Search results for ""Author Sylvie""
Bassermann, Edition Montessori für die Kleinsten von der Geburt bis 3 Jahre. 70 abwechslungsreiche Aktivitäten zum Entdecken und Lernen
Frech Verlag GmbH Das große CraSyTrioSockenbuch
Frech Verlag GmbH CraSy Secrets Tcher einfach quer gestrickt Sylvies geheimes Wissen enthllt SPIEGELBestseller
Crooked Lane Books The Hawthorne School
Abrams Flags of the World
In this complete compendium of the world’s flags, each nation’s flag is paired with facts and tidbits of history. These flags provide a window into the histories, values, and cultures of countries around the world. Waving in the wind, a flag may not seem like a code. But hidden in the stripes, stars, suns, moons, and colors of the world’s flags are the keys to understanding different countries’ shared histories and cherished ideals. Flags do much more than identify countries and groups of people. In every color, pattern, and design, the citizens and governments of countries announce their allegiances and herald their history. If you know what to look for, a flag can reveal major insights into another country’s history and culture.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Statistical Methods for Dose-Finding Experiments
Dose-finding experiments define the safe dosage of a drug in development, in terms of the quantity given to a patient. Statistical methods play a crucial role in identifying optimal dosage. Used appropriately, these methods provide reliable results and reduce trial duration and costs. In practice, however, dose-finding is often done poorly, with widely used conventional methods frequently being unreliable, leading to inaccurate results. However, there have been many advances in recent years, with new statistical techniques being developed and it is important that these new techniques are utilized correctly. Statistical Methods for Dose-Finding Experiments reviews the main statistical approaches for dose-finding in phase I/II clinical trials and presents practical guidance on their correct use. Includes an introductory section, summarizing the essential concepts in dose-finding. Contains a section on algorithm-based approaches, such as the traditional 3+3 design, and a section on model-based approaches, such as the continual reassessment method. Explains fundamental issues, such as how to stop trials early and how to cope with delayed or ordinal outcomes. Discusses in detail the main websites and software used to implement the methods. Features numerous worked examples making use of real data. Statistical Methods for Dose-Finding Experiments is an important collaboration from the leading experts in the area. Primarily aimed at statisticians and clinicians working in clinical trials and medical research, there is also much to benefit graduate students of biostatistics.
Crooked Lane Books The Hawthorne School: A Novel
Free Association Books Take Charge of Your Diet: A Self-Help Workbook Using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
This is a short, accessible workbook offering a new approach to weight loss based on the principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Rather than proposing a particular diet, the workbook offers practical tools to help slimmers adhere to whatever plan they have chosen. Written in plain language for the general reader it is based on principles widely discussed in academic research on addiction treatment. Informed by the author's professional experience of working with people addicted to alcohol, gambling and drugs, this book adapts the tools of addiction treatment to help people manage their weight loss. Addiction treatment centres often produce manuals for counsellors to work through with their clients in a step by step fashion, and the author follows this format to produce a workbook. The reader is taken through ten easy to follow stages. These are similar to those suggested in addiction recovery, but here they are applied to weight loss: keeping a diary, building motivation, identifying unmet needs, drawing a plan, creating new habits, identifying triggers and risk situations and learning how to deal with cravings and relapse. The last chapter also contains information for family, friends, carers or professionals to support loved ones or clients through the ten stages. Each chapter contains an explanation of the stage, one or more examples to illustrate the task and exercises to be completed by the reader followed by useful tips. The aim is for the reader to use the traditional tools of addiction treatment to become their own weight loss coach. It is designed as a 'companion' to a diet to increase slimmers' motivation and self-confidence, and goes beyond the diet to adapting to life after weight loss.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Vrysaki: A Neighborhood Lost in Search of the Athenian Agora
Between 1931 and 1939, central Athens was transformed by the expropriation and demolition of the Vrysaki neighborhood at the foot of the Acropolis. In these few years, more than 5,000 inhabitants were displaced and 348 properties were torn down so that the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) could excavate the ancient Agora; the scale of the project and the degree to which it was documented make this a unique episode in the history of Greek archaeology. Using materials from the ASCSA Archives and a large collection of photographs from the 1930s, this volume details the history of the negotiations, the expropriations, and, most importantly, the Vrysaki neighborhood itself. Illustrating its streets, shops, houses, names, and faces, the author provides a vivid recreation of the community that was Vrysaki.
