Search results for ""World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd""
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Manual For Differentiation Of Bone Marrow-derived Stem Cells To Specific Cell Types, A
This is the first experimental protocol book that covers the differentiation of bone marrow-derived stem cells (BMSCs) into specific cell types, targeted at the undergraduate and graduate student level. The 19 chapters deal with the differentiation methods using small molecules, cytokines and polymeric scaffolds.BMSCs are pluripotential in that they not only act as myelo-regenerative and supportive cells, but can also differentiate into almost any kind of cells in our body. In addition, when implanted in vivo, they could help repair multiple tissues such as blood vessels, heart, liver and so on.For the differentiation of BMSCs, many methods have been introduced to adjust their microenvironment (chemical and physical cues), including chemical induction methods using large or small molecules and pellet culture; mechanical stimulation induction methods using cyclic mechano-transduction or ultrasonication; cytokine-released method using scaffolds; and so on.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Understanding Advanced Chemistry Through Problem Solving: The Learner's Approach (In 2 Volumes)
Written for students taking either the University of Cambridge Advanced Level examinations or the International Baccalaureate examinations, this guidebook covers essential topics and concepts under both stipulated chemistry syllabi. The book is written in such a way as to guide the reader through the understanding and applications of essential chemical concepts using the problem solving approach. The authors have also retained the popular discourse feature from their previous two books — Understanding Advanced Physical Inorganic Chemistry and Understanding Advanced Organic and Analytical Chemistry — to help learners better understand and see for themselves how the concepts should be applied to solve problems. Based on the Socratic Method, questions are implanted throughout the book to help facilitate the reader's development in forming logical conclusions of concepts and the way they are being applied to explain the problems. In addition, the authors have also included important summaries and concept maps to help learners recall, remember, reinforce and apply the fundamental chemical concepts in a simple way.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Practical Obstetrics And Gynaecology Handbook For O&g Clinicians And General Practitioners (2nd Edition)
This handbook provides an evidence-based approach to common obstetrics & gynaecological problems faced by O & G clinicians and general practitioners in their daily practice. It is the only book available with current evidence-based recommendations and protocols in O & G.Compiled by experienced experts, this new edition contains 24 new chapters. The existing chapters have been updated using the latest evidence. The authors have included multiple flow charts and detailed practical approaches to various gynaecology and obstetric issues. The book will be a valuable and quick practical guide to everyone — not only to general practitioners and O & G clinicians, but also to medical students and resident doctors. Topics like “Approach to Ectopic Pregnancy” and “Pelvic Inflammatory Disease” will provide invaluable guidance to even emergency medicine doctors.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Quantitative Easing As A Highway To Hyperinflation
This book addresses the topical issue of whether the current environment in the US and other major countries, where quantitative easing is used to boost the economy, is conducive to the emergence of hyperinflation. This is a controversial and highly debated issue. Using both economics and history, the author challenges the view that quantitative easing will not lead to hyperinflation and argues that hyperinflation, or at least high inflation, is likely to appear eventually.The book examines all the propositions put forward for and against the eventuality of hyperinflation in the US, using illustrations based on actual and simulated data. The analysis leads to the conclusion that the current fiscal position of the US government, particularly the levels of external debt and unfunded liabilities, will not be rectified without resorting to inflationary financing. The book would be useful not only for policy makers and economists but also for non-specialist observers.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Selected Papers Of Michael G Rossmann With Commentaries: The Development Of Structural Biology
About 50 publications out of more than 500 have been selected from the work of Michael Rossmann covering the years from 1958 to 2012. These include his early work with Max Perutz on hemoglobin and the first protein structures to his current work on the structures of small icosahedral and large polymorphic viruses. These papers describe not only some of the first protein and virus structures, but also the crystallographic and electron microscopic technologies. Furthermore, the author's interests include evolution and protein folding.The selected papers are a personal history of structural biology and especially of structural virology. The papers describe many of the basic techniques of structural biology such as isomorphous replacement, anomalous dispersion of X-rays, the molecular replacement method, X-ray diffraction data processing and combining crystallographic data with electron microscopic images.The book covers much of the historical development of the modern flourishing field of structural biology in terms of the authors' own contributions.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Computational Methods For Two-phase Flow And Particle Transport (With Cd-rom)
This book describes mathematical formulations and computational methods for solving two-phase flow problems with a computer code that calculates thermal hydraulic problems related to light water and fast breeder reactors. The physical model also handles the particle and gas flow problems that arise from coal gasification and fluidized beds. The second part of this book deals with the computational methods for particle transport.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Lecture Notes On Field Theory In Condensed Matter Physics
The aim of this book is to introduce a graduate student to selected concepts in condensed matter physics for which the language of field theory is ideally suited. The examples considered in this book are those of superfluidity for weakly interacting bosons, collinear magnetism, and superconductivity. Quantum phase transitions are also treated in the context of quantum dissipative junctions and interacting fermions constrained to one-dimensional position space. The style of presentation is sufficiently detailed and comprehensive that it only presumes familiarity with undergraduate physics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Selected Papers Of Chen Ning Yang Ii: With Commentaries
