Search results for ""Author Robin"
Mortons Media Group Mike Hailwood - 100 Objects
Soccer Books Ltd Classic Reprint : The Story of the Rangers - Fifty Years of Football 1873 to 1923
Originally published in 1923, this book tells the inside story of Glasgow Rangers FC from its formation in 1873 until 1923. As the book is virtually impossible to locate in its original hardback format without spending a small fortune, we have decided to make it available in our 'Classic Reprint' series.
Make Believe Ideas Busy Bees Meet the Mermaids
Austin Macauley Publishers Thursday's Child Had Far to Go: From Scotland to India
Strauss House Productions Peace Lily: The World War 1 Battlefield Nurse
Peace Lily follows on from Where The Poppies Now Grow, The Christmas Truce and Flo Of The Somme and finds childhood friend, Lily, follow Ben and Ray to the battlefields. Peace Lily marks the contribution made by women to the First World War and celebrates the common humanity shown by all, on all sides.
Pearson Education Limited Literacy Edition Storyworlds Stage 6, Animal World, Harry's Monkey
This fantastic range of fiction for Shared, Guided and Independent reading gives you stories your children will love to read over and over again. Gaelic and Scottish teaching support also accompanies this reading series.
Oxford University Press Natural and Necessary Unions: Britain, Europe, and the Scottish Question
Natural and Necessary Unions is a history for our time. It shows that the choice between 'union and independence' that shapes current debates about the future of the United Kingdom in the age of Brexit is a false one. Against the countervailing currents of hegemony and fragmentation that range across centuries - from the economic dominance of southern England and the burdens of social democracy to the rise of separatist nationalisms and European integration - unionists struggled to make a union-state that would protect the independence of its citizens and communities from these wider forces. Natural and Necessary Unions tells the story of how the quest for autonomy shaped the history of three communities: Scotland, Ireland, and Northumbria. It charts the different choices these societies made about their relationships within the British Isles and in wider international society, crystallizing in the choice that must be made again between the British and European unions. From these wildly differing experiences, Scotland's devolution emerges as an enviable middle-ground, compared to Ireland's satellite status and the hyper-centralism of England. Drawing on a wealth of evidence from polls to poetry, and a cast of characters ranging from Edmund Burke and Gordon Brown to Gerry Adams and Alex Salmond, Natural and Necessary Unions points the way to a new unionist politics for the twenty-first century.
Little, Brown Book Group Jack
From one of the English language's great writers. Revisiting her beloved characters, Jack joins Gilead, winner of the Pulitzer; Home, winner of the Women's Prize for Fiction and Lila, which won the National Book Critics Circle Award. This is the compassionate and heart-breaking story of the wayward son, Jack Boughton.
WW Norton & Co Woman in the Nineteenth Century: A Norton Critical Edition
"Backgrounds" reveals the experiential basis for the text through autobiographical writings and selections from Fuller’s recently published letters, journals, and "Boston Conversations." "Criticism and Reviews" presents a superb selection of critical writing about the novel. The critics include Orestes A. Brownson, A. G. M, Lydia Maria Child, Frederic Dan Huntington, Edgar A. Poe, Charles Lane, George Eliot, Margaret Vanderhaar Allen, David M. Robinson, Bell Gale Chevigny, Julie Ellison, Christina Zwarg, and Jeffery Steele. A Chronology and Selected Bibliography are included.
Penguin Putnam Inc Los deseos de Carmela
Harvard University Press The Sea, Volume 13: The Global Coastal Ocean: Multiscale Interdisciplinary Processes
A continuing, comprehensive and timely survey of the state of knowledge of ocean science, this distinguished series provides an overview of research frontiers as ocean science progresses. Areas covered include physical, biological, and chemical oceanography, marine geology, and geophysics and the interactions of the oceans with the atmosphere, the solid earth, and ice. Because ocean science is evolving so rapidly, straining the boundaries of traditional sub-disciplines, interdisciplinary topics have a special place in this series--including those topics related to the application of ocean science, for example, to ocean technology, marine operations, and the resources of the sea. As a treatise on advances and new developments, each topical volume starts with fundamentals and covers recent progress, so as to provide a balanced account of how oceanography is evolving.Previous volumes (1-12) in the series are now available from Harvard University Press.In the manifold, multidisciplinary efforts of science to understand and manage our planet, contemporary ocean science plays an essential role. Volumes 13 and 14 of the series The Sea focus on two of the most important components in the interdisciplinary field of ocean science today--the coastal ocean and its interactions with the deep sea, and coupled physical-biogeochemical and ecosystem dynamics. Comprehensive, definitive studies, these volumes chart the real progress being made by ocean scientists in achieving lasting scientific understanding; specifically, they address issues surrounding significant applications--for coastal regions and in general--such as: the development of monitoring and prediction systems; functionality and stability of ecosystems; eutrophication; harmful algae blooms; habitat modification; and regime shift.Intended as companion volumes to Volumes 10 and 11 on physical coastal oceanography, these studies of the global coastal ocean continue the series' overall effort to encourage and facilitate coastal and shelf ocean sciences and technology on a global basis.
