácticamente desconocido de la historia del siglo XX, como son las relaciones entre México y la Segunda República española y analiza las razones de la decisión del gobierno de Lázaro Cárdenas de proporcionar apoyo militar, diplomático y moral a la República durante la Guerra Civil . México envió armas y municiones a España cuando otras naciones se negaron a hacerlo frenadas por el pacto de No-Intervención. Además, diplomáticos mexicanos organizaron una red secreta para comprar armas en terceros países y desde allí enviarlas a España.
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Obras completas
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Poesías I
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Narraciones
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Traducción y glosas de la Eneida Libros IIII
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Comedias XI
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Obra completa
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Prólogo galeato. Dos meditaciones para antes y después de la comunión. Primera guía de pecadores. Segunda guía de pecadores
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Deleitar aprovechando
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Black Lives Matter: Visualizing 2020
George Floyd's death at the hands of a police officer on 25 May 2020 marked a turning point in the Black Lives Matter movement. Emerging in 2013, this black community rights movement gained national and international recognition and support to the point of leading demonstrations at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. During those weeks, the visual artist and social activist Jonathan Moller walked the streets of Denver, Boston, Washington and New York following the trail of protests and took hundreds of photographs of the posters, graffiti, banners and murals left behind. The selected photographs and accompanying texts attest to their depth, ensure the permanence of their messages and invite the reader to reflect on their personal contribution to systemic racism that has existed for centuries around the world.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Roberto Obregón: Accumulate, Classify, Preserve, Display: Archive of the Collection Carolina and Fernando Eseverri
This book was produced on the occasion of the first solo exhibition of Obregón's work in a North American public institution and includes essays by the curators Jesús Fuenmayor and Kaira M. Cabañas, in which the work is approached from the artist's own methodology and from its relevance in the current cultural context. In addition, it contains an extensive section in which all the works presented are exhaustively recorded in accordance with the curatorial structure, derived from years of work in the classification of the Archivo Obregón by Israel Ortega and Leonor Solá, and thanks to which it has been possible to open this window to investigate the intimacy and the interstices of Obregón's work. Since 2011, the Obregón Archive has formed part of the Carolina and Fernando Eseverri Collection.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Jazzamoart: The Painter's Solitude
A monograph on the visual artist known as Jazzamoart, who has a rhythmic expressionist language, closely related to music, all his own whilst remaining aligned with the 1950s Mexican painting generation. He has worked on several books featuring his illustrations, and CDs and LPs based on his work as a drummer. His visual improvisations and scenes have led him to accompany leading exponents of Mexican and American Jazz on stage. Having accrued dozens of national and international awards for his works, Jazzamoart is considered a prolific and versatile artist who has presented work into around 500 exhibitions in Mexico, the USA, Canada, Latin America, Europe, South Korea and Japan. He is also a member of the National system of Art Creators. Text in English and Spanish. Contents: Jazzamoart or Intelligence - Julio Patán; On Art, Jazz, Modernity, and Random Encounters - Kim Levin; Absence Portrait; His Trilogy: Music, Painting, Body - Graciela Kartofel; Painting Jam; Jam: Image and Hieroglyph in Jazzamoart's Painting - Evodio Escalante; Nights and Clubs of Jazzamoart; Jazzamoart, the Line of Conjured Space - Manuel Marín; Amusements and Toys; The Perspiration of Color - Jorge F. Hernández; List of Works; Chronology; Authors; Jazzamoart's Creative Freedom - Rafael Pérez y Pérez.
Turner Publicaciones S.L. La ciencia a la luz del misterio
Es posible que quede muy poco por descubrir sobre el pasado, pero queda por hacer gran uso de él. Si dejamos al lado algunos prejuicios podremos interpretar el mundo de formas que sugieran diversos futuros posibles. Nubla escribe sobre moluscos de quinientos años, el primer fonógrafo de la Antigüedad, la educación musical de los niños y el hallazgo de la penicilina con el mismo espíritu iluminador con el que propone franquear ciertos límites espacio-temporales, al menos en nuestra imaginación. Algo que permita escribir el texto más bello y misterioso de nuestra propia existencia.