Professor Chen Ning Yang, an eminent contemporary physicist, was Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey, from 1955 to 1966, and Albert Einstein Professor of Physics at the State University of New York at Stony Brook until his retirement in 1999. He has been Distinguished Professor-at-Large at the Chinese University of Hong Kong since 1986 and Professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing, since 1998.Since receiving his PhD from the University of Chicago in 1948, Prof Yang has made great impacts in both abstract theory and phenomenological analysis in modern physics. In 1983, he published “Selected Papers (1945-1980), With Commentary”. It has been considered by Freeman Dyson as one of his favorite books. The present book is a sequel to that earlier volume. It is a collection of his personally selected papers (1971-2012) supplemented by his insightful commentaries. Its contents reflect Professor Yang's changing interests after he reached age sixty. It also includes commentaries written by him in 2011 when he is 89 years old.The papers and commentaries in this unique collection comprise a remarkable personal and professional chronicle, shedding light on both the intellectual development of a great physicist and on the nature of scientific inquiry.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd China: Development And Governance
China has achieved significant socio-economic progress and has become a key player on the international stage after several decades of open-door and reform policy. Looking beyond China's transformation, this book focusses on the theme of governance which is widely regarded as the next most critical element to ensure that China's growth remains sustainable.Today, China is confronted with a host of pressing challenges that call for urgent attention. These include the need to rebalance and restructure the economy, the widening income gaps, the poor integration of migrant populations in the urban areas, insufficient public housing and healthcare coverage, the seeming lack of political reforms and the degree of environmental degradation. In the foreign policy arena, China is likewise under pressure to do more to address global concerns while not appearing to be overly aggressive. The next steps that China takes would have a great deal to do with governance, in terms of how it tackles or fails to address the myriad of challenges, both domestic and foreign.China: Development and Governance, with 57 short chapters in total, is based on up-to-date scholarly research written in a readable and concise style. Besides China's domestic developments, it also covers China's external relations with the United States, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Non-specialists, in particular, should find this volume accessible and useful in keeping up with fast-changing developments in East Asia.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Silicon Solid State Devices And Radiation Detection
This book addresses the fundamental principles of interaction between radiation and matter, the principles of working and the operation of particle detectors based on silicon solid state devices. It covers a broad scope in the fields of application of radiation detectors based on silicon solid state devices from low to high energy physics experiments, including in outer space and in the medical environment. This book also covers state-of-the-art detection techniques in the use of radiation detectors based on silicon solid state devices and their readout electronics, including the latest developments on pixelated silicon radiation detector and their application.The content and coverage of the book benefit from the extensive experience of the two authors who have made significant contributions as researchers as well as in teaching physics students in various universities.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Selected Papers Of Daniel Amit (1938-2007)
This book provides a selection of papers of the late Daniel Amit (1938-2007). Daniel Amit was a physicist who spent the last 22 years of his life working on neural network models. He was one of the pioneers in the field. The volume contains 21 papers, from the highly influential 1985 paper on the Hopfield model (published together with Hanoch Gutfreund and Haim Sompolinsky), to his last (unpublished) manuscript. Many of these papers are landmark papers in the field. The book also provides a biography; an introduction on Daniel Amit's scientific career before the Hopfield model; and introductions to each of the included papers, written by their co-authors. This book will be of interest to physicists, computational neuroscientists and neurobiologists.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Struggling With Success: Challenges Facing The International Economy
Globalization, by which is meant the increasing economic interdependence among nations, has been a critical ingredient in enabling enormous improvement in mankind's condition. While progress has not always been smooth, and has not come without dislocation for some, the economic policy challenge has been, and is, to enable the realization of the large potential benefits of globalization while simultaneously reducing the negative side effects and providing safety nets for those whose lives are disrupted in the process.This volume focuses on the successes of globalization, and some of the main economic policy challenges and solutions that arise to enhance the benefits and lower the costs. It covers different aspects of globalization, sovereign debt restructuring, development of the financial sector and financial crises in Asia, Turkey, Brazil, etc. The final part of the book covers multilateral international organizations, namely the World Trade Organization, the IMF and the World Bank.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Handbook On International Political Economy
International political economy (IPE) is a highly complex discipline, drawing not only from the fields of politics and economics, but also those as varied as philosophy, history and anthropology. Now widely accepted as a key dimension to contemporary world affairs, it is no longer possible to talk about international relations without talking about production and distribution, finance and investment, as well as consumption and trade. To ensure that our understanding of these topics is relevant to today's world, there is a constant need to revisit and challenge what is known about these topics. Besides being a comprehensive account of international political economy for academic study, this extensive collection also highlights salient issues that scholars, analysts and state leaders are most concerned with in today's world. Amongst these are issues concerning the rise of China and India as new economic superpowers, stability in the EU's political economy, the viability of the existing multilateral system of global trade, recent financial crises, as well as the impact of globalisation and marketisation on the world's workers and our physical environment. With contributions from prominent academics such as Susan K Sell (George Washington University, D.C.) and Geoffrey Blainey (Professor Emeritus, University of Melbourne), this volume makes for both a stimulating and thought-provoking read.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Gentle Introduction To Support Vector Machines In Biomedicine, A - Volume 1: Theory And Methods
Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are among the most important recent developments in pattern recognition and statistical machine learning. They have found a great range of applications in various fields including biology and medicine. However, biomedical researchers often experience difficulties grasping both the theory and applications of these important methods because of lack of technical background. The purpose of this book is to introduce SVMs and their extensions and allow biomedical researchers to understand and apply them in real-life research in a very easy manner. The book is to consist of two volumes: theory and methods (Volume 1) and case studies (Volume 2).
