Search results for ""Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd""
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd New Directions in Copyright Law, Volume 5
This book continues the exploration of the role, function and theoretical basis of copyright law examined in the first four volumes. New Directions in Copyright Law, Volume 5, offers valuable insights into simulating international research and debate about the future of the copyright system. The international and multidisciplinary core of scholars in this book focus on two themes: copyright and the new technologies; and copyright, corporate power and human rights. This book should be read by anyone interested in the future of copyright, regardless of discipline.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd New Directions in Copyright Law, Volume 4
This fourth volume in the series contains further exploration of the main themes considered in the first three volumes and brings together perspectives on copyright from law and legal theory, political economy, human rights, cultural studies and social theory.New Directions in Copyright Law, Volume 4, offers insightful contributions from leading commentators on a range of issues affecting the development and direction of copyright law. The volume is divided into six parts. In the first part, the theoretical framework of copyright law is explored through the concepts of the market place of ideas and the public domain. While a number of chapters address substantive aspects of copyright law reform, the second part of the volume contains a chapter that marries substantive questions with issues around the mechanics, limitations and possibilities of the reform process. In the third part, two chapters consider the problematic notion of paternity rights from contrasting disciplinary perspectives. The interface between copyright law and the burgeoning of new technologies is considered through a range of theoretical and methodological approaches. In the fourth part of the volume legal theorists address issues around open access, open source, free software, and the implications of network theory for the relationship between copyright law and the Internet. Moving away from the concerns of so-called 'high technology', the fifth part of the volume considers the equally fraught question of the protection of traditional knowledge and cultural property through an analysis of the limits of law. The final part of the volume, which deals with copyright's uncomfortable relationship with human rights, sees a return to issues around the new technologies with a focus on the political economy of open source software, and on the issue of information access and fundamental rights.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Entrepreneur in Youth: An Untapped Resource for Economic Growth, Social Entrepreneurship, and Education
The Entrepreneur in Youth offers one of the most comprehensive assessments to date of African American, Latino, and white high school students' aspirations, knowledge, opinions and educational views related to entrepreneurship and philanthropy. A key strength is its longitudinal approach to analysis and interpretations, made possible by extensive surveys of over 11,000 respondents from high school youth and other groups, including adults and business owners. The key findings exhibit an extraordinarily high level of interest in entrepreneurship among youth as well as a strong desire to give back to their communities. However, they lack the knowledge and experience to achieve their aspirations.The book's major recommendations and guidelines include challenges to education and other policymakers to expand and enhance opportunities to access entrepreneurship education and early entrepreneurship mentoring shadowing experiences - especially for those who demand it the most: African Americans and Latinos. Meeting these challenges not only will contribute to economic growth and social reform initiatives but also will increase economic and social mobility and access to opportunity for a still largely untapped pool of future entrepreneurs.This book will appeal to academics in entrepreneurship, economics, business and education, as well as policymakers, educators and business leaders.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Software Industry in Emerging Markets
This book aims to promote an understanding of the origins and dynamics of the software industry in a number of key emerging markets - Brazil, China, India and Israel, and to establish what experiences, if any, are potentially replicable in other prevailing markets. In-depth interviews with leading players in the industry are combined with other new data to provide a comparative study of the dynamics of the sector in emerging markets, to emphasise the public policy implications of these developments, and place them in a wider international context. The last 25 years have seen an explosive growth in the software industry, which is still overwhelmingly dominated by firms from North America and Europe. The authors argue that a number of companies from emerging markets have made significant headway and have even consolidated their positions on account of major cost advantages. They go on to explain the factors behind these developments, and conclude that the software industry, through its ability to project good corporate governance, its lack of hierarchy and widespread use of motivating working practices and compensation schemes, has proved a powerful example to other sectors in these emerging market economies.This book will be of immense interest to both academics and practitioners with an interest in development economics or technology.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The European Union and Developing Countries: Trade, Aid and Growth in an Integrating World
The EU is the main trading partner of developing countries, and the main provider of development aid. The contributors to this book evaluate critical aspects of EU trade and aid policies in order to ascertain whether, and to what extent, they help promote growth and accelerate the development of the Third World.The evaluation takes into account current changes in EU trade and aid policy and makes use of recent advances in empirical methods in order to provide accurate estimates of the policy impact on developing countries. The various studies may contribute to improve the design and implementation of EU policy and its effectiveness in strengthening growth of developing countries and promoting the well-being of their populations. This independent evaluation of EU trade and development policy towards developing countries will strongly appeal to: undergraduate and graduate students in international economics, development economics and European economics; policy makers in the EU and developing countries, development community; non governmental organizations; and those interested in the impact of the EU trade and aid policy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Working Mothers in Europe: A Comparison of Policies and Practices
Working Mothers in Europe combines comparative perspectives on social policies with analyses of mothers' practices as evidenced in macro data and as explored in country based case studies. Social policy research has emphasised the impact of particular welfare systems and their policies on women's integration into the labour market and the organisation of care and work. However, the authors argue that policies are not the only factor, and, hitherto, we have very little knowledge of the precise interactions between social policies and social practices of individuals and families. In order to accurately grasp the cross-country variation of mothers' work and care arrangements in Europe, this book assembles a comparative approach towards welfare systems and social policies with an analysis of mothers' social practices in several European countries.Exploring the ways in which working mothers manage to combine care responsibilities and paid work on the basis of diverse public and private resources, this book will be invaluable to academics, researchers and students interested in the social sciences. More generally, the book will greatly appeal to those with an interest in women's employment, gender relations and the needs of children as matters that are tackled in the interaction between social policy and individuals.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Corporate Strategies under International Terrorism and Adversity
