Search results for ""author albert"
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Wings of Angels: A Tribute to the Art of World War II Pinup & Aviation Vol.2
A beautifully presented, two-volume collection, uniquely chronicling the story and history of the most recognizable aircraft of World War II and the pinup girls whose images graced these legendary warbirds. Flying into combat with our boys, inspiring and providing our U.S. soldiers with sweetly seductive reminders of home, these pinups are a reminder of the All American good life GIs were fighting for. For the first time, Michael Malak has merged classic 1940s style Hollywood photographs in black and white and sepia recreations for the vintage at heart, as well as full color HDR (High Dynamic Range) photographs for the modern art lover. This book takes the viewer through the history of these magnificent warbirds and the role they played in World War II, and provides detailed, factual information about each of them courtesy of the Yanks Air Museum, home of these exquisite warbirds. Several world renowned pinup artists of today, such as Greg Hildebrandt, have contributed their time and talent to take part in this project, providing original artwork for Wings of Angels in the tradition of legendary pinup artists Gil Elvgren and Alberto Vargas.
Oxford University Press Artistic Theory in Italy 1450-1600
This book seeks to broaden the comprehension of the student of Italian Renaissance painting by concentrating not on the works of art themselves, but on the various artistic theories which influenced them or were expressed by them. Taking Alberti's treatises as his starting-point, Anthony Blunt traces the development of artistic theory from Humanism to Mannerism. He discusses the writings of Leonardo, Savonarola, Michelangelo, and Vasari, examines the effect of the Council of Trent on religious art, and chronicles the successful struggle of the painters and sculptors themselves to elevate their status from craftsmen to creative artists.
Editorial Octaedro, S.L. Miravaca
?Un día me dieron una sorpresa en el Taller. La sorpresa era una vaca. Y la dibujamos todos los niños del Carrau. Antes la tocamos y fue muy divertido. Entonces la subimos por la escalera y fue ?tope? duro y nos cansamos mucho. Después, en el Taller, la dibujamos más grande con un cartón y un día la dibujamos por trozos. Por Navidad la adornamos y por Sant Jordi la colocamos en la mesa, comiendo.? Alberto García
John Wiley & Sons Inc Architectures of Refusal
Guest-edited by Jill Stoner and Ozayr Saloojee Over the past decade, and in a more concentrated form over the past two years, there has been increasing recognition of architecture’s systemic complicity in constructing and upholding hierarchies of race and class, and privileging colonial paradigms that perpetuate spatial and economic inequity. This AD issue reveals how designers, practitioners, scholars and architects are participating in dismantling the major canons of Western architecture. The work is both literal and figural: taking buildings apart and reconstituting them, and challenging mythologies that include drawing-as-analogue, building-as object, architect-as-hero and nature-as-other. Architecture has both potential and responsibility for political agency in the public realm. The contributions to this issue foreground emancipatory spatial ideas and practices from around the world, demonstrating that refusal is no longer just absence and denial, but a constructive mode of resistance and action that needs to be approached through subversive urban works, design pedagogy and alliances across multiple disciplines. Contributors: Piper Bernbaum, Carwil Bjork-James, Thiresh Govender, Lucia Jalón Oyarzun, Jennifer Newsom and Tom Carruthers, Cong Chi Nguyen, Quilian Riano, Hannah Le Roux, Alberto de Salvatierra, Cathy Smith, Chat Travieso, and Ilze Wolff.
Editorial Universidad de Sevilla-Secretariado de Publicaciones Cartas a un poeta joven epistolario para Aquilino Duque 19522005
Cartas a un poeta joven recoge una selección de la correspondencia mantenida entre Aquilino Duque y varios escritores de relieve entre los años de 1952 y 2005. A través del contacto con autores como Vicente Aleixandre, Rafael Alberti, Jorge Guillén, José María Pemán, José Ángel Valente, María Zambrano, o Eugenio Montes, entre otros, el presente libro recoge la etapa de formación de la obra poética de Aquilino Duque y de qué modo sus viajes por Asia, América, África y Europa incidirían en su visión poética. A partir de sus tangencias con Juan Ramón Jiménez, el epistolario refleja las inquietudes y los avatares de alguien que, sin otras credenciales que las de poeta joven, quería hacerse una idea lo más completa posible del mundo en la segunda mitad del siglo XX.
