Search results for ""Holy Trinity Publications""
Holy Trinity Publications Glorified in America: Laborers in the New World from Saint Alexis to Elder Ephraim
The Orthodox Church is alive and growing on the North American continent thanks in no small part to the prayers and labors of holy men who have served here, some who have been formally glorified as saints and others who may yet be. This book is much more than a simple historical account or retelling of their lives and particular service in America: It is a spiritual manual, which strives to inspire and encourage it’s readers in their own struggle for the attainment of the holiness that adorns the lives of those recounted here and to emulate their deeds.Chronologically the lives described herein span the years from 1854 to 2019 and focus on the time each man spent laboring in North America: primarily the United States, but also Canada and Mexico. None of them spent all their life on this continent but they left a legacy on these shores that endures to this day and will surely continue. The extensive collection of both black and white photographs and pen and ink drawings that intersperse the text, together with a final section of rich color photography at the end of the work, contribute greatly to bringing the reality of their life and times to us.
Holy Trinity Publications A Psalter for Prayer: An Adaptation of the Classic Miles Coverdale Translation
A Psalter for Prayer is the first major English edition to include all the prayers needed to read the Psalter at home. In addition, the contents include many texts not easily found in English, such as the Rite for Singing the Twelve Psalms, directions for reading the Psalter for the Departed and much more. The Psalms and Nine Biblical Canticles have been adapted from the classic Miles Coverdale translation of the Book of Psalms and the King James Version of the Bible. The text has been carefully edited to agree with the original Greek of the Septuagint, as well as to the Latin and Church Slavonic translations.
Holy Trinity Publications Recollections of Jerusalem
Recollections of Jerusalem vividly opens up to us a world very different from our own. It affords the rare opportunity to see major world events through the eyes of one shaped by them, but unable to influence them. At the outset of World War II, the author, still a young child, travelled to Jerusalem with her mother on pilgrimage. Prevented by the conflict from returning to their home in Yugoslavia, they began a new life, intimately entwined with the city of Jerusalem. In Jerusalem Anya was raised in the spirit of Holy Russia, manifested in the life of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission, the Mount of Olives convent, the Gethsemane convent, and the Bethany School. Her spiritual life was nurtured by St John (Maximovitch) of Shanghai and San Francisco, Archbishop Antony (Sinkevich) of Los Angeles, Archpriest George Grabbe, Mother Mary (Robinson), and in particular the English priest-monk Lazarus (Moore).Through Anya's eyes, we gain new perspectives on their lives and ministries. Her experiences in Jerusalem would sustain her faith during later years, following her marriage in America, when the Church was geographically distant from Anya and her burgeoning family. Ultimately they would lead her back to the Holy Land with her husband and children. From a historical perspective, these recollections offer a window into the struggles and aspirations of the Russian diaspora after the Communist takeover of their ancestral homeland. It shows how events such as the Bolshevik revolution, the Russian civil war, and the Arab Israeli conflict have shaped present realities.
Holy Trinity Publications Orthodoxy and Islam in the Middle East: The Seventh to the Sixteenth Centuries
Conflict or concord? Histories of Islam from its early seventh century beginnings in Arabia often portray its explosive growth into the wider Middle East as a story of struggle and conquest of the Christian people of Greater Syria, Palestine and Egypt. Alternatively these histories suggest that as often as not the conquerors were welcomed by the conquered and their existing monotheistic faiths of Christianity and Judaism tolerated and even allowed to flourish. In this short but in depth survey of the almost nine centuries that passed from the beginning of the spread of Islam up to the Ottoman Turkish conquest of Syria and Egypt beginning in 1516, Constantin Panchenko offers a more complex portrayal that opens up fresh vistas of understanding of these centuries focusing on the impact that the coming of Islam had on the Orthodox Christian communities of the Middle East and in particular the interplay of their Greek cultural heritage and experience of increasing Arabization.This work is drawn from the author's much larger work, Arab Orthodox Christians Under the Ottomans, being an updated and expanded version of the first chapter of that book which set the historical context for the period after 1516. It will deepen the readers understanding both of the history of the Middle East in these centuries and of how the faith of Orthodox Christians in these lands is lived today.
