Search results for ""Holy Trinity Publications""
Holy Trinity Publications The Pursuit of Godliness
Holy Trinity Publications Season of Repentance: Lenten Homilies of Saint John of Kronstadt
Each year we begin anew the journey to the radiant feast of Pascha, entering the season of repentance known as Great Lent. The homilies presented in this modest volume, from one of the spiritual giants of the Orthodox Church of Russia, can both encourage and inform us in this struggle of the Fast.For the first time a selection of St John's Lenten sermons is presented in English translation. They follow the thematic structure of the Lenten season in the Orthodox Church, from the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee through to Great and Holy Friday. A sermon for St Thomas Sunday, that follows Holy Pascha, is offered as an Epilogue.
Holy Trinity Publications Christianity or the Church
Holy Trinity Publications Service and Akathist to the Holy Hierarch John, Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco: Church Slavonic edition
A service and Akathist to St. John, Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco. In Church Slavonic.
Holy Trinity Publications Christian Orthodox Political Philosophy: A Theological Approach
The Church is commonly spoken of as an institutional reality, but much less frequently recognized as a spiritual and heavenly reality called by God “to make disciples of all nations.” (Mt. 28:19) This modest work furthers the development of a structured and integrated Christian Orthodox political thought, whereby the Church is neither sidelined as having no relevance to this present life, nor dominated by temporal questions or popular movements at the expense of its eternal salvific mission.The author seeks to ground the mission of the Church in the present world both on an understanding of God as Trinity and in Her mission to baptize diverse cultures. To do this effectively the Church must recognize and adapt to local and contemporary political and social trends and patterns. It must exemplify the Gospel as a way of communal and social life, not allowing itself to be reduced to an impersonal ideology manifest within the sphere of either imagination, ideology, or a private individualistic existence.Drawing upon this philosophy he offers proposals for how the Church could view questions of both domestic politics and international relations with a view to bringing the world into the Kingdom of God. He also suggests specific steps that could be taken to heal and strengthen inter-Orthodox relations, addressing in particular the canonical challenges of the Orthodox diaspora and tensions between the Greek and Slavic components of the Church.Though these specific proposals will by no means enjoy universal acceptance, they will serve as a springboard for further dialogue as the Orthodox world seeks to apply these principles in all nations, no matter their current political circumstances.Extracts from The Bases of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church are also included as an appendix to aid in further reflection on the questions raised by this book.
Holy Trinity Publications The Ecclesial Crisis in Ukraine: and its Solution According to the Sacred Canons
In the autumn of 2018 the Russian Orthodox Church broke communion with the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople following the latter Synods announcement of their intention to create an autocephalous Orthodox Church of Ukraine. (OCU) In December of that year a formal council was convened in Kiev and this new ecclesial body was created from two Ukrainian groups previously considered schismatic by all of the Orthodox churches worldwide. All of this transpired without any attempt by the Ecumenical Patriarchate to seek a consensus of all the Orthodox churches before embarking this course of action.More than two years later the newly created OCU remains unrecognised by the overwhelming majority of the world's Orthodox believers notwithstanding that it has in that time been been recognised as Orthodox by the Patriarchate of Alexandra and the Churches of Cyprus and Greece. But even this recognition has not been without significant dissenting voices. One of these is the Abbot of the renowned Kykkos monastery in Cyprus, Metropolitan Nikephoros. In this pithy text he eloquently explains why the actions of the Ecumenical Patriarchate have created a schism in the Orthodox Church worldwide and how in turn they reflect the promotion of a new ecclesiology that distorts the traditional understanding of the Orthodox Church as headed only by Christ Himself. He is clear that the only road to healing and unending schism is a return to a form of inter-Orthodox relations which respects both conciliarity and hierarchy. In doing this he stresses his utmost respect for the historical place of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople and the hope that it will turn back from the path it is currently on to resume its rightful place in the plurality of the Orthodox Church.This is essential reading for all Orthodox believers to better understand what the Ukrainian crisis means for the future of their Church. It will also assist others to see beyond the characterization of the crisis as a political event in the context of relations between Russia and the West. It makes clear that at its heart this is an ecclesiological dispute calling out for a conciliar solution.