Encounter Books,USA The Necessity of Sculpture
The Necessity of Sculpture brings together a selection of articles on sculpture and sculptors from Eric Gibson’s nearly four-decade career as an art critic. It covers subjects as diverse as Mesopotamian cylinder seals, war memorials, and the art of the American West; stylistic periods such as the Hellenistic in Ancient Greece and Kamakura in medieval Japan; Michelangelo, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, and other historical figures; modernists like Auguste Rodin, Pablo Picasso, and Alberto Giacometti; and contemporary artists including Richard Serra, Rachel Whiteread, and Jeff Koons. Organized chronologically by artist and period, this collection is as much a synoptic history of sculpture as it is an art chronicle. At the same time, it is an illuminating introduction to the subject for anyone coming to it for the first time.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Children and Youth in Premodern Scotland
Essays exploring childhood and youth in Scotland before the nineteenth century. Children and youth have tended to be under-reported in the historical scholarship. This collection of essays recasts the historical narrative by populating premodern Scottish communities from the thirteenth to the late eighteenthcenturies with their lively experiences and voices. By examining medieval and early modern Scottish communities through the lens of age, the collection counters traditional assumptions that young people are peripheral to our understanding of the political, economic, and social contexts of the premodern era. The topics addressed fall into three main sections: the experience of being a child/adolescent; representations of the young; and the constructionof the next generation. The individual essays examine the experience of the young at all levels of society, including princes and princesses, aristocratic and gentry youth, urban young people, rural children, and those who came to Scotland as slaves; they draw on evidence from art, personal correspondence, material culture, song, legal and government records, work and marriage contracts, and literature. Janay Nugent is an Associate Professor ofHistory and a founding member of the Institute for Child and Youth Studies at the University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada; Elizabeth Ewan is University Research Chair and Professor of History and Scottish Studies at the Centrefor Scottish Studies, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Contributors: Katie Barclay, Stuart Campbell, Mairi Cowan, Sarah Dunnigan, Elizabeth Ewan, Anne Frater, Dolly MacKinnon, Cynthia J. Neville, Janay Nugent, Heather Parker, Jamie Reid Baxter, Cathryn R. Spence, Laura E. Walkling, Nel Whiting.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Body, Gender, and Sexuality in Latin American Cinema: Insurgent Skin
Insurgent Skin: Body, Gender, and Sexuality in Latin American Cinema argues that twenty-first century Latin American cinema about lesbian, feminist, intersex, and transgender themes is revolutionary because it disrupts heteronormative and binary representation and explores new, queer signifying modes.Grounded in feminist and queer theory, Insurgent Skin conjugates film phenomenology and theories of affect and embodiment to analyze a spectrum of Latin American films.The first chapters explore queer signifying in Argentinean director Lucrecia Martel’s Salta trilogy and the lesbian utopia of Albertina Carri’s Las hijas del fuego (2018). Next, the book discusses the female body as uncanny absence in Tatiana Huezo’s documentary Tempestad (2016), a film about gendered violence in Mexico. Chapter Five focuses on intersex films and the establishing of queer solidarity and an intersex gaze. The last chapter examines transgender embodiment in the Chilean film Una mujer fantástica (2017) and Brazilian documentary Bixa Travesty (2018).