Holy Trinity Publications What Is Theology: An Orthodox Methodology
Orthodox theology is intimately linked to spiritual experience:it has a very different meaning to the present usage of this word coming from academia. The scientific methods developed in the West since the seventeenth century can of of benefit in many regards, but without strong roots in the Orthodox tradition theology risks being "eaten up" by the human sciences.These roots are in the mystical tradition of the Church as passed down from the the beginning and expressed in the lives of saints, iconography etc. Thus this work has both a theoretical and a practical scope, of relevance to all Christians.
Holy Trinity Publications Restoring the Inner Heart: The Nous in Dostoevsky's Ridiculous Man
Written close to the end of the great writer’s life, Fyodor Dostoevsky’s short story The Dream of a Ridiculous Man tells of a transformation of the heart and a journey from despair to joy: a joy that can be known by all through the experience of God that transcends a simply rational discourse. In this eye opening literary study, the title character and his spiritual metamorphosis are examined in depth in light of the ancient concept of Nous as it developed from the Greek philosophers to the Christian fathers. By comparing the “Ridiculous Man” to similar characters in Dostoevsky’s corpus, the author shows how an Orthodox Christian understanding of the Nous underpins Dostoevsky’s own anthropology and how his literary works in turn guide the reader toward a truer vision of humanity.
Holy Trinity Publications 2024 Holy Trinity Orthodox Russian Calendar (Russian-language): Троицкий Православный Русский Календарь на 2024г.
This liturgical guide offers detailed rubrics for every Sunday and major feast of the year, as well as certain lesser feasts and lenten days. The calendar also provides a list of commemorated saints and appointed scripture readings for each day of the year.Это Богослужебное руководство дает подробные указания на каждый воскресный день и великий праздник, в том числе и на особо чтимые постные дни и малые праздники. На каждый день года перечислены празднуемые святые и рядовые чтения Священного Писания. Составлен на русском языке по церковному календарю.
Holy Trinity Publications The Spiritual Roots of the Ecological Crisis
Many Christians are tempted to dismiss concerns over the environment and the catastrophic effects of climate change. After all, prominent voices who most vociferously warn us about this crisis tend to also advocate a wider worldview antithetical to Christian teachings. In this text, noted philosopher and scholar Jean-Claude Larchet finds the roots of the global ecological crisis in a rejection of a truly Christian cosmology. Explaining the relationship between man and nature ordained by God in the beginning, Larchet bases the degradation of the creation ultimately in the primordial fall and outlines how we have arrived at the present crisis point. Finally, the author proposes principles and actions deeply rooted in his Christian ethos that would allow mankind to restore and reinvigorate its relationship with nature.
Holy Trinity Publications The Twelve Passion Gospels
During the Orthodox celebration of Holy Week, the Church relives the arrest, trial, sufferings, and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. On Matins of Holy Friday (commonly served on the evening of Holy Thursday), there is a special service where, the passion of Christ’s sufferings in the Garden of Gethsemane, His Trial, and Crucifixion through all four Gospels is read aloud in church. This book provides the English text for those twelve Passion Gospel readings.
Holy Trinity Publications Grammar of the Church Slavonic Language: Russian-language edition
An invaluable tool for anyone seeking to learn the traditional liturgical language of the Slavic Orthodox churches. A historical introduction to the development of Church Slavonic is followed by detailed sections covering etymology, parts of speech, and syntax. This comprehensive work concludes with an article on the structure of liturgical chants.
Holy Trinity Publications She Who Loved Much: The Sinful Woman in St Ephrem the Syrian and the Orthodox Tradition
The Orthodox Church understands the Holy Scriptures to be the fountainhead of Tradition. The stories read in the Bible are commonly explored and elaborated in greater depth in liturgical hymns, homilies, and patristic writings. Such is the case with the account found in St Luke’s gospel of a sinful woman who anoints Christ with precious oil shortly before his Passion and Crucifixion. The woman’s story is taken up in the liturgical tradition of the Orthodox Church in Holy Week, where she is held up as an example of repentance and unconstrained love. In this in-depth but readable study the biblical accounts are elaborated through both the liturgical and oratorical tradition of the Church, as found primarily in Greek and Syriac manuscripts, with particular attention given to the former texts, too often overshadowed by the latter. Previously inaccessible texts of late antiquity, such as homilies by Amphilochius of Iconium and Ephrem Graecus, are found here in English for the first time, together with fresh English renderings of other sermons.This sharply honed and well-constructed work will engage all who encounter the story of the sinful woman in the living tradition of worship in the Orthodox Church, as well as those who are introduced to her through Scripture, liturgical poetry, or scholarly consideration. The present work unveils the intricate nature of the tradition of the Church, which gives greater scope and application to the biblical record through its hymnography and oratory.