Peeters Publishers Dendara XIII. Traduction: Le Pronaos Du Temple D'Hathor: Facade Et Colonnes
Dans la collection des OLA, la traduction des textes de Dendara se poursuit regulierement depuis 1997 (Dendara I, II, III, IV, V, VI, XIII, XIV, XV, Temple d'Isis); deux volumes de commentaires y ont ete egalement publies: Fetes d'Hathor et Temple d'Isis).Avec la traduction des textes du pronaos du temple d'Hathor (Dendara XIII, XIV, XV), l'auteur a prefere rompre avec l'ordre "normal" pour faire connaitre au plus vite la teneur de textes remarquables inconnus du monde scientifique (publies sur internet - Les trois ouvrages sont pourvus de nombreuses photos inedites. Le commentaire des textes de Dendara XIII-XIV-XV et l'analyse de la decoration du pronaos seront publies en 2013, egalement dans les OLA.
Peeters Publishers Dendara. Le Temple D'Isis. Vol. II: Analyse a La Lumiere Du Temple D'Hathor
Les inscriptions des temples d'Hathor et d'Isis a Dendara sont desormais publiees dans leur integralite (IFAO et Dans les deux presents volumes, le temple d'Isis est traduit et commente. Font suite a la traduction l'index francais des scenes d'offrandes et des dieux representes dans le temple, ainsi que la reconstitution photographique des parois. Le temple d'Isis reproduisant en reduction celui d'Hathor, l'analyse de la decoration est eclairee et facilitee par la comparaison avec le grand temple. Hymnes, phraseologie, statues, le temple d'Hathor fut une magnifique bibliotheque d'emprunt pour les pretres d'Isis. Pour celle-ci, les derniers inities d'Egypte ont adapte le grand rituel de naissance et de couronnement qui fit la renommee d'Hatchepsout; selon un processus classique de theomorphisme, le rituel passe de l'humain au divin. Dendara celebre une reine de la lumiere, Hathor fille de Re, et une reine de l'ombre, Isis fille de Geb: toutes deux incarnent la royaute feminine.
Peeters Publishers Dendara V-VI. Les Cryptes Du Temple D'Hathor. Vol. II: Index Phraseologique
Pour la commodite de l'utilisateur, la traduction et l'index phraseologique des volumes "Dendara" V et VI ont ete repartis en deux ouvrages. Les cryptes forment une unite textuelle que revelent tant la designation des pieces que les references aux fetes.L'index livre le releve exhaustif des dieux, des toponymes et du vocabulaire contenus dans les 334 pages de textes hieroglyphiques. Il est "phraseologique" en ce sens qu'il replace le mot ou l'epithete dans son contexte, ce qui l'apparente ainsi plus a une concordance biblique; il constitue aussi une maniere de glossaire par son classement analytique des mots et forme egalement une etape preliminaire a l'elaboration du dictionnaire definitif des textes de Dendara.
Peeters Publishers Dendara. Les Fetes D'Hathor
Faisant suite de la traduction des textes de Dendara I a IV, ce premier volume de commentaire, s'appuyant notamment sur ces inscriptions, est consacre au domaine essentiel que constituent les fetes liturgiques. Une nouvelle traduction du calendrier, l'identification des hymnes graves sur les portes des chapelles divines et la fonction des salles culturelles permettent de reconstituer le trajet et le deroulement des processions. Les quatres fetes principales d'Hathor sont a l'honneur dans le pronaos: les grands textes illustrent les fetes de l'ivresse (1er thot, 20 thot, 5 paophi) et l'union de la deesse avec Horus d'Edfou lors de la Nouvelle Lune d'epiphi (ces textes inedits sont ici integralement publies, traduits et commentes).