Amianto Una historia obrera 60
Renato creció después de la guerra y comenzó a trabajar a los catorce años derritiendo electrodos en miles de chispas de fuego a pocos pasos de tanques de petróleo gigantes. Respiró zinc y plomo hasta que una fibra de asbesto llegó a su pecho. Treinta años más tarde, su hijo Alberto, que pasó su infancia en la calle frente a la olvidada siderurgia Ilva en la ciudad de Follonica, reconstruye la historia laboral y judicial de Renato, luchando por el reconocimiento del asbesto como causa de su muerte. Amianto ?Premio Especial del Jurado Grotte della Gurfa y Premio al Mejor Escritor toscano del año en 2013? forma parte de un proyecto de trilogía narrativa sobre la clase trabajadora que está cosechando un gran éxito en Italia.
City Lights Books Poems of Fernando Pessoa
"At last, at last, at last, Pessoa again! More Pessoa! One of the very great poets of the twentieth century, again and more! And one of the fascinating figures of all literature, with his manifold identities, his amazing audacities, his brilliance and his shyness. I think I have under control the reluctance I feel in having to share Pessoa with the public he should have had all along in America: until now, only the poets, so far as I can tell, have even heard of him, and delighted and exulted in him. He is, in some ways, the poet of modernism, the only one willing to fracture himself into the parcels of action, anguish, and nostalgia which are the grounds of our actual situation." --C. K. Williams "Pessoa is one of the great originals (a fact rendered more striking by his writing as several distinct personalities) of the European poetry of the first part of this century, and has been one of the last poets of comparable stature, in the European languages, to become known in English. Edwin Honig's translations of Spanish and Portuguese poetry have been known to anyone who cares about either, since his work on Lorca in the forties, and his Selected Poems of Pessoa (1971) was a welcome step toward a long-awaited larger colection." -- W. S. Merwin "Fernando Pessoa is the least known of the masters of the twentieth-century poetry. From his heteronymic passion he produced, if that is the word, two of our greatest poets, Alberto Caeiro and Alvaro de Campos, and a third, Ricardo Reis, who isn't bad. Pessoa is the exemplary poet of the self as other, of the poem as testament to unreality, proclamation of nothingness, occasion for expectancy. In Edwin Honig's and Susan Brown's superb translations, Pessoa and his "others" live with miraculous style and vitality." --Mark Strand Fernando Pessoa is Portugal's most important contemporary poet. He wrote under several identities, which he called heteronyms: Albet Caeiro, Alvaro de Campos, Ricardo Reis, and Bernardo Soares. He wrote fine poetry under his own name as well, and each of his "voices" is completely different in subject, temperament, and style. This volume brings back into print the comprehensive collection of his work published by Ecco Press in 1986.
Diez artistas y el Museo del Prado
Cuál es la relación que mantienen los artistas con el museo del Prado? qué influencia ha ejercido sobre su vida las horas que han dedicado a contemplar las obras de arte que albergan sus salas? Este libro acercará al lector a descubrir la experiencia ?a veces emotiva, otras vivida desde un plano más intelectual?de diez artistas con esta joya del patrimonio universal.La imponente belleza del museo ha marcado la relación de intimidad creativa y el pensamiento de artistas contemporáneos como Eduardo Arroyo, Miquel Barceló, Rafael Canogar, Alberto García-Alix, Cristina Iglesias, Carmen Laffón, Antonio López, Blanca Muñoz, Juan Uslé y Soledad Sevilla. Todos ellos han construido un relato visual y narrativo basado en su testimonio como visitantes asiduos al Prado.María de la Peña ha sido Jefa de Prensa del museo durante doce años. Aunque su conocimiento sobre el Prado es extenso, en este volumen ha contado con la colaboración y asesoriamiento de grandes especialistas, como Manuela Me
Penguin Clásicos La casa lúgubre