Corporate Strategies under International Terrorism and Adversity raises key issues facing international business and management in an era of global uncertainty.Gabriele Suder's second edited book about the security-business nexus analyses and evaluates the main strategic and operational responses to global commerce and management. The contributors explore the complexities and linkages of firms, industries, organizational structures, international relations, markets and terrorism networks. They investigate these networks and offer insight into the strategic behavior of international firms. The authors likewise examine corporate management and performance issues that encompass internationalization and location decisions, global supply chain management and brand portfolio challenges. The book concludes by outlining future challenges and with a discussion of the crucial issues that remain open and that will be shaped by the geopolitical context and the way business adapts its corporate strategies.Designed to offer key tools for risk assessment and management in this field, this important book will be invaluable to risk strategists, CEOs of international firms, credit risk analysts and academics with an interest in international business and/or risk management.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Knowledge Intensive Business Services: Organizational Forms and National Institutions
This book focuses on the development of Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) and the associated market characteristics and organisational forms. It brings together reputed scholars from a mix of disciplines to explore the nature and evolution of a range of Knowledge Intensive Business Services. Through an examination of KIBS sectors such as computer services, management consultancy and R&D services, the contributions in this book argue that the evolution of KIBS is strongly associated with new inter-organizational forms and that different country institutions shape the characteristics of these organisational forms. The book provides a strong contribution to theory and empirical evidence on fast-growing KIBS and their implications for innovation.The book will be of interest to final year undergraduates and postgraduate students and scholars in the field of innovation studies, organisation studies and comparative business systems, across Europe.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Dynamics of Social Exclusion in Europe: Comparing Austria, Germany, Greece, Portugal and the UK
Issues of poverty and social exclusion are high on the European policy agenda. The Dynamics of Social Exclusion in Europe reports findings from a study funded by the European Commission, using data from the European Community Household Panel, with a multi-dimensional approach to international comparisons of poverty and social exclusion. The research, building upon that of the preceding book - Poverty and Social Exclusion in Europe - compares four groups who are anticipated to be at particular risk of poverty and social exclusion; young adults, lone parents, the sick or disabled, and those retired from employment. Following individuals over a twelve month period, the analysis explores a wide range of indicators of poverty and social exclusion. These include low incomes, lack of household amenities, personal necessities and consumer durables, and the extent of social contact with friends, neighbours and membership of clubs or organisations. The contributors not only provide country-based data, locating empirical findings in the context of national policy, but also cross-national data, with implications for supranational policy. Promoting a thorough understanding of policy trends and issues, this book will be invaluable to policy makers within individual countries and at EU level, as well as academics, students and researchers specialising in social exclusion.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Academic Entrepreneurship: University Spinoffs and Wealth Creation
In this unique and timely volume, Scott Shane systematically explains the formation of university spinoff companies and their role in the commercialization of university technology and wealth creation in the United States and elsewhere. The importance of university spinoff activity is discussed and the historical development of university spinoff ventures is traced over time. Scott Shane provides in-depth analysis of the four major factors that jointly influence spinoff activity: the university and societal environment, the technology developed at universities, the industries in which spinoffs operate, and the people involved. He documents the process of company creation, focusing on the formation of spinoffs, the transformation of the spinoff's technology into new products and services, the identification and exploitation of a market for these new products and services and the acquisition of financial resources. Also detailed are the factors that enhance and inhibit the performance of university spinoffs, as well as the effect that they have on the institutions that spawn them.Authoritative and highly readable, this volume will appeal to scholars researching the spinoff phenomenon, university technology transfer officers, inventors, policymakers, external entrepreneurs and investors.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Globalization in the Asian Region: Impacts and Consequences
Bringing together contributors from both the university sector and business-centered research institutions, this comprehensive volume offers diverse perspectives on the impacts and consequences of globalization in different parts of the Asian region. Each chapter offers a substantial account of globalization within a particular nation-state or area in the region. Different understandings underpin the chapters. Some contributors perceive globalization as progress in the form of economically driven processes that have made nations mutually dependent in unprecedented and complex ways. Others emphasize the uneven outcomes of globalization, as well as the stakes for economic growth and social order in the global climate of deepening political and religious divisions since September 2001. General and specialist readers alike will gain an appreciation of the myriad emphases placed on globalization within different nations and from various vantage points. The book showcases diverse styles of discourse and serves to greatly broaden the scope of what can be discussed under the rubric of 'globalization' within a single volume.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Reinventing Functional Finance: Transformational Growth and Full Employment
This ambitious book seeks both to revive and revise the idea of 'functional finance'. Followers of this doctrine believe that government budgets should concentrate solely on their macroeconomic impact on the economy, rather than reflecting a concern for sound finance and budgetary discipline.Reinventing Functional Finance examines the origins of this idea and then considers it in a modern context. The authors explore the concept of NAIRU and argue that modern economies can operate at the level of full employment without provoking unmanageable inflation. They also contend that budget deficits do not have the deleterious effects commonly ascribed to them; the belief that they do rests on a misunderstanding of modern money. In this context, they highlight the relevance of Abba Lerner's famous dictum, 'money is a creature of the State'. The authors also debate the merits of various proposals for 'Employer of Last Resort' programs, which combine automatic stabilizers with the buffer stock principle. The book boasts an array of eminent contributors which includes, amongst others, James Duesenberry, Robert Eisner, Robert Heilbroner, Richard Musgrave, Edward Nell and Randall Wray.Financial economists, politicians, policymakers and bankers will welcome this provocative and refreshing book which challenges established economic thinking.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Life Cycle of Corporate Governance
