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Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Monetary History, Exchange Rates and Financial Markets: Essays in Honour of Charles Goodhart, Volume Two
Commenting on the quality of the contributors when opening the conference on which these books are based, the former Governor of the Bank of England, Sir Edward George, said 'I cannot remember ever before having had such a galaxy of academic economist and central banking superstars gathered together under one roof!''Monetary History, Exchange Rates and Financial Markets is an impressive collection of original papers in honour of Charles Goodhart's outstanding contribution to monetary economics and policy. Its contributors - eminent international academics, central bankers and financial market regulators - provide an insight into an extensive set of issues including: the role of the history of economic thought in modern macroeconomics Charles Goodhart's contribution to British monetary history lessons from the history of financial crises customer trades and extreme events in foreign exchange markets trading activity, volatility and liquidity in foreign exchange markets competition, stability and financial regulation. Charles Goodhart has written extensively on many of these topics and has become synonymous with his field; the chapters within this book offer a summary of current thinking on his own research subjects and include perspectives on controversies surrounding them. Integrating clarity of economic thinking with the practicalities of policy, this arresting book will be invaluable to economists, central bankers and students of monetary economics. The companion volume examines central banking, monetary theory and practice.
John Murray Press Be More Confident: Banish self-doubt, be more confident and stand out from the crowd
Self-confidence is a crucial ingredient in your personal skill-set; whether you need to demonstrate your aptitude at work or feel calmer and less anxious in social situations, being able to express yourself with confidence and appear at ease is well within your reach.Be More Confident brings the social networking strategies of the business and professional world to your personal life, helping you to overcome shyness, win friends and make an impact in every social situation. It uses proven techniques, interactive tools, case studies and motivational advice to help you communicate better, and relate to others in a natural way. If you've always been a little shy, it will give you practical help on everything from body language to great conversation openers. Covering work, home, relationships, social media and every other area of your daily routine, this practical, outcome-focused book will help you you feel better not only about yourself, but about the way in which you talk to people, make friends, and make an impression.ABOUT THE SERIESPeople have been learning with Teach Yourself since 1938. With a vast range of practical, how-to guides covering language learning, lifestyle, hobbies, business, psychology and self-help, there's a Teach Yourself book for whatever you want to do. Join more than 60 million people who have reached their goals with Teach Yourself, and never stop learning.
Alfred Music The Best of Johann Strauss, Jr. Waltzes (for String Quartet or String Orchestra): 1st Violin
Simon & Schuster Ltd I Need a Wee!: A laugh-out-loud picture book from the creators of Supertato!
Alan the bear has a problem. He needs a wee! But there are so many things he would rather do first. Will he make it to the loo on time? And when he gets there, will there be a queue?! Uh-oh...
Turner Publishing Company Community Building: What Makes It Work: A Review of Factors Influencing Successful Community Building
This practical guide shows you what really does (and doesn't) contribute to community building success. It reveals 28 keys to help you build community more effectively and efficiently. You won't find another single report that pulls out common lessons from across community building initiatives about what works. You can use this report to find out what community characteristics contribute to successful community building, make sure key processes such as communications and technical assistance are in place, determine if community leaders or organizers have essential qualities such as a relationship of trust and flexibility, and evaluate the likely success of a proposed project or get a struggling effort back on track. Examples, definitions, and a detailed bibliography make this report even more valuable. Wilder Research Center scoured the literature, contacted resource centers, and spoke with community development experts across the country. The result is concrete, understandable research based on real-life experiences. The 28 factors in this report are grouped by: 1) characteristics of the community, 2) characteristics of the community building process, and 3) characteristics of community building organizers. Detailed descriptions and case examples of how each factor plays out are followed by practical questions you can use to assess your work. In addition to the factors, you also get working definitions for community, community building, and many other terms; a list of resources and contacts in the field; an explanation of how the research was done; and a complete bibliography of all the studies used in this report. Now you can save time looking for best-practice information. With this concise report, you've got the tools to help your community building work succeed!