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Advanced Inequalities
This monograph presents univariate and multivariate classical analyses of advanced inequalities. This treatise is a culmination of the author's last thirteen years of research work. The chapters are self-contained and several advanced courses can be taught out of this book. Extensive background and motivations are given in each chapter with a comprehensive list of references given at the end.The topics covered are wide-ranging and diverse. Recent advances on Ostrowski type inequalities, Opial type inequalities, Poincare and Sobolev type inequalities, and Hardy-Opial type inequalities are examined. Works on ordinary and distributional Taylor formulae with estimates for their remainders and applications as well as Chebyshev-Gruss, Gruss and Comparison of Means inequalities are studied.The results presented are mostly optimal, that is the inequalities are sharp and attained. Applications in many areas of pure and applied mathematics, such as mathematical analysis, probability, ordinary and partial differential equations, numerical analysis, information theory, etc., are explored in detail, as such this monograph is suitable for researchers and graduate students. It will be a useful teaching material at seminars as well as an invaluable reference source in all science libraries.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Quantum Theory Of Condensed Matter - Proceedings Of The 24th Solvay Conference On Physics
Ever since 1911, the Solvay Conferences have shaped modern physics. The 24th edition chaired by Bertrand Halperin did not break the tradition. Held in October 2008, it gathered in Brussels many of the leading figures in the “quantum theory of condensed matter”, addressing some of the most profound open problems in the field.The proceedings contain the “rapporteur talks” giving a broad overview with unique insights by distinguished renowned scientists. These lectures cover the five sessions treating: mesoscopic and disordered systems; exotic phases and quantum phase transitions in model systems; experimentally realized correlated-electron materials; quantum Hall systems, and one-dimensional systems; systems of ultra-cold atoms, and advanced computational methods.In the Solvay tradition, the proceedings include also the prepared comments to the rapporteur talks. The discussions among the participants — some of which are quite lively and involving dramatically divergent points of view — have been carefully edited and reproduced in full.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Coastal Structures 2007 - Proceedings Of The 5th International Conference (Cst07) (In 2 Volumes)
Coastal Structures are undergoing renewal and innovation to better serve the needs of our society - from environmental co-existence and habitat enhancement to risk management. The CSt07 conference is the fifth in a series that highlight significant progress in the innovation, design and construction of coastal structures. Proceedings of these CSt conferences have yielded milestone works, frequently cited references in the field.This two-volume proceedings contains the final revised version of 178 papers that have been reviewed, selected and discussed at the CSt07 conference. The volume brings to readers a comprehensive range of contributions, covering all aspects of research, design, construction, and maintenance of coastal structures including new up-to-date interesting topics, such as tsunamis and storm surge defences, climate change, piled coastal structures as well as ecological issues, a new addition to the traditional program.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Science And Sustainable Food Security: Selected Papers Of M S Swaminathan
This book provides a roadmap for achieving sustainable agricultural advance and food security in an era of climate change and global economic melt-down. The contents include a description of the paradigm shift under the leadership of the author, from a green to an ever-green revolution necessary for advancing productivity in perpetuity without ecological harm.Science and Sustainable Food Security shows many methods of linking ecological security with livelihood security, and provides a scientific basis for entering an era of biohappiness based on the sustainable and equitable use of biodiversity. Also, methods of adaptation to the impact of global warming are described. This book will prove invaluable to all interested in sustainable human security and happiness.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Handbook Of Research In Mass Customization And Personalization (In 2 Volumes)
A growing heterogeneity of demand, the advent of ';long tail markets';, exploding product complexities, and the rise of creative consumers are challenging companies in all industries to find new strategies to address these trends. Mass customization (MC) has emerged in the last decade as the premier strategy for companies in all branches of industry to profit from heterogeneity of demand and a broad scope of other customer demands.The research and practical experience collected in this book presents the latest thinking on how to make mass customization work. More than 50 authors from academia and management debate on what is viable now, what did not work in the past, and what lurks just below the radar in mass customization, personalization, and related fields.Edited by two leading authorities in the field of mass customization, both volumes of the book discuss, among many other themes, the latest research and insights on customization strategies, product design for mass customization, virtual models, co-design toolkits, customization value measurement, open source architecture, customization communities, and MC supply chains. Through a number of detailed case studies, prominent examples of mass customization are explained and evaluated in larger context and perspective.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Dual Sets Of Envelopes And Characteristic Regions Of Quasi-polynomials
