Search results for ""Author Robin"
Tor Books Shades of Milk and Honey
This is a fantasy novel you wish Jane Austen had written. "Shades of Milk and Honey" is an intimate portrait of Jane Ellsworth of Dorchester, a woman ahead of her time in a version of Regency England where the manipulation of glamour is considered an essential skill for a lady of quality. Despite the prevalence of magic in everyday life, other aspects of Dorchester's society are not that different: Jane and her sister Melody's lives still revolve around vying for the attentions of eligible men. While Jane's skill with glamour is remarkable, it is her sister who is fair of face, and therefore wins the lion's share of the attention. At the ripe old age of twenty-eight, Jane has resigned herself to being invisible forever. But when her family's honour is threatened, she finds that she must push her skills to the limit in order to set things right - and, in the process, accidentally wanders into a love story of her own.
Heyne Taschenbuch Roter Mars Die MarsTrilogie
Hanser Berlin Sonne in Scherben
Collective Ink Mystical Activism: Transforming a World In Crisis
In Mystical Activism, we each hold the power to change the world right where we are. To call these "end times" is not hyperbole. We are in trouble and the signs are everywhere: extreme political divisions; xenophobic violence; enormous wealth inequity; poverty and homelessness; racism, sexism, and ageism; arms buildups and unending wars; and, most critical of all, terrifying climate disruption associated with man-made global warming. We are the cause of these dark times. Driven by left-brain beliefs, illusions and obsessions, humanity races headlong toward the collapse of civilization. Fortunately, the solution to these mounting crises also lies in the human psyche, arising from a most surprising source: the right-brain’s natural mystical consciousness. Our survival depends on whether we grasp and resolve this paradox in time.
Starfish Bay Children's Books I am an artist
Who needs paint, paintbrushes and paper to create art? Not anywhere artists when there are sticks, stones, sand, mud and clouds waiting to be used! This story follows an anywhere artist, a creative little girl’s artistic adventures as she makes art anywhere and with anything. Watch as she creates vivid creatures in the forest, at the beach, after the rain and in the sky. Through this visual treat, children will be inspired to make art out of anything because sometimes imagination is the best tool.
Starfish Bay Publishing Pty Ltd The Little Kiwi's New Year
Age range 5+ The Maori New Year is a time for celebrating, food and family. A little Kiwi in the New Zealand coastal bush wakes up in the middle of her sleep because she can feel it coming. One by one, she runs to her friends to wake them up so that they can spend the Maori New Year together.
Little, Brown Book Group My Manager and Other Animals
Deep down, we're just like animals. Some of us are selfish like apes. Some are chaotic like ants. . . And somehow the two clash and coalesce in 'antagonistic harmony'. A fascinating look at the evolutionary psychology, instincts and tactics of the workplace.My Manager & Other Animals examines the evolutionary psychology of work, focusing on the office, workshop, corporation or government department, and the complex and fascinating evolutionary tactics that have developed to deal with working life.37 years ago Richard Dawkins wrote The Selfish Gene and it didn't take long for the business community to latch on to the 'selfish' part and adopt it as an industry standard. After all, it fitted in with the notion that, since we are all descended from apes, we should be like them: selfish, aggressive and competitive. More recently, astounding discoveries in human and animal behaviour (particularly ants) have shown that, in all animals, cooperation and altruism is more common than we think and more useful than we could imagine. It seems we contain an inner ape and an inner ant. How confusing; they seem like opposites, because co-operation means helping others, competition means swatting them. What are we, ape or ant? This book shows that ant and ape are both important. Co-operation without leadership is random, leadership without co-operation is slavery. The result of these two colliding is the mad mad mad world of work and life, lovingly described in the book.