Book Publishing Company Hitman for the Kindness Club: High Seas Escapades and Heroic Adventures of an Eco-Activist
Springer Verlag, Singapore Singapore's First Year of COVID-19: Public Health, Immigration, the Neoliberal State, and Authoritarian Populism
This book addresses the question of what Singapore's COVID-19 pandemic response in the first year can tell us about the strengths and weaknesses of the Singapore model and what its prospects might be in an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous post-pandemic world. As a concise, holistic, and critical documentation of the first year of COVID-19 in Singapore, the multi-disciplinary chapters in this book provide a broad-ranging analysis of an internationally admired model of governance severely tested by a global pandemic crisis whose end is still not in sight.The book focuses specifically on the interconnections among Singapore’s political economy, public health policies, immigration policies, and the elite and pragmatic system of state authoritarianism that, especially since the 1980s, has been at the heart of managing the tensions and contradictions of a nation-state that is also a global city, an important node in a network of goods, services, investments, wealth, people, ideas, and images, all moving rapidly. The chapters critically employ topics and concepts such as neoliberal globalization, authoritarian populism, moral panic, social stigmatization, heterotopia, spatial segregation, and others to make sense of a thoroughly complex situation.
Rocky Mountain Books Mr. Mindbomb: Eco-hero and Greenpeace Co-founder Bob Hunter – A Life in Stories
Rodale Incorporated Guy Gourmet: Great Chefs' Best Meals for a Lean & Healthy Body: A Cookbook
Man cannot live by bread alone. Women, neither. They need toast...and steak, and tacos, wings and burgers, beef stew and pizza. They need to eat well but also to watch what they eat for the benefit of body and mind. Guy Gourmet provides home cooks with more than 200 recipes for guy meals that both satisfy the taste buds and deliver healthy nutrition for peak performance. Many of the recipes in the book are healthy makeovers of popular chefs' favorite creations. In addition to Thomas Keller, who writes the foreword, some of the well-known chefs who've contributed recipes include Seamus Mullen, Eric Ripert, Mark Vetri, and many others. Not only will readers get tons of great recipes, they'll also learn valuable lessons about eating healthier, cooking (and cleaning up) faster, cooking for a crowd, becoming a master of the barbeque grill, and pairing the right beers and wines with the food they make. Each chapter will feature a hodgepodge of factoids, informational quotes and tips like how to flip a flapjack, roll dough with a wine bottle, zest a lime, wash and store greens, debone a fish, pit an avocado, and do a self-administered Heimlich maneuver when choking. Illustrations will instruct and amazing food photography will inspire men to master the most important room in their home for good health-the kitchen.
Alfred Music Mercy (from Space Jam -- A New Legacy): As Recorded by the Jonas Brothers, Conductor Score
Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies Nomads and Ottomans in Medieval Anatolia
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe McKinsey Mind
This is the first step-by-step manual for achieving McKinsey-style solutions and success. International bestseller "The McKinsey Way" provided a through-the-keyhole look at McKinsey & Co., history's most prestigious consulting firm. Now, the follow-up implementation manual, "The McKinsey Mind", reveals the hands-on secrets behind the powerhouse firm's success and discusses how executives from any field or industry can use those tactics to be more proactive and successful in their day-to-day decision-making. Structured around interviews and frontline anecdotes from former McKinsey consultants as well as the authors, themselves McKinsey alumni The McKinsey Mind explores how McKinsey tools and techniques can be applied to virtually any business problem in any setting.Immensely valuable in today's crisis-a-minute workplace, it discusses: techniques for framing problems and designing analyses; methods for interpreting results and presenting solutions; and, keys for managing teams, managing clients, and managing yourself. The ability to think in a rigorous, structured manner a McKinsey manner is not a birthright. It can, however, be a learned behavior. Let "The McKinsey Mind" show you how to approach and solve problems with the skill of a McKinsey consultant and obtain the positive results that have been delivered to McKinsey clients for over a century. McKinsey & Co. is renowned throughout the world for its ability to arrive at sharp, insightful analyses of its clients' situations then provide solutions that are as ingenious as they are effective.McKinsey succeeds almost as well as shielding its revolutionary methods from competitors' scrutiny. Now, "The McKinsey Mind" pulls back the curtain to reveal the ways in which McKinsey consultants consistently deliver their magic and how those methods can be used to achieve exceptional results in companies from 10 employees to 10,000. Packed with insights and brainstorming exercises for establishing the McKinsey mind-set, this book is an in-depth guidebook for applying McKinsey methods in any industry and organizational environment. Taking a step-by-step approach, "The McKinsey Mind" looks at the McKinsey mystique from every angle.Owners, executives, consultants, and team leaders can look to this comprehensive treatment for ways to: follow McKinsey's MECE (mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive) line of attack; frame business problems to make them