Search results for ""World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd""
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Christmas At The Royal Institution: An Anthology Of Lectures By M Faraday, J Tyndall, R S Ball, S P Thompson, E R Lankester, W H Bragg, W L Bragg, R L Gregory, And I Stewart
Since the mid-1820s, a series of lectures has been delivered each year over the Christmas period in the world-famous Faraday Lecture Theatre at The Royal Institution of Great Britain by prominent scientists, addressed specifically to an audience of children. Initially made accessible in book form, the lectures have been nationally televised throughout the UK and distributed worldwide since the 1960s, making them accessible to an even larger audience. The importance of these lectures in promoting science to a broad audience is perhaps best gauged by the fact that an image of one of Faraday's lectures appeared on the Bank of England £20 note in the 1990s.This anthology brings together, for the first time, a carefully chosen selection of 11 lectures from the 1860s to the 1990s. The selection includes lectures by Michael Faraday, arguably the most important and influential 19th-century physicist, and Lawrence Bragg, the youngest ever winner of the Nobel Prize. Through this work, readers will come to grips with the changing nature of popular science lectures over the past 140 years.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Equations Of Phase-locked Loops: Dynamics On Circle, Torus And Cylinder
Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs) are electronic systems that can be used as a synchronized oscillator, a driver or multiplier of frequency, a modulator or demodulator and as an amplifier of phase modulated signals. This book updates the methods used in the analysis of PLLs by drawing on the results obtained in the last 40 years. Many are published for the first time in book form. Nonlinear and deterministic mathematical models of continuous-time and discrete-time PLLs are considered and their basic properties are given in the form of theorems with rigorous proofs. The book exhibits very beautiful dynamics, and shows various physical phenomena observed in synchronized oscillators described by complete (not averaged) equations of PLLs. Specially selected mathematical tools are used — the theory of differential equations on a torus, the phase-plane portraits on a cyclinder, a perturbation theory (Melnikov's theorem on heteroclinic trajectories), integral manifolds, iterations of one-dimensional maps of a circle and two-dimensional maps of a cylinder. Using these tools, the properties of PLLs, in particular the regions of synchronization are described. Emphasis is on bifurcations of various types of periodic and chaotic oscillations. Strange attractors in the dynamics of PLLs are considered, such as those discovered by Rössler, Henon, Lorenz, May, Chua and others.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Modern Many-particle Physics: Atomic Gases, Nanostructures And Quantum Liquids (2nd Edition)
This book is devoted to the description of Bosonic and Fermionic systems: metallic clusters; quantum dots, wires, rings and molecules; trapped Fermi and Bose atoms; liquid drops of Helium; electron gas in different dimensions and geometries with and without magnetic fields.Extensively updated with 200 extra pages, the new edition of this successful book includes the field's cutting-edge areas: spin-orbit coupling in heterostructures and spintronics; the conductivity problem: conductivity of quantum wires, magnetoconductivity of nanostructures, spin-Hall conductivity; atomic Fermi gases in traps; non-collinear local spin density approximation calculations; and Brueckner-Hartree-Fock in finite size systems.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Challenges In The Management Of New Technologies
New developments in bio- and nanotechnologies and also in information and communication technologies have shaped the research environment in the last decade. Increasingly, highly educated experts in R&D departments are collaborating with scientists and researchers at universities and research institutes to develop new technologies. Transnational companies that have acquired various firms in different countries need to manage diverse R&D strategies and cultures. The new knowledge-based economy permeates across companies, universities, research institutes and countries, creating a cross-disciplinary, global environment. Clearly, managing technology in this new climate presents significant challenges.This book comprises selected papers from the 14th International Conference on Management of Technology, which was convened under the auspices of IAMOT and UNIDO on 22-26 May 2005 in Vienna, Austria. It deals with some important aspects of these challenges, and discusses in detail the changing dynamics of innovation and technology management. It will certainly appeal to academics, scientists, managers, and policy makers alike.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Dynamics In Models Of Coarsening, Coagulation, Condensation And Quantization
The Institute for Mathematical Sciences at the National University of Singapore hosted a research program on “Nanoscale Material Interfaces: Experiment, Theory and Simulation'' from November 2004 to January 2005. As part of the program, tutorials for graduate students and junior researchers were given by leading experts in the field.This invaluable volume collects the expanded lecture notes of four of those self-contained tutorials. The topics covered include dynamics in different models of domain coarsening and coagulation and their mathematical analysis in material sciences; a mathematical and computational study for quantized vortices in the celebrated Ginzburg-Landau models of superconductivity and the mean field Gross-Pitaevskii equations of superfluidity; the nonlinear Schrödinger equation and applications in Bose-Einstein condensation and plasma physics as well as their efficient and accurate computation; and finally, an introduction to constitutive modeling of macromolecular fluids within the framework of the kinetic theory.This volume serves to inspire graduate students and researchers who will embark upon original research work in these fields.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Stochastic Differential Equations: Theory And Applications - A Volume In Honor Of Professor Boris L Rozovskii