This unique collection of new, previously unpublished papers demonstrates the importance of corporate governance throughout the different stages of the life-cycle of firms and organisations, and in particular in the crucial transitions between stages. In so doing it redresses an imbalance created by the wealth of literature and research devoted to the study of corporate governance in mature firms only. The book gives equal consideration to the monitoring and control functions of corporate governance mechanisms, and to the resource and strategic roles of governance in the decision-making process. In so doing it attempts to provide a framework through which to understand the factors that affect the balance between the possible functions of corporate governance.It is suggested in these papers that an analysis of the firm's governance life-cycles cannot be separated from the economic and institutional dynamics in a particular country, and as such the book reviews the role of the corporate governance life-cycle in different industrial and institutional contexts.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Internationalisation Strategies of Small-Country Firms: The Australian Experience of Globalisation
The international business literature often struggles to depict a universal experience of internationalisation from the perspective of large countries. This book seeks to enrich the literature by providing a nuanced overview of the little-known Australian experience, being an atypical case of a small- to medium-sized economy which liberalised rapidly from the 1980s outside any trading bloc.Six data-rich survey chapters explore Australia's mixed success in founding its own multinationals. The experience of Australian firms is set in historical and comparative perspective, including interactions with inward and specifically American FDI. Five industry studies next consider why firms in retail, wine and professional services were more successful than in financial services and shipping. Nine detailed case studies of firms then identify the elements of administrative heritage, strategy and learning that have been the key to success or failure. The book concludes by outlining what can be learned from Australia's example and presenting implications for future research.The Internationalisation Strategies of Small-Country Firms will appeal to scholars, researchers and postgraduate students in international business and international economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics 2005/2006: A Survey of Current Issues
The Yearbook provides a comprehensive overview of cutting-edge issues in environmental and resource economics. The expert contributors address some of today's most pressing environmental topics including: issues in water pricing reforms spatial environmental policy environmental equity and the siting of hazardous waste facilities strategies to conserve biodiversity corporate sustainability the double-dividend hypothesis of environmental taxes valuing environmental changes in the presence of risk. The Yearbook will provide economists, scholars and practitioners working in environmental and resource economics with a comprehensive overview of the cutting-edge issues in the field.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The WTO and the Political Economy of Trade Policy
This indispensable volume brings together the key contributions to the academic literature on the subject of the political economy of trade policy. Topics covered include unilateral and multilateral trade policies, international trade agreements and administered protection. In their comprehensive introduction, the editors present an insightful discussion of the political economy approach, the development of multilateral trade agreements, the trade and internal motives that guide unilateral trade policy and the features that characterise unilateralism. This volume is essential for professors, researchers and policymakers concerned with international trade policy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Managing Wetlands: An Ecological Economics Approach
The extensive destruction of wetlands across Europe represents a significant loss of biodiversity along with its related economic, cultural, ethical and scientific benefits. This volume addresses the critical issues surrounding this environmental change process, employing a range of analytical methods drawn from a variety of disciplines which bridge the social and natural science divide. The authors begin by exploring the various methodological approaches to the analysis of the causes and consequences of wetland loss in Europe. The findings reveal that a formal decision-support process can be defined which can assist in the search for a more sustainable approach to wetland management. The methods and tools advocated are interdisciplinary and require co-ordinated action by experts from a variety of different fields. The authors move on to present a series of case studies from which a number of general conclusions can be drawn. In particular, they identify conflicts concerning use, value and interest groups to be the most common in the context of wetland management versus development. Consequently, they argue that scientific analysis requires support from the social sciences in order to better understand and implement more participatory approaches to environmental management.Given the ongoing depletion of wetland ecosystems throughout the world, this novel interdisciplinary approach to their sustainable management is a timely and valuable exercise. Students, researchers and scholars of environmental economics, environmental science, ecology, geography and environmental politics will find this book to be a useful addition to the literature. It will also help policymakers, international agencies and NGOs to preserve these valuable environmental resources.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Political Crises, Social Conflict and Economic Development: The Political Economy of the Andean Region
The contributors to this authoritative volume analyze the impact of political crises and social conflict on economic performance in the Andean region of Latin America. The blend of theory and case studies is also relevant for understanding other complex societies in the developing world and transition economies. The book provides illuminating insights on how to understand, and survive, the complicated interactions between volatile politics, unstable democracies, violence, social inequality and uneven economic performance. Recent political economy theories are combined with valuable quantitative and qualitative information on presidential crises, breakdowns of democracy, constitutional reforms, quality of institutions, and social inequality and exclusion to understand actual country realities.Part I provides the conceptual framework and a regional perspective of the book. Part II contains five political economy country studies - Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela - written by leading scholars in the field and former senior policymakers, including a former President. Together, the chapters highlight the detrimental effects of political instability and social conflict on economic growth and stability, as well as the feedback effects from poor economic performance on political instability and institutional fragility. The country studies warn that narrow economic reforms that do not pay adequate attention to politics, institutions and social structures are bound to fail in bringing lasting prosperity and stability to complex societies.Examining new and rich information on episodes of political turmoil, military interventions, forced presidential resignations, constitutional reforms and social uprisings, this book will be required reading for all those interested in the interface of politics and economic development.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Entrepreneur: An Economic Theory, Second Edition