Existence and nonexistence of roots of functions involving one or more parameters has been the subject of numerous investigations. For a wide class of functions called quasi-polynomials, the above problems can be transformed into the existence and nonexistence of tangents of the envelope curves associated with the functions under investigation.In this book, we present a formal theory of the Cheng-Lin envelope method, which is completely new, yet simple and precise. This method is both simple — since only basic Calculus concepts are needed for understanding — and precise, since necessary and sufficient conditions can be obtained for functions such as polynomials containing more than four parameters.Since the underlying principles are relatively simple, this book is useful to college students who want to see immediate applications of what they learn in Calculus; to graduate students who want to do research in functional equations; and to researchers who want references on roots of quasi-polynomials encountered in the theory of difference and differential equations.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd From Quantum To Cosmos: Fundamental Physics Research In Space
Space-based laboratory research in fundamental physics is an emerging research discipline that offers great discovery potential and at the same time could drive the development of technological advances which are likely to be important to scientists and technologists in many other different research fields. The articles in this review volume have been contributed by participants of the international workshop “From Quantum to Cosmos: Fundamental Physics Research in Space” held at the Airlie Center in Warrenton, Virginia, USA, on May 21-24, 2006. This unique volume discusses the advances in our understanding of fundamental physics that are anticipated in the near future, and evaluates the discovery potential of a number of recently proposed space-based gravitational experiments. Specific research areas covered include various tests of general relativity and alternative theories, search of physics beyond the Standard Model, investigations of possible violations of the equivalence principle, search for new hypothetical long- and short-range forces, variations of fundamental constants, tests of Lorentz invariance and attempts at unification of the fundamental interactions. The book also encompasses experiments aimed at the discovery of novel phenomena, including dark matter candidates, and studies of dark energy.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Handbook Of Synthetic Methodologies And Protocols Of Nanomaterials (In 4 Volumes)
This comprehensive book set includes four volumes, covering the methods and protocols for the synthesis, fabrication, and characterization of nanomaterials. The first two books introduce the solution phase and gas synthesis approaches for nanomaterials, providing a number of most widely used protocols for each nanomaterial. An exhaustive list of nanomaterials are included, which are arranged according to the atomic number of the main element in the compound for easy search. For each material, the protocols are categorized according to the morphology of the nanostructure. A detailed reference is included in each protocol to point the readers to the source of the protocol. The third book describes many unconventional methods for the fabrication of nanostructures, including lithography and printing, self-assembly, chemical transformation, templated synthesis, electrospinning, laser induced synthesis, flame and plasma synthesis, and atomic layer deposition processes. The fourth book covers the typical methods for structural characterization of nanomaterials, including electron diffraction, electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy, X-ray diffraction, in-situ and operando X-ray techniques, X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy, static and dynamic light scattering, vibrational characterization methods, and NMR spectroscopy. In addition to the introduction of the basic operational principles of these tools, the book focuses explicitly on how they can be applied for analyzing nanomaterials. The handbook is a complete reference that can provide readers easily accessible information on how to synthesize and characterize nanomaterials desired for their target applications.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd My Gp, My Mental Healthcare Provider: A Tertiary-primary Care Collaboration For Community Mental Healthcare
This book documents the journey of the Mental Health-General Practitioner (MH-GP) Partnership Programme in Singapore's Institute of Mental Health since its inception in 2003 and how it has developed over the years as a model of successful tertiary-primary care partnership in mental health.The programme provides an Asian perspective and showcases a successful collaboration of an integrated network between tertiary and primary care practitioners in the management of individuals with chronic major psychiatric disorders as well as individuals with minor psychiatric disorders.It can serve as a reference guide for agencies, both public and private in Singapore as well as agencies in the region who plans to develop similar partnerships between tertiary and primary care. This book may interest audiences from various fields, medical, allied health, administration and students in healthcare and education.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Essential Chinese Medicine (In 4 Volumes)
Over the course of several thousand years, with a long history of continual development and enhancement, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has become a unique Chinese medical system with significant success in the field of healthcare, making great contributions to the well-being of mankind.The Essential Chinese Medicine book series fulfills the mission of honouring life and promoting the health of family members and friends. This series develops and expands on the essence of TCM to advocate new concepts of health and wellness.The editors-in-chief, Professor Zhang Bao Chun and Associate Professor Chen Yu Ting, have been involved in the teaching, research and clinical work of the TCM theoretical system for a long period of time. Both have not only mastered the ancient learning but have also blazed new trails. They have put forward assiduous efforts in the research and writing of materials, being the chief editors of several specialised academic publications and other teaching materials. This four-volume Essential Chinese Medicine series is the product of their extensive research.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Science Of The Earth, Climate And Energy