Holy Trinity Publications Book for the Commemoration of the Living and the Dead
This book provides twenty-three pages for listing the names of living Orthodox loved ones to pray for and provides twenty-three pages to list Orthodox loved ones who have died. There is one prayer in English for the living and one prayer in English for the dead as well as two half tone icons. In the Russian tradition, this book is handed to the priest with the small prosphora before the beginning of the liturgy. The booklet has a card cover with saddle stitch binding printed in red and black ink.
Holy Trinity Publications Book of Commemoration for the Living and for the Dead - Pomiannik: Church Slavonic edition
Эта книга содержит 46 страниц для поминовения живых и мертвых Православных Христиан. Также включены две молитвы на славянском языке - одна о живых а вторая о мертвых - и две иконы. По традиции, эта книга дается священнику с небольшим просфором до начала Литургии. Буклет отпечатан двумя красками.
Holy Trinity Publications Russian Monks on Mount Athos: The Thousand Year History of St Panteleimon's
The Holy Mountain of Athos is a self governing monastic republic on a peninsula in Northern Greece. Standing on the shores of the Aegean Sea is one of the twenty ruling monasteries that comprise the republic, that of St Panteleimon, known in Greek as the Rossikon. It's building, fully restored in recent years, can accommodate up to 5,000 men, reflecting the scale of the settlement at its apogee in the nineteenth century and prior to the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. Since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 it has experienced a strong revival and is now one of the most numerous of the twenty.But the vast buildings that can be seen today are really only a reflection of the history of the past two centuries. Much less well known is the fact that the history of a Russian presence on Athos goes back more than one thousand years. This is the first comprehensive account of this in the English language. The author has been able to draw from previously inaccessible archival materials in gathering the wealth of information he shares in this work. The history of the community is not described in geographical isolation but shown as interacting with the much wider worlds of the Byzantine and Ottoman empires and the modern nation state of Greece, together with that of the Russian homeland whose political character is constantly evolving. There are shown to be three distinct phases in this history: From the tenth to the twelfth centuries when Russian Athonites inhabited the ancient Russian Lavra of the Mother of God, also known as Xylourgou. Then the six hundred years from the mid-twelth to the mid-eighteenth century when the ancient Monastery of St Panteleimon was the Russian house on Athos, more commonly referred to as Nagorny or Stary Rusik. Finally the most recent 250 years, that are naturally covered in greater depth thanks to the wider availability of sources.Amongst the themes explored in the book are ethnic relations, the Pan-Orthodox ideal, the role of money and political pressure, sanctity and heroism in adversity, and the importance of historical memory and precedent. The author seeks to arbitrate fairly between often strongly opposing ethnic viewpoints.It examines in detail the fluctuating fortunes of the monastic community of St Panteleimon during the past 250 years when its ethnic identity was frequently questioned. It is a history that has been blighted by Greek-Russian quarrels, mass deportation of dissenting brethren, troubles in the Caucasus, and even tangential implication in the present-day dispute between the Ecumenical and Moscow Patriarchates over Ukraine.This text will be invaluable to both academic historians and the general educated reader who does not possess specialist knowledge. It is complimented by a timeline, glossary, comprehensive bibliography, index, full colour illustrations and photographs.
Holy Trinity Publications Conversations With My Heart: Contemplations On God and the World
Metropolitan Anastasy was a leading figure of the Russian emigration following the Communist takeover of his country. He formed a bridge between two worlds -- the Imperial Court of the last Tzar and the transient 20th century Russian diaspora. These reflections are from his diary during the calamitous post-revolutionary period. They draw upon wisdom from sources as diverse as writers of classical antiquity, authors, composers and inventors of the age of enlightenment, offering unique perspectives.