This thoroughly revised and updated new edition of Mark Casson's modern classic The Entrepreneur presents a novel synthesis of the ideas of Joseph Schumpeter, Frank Knight and Friedrich Hayek, according to which the defining characteristic of the entrepreneur is the exercise of judgement in business decisions. This pathbreaking volume argues that good judgement is based on a unique combination of information, and that this information is typically exploited by founding a 'market-making' firm, which links customers and suppliers who could not otherwise make contact with each other. This assessment of entrepreneurship, Mark Casson contends, has important implications for the growth of firms, social mobility and 'enterprise culture'.This second edition is essential reading for scholars of economics, management, business history and economic history. Academics from a wide range of economic schools of thought, both orthodox and heterodox, will find the book to be an original and outstanding work.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Aid, Institutions and Development: New Approaches to Growth, Governance and Poverty
In spite of massive flows over the past 50 years, aid has failed to have any significant impact on development. Marginalization from the world economy and increases in absolute poverty are causing countries to degenerate into failed, oppressive and, in some cases, dangerous states. To address this malaise, Ashok Chakravarti argues that there should be more recognition of the role economic and political governance can play in achieving positive and sustainable development outcomes.Using the latest empirical findings on aid and growth, this book reveals how good governance can be achieved by radically restructuring the international aid architecture. This can be realised if the governments of donor nations and international financial institutions refocus their aid programs away from the transfer of resources and so-called poverty reduction measures, and instead play a more forceful role in the developing world to achieve the necessary political and institutional reform. Only in this way can aid become an effective instrument of growth and poverty reduction in the 21st century. Aid, Institutions and Development presents a new, thoroughly critical and holistic perspective on this topical and problematic subject. Academics and researchers in development economics, policymakers, NGOs, aid managers and informed readers will all find much to challenge and engage them within this book.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Monstrous Organization
Drawing on contemporary debates in organization theory, this book explores the monsters that populate organizations, what organizations do to these monsters, and how this challenges us to re-construct organization theory. Torkild Thanem first interrogates how organizations and organization theory seek to kill monsters and how organizations exploit the monstrous for commercial purposes - from the alien monsters of the sci-fi entertainment industry to the monstrous branding of energy drinks and the organic-synthetic chimeras produced by biotech and agribusiness companies. He then argues for more diverse, more joyful and more responsible organizations through a positively monstrous theory, politics and ethics of organizational life.Proposing a theory and ontology of organizations beyond poststructuralist constructionism and critical realism, The Monstrous Organization creatively addresses the history and theory of monsters in organizational life. It will appeal to scholars, doctoral students and master's students in management and organization studies, business ethics, diversity management, cultural studies, gender studies and sociology.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management
In providing an insightful overview of a wide range of global human resource issues facing MNCs, this pathbreaking Handbook highlights emergent topics and new research findings that could shape the field of future IHRM research.Theoretical discussion of the variables and processes that affect IHRM policies and practices is provided by renowned contributors with widely differing academic backgrounds, paradigmatic orientations, and theoretical and methodological approaches. They explore extensive subject matter including: the importance of linking IHRM policies and activities to organizational strategy staffing, performance management, leadership development, and diversity management international assignment and mobility issues the role of IHRM in the management of global teams and cross-border joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions. Illustrating that IHRM research is theoretically eclectic, and drawing upon a range of paradigms and perspectives, this cutting-edge Handbook will be invaluable to academics and practitioners with an interest in human resource management, industrial and employment relations, management and international business.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Growth of New Technology Ventures in China’s Emerging Market
New ventures have played a significant role in the world's economic and social development. In particular, the development of high technology ventures has been viewed as both a revitalization tool for developed market economies, such as the USA, and a driving force for economic transformation in transition economies, such as China. With a focus on new technology ventures in China's emerging market, this volume brings together researchers from a variety of disciplines and countries to provide a comprehensive understanding of this phenomenon.New technology ventures are highly vulnerable to environmental selection because they lack adequate knowledge of their environments, new product experience, and managerial and financial resources. Thus, these ventures tend to have high failure rates. Not surprisingly, a major stream of research in strategic management and entrepreneurship literature has focused on identifying the strategies that new technology ventures use to offset their liability of newness in order to improve their performance. However, previous studies have been done in the context of developed markets. This volume explores how new ventures successfully grow in China's transition economy where strategic factor markets and institutional frameworks have not been developed in this context. Significant issues addressed in this volume include: Factors contributing to the growth of technology entrepreneurship in China Ownership and survival of technology ventures in China Challenges faced by venture capitalists in China Growth strategies and environment-strategy interaction in Chinese technology ventures Organizational control and reward and technology innovation in Chinese technology ventures Political risks of foreign ventures in China's emerging market R&D globalization and internationalization strategy of Chinese technology ventures. The contributors' conclusions will be highly valuable to managers of new technology ventures and to Western firms attempting to enter the high technology industries in China. Researchers interested in new technology ventures and innovation will also find this volume a useful addition to their libraries.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Know-Who Based Entrepreneurship: From Knowledge Creation to Business Implementation
In this book, Sigvald Harryson demonstrates how to use know-who based networking to increase knowledge whilst reducing complexity. He reveals new synergies between external and internal knowledge networking that promise to enhance the innovation performance of any transitional, transnational company. The book develops and builds upon knowledge in the interconnected areas of entrepreneurship and networking across different levels and units of analysis. In-depth studies of a wealth of absolute best practice companies are explored, illustrating how concrete management practices can be established to acquire and then transform science into sales in more time- and cost-efficient ways. A unique framework is developed to overcome the dichotomies between knowledge creation and business implementation. Through this, the author provides the necessary foundations from which profitable growth through innovation (GTI) can be developed: Identification and analysis of the most important barriers to entrepreneurship Enabling factors and intelligence processes required for forceful innovation A GTI process for application in practice. Know-Who Based Entrepreneurship shows that the knowledge and innovation process is no longer limited to intracorporate know-how, but has now expanded to encompass global know-how. It will thus be invaluable to business managers, international scholars and researchers of R&D, innovation, entrepreneurship and the knowledge economy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Modelling the Costs of Environmental Policy: A Dynamic Applied General Equilibrium Assessment