This volume consists of 15 articles written by experts in stochastic analysis. The first paper in the volume, Stochastic Evolution Equations by N V Krylov and B L Rozovskii, was originally published in Russian in 1979. After more than a quarter-century, this paper remains a standard reference in the field of stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs) and continues to attract the attention of mathematicians of all generations. Together with a short but thorough introduction to SPDEs, it presents a number of optimal, and essentially unimprovable, results about solvability for a large class of both linear and non-linear equations.The other papers in this volume were specially written for the occasion of Prof Rozovskii's 60th birthday. They tackle a wide range of topics in the theory and applications of stochastic differential equations, both ordinary and with partial derivatives.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Divided China: Preparing For Reunification 883-947
The oneness of China is the norm. Periods of divisions are aberrations. This is how Chinese thinkers, leaders and ultimately the majority of Chinese people have regarded Chinese politics and history for more than 2,000 years.The oneness was never perfect. As long as certain minimal conditions were met and the polity which proclaimed that oneness was widely acknowledged, that was enough. Chinese ruling elites adopted this pragmatic approach so they could ensure that the ideal could always approximate China's reality.This is a revised edition of a study undertaken to explain what happened during one of the worst periods of division in Chinese history. What were the key factors that helped the centripetal forces to get back to the imperial norm? It begins with the final stage of decline of the Tang dynasty (618-907) and ends 50 years later when it became clear that the foundations for a last push towards unification were in place.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Radiation Protection In The Health Sciences (With Problem Solutions Manual) (2nd Edition)
This book takes a very practical approach to radiation protection and presents very readable information for anyone working in the radiation field or with radioactive material. Offering information rarely found elsewhere, the authors describe in detail both the basic principles and practical implementation recommendations of radiation protection. Each chapter includes self-assessment review questions and problems, with answers provided, to help readers master important information. Coupled with a teacher's manual, this book is highly suitable as an undergraduate text for students preparing for careers as X-ray, radiation oncology, or nuclear medicine technologists. It can also be used as a reference for residents in radiology and radiation oncology, medical personnel, or anyone working with radioactive materials such as those involved in homeland security/emergency services, or employed at a nuclear power plant.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Epidemiology And Plant Ecology: Principles And Applications
The spatial aspects of epidemics have been a largely ignored feature of plant ecology, yet an understanding of the spatial dynamics of pathogens is essential to quantifying the impact of diseases on wild plants. Moreover, it may provide valuable information for the control of human diseases. This seminal work fulfills such a role by describing the basics of botanical epidemiology within the context of plant ecology. A variety of models are covered to estimate key parameters at both the individual plant and population levels, with emphasis on the value of spatial-temporal models in the evolutionary dynamics of pathogens. Practical methods are presented to validate these models, thus making this book accessible to theorists and empiricists alike.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Few-body Problems In Physics - Proceedings Of The 3rd Asia-pacific Conference
The Asia-Pacific Conferences on Few-Body Problems in Physics tackle cover the various aspects of few-body systems in physics, with high caliber contributions from internationally renowned researchers. Readers will gain a clear picture of the latest developments in the field in both the theoretical and experimental sectors.The scope of these proceedings covers research in the following areas: three-body forces and few-nucleon dynamics, hadron structure and QCD; exotic hadrons and atoms; effective field theory in few-body physics; electromagnetic and weak processes in few-body systems; few-body dynamics in atoms, molecules, Bose-Einstein condensates and quantum dots; few-body approaches to unstable nuclei, nuclear astrophysics and nuclear clustering aspects; and hypernuclear physics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Structure-based Study Of Viral Replication (With Cd-rom)
This book addresses the innovative themes in characterizing the cellular membrane platforms and intracellular networking, as well as the architectural aspects of cell compartments mediated by the entry and replication cycles of viruses. The instrumentation of modern molecular and cellular biology provides a potent array of wave packets to image, detect and manipulate major dynamics of macromolecular and subviral assemblies as in the host cellular context.The book includes case studies presented with highly coherent and structured illuminations, including microscopy, spectroscopy and scanning probes. The compilation and integration of the methodology provides time-resolved observations on the reactivity of structures from near-atomic resolution to various molecular or cellular levels of descriptors. The book provides a broad introduction to the various fascinating virus systems and may be used as an advanced textbook by graduate students in biomedicine. It provides adequate background material to explore further the research problems of epidemics in the 21st century.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Japanese Management Accounting Today