Holy Trinity Publications A Manual of the Orthodox Church's Divine Services
This comprehensive work represents a complete but accessible survey of everything related to the Orthodox Church's divine services and is helpfully illustrated throughout. The author begins with a discussion of the nature and origin of Divine worship. He describes the church building, the clergy who perform divine services and their vestments, and the cycles of public worship. The services of Great Vespers, Matins, and the Divine Liturgy are reviewed in detail, as are festal services, and different services of need: Baptism and Chrismation, Confession, Ordination, Matrimony, Unction, Prayer Services, Monastic Tonsure and Burial, and the Consecration of a Church. The reader will also find a rare discussion of the rite of the Coronation and Anointing of the Tsar.This manual was originally translated and printed before the Russian Revolution. It is suitable both as an introduction to Orthodox worship for the inquirer and as a convenient handbook for those already familiar with the intricacies of Orthodox services.
Holy Trinity Publications The Divine Liturgy of Our Father Among the Saints John Chrysostom: Slavonic-English Parallel Text
This convenient pocket size book contains the necessary texts for the celebration of the liturgy of St John Chrysostom by the priest and deacon, interpolated with comprehensive rubrical directions. Texts sung by the choir are also shown. The parallel format gives the Church Slavonic texts on the left page and the English on the right. The book includes the proskomedia, daily and festal dismissals, thanksgiving prayers, petitions for the sick, for travellers, etc. Printed with red and black ink. Includes two marking ribbons.
Holy Trinity Publications Meditations on the Divine Liturgy
With a new subject and scriptural index, as well as a short abstract on Nikolai Gogol as a religious personality, this reedited commentary on the Divine Liturgy the primary public worship service of the Orthodox Church is as practical as it is mystical. Gogol, one of the most prominent Russian writers of the 19th century, draws from the early Church Fathers and his own experience to explain the sublime mystery of the Orthodox divine services. In doing so, he also provides a fascinating look into his own religious character and profound liturgical spirituality.
Holy Trinity Publications The Order of Small Compline and Evening Prayers
The service of Compline is the last liturgical hour of the day and seeks God's forgiveness for our sins during the past day and blessing for the coming night. For most of the year, this service takes the form of Small Compline, an abbreviated and re-arranged form of the Great Compline served during Great Lent. Following the usage of Holy Trinity Monastery (Jordanville, NY), the order incorporates prayers before sleep from the Jordanville Prayer Book and a litany of saints chanted while venerating icons at the completion of the service.Suitable for use at home or in church.
Holy Trinity Publications A Psalter for Prayer: Pocket Edition
The Psalms of David are the foundation of Christian worship and integral to its form and content. This edition of the classic Coverdale translation is accompanied by prayers and rubrics from the Liturgical Psalter of the Russian Church, adapted to conform to the Greek Septuagint text, and subdivided into the twenty traditional Orthodox liturgical kathismata. It is presented here for the first time in a slimmed down pocket edition to inspire daily use in prayer at home and when traveling. The text is complimented by a flexible textured binding, gold stamped cover, and three marker ribbons.
Holy Trinity Publications Prayer Book and Psalms: Pocket Edition
From the publisher of the Jordanville Prayer Book and A Psalter for Prayer comes the perfect devotional companion for travel and everyday life. This truly pocket edition brings together prayers for use throughout the day with all one hundred fifty Psalms of David adapted from the classic Miles Coverdale translation. Designed with convenience and affordability in mind to encourage all Christians to “pray without ceasing.”
Holy Trinity Publications Book of Akathists Volume I: To Our Saviour, the Mother of God and Various Saints
An Akathist (Greek for "Standing Up") is a type of extended devotional hymn used both in church and at home. This first volume contains six Akathist hymns to the Lord Jesus Christ (to our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ, the Divine Passion of Christ, the Precious Cross, the Tomb and the Resurrection of the Lord, the Resurrection of Christ, and for Holy Communion; four Akathist hymns to the Mother of God (to the Most Holy Theotokos, the Dormition of the Theotokos, the Joy of All Who Sorrow, and the Kursk Root Ion of the Sign); and twelve to various saints (St. Alexis the Man of God; the Holy Great Martyr George, St. Herman of Alaska, St. John the Baptist, St. John of Kronstadt, St. John the Theologian, the Holy Archangel Michael, St. Nicholas, the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon, St. Seraphim of Sarov, St. Simon the Zealot, and for the Repose of the Departed. Also contains music for typical akathist refrains.