Los mejores libros jamás escritos.No dejaré de seguir el camino que he seguido siempre. No tengo más que uno y no puedo escoger.Con La Casa lúgubre, Dickens afianzó su reputación de novelista serio a la par que de maestro del efecto cómico, presentando un relato que tiene tanto de historia de misterio como de crítica a una sociedad caracterizada por su estricta indiferencia. En un experimento creativo inusitado, el autor reparte el hilo de la narración entre Esther Summerson, quien conforma un peculiar perfil psicológico, y el narrador anónimo cuya perspectiva complementa y en ocasiones cuestiona la de la protagonista.La tarea de edición de Juan Camargo se complementa con la extraordinaria traducción de Alberto Reyes en un esfuerzo por presentar al lector la más fiel versión de la novela. Asimismo, la introducción del genial escritor G. K. Chesterton rinde merecido homenaje a uno de los mayores logros de Dickens.G.K. Cherterton dijo...Quizá s
Alianza Editorial Poesía
Dominada por un sentimiento de radical soledad y desgarrada entre sentimiento y pensamiento, racionalismo e irracionalismo, tradición y modernidad, la poesía de Fernando Pessoa constituye una de las expresiones más lúcidas y dramáticas de la crisis del hombre contemporáneo. Su poesía está encuadrada en el marco general del modernismo que responde en líneas generales a la expresión del drama íntimo del artista, al individualismo creador y a la búsqueda de un nuevo lenguaje.La compleja personalidad de Pessoa se expresa a través de la invención de numerosos heterónimos, con los que firma su obra, dotado cada uno de rasgos bien diferenciados y biografía propia. En este volumen aparecen tres de los más utilizados por Pessoa: Alberto Caeiro, autor de breves poemarios, poeta bucólico esencialmente pagano que se propone restituir la Naturaleza Absoluta al mundo civilizado; Ricardo Reis, " latinista por formación y semihelenista por devoción " , el poeta de la disciplina y la exactitud menta
Coach House Books The Mitochondrial Curiosities of Marcels 1 to 19
Biology is not Dree's thing. Equally heinous are English, social studies, her sister and mother, not to mention Edmonton in general. Toronto's upcoming Renegade Craft Fair is where she belongs. On her 15th birthday, she will get the special fund her father promised, and be on Westjet Flight 233 to Toronto. Instead, her dad has a fatal heart attack, and all she finds are clues leading to the ominous Alberta Psychiatric Hospital where her parents once worked. As Dree tries to unearth a mystery, and still pass science, she keeps searching for the money, and for a way to grieve her father.Told in a fresh, frank voice, "The Mitochondrial Curiosities of Marcels 1 to 19" is a wry, adventurous, unflinching look at the trials of teenage life. Instructions for renegade crafts are included.
Workman Publishing A Boxful of Poetry
James Crews's three anthologies of contemporary poems celebrating hope, wonder, kindness, and connection packaged in a beautiful gift box set with the addition of four illustrated poem cards suitable for framing. These are the poems our world needs now. Together, the three books include over 300 poems by a diverse selection of leading and emerging contemporary poets, including Amanda Gorman, Ross Gay, Ada Limón, Jane Hirshfield, Tracy K. Smith, Julia Alvarez, Ellen Bass, Danusha Laméris, Li-Young Lee, Naomi Shihab Nye, Joy Harjo, Joseph Bruchac, Nikita Gill, Linda Hogan, Mark Nepo, Alberto Ríos, and others. Special bonus feature: four frameable prints of poems by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer, Kimberly Blaeser, Paula Gordon Lepp, and a new poem by James Crews.
Terra Uitgeverij Starring Amsterdam: Celebrities in Amsterdam during the roaring 1960s and 1970s
In the 60s and 70s, Amsterdam was the epicentre of new cultural development and a magnet for national and international celebrities. Dutch photojournalists Hans Sabel and Henk Daniëls were on site to capture all events and advancements. 30 years of photojournalism has resulted in an archive of around 150,000 negatives. In cooperation with the heirs of the archive a selection of images has been brought together in this book. It offers many previously unpublished images, from Jacques Brel, Martin Luther King, John Lennon, Charles Aznavour, Elizabeth Taylor and Dutch celebrities like Johan Cruyff, princess Beatrix and prince Bernhard to Willeke Alberti. Starring Amsterdam is a unique photographic document from Amsterdam at a time when the city is alive and buzzing like never before. With a foreword by James Worthy and text by Joost Bastmeijer.