This book investigates how different types of Japanese management systems are able to motivate stakeholders, including employees, top management, stockholders, customers and transaction partners, to participate actively in the organizational behavior that improves business performance.The various systems motivating stakeholders are examined in five sections: Strategy and Business Restructuring for Enhancing the Business Value; Management Control Systems and Budgeting; Cost Management; Management Accounting for Supply Chain and Shared Services; and Process Management.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Advances In Quantitative Analysis Of Finance And Accounting (Vol. 4)
NewsProfessor Cheng-Few Lee ranks #1 based on his publications in the 26 core finance journals, and #163 based on publications in the 7 leading finance journals (Source: Most Prolific Authors in the Finance Literature: 1959-2008 by Jean L Heck and Philip L Cooley (Saint Joseph's University and Trinity University).Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting is an annual publication to disseminate developments in the quantitative analysis of finance and accounting. The publication is a forum for statistical and quantitative analyses of issues in finance and accounting as well as applications of quantitative methods to problems in financial management, financial accounting, and business management. The objective is to promote interaction between academic research in finance and accounting and applied research in the financial community and the accounting profession.The papers in this volume cover a wide range of topics including earnings management, management compensation, option theory and application, debt management and interest rate theory, and portfolio diversification.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Gravitation And Astrophysics: On The Occasion Of The 90th Year Of General Relativity - Proceedings Of The Vii Asia-pacific International Conference
The ICGA series of conferences is specially aimed to serve the needs of the workers in this research area in the Asia-Pacific region. The previous conferences of this series have attracted a growing number of local, regional and international participants. 2005 was an auspicious year. Not only was it the International Year of Physics, commemorating Einstein's great achievements of 1905, it also was the anniversary of Einstein's development of General Relativity: he submitted the final form of his field equations on 25 November, 1915. Nine decades years later, around 40 Taiwan-based participants were joined by over 40 distinguished visitors from Canada, China, France, Japan, Korea, Russia, and the USA, and this volume includes many of the papers that were presented. The depth and breadth of these contributions reflect the high quality of the meeting and the development of the field in the Asia-Pacific region.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nuclear Weapons, Scientists, And The Post-cold War Challenge: Selected Papers On Arms Control
This volume includes a representative selection of Sidney Drell's recent writings and speeches (circa 1993 to the present) on public policy issues with substantial scientific components. Most of the writings deal with national security, nuclear weapons, and arms control and reflect the author's personal involvement in such issues dating back to 1960.Fifteen years after the demise of the Soviet Union, the gravest danger presented by nuclear weapons is the spread of advanced technology that may result in the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Of most concern would be their acquisition by hostile governments and terrorists who are unconstrained by accepted norms of civilized behavior. The current challenges are to prevent this from happening and, at the same time, to pursue aggressively the opportunity to escape from an outdated nuclear deterrence trap.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Computer Aided Methods In Optimal Design And Operations
This book covers different topics on optimal design and operations with particular emphasis on chemical engineering applications. A wide range of optimization methods — deterministic, stochastic, global and hybrid — are considered.Containing papers presented at the bilateral workshop by British and Lithuanian scientists, the book brings together researchers' contributions from different fields — chemical engineering including reaction and separation processes, food and biological production, as well as business cycle optimization, bankruptcy, protein analysis and bioinformatics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Mathematical Methods In Scattering Theory And Biomedical Engineering - Proceedings Of The Seventh International Workshop
This volume comprises the papers presented at the Seventh International Workshop on Scattering Theory and Biomedical Engineering, focusing on the hottest topics in scattering theory and biomedical technology.All the contributions are state-of-the-art and have been fully reviewed. The authors are recognized as being eminent both in their field and in the science community.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Foundations Of Quantum Mechanics, Historical Analysis And Open Questions - Cesena 2004
This volume provides a unique overview of recent Italian studies on the foundations of quantum mechanics and related historical, philosophical and epistemological topics. A gathering of scholars from diverse cultural backgrounds, the conference provided a forum for a fascinating exchange of ideas and perspectives on a range of open questions in quantum mechanics. The varied nature of the papers in this volume attests to the achievement of that aim with many contributions providing original solutions to established problems by taking into account recommendations from different disciplines.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Transfer And Licensing Of Know-how And Intellectual Property, The: Understanding The Multinational Enterprise In The Modern World
The international transfer of technology is one of the most important features of the global economy. However, the literature on it is sparse. This book encapsulates the author's contributions to this field over the last three decades and provides insights into the manner, mechanisms, and cost of technology transfer across national boundaries and the implications for (the theory of) the international firm.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Optics: Problems And Solutions