Whether on personal health, politics, or climate change, we are constantly bombarded with more numerous 'breaking news' articles than we have time for. In such an environment, how can we tell which to read, or which is even true.Science of the Earth, Climate and Energy helps readers understand major issues that affect us individually and the world as a whole.In language that a non-scientist can follow easily, the book first explains the general principles of science, its nature and how it works, with a certain degree of emphasis on the meaning of the words 'uncertainty' and 'fact, before it goes into the related topics of the earth, its climate and energy sources at a level that does not require a background in science. Finally, the book addresses what individuals and societies can do to mitigate problems associated with both climate change and limited resources.Related Link(s)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd World Scientific Handbook Of Organic Optoelectronic Devices (Volumes 1 & 2)
Organic (opto)electronic materials have received considerable attention due to their applications in perovskite and flexible electronics, OPVs and OLEDs and many others. Reflecting the rapid growth in research and development of organic (opto)electronic materials over the last few decades, this book provides a comprehensive coverage of the state of the art in an accessible format. It presents the most widely recognized fundamentals, principles, and mechanisms along with representative examples, key experimental data, and over 200 illustrative figures.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Statistical Mechanics And The Physics Of Many-particle Model Systems
The book is devoted to the study of the correlation effects in many-particle systems. It presents the advanced methods of quantum statistical mechanics (equilibrium and nonequilibrium), and shows their effectiveness and operational ability in applications to problems of quantum solid-state theory, quantum theory of magnetism and the kinetic theory. The book includes description of the fundamental concepts and techniques of analysis following the approach of N N Bogoliubov's school, including recent developments. It provides an overview that introduces the main notions of quantum many-particle physics with the emphasis on concepts and models.This book combines the features of textbook and research monograph. For many topics the aim is to start from the beginning and to guide the reader to the threshold of advanced researches. Many chapters include also additional information and discuss many complex research areas which are not often discussed in other places. The book is useful for established researchers to organize and present the advanced material disseminated in the literature. The book contains also an extensive bibliography.The book serves undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students, as well as researchers who have had prior experience with the subject matter at a more elementary level or have used other many-particle techniques.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Lessons From Nanoelectronics: A New Perspective On Transport (In 2 Parts)
'The author has made this book accessible to many readers interested in learning about the fascinating world of nanotechnology by limiting the necessary background for understanding the book … The book takes a very complex subject and makes very clear explanations, with many illustrations, that will give the reader an opportunity to understand these, oftentimes, counterintuitive concepts. Understanding these concepts allows one to more fully appreciate the sophistication of many of today’s electronic devices.'IEEE Electrical Insulation MagazineEveryone is familiar with the amazing performance of a modern smartphone, powered by a billion-plus nanotransistors, each having an active region that is barely a few hundred atoms long. The same amazing technology has also led to a deeper understanding of the nature of current flow and heat dissipation on an atomic scale which is of broad relevance to the general problems of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics that pervade many different fields.This book is based on a set of two online courses originally offered in 2012 on nanoHUB-U and more recently in 2015 on edX. In preparing the second edition the author decided to split it into parts A and B titled Basic Concepts and Quantum Transport respectively, along the lines of the two courses. A list of available video lectures corresponding to different sections of this volume is provided upfront.To make these lectures accessible to anyone in any branch of science or engineering, the author assume very little background beyond linear algebra and differential equations. However, the author will be discussing advanced concepts that should be of interest even to specialists, who are encouraged to look at his earlier books for additional technical details.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd High-resolution Ultrasonography For Peripheral Nerve Diagnostics: A Guide For Clinicians Involved In Diagnosis And Management Of Peripheral Nerve Disorders
The past 10 years have seen the explosive expansion of the field of high-resolution imaging of the peripheral nervous system because of technical advances in sonography, allowing for good resolution, rapid imaging and (relatively) inexpensive images of the peripheral nervous structures. This timely volume presents the rapid advances and clinical relevance of high-resolution sonography for peripheral nerve diagnostics in a precise and clinically relevant way.The book begins by describing the characteristics of normal and diseased peripheral nerves, and then discusses the value of sonography in common conditions, with the help of clear and easy-to-understand illustrations to explain how to proceed to identify structures. The topics covered include common entrapment neuropathies (carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar neuropathy, radial neuropathy, peroneal neuropathy) and other conditions in which sonography can play a role in diagnosis, such as CIPD, motor neuropathy with multiple conduction blocks, leprosy, and brachial plexus disorders.High-Resolution Ultrasonography for Peripheral Nerve Diagnostics is an essential guide for those involved in the diagnostic work-up of peripheral nerve disorders. It gives a precise and practical overview of this rapidly emerging field whilst maintaining a practical bent. Clinical neurophysiologists, neurologists, orthopedic surgeons, hand surgeons and rehabilitation medicine specialists will all benefit from having this book.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Industrial And Applied Mathematics In China
This new volume introduces readers to the current topics of industrial and applied mathematics in China, with applications to material science, information science, mathematical finance and engineering. The authors utilize mathematics for the solution of problems. The purposes of the volume are to promote research in applied mathematics and computational science; further the application of mathematics to new methods and techniques useful in industry and science; and provide for the exchange of information between the mathematical, industrial, and scientific communities.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Organisational Culture: Concept, Context, And Measurement (In Two Volumes)
