Search results for ""Transcript Verlag""
Transcript Verlag Legal Pluralism in Ethiopia – Actors, Challenges and Solutions
Being a home to more than 80 ethnic groups, Ethiopia has to balance normative diversity with efforts to implement state law across its territory. This volume explores the co-existence of state, customary, and religious legal forums from the perspective of legal practitioners and local justice seekers. It shows how the various stakeholders' use of negotiation, and their strategic application of law can lead to unwanted confusion, but also to sustainable conflict resolution, innovative new procedures and hybrid norms. The book thus generates important knowledge on the conditions necessary for stimulating a cooperative co-existence of different legal systems.
Transcript Verlag Traces of Aging: Old Age and Memory in Contemporary Narrative
This collection consists of eight essays that examine the way narratives determine our understanding of old age and condition how the experience is lived. Contributors to this volume have based their analysis on the concept of "narrative identity" developed by Paul Ricoeur, built upon the idea that fiction makes life, and on his definition of "trace" as the mark of time. By investigating the traces of aging imprinted in a series of literary and filmic works they dismantle the narrative of old age as decline and foreclosure to assemble one of transformation and growth.
Transcript Verlag The Art of Reverse Engineering: Open, Dissect, Rebuild
Reverse Engineering is a term that comes originally from the field of mechanical engineering. Reverse Engineering indicates the process of analysing an existing object or system by laying out its construction plan to then rebuild it in every detail. This manner of reconstruction allows for modifications and adjustments to new demands and requirements, it signifies creative appropriation, democratisation of knowledge, further development. The contributions in this volume take Reverse Engineering to another level, applying it to the fields of arts, sciences and politics in an attempt to reveal the procedures of culture and technology at work, and the importance of access, knowledge and skills in reshaping our present times and future.
Transcript Verlag Art and Economics in the City – New Cultural Maps
Emerging forms of alternative economic frameworks are changing the structure of society, redefining the relationship between centre and periphery, and the social dynamics in the urban fabric. In this context, the arts can play a crucial role in formulating a concept of complex and plural citizenship: This economic, social and cultural paradigm has the potential to overcome the conventional isolation of the arts and culture in ivory towers, and thereby to gradually make the urban fabric more fertile. This volume faces such sensitive issues by collating contributions from various disciplines: Economists, sociologists, urbanists, architects and creative artists offer a broad and deep assessment of urban dynamics and their visions for the years to come.
Transcript Verlag Krisenkommunikation für den Kulturbetrieb
Transcript Verlag Architekturen des Unheimlichen
Transcript Verlag Quartier4
Transcript Verlag Analyzing Black Metal Transdisziplinäre Annäherungen an ein düsteres Phänomen der Musikkultur
Transcript Verlag Bildung vor Bildern Kunst Pdagogik Psychoanalyse
Transcript Verlag Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Germanistik (Jou – Vol. 7, Issue 2/2016: Transiträume
Text in German. The Journal of Intercultural German Studies (ZiG) reflects the fact that interculturalism, as a leading and innovative research category, has established itself in national and international German studies. The journal takes on current issues in the field of Germanic literature, culture, and linguistics, and seeks to help bring together different tendencies and trends of interculturality research and to deepen their theoretical assumptions. To the extent that, in principle, the research paradigm of interculturality can no longer be thought of as a single discipline, the journal deliberately considers itself to be an interdisciplinary and comparatively open medium located in the international scientific context. The ZiG is published twice a year.
Transcript Verlag Unscharfe Grenzen Perspektiven der Kultursoziologie
Transcript Verlag Die letzte Invasion
Transcript Verlag Living with Wolves
With their return to Germany, wolves leave their traces in personal feelings, in the atmospheres of rural landscapes and even in the sentiments and moods that govern political arenas. Thorsten Gieser explores the role of affects, emotions, moods and atmospheres in the emerging coexistence between humans and wolves. Bridging the gap between anthropology and ethology, the author literally walks in the tracks of wolves to follow their affective agency in a more-than-human society. In nuanced analyses, he shows how wolves move, irritate and excite us, offering answers to the primary question: What does it feel like to coexist with these large predators?
Transcript Verlag Soziologie der Künstlichen Intelligenz
Transcript Verlag Ageismus im Gesundheitswesen
Transcript Verlag Die Wiederentdeckung des Kunstspielklaviers
Transcript Verlag Das Metaversum zerstalten
Transcript Verlag Respiration Essays
Transcript Verlag Menschenrechte und Erinnerungspolitik in Indien
Transcript Verlag Das Revival der traditionellen gälischen Musik Schottlands
Transcript Verlag Mehr als Reisen in die Vergangenheit
Transcript Verlag Texte vererben
Transcript Verlag Wie gestalten wir Gesellschaft
Transcript Verlag Vokabular des Virtuellen
Transcript Verlag Landschaft und Vegetation
Transcript Verlag Im Schatten des Schweigens
Transcript Verlag Moderne Mannsbilder
transcript Verlag BioArt
Transcript Verlag Merzkunst zwischen System und Chaos
Transcript Verlag Unterwegs in die Stadt der Zukunft
Transcript Verlag Emotional Drivers of Innovation
Innovation is ubiquitous and has become a universal term that is indispensable to describe interventions, projects, or products. Franziska Sorgel argues that emotions influence innovations as they are inherent in initial ideas, expectations and habitual evaluation criteria that impact the development process. Instead of assuming that the innovation process is subject to rational and linear creativity, the study adopts the notion of moral economies by Lorraine Daston as a space for negotiation. Such an approach enables decision-makers to question the evaluation criteria and patterns for technological developments before implementing them in society.
Transcript Verlag Narrative des Unendlichen
Transcript Verlag Frieden und Frauenrechte im Kalten Krieg
Transcript Verlag Atlas der Datenkörper 2
Transcript Verlag Momente der Datafizierung
Transcript Verlag Vorläufige Gewissheiten
Transcript Verlag Staat und Staatlichkeit im digitalen Zeitalter
Transcript Verlag Bildung als Welt und Selbstverhältnis
Transcript Verlag Afrikanische Dinge in der deutschsprachigen Literatur
Transcript Verlag Die Frauengesundheitsbewegung
transcript Verlag Ibsen at the Theatrical Crossroads of Europe
Transcript Verlag Literaturwissenschaft und Informatik
Transcript Verlag Menschenrechtsbildung in der Sozialen Arbeit
Transcript Verlag Dirigentinnen im Fokus
transcript Verlag QueerBeograd Cabaret
transcript Verlag La chance
Transcript Verlag Kritik des reaktionären Denkens