Holy Trinity Publications Living According to God’s Will
The task of man’s earthly life is preparing himself for eternal salvation and blessedness. To attain this, a man must live in a holy and pure manner - that is, according to God’s will.In this short but incisive treatise the reader is guided on a spiritual journey that begins with the awakening of conscience and the realization of the presence of both sin and virtue in the world, culminating in a union with God: that is “a living, personal relationship with the one we love.” In following the path of this ascent the author delineates many of its markers and stresses that these have both personal and societal aspects.This book is suitable for both private reading and group study. Questions for discussion or contemplation are interspersed throughout this edition. A short biography of the author is also included.
Holy Trinity Publications Striving Toward God: Spiritual Advice for Daily Living
"Only when our life is wholly directed towards God do we become capable of seeing God in all and begin to do so by faith not only in all the significant happenings of life but even in the insignificant ones and to submit entirely to His holy will."The 19th century saw a renaissance of Russian spirituality in the writings of St Ignatius (Brianchaninov) and St Theophan the Recluse, many of whose works have become well-known throughout the world. This book brings to an English-speaking audience the spiritual counsels of another Russian monastic of the same period.Born into a patrician family in the Don region, Anna Mikhailovna Sebriakova forsake the world at the age of seventeen and joined the Ust'-Medveditskii convent, where she was tonsured a nun with the name Arsenia. She subsequently served as abbess of this same monastery for 41 years. Heavily influenced by the writings of St ignatius, she took up correspondence with his brother P.A. Brianchaninov and became his spiritual mentor. Her letters to Peter Alexandrovich form the bulk of this book. Also offered are a selection of her personal notes and letters to other individuals. Abbess Arsenia's counsels are steeped in Holy Scripture and in the inspiration that she draws from the services of the Orthodox Church. Throughout, she emphasizes the need to humble oneself, discern the will of God, and fulfill it through every moment of our life.
Holy Trinity Publications How Our Departed Ones Live: The Experience of the Orthodox Church
"Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Conqueror of death, and, consequently, of the death of our departed ones. Let us say to them in Him, not 'Farewell,' but 'Until we meet again, beloved spouse, good parents, dear brother or sister. Until we meet again!'"While many are now abandoning traditional religious practice, none the less, the reality of death and questions regarding the afterlife remain at the forefront of spiritual consciousness. How Our Departed Ones Live is the answer to those who seek the truth as expressed through the experience of the Orthodox Church. This comprehensive book discusses the source of death and mortality, the inner connection and mutual relationship between the living and the departed, intercession by the living for the departed, and life beyond the grave. It will comfort the grieving and inspire all Christians to strengthen their resolve as they seek first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness.
Holy Trinity Publications Alexander Schmorell: Saint of the German Resistance
At the height of World War II, a small band of students in Munich, Germany, formed a clandestine organization called the White Rose, which exposed the Nazi regime's murderous atrocities and called for its overthrow. In its first anti-Nazi tract, the group wrote, "...Nothing is so unworthy of a civilized nation as allowing itself to be 'governed' without opposition by an irresponsible clique that has yielded to base instinct..." The students risked everything to struggle against a world that had lost its moorings. Early in 1943 key members of the group were discovered and executed. Among those put to death was Alexander Schmorell, a young man of Russian birth whose family came to Germany when he was a small boy. This biography eloquently recounts the journey of an energetic and talented young man who loved life but who, deeply inspired by his Orthodox Christian faith, was willing to sacrifice it as a testimony to his faith in God that had taught him to love beauty and freedom, both of which the Nazis sought to destroy. In 2012, the Russian Orthodox Church officially recognized him as a martyr and saint. The story of Alexander's life and death is made available to English readers here for the first time, vividly illustrated with black and white photographs.
Holy Trinity Publications The Field: Cultivating Salvation
Many people today are uncertain about what they believe and how they should live. They seek for a tradition that demonstrates antiquity and possesses authenticity. This newly translated volume of the writings of the Orthodox spiritual teacher Ignatius Brianchaninov offers a vision of a life that flows from following Christ. The field is both a place of spiritual struggle and a garden in which to cultivate virtues. But are we willing to respond to the challenge of a life lived in accordance with the Christian Gospel? St Ignatius' writing is the Christian tradition at its deepest, intensely practical but also transcendent and mystical.