susceptible to rigorous fact-based analysis; use the same fact-based analysis in conjunction with gut instinct to make strategic decisions; conduct meaningful interviews and effectively summarize the content of those interviews; analyze the data to find out the 'so what'; clearly communicate fact-based solutions to all pertinent decision makers; and, capture and manage the knowledge in any organization to maximize its value. Because organizational problems rarely exist in a vacuum, "The McKinsey Mind" discusses these approaches and more to help you arrive at usable and sensible solutions. It goes straight to the source former McKinsey consultants now in leadership positions in organizations throughout the world to give you today's only implementation-based, solution-driven look at the celebrated McKinsey problem-solving method."'The McKinsey Mind" provides a fascinating peek at the tools, practices, and philosophies that have helped this much-admired firm develop generations of bright young MBAs into trusted corporate advisors. But the book's practical, down-to-earth advice is not just for consultants. The disciplined way in which McKinsey consultants frame issues, analyze problems, and present solutions offers valuable lessons for any practicing or aspiring manager' - Christopher A. Bartlett, Daewoo Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School. McKinsey and Co. rescues the biggest companies from disaster by addressing every problem with its own mixture of logic-driven, hypothesis-tested analysis. "The McKinsey Mind" helps everyone learn how to think with the same discipline and devotion to creating business success. According to the maxim, giving a man a fish may feed him for a day, but teaching him to fish will feed him for a lifetime. Paying McKinsey to solve your problem may help you for a day, but learning how they do it should help you for a lifetime' - Peter Wayner, Author of "Free For All: How Linux and the Free Software Movement Undercut The High-Tech Titans". '"The McKinsey Mind unlocks the techniques of the world's preeminent consulting firm and presents them in a format that is easy to understand and even easier to implement' - Dan Nagy, Associate Dean, The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Early Detection and Cognitive Therapy for People at High Risk of Developing Psychosis: A Treatment Approach
Written with clinicians in mind, this book demonstrates the use of Cognitive Behavior Therapy with individuals who are at risk of developing psychosis. Divided into three parts, the book opens with the background to the clinical trial including the rationale for the early intervention strategy, assessment strategies to identify "at risk" groups, and a review of prevention strategies. In Part II the focus is on the application of cognitive therapy for this group. Part III examines strategies for change, as well as specific issues including social isolation and relapse prevention.
University of Wales Press Travels in Revolutionary France and a Journey Across America: George Cadogan Morgan and Richard Price Morgan
In July 1789 George Cadogan Morgan, born in Bridgend, Wales, and the nephew of the celebrated radical dissenter Richard Price (1723-91), found himself caught up in the opening events of the French Revolution and its consequences. In 1808, his family left Britain for America where his son, Richard Price Morgan, travelled extensively, made a descent of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers by raft and helped build some of the early American railroads. The adventures of both men are related here via letters George sent home to his family from France and through the autobiography written by his son in America.
Alfred Music The Best of Johann Strauss, Jr. Waltzes (for String Quartet or String Orchestra): String Bass
Oxford University Press GCSE Religious Studies for Edexcel A: Catholic Christianity with Islam and Judaism Student Book
Please note this book is suitable for any student studying: Exam board: Edexcel Level: GCSE Subject: Religious Education First teaching: September 2016 First exams: June 2018 This Student Book has been endorsed by Edexcel. This textbook offers a brand new approach to the study of Catholic Christianity, which has been developed in close consultation with teachers and religious organisations. Structured according to the new specification with clear, regular summaries, the book provides students with exactly what they need to know for the course, including a choice between Islam and Judaism as a second religion. It also includes Philosophy and Ethics and St Mark's Gospel. Practice questions are provided for every topic, as well as sample answer activities and exam support.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds – Sit Tip Pat: Band 01A/Pink A
Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds features exciting fiction and non-fiction decodable readers to enthuse and inspire children. They are fully aligned to Letters and Sounds Phases 1–6 and contain notes in the back. The Handbooks provide support in demonstration and modelling, monitoring comprehension and expanding vocabulary. Children do different yoga poses and show how to be mindful in this non-fiction book. Pink A/Band 1A offers emergent readers very simple, highly predictable texts and provides direct support through illustrations. The focus sounds in this book are: /s/ /a/ /t/ /p/ /i/ /n/ Pages 14 and 15 contain a fun “I Spy” Letters and Sounds activity, which uses visual support to help children embed phonic knowledge. Reading notes within the book provide practical support for reading Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds with children, including a list of all the sounds and words that the book will cover.