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Les Gaetani de Fondi Recueil d'Actes 1174-1623
Goldmann TB Schnell dein Leben
Classiques Garnier Jules Verne Et l'Invention d'Un Theatre-Monde
Candlewick Press,U.S. Sylvie
Ökobuch Verlag GmbH Cremes Tinkturen und Heilsalben 100 natrliche Mittel fr die ganze Familie selbst gemacht
Christophorus Verlag CraSy Mosaik Tücher häkeln
Emons Verlag Hamburg. Unterwegs mit deinen Lieblingsmenschen
Carl Hanser Verlag Maman
Editions Flammarion Renoir: Father and Son: Painting and Cinema
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Innovation in Small Family Businesses
This informative book provides a critical and comprehensive review of the research on innovation in small businesses particularly, the family-owned businesses.Innovation in Small Family Businesses explores how innovation is developed and carried out in small family-owned businesses, the factors underpinning it, and the innovation drivers and barriers in these firms' context. Sylvie Laforet also offers suggestions on how innovation can be fostered and perhaps, sustained in small family-owned businesses and discusses the government s role in this. The book makes an important contribution to the theoretical development of family firms' and small businesses' innovation.The detailed and critical literature review will provide useful reference points for both academics and students and identifies avenues for future research for the area. Policymakers and practitioners will also find this compact compendium insightful.Contents: Preface 1. Introduction 2. Culture, Structure, Leadership, Business Goal, Orientation and Innovation 3. Characteristics and Factors Affecting Innovation in Family Firms 4. Process of Innovation in Small Family Businesses 5. Conclusion Index
University of Nebraska Press Optional-Narrator Theory: Principles, Perspectives, Proposals
Twentieth-century narratology fostered the assumption, which distinguishes narratology from previous narrative theories, that all narratives have a narrator. Since the first formulations of this assumption, however, voices have come forward to denounce oversimplifications and dangerous confusions of issues. Optional-Narrator Theory is the first collection of essays to focus exclusively on the narrator from the perspective of optional-narrator theories. Sylvie Patron is a prominent advocate of optional-narrator theories, and her collection boasts essays by many prominent scholars—including Jonathan Culler and John Brenkman—and covers a breadth of genres, from biblical narrative to poetry to comics. This volume bolsters the dialogue among optional-narrator and pan-narrator theorists across multiple fields of research. These essays make a strong intervention in narratology, pushing back against the widespread belief among narrative theorists in general and theorists of the novel in particular that the presence of a fictional narrator is a defining feature of fictional narratives. This topic is an important one for narrative theory and thus also for literary practice.Optional-Narrator Theory advances a range of arguments for dispensing with the narrator, except when it can be said that the author actually “created” a fictional narrator.
Jewish Publication Society Elvina's Mirror
2010 Sydney Taylor Book Award, Notable Book for Older ReadersThe tale of Rashi’s granddaughter, a young girl who defies her community to help a friend in need. In this sequel to My Guardian Angel, Sylvie Weil continues the story of Elvina, the 14-year-old granddaughter of Rashi, the famous eleventh-century French Bible and Talmud commentator. It is the spring of 1097 in the town of Troyes, in France. The Crusaders have been marauding their way through Europe, attacking Jewish communities. One evening, a mysterious family arrives in Troyes—German Jews forced by the Crusaders to submit to baptism. The townspeople shun the family, but Elvina befriends eleven-year-old Columba. Columba’s mad cousin, Ephraim, steals a mirror from a member of the Jewish community, believing it will let him see his family killed in the recent attacks. Elvina tries to help Ephraim rid his mind of the terrible images by bringing him her own mirror, in which she claims to see a positive future. Elvina’s story brings the world of Medieval European Jewry to life for young readers.Ages 10 and up
Holiday House A New Car for Pickle
InterVarsity Press The Art of Living in Season
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Vrysaki (Greek language edition): A Neighborhood Lost in Search of the Athenian Agora
Between 1931 and 1939, central Athens was transformed by the expropriation and demolition of the Vrysaki neighborhood at the foot of the Acropolis. In these few years, more than 5,000 inhabitants were displaced and 348 properties were torn down so that the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) could excavate the ancient Agora; the scale of the project and the degree to which it was documented make this a unique episode in the history of Greek archaeology. Using materials from the ASCSA Archives and a large collection of photographs from the 1930s, this volume details the history of the negotiations, the expropriations, and, most importantly, the Vrysaki neighborhood itself. Illustrating its streets, shops, houses, names, and faces, the author provides a vivid recreation of the community that was Vrysaki.