Holy Trinity Publications Eternal Mysteries Beyond the Grave
Providing unique perspectives drawn from Russian Orthodox sources not easily found in the Western world, this book explores questions regarding the nature of God's existence and the immortality of the human soul. It includes many examples of the awareness of life after death and argues that the expectation of a future life and faith in God form the foundation of a well-ordered life. This insightful look into the Orthodox Christian theology offers hope of something greater than a temporal existence and discusses questions relevant to every human being.
Holy Trinity Publications Herman: A Wilderness Saint: From Sarov, Russia to Kodiak, Alaska
Since his canonization in 1970, St. Herman has been remembered for his just treatment of native peoples and his respect of the environment. Explaining how it came to be that this simple Russian Orthodox monk eventually settled in Kodiak, Alaska, this account brings to light many primary sources that illuminate the story of St. Herman and the wider context of the little-known history of Russian colonization in the Pacific Northwest. Providing a considerable amount of new information about his life, this book also reveals his fascinating connection to St. Seraphim of Sarov, the most universally recognized saint of the Russian Orthodox Church today.
Holy Trinity Publications The Order of Holy Matrimony: Translated from the Book of Needs
A translation that uses traditional English of the marriage service as celebrated in the Orthodox Church. This consists of three parts: the betrothal, the crowning, and the removal of the crowns. This booklet has the texts for all the participants: priest, deacon, and chanter. It will also allow wedding guests who are unfamiliar with the service to follow it and will be particularly helpful when the service is celebrated in a language other than English. It does not contain any musical settings for the sung parts of the service.
Holy Trinity Publications Book of Akathists Volume II: To Our Saviour, the Holy Spirit, the Mother of God, and Various Saints
An Akathist (Greek for "Standing Up") is a type of extended devotional hymn used both in church and at home. This second volume contains Akathist hymns for the Ascension and Nativity of Christ, an Akathist to the Holy Spirit, for seven different icons of the Mother of God, and the following other Saints: St.'s Ambrose of Optina, Anthony & Theodosius of the Caves of Kiev, the Father's of Athos, Basil the Great, Hieromartyr Cyprian, the New Martyr Elizabeth, Faith, Hope and Love with Sophia their mother, John of Shanghai, Juliana the Merciful, the Apostle Luke, Mary of Egypt the Apostle Matthew, new Martyr Maximus Sandovich, Fr. Moses of the Carpathians, the Elders of Optina, Photius of Constantinople, Theophan the Recluse and the Holy Martyr Zlata of Mglen. Beautifully bound and printed. In traditional English.
Holy Trinity Publications Grammar of the Church Slavonic Language
The Church Slavonic (Slavic) language was devised in the ninth century. Based on Old Bulgarian, it was created by the Greek missionary brothers Cyril and Methodius. As the first written Slavic language it has become the mother of all modern Slavic languages and continues in daily use in the services of the Slavic Orthodox Churches. (Russian, Bulgarian, Polish etc.) This is a comprehensive grammar of the Church Slavonic language, covering etymology, parts of speech, and syntax. This English edition was translated from the Russian and includes an explanation of grammatical points that would be taken for granted by a native Russian speaker. Long used as a seminary textbook both in North America and Russia, Archbishop Alypy's work is an absolutely unique publication in English and is essential for anyone desiring to study Church Slavonic, from beginning learner to advanced scholar. Texts for practice are largely drawn from the Gospels. This is both a unique and authoritative work.