St. Martin's Griffin Responding to the Right: Brief Replies to 25 Conservative Arguments
St Martin's Press The Relentless Moon: A Lady Astronaut Novel
St Martin's Press The Fated Sky: A Lady Astronaut Novel
Continuing the grand sweep of alternate history laid out in The Calculating Stars, The Fated Sky looks forward to 1961, when mankind is well-established on the moon and looking forward to its next step: journeying to, and eventually colonising, Mars. Of course the noted Lady Astronaut Elma York would like to go, but could the International Aerospace Coalition ever stand the thought of putting a woman on such a potentially dangerous mission? Could Elma knowingly take the place of other astronauts who have been overlooked because of their race? And could she really leave behind her husband and the chance to start a family? This gripping look at the real conflicts behind a fantastical space race will put a new spin on our visions of what might have been.
Waterbrook Press (A Division of Random House Inc) I Love Jesus, But I Want to Die: Moving from Surviving to Thriving When you Can't Go On
University of California Press Purchasing Medical Innovation: The Right Technology, for the Right Patient, at the Right Price
Innovation in medical technology generates a remarkable supply of new drugs, devices, and diagnostics that improve health, reduce risks, and extend life. But these technologies are too often used on the wrong patient, in the wrong setting, or at an unaffordable price. The only way to moderate the growth in health care costs without undermining the dynamic of medical innovation is to improve the process of assessing, pricing, prescribing, and using new technologies. Purchasing Medical Innovation analyzes the contemporary revolution in the purchasing of health care technology, with a focus on the roles of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Medicare and private health insurers, physicians and hospitals, and consumers themselves. The FDA is more thoroughly assessing product performance under real-world conditions as well as in laboratory settings, accelerating the path to market for breakthroughs while imposing use controls on risky products. Insurers are improving their criteria for coverage and designing payment methods that reward efficiency in the selection of new treatments. Hospitals are aligning adoption of complex supplies and equipment more closely with physicians' preferences for the best treatment for their patients. Consumers are becoming more engaged and financially accountable for their health care choices. This book describes both the strengths and deficiencies of the current system of purchasing and highlights opportunities for buyers, sellers, and users to help improve the value of medical technology: better outcomes at lower cost.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Dairy Microbiology Handbook: The Microbiology of Milk and Milk Products
Throughout the world, milk and milk products are indispensable components of the food chain. Not only do individual consumers use liquid milk for beverages and cooking, but food manufacturers use vast quantities of milk powder, concentrated milks, butter, and cream as raw materials for further processing. Effective quality assurance in the dairy industry is needed now more than ever. This completely revised and expanded Third Edition of Dairy Microbiology Handbook, comprising both Volume I: Microbiology of Milk and Volume II: Microbiology of Milk Products, updates the discipline’s authoritative text with the latest safety research, guidelines, and information. Pathogens have become a major issue in dairy manufacturing. Escheria coli is a concern, and milk-borne strains of Mycobacterium avium sub-sp. paratuberculosis have been identified as a possible cause of Crohn’s disease. Even little-known parasites like Cryptosporidium have caused disease outbreaks. Consequently, a hazard analysis of selected control/critical points (HACCP) in any manufacturing process has become essential to prevent the contamination of food. This volume also: -Discusses new diagnostic techniques that allow a pathogen to be detected in a retail sample in a matter of hours rather than days -Provides thorough coverage of dairy microbiology principles as well as practical applications -Includes the latest developments in dairy starter cultures and genetic engineering techniques -Offers completely updated standards for Good Manufacturing Practice Quality control and product development managers, microbiologists, dairy scientists, engineers, and graduate students will find the Third Edition of Dairy Microbiology Handbook to be a vital resource.