This important new book enhances our understanding of the dynamic interactions between economic activity, economic growth, pollution abatement and environmental policy. It addresses one main policy problem: how can the direct and indirect costs of environmental policy for multiple pollutants be properly assessed in an applied model?Using an original methodology, the author constructs a multi-sectoral dynamic applied general equilibrium model. This new integrated model greatly improves the empirical analysis of the dynamic reactions of economic agents to pollution control, explicitly taking into account the direct and indirect effects of abatement on the economy and the environment. The author goes on to apply the model to study the costs of various environmental policies including climate change, acidification, eutrophication, smog formation and the dispersion of fine dust. He finds that if environmental policies can be implemented simultaneously and in a cost-effective manner, the economic costs of these policies can be effectively limited through a combination of economic restructuring and adopting technical abatement measures. Modelling the Costs of Environmental Policy will prove essential and enlightening reading for scholars, students and researchers of environmental and resource economics, environmental policy and economic modelling.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research in Entrepreneurship Education, Volume 1: A General Perspective
This authoritative and comprehensive Handbook showcases the nature and benefits of the new wave in entrepreneurship education emerging as a result of revised academic programmes developed to reflect new forms of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship as a domain of education and teaching is growing rapidly worldwide. The most efficient pedagogical, methodological and theoretical approaches to teaching and learning entrepreneurship in different settings are now highly sought after by researchers, advanced students and practitioners. This Handbook provides a one-stop source of state-of-the-art data, illustrating current conceptions of entrepreneurship education and identifying and answering critical methodological and theoretical questions. The Handbook is organized around three trends in entrepreneurship education: pedagogies, content and changes and innovation occurring within specific paradigms. It also provides several different perspectives on key issues and significant developments in the field. Highlighting the unique characteristics of research in entrepreneurship education, this Handbook will be of great interest to entrepreneurship researchers, academics and students wishing to understand the unique notions of entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial learning, which are often quite distinct from current practical views. The companion volume, Handbook of Research in Entrepreneurship Education, Volume 2: Contextual Perspectives, focuses on key issues and significant developments in the field, highlighting emergent and developing approaches.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Ethics Codes, Corporations and the Challenge of Globalization
Globalization has altered in significant ways the tools available to regulate international commerce. One result is the emergence of ethics codes, codes of responsible conduct, and best practice codes designed to win adherence to internationally acceptable norms of conduct on the part of corporations and other organizations interacting in the global marketplace. This volume looks at these developments with particular focus on five topic areas: respect for human rights, treatment of labor, bribery and corruption, environmental protection, and international finance and the control of money laundering.What is significant about these developments is the emerging emphasis on self-regulation as the primary method for raising standards of corporate conduct. The contributors examine the reasons for the emergence of ethical codes and the phenomenon of self-regulation within the context of globalization and look at the role of national governments, international government institutions and other international organizations in shaping and enforcing them. They also study the implications of these developments for corporate governance and the changing roles of national and international institutions in the regulation of international commerce.Authoritative and engaging, Ethics Codes, Corporations and the Challenge of Globalization will be of great interest to scholars and practitioners in the areas of business, economics, political science, labor, and corporate environmentalism.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Crisis or Recovery in Japan: State and Industrial Economy
This innovative and multidisciplinary book explores Japan's economic crisis and recovery. Specifically, it analyses the role of corporations, the state, macroeconomic and industrial policy, and the changing status of Japan as an economic role model.The contributors list comprises an international panel of economists, political scientists and international relations specialists. From vantage points across Japan, North America and Europe, they bring together a collection of original studies considering Japan's economic malaise and the potential for sustained recovery. Topics covered include: the relevance of Western economic models to the Japanese case the Japanese macro-economy and financial system the deep-seated controversy over the process and problems of kudoka - the hollowing out of Japan's industrial base the future of Japan's small firm sector in a globalizing world. This provocative and timely book offers new reflections and original research findings on a topic of global interest and significance. As such it will strongly appeal to a wide-ranging audience including: academics in the fields of economics, political science and international relations, policymakers, advisors and practitioners in international institutions, think-tanks and labour organizations.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Planning History and Methodology
Planning as deliberate preparation for future action is as old as human history. Agricultural land allocation and cities were always planned, as were military warfare and defence. With the growing complexity of society in the 19th century, however, planning became a discipline and profession. Since then, not only has the perception of planning and its role in society undergone significant change, but its instruments and methods have also evolved. This collection of classic papers by leading individuals of their day reflects how thinking about planning has changed over time. It also includes seminal papers on the methodology of planning to show how sophisticated techniques have been developed to meet the diverse demands of planning in a rapidly changing world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Managing Emotions in Mergers and Acquisitions
Research suggests that an increasing number of people experience organisational changes such as mergers and acquisitions as highly emotional life events. Indeed, given that, as the authors prove, 70% of all mergers and acquisitions fail to reach their initial goals largely because of neglected people issues, it is a must for every manager and M&A researcher to understand the emotional side of such change processes. This fascinating book explains how managerial behaviour and communication styles influence the emotions of employees and affect their readiness to contribute to a successful post-merger integration. It combines emotion theories from other disciplines with recent M&A findings, and offers practical implications through illustrative case studies.Academics and practitioners will find the combination of management literature with psychology and sociology literature of great interest.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economists in the Americas