The Natural History Museum Rare Treasures: From the Library of the Natural History Museum
Each book presented here has been chosen for its scientific and artistic merit, and each one is accompanied by an essay from a museum expert, explaining its role in the development of natural history. The books featured include the oldest book in the Library, the 1469 edition of Pliny the Elder's Historia Naturalis; Albertus Seba's striking Locupletissimi Rerum published from 1734; Mark Catesby's The History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands, the first published account of the flora and fauna of this area; and the stunning line drawings from Napoleon's expedition to Egypt in 1798. The Library of the Natural History Museum contains one of the most exciting and comprehensive collections of natural history literature and artworks to be found anywhere in the world.
Verso Books In the Mind But Not From There: Real Abstraction and Contemporary Art
In the Mind, But Not From There: Real Abstraction and Contemporary Art considers how the Marxian concept of Real Abstraction--originally developed by Alfred Sohn Rethel, and recently updated by Alberto Toscano--might help to define the economic, social, political, and cultural complexities of our contemporary moment. In doing so, this volume brings together noted contemporary artists, literary critics, curators, historians, and social theorists who connect the concept of Real Abstraction with contemporary cultural production. Theoretical and artistic contributions from Benjamin Noys, Paul Chan, Joao Enxuto and Erica Love, Marina Vishmidt, Sven Lütticken, and many others help to map out the relationship between political economy and artistic production in the realm of contemporary, globalized cultural exchange. This anthology places economic and social analyses alongside creative projects and visual essays to consider the many angles of contemporary art, and how inquiry into the the production of abstraction through material and social processes can be used to better understand, and hopefully change, the conditions under which art is made, seen, and circulated today.Published in collaboration with [NAME] publications.
Goose Lane Editions The Best of The Great Trail, Volume 2: British Columbia to Northern Ontario on the Trans Canada Trail
What is the longest, most exciting hiking and cycling trail in the world? It can only be The Great Trail. Spanning the entirety of Canada, from the Atlantic to the Pacific to the Arctic Oceans, this improbable route covers 24,000 kilometres.The Best of The Great Trail is the essential companion to this national trail. In volume 2, Michael Haynes completes his two-book set on The Great Trail, leading hikers and cyclists through thirty "must-see" trails of Western Canada in five provinces.Beginning in downtown Victoria, Haynes sets off for the forests and coasts of Vancouver Island before heading east into British Columbia's mountainous interior, the foothills of Alberta, the plains of Saskatchewan and Manitoba, and the rugged terrain of northern Ontario. Along the way, he explores the imposing Rocky Mountains, the grasslands of Saskatchewan and Manitoba, the unforgiving shoreline of Lake Superior, and the urban centres of Edmonton, Saskatoon, and Winnipeg. Illustrated in full colour with detailed maps and sumptuous photographs, The Best of The Great Trail, Volume 2 is a "must have" for both experienced outdoors people and armchair travellers who want to explore the wonders of this phenomenal trail.
University of Notre Dame Press Fujimori’s Coup and the Breakdown of Democracy in Latin America
Much as Augusto Pinochet’s 1973 coup in Chile stood as a symbol of the challenges of an earlier period, Alberto Fujimori’s 1992 presidential coup became a symbol of the present challenges of democratization in Latin America and the world. In this authoritative book, Charles D. Kenney explores why and how democracy broke down in Peru in 1992. His analysis of Peruvian politics sheds light on the problems of democratic stability in new democracies and points to strategies for preventing future failures in other countries. Kenney’s central argument is that institutional factors—especially the absence of a legislative majority—played a crucial role in the collapse of democracy in Peru in 1992 and throughout Latin America over the last forty years. This argument, which is theoretically and politically controversial in the case of Peru, is examined alongside alternative explanations of Fujimori’s coup. Kenney tests the Peruvian case study in a cross-national assessment of democratic breakdowns in Latin America since 1960. Containing a unique compilation of original quantitative data, Fujimori’s Coup and the Breakdown of Democracy in Latin America is the only book-length study to treat this subject. Kenney’s findings will be important for political scientists, scholars of Latin America, and policy makers.