Holy Trinity Publications On the Tree of the Cross: Georges Florovsky and the Patristic Doctrine of Atonement
"Thou hast redeemed us from the curse of the Law by Thy precious Blood. By being nailed to the Cross and pierced with the Spear, Thou hast poured immortality on mankind. O our Saviour, glory to Thee." - Troparion for Holy FridayAtonement is a contested but inescapable term in contemporary English-language theological discussion. The doctrine of atonement has received little attention in Orthodox Christian circles since the work of Fr Georges Florovsky, who labored to clarify and promulgate the Orthodox teaching on atonement on the basis of his theological leitmotifs of neo-patristic synthesis and encounter with the West. Florovsky saw the doctrine of the person of Christ as the key to apprehending the pattern and the unity of God’s redemptive work. Hence he always sought to follow the Church Fathers in weaving together the themes of creation and fall, incarnation and atonement, deification and redemption, liturgy and asceticism, in the variegated yet seamless robe of true theology.The present volume is inspired by Florovsky’s legacy. It is composed of two parts. The first is a collection of papers on atonement by contemporary scholars from a patristic symposium in honor of Florovsky held at Princeton Theological Seminary and Princeton University in 2011. The second part is a collection of writings on atonement by Florovsky himself, including previously unpublished manuscripts and other works otherwise hard to access. This book offers incisive and informed neo-patristic voices to any contemporary discussion of atonement, thus responding to the perennial legacy and task to which Fr Georges Florovsky exhorted Orthodox theological reflection.
Holy Trinity Publications Healing Humanity: Confronting Our Moral Crisis
Western societies today are coming unmoored in the face of earth-shaking ethical and cultural paradigm shift. At its core is the question of what it means to be human and how we are meant to live. The old answers are no longer accepted; a dizzying array of options are offered in their stead. Underpinning this smorgasbord of lifestyles is a thicket of unquestioned assumptions, such as the separation of gender from biological sex, which not so long ago would have been universally rejected as radical notions.In the spring of 2019, a group of Orthodox Christian scholars drawn from a wide variety of academic disciplines met together to offer responses to the moral crisis our generation faces, elaborating upon its various forms and facilitating a fuller understanding of some of its theological and philosophical foundations. In doing so they offer support to all those who question the claims that are so forcefully insisted upon today – a clarity that will aid them in standing up and resisting trends that have already shown to be the cause of great suffering and unhappiness.Among the contributors to this volume are NY Times bestselling author Rod Dreher, Frederica Matthewes-Green, Dr David Bradshaw, Fr Chad Hatfield, and Fr Peter Heers. Collectively, these scholars remind us that it is only through our participation in the life of Christ, God who became man, that we can find the healing of our humanity through the restoration in us of His image, in which we were formed at the beginning of time.
Holy Trinity Publications The Threshold: Trials at the Crossroads of Eternity
Death is a great sacrament. It is the birth of a person from this earthly, temporary life, into eternity.In this third volume of St Ignatius’s collected works, published here in English for the first time, the saint examines the mystical boundaries that govern the life of a Christian: the one, between life and death; and the other, between the visible, physical realm and the invisible to most, but no less real, spiritual realm.Included in this volume is St Ignatius’s “Homily on Death,” one of his most popular works in his native Russia and often published separately. The reader will also encounter St Ignatius’s teachings on the nature of the soul and the essence of the incorporeal beings, the latter theologoumena being a point of contention between the author and his contemporary, St Theophan the Recluse.The text is complemented by a comprehensive scripture index and a short biography of the author.
Holy Trinity Publications Prayer Book - Molitvoslov: Church Slavonic edition (Red cover)
A complete prayer book in the Slavonic language printed with the Cyrillic (old orthography) alphabet. Includes morning and evening prayers, the liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, various Akathists and Canons annd much more besides.
Holy Trinity Publications All-Night Vigil: Clergy Service Book
This pocket-size hieratikon contains all the texts necessary for a deacon or priest in serving the daily hours of the Orthodox Church - Vespers, Compline, Midnight Office, Matins and the hours. Church Slavonic and English texts are provided in parallel, on facing pages. Also included are instructions and additional prayers for the All-Night Vigil and the services of Great Lent, the festal and Sunday prokeimena, and festal megolynaria. The cloth binding is sewn for durability and supplemented with a marking ribbon.Please click here to download the Menologion and Daily Dismissal sections of the service book.
Holy Trinity Publications My Life in Christ: The Spiritual Journals of St John of Kronstadt
My Life in Christ has been read by millions, making it one of the most beloved modern works of Orthodox Christian spirituality. In this new edition, the English translation has been thoroughly revised and freshly typeset to make St John's own words more accessible to today's reader. The bite-sized reflections draw the reader in to the author's profound spiritual experience and love for Jesus Christ and the Church. This new hardcover edition is enhanced by a smyth-sewn gold-stamped cloth binding and grosgrain marking ribbon. This is the kind of book you will return to time and time again. Appropriate, relevant, and edifying reading for all Christians.