Holy Trinity Publications Light Invisible
Written by a Russian philosopher and theologian, this book explores the differences between Christian philosophy and other systems and discusses the beliefs of sainted men and women, such as Francis of Assisi, Seraphim of Sarov, and Simeon the New Theologian.
Holy Trinity Publications The Church Singers Companion
The Church Singer's Companion (or Sputnik Psalomshchika) is an obikhod or standard book of music. It is an indispensable reference for any kliros in the Russian Church. it contains melodies in square notation for the chanted portions of Vespers, Matins, and Divine Liturgy, as well as additional material from throughout the Church year.
Holy Trinity Publications The History of the Russian Church in Australia: Siberia to Sydney
The history of the Russian Orthodox Church in Australia is diligently chronicled within the wider context of the place of Russians in the dominantly anglophone society of what was at first a British colony and then an independent state. It begins with the first contact of Russian naval ships with the Australian continent in the early nineteenth century and progresses through to the establishment of the first parish of Orthodox believers in Melbourne in the 1890s and ultimately the creation of a diocese. The catalyst for this was the arrival of thousands of Russians fleeing their homeland via Siberia after the Bolshevik revolution of 1917. For these disposed refugees Australia was a haven of safety and the Russian Orthodox Church a symbol of the Motherland they had lost. They were later joined by successive waves of fellow Russian after World War II and then the fall of communism in 1991. Together they created a unified organism, retained a sense of heritage and purpose and taking their rightful place in Australia's multi-cultural society.In writing this work the author has drawn on extensive archival sources spread over several continents together with his own life experience, having arrived as a small boy in Australia over six decades ago. First published in 2006 this new edition includes an added chapter recounting the ongoing story from the beginning of the twenty-first century through 2020.
Holy Trinity Publications Saints of Switzerland
Holy Trinity Publications Embassy, Emigrants and Englishmen: The Three Hundred Year History of a Russian Orthodox Church in London
This is the unlikely history of a centuries old church located at the heart of England's capital city. Founded in the early-18th century by a Greek Archbishop from Alexandria in Egypt, the church was aided by the nascent Russian Empire of Tsar Peter the Great and joined by Englishmen finding in it the Apostolic faith. The church later became a spiritual home for those who escaped the upheavals following World War II or who sought economic opportunities in the West after the fall of communism in Russia. For much of this time the parish was a focal point for AnglicanÐOrthodox relations and Orthodox missionary endeavors from Japan to the Americas. This is a history of the Orthodox Church in the West, of the Russian emigration to Europe, and of major world events through the prism of a particular local community. The book calls on stories from an array of persons, from archbishops to members of Parliament and imperial diplomats to post-war refugees. Their lives and the constantly changing mosaic of global political and economic realities provide the background for the struggle to create and sustain the London church through time.
Holy Trinity Publications Testament of Memory: A Siberian Life
A remarkably simple and yet profoundly deep narrative, this translation is an introduction to the remote world of the 19th-century Altai: a mountainous region of southern Siberia possessing unique flora and fauna and peaks rising to nearly 15,000 feet. Native Altai tribesman Mikhail Chelvalkov vividly describes the physical beauty of the region while chronicling many of the encounters that took place throughout his life as the population transformed from competing nomadic pagan tribes to a settled and harmonious Orthodox Christian culture. One of the first native disciples of the Russian Orthodox missionary priest Makarii GlukharevÑwho was made a saint in AD 2000ÑChelvalkovÕs testament provides invaluable insights for students of Christian mission, ethnography, geography, and botany.
Holy Trinity Publications The Icon of the Nevskaya Mother of God ''Quick to Hear''
The icon of the Mother of God ''Quick to Hear'' is widely venerated throughout the Orthodox world; a copy of the icon brought from Mount Athos to Russia in 1877 survived both a fire and the destruction of churches under communism to come to rest at the St. Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg. This book offers a short history of the icon's place in the Russian Orthodox Church and recounts some of the miracles associated with its veneration. Included here are stories of the help and consolation given to faithful from all walks of life, including farmers, merchants, homemakers, soldiers, dukes, duchesses, and the much loved St. Elizabeth the New Martyr.