Cle International Decouverte La guerre des jumeaux A1.1 Audio
Nova Science Publishers Inc Immunogenetics
Wallflower Press East–West Encounters
Wallflower Press East–West Encounters
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd La traque informationnelle
Peeters Publishers Dendara XV. Traduction: Le Pronaos Du Temple D'Hathor: Plafond Et Parois Exterieures
Dans la collection des OLA, la traduction des textes de Dendara se poursuit regulierement depuis 1997 (Dendara I, II, III, IV, V, VI, XIII, XIV, XV, Temple d'Isis); deux volumes de commentaires y ont ete egalement publies: Fetes d'Hathor et Temple d'Isis).Avec la traduction des textes du pronaos du temple d'Hathor (Dendara XIII, XIV, XV), l'auteur a prefere rompre avec l'ordre "normal" pour faire connaitre au plus vite la teneur de textes remarquables inconnus du monde scientifique (publies sur internet - Les trois ouvrages sont pourvus de nombreuses photos inedites. Le commentaire des textes de Dendara XIII-XIV-XV et l'analyse de la decoration du pronaos seront publies en 2013, egalement dans les OLA.
Peeters Publishers Dendara V-VI. Les Cryptes Du Temple D'Hathor. Vol. I: Traduction
La traduction complete du temple d'Hathor a Dendara a ete entreprise en 1997; elle forme actuellement les numeros 81, 88, 95 et 101 de la collection Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta.Les onze cryptes du temple d'Hathor, publiees par Emile Chassinat et Francois Daumas en deux volumes ("Dendara" V et VI), ont ete reparties selon leur situation "verticale" dans le temple: est, sud et ouest; cependant, la lecture des cryptes est semblable a celle des registres, c'est-a-dire qu'il faut considerer "horizontalement" le sous-sol puis le rez-de-chaussee et enfin l'etage. Tant l'interpretation que l'etude du vocabulaire gagnent beaucoup a regrouper les cryptes de meme niveau.L'analyse de la decoration precede la traduction fournie en regard de la transcription.
Peeters Publishers Dendara IV. Traduction
Dendara IV. Traduction est le quatrieme volume de la collection Dendara. Les volumes de textes hieroglyphiques publies depuis plus de soixante ans par l'IFAO (Caire) sont presentes en traduction de la maniere suivante: - Breve introduction qui presente les grands themes de la decoration, prelude a une etude d'ensemble. - Traduction donnee en regard de la transcription. - Corrigenda des textes hieroglyphiques. - Index phraseologique (releve de tous les mots avec leur contexte et l'indication du dieu ou de l'offrande) - Planches au trait reproduites d'apres la publication d'E. Chassinat dont les premiers volumes sont epuises. - Couverture photographique assez largement completee par des cliches de la totalite des chapelles. Ancien pensionnaire de l'IFAO, docteur d'Etat des lettres, directeur de recherche au CNRS, Sylvie Cauville est specialiste des temples de la derniere periode de l'Egypte, dont Edfou et particulierement Dendara.
Christophorus Verlag CraSy Mosaik Noch mehr Tücher stricken
Classiques Garnier Femmes d'a Cote: Filles, Soeurs, Epouses d'Hommes Celebres
Capstone Press Get Involved in an Art Club
Rowman & Littlefield The Art of Decorative Matting
Learn how to construct the beautiful decorated mats called French mats, or 'line and wash' mats, in this detailed step-by-step manual by a French expert. Included are instructions for 37 different mats, including antique, classical, and unusual 'fantasy' designs, for professional-quality picture framing. The unique layout of the book offers a quick and practical way to choose from the different examples. Each mat pattern is reproduced in full color and at actual size along the edge of the page: just place the book on your artwork and flip the pages to find the perfect mat. Every mat design comes with a template and complete information about measurements, the placement of lines, color washes, and gilded bands, as well as the construction of invisible spacers and elegant beveled mats, to give depth and a professional finish to the ensemble. No calculations are necessary: you have only the pleasure of cutting and decorating the mats. Whether the artwork you want to frame is antique or contemporary, you will find among the styles here just the one that is right for it, and for the interior in which it will be displayed. (9 X 12, 100 pages, color photos, diagrams)
Ökobuch Verlag GmbH Korbflechten mit Altpapier einfach schn und haltbar
Aquamarin- Verlag GmbH Willkommen auf der Erde Eine Seele begrüßen verstehen und begleiten
Aladin Verlag Sie kommen
Christophorus Verlag CraSy Oberteile Kleider aus Jersey 1 Schnitt 1000 Styles selbstgenht