In 1989, the prominent organisational culture scholar, Stephen Ott, lamented what he saw as the failure of the organisational culture perspective to have the kind of lasting influence — whether empirical, or in terms of its contribution to practice — that had been hoped for. In attempting to explain this state of affairs, Ott observed that: “Some of the most important unanswered questions are methodological, and without methodological advancement, the perspective will not achieve maturity.” The situation today, more than two decades after Ott voiced these concerns, is that academics, researchers, and practitioners alike continue to struggle with the question of how best to decipher and measure an organisation's culture.Organisational Culture: Concept, Context and Measurement (In Two Volumes) aims to encourage an agenda for organisational culture research that gives a renewed emphasis to methodological issues. In pursuit of this aim, consideration is given to both conceptual questions and questions of measurement. In Volume I of the book, the main focus is on the concept of organisational culture. Based on an analysis and critique of existing treatments, as well as a comparison of organisational culture with a number of closely related concepts, consideration is given to how the concept might usefully be elaborated and further refined. In Volume II of the book, the focus is on methodological issues. Drawing on the findings of a series of empirical studies conducted over a number of years, consideration is given to what would be required to develop a measure for organisational culture that is practically useful and also capable of accessing culture at its deepest, and arguably most influential yet most elusive, level. In particular, an approach is advocated that seeks to contextualise organisational culture, in terms of various time and experience domains, and that also promotes the use of attributions analysis as a means whereby to further understand culture at this level.A valuable resource for scholars and practitioners alike, the book provides readers who are interested in understanding the role and influence of culture in organisations with a comprehensive analysis of the development and application of the organisational culture concept. For readers who are interested in conducting research into the measurement and practical application of organisational culture, the book provides a methodological approach that can be used to guide their research.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Wolf Prize In Agriculture
This specially compiled, one-of-a-kind volume contains exemplary contributions from Wolf Prize laureates in agriculture. There is no higher prize than the Wolf Prize. Thus, the reader has the opportunity to learn from the very top in various aspects of this field. Indeed, the book includes a list of publications and the most important papers in plant and animal breeding, genetics, biochemistry and plant protection, biotechnology, as well as chemistry and the physics of soils. In this volume one can learn about the developments in particular fields in agriculture at the highest level through the scientific activities of its world-class contributors.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Topics In Number Theory
This is a first-ever textbook written in English about the theory of modular forms and Jacobi forms of several variables. It contains the classical theory as well as a new theory on Jacobi forms over Cayley numbers developed by the author from 1990 to 2000. Applications to the classical Euler sums are of special interest to those who are eager to evaluate double Euler sums or more general multiple zeta values. The celebrated sum formula proved by Granville in 1997 is given in a more general form here.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Advances In Development Economics
The importance of this book lies in its unique treatment of the economics of the developing countries. Emphasis is placed on the theoretical foundation of new theories and empirical models of development. A number of new topics are added in regard to the migration of labor force due to globalization, the relationship between private and public sectors, problems of regulations of the private sectors, problems of labor management in the era of globalization and transfer of organizational systems by the multinational companies from one country to another across cultural boundaries. Along with these new treatments of traditional topics such as population planning and monetary-fiscal policy, gender issues are included as well. The approach throughout is analytical, based on either theoretical or empirical models of the economy.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Divine Action And Natural Selection: Science, Faith And Evolution
The debate between divine action, or faith, and natural selection, or science, is garnering tremendous interest. This book ventures well beyond the usual, contrasting American Protestant and atheistic points of view, and also includes the perspectives of Jews, Muslims, and Roman Catholics. It contains arguments from the various proponents of intelligent design, creationism, and Darwinism, and also covers the sensitive issue of how to incorporate evolution into the secondary school biology curriculum. Comprising contributions from prominent, award-winning authors, the book also contains dialogs following each chapter to provide extra stimulus to the readers and a full picture of this “hot” topic, which delves into the fundamentals of science and religion.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Mobile And Wireless Networks Security - Proceedings Of The Mwns 2008 Workshop
Wireless and mobile networks have undergone a tremendous evolution since their start. This was mainly motivated by the need for connectivity everywhere, as exemplified by the philosophy of “always on” access. Mobile telephony was the first need felt by users, followed by the need for mobile Internet applications. Mobile telecommunications networks were the first concretization of mobile telephony, followed by a set of wireless technologies with or without embedded mobility and with or without infrastructure. Obviously, this large deployment of services over mobile and wireless networks is not easy from a network security point of view. This book presents selected up-to-date research on security in wireless and mobile environments, mainly WiFi and self-organized networks such as ad-hoc networks. The selected research work was peer-reviewed and presented at the Mobile and Wireless Networks Security (MWNS) 2008 Workshop in Singapore.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Computer Algebra With Symbolicc++
