Search results for ""Author Lee""
Kensington Publishing Poppy Harmon and the Shooting Star
Kensington Publishing Poppy Harmon and the Hung Jury
Kensington Publishing Death of a Cookbook Author
Gallery / Saga Press A Criminal Magic
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Roman Conquests: Mesopotamia & Arabia
This volume explores the Roman invasions and military operations in two distinct yet related areas: Mesopotamia and Arabia. In these far-flung regions of the ancient known world, Rome achieved the greatest point of expansion in the history of her Empire. Under the reign of the Emperor Trajan, the Roman Empire reached the point of maximum expansion made famous by maps of the world circa AD 120\. Under the Severans, significant efforts were expended on a Roman dream of linking the two regions into one mighty provincial bulwark against Eastern enemies. Individual chapters detail the history of the conquest of these easternmost territories of the Empire, analysing the opposing armies involved (Roman, Parthian, Sassanian, Arab) and the reasons for success and failure. The story of how Rome won and lost her Far East offers a paradigm for the rise and fall of the greatest military empire of the ancient world.
Hal Leonard Corporation Crash Course In Chords
F. A. Thorpe (Publishers) Coyote
AFV Modeller Ltd Panther Project Vol 2: Engine and Turret
WW Norton & Co The Photographer's Guide to San Francisco: Where to Find Perfect Shots and How to Take Them
This book will help you explore, enjoy, and photograph San Francisco by describing the visual pleasures of this world-famous city. You'll get tips on how to view all the most famous sites, from the Golden Gate Bridge to Muir Woods, as well as what time of day and year will produce the most pleasing images and memories.
Andrews McMeel Publishing Your Career in the Comics
The Catholic University of America Press Mediapolitik: How the Mass Media Have Transformed World Politics
Drawing upon his lifelong study of politics and journalism, political historian Lee Edwards offers a scholarly examination of a powerful new phenomenon in world politics-the mass media. Edwards argues in his work that the media have become as important a factor in determining the course of international affairs and the future of nations as economic prosperity, military strength, natural resources, and national will. The author calls this vital new component of world politics mediapolitik. He uses case studies from around the world to show how the mass media have influenced and even determined the outcome of major political acts. The author argues that these case studies show that the mass media can either enrich or enslave the human spirit, depending upon their moral foundation. If the media follow a liberal democratic model, as in the United States and Western Europe, they contribute to a free and just society. If they follow an authoritarian model, as in South Africa before Mandela, or a totalitarian model as in Saddam Hussein's Iraq or Fidel Castro's Cuba, they perpetuate the regime in power and deny the fruits of freedom and democracy to the people. Edwards addresses the question of how responsibly the American media, the most influential media in the world, handle their enormous power. Using the results obtained from his survey of 100 leading journalists as well as close analysis of major news stories of the last decade, the author confirms the cynicism of the American media and its deleterious effect on American politics and government. The solution, he suggests, is that American journalists must practice moral responsibility and strengthen the liberal democratic model of mediapolitik around the world.
Hal Leonard Corporation Learn to Compose and Notate Music Beginning Level By Lee Evans and Martha Baker
Hal Leonard Corporation Composing at the Piano Early Intermediate Level
Hal Leonard Corporation Razzle Dazzle Book
G. Schirmer, Inc. Bermudas Vocal Duet
Hal Leonard Corporation The Tempest Vocal Score
Simon & Schuster Ltd The Cheerios Halloween Play Book
Synopsis coming soon.......