Holy Trinity Publications A Practical Handbook for Priestly Ministry
The Apostle Paul commands his disciple Timothy to “be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” This exhortation encapsulates the Orthodox Church’s expectations from her clergy and forms the basis of her Pastoral Theology. The aim of the present work is to guide the contemporary Orthodox priest in his application of the Apostle’s words to his everyday life as a conduit of Divine Grace and shepherd of Christ’s flock. At the same time, its focus on the proper formation of the soul will benefit every Christian, whether ordained or not. Compiled from recent and historical sources reflecting the rich heritage of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Holy Trinity Publications Foundations of Russian Culture
At a time when tensions between Russia and “the West '' are increasing, this book is very timely, even though, its contents were first broadcast over fifty years ago. It offers a history of Russian culture and its particular trends and tendencies, which are shown to be frequently contradictory and even mutually exclusive. Schmemann argues for the supremacy of culture over political life in determining questions such as the apparent lack of political freedoms, law and order and civil rights in a Russian context.
Holy Trinity Publications Harbor for Our Hope: On acquiring Peace Amidst Suffering
St Ignatius Brianchaninov (1807-1867) is renowned as a writer on the spiritual life in general. What is less well known is that throughout most of his adult life he struggled with chronic illness and disability. Thus his own life experience disposed him to reflect on the meaning of suffering for human existence and how through it we might find “a harbor for our hope.”The saint frequently returns to these themes in many of his letters, newly translated into English and excerpted, adapted and presented here in thematic subject groups. For the translator these writings provided a source of consolation and encouragement during her husband’s lengthy illness and eventual death. They will equally benefit all who suffer physical or spiritual pain, however great or small, and reveal how the love of God may be experienced in its midst.
Holy Trinity Publications The Order of Holy Baptism
This book, in traditional English, provides the complete text for the service of Holy Baptism in the Orthodox Church. Included are the Prayer at the Making of a Catechumen, The Order of Holy Baptism, and the Prayer for Holy Baptism, Briefly, How to Baptize a Child Because of Fear of Death.
Holy Trinity Publications The Making of Holy Russia: The Orthodox Church and Russian Nationalism Before the Revolution
This book is a critical study of the interaction between Russian Church and society in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. At a time of rising nationalist movement throughout Europe, Orthodox patriots advocated for the place of the Church as a unifying force, central to the identity and purpose of the burgeoning, yet increasingly religiously diverse Russian Empire. Their views were articulated in a variety of ways. Bishops such as Metropolitan Antony Khrapovitsky - a founding hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia - and other members of the clergy expressed their vision of Russia through official publications (including ecclesiastical journals), sermons, the organization of pilgrimages and the canonization of saints. On the other hand, religious intellectuals (such as the famous philosopher Vladimir Soloviev and the controversial former-Marxist Sergey Bulgakov) promoted what was often a variant vision of the nation through the publication of books and articles. Even the once persecuted Old Believers, emboldened by a religious toleration edict of 1905, sought to claim a role in national leadership. And many - in particularly famous painter Mikhail Vasnetsov - looked to art and architecture as a way of defining the religious ideals of modern Russia.Whilst other studies exist that draw attention to the voices in the Church typified as “liberal” in the years leading up to the Revolution, this work introduces the reader to a wide range of “conservative” opinion that equally strove for spiritual renewal and the spread of the Gospel. Ultimately neither the “conservative” voices presented here nor those of their better-known “liberal” protagonists were able to prevent the calamity that befell Russia with the Bolshevik revolution in 1917.Grounded in original research conducted in the newly accessible libraries and archives of post-Soviet Russia, this study is intended to reveal the wider relevance of its topic to an ongoing discussion of the relationship between national or ethnic identities on the one hand and the self-understanding of Orthodox Christianity as a universal and transformative Faith on the other.
Holy Trinity Publications The Arena: Guidelines for Spiritual and Monastic Life
One of the most important and accessible texts of Eastern Orthodox Christian teaching on the spiritual life, this book draws upon the ascetic and mystical doctrine of the Greek Fathers and greats of the Orthodox Christian church. In an age alienated from spiritual culture and rooted in materialism, these teachings pose both a challenge and an invitation to those seeking heightened spirituality. This book is essential reading for anyone who desires a profound spiritual journey based upon an encounter with Christ as God.
Holy Trinity Publications Prayer Book
A consistent best seller since the first edition was published in 1979, selling thousands of copies each year. This is perhaps the most popular Orthodox prayer book published in the English language, frequently referred to as "The Jordanville Prayer Book." Contains morning and evening prayers and much more besides. Traditional English is used throughout. Beautifully bound in maroon color with a gold embossed cover.