Breakaway Books Running Into Yourself: Unlock Your Strength, Heal Your Wounds, and Find New Life Through Running
John Wiley & Sons Inc Unstructured Data Analytics: How to Improve Customer Acquisition, Customer Retention, and Fraud Detection and Prevention
Turn unstructured data into valuable business insight Unstructured Data Analytics provides an accessible, non-technical introduction to the analysis of unstructured data. Written by global experts in the analytics space, this book presents unstructured data analysis (UDA) concepts in a practical way, highlighting the broad scope of applications across industries, companies, and business functions. The discussion covers key aspects of UDA implementation, beginning with an explanation of the data and the information it provides, then moving into a holistic framework for implementation. Case studies show how real-world companies are leveraging UDA in security and customer management, and provide clear examples of both traditional business applications and newer, more innovative practices. Roughly 80 percent of today's data is unstructured in the form of emails, chats, social media, audio, and video. These data assets contain a wealth of valuable information that can be used to great advantage, but accessing that data in a meaningful way remains a challenge for many companies. This book provides the baseline knowledge and the practical understanding companies need to put this data to work. Supported by research with several industry leaders and packed with frontline stories from leading organizations such as Google, Amazon, Spotify, LinkedIn, Pfizer Manulife, AXA, Monster Worldwide, Under Armour, the Houston Rockets, DELL, IBM, and SAS Institute, this book provide a framework for building and implementing a successful UDA center of excellence. You will learn: How to increase Customer Acquisition and Customer Retention with UDA The Power of UDA for Fraud Detection and Prevention The Power of UDA in Human Capital Management & Human Resource The Power of UDA in Health Care and Medical Research The Power of UDA in National Security The Power of UDA in Legal Services The Power of UDA for product development The Power of UDA in Sports The future of UDA From small businesses to large multinational organizations, unstructured data provides the opportunity to gain consumer information straight from the source. Data is only as valuable as it is useful, and a robust, effective UDA strategy is the first step toward gaining the full advantage. Unstructured Data Analytics lays this space open for examination, and provides a solid framework for beginning meaningful analysis.
National Resource Center for The First Year Experience & Students in Transition Students in Transition: Research and Practice in Career Development
Offering a primer on action research methodologies and examples of practice, Students in Transition: Research and Practice in Career Development responds to a dual challenge facing career development educators - designing cutting-edge career development interventions and demonstrating their effectiveness. Overviews of quantitative and qualitative measures and career development instruments are presented to assist educators in documenting the outcomes of their programs and initiatives. The case studies in the final sections of the volume describe the delivery and evaluation of a wide range of career initiatives offered in diverse settings and spanning the transition from high school to college through the senior year. Career services professionals and educators at all types of institutions will find empirical evidence, research methodologies, and practical strategies to guide program design, implementation, and evaluation.
Springer International Publishing AG Practical Pharmaceutics: An International Guideline for the Preparation, Care and Use of Medicinal Products
Practical Pharmaceutics contains essential knowledge on the preparation, quality control, logistics, dispensing and use of medicines. It features chapters written by experienced pharmacists and scientists working in hospitals, academia and industry throughout Europe, including practical examples as well as information on current GMP and GMP-based guidelines and EU-legislation. In this second edition all chapters have been updated with numerous new as well as didactically revised illustrations and tables. A completely new chapter about therapeutic proteins and Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products was added. From prescription to production, from usage instructions to procurement and the impact of medicines on the environment, the book provides step-by-step coverage that will help a wide range of readers, students as well as professionals. It offers product knowledge for all pharmacists working directly with patients and it will enable them to make the required medicine available, to store medicines properly, to adapt medicines if necessary and to dispense medicines with the appropriate information for patients as well as caregivers about product care and how to maintain the quality of the product. The basic knowledge presented in the book will also be valuable for industrial pharmacists to remind and focus them on the application of the medicines manufactured. The basic and practical knowledge on the design, preparation and quality management of medicines can directly be applied by the pharmacists whose main duty is production in community and hospital pharmacies and in industry. Undergraduate as well as graduate pharmacy students will find knowledge presented in a coherent way and fully supported with relevant examples. Practical Pharmaceutics has become a reliable and recognised source for the acquisition of pharmaceutical-technological knowledge. The book is used in the curriculum of a number of international universities and schools of Pharmacy.