McGill-Queen's University Press Beyond the Border: Tensions across the Forty-ninth Parallel in the Great Plains and Prairies
The idea that the American Great Plains and the Canadian Prairies are just "fly-over" country is a mistake. In the post-9/11 era, politicians and policy-makers are paying more attention to the region, especially where border enforcement is concerned. Beyond the Border provides interdisciplinary perspectives on the region's increasing importance. Drawing inspiration from Habermas's observation that certain modern phenomena - from ecological degradation and organized crime to increased capital mobility - challenge a state's ability to retain sovereignty over a fixed geographical region, contributors to this book question the ontological status of the Canada-US border. They look at how entertainment media represents the border for their viewers, how Canada and the US enforce the line that separates the two countries, and how the border appears from the viewpoint of Native communities where it was imposed through their traditional lands. Under this scrutiny, the border ceases to appear as self-evident, its status more fragile than otherwise imagined. At a time when the importance of border security is increasingly stressed and the Great Plains and Prairies are becoming more economically and politically prominent, Beyond the Border offers necessary context for understanding decisions by politicians and policy-makers along the forty-ninth parallel. Contributors include Phil Bellfy (Michigan State University), Christopher Cwynar (University of Wisconsin), Brandon Dimmel (Western University), Zalfa Feghali (University of Nottingham), Joshua Miner (University of Iowa), Paul Moore (Ryerson University), Michelle Morris (University of Waterloo), Paul Sando (Minnesota State University Moorhead), and Serra Tinic (University of Alberta).
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd The Answer Is Still No: Voices of Pipeline Resistance
The Answer Is Still No is an important, urgent book that compiles interviews with people who live along the route of the proposed Enbridge pipeline in Northern British Columbia. The oil pipeline and supertankers - linking the tar sands of Alberta to the demand of the growing Asian market - are a key component of Canada's strategy of natural resource extraction. But for the people living along the proposed pipeline route, Enbridge poses a massive environmental risk, which threatens their way of life. This edited collection takes the passionate words and voices of twelve citizens and activists and results in one powerful position when it comes to blind economic development at the expense of our environment and communities: The answer is still "no." "The oil and gas industry has wanted into the west coast for decades. This is an ongoing struggle between the people who live here and have access to the marine resources now, the fish, and the industry, which wants in either for tanker traffic or offshore drilling. The government is on the oil industry side and they implement policies to weaken us." - Luanne Roth, Prince Rupert "[There is] is a great saying: 'If we don't speak for the animals, the fish and the birds, who will?' Simple, very simple, very to the point. And how could we give up something that our great-great-grandchildren will ask us one day 'Why don't we have this anymore? Why didn't you stop this then?' We don't have a right to let that happen." - John Ridsdale, Hereditary Chief Na'Moks, Office of the Wet'suwet'en
Skyhorse Publishing Forever at the Finish Line: The Quest to Honor New York City Marathon Founder Fred Lebow with a Statue in Central Park
Forever at the Finish Line tells the remarkable and inspiring story of Daniel Mitrovich, a runner from San Diego who had a goal of putting a life-size statue of New York Marathon founder Fred Lebow in Central Park. New York’s parks commissioner Henry Stern said “It will be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than to put a statue in Central Park.” It would not be easy for someone who lacked financial backing and who wasn’t even a New Yorker to make this happen. But with the faith and blessing of Fred Lebow, the support of his family, and his own personal determination, he knew it would happen. His journey involved crossing the continent many times, securing the support of some of the most famous runners of our time, including Joan Benoit Samuelson, Grete Waitz, Alberto Salazar, Bill Rodgers, and Carl Lewis. He would ultimately gain the endorsements of some of the most powerful political people of our time: presidents George Herbert Walker Bush and William Jefferson Clinton, Governor Andrew Cuomo, US senators Alan K. Simpson and Al D’Amato, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, and thirteen members of Congress. Daniel Mitrovich’s personal story will show you that if you pursue a dream with the right intent you will be “Forever at the Finish Line.”
Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag Rene Burri: Explosions of Sight
Swiss photographer Rene Burri (1933-2014) has been wherever history had been played out. A member of the famous Magnum Photos cooperative since 1955, he photographed in the Middle East in the 1950s and 1960s, recording the Six-Days and Yom Kippur Wars, as well as the Vietnam War during the 1960s. His many travels took him to Japan and China, across Europe and the Americas to report sharply many of the 20th century's major events. His extraordinary sense for people and their personalities helped him create portraits of celebrities such as architects Le Corbusier, Oscar Niemeyer, and Luis Barragan; or artists Alberto Giacometti, Pablo Picasso, and Jean Tinguely. His iconic picture of Che Guevara with cigar, shot in 1963, is one of the world's most famous and widely reproduced photographic portraits ever. Burri had a close relationship with Lausanne's Musee de l' Elysee and in 1987 the museum staged a first exhibition of his work, entitled The Ruins of the Future, followed by his first major retrospective in 2004. The museum also hosts the Fondation Rene Burri, which the artist established in 2013 as a home for his estate. Published to coincide with a new exhibition at Musee de l'Elysee in spring 2020, Rene Burri: An Eye Explosion draws from this vast collection. It brings together for the first time Burri's entire body of work, photographic and non-photographic. Black-and-white and colour photographs feature alongside previously unpublished archival documents as well as book designs, exhibition projects, travel diaries, collages, watercolours, and other multiple objects he collected. It offers a new, multi-faceted and uniquely intimate view of one of the world's greatest photo reporters.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Buñuel en Toledo: arte público, acción cultural y vanguardia
A close analysis of Buñuel's and the Order of Toledo's making of iconoclastic public art. In 1923, Luis Buñuel established the Order of Toledo, a parody order of knights whose members included Salvador Dalí, García Lorca, and Rafael Alberti. Together, they often visited the ancient Spanish capital to stroll through itslabyrinthine streets. But these excursions on the part of Buñuel and the Brotherhood were more than simple episodes of cultural sightseeing; they were happenings, public interventions in space. This book explores the anti-artistic aspect of these activities and urban perambulations. Are these practices similar to the flânerie of the Dadaists and French Surrealists? Taking into account their liberal, Spanish context, what was new about them, and what did they mean? Does their aesthetic experimentation make for ideological radicalism? And what impact do these first steps have on Buñuel's subsequent work and his later ideological trajectory? María Soledad Fernández Utrera is Associate Professor of Spanish at The University of British Columbia.
Saturnalia Books Live at the Bitter End
Set in the vernacular origins of modernity, Live at the Bitter End puts the racialized logic of 20th century aesthetics on trial. Mixing anonymous voices with the testimonies of figures such as Paul Cézanne, Charles Mingus, Emma Bardac, Erik Satie, Alberto Giacometti, Billie Holiday, Pierre Bonnard, Samuel Beckett, Miles Davis, and others, Ed Pavli weaves a playfully raucous and intimately violent work of satirical force. Adhering to the structure of a murder trial, Live at the Bitter End bears lyrical witness to racial separation, masquerade, mongrelization, and communion to show how those connections (in love, lust, trust and betrayal) sound deep in the textures of who we are.