Holy Trinity Publications The New Media Epidemic: The Undermining of Society, Family, and Our Own Soul
Dr Jean-Claude Larchet, renowned for his examinations of the causes and consequences of spiritual and physical illness, here tackles the pressing question of the societal and personal effects of our societal use of new media. The definition of new media is broad - from radio to smart phones - and the analysis of their impact is honest and straightforward. His meticulous diagnosis of their effects concludes with a discussion of the ways individuals might limit and counteract the most deleterious effects of this new epidemic.
Holy Trinity Publications The Romanovs: Family of Faith and Charity
This book shares the story of the last Russian emperor and his family. Their life was not necessarily what one would expect; there was much more than fancy clothes and delicious food. They shared happy memories but also great hardships. They nursed the sick, ate porridge, kayaked along the Finnish coastline, and cared for chickens. Today we know them as the Royal Martyrs deeply pious Orthodox Christians. Accessible and thought provoking, this beautifully illustrated book is appropriate for children aged 7-12, or for parents to read to their children of younger age. who laid down their lives for the Faith and role models of Christian virtue who showed kindness even to the guards who taunted them.Accessible and thought provoking, this beautifully illustrated book is appropriate for children aged 7-12, or for parents to read to their children of younger age.
Holy Trinity Publications The Great Canon: The Work of St. Andrew of Crete
This is the classic canon of repentance, chanted in parts over the first four days of the Lenten Fast and in its entirety on the Thursday of the fifth week. The full text of the life of our Holy Mother Mary of Egypt is also given, as read liturgically during Matins on the Thursday of the fifth week. Traditional English translation. This second edition uses the translation of Bishop Kallistos Ware and Mother Mary for the canon text. The Canon of St Andrew of Crete is a treasure from the Lenten worship services of the Orthodox Christian Church.
Holy Trinity Publications Embassy, Emigrants and Englishmen: The Three Hundred Year History of a Russian Orthodox Church in London
This is the unlikely history of a centuries old church located at the heart of England's capital city. Founded in the early-18th century by a Greek Archbishop from Alexandria in Egypt, the church was aided by the nascent Russian Empire of Tsar Peter the Great and joined by Englishmen finding in it the Apostolic faith. The church later became a spiritual home for those who escaped the upheavals following World War II or who sought economic opportunities in the West after the fall of communism in Russia. For much of this time the parish was a focal point for AnglicanÐOrthodox relations and Orthodox missionary endeavors from Japan to the Americas. This is a history of the Orthodox Church in the West, of the Russian emigration to Europe, and of major world events through the prism of a particular local community. The book calls on stories from an array of persons, from archbishops to members of Parliament and imperial diplomats to post-war refugees. Their lives and the constantly changing mosaic of global political and economic realities provide the background for the struggle to create and sustain the London church through time.
Holy Trinity Publications A Practical Handbook for Divine Services
The services and prayer texts of the Orthodox Church are ancient and inspirational, and this invaluable reference guides priests, deacons, servers, readers, and singers in the customs and practices of the church. Including serving the altar and offering worship services, the handbook explains to all laity who desire a further understanding of the churchÕs TypiconÑthe rule that governs how divine worship is offeredÑtouching upon a variety of topics, including the Hours, Vespers, Vigil, Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, and the Presanctified Liturgy. Drawn from Russian resources, this guide also explores the differences found in Greek usage.
Holy Trinity Publications Living Without Hypocrisy: Spiritual Counsels of the Holy Elders of Optina
Now in its second printing, this modest work is an anthology of spiritual advice given by various of the nineteenth-century teachers of Optina Monastery in central Russia, organized thematically under headings such as spiritual warfare, the love of neighbor, faith, the will of God, the education of children, the commandments of God, the path of salvation, etc. Each piece of advice varies in length from a single sentence to a full paragraph. Pithy, immediately accessible, and universally applicable, these counsels resemble the sayings of the ancient Desert Fathers. Appropriate both for prolonged study and for daily devotional reading.