Crossway Books What God Has to Say about Our Bodies: How the Gospel Is Good News for Our Physical Selves
The Bible has a lot to say about the body. Organized around three categories—creation, fall, redemption—this book by Sam Allberry provides readers with a balanced theology of the body as they seek to glorify God in everything they do.
HarperCollins Publishers Nip it! Dig it!: Phase 2 Set 3 (Big Cat Phonics for Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised)
Big Cat Phonics for Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised has been developed in collaboration with Wandle Learning Trust and Little Sutton Primary School. It comprises classroom resources to support the SSP programme and a range of phonic readers that together provide a consistent and highly effective approach to teaching phonics. Ever wondered what rabbits do during the day? Find out in this photographic non-fiction book. Pages 14 and 15 contain a fun “I Spy” Letters and Sounds activity, which uses visual support to help children embed phonic knowledge. Reading notes within the book provide practical support for reading with children, including a list of all the sounds and words that the book will cover.
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers The Christmas Candle
Editorial Renacimiento, S.A. (Sevilla) Fiestas galantes Poemas saturnianos La buena canción Romanzas sin palabras Sabiduría Amor Parábolas Otras poesías
Hodder Education Access to History for the IB Diploma: Authoritarian States Study and Revision Guide: Paper 2
Reinforce knowledge and develop exam skills with revision of key historical content, exam-focussed activities and guidance from experts as part of the Access to History Series.· Take control of revision with helpful revision tools and techniques, and content broken into easy-to-revise chunks.· Revise key historical content and practise exam technique in context with related exam-focussed activities. · Build exam skills with Exam Focus at the end of each chapter, containing exam questions with sample answers and examiner commentary, to show you what is required in the exam.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Capacity Building for Environment Learning & Sustainable Living: Environmental Management Systems in Schools in South Africa
The Peterson Institute for International Economics Reforming the US Corporate Tax
Columbia University Press On Being and Having a Case Manager: A Relational Approach to Recovery in Mental Health
On Being and Having a Case Manager stresses the importance of the process of building relationships in helping clients realize independent lives. Based on a two-year study of Marilyn and her case managers, this book emphasizes the intentional exchange of attention and information between case managers, clients, and others within the caring network and clearly outlines a practical method for all service providers, clients, family members, and close friends to follow. Throughout the day, from moment to moment, relationships fluctuate among doing for, doing with, standing by for support, and doing for oneself. By observing Marilyn and her case manager, the authors prove the value of mutually and continuously monitoring these fluctuations within three primary domains-feeling, thinking, and acting-while carrying out daily activities. These findings show that managers are often stuck in doing-for modes of relating. Indeed, this may be one of the factors that contribute most to case manager and client burnout. While some clients with severe and persistent symptoms may, in fact, frequently require others to do-for, some like Marilyn may not require as much. They may need more doing-with and standing-by to encourage mastery and the internalization of confidence.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds – It is Hidden: Band 02B/Red B
Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds features exciting fiction and non-fiction decodable readers to enthuse and inspire children. They are fully aligned to Letters and Sounds Phases 1–6 and contain notes in the back. The Handbooks provide support in demonstration and modelling, monitoring comprehension and expanding vocabulary. Explore the fascinating world of camouflage – from a leopard to a looper moth – in this photographic non-fiction book. Red B/Band 2B books offer simple but varied text with familiar objects and actions, combined with simple story development and a satisfying conclusion. The focus sounds in this book are: /ee/ /oo/ /or/ /oa/ /ar/ /igh/ /oo/ /er/ /ow/, dd, tt Pages 14 and 15 allow children to re-visit the content of the book, supporting comprehension skills, vocabulary development and recall. Reading notes within the book provide practical support forreading Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds with children, including a list of all the sounds and words that the book will cover.