Probably no region's economists have had greater public visibility or greater impact on regional and national public policy than Latin America's and no region has been more directly affected by the spread of US economics. Economists in the Americas joins a small but important comparative literature on economics as a profession and is the first comparative treatment of professional economists in the United States and Latin America. A multidisciplinary group of scholars discusses the last sixty years of shifting trends in economics in seven countries in the Western Hemisphere - Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay and the United States. The chapters address the history of economics in the Americas, the role of economists in politics and policy-making, economics education and competing paradigms in the field. This collection points to the interconnections among the national cases, the forging and breakdown of consensus around state and market dominance, the transnational diffusion of economic ideas and professional norms, as well as the embrace and rejection of an increasingly Americanized professional identity among Latin American economists. The book will be of interest to policymakers and scholars interested in the comparative history and sociology of economics, development, public policy, international affairs, political science and Latin American studies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Towards a Cultural Political Economy: Putting Culture in its Place in Political Economy
This fascinating volume offers a critique of recent institutional and cultural turns in heterodox economics and political economy. Using seven case studies as examples, the authors explore how research on sense- and meaning-making can deepen critical studies in political economy, illuminating its role in critiquing the specific categories, contradictions and crisis-tendencies of capitalism.Parts I and II provide a foundation in institutionalism, international political economy and historical semantics, before introducing an original account of sense- and meaning-making and its role in remaking social relations. This account connects the evolution of both economic and extra-economic concepts to dispositives (problem-oriented social fixes), institutions, and capitalist restructuring. In Parts III and IV, specific case studies demonstrate how this new research program can be applied to issues such as competitiveness, the knowledge-based economy, governmental technologies, institutional and spatio-temporal fixes and crisis management.Scholars and students of heterodox, cultural, political and institutional economics will find this book a comprehensive and illuminating addition to their libraries.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Fiscal Policy in Economic and Monetary Union: Theory, Evidence and Institutions
This book explores the origins, rationale, problems and prospects of the European fiscal policy framework. It provides the reader with a roadmap to EMU's budgetary framework by exploring its theoretical and empirical foundations, uncovering its historical roots and emphasising its supranational nature.The authors, who have been at the forefront of the academic and policy debate on economic policy in Europe, argue that fiscal policy has always been at the core of the EMU debate. The Maastricht criteria and the Stability and Growth Pact are the most contentious building blocks of EMU's institutional architecture: they have aroused heated controversies between academics and policymakers ever since their adoption. As EMU's budgetary rules undergo their first severe shock, Europe is still searching for its fiscal soul. The book's basic premise is that one cannot fully understand EMU's fiscal framework and the recent debate on its reform without placing them in a historical and institutional perspective and abstracting from the uniqueness of EMU, where sovereign countries retain a large degree of fiscal independence, and monetary policy is entrusted to an independent central bank with the overriding mission of maintaining price stability.Analysing all aspects of EMU's fiscal rules and institutions, this book will strongly appeal to students, academics and researchers of macroeconomic policy and European integration. Policymakers and fiscal policy experts at both national and international levels will also find the book to be of great interest.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Entrepreneurial Culture: Network Advantage Within Chinese and Irish Software Firms
The Entrepreneurial Culture highlights the subtle yet powerful influence of national cultural heritage on entrepreneurship ventures, using an alternative and fresh approach to explore the entrepreneurial culture of Chinese and Irish software firms. This book presents a unique analysis of entrepreneurship theory development, along with a single industry, cross-national study of entrepreneurship illustrating the impact of values from contrasting cultures.Specifically, Denise Tsang concentrates on the advantages associated with the diverse Chinese 'social' network and Irish 'personal' network (derived from the two nations' respective core cultural values) in relation to the strategies utilised by successful public and private firms emerging in the past two decades. Drawing upon data from China, Ireland and the USA, the author illustrates that the Chinese social network has led to a relationship-based approach in strategic areas such as team building, finance, marketing and recruitment during the early stage of firms' start-up. In contrast, the Irish 'personal' network is linked to a pragmatic and rational approach in the same strategic areas.This original work will provide fascinating reading for a wide-ranging audience, including academics, researchers, students, practitioners and policymakers specialising in entrepreneurship and/or international business.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Fiscal Federalism
This major Handbook addresses fiscal relations between different levels of government under the general rubric of 'fiscal federalism', providing a review of the latest literature as well as an invaluable guide for practitioners and policy makers seeking informed policy options. The contributors include leading lights in the field, many of whom have themselves made seminal contributions to the literature.Comprehensive and wide in coverage, the issues covered range from federal systems to other forms of intergovernmental relations, such as supra-national constructs - namely, the European Union - unitary states, regional systems, and more decentralized operations, including community level organizations. The political economy approach emphasizes the importance of institutional arrangements, including the legal, political and administrative aspects, and information flows to ensure that there are appropriate incentives and sanctions to generate good governance. This Handbook also devotes attention to emerging issues, such as environmental protection, the sharing of natural resources among levels of government, corruption and the impact of federalism and decentralization on national unity. It will be a vital reference tool for the area for many years to come.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Maximum Performance: A Practical Guide to Leading and Managing People at Work
Based on twelve years involvement with more two thousand MBAs, managers and professionals, Maximum Performance is a comprehensive analysis of leading and managing people set against a backdrop of accelerating organizational, business and technological change. It covers traditional topics - such as personal performance and stress management, employee motivation and performance, power and politics, communication skills and leading and managing change, as well as more contemporary issues, such as business ethics in a global economy and leadership in high-tech and virtual organizations. It also looks at how leaders and managers can create cultures to promote essential modern organizational competencies such as creativity and innovation, the effective dissemination and use of knowledge and intellectual capital, and creating systemic intelligent learning capabilities amongst employees.Maximum Performance represents a distillation of the best practical ideas about leadership and people management of recent times, condensed into a form that busy managers and professionals can assimilate and make immediate use of at work in large, medium-sized or small organizations, and in the public or private sector.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Tourism in Developing Countries