Holy Trinity Publications The Four Gospels: Russian-language edition
The work of Archbishop Averky (Taushev) stands apart in an intellectual climate that prizes innovation over tradition, headlines over the Truth, and intellectualism over divine revelation. Writing in the tradition of biblical exegetes such as St John Chrysostom and Blessed Theophylact of Bulgaria, Archbishop Averky provides a commentary that is firmly grounded in the teaching of the Church, manifested in its liturgical hymnography and the works of the Holy Fathers. Analyzing all four Gospels chronologically and simultaneously, he allows the reader to see the life of Christ as an unfolding narrative in accessible, direct language.Using the best of pre-Revolutionary Russian sources, Archbishop Averky also remained abreast of developments in Western biblical scholarship, engaging with it directly and honestly. He was adamant, however, about the primary importance of Patristic exegesis in understanding the Scriptures. He approaches the Gospels first and foremost not as a literary work of antiquity, but as the revelation of Jesus Christ as God in the flesh.Archbishop Averky’s commentaries on the New Testament have become standard textbooks in Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary and have been published in Russia to widespread acclaim. They will be an indispensable addition to the library of every student of the Gospels.
Holy Trinity Publications The Order of the Moleben and the Panikhida
This booklet contains the order of the General Moleben (or Service of Intercession), which may be served in any occasion to invoke the aid of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, or the saints; as well as the unique order of the Paschal Moleben, served during Bright Week. Also presented is the order of the Pannikhida (or Memorial Service) in which Orthodox Christians pray for the blessed repose and salvation of the departed. These texts were included in no-longer available editions of the Book for Commemoration of the Living and the Dead.
Holy Trinity Publications The Rule for Holy Communion: Canons, Order of Preparation, and Prayers After Holy Communion
This comprehensive booklet contains the prayers used by an Orthodox Christian when preparing to receive Holy Communion, together with the post-Communion Prayers of Thanksgiving.The texts are arranged to match the usage of Holy Trinity Monastery and augmented by comprehensive rubrics.Also included is the Synodal document, "On the Participation of the Faithful in the Eucharist,” approved by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2015 to express her official teachings regarding proper reverence and preparation for the holiest of Christian sacraments—partaking of the Body and Blood of our Lord, God, and Saviour Jesus Christ.This new perfect bound paperback edition is designed for repeated use in personal devotion.
Holy Trinity Publications The Unabbreviated Horologion or Book of the Hours: Brown Cover
This book provides the basic "skeleton" for all the services of the Orthodox Church, into which variable texts from other sources are inserted. The work is presented in a well-bound large print format. Using traditional English the book has the fixed texts for all the daily services of the Orthodox Church. Clear rubrics set out in red ink explain how the form of the services varies between Sundays and weekdays, fasting seasons etc. This edition also includes extracts from the variable texts of the Menaion, Triodion and Pentecostarion. An absolute must for any student of Christian liturgy.
Holy Trinity Publications The Divine Liturgies of the Holy Apostle James, Brother of the Lord: Slavonic-English Parallel Text
The Divine Liturgy of Saint James is the eucharistic rite of the ancient Church of Jerusalem and the most ancient extant liturgy of the Eastern Church. In recent decades, the frequency of its use has increased throughout the Orthodox Church. This service book offers for the first time a parallel Church Slavonic-English text, suitable for use by clergy and servers. It also contains the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts of the Holy Apostle James, which is rarely served today but has been preserved in part in a few Greek manuscripts and in full in several Georgian sources. An introduction by Dr Vitaly Permiakov, a specialist in the Jerusalem liturgy, presents the provenance and integrity of both ancient Liturgical services.
Holy Trinity Publications Indication of the Way into the Kingdom of Heaven: An Introduction to Christian Life
Originally published in the Aleut (Eskimo) language in 1833, this book is a simple yet challenging introduction to Christianity from one of the greatest teachers of the Russian Orthodox Church: sainted Russian Bishop and missionary Innocent Veniaminov. Timeless and universal, this updated edition which includes a new section entitled "Points for Reflection" at the end of each chapter discusses what it means to know God and have a relationship with Jesus. It will appeal to those seeking to understand their own faith more fully.
Holy Trinity Publications Prayer Book - Molitvoslov: Church Slavonic edition (Green cover)
A complete prayer book in the Slavonic language printed with the Cyrillic (old orthography) alphabet. Includes morning and evening prayers, the liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, various Akathists and Canons annd much more besides.
Holy Trinity Publications A Gathering of Spiritual Riches
As a merchant gathers various goods from different countries and carries them home and stores them up, so the Christian may gather edifying thoughts and lay them up in the storeroom of his heart, and enrich his soul with them.Drawing upon numerous examples from daily life and human relationships, St Tikhon weaves together wisdom on how to live a life pleasing to God. His words are frequently embellished by scripture and together these call the reader to repentance and a fuller embrace of godly living. In a world that typically only values material goods his writing constantly reminds the reader of that which is of true value - the knowledge and love of God. As the reader progresses deeper into this work his soul will find refreshment, purpose and meaning for his life. His message is clear: True riches are not of this world, but of the age to come. These riches both can and should be acquired now.