Optics has been a subject of fascinating investigation in the last three centuries by a large number of eminent scientists. With the advent of modern technologies (Personal Computers, Internet and specialized software like MATLAB), new methods and tools for the solution of problems encountered in Optics are now available. Written with the student of Physics and Engineering in mind, this textbook shows how to solve the typical examination questions. In addition the author has included the solutions of many real and difficult problems encountered by the practicing Physicists and Engineers. The book is liberally and beautifully illustrated with diagrams from the MATHLAB software.Readers can refer to MATLAB scripts using a complementary virtual booklet ( that will also include corrections, to unavoidable errors present in this book, supplementary problems, and readers' suggestions.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Cross-border Banking: Regulatory Challenges
Cross-border banking, while having the potential for a more efficient financial sector, also creates potential challenges for bank supervisors and regulators. It requires cooperation by regulatory authorities across jurisdictions and a clear delineation of authority and responsibility. That delineation is typically not present and regulatory authorities often have significantly different incentives to respond when cross-border-active banks encounter difficulties. Most of these issues have only begun to be seriously evaluated.This volume, one of the first attempts to address these issues, brings together experts and regulators from different countries. The wide range of topics discussed include: the current landscape of cross-border bank activity, the resulting competitive implications, emerging challenges for prudential regulation, safety net concerns, failure resolution issues, and the potential future evolution of international banking.This book has been selected for coverage in:• Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings® (ISSHP® / ISI Proceedings)• Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings (ISSHP CDROM version/ISI Proceedings)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Photonic Glasses
This book introduces the fundamental mechanism of photonic glasses — the linear and nonlinear optical effects in glass under intense light irradiation: phot-induced absorption, refraction, polarization, frequency, coherence and monochromaticity changes. Emphasis is placed on new developments in the structure, spectroscopy and physics of new glassy materials for photonics applications, such as optical communication, optical data storage, new lasers and new photonic components and devices. The book presents the research results of the authors in new glasses for photonics over the last decade.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Microbial Biotechnology: Principles And Applications
In the second edition of this bestselling textbook, new materials have been added, including a new chapter on real time polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR) and a chapter on fungal solid state cultivation. There already exist a number of excellent general textbooks on microbiology and biotechnology that deal with the basic principles of microbial biotechnology. To complement them, this book focuses on the various applications of microbial-biotechnological principles. A teaching-based format is adopted, whereby working problems, as well as answers to frequently asked questions, supplement the main text. The book also includes real life examples of how the application of microbial-biotechnological principles has achieved breakthroughs in both research and industrial production.Although written for polytechnic students and undergraduates, the book contains sufficient information to be used as a reference for postgraduate students and lecturers. It may also serve as a resource book for corporate planners, managers and applied research personnel.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Mathematics Of Physics And Engineering
Aimed at scientists and engineers, this book is an exciting intellectual journey through the mathematical worlds of Euclid, Newton, Maxwell, Einstein, and Schrodinger-Dirac.While similar books present the required mathematics in a piecemeal manner with tangential references to the relevant physics and engineering, this textbook serves the interdisciplinary needs of engineers, scientists and applied mathematicians by unifying the mathematics and physics into a single systematic body of knowledge but preserving the rigorous logical development of the mathematics.The authors take an unconventional approach by integrating the mathematics with its motivating physical phenomena and, conversely, by showing how the mathematical models predict new physical phenomena.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Dissimilarity Representation For Pattern Recognition, The: Foundations And Applications
This book provides a fundamentally new approach to pattern recognition in which objects are characterized by relations to other objects instead of by using features or models. This 'dissimilarity representation' bridges the gap between the traditionally opposing approaches of statistical and structural pattern recognition.Physical phenomena, objects and events in the world are related in various and often complex ways. Such relations are usually modeled in the form of graphs or diagrams. While this is useful for communication between experts, such representation is difficult to combine and integrate by machine learning procedures. However, if the relations are captured by sets of dissimilarities, general data analysis procedures may be applied for analysis.With their detailed description of an unprecedented approach absent from traditional textbooks, the authors have crafted an essential book for every researcher and systems designer studying or developing pattern recognition systems.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Phase-based Speech Processing