Holy Trinity Publications A Collection of Letters to Nuns: Profitable Instructions for Laymen and Monastics
Originally published in Russian in 1910, this volume is made up of 382 letters of spiritual counsel by the late nineteenth century Optina Elder Hieroschemamonk Anatoly (Zertsalov) to nuns. All who seek the knowledge and love of God can benefit from reading these letters. Written in a tone that is both firm and tender, they are the words of a caring father for his spiritual children. The book also includes a short life of St. Anatoly, a glossary, an index of topics, and a table of letters.
Holy Trinity Publications The Epistles and the Apocalypse
This third and final volume of Archbishop Averky's New Testament commentary elucidates the moral and pastoral aspects of the Pauline and Universal Epistles and the Book of Revelation. Discussion of each New Testament book is preceded by an analysis of the authorship, time and place of composition, and major themes within. The final commentary on the Apocalypse, in which Archbishop Averky relies heavily on the ancient commentary of St Andrew of Ceasaria, is provided in the popular translation by Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose), together with the Scriptural text itself. The author's approach is thoroughly patristic, constantly turning to the Church Fathers for the elucidation of one or another particular verse, especially to the commentaries and expositions of St John Chrysostom, Blessed Theophylact of Ochrid, Blessed Theodoret of Cyrus, and most particularly to the voluminous Scriptural commentaries of St Theophan the Recluse. The commentary has been copiously annotated with citations to primary sources, which did not appear in the original text. Archbishop Averky's commentaries on the New Testament have become standard textbooks in Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary and have been published in Russia to widespread acclaim. They are an indispensable addition to the library of every student of the New Testament.
Holy Trinity Publications The Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts of Our Father Among the Saints Gregory the Dialogist: Parallel Slavonic-English Text
This convenient pocket-sized book contains the necessary texts for the lenten celebration of the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts by the priest and deacon, interpolated with comprehensive rubrical directions. The parallel format gives the Church Slavonic text on the left page and the English on the right. The book also includes thanksgiving prayers upon receiving Holy Communion and the priest's prayers at Matins. This smyth sewn and stamped hardback edition is printed in two colors, with rubrics in red. Includes two marking ribbons.
Holy Trinity Publications Prayer Book - Molitvoslov: Church Slavonic edition (Black cover)
A complete prayer book in the Slavonic language printed with the Cyrillic (old orthography) alphabet. Includes morning and evening prayers, the liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, various Akathists and Canons annd much more besides.
Holy Trinity Publications The Divine Liturgy of Our Father Among the Saints Basil the Great: Parallel Slavonic-English Text
This convenient pocket-sized book contains the necessary texts for the celebration of the liturgy of St Basil the Great by the priest and deacon, interpolated with comprehensive rubrical directions. Texts sung by the choir are also shown. The parallel format gives the Church Slavonic texts on the left page and the English on the right. The book includes the proskomedia, daily and festal dismissals, thanksgiving prayers and special petitions. This smyth sewn gold foil stamped hardback edition is printed in two colors, with rubrics in red. Includes two marking ribbons.
Holy Trinity Publications My Life in Christ: The Spiritual Journals of St John of Kronstadt
My Life in Christ has been read by millions, making it one of the most beloved modern works of Orthodox Christian spirituality. In this new edition, the English translation has been thoroughly revised and freshly typeset to make St John's own words more accessible to today's reader. The bite-sized reflections draw the reader in to the author's profound spiritual experience and love for Jesus Christ and the Church. This new paperback edition is presented in a single, complete volume, together with scripture and subject indeces to aid the reader./>/>This is the kind of book you will return to time and time again. Appropriate, relevant, and edifying reading for all Christians.
Holy Trinity Publications The Law of God: For Study at Home and School
This is the English edition of the classic Russian textbook designed for parents to teach their children "all the fundamental points of the Orthodox Christian faith and way of life." Because children are growing up quickly in a society that raises serious and agonizing questions the author does not teach in naive stories that remain stories only. It offers an overview of the whole of the Old and New Testaments as well as instruction on prayer, worship and what it means to live by the teaching of the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes. Lavishly bound and made to last. Well illustrated with black and white photographs and icons.