Farrar, Straus and Giroux Howdie-Skelp: Poems
Rowman & Littlefield The Making of Harpers Ferry National Historical Park: A Devil, Two Rivers, and a Dream
Harpers Ferry National Historical Park is most widely known today for the attempted slave revolt led by John Brown in 1859, the nucleus for the interpretation of the current national park. Here, Moyer and Shackel tell the behind-the-scenes story of how this event was chosen and preserved for commemoration, providing lessons for federal, state, local and non-profit organizations who continually struggle over the dilemma about which past to present to the public. Professional and non-professional audiences alike will benefit from their important insights into how federal agencies interpret the past, and in turn shape public memory.
Meze Publishing The Hertfordshire Cook Book: A celebration of the amazing food and drink on our doorstep
The Hertfordshire Cook Book is the latest in the 'Get Stuck In' series of regional cook books from Meze Publishing. It celebrates the best of the area's food and drink scene with over 35 recipes contributed by a diverse selection of restaurants, bars, cafes and small producers across the region. Among this line-up are Lussman's, included in The Sunday Times' top 100 favourite eating spots in the UK, dessert specialists The Pudding Stop in St Albans and multi award-winning deli Buongiorno Italia as well as places like Puddingstone Gin, Smallford Farm Shop, Tring Brewery and George Street Canteen. So whether you are a novice in the kitchen or a budding master chef, this book has recipes to suit all tastes, and also reflects the wonderful melting pot of cuisines in one of the country's top foodie destinations.
EOS - Editions Sankt Ottilien Religious Education in the Diocese of Ahiara (Nigeria) and in the Archidiocese of Munich and Freising (Germany): A Comparative Study
Karnac Books Suffering and Sacrifice in the Clinical Encounter
In Suffering and Sacrifice in the Clinical Encounter, the authors identify the ways in which some patients seek to create what Freud termed a “private religion” and unconsciously substitute sacrificial enactments of scapegoat surrogates to protect them against the pain of separation, mourning, and loss of primary figures of attachment. They investigate the function of sacrifice and its relationship to the breakdown of psychic structure and the development of manic defenses and pathological narcissism. Such treatments are complex, the “reversed roles” of victim and perpetrator central to the sacrificial process when enacted in therapy can trigger feelings of shame, guilt and inadequacy in the therapist. Perverse, vengeful, and sadistic transference distortions are explored to enable the therapist to appreciate the true nature of the patient’s hidden traumatic experience, with the necessity for the working-through of genuine separation and grieving highlighted. Useful methods are detailed to counter the tendency to become overly active and inappropriately involved when working with patients who have deadened their desire to improve. This book is unique in utilising the dynamic concepts of the effects of trauma and sacrifice, the role of the scapegoat, and the distinctions between the experience of pain and the accomplishment of suffering in order to develop a foundational understanding of such patients. It is a must-read for all practising and trainee therapists.
Rizzoli International Publications Chatsworth, Arcadia Now: Seven Scenes from the Life of an English Country House
This stunning volume provides an enchanting visit to one of the most storied and beautiful English country houses.No place embodies the spirit of the English country house better than Chatsworth. From best-selling books such as Georgiana: Duchess of Devonshireand Chatsworth: The House by Deborah Mitford, the late Dowager Duchess of Devonshire, American audiences have long been transfixed by this remarkable place and its extraordinary collection of art and decorative objects. Today, Chatsworth’s facade is newly cleaned and its windows freshly gilded. The forward-looking current Duke of Devonshire, who likes to say that “everything was new once,” has redone the public and private rooms. This tour-de-force volume is his telling of the story of Chatsworth through seven historical periods accompanied by stunning photo-graphic portraits of the house, its collections, and the grounds. Chatsworth contains countless treasures from Nicolas Poussin’s Et in Arcadia Ego and Antonio Canova’s Endymion to seminal modern works by Lucian Freud and David Hockney. Though filled with works from different time periods, the collection represents the very best of the “new” from each artistic era.