This is the first book that takes a detailed look at the importance of phase in the design of speech processing systems. Phase, in comparison with amplitude, is often ignored for speech recognition applications. Thus, this book highlights some of the important ways in which the phase of speech signals can be utilized for sound localization, enhancement, and recognition.This book also discusses the state-of-the-art research in phase-based speech processing, starting from the basics of signal processing and recording, to single microphone speech recognition, the recognition of speech and the processing of speech by humans, as well as the importance of phase in human speech recognition and multi-microphone phase-based speech processing.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Application Of Quantitative Techniques For The Prediction Of Bank Acquisition Targets
In recent years, the banking industry has faced significant challenges due to deregulation, globalization, financial innovation, and intensified global competition. In response to these challenges, banks have adopted strategies to grow and expand their activities, with mergers and acquisitions (M&As) being one of the most popular over the last decade. This unique book thus discusses the use of quantitative classification methods for the prediction of bank acquisitions. With an overview of the M&A trends in the EU banking industry and a survey of the motives for M&As, the authors compare various statistical and computational methodologies used to analyze and predict bank acquisitions. The material constitutes a useful basis for researchers and practitioners in banking management to develop and analyze investment decisions related to M&As.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Contemporary Approaches To Research On Learning Environments: Worldviews
Learning environment research has undergone considerable growth in the past thirty years and has now reached a stage of notable diversity and internationalization. Earlier studies often used questionnaires to assess learning environments, but today both qualitative and quantitative approaches are used. Many contemporary studies are a productive combination of these two approaches.This volume brings together prominent educators and researchers from around the world to share their contemporary research on educational learning environments. The chapters provide information on recent trends and developments and effective applications of different methods to improve teaching and learning. The book will be a critical and specialized source that describes recent advances in learning environment studies across all continents. The contributors come from Australia, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, Turkey, Taiwan, Thailand, and the USA.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Sir Rudolf Peierls: Selected Private And Scientific Correspondence (Volume 1)
This edition of the private and scientific correspondence of Sir Rudolf Peierls gives a unique insight into the life and work of one of the greatest theoretical physicists of the 20th century. Rudolf Peierls' scientific work contributed to the early developments in quantum mechanics, and he is well known and much appreciated for his contributions to various disciplines, including solid state physics, nuclear physics, and particle physics. As an enthusiastic and devoted teacher, he passed on his knowledge and understanding and inspired the work of collaborators and students alike. As an effective administrator he was responsible, almost single-handedly, for the establishment of an outstanding successful centre of theoretical physics in Birmingham, and later contributed much to theoretical physics in Oxford.A meticulous collector of correspondence, Sir Rudolf left a fascinating collection of letters, in some cases spanning more than seven decades. This collection includes correspondence with his parents, his wife, the Russian-born physicist Genia Kannegieser, life-long friends such as Hans Bethe, and many great physicists, including Wolfgang Pauli, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Lev Landau, and George Placzek, to name but a few.This first volume, which covers the years 1922 to 1945, contains much of the early family correspondence, letters exchanged between Rudolf and Genia Peierls before and after their marriage in 1931, correspondence relating to early developments in quantum physics, and interesting material relating to the development of nuclear weapons. The extensive apparatus provides an invaluable background which allows the reader to put the presented documents into their multi-faceted social, political and scientific context.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Hownet And The Computation Of Meaning (With Cd-rom)
It is widely acknowledged that natural language processing, as an indispensable means for information technology, requires the strong support of world knowledge as well as linguistic knowledge. This book is a theoretical exploration into the extra-linguistic knowledge needed for natural language processing and a panoramic description of HowNet as a case study. Readers will appreciate the uniqueness of the discussion on the definitions of the top-level classes HowNet specifies, such as things, parts, attributes, time, space, events and attribute-values, and the relations among them, and also the depth of the authors' philosophy behind HowNet.The book presents the attraction of HowNet's computability of meanings and describes how a software of the computation of meaning can collect so many relevant words and expressions and give a similiarity value between any two words or expressions.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Difference Makers: Stories Of Those Who Dared - A Collection Of Interview Columns By Susan Long (English Version)
Difference Makers: Stories of Those Who Dared is a different sort of book. It features many big names from corporate titans to ministers to social entrepreneurs. But it is not just a compilation of feel-good success stories and minting millions. It is a celebration of the human spirit, of daring, drive and doggedness to make a difference. The endeavours within will make you tear, chortle, sigh, reflect and renew your faith that all things are possible. It is guaranteed to make a difference to your life.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd You Failed Your Math Test, Comrade Einstein: Adventures And Misadventures Of Young Mathematicians
