Search results for ""Transcript Verlag""
Transcript Verlag Technische Fiktionen
Transcript Verlag Diskurs als Spiel
Transcript Verlag Funktional differenzierte Moderne und Lebenslauf
transcript Verlag Artificial Intelligence Intelligent Art
Transcript Verlag Chinas Zerrissene Generation
Transcript Verlag ChatGPT und andere Quatschmaschinen
Transcript Verlag Formen der Solidarität
Transcript Verlag Demokratische Auszeit
Transcript Verlag Kuratierte Öffentlichkeit
Transcript Verlag Being There but How
In phenomenological tradition, presence has been understood as fundamental for human experience: I experience the world as my lifeworld because I am present in this world. Even more, I experience myself as I only in the physical presence of the other. However, this concept of presence has become fragile through processes of medialization - especially in (post-)pandemic everyday life. Presence can no longer be experienced exclusively in physical proximity, but also digitally or virtually. With global case studies alongside theoretical discussions by both students as well as junior and senior researchers, the volume launches a conversation between social sciences and humanities on how this change affects human experience.
Transcript Verlag Literarische Anthropologie und empfindsame Idyllik
Transcript Verlag Architekturleistungen des Späthistorismus
Transcript Verlag Bildung und Staunen
Transcript Verlag Spielformen der Störung
Transcript Verlag Lazarus Latenz und die Larve der Erinnerung
Transcript Verlag Modenetze Modeschwärme
Transcript Verlag Friedenspädagogik und religiöse Vielfalt
Transcript Verlag Ethik des assistierten Suizids
transcript Verlag Large Housing Estates under Socialism
transcript Verlag Hope and Uncertainty in Health and Medicine
Transcript Verlag Technik als Problem des Ausdrucks
Transcript Verlag Zwischen Schweigen und Sprechen
Transcript Verlag Digitale Technik für ambulante Pflege und Therapie II
Transcript Verlag Antisemitismus und Recht
transcript Verlag AI in Museums
Transcript Verlag Religion im urbanen Raum
Transcript Verlag Mehrdeutige Körper
Transcript Verlag Die Poesie der Reformen
Transcript Verlag Lived-Body Experiences in Virtual Reality: A Phenomenology of the Virtual Body
What is it like to perceive a virtual object through the sensed presence of a virtual body? How do subject-object relations occur and can be actualized in virtual environments? Zeynep Akbal explores the impact of virtual reality (VR) technology on the subjective experience of the body and situates the results in context with existing theories in media sciences and the phenomenology of bodily perception. This study presents VR technology as a tool that can be used to more closely examine and study the fundamental intersections of the humanities and the natural sciences that explore the nature of perception.
Transcript Verlag Systemkritik
Transcript Verlag Transformationen des Politischen
Transcript Verlag Sprachwechsel Perspektivenwechsel
Transcript Verlag Implizite Bilder
Transcript Verlag Nichts anderes als Selbstoptimierung
Transcript Verlag Observing Conflict Escalation in World Society: Ukraine's Maidan and Mali's Breakup
How do conflicts escalate? This is one of the major questions in conflict research. To offer further answers, Richard Bösch follows a tripartite agenda: First, he develops a constructivist methodology for the study of conflict escalation embedded in a Luhmannian systems theoretical world society perspective. Bösch argues that conflicts can be observed as social systems and he looks at the process of conflict escalation by analysing communication. Second, this analysis offers two cases studies: the Maidan protests in Ukraine 2013-2014 and Mali's crisis 2010-2012. Third, it gives impulses on how systems theoretical research can further on be beneficial for Peace and Conflict Studies.
Transcript Verlag Asyl als Anspruch
Transcript Verlag Arts and Health Österreich im internationalen Kontext
Transcript Verlag Poetiken des Notierens
Transcript Verlag Klimamigration
Transcript Verlag Digitalisierung von Gegenmacht
Transcript Verlag Christliche Moral und koloniale Herrschaft in Togo
Transcript Verlag Bleiben in ländlichen Räumen
Transcript Verlag Performance transformieren
Transcript Verlag Aktiver Passivismus
Transcript Verlag A Tale of Two Unions: The British Union and the European Union After Brexit
Brexit is a tale of two unions, not one: the British and the European unions. Their origins are different, but both struggle to maintain unity in diversity and both have to face the challenge of populism and claims of democratic deficit.Mark Corner suggests that the ?four nations? that make up the UK can only survive as part of a single nation-state, if the country looks more sympathetically at the very European structures from which it has chosen to detach itself. This study addresses both academic and lay audiences interested in the current situation of the UK, particularly the strains raised by devolution and Brexit.
Transcript Verlag Enduring Enmity
To date, the relationship between Otto Kirchheimer and Carl Schmitt has invariably been described as friendly, despite their political differences. Kirchheimer has even been attributed the role of the godfather of today's left-Schmittianism. With reference to previously unknown archival materials, conversations with personal contacts, and through a new reading of the theoretical works of both authors, including an analysis of the Nazi vocabulary used by Schmitt, Hubertus Buchstein exposes this view as a politically motivated legend. Buchstein claims that the best way to characterize their relationship from their first meeting in Bonn in 1926 up until Kirchheimer's death in 1965 is as enduring enmity - in a political, a theoretical, and even a personal sense.
Transcript Verlag Narratives Crossing Boundaries: Storytelling in a Transmedial and Transdisciplinary Context
As the dominant narrative forms in the age of media convergence, films and games call for a transmedial perspective in narratology. Games allow a participatory reception of the story, so that the ontological boundary transgression between the narrated world and the world of the recipient comes into focus. These diverse transgressions-medial and ontological-are the subject of this transdisciplinary compendium, which covers the subject in an interdisciplinary way from various perspectives: game studies and media studies, but also sociology and psychology, to take into account the great influence of storytelling on social discourses and human behavior.
Transcript Verlag Tanz in Bildern