University of California Press Chocolate Cities: The Black Map of American Life
When you think of a map of the United States, what do you see? Now think of the Seattle that begot Jimi Hendrix. The Dallas that shaped Erykah Badu. The Holly Springs, Mississippi that compelled Ida B. Wells to activism against lynching. The Birmingham where Martin Luther King, Jr. penned his most famous missive. Now how do you see the United States? Chocolate Cities offers a new cartography of the U.S.-a "Black Map" that more accurately reflects the lived experiences and the future of Black life in America. Drawing on cultural sources such as film, music, fiction, and plays alongside traditional resources like census data, oral histories, ethnographies, and health and wealth data, the book offers a new perspective for analyzing, mapping, and understanding the ebbs and flows of the Black American experience-all in the cities, towns, neighborhoods, and communities that they create and defend. Black maps are consequentially different from our current geographical understanding of race and place in America. And as the U.S. moves toward a majority minority society, Chocolate Cities provides a broad and necessary assessment of how racial and ethnic minorities make and change America's social, economic, and political landscape.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Public Cloud Computing: Security & Privacy Guidelines
Hendrickson Publishers Inc Analytical Lexicon of New Testament Greek
Resilient Hedgehog The fastest sloth in the world: 2022
Berrett-Koehler Publishers Practical Innovation in Government: How Front-Line Leaders Are Transforming Public-Sector Organizations
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt What Does Theology Do, Actually?: Vol. 2: Exegeting Exegesis
Crossway Books Christ Has Set Us Free: Preaching and Teaching Galatians
Nine seasoned Bible teachers walk through the entire book of Galatians, pointing out key doctrinal truths and offering insights on how to preach and teach the book.
Skyhorse Publishing Jackie and Me: A Very Special Friendship
Thirteen-year-old Tania Grossinger lives in the famous Grossinger hotel in New York's Catskill Mountains, but she doesn't feel like a real Grossinger; her cousins own the hotel, and Tania often feels like she doesn't belong. Lots of celebrities come to Grossinger's, but Tania just wants to meet one man: Jackie Robinson, the first African American to play Major League baseball. When Jackie stays at Grossinger's on vacation, he hears that Tania is a terrific ping-pong player. Jackie invites the young girl to meet him for a game at four o-clock—but she doesn't believe he's serious and stays in her room to read. Soon the telephone rings; it's Jackie, wondering where Tania is! When she dashes downstairs to the game room, the famous Dodgers star is waiting for Tania—and this is the beginning of an unlikely but very special friendshipPlaying ping-pong, drinking soda, going on walks, and ice skating together, Tania learns some important—and simple—life lessons from Jackie. Tania Grossinger's charming true story will appeal to parents and children, girls and boys, avid baseball fans and people who have never seen a game. Jackie and Me offers a unique glimpse into icon Jackie Robinson's life off the field, told from a very special perspective: that of a friend.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd The Moonstone
Introduction and Notes by David Blair, Rutherford College, University of Kent. The Moonstone, a priceless Indian diamond which had been brought to England as spoils of war, is given to Rachel Verrinder on her eighteenth birthday. That very night, the stone is stolen. Suspicion then falls on a hunchbacked housemaid, on Rachel's cousin Franklin Blake, on a troupe of mysterious Indian jugglers, and on Rachel herself. The phlegmatic Sergeant Cuff is called in, and with the help of Betteredge, the Robinson Crusoe-reading loquacious steward, the mystery of the missing stone is ingeniously solved.
Brown Bear Press Social Justice in Physical Education: Critical Reflections and Pedagogies for Change
LUP - University of Michigan Press The Visual Life of Romantic Theater 17801830
Examines the dynamism and vibrancy of stage spectacle and its impact in an era of momentous social upheaval and aesthetic change. Situating theatrical production as key to understanding visuality ca. 1780-1830, this book reenvisions traditional approaches to artistic and social production.
Candlewick Press,U.S. Tooth Fairy in Training
Penguin Putnam Inc Nina: A Story of Nina Simone
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. Herbert Hoover: President of the United States
This detailed account of Herbert Hoover's presidency reveals him as a staunch defender of constitutional government and one of our least understood presidents. Battling political partisanship while trying to place the needs of the nation as a whole over those of state and localities, Hoover found his program for America's entry into the new scientific era overwhelmed by profound changes in the social and economic structure of a nation entering a new age.