This groundbreaking work features two essays written by the renowned mathematician Ilan Vardi. The first essay presents a thorough analysis of contrived problems suggested to “undesirable” applicants to the Department of Mathematics of Moscow University. His second essay gives an in-depth discussion of solutions to the Year 2000 International Mathematical Olympiad, with emphasis on the comparison of the olympiad problems to those given at the Moscow University entrance examinations.The second part of the book provides a historical background of a unique phenomenon in mathematics, which flourished in the 1970s-80s in the USSR. Specially designed math problems were used not to test students' ingenuity and creativity but, rather, as “killer problems,” to deny access to higher education to “undesirable” applicants. The focus of this part is the 1980 essay, “Intellectual Genocide”, written by B Kanevsky and V Senderov. It is being published for the first time. Also featured is a little-known page of the Soviet history, a rare example of the oppressed organizing to defend their dignity. This is the story of the so-called Jewish People's University, the inception of which is associated with Kanevsky, Senderov and Bella Subbotovskaya.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd World Of Hedge Funds, The: Characteristics And Analysis
The World of Hedge Funds is a compendium of distinguished papers focusing on the cutting-edge analysis of hedge funds. This area is arguably the fastest growing source of funds in the investment management arena. It represents an exciting opportunity for the investor and manager in terms of the range of return and risk available. A source of rigorous analysis is therefore both sought after as well as needed. This book aims to fill this gap by presenting an eclectic collection of papers contributed by influential academics and practitioners covering the characteristics and problems of hedge funds.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Mathematical Modeling And Methods Of Option Pricing
From the unique perspective of partial differential equations (PDE), this self-contained book presents a systematic, advanced introduction to the Black-Scholes-Merton's option pricing theory.A unified approach is used to model various types of option pricing as PDE problems, to derive pricing formulas as their solutions, and to design efficient algorithms from the numerical calculation of PDEs. In particular, the qualitative and quantitative analysis of American option pricing is treated based on free boundary problems, and the implied volatility as an inverse problem is solved in the optimal control framework of parabolic equations.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Cooperative Extensions Of The Bayesian Game
This is the very first comprehensive monograph in a burgeoning, new research area — the theory of cooperative game with incomplete information with emphasis on the solution concept of Bayesian incentive compatible strong equilibrium that encompasses the concept of the Bayesian incentive compatible core. Built upon the concepts and techniques in the classical static cooperative game theory and in the non-cooperative Bayesian game theory, the theory constructs and analyzes in part the powerful n-person game-theoretical model characterized by coordinated strategy-choice with individualistic incentives, the influence of outsiders' strategy choice upon the feasibility and implications of coalitional attainability, and incomplete information. The book presents the basic results of this theory. It also presents the research results to date on the simple, but central economic model of Bayesian pure exchange economy, and also on an alternative approach, anonymous coalition formation.The theory presented here points to an important future research direction in economics. In particular, it has the potential to provide game-theoretical foundations of organizational analysis in which organizations (coalitions) as corporations institute a non-market resource allocation mechanism while using the market resource allocation mechanism at the same time.The book provides appraisals of the various concepts, setups and results established to date as well as many discussions on philosophical issues on different approaches in the area, thereby clarifying the applicability and limitations of the current theory. It also contains numerous examples illustrating various concepts and points of discussions.Cooperative Extensions of the Bayesian Game is an essential reference in strategic cooperative game theory, and serves as an informative textbook for PhD courses in advanced economic theory, mathematical economics, game theory, and industrial organization.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Quantum Mechanics In Nonlinear Systems
In the history of physics and science, quantum mechanics has served as the foundation of modern science. This book discusses the properties of microscopic particles in nonlinear systems, principles of the nonlinear quantum mechanical theory, and its applications in condensed matter, polymers and biological systems.The book is essentially composed of three parts. The first part presents a review of linear quantum mechanics, as well as theoretical and experimental fundamentals that establish the nonlinear quantum mechanical theory. The theory itself and its essential features are covered in the second part. In the final part, extensive applications of this theory in physics, biology and polymer are introduced. The whole volume forms a complete system of nonlinear quantum mechanics.The book is intended for researchers, graduate students as well as upper-level undergraduates.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Dynamics Of Crowd-minds: Patterns Of Irrationality In Emotions, Beliefs And Actions