The effect of tourism activity in developing countries has been a hotly debated topic for a number of decades. Opinions have fluctuated between the extremes of tourism as the catalyst for socio-economic development and tourism as the basis for neo-colonial exploitation and environmental and cultural decline. The contributions to this timely volume provide a balanced overview of these various perspectives. Key papers that are theoretical, conceptual and empirical, drawn from the literature in the fields of tourism, economics and development studies are contained in this authoritative volume. While the central focus is the economic aspect of the relationship between tourism and development, contributions on spatial, socio-cultural and environmental issues reflect the multidisciplinary nature of the selections.This book will appeal to policymakers, researchers and tourism practitioners in both developed and developing countries.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Security Perspectives of the Malay Archipelago: Security Linkages in the Second Front in the War on Terrorism
The Malay Archipelago - namely Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines - has recently risen in prominence as the 'second front' in the war on terrorism. This study argues that the Malay Archipelago constitutes a distinct sub-regional security complex within Southeast Asia due to the existence of patterns of amity and enmity, as well as transnational terrorism linkages.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Organizational Politics
This exciting Handbook offers a broad perspective on the intriguing phenomena of power, influence and politics in the modern workplace, their meaning for individuals, groups and other organizational stakeholders, and their effect on organizational outcomes and performances. The contributorsillustrate the fact that organizational politics has many facets and definitions, all relating to the use of personal or aggregate power in influencing others and better achieving goals in the workplace. However, politics in organizations is difficult to study, as neither employees nor management are keen to divulge the political secrets and dynamics that help them to promote their own ideas and goals and to advance in the workplace. In the face of this challenge, the Handbook presents a comprehensive collection of original studies and theoretical discussions from across the globe. Providing a starting point for new research in the area, issues dealt with include: politics, personality and leadership ethics, fairness and prospects of trust in workplace politics organizational politics and employees' well-being strategy, change and decision-making as a political process human resource management and consulting in a political sphere. Offering a fresh and up-to-date take on the topic, this highly original Handbook will be a fascinating read for academics, students and researchers in the fields of management and organizational behavior. The wide range of perspectives presented in this book, written by some of the leading scholars and researchers in the field, will also be invaluable to practitioners in management and to individuals in organizations who require a better understanding of the meaning of power and influence in the modern workplace.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Gender, Generation and Poverty: Exploring the ‘Feminisation of Poverty’ in Africa, Asia and Latin America
The 'feminisation of poverty' is widely viewed as a global trend, and of particular concern in developing regions. Yet although popularisation of the term may have raised women's visibility in development discourses and gone some way to 'en-gender' policies for poverty reduction, the construct is only weakly substantiated. Its over-emphasis on income and on female household headship also conveys little of the contemporary complexities of gendered disadvantage. In Gender, Generation and Poverty Sylvia Chant challenges the 'feminisation of poverty' on the basis of recent fieldwork in The Gambia, Philippines and Costa Rica. Interviews with over 220 women and men of different ages at the grassroots, as well as with 40 professionals in international agencies, government departments and NGOs, highlight the difficulties of establishing any general tendency towards a widening of gender disparities in income poverty, or for female household heads to be the 'poorest of the poor'. While not denying a 'female bias' in material privation, a more important and consistent pattern is that women are bearing an ever-greater burden of responsibility for household survival, and under especially exploitative conditions in male-headed units. These findings lead Chant to propose a more elaborate and nuanced construction of the 'feminisation of poverty' which incorporates inputs as well as incomes and takes greater account of gender relations within the home. This not only stands to enrich gendered poverty analysis, but to provide a more appropriate basis for policy interventions. This volume will not only be an important resource for scholars of development, gender and area studies in Africa, Asia and Latin America, but also for professionals and activists working towards the elimination of poverty and gender inequality at national and international levels.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Moving People and Knowledge: Scientific Mobility in an Enlarging European Union
Moving People and Knowledge provides a fresh examination of the processes of highly skilled science migration. Focusing on intra-European mobility and, in particular, on the new dynamics of East-West migration, the authors investigate the movement of Polish and Bulgarian researchers to and from the UK and Germany. Key questions include: who is moving, how long for, and why? In addressing the motivations and experiences of mobile scientists and their families, insights into professional and personal motivations are provided, demonstrating how relationships, networks and infrastructures shape decision-making. This book provides a useful perspective on the implications of increasing researcher mobility - for both sending and receiving regions and the individuals concerned - which is necessary for the construction of future policies on sustainable scientific development. This empirical account provides a nuanced analysis of the duration and flow of scientific mobility showing the prevalence of repeat and shuttle moves in science careers. It will be of particular interest to researchers in European social policy, migration studies and EU law, as well as policymakers in the field of highly skilled migration - especially those working on the free movement of persons provisions and the European Research Area and European Area of Higher Education.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Innovation and Economic Development
This wide-ranging collection approaches innovation and development with a focus upon the developing world and includes a number of articles from eminent scholars in developing countries. With papers ranging from 1973, the book provides an authoritative account of how thinking has evolved in this area. It provides a firm theoretical foundation in innovation systems, processes, institutions and policies from the perspective of developing countries. Topics include capacity building, learning, industrial development, agricultural innovation and sustainable development. The collection will provide a valuable reference to new students, postgraduates and professional economists seeking to broaden and deepen their knowledge of development and innovation in the developing world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Asian Business