This book gives a comprehensive introduction to computer algebra together with advanced topics in this field. It provides a detailed coverage of the mathematics of computer algebra as well as a step-by-step guide to implement a computer algebra system in the object-oriented language C++. The used tools from C++ are introduced in detail.Numerous examples from mathematics, physics and engineering are presented to illustrate the system's capabilities. Computer algebra implementations in LISP and Haskell are also included. In addition, gene expression programming and multiexpression programming with applications to computer algebra are introduced.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Infinite Dimensional Harmonic Analysis Iv: On The Interplay Between Representation Theory, Random Matrices, Special Functions, And Probability - Proceedings Of The Fourth German-japanese Symposium
The Fourth Conference on Infinite Dimensional Harmonic Analysis brought together experts in harmonic analysis, operator algebras and probability theory. Most of the articles deal with the limit behavior of systems with many degrees of freedom in the presence of symmetry constraints. This volume gives new directions in research bringing together probability theory and representation theory.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Polymer Thin Films
Polymer thin films is an emerging area driven by their enormous technological potential and the intellectually challenging academic problems associated with them. This book contains a collection of review articles on the current topics of polymer films written by leading experts in the field. To reflect the interdisciplinary nature of this field, the contributors hail from a wide range of disciplines, including chemists, chemical engineers, materials scientists, engineers, and physicists. The goal of this book is to provide readers, whether involved in or outside of the field of polymer films, with an encompassing and informative reference.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Astroparticle, Particle And Space Physics, Detectors And Medical Physics Applications - Proceedings Of The 10th Conference
The exploration of the subnuclear world is done through increasingly complex experiments covering a wide range of energies and in a large variety of environments — from particle accelerators and underground detectors to satellites and space laboratories. For these research programs to succeed, novel techniques, new materials and new instrumentation need to be used in detectors, often on a large scale. Hence, particle physics is at the forefront of technological advancement and leads to numerous applications. Among these, medical applications have a particular importance due to the health and social benefits they bring. This volume reviews the advances made in all technological aspects of current experiments in the field.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Information Communication Technology In Education: Singapore's Ict Masterplans 1997-2008
This book seeks to present a comprehensive review of Singapore's ICT Masterplans in education, providing a rare behind-the-scenes look at policy planning, as well as the lessons learnt and insights gained from the past decade of the use of ICT in teaching and learning. Since 1997 (when the First Masterplan was launched) to 2008, schools and teachers have made great strides in their use of ICT for education at all levels: primary, secondary and junior college. The seeds of this change were planted in the Pioneer Years (1980-1996) which marked the pre-Masterplan period, and they began to germinate in the momentous Foundation Years (1997-2002) when the First Masterplan got underway. The subsequent period of the Engaging Years (2003-2008) outlines the growth of the Second Masterplan, while the Future Years present the vision of what the future of ICT will look like in Singapore schools in 2009 and beyond.This comprehensive coverage of the evolution of ICT use in Singapore schools includes views and reflections from key individuals involved in the planning and implementation of the two ICT Masterplans, students, teachers, ICT experts, and policy makers. It also includes articles detailing significant projects and programmes of the First and Second ICT Masterplans.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Ring Theory 2007 - Proceedings Of The Fifth China-japan-korea Conference
Ring theory has been developing through the interaction between the investigation of its own algebraic structure and its application to many areas of mathematics, computer science, and physics among others.This volume consists of a collection of survey articles by invited speakers and original articles refereed by world experts that was presented at the fifth China-Japan-Korea International Symposium. The survey articles provide some ideas of the application as well as an excellent overview of the various areas in ring theory. The original articles exhibit new ideas, tools and techniques needed for successful research investigation in ring theory and show the trend of current research.The articles cover all of the most important areas in ring theory, making this volume a useful resource book for researchers in mathematics — both beginners and advanced experts.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Statistical Hypothesis Testing: Theory And Methods
This book presents up-to-date theory and methods of statistical hypothesis testing based on measure theory. The so-called statistical space is a measurable space adding a family of probability measures. Most topics in the book will be developed based on this term. The book includes some typical data sets, such as the relation between race and the death penalty verdict, the behavior of food intake of two kinds of Zucker rats, and the per capita income and expenditure in China during the 1978-2002 period. Emphasis is given to the process of finding appropriate statistical techniques and methods of evaluating these techniques.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Wealth Doesn't Last 3 Generations: How Family Businesses Can Maintain Prosperity