A crowd-mind emerges when formation of a crowd causes fusion of individual minds into one collective mind. Members of the crowd lose their individuality. The deindividuation leads to derationalization: emotional, impulsive and irrational behavior, self-catalytic activities, memory impairment, perceptual distortion, hyper-responsiveness, and distortion of traditional forms and structures. This book presents unique results of computational studies on cognitive and affective space-time processes in large-scale collectives of abstract agents being far from mental equilibrium. Computational experiments demonstrate that the irrational and nonsensical behavior of individual entities of crowd-mind results in complex, rich and non-trivial spatio-temporal dynamics of the agent collectives. Mathematical methods employ theory and techniques of cellular-automata and lattice swarms, applied algebra, theory of finite automata and Markov chains, and elementary differential equations.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Soft Multihadron Dynamics
This book gives a comprehensive account of the development and present status of the field of soft (i.e. non-perturbative) phenomena encountered in the production of (multi-) hadronic final states by the collision of various types of particles at high energies. Phenomenological models used to describe the data are in general inspired by Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD) and the book repeatedly crosses the border — if at all existent — between soft (non-perturbative) and hard (perturbative) QCD.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Principles Of Nanotechnology: Molecular Based Study Of Condensed Matter In Small Systems
This invaluable book provides a pointed introduction to the fascinating subject of bottom-up nanotechnology with emphasis on the molecular-based study of condensed matter in small systems. Nanotechnology has its roots in the landmark lecture delivered by the famous Nobel Laureate physicist, Richard Feynman, on 29 December 1959 entitled “There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom.” By the mid-1980s, it had gained real momentum with the invention of scanning probe microscopes. Today, nanotechnology promises to have a revolutionary impact on the way things are designed and manufactured in the future.Principles of Nanotechnology is self-contained and unified in presentation. It may be used as a textbook by graduate students and even ambitious undergraduates in engineering, and the biological and physical sciences who already have some familiarity with quantum and statistical mechanics. It is also suitable for experts in related fields who require an overview of the fundamental topics in nanotechnology. The explanations in the book are detailed enough to capture the interest of the curious reader, and complete enough to provide the necessary background material needed to go further into the subject and explore the research literature. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of nanotechnology, a comprehensive glossary is included detailing abbreviations, chemical formulae, concepts, definitions, equations and theories.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Selected Papers Of Wang Yuan
This volume presents a comprehensive collection of Wang Yuan's original important papers which are not available elsewhere, since the majority of the papers were published in China.Covering both pure number theory and applied mathematics, this book is important for understanding Wang Yuan's academic career and also the development of Chinese mathematics in recent years, since Wang Yuan's work has a wide-ranging influence in China.Wang Yuan is a professor and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his honorable Doctorship from Hong Kong Baptist University. He has published 70 papers and ten books.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Medical Statistics And Computer Experiments (With Cd-rom)
This textbook consists of three parts: basic concepts of statistics, advanced statistical methods, and design and analysis for medical research. Each chapter begins with challenging medical problems and related statistical methods and theories; to make the statistical ideas more easily understood, there is a section of “computer experiments” in each chapter where some basic statistical phenomena and related concepts are revealed. The statistical software SAS is used to carry out related statistical calculations.The aim of this book is to make medical students and researchers grasp easily the most useful tools of statistics for their medical research. It is done through various applications to a great number of medical problems, interesting demonstration of well-designed computer experiments and detailed explanation of statistical thinking.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Deterministic And Stochastic Models Of Aids Epidemics And Hiv Infections With Intervention
With contributions from an international team of leading researchers, the book pulls together updated research results in the area of HIV/AIDS modeling to provide readers with the latest information in the field. Topics covered include: AIDS epidemic models; vaccine models; models for HIV/cell dynamics and interactions; cellular kinetics; viral dynamics with antiviral treatments; modeling of drug resistance and quasispecies.Extensive deterministic models, statistical models, stochastic models and state space models on treating AIDS patients with anti-retroviral drugs are provided, as well as an in-depth discussion of these models. The book also contains updated reviews on mathematical models for assessing effects of AIDS vaccines, statistical methods for analyzing clinical trial data on AIDS vaccines, and overviews of models and statistical methods for assessing drug resistance of HIV to anti-retroviral drugs. Some important statistical methods specific to the intervention and prevention of HIV epidemic are also discussed.This will be a useful reference source for graduate students and researchers in biomathematics and biostatistics, as well as for HIV/AIDS epidemiologists and clinical investigators learning quantitative methods to study AIDS epidemics and HIV infection.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Elementary Particles: Building Blocks Of Matter