The rise of Asia as an important region for global business has been widely recognized as one of the most significant economic phenomena in the new millennium. This accessible and comprehensive Handbook brings together state-of-the-art reviews of Asian business in an expansive range of areas including: business organizations strategic management marketing state-business relations business and development business policy issues. It is argued that whilst academic studies on Asian business have been in existence for over two decades, there is relatively little systematic integration of our knowledge and research on Asian business. The contributors, drawn from a variety of disciplines within the social sciences, aim to redress the balance with their lively, cutting-edge discussion.Serving as a timely overview of more than two decades of scholarly research, this Handbook will be an essential resource for academics, students and researchers interested in Asian business.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Pension Systems: Beyond Mandatory Retirement
Pension Systems enters into the current lively debate on European pensions. The focus of the book is the analysis of public intervention in individuals' retirement choice, its rationale and the desirability of legislation introducing a sizeable and compulsory increase in retirement age, to face the prospects of swift population ageing. The book assesses the impact of different retirement rules on individual decisions, on the sustainability of social security systems and on labour market dynamics, and inquires whether mandatory retirement has not become an outdated feature of modern pension systems. The motivations behind public intervention in fixing compulsory retirement rules as well as the likely consequences of allowing the individual a higher responsibility in retirement choices are analysed. These issues are examined both theoretically and empirically and through a focus on country-specific patterns of retirement and on policy issues relevant at the European level. The impact of later retirement on the labour market is also investigated, considering the role of retirement rules in increasing employment. This comprehensive and topical book will appeal to academics and scholars of public finance as well as pensions experts and organisations.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Capital Flight and Capital Controls in Developing Countries
Capital flight - the unrecorded export of capital from developing countries - often represents a significant cost for developing countries. It also poses a puzzle for standard economic theory, which would predict that poorer countries be importers of capital due to its scarcity. This situation is often reversed, however, with capital fleeing poorer countries for wealthier, capital-abundant locales. Using a common methodology for a set of case studies on the size, causes and consequences of capital flight in developing countries, the contributors address the extent of capital flight, its effects, and what can be done to reverse it. Case studies of Brazil, China, Chile, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey and the Middle East provide rich descriptions of the capital flight phenomena in a variety of contexts. The volume includes a detailed description of capital flight estimation methods, a chapter surveying the impact of financial liberalization, and several chapters on controls designed to solve the capital flight problem. The first book devoted to the careful calculation of capital flight and its historical and policy context, this volume will be of great interest to students and scholars in the areas of international finance and economic development.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Innovation Strategies in Interdependent States: Essays on Smaller Nations, Regions and Cities in a Globalized World
Examining the issues facing smaller regions and countries, John de la Mothe explores how innovation, strategy and interdependence shape their performance, competition, and futures.Innovation and interdependence are central elements of advanced and advancing economies. In our globalized world, the production of knowledge is continually evolving. This is reflected in the design of institutions and in the results on the standards of living that are achieved and sustained. It also implies new forms of competition. Increasingly, smaller countries, regions and cities that do not fit into traditional theories of growth are becoming leaders in technology-intensive products and quick followers in innovative practices. Often heavily committed to large emerging economic markets (such as China and India) and political hegemons (such as Germany, Japan, and the United States), smaller nations, regions and cities are playing an almost unprecedented role in the shape of things to come. By examining the texture of the new economy, paths to constructing advantage, and aspects of the cultures that lead to the new economy, this book provides a valuable and essential guide to scholars, policymakers, strategists and students.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Joan Robinson’s Economics: A Centennial Celebration
On the 100th anniversary of the birth of one of the 20th century's most accomplished and controversial economists, scholars from around the world reflect on the legacy of Joan Robinson's work. Addressing Robinsonian themes in growth, money, trade and methodology, their essays provide fresh perspectives on old questions. Joan Robinson's first priority was not theoretical perfection or abstract rigor. The arcane debates of the profession had little practical relevance and became increasingly tedious to her. Ironically, much of current economic theory embraces the realism she was striving toward. Indeed, as the essays in this volume show, she was in many ways ahead of her time. The volume begins by tracing the intellectual contours of her work and discussing the people and events that shaped her thinking. The succeeding chapters address her theories on accumulation, capital, and equilibrium, her interpretation of Marx, as well as the influence of Piero Sraffa. Several chapters analyze and extend her theory of growth, illustrating the wide applicability of her approach. A compelling exploration of Joan Robinson's contributions, this volume will be of great interest to scholars interested in growth, income distribution, post-Keynesian economics, macroeconomics, history of thought, money, capital theory, international trade and finance.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Moral Capital of Leaders: Why Virtue Matters
Solidly grounded on Aristotelian anthropology, moral capital develops a set of principles, practices and metrics useful to business leaders and managers, while eliminating the ambiguity of social capital and allowing for the integration of business ethics initiatives into a robust corporate culture.Sison studies a wide range of recent management cases from the viewpoint of moral capital: the sorry state of US airport screeners before 9-11, the Ford Explorer rollovers and Firestone tire failures, the battle for the 'HP way' between Carly Fiorina and the heirs of the founding families, the dynamics of Microsoft's serial monopolistic behavior, the pitfalls of Enron's senior executives, the sincerity of Howard Lutnick's commitment to Cantor Fitzgerald families, how Andersen's loss of reputation proved mortal and a fresh look at Jack Welch's purported achievements during his tenure at GE.He explains the relationship between different structural and operational levels in the human being (actions, habits, character and lifestyle) and in the firm (products, protocols, corporate culture and corporate history). These levels are later associated with different institutions of moral capital (basic currency, interests, investment bonds, estates or legacies). Strategies for measuring, developing and managing moral capital on both a personal and an organizational plane are also discussed.This engaging and provocative study is a must-read for professors, students, and practitioners of business ethics, general management, human resource management and economic theory.