With 175 family businesses on the Fortune 500 list, from DuPont and Motorola to IBM, there is no doubt that family-run enterprises play an important role in global economic development. Their role is no less significant in China where, in keeping with the country's rapid economic growth, family businesses are emerging in increasing numbers.Unique characteristics, such as succession, management, staffing, family affairs, strategy planning and governance structure, set family businesses apart from other business types. As a result, they face particular challenges in survival and sustainability.In this book, three modern Chinese family businesses, including food and beverage company Yeo Hiap Seng, are studied to analyze the problems that family enterprises face. Other case studies include long-standing family businesses in Europe, America and Asia, such as Ford, Kikkoman and Samsung. This book also discusses the changing characteristics of Chinese family businesses, the pitfalls that such enterprises are likely to face, and how they can overcome these pitfalls and achieve sustainable development.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Physics (2001-2005)
This volume is a collection of the Nobel lectures delivered by the prizewinners, together with their biographies and the presentation speeches for the period 2001 - 2005. Each Nobel lecture is based on the work for which the laureate was awarded the prize. This volume of inspiring lectures by outstanding physicists should be on the bookshelf of every keen student, teacher and professor of physics as well as of those in related fields.Below is a list of the prizewinners during the period 2001 - 2005 with a description of the works which won them their prizes.(2001) Eric A Cornell, Wolfgang Ketterle & Carl E Wieman — for the achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute gases of alkali atoms, and for early fundamental studies of the properties of the condensates; (2002) Raymond Davis Jr, Masatoshi Koshiba — for pioneering contributions to astrophysics, in particular for the detection of cosmic neutrinos & Riccardo Giacconi — for pioneering contributions to astrophysics, which have led to the discovery of cosmic X-ray sources; (2003) Alexei A Abrikosov, Vitaly L Ginzburg & Anthony J Leggett — for pioneering contributions to the theory of superconductors and superfluids; (2004) David J Gross, H David Politzer & Frank Wilczek — for the discovery of asymptotic freedom in the theory of the strong interaction; (2005) Roy J Glauber, John L Hall & Theodor W Hänsch — for their contributions to the development of laser-based precision spectroscopy, including the optical frequency comb technique.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Chemistry (2001-2005)
This volume is a collection of the Nobel Lectures delivered by the prizewinners, together with their biographies and the presentation speeches at the award ceremonies in Stockholm for the period 2001 - 2005. Each Nobel Lecture is based on the work for which the laureate was awarded the prize. This volume of inspiring lectures by outstanding chemists and biochemists should be on the bookshelf of every keen student, teacher and professor of chemistry as well as of those in related fields. Below is a list of the prizewinners during the period 2001 - 2005 with a description of the works which won them their prizes.(2001) William S Knowles, Ryoji Noyori — for their work on chirally catalyzed hydrogenation reactions & K Barry Sharpless — for his work on chirally catalyzed oxidation reactions; (2002) John B Fenn, Koichi Tanaka — for their development of soft desorption ionization methods for mass spectrometric analyses of biological macromolecules & Kurt Wüthrich — for his development of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy for determining the three-dimensional structure of biological macromolecules in solution; (2003) Peter Agre — for the discovery of water channels & Roderick MacKinnon — for structural and mechanistic studies of ion channels; (2004) Aaron Ciechanover, Avram Hershko & Irwin Rose — for the discovery of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation; (2005) Yves Chauvin, Robert H Grubbs & Richard R Schrock — for the development of the metathesis method in organic synthesis.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Physiology Or Medicine 2001-2005
This volume is a collection of the Nobel Lectures delivered by the prizewinners, together with their biographies and the presentation speeches at the award ceremonies in Stockholm for the period 2001 - 2005. Each Nobel Lecture is based on the work for which the laureate was awarded the prize. This volume of inspiring lectures should be on the bookshelf of every keen student, teacher and professor of physiology/medicine as well as of those in related fields.The following is a list of the Nobel laureates during 2001 - 2005 with a description of the works that won them their prizes:(2001) Leland H Hartwell, Tim Hunt & Sir Paul Nurse — for their discoveries of key regulators of the cell cycle; (2002) Sydney Brenner, H Robert Horvitz & John E Sulston — for their discoveries concerning genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death; (2003) Paul C Lauterbur & Sir Peter Mansfield — for their discoveries concerning magnetic resonance imaging; (2004) Richard Axel & Linda B Buck — for their discoveries of odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system; (2005) Barry J Marshall & J Robin Warren — for their discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Literature (2001-2005)
Equally important to our understanding of history and humanity are the great works of literature. The Nobel Prize for literature recognizes modern classics and the efforts of authors to bridge gaps between different cultures, time periods and styles.Below is a list of the prizewinners during the period 2001 - 2005.(2001) Sir Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul — for having united perceptive narrative and incorruptible scrutiny in works that compel us to see the presence of suppressed histories; (2002) Imre Kertész — for writing that upholds the fragile experience of the individual against the barbaric arbitrariness of history; (2003) John M Coetzee — who in innumerable guises portrays the surprising involvement of the outsider; (2004) Elfriede Jelinek — for her musical flow of voices and counter-voices in novels and plays that with extraordinary linguistic zeal reveal the absurdity of society's clichés and their subjugating power; (2005) Harold Pinter — who in his plays uncovers the precipice under everyday prattle and forces entry into oppression's closed rooms.