Springer International Publishing AG Fractures of the Scapula
Fractures of the scapula are usually associated with high-energy trauma and its management has deeply changed in the last decade. The unfavorable scapular anatomy, combined with the complexity of the approaches for fracture fixation, make the treatment challenging, even for experienced surgeons. Furthermore, the literature is controversial regarding surgical indications and rationale for treatment. This book is designed to address and discuss critical aspects of decision making for the management of scapular fractures, including anatomy, epidemiology, surgical indications, rehabilitation, treatment, and outcomes. It also presents several challenging cases with adequate preoperative planning, emphasizing the different approaches, fixation strategies, soft tissue handling, and postoperative care. Floating shoulder and the association between scapular fractures and clavicle fractures are also addressed, as well as a hot topic and emerging issue: the periprosthetic scapular fracture foll
Nova Science Publishers Inc My Brother Theodore Roosevelt
Aboriginal Studies Press Whitening Race: Essays in social and cultural criticism
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Emmons & Sarah Coventry: Jewelry Fashion Show
This comprehensive and invaluable reference guide documents all phases of Emmons and Sarah Coventry jewelry. Over 1,200 items are shown in clear color photographs. Here are styles sold at in-home party fashion shows from 1949 to 1984, as well as Sarah Coventry International department store jewelry and accessories from the late 1980s to 1990s. Information appears on the brief home party plan of 1994, exclusive Emmons and Sarah Coventry pieces sold on the television Home Shopping Network in 2002, and jewelry currently produced. Jewelry for men, women, girls, and boys is described with production dates, identification names, and numbers provided by both companies. Also included are accessories, original catalog pages, advertisements, awards, jewelry markings, original packaging, current values, the history and similarities of these linked companies. Tips for the care of your jewelry, an extensive glossary, and an index roud out this thorough reference work. Appealing not only to the collector, this book will be snatched up and cherished by anyone who has a fond memory of fine fashion jewelry.
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. The Spare Man
Tesla Crane, a brilliant inventor and an heiress, is on her honeymoon on an interplanetary space liner, cruising between the Moon and Mars. She's travelling incognito and is reveling in her anonymity. Then someone is murdered and the festering chowderheads who run security have the audacity to arrest her spouse.Armed with banter, martinis and her small service dog, Tesla is determined to solve the crime so that the newlyweds can get back to canoodling and keep the real killer from striking again.
Starfish Bay Publishing Pty Ltd I Am An Artist
Ages: 3-6 yearsA beautiful hand-crafted picture book that will inspire and encourage children to create art using everyday objects from the natural environment. Who needs paint, paintbrushes and paper to create art? Not anywhere artists when there are sticks, stones, sand, mud and clouds around, waiting to be used! This story follows an anywhere artist, a creative little girl's artistic adventures as she makes art anywhere and with anything. Watch as she creates vivid creatures in the forest, at the beach, after the rain and in the sky. Through this visual treat, children will be inspired to make art out of anything because sometimes imagination is the best tool.
Turner Publishing Company Meatonomics: How the Rigged Economics of the Meat and Dairy Industries are Encouraging You to Consume Way More Than You Should-and How to Eat Better, Live Longer, and Spend Smarter
According to the conventional wisdom, factors like taste, dietary beliefs and cultural traditions drive our decisions to buy animal foods. But the reality is that price plays a huge role in our eating choices as well. The alarming result of consumers watching their purse strings so carefully is that meat producers, who work hard to keep prices artificially low, are heavily responsible for driving demand. MEATONOMICS is the first book to fully explore the murky economics underlying animal food production and its revelations are shocking. Like Freakonomics, it demonstrates how seemingly bizarre economic forces impact our everyday lives - how we're all subject to incentives no matter how counter-intuitive they may appear. A persuasive manifesto, MEATONOMICS proposes concrete changes in social and tax policy that will help consumers save money, lose weight, improve health and protect animals and the planet from abuse.
Manchester University Press Women, Travel and Identity: Journeys by Rail and Sea, 1870–1940
The years between 1870 and 1940 are often considered a 'golden age' of travel: as larger and evermore sumptuous ships and trains were built, including the Orient Express, Blue Train, Lusitania and Normandie, journeying abroad became, and remains today, synonymous with chic, splendour and luxury. Utilising women's diaries and letters, art, advertising, fiction and etiquette guides, this book considers the journey's impact upon understandings of female identity, definitions of femininity, modernity, glamour, class, travel, tourism, leisure and sexual opportunity and threat during this period. It explores women's relationship with train and ship technology; cultural understandings of the journey; public expectations of women journeyers; how women journeyed in practice: their use of journey space, sociability with both Western and 'Other' non-Western journeyers, experience of love, sex and danger during the journey; and how women fashioned a journeyer identity which fused their existing domestic identities with new journey identities such as the journey chronicler. The journey is revealed to be an experience of sociability as much as mobility, dominated by ideas of respectability and reputation, class, power, vision and observation and home as well as the foreign and new.