Lake Press Animal Numbers
Lake Press Animal Alphabet
Berklee Press Swing Dance Party 12 Fun Hits
Penguin Putnam Inc Without Fail
Penguin Putnam Inc Tripwire
Penguin Putnam Inc Die Trying
Random House USA Inc Past Tense: A Jack Reacher Novel
W. W. Norton & Company Principles of Macroeconomics
Harperchristian Resources Case for ChristmasThe Case for Easter Video Study DVD
J.P.Tarcher,U.S./Perigee Bks.,U.S. Get Lost!: A Travel Guide for Anywhere
Gerth Medien GmbH Indizien fr einen Schpfer Ein Journalist im Spannungsfeld zwischen Evolution und Schpfung
AMRA Verlag 2012 Das Bewusstsein der Neuen Zeit
VAK Verlags GmbH Die MitoMedizin Wie Sie Ihre Zellkraftwerke schtzen Krankheiten heilen und lange leben Gesunde Mitochondrien gesunder Krper
Koha-Verlag GmbH Kryon3 Alchemie des menschlichen Geistes Eine Anleitung fr den bergang in das neue Zeitalter
Gerth Medien GmbH Der Fall Jesus Ein Journalist auf der Suche nach der Wahrheit
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Outlaw Ein JackReacherRoman
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Trouble Ein JackReacherRoman
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Sniper Ein JackReacherRoman
Midas Collection Wendepunkte in der Kunst ART ESSENTIALS
Paul Kasmin Gallery Lee Krasner The Edge of Color
twenty7 Lawyer for the Dog: A charming and heart-warming story of Woman's Best Friend
For fans of Marley and Me and Katie Fforde's Paradise Fields, Lawyer for the Dog is Lee Robinson's charming, moving and funny debut novel.Attorney Sally Baynard is baffled when Joe, her judge ex-husband, appoints her to represent the interests of a pet dog - Sherman, a miniature schnauzer - in a divorce case. As Sally begins to investigate, she discovers the battle for Sherman masks a whole host of problems between Rusty and Maryann Hart. The more she discovers, the more Sally starts to realise the dog is the least of their worries.But is Joe's request all that it appears? And as Sally delves deeper into the family's love of their canine best friend, might Sherman prove to have a nose for love?
Zaffre Lawyer for the Cat: One woman's charming and heart-warming search for a cat's new home
For fans of A Street Cat Named Bob and Solomon's Tale, Lawyer for the Cat is Lee Robinson's follow up to her charming, moving and funny debut novel, Lawyer for the Dog. Following her successful representation of Sherman the Schnauzer, Sally Baynard is happy to go back to working with humans. That is until a probate judge asks her to look into the case of a cat who's the beneficiary of a multi-million dollar trust. Now representing Beatrice, Sally must use her wit, charm and brains to choose between the three potential new caregivers for the lovable feline, whilst dodging the angry and mysterious former owner's son. Whilst juggling the demands of the court room, an aging mother and a confusing romantic life, will Sally make the right decision for Beatrice? And, as she delves deeper into the case, will she uncover the truth behind the family's secrets?
No Starch Press,US Practical Julia: A Hands-On Introduction for Scientific Minds
Applied Julia provides a comprehensive, hands-on language introduction that's packed with examples leveraging real scientific libraries used by researchers in various fields. Solve problems of genuine interest, such as modeling the course of a pandemic, and learn to use Julia as a tool for research. The Julia programming language can be used to write all types of applications, but its features are especially powerful for numerical analysis and computational science. Applied Julia shows readers how to take advantage of Julia's particular strengths, as well as how to write effective and efficient programs. The book takes Julia novices from their very first steps to writing real-world applications for use in fields such as biology, physics, math, statistics, and machine learning. Not only will readers develop the Julia knowledge needed for solving computational problems, but they'll also learn how to explore and visualise data, solve equations, write simulations, and create libraries. Ad
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Halo Graphic Novel (new Edition)
New York University Press Whiteness on the Border: Mapping the US Racial Imagination in Brown and White
The many lenses of racism through which the white imagination sees Mexicans and Chicanos Historically, ideas of whiteness and Americanness have been built on the backs of racialized communities. The legacy of anti-Mexican stereotypes stretches back to the early nineteenth century when Anglo-American settlers first came into regular contact with Mexico and Mexicans. The images of the Mexican Other as lawless, exotic, or non-industrious continue to circulate today within US popular and political culture. Through keen analysis of music, film, literature, and US politics, Whiteness on the Border demonstrates how contemporary representations of Mexicans and Chicano/as are pushed further to foster the idea of whiteness as Americanness. Illustrating how the ideologies, stories, and images of racial hierarchy align with and support those of fervent US nationalism, Lee Bebout maps the relationship between whiteness and American exceptionalism. He examines how renderings of the Mexican Other have expressed white fear, and formed a besieged solidarity in anti-immigrant rhetoric and policies. Moreover, Whiteness on the Border elucidates how seemingly positive representations of Mexico and Chicano/as are actually used to reinforce investments in white American goodness and obscure systems of racial inequality. Whiteness on the Border pushes readers to consider how the racial logic of the past continues to thrive in the present.