LUP - University of Georgia Press A Southern Underground Railroad Black Georgians and the Promise of Spanish Florida and Indian Country
Columbia University Press We Were Not the Savages First Nations History Collision Between European and Native American Civilizations
Casemate Publishers The G.I. Collector's Guide: U.S. Army Service Forces Catalog, European Theater of Operations: Volume 1
In World War II, the U.S. Army not only supplied its soldiers with the most modern equipment and uniforms, suitable for any combat situation, but went as far as providing them with their favourite drinks or candy bars.A comprehensive reference book bringing together all the equipment issued to American soldiers in the European Theater of Operations, 1943–45. Each item is presented with its catalog numbers, described in detail and fully depicted in photographs. Graphics and diagrams offer additional information and context. There are chapters on everything from uniform, insignia, and small arms issued to the individual, through crew-served weapons, rations, tents, to sports and recreation equipment. There is full coverage of the specialist items issued to Airborne, Armored, and Mountain troops, engineers, signallers, Military Police, medics, chaplains and female personnel. From the chewing gum included in K rations through to artillery-laying equipment, mess trays to portable altars and field harmoniums, this photographic reference gives a unique insight into the world of the U.S. Army in World War II.As a complete catalogue with high-quality photographs, this book is invaluable to both family historians researching grandpa's kit found in the attic and to assist collectors in their quest to find authentic items among the reproductions that flood the modern market.
Lexington Books Gladly to Learn and Gladly to Teach: Essays on Religion and Political Philosophy in Honor of Ernest L. Fortin, A.A.
For half a century, Ernest Fortin's scholarship has charmed and educated theologians and philosophers with its intellectual search for the best way to live. Written by friends, colleagues, and students of Fortin, this book pays tribute to a remarkable thinker in a series of essays that bear eloquent testimony to Fortin's influence and his legacy. A formidable commentator on Catholic philosophical and political thought, Ernest Fortin inspired others with his restless inquiries beyond the boundaries of conventional scholarship. With essays on subjects ranging across philosophy, political science, literature, and theology Gladly to Learn and Gladly to Teach reflects the astonishing depth and breadth of Fortin's contribution to contemporary thought.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd War and Power in the Twenty-First Century: The State, Military Power and the International System
Future developments in war, armed conflict and international relations are central to our collective fate in this century. This book looks forward by considering the forces that will drive changes in military organizations, sources of conflict, the power of states and the nature of the international system. New military technologies will alter how wars are fought and will influence the balance of power. Changes in the global environment will provide new causes of conflict and will change economic priorities. As a result, the state will survive as the key social institution and populations will look to it to acquire and to distribute scarce resources like water, energy and land. Many of the changes that seem transformatory today, like globalization, the internet and mass consumerism, will be shown to be less significant than we believe them to be. Hirst puts such changes into perspective by comparing them with the revolutionary changes in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Europe: the firepower revolution, the rise of the sovereign territorial state and the parallel development of the international system, and the creation of world trade. These basic structures of the modern world are still with us and will remain, despite major changes in twenty-first-century society. This book will appeal to students of politics, political sociology & international relations as well as the interested general reader.
Arcadia Publishing The New York State Capitol and the Great Fire of 1911 Images of America Arcadia Publishing
John Wiley and Sons Ltd War and Power in the Twenty-First Century: The State, Military Power and the International System
Future developments in war, armed conflict and international relations are central to our collective fate in this century. This book looks forward by considering the forces that will drive changes in military organizations, sources of conflict, the power of states and the nature of the international system. New military technologies will alter how wars are fought and will influence the balance of power. Changes in the global environment will provide new causes of conflict and will change economic priorities. As a result, the state will survive as the key social institution and populations will look to it to acquire and to distribute scarce resources like water, energy and land. Many of the changes that seem transformatory today, like globalization, the internet and mass consumerism, will be shown to be less significant than we believe them to be. Hirst puts such changes into perspective by comparing them with the revolutionary changes in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Europe: the firepower revolution, the rise of the sovereign territorial state and the parallel development of the international system, and the creation of world trade. These basic structures of the modern world are still with us and will remain, despite major changes in twenty-first-century society. This book will appeal to students of politics, political sociology & international relations as well as the interested general reader.