Random House USA Inc You Are Your Own Gym: The Cookbook: 125 Delicious Recipes for Cooking Your Way to a Great Body
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Guide to Old English
A comprehensive introduction to Old English, combining simple, clear philology with the best literary works to provide a compelling and accessible beginners’ guide. Provides a comprehensive introduction to Old English Uses a practical approach suited to the needs of the beginning student Features selections from the greatest works of Old English literature, organized from simple to more challenging texts to keep pace with the reader Includes a discussion of Anglo-Saxon literature, history, and culture, and a bibliography directing readers to useful publications on the subject Updated throughout with new material including the first 25 lines from Beowulf with detailed annotation and an explanation of Grimm’s and Verner’s laws
John Wiley & Sons Inc How to Present at Meetings
Does the thought of presenting a paper make you go cold? There are so many things to consider: getting your message across clearly, making the PowerPoint easy to read, keeping to the right length and keeping the audience riveted – enough to induce nerves even without the thought of standing up in front of a crowd and delivering your talk fluently. How to Present at Meetings, 3rd Edition, gives you practical advice on all these aspects, and more. Written by high-profile public speakers in the health sciences, it includes chapters on the 10-, 20- and 45-minute presentation, how not to make a mess of PowerPoint, and how to appear on stage.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Obesity & Weight Management: Challenges, Practices & Health Implications
Nova Science Publishers Inc Adapting to Climate Change: National Strategy & Progress
University of Regina Press Canoeing the Churchill: A Practical Guide to the Historic Voyageur Highway
"Outstanding. Its combination of historical material, maps, photos, and travelogue brings the fur trade era alive. Seldom has the past and the present been brought together so successfully." -George Melnyk, University of Calgary "The reader is exposed to hundreds of points of interest, historical rock paintings, landmarks, campsites, local histories, and folklore...[the book] will tell any canoeist or adventurer almost all they need to know." -James Winkel, Saskatchewan History An invaluable resource for paddlers preparing to face the challenges of Canada's old fur trade highway, Canoeing the Churchill is also an exhilarating trek into the past for the "armchair voyageur." With routes for both beginners and experts, Canoeing the Churchill provides practical "on the water advice" for the entire 1,100 km route--from Methy Portage to Cumberland House. Canoeing the Churchill "will introduce the beauty of the north and its rich cultural heritage to readers from all parts of the world." -Keith Goulet, Cumberland House Cree Nation
Walker Books Ltd Witch in Training
Think that being a witch is all about pointy hats, waving wands and gathering around the cauldron singing spooky songs? Well, think again.Betty's potion-making starts tonight! And potions need ingredients – ingredients that can only be found in the WILD. And that is pretty treacherous. So, brave Betty, with her mum by her side, is about to come face-to-face with werewolves, trolls, sea monsters and more... A funny, edge-of-your-broomstick adventure from the spellbinding team behind Tooth Fairy in Training.
HarperCollins Publishers One Hundred Days
Updated for the 30th anniversary of the Falklands War, this is the bestselling, highly-acclaimed and most famous account of the conflict, written by the commander of the British Task Force. On 5 April 1982, three days after the invasion of the Falkland Islands, British armed forces were ordered to sail 8,000 miles to the South Atlantic unaware of what lay ahead of them or whether they would be committed to war with Argentina. In these engrossing memoirs, Admiral Sandy Woodward, Task Force commander from the aircraft carrier Hermes, takes us from day one to day one hundred of the conflict; from sailing through the waters of the Atlantic with hopes of a political settlement fading, and war becoming increasingly likely, to the repulse of the Argentinian navy and the daring amphibious landing at San Carlos Water. The war, which cost the lives of over 1,000 men, has left a legacy of many historical debates and controversies, from the sinking of ships such as HMS Coventry, HMS Sheffield and Sir Galahad, and the Argentinian cruiser, the Belgrano, to wider issues such as what was it like to command and fight a modern air and naval war, the biggest naval action since World War II. ‘One Hundred Days’ is unique as a dramatic portrayal of the world of modern naval warfare, where despite the use of sophisticated equipment and communications, the margins for human error and courage were as wide as they were in the days of Nelson.
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. The Fifth Beatle: The Brian Epstein Story: Anniversary Edition
InterVarsity Press A Sojourner`s Truth – Choosing Freedom and Courage in a Divided World
Medieval Institute Publications The Preservation and Transmission of Anglo-Saxon Culture: Selected Papers from the 1991 Meeting of the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists
This collection represents most of the papers delivered on the conference theme of the Fifth Meeting (1991) of the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists, which was the first ISAS meeting in the United States: how the subject of Anglo-Saxon Studies is conducted in the United States. After an introduction by the dean of Anglo-Saxon Studies in America, Fred C. Robinson, the seventeen papers discuss Historiography, Medieval Reception of Anglo-Saxon England, Art and Archaeology, Literary Approaches, and Manuscript Studies. There is an index of the whole, manuscript citations included.
Peeters Publishers Das Berliner "Koptische Buch" (P20915). Eine Wieder Hergestellte Fruhchristlich-theologische Abhandlung: V.
Oz Editorial Luna Implacable, La
Dr Ludwig Reichert Etruskische Heiligtumer Des 8.-5. Jhs. V. Chr. ALS Wirtschaftsraume Und Konsumptionsorte Von Keramik
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Cities - Coins - Commerce: Essays Presented to Ian Blanchard on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday
BookBaby Red Tide Apocalypse: Bridgehead
Simon And Schuster Group USA More Than Meets the Eye A Novel Zane Presents
Berrett-Koehler Publishers The Idea-Driven Organization: Unlocking the Power in Bottom-Up Ideas
Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation An Awesome Adventure Hlspl Composer Showcase Late Elementary Level 3 Hal Leonard Student Piano Library Composer Showcase
State University of New York Press New York Art Deco: A Guide to Gotham's Jazz Age Architecture