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Gran Hotel Abismo una biografía coral de la Escuela de Frankfurt
En 1933, el gran intelectual marxista György Lukács escribió un artículo titulado ?Grand Hotel ?Abgrund?? [Gran Hotel Abismo], refiriéndose con este nombre al establecimiento imaginario donde vivían los pensadores de la escuela de Frankfurt: aparentemente al borde del precipicio, pero siempre rodeados de comodidades.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Proyecto Liquido Fear
Turner Publicaciones S.L. 1914 de la paz a la guerra
? Un análisis profundo y apasionante sobre las causas, las decisiones y los complejos entramados de alianzas y odios internacionales que llevaron a Europa a la guerra.? Con extraordinaria capacidad narrativa y notable perspicacia para los perfiles psicológicos de los dirigentes, las naciones y las opiniones públicas, MacMillan firma su obra maestra hasta el momento, un libro fundamental para entender la Europa de hoy conociendo a fondo la de hace un siglo.? Un excepcional adelanto ensayístico al primer centenario de la Gran Guerra del próximo año 2014.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Ignasi Aballí: Corrección / Correction
Spain attended the 59th edition of the Venice Biennale with the artist Ignasi Aballí, with a solid and long career, and with a proposal curated by Bea Espejo, a great connoisseur of the artist’s work. In Corrección / Correction, Ignasi Aballí dialogues with the architectural space of the Spanish pavilion, making his project an opportunity to investigate the places that surround us. With his intervention he modifies the space of the Pavilion itself and, by extension, its location in the Biennial and its relationship with the city. The book includes texts by curator Bea Espejo, writer Ruth Estévez, publisher Moritz Küng, artist Alejandro Cesarco and a conversation between Aballí and Manuel Borja-Villel, director of the MNCARS. In co-edition with AECID. Text in English and Spanish.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Sordo Madaleno: Urban transformation
In its 85th year of existence, the architectural practice founded in 1937 by a very young Juan Sordo Madaleno, has decided to publish this unconventional monograph which compiles the most ambitious projects built (and not built) within the context of the transformation, and which at the same time reflect and determine the evolution urban and rural landscapes of post-revolutionary Mexico. From the very first constructions, the firm has been a pioneer not only in the erection of modern buildings, but also in inherently urban architectural designs, fundamental components of overlapping urban scales. This book includes contributions from some of the leading thinkers in urban architecture today, highlighting the commitment that has guided a unique family of architects for three generations.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Pangolin
Shortly after the beginning of the Covid-19 lockdown, Iran do Espírito Santo, in São Paulo, contacted Enrique Juncosa, in Mallorca, proposing to collaborate on a book. It so happened that Juncosa had started some poems in prose related to travels based on personal memories and imagination, and which referred to a way of life that was suddenly suspended. He wrote 40 poems, suggesting the idea of quarantine, encompassing quarantine, encompassed under the title Pangolin, an animal pointed out as the initial propagator of the virus. Do Espírito Santo made 40 watercolours, one per poem, related to the text, although not always in an evident way, suggesting an inner journey. Floating images in a white space, abstract and geometric in origin, with the delicacy of oriental miniatures. Text in English and Spanish.
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Nietzsche la vida como literatura
Pocos especialistas han conseguido analizar el pensamiento de Nietzsche desde una óptica tan aguda como la de Alexander Nehamas. En Nietzsche, la vida como literatura, que desde su aparición se convirtió de inmediato en un clásico, Nehamas nos ofrece una provocadora interpretación de la obra de Nietzsche como un titánico esfuerzo de creación de un universo literario en el que se empeñó el filósofo alemán hasta transgredir las fronteras de su propia existencia.La publicación de Nietzsche, la vida como literatura es una excelente oportunidad para presentar ante el público de habla hispana a Alexander Nehamas, uno de los filósofos norteamericanos más importantes de la actualidad.
Turner Publicaciones S.L. POLITICA INDIANA T2
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Poesías II
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Comedias XII
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Comedias VII