This highly readable book uncovers the mysteries of the physics of elementary particles for a broad audience. From the familiar notions of atoms and molecules to the complex ideas of the grand unification of all the basic forces, this book allows the interested lay public to appreciate the fascinating building blocks of matter that make up our universe.Beginning with a description of the quantum nature of atoms and particles, readers are introduced to the elementary constituents of atomic nuclei: quarks. The book goes on to consider all of the important ideas in particle physics: quantum electrodynamics and quantum chromodynamics, the theory of strong interactions, the gauge theories of the weak and electromagnetic interactions, as well as the problem of mass generation. To conclude the book, the ideas of grand unification are described, and finally, some applications to astrophysics are discussed.Your guide to this exciting world is an author who, together with the originator of the idea of quarks, Murray Gell-Mann, has played an important role in the development of the theory of quantum chromodynamics and the concept of grand unification.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd New Cosmology, The - Proceedings Of The 16th International Physics Summer School, Canberra
This volume presents a comprehensive introduction to modern cosmology from an astrophysical viewpoint. Key features of the book are: breadth of topics covered, from quantum cosmology to recent observational advances; up-to-the-minute inclusion of many recent results, e.g. from the WMAP satellite; the level of the work, suited to both students and professionals in the field.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd History Of Mathematical Sciences: Portugal And East Asia Ii - Scientific Practices And The Portuguese Expansion In Asia (1498-1759)
This book explores the interaction between Europe and East Asia between the 16th and the 18th centuries in the field of mathematical sciences, bringing to the fore the role of Portugal as an agent of transmission of European science to East Asia. It is an important contribution to understanding this fundamental period of scientific history, beginning with the arrival of Vasco da Gama in India in 1498 and ending with the expulsion of the Society of Jesus from Portugal in 1759. The former event opened a new era in relations between Europe and Asia, in particular regarding the circulation of scientific knowledge, leading to major social and intellectual changes in both continents. The Society of Jesus controlled education in Portugal and in the Empire. It was central to the network of knowledge transmission until the Society was expelled from Portugal in 1759.The proceedings have been selected for coverage in:• Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings® (ISSHP® / ISI Proceedings)• Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings (ISSHP CDROM version / ISI Proceedings)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Quantum Probability Communications: Qp-pq - Volume Xi
Lecture notes from a Summer School on Quantum Probability held at the University of Grenoble are collected in these two volumes of the QP-PQ series. The articles have been refereed and extensively revised for publication. It is hoped that both current and future students of quantum probability will be engaged, informed and inspired by the contents of these two volumes. An extensive bibliography containing the references from all the lectures is included in Volume 12.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd 50 Years Of Yang-mills Theory
“It was a brilliant idea to signal the 50th birthday of Yang-Mills theory by gathering together a wide range of articles by leading experts on many aspects of the subject. The result is a most handsome tribute of both historical and current interest, and a substantial addition to the existing literature …This unusual and elegant festschrift is a treat for theorists.”CERN CourierOn the 50th anniversary of Yang-Mills theory, this invaluable volume looks back at the developments and achievements in elementary particle physics that ensued from that beautiful idea.During the last five decades, Yang-Mills theory, which is undeniably the most important cornerstone of theoretical physics, has expanded widely. It has been investigated from many perspectives, and many new and unexpected features have been uncovered from this theory. In recent decades, apart from high energy physics, the theory has been actively applied in other branches of physics, such as statistical physics, condensed matter physics, nonlinear systems, etc. This makes the theory an indispensable topic for all who are involved in physics.An international team of experts, each of whom has left his mark on the developments of this remarkable theory, contribute essays or more detailed technical accounts to this volume. These articles highlight the new discoveries from the respective authors' perspectives. The distinguished contributors are: S Adler, F A Bais, C Becchi, M Creutz, A De Rújula, B S DeWitt, F Englert, L D Faddeev, P Hasenfratz, R Jackiw, A Polyakov, V N Popov, R Stora, P van Baal, P van Nieuwenhuizen, S Weinberg, F Wilczek, E Witten, C N Yang. Included in each article are introductory and explanatory remarks by the editor, G 't Hooft, who is himself a major player in the development of Yang-Mills theory.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Understanding The Human Machine: A Primer For Bioengineering
This introductory book for undergraduate students poses a question: What is bioengineering all about? After offering a reference frame and defining the objectives (chapter 1), “physiology” (chapter 2) is presented as a source material followed by “signals” (chapter 3) and “signal pick up” (chapter 4). Chapter 5 deals with the biological amplifier. Reading the signal and the need for mathematical models are the subject matter, respectively, of chapters 6 and 7; they only provide guidance. The last chapter tries to look ahead. Sometimes, the subject is treated in relative depth; at times, the visit is more superficial. Formation rather than information is favored. Historical shots supply background material and spicy insights. Style is light, sprinkled with a little humor. There are exercises which allow students to learn independently.