Crescent Moon Publishing Berserk: Kentaro Miura: The Manga and the Anime
Crescent Moon Publishing The Sacred Cinema of Andrei Tarkovski
Troubador Publishing Where is that naughty dog?
We need your help! Archie has escaped, and is nowhere to be found... Can you have a look around with us, to help us seek and find? Born without the ability to hear anything, Archie was left sad and alone in a rescue centre, waiting for his forever home. But as long as he has a full tummy and is warm, he won't let anything phase him! This book follows the 'almost' true stories of Archie the rescued Staffie dog. His silly antics and adventures will have you laughing and sometimes surprised: do you think he really is naughty, or just misunderstood? One thing is for certain, though: we all need to BE MORE ARCHIE!
Chronos Publishing A Perfect Little Gift
Penguin Putnam Inc Los deseos de Carmela
Harvard University Press The Sea, Volume 13: The Global Coastal Ocean: Multiscale Interdisciplinary Processes
A continuing, comprehensive and timely survey of the state of knowledge of ocean science, this distinguished series provides an overview of research frontiers as ocean science progresses. Areas covered include physical, biological, and chemical oceanography, marine geology, and geophysics and the interactions of the oceans with the atmosphere, the solid earth, and ice. Because ocean science is evolving so rapidly, straining the boundaries of traditional sub-disciplines, interdisciplinary topics have a special place in this series--including those topics related to the application of ocean science, for example, to ocean technology, marine operations, and the resources of the sea. As a treatise on advances and new developments, each topical volume starts with fundamentals and covers recent progress, so as to provide a balanced account of how oceanography is evolving.Previous volumes (1-12) in the series are now available from Harvard University Press.In the manifold, multidisciplinary efforts of science to understand and manage our planet, contemporary ocean science plays an essential role. Volumes 13 and 14 of the series The Sea focus on two of the most important components in the interdisciplinary field of ocean science today--the coastal ocean and its interactions with the deep sea, and coupled physical-biogeochemical and ecosystem dynamics. Comprehensive, definitive studies, these volumes chart the real progress being made by ocean scientists in achieving lasting scientific understanding; specifically, they address issues surrounding significant applications--for coastal regions and in general--such as: the development of monitoring and prediction systems; functionality and stability of ecosystems; eutrophication; harmful algae blooms; habitat modification; and regime shift.Intended as companion volumes to Volumes 10 and 11 on physical coastal oceanography, these studies of the global coastal ocean continue the series' overall effort to encourage and facilitate coastal and shelf ocean sciences and technology on a global basis.
University of California Press Chocolate Cities: The Black Map of American Life
When you think of a map of the United States, what do you see? Now think of the Seattle that begot Jimi Hendrix. The Dallas that shaped Erykah Badu. The Holly Springs, Mississippi that compelled Ida B. Wells to activism against lynching. The Birmingham where Martin Luther King, Jr. penned his most famous missive. Now how do you see the United States? Chocolate Cities offers a new cartography of the U.S.-a "Black Map" that more accurately reflects the lived experiences and the future of Black life in America. Drawing on cultural sources such as film, music, fiction, and plays alongside traditional resources like census data, oral histories, ethnographies, and health and wealth data, the book offers a new perspective for analyzing, mapping, and understanding the ebbs and flows of the Black American experience-all in the cities, towns, neighborhoods, and communities that they create and defend. Black maps are consequentially different from our current geographical understanding of race and place in America. And as the U.S. moves toward a majority minority society, Chocolate Cities provides a broad and necessary assessment of how racial and ethnic minorities make and change America's social, economic, and political landscape.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Public Cloud Computing: Security & Privacy Guidelines
Hendrickson Publishers Inc Analytical Lexicon of New Testament Greek
Resilient Hedgehog The fastest sloth in the world: 2022
Berrett-Koehler Publishers Practical Innovation in Government: How Front-Line Leaders Are Transforming Public-Sector Organizations
The Crowood Press Ltd Mario Lanza: A Life in Pictures
Mario Lanza: A Life in Pictures is a stunning collection of photographs and illustrations that captures the fabulous and tumultuous times of the greatest romantic tenor of the twentieth century. Compiled by acclaimed Lanza biographer Derek Mannering and drawing on exclusive photographs from the tenor's closest friend, Terry Robinson, the book offers an unrivalled pictorial history of the tenor's extraordinary life and career, from his childhood in Philadelphia, his first tentative steps towards a career in opera, the unexpected about-turn that led to his glory days in Hollywood, and on to his sudden and tragic death in Rome in 1959. Complementing the rare photographs is Derek Mannering's authoritative and compelling narrative together with personal comments by Terry Robinson throughout. The book concludes with an afterword by Mario Lanza's daughter, Ellisa Lanza Bregman. Few careers in show business have been as colourful or as controversial as Mario Lanza's. Groomed for a professional life on the operatic stage, Lanza was instead waylaid by Hollywood where, in films like The Great Caruso, he thrilled movie-goers with his magnificent voice and dazzling personality. His films and recordings were highly influential in shaping the careers of countless young opera singers and to this day Lanza continues to be seen as the crossover artist supreme.