Duke University Press Bad Education: Why Queer Theory Teaches Us Nothing
Long awaited after No Future, and making queer theory controversial again, Lee Edelman’s Bad Education proposes a queerness without positive identity—a queerness understood as a figural name for the void, itself unnamable, around which the social order takes shape. Like Blackness, woman, incest, and sex, queerness, as Edelman explains it, designates the antagonism, the structuring negativity, preventing that order from achieving coherence. But when certain types of persons get read as literalizing queerness, the negation of their negativity can seem to resolve the social antagonism and totalize community. By translating the nothing of queerness into the something of “the queer,” the order of meaning defends against the senselessness that undoes it, thus mirroring, Edelman argues, education’s response to queerness: its sublimation of irony into the meaningfulness of a world. Putting queerness in relation to Lacan’s “ab-sens” and in dialogue with feminist and Afropessimist thought, Edelman reads works by Shakespeare, Jacobs, Almodóvar, Lemmons, and Haneke, among others, to show why queer theory’s engagement with queerness necessarily results in a bad education that is destined to teach us nothing.
Duke University Press Reattachment Theory: Queer Cinema of Remarriage
In Reattachment Theory Lee Wallace argues that homosexuality—far from being the threat to “traditional” marriage that same-sex marriage opponents have asserted—is so integral to its reimagining that all marriage is gay marriage. Drawing on the history of marriage, Stanley Cavell's analysis of Hollywood comedies of remarriage, and readings of recent gay and lesbian films, Wallace shows that queer experiments in domesticity have reshaped the affective and erotic horizons of heterosexual marriage and its defining principles: fidelity, exclusivity, and endurance. Wallace analyzes a series of films—Dorothy Arzner's Craig's Wife (1936); Tom Ford's A Single Man (2009); Lisa Cholodenko's High Art (1998), Laurel Canyon (2002), and The Kids Are All Right (2010); and Andrew Haigh's Weekend (2011) and 45 Years (2015)—that, she contends, do not simply reflect social and legal changes; they fundamentally alter our sense of what sexual attachment involves as both a social and a romantic form.
David & Charles Draw Comic Book Action
Superhero feats and exhilarating fights are the climax of a comic book; here readers will learn to draw this fun and vital part of comic art. Techniques for drawing every dynamic action are explained from running, swinging and flying through to fist fights, group rumbles, and battles.
University of Toronto Press The Free Animal: Rousseau on Free Will and Human Nature
Free will is a key but contested concept in the work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: while the famed philosopher is known to have asserted that free will distinguishes human beings from animals, several interpreters have argued that he merely pretends to have this belief for the sake of healthy politics and to avoid persecution by religious authorities. Through careful readings of key texts and letters, The Free Animal offers a new and original exploration of Rousseau's views on free will. Lee MacLean shows that Rousseau needs and uses the idea of human consciousness of free will to explain the development of morality, convention, and vice. MacLean bases her argument on a broad range of texts, from canonical works to Rousseau's untranslated letters and drafts. Featuring careful analyses and an extensive engagement with the secondary literature, The Free Animal offers a novel interpretation of the changing nature and complexity of Rousseau's intention.
Johns Hopkins University Press Subcortical
Lee Conell's linguistically deft stories examine the permeability between the real and the imagined, the stories buried beneath the surface and the stories by which we live our lives. In the title story of this collection, a young woman who wants to become a doctor is manipulated by an older man into playing a role in one of his medical studies. In "The Lock Factory," winner of the Chicago Tribune's 2016 Nelson Algren Literary Award, three women who assemble school combination locks are trapped inside an escalating generational conflict of their own making. A boy who has lost his mother in "The Rent-Controlled Ghost" searches for the spirit of the mistreated tenant who formerly inhabited his apartment. "A Magic Trick for the Recently Unemployed" serves as a three-step how-to guide for reclaiming a sense of self and purpose. In "What the Blob Said to Me," an elderly woman dwells on her long-ago experience working at a government production site for the atomic bomb. And a mother-daughter Groupon for an upscale afternoon tea goes seriously awry in "Mutant at the Pierre Hotel." With humor and verve, Subcortical's dynamic stories delve into the mysteries of the human mind as these haunted characters struggle with economic disparity, educational divides, and the often-contested spaces in which they live.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The European Union: Annual Review 2003 / 2004
The Annual Review, produced in association with JCMS, The Journal of Common Market Studies, covers the key developments in the European Union, its member states, and acceding and/or applicant countries in 2003/2004. It contains key analytical articles on political, economic and legal issues in the EU by leading experts, together with a keynote article. Covers the key developments in the European Union and its Member States in 2003/2004. Contains analytical articles on key political, economic and legal issues in the EU by leading experts, together with a keynote article. The Review is the most up-to-date and authoritative source of information for those engaged in teaching and research or who are simply interested in the European Union. Includes an invaluable guide to EU documents and publications - and the various websites of the EU - together with a chronology of key events, and a list of all the books submitted to the Journal of Common Market Studies for review.