Holy Trinity Publications The Funeral Service for the Laity
This service book is derived from the Great Book of Needs, and includes the full text, for both clergy and choir for the funeral service of a layperson. A space for special notes is included in the back of the book.
Holy Trinity Publications The Refuge: Anchoring the Soul in God
"Prayer is a refuge of God’s great mercy to the human race."The refuge is a place of inner stillness and peace where the heart is fully opened to the embrace of God’s love. It is a return to the ancient paradise from which the human race, in Adam, had to depart because of disobedience to the command of God.The Refuge is an exposition of the concrete actions we should take if we truly desire to live with and in God. It weaves together meditations on scripture (from the Psalms in particular) and amplifies these with the wisdom of early Christian saints, in particular the ascetical writings of St John of the Ladder, St Macarius the Great and St Isaac the Syrian. It is an active exhortation for us to reacquire the original nobility with which God fashioned us in the beginning.
Holy Trinity Publications The Struggle for Virtue: Asceticism in a Modern Secular Society
Archbishop Averky addresses head on the question, "What is asceticism?" He counters the many false understandings that exist and shows that the practice of authentic asceticism is integral to the spiritual life and the path to blessed communion with God.
Holy Trinity Publications How to Live a Holy Life
This pocket-sized book, originally published in Russian in 1904, is a short but comprehensive work offering guidance to the Christian on how to conduct himself through the course of the day. In a eminently straightforward manner the author describes how to conduct oneself in the morning, in relation to God, in common situations of life, in daily work, during meals, during the afternoon rest, in the evening, before sleep, and during sleeplessness. He concludes with a consideration of prayer and guidance and on how to spend Sundays. A biography of the author, Metropolitan Gregory (Postnikov) of St. Petersburg (1784-1860), concludes the work.
Holy Trinity Publications Chosen for His People: A Biography of Patriarch Tikhon
St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow (Vasily Ivanovich Bellavin, 1865Ð1925) is one of the most important figures of both Russian and Orthodox Church history in the 20th century. Yet 90 years after his death this remains the only complete biography ever published in the English language. It has now been updated and revised with a new preface and bibliography, together with revised and additional endnotes, by Scott M. Kenworthy. The biography reveals a picture of a man whom no one expected to be chosen as Patriarch, yet who nevertheless humbly accepted the call of God and the people to guide the Church during the most turbulent of times as it faced both internal upheavals and external persecution. Both specialists and general readers will become better acquainted with St. Tikhon through this modest but carefully crafted monograph.
Holy Trinity Publications The Four Gospels
Writing in the tradition of biblical exegetes, such as St John Chrysostom and Blessed Theophylact of Bulgaria, the work of Archbishop Averky (Taushev) provides a commentary that is firmly grounded in the teaching of the Church, manifested in its liturgical hymnography and the works of the Holy Fathers. Analyzing all four Gospels chronologically and simultaneously, he allows readers to see the life of Christ as an unfolding narrative in accessible, direct language. Using the best of prerevolutionary Russian sources, these writings also remained abreast of developments in Western biblical scholarship, engaging with it directly and honestly. He approaches the Gospels first and foremost not as a literary work of antiquity, but as the revelation of Jesus Christ as God in the flesh. Archbishop Averky's commentaries on the New Testament have become standard textbooks in Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary and have been published in Russia to widespread acclaim. This present volume is the first translation of these texts into English and it is an indispensable addition to the library of every student of the Gospels.
Holy Trinity Publications 2025 Holy Trinity Orthodox Russian Calendar Russianlanguage
This liturgical guide offers detailed rubrics for every Sunday and major feast of the year, as well as certain lesser feasts and lenten days. The calendar also provides a list of commemorated saints and appointed scripture readings for each day of the year.??? ????????????? ??????????? ???? ????????? ???????? ?? ?????? ?????????? ???? ? ??????? ????????, ? ??? ????? ? ?? ????? ?????? ??????? ??? ? ????? ?????????. ?? ?????? ???? ???? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ? ??????? ?????? ?????????? ???????. ????????? ?? ??????? ????? ?? ?????????? ?????????.