Canelo A Thief's Justice: A completely gripping historical mystery
London, 1716. Revenge is a dish best served ice-cold…’An immersive, action-packed thriller with intrigue in the air and threats around every corner’ The Herald’Great fun ... the language is colourful and the action never stops’ Laura Shepherd-RobinsonThe city is caught in the vice-like grip of a savage winter. Even the Thames has frozen over. But for Jonas Flynt – thief, gambler, killer – the chilling elements are the least of his worries…Justice Geoffrey Dumont has been found dead at the base of St Paul’s cathedral, and a young male sex-worker, Sam Yates, has been taken into custody for the murder. Yates denies all charges, claiming he had received a message to meet the judge at the exact time of death.The young man is a friend of courtesan Belle St Clair, and she asks Flynt to investigate. As Sam endures the horrors of Newgate prison, they must do everything in their power to uncover the truth and save an innocent life, before the bodies begin to pile up.But time is running out. And the gallows are beckoning...A totally enrapturing portrayal of eighteenth-century London, and a rapier-like crime thriller, perfect for fans of Laura Shepherd-Robinson, Antonia Hodgson and Ambrose Parry.
Lonely Furrow Publishing Staining the Soul
It is 1794. In remote Argyll, the laird Malcolm Craig Lowrie has sworn on all that he holds dear to protect his clan even though the price will be his own heart-breaking exile. He has also promised to help Adelaïde de Fontenoy a young Frenchwoman trying to escape the debauched clutches of elderly lawyer, Sir William Robinson, and flee to France.But now, as the bloody events of the Reign of Terror unfold in France and all Europe is menaced by Revolution, obsessed by the beautiful Adelaïde, Sir William Robinson arrives in Robespierre''s Paris. Craig Lowrie and Adelaïde are almost ripped apart by the conflicting claims of love and duty and ruthless evil threatens to overwhelm all that is good and true. But is Staining the Soul' really a story of how love survives?
Peeters Publishers Das Berliner "Koptische Buch" (P20915). Eine Wieder Hergestellte Fruhchristlich-theologische Abhandlung: V.
Oz Editorial Luna Implacable, La
Dr Ludwig Reichert Etruskische Heiligtumer Des 8.-5. Jhs. V. Chr. ALS Wirtschaftsraume Und Konsumptionsorte Von Keramik
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Cities - Coins - Commerce: Essays Presented to Ian Blanchard on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday
BookBaby Red Tide Apocalypse: Bridgehead
Simon And Schuster Group USA More Than Meets the Eye A Novel Zane Presents
Berrett-Koehler Publishers The Idea-Driven Organization: Unlocking the Power in Bottom-Up Ideas
Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation An Awesome Adventure Hlspl Composer Showcase Late Elementary Level 3 Hal Leonard Student Piano Library Composer Showcase
State University of New York Press New York Art Deco: A Guide to Gotham's Jazz Age Architecture
St Martin's Press The Spare Man