Les Presses de l'Universite Laval Blackness and la Francophonie: Anti-Black Racism, Linguicism and the Construction and Negotiation of Multiple Minority Identities
"This well-researched and clearly-written book documents the experiences of Black Francophones hailing from Sub-Saharan Africa and living in the predominantly anglophone province of Alberta. Drawing on the qualitative analysis of numerous documents and semi-structured interviews, the book explores how the participants construct multiple identities based on language, race, and citizenship while fighting racism and the multiple forms of exclusion they face. Blackness and la Francophonie is essential reading for scholars and informed readers interested in identity formation, anti-racism, and/or the politics on language in Canada."Daniel Béland, Professor & Director of the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada, McGill University
Headline Publishing Group At the Toss of a Sixpence: A heart-warming saga of triumph in the face of adversity
At eleven years of age, Albertina Listerman loses her parents in a terrible accident. At twenty-one, she experiences further tragedy when her half-brother commits suicide, having squandered the family fortune. Robbed of her very last penny, Ally is thrust into a world of hardship for which she is ill-prepared. Her salvation comes in the form of Jack Fossett, a kind lad who takes pity on this beautiful, bedraggled girl, and welcomes Ally into his heart. But Jack's mother Flo is less convinced, and time must pass and secrets must be revealed before Ally and Flo see eye to eye - particularly when they discover that Ally is not as destitute as she thought...
Collective Ink Paganism 101 – An Introduction to Paganism by 101 Pagans
Paganism 101 is an introduction to Paganism written by 101 Pagans. Grouped into three main sections, Who we are, What we believe and What we do, twenty topics fundamental to the understanding of the main Pagan traditions are each introduced by essay and then elaborated upon by other followers and practitioners, giving the reader a greater flavor of the variety and diversity that Paganism offers. With introductory essays from leading writers such as Emma Restall Orr, Mark Townsend, Brendan Myers, Jane Meredith, Alaric Albertsson and Rachel Patterson and with supporting vignettes from those at the heart of the Pagan community, Paganism 101 offers a truly unique insight.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Alvarado's Pin-up Nudes, 2nd Edition
Since Alvardo's Pin-Up Nudes was first published in 2013, it has become a bestseller in pin-up photography. In this second edition, Alvarado uses his trademark innovative technique to blur the line between photography and illustration. Relying on subtle costuming to add color, texture, humor, and homage to his images, Alvarado focuses on the female form in these 160+ pin-up nudes. From providing heavily inked and stilletoed beauties to sexy Storm Troopers and the innocence of the girl next door, Alvarado uses his creativity in themes, models, and styling to produce work steeped in popular culture with nods to the pioneers of pin-up, including Alberto Vargas and Gil Elvgren.
Biblioteca Autores Cristianos Tratado de la prudencia Tratado de la justicia
Obra cumbre de su doctrina teológica, santo Tomás la redactó a lo largo de su intensa vida docente (1266-1273), y que no pudo concluir por alcanzarle la muerte a la temprana edad de cuarenta y nueve años. Este décimo volumen comprende: Tratado de la templanza, versión e intr. Cándido Aniz, OP; Tratado de la profecía, versión e intr. Alberto Colunga, OP; Tratado de los géneros de vida y estados de perfección, versión Jesús García Álvarez, OP y Antonio Royo Marín, OP.
McGill-Queen's University Press Canada, the Provinces, and the Global Nuclear Revival: Advocacy Coalitions in Action
As the world struggles to meet the growing international demands for electricity, green energy, and alternatives to fossil fuels, the nuclear power sector is experiencing global growth. Nuclear reactors are being designed and constructed at record rates, and Canada is joining the trend, with several provinces considering an expansion of their nuclear presence. Canada, the Provinces, and the Global Nuclear Revival critically examines Canadian nuclear policy in order to show how historic, environmental, economic, and political factors have shaped the direction of the nation's energy industry. Duane Bratt presents a comparative study of the Canadian nuclear sector - using a framework of interest-based coalitions - in its response to the global revival, analyzing nuclear development in Ontario, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. The book also answers fundamental questions such as: Has Canada seized international opportunities in uranium mining, reactor sales, and cooperation with other countries in nuclear research? To what extent has the industry been consolidated through mergers and acquisitions, foreign investment, and the privatization of crown corporations? A state-of-the-art exploration of Canada's place in the rapidly shifting world of electricity production by an acclaimed expert in the field, Canada, the Provinces, and the Global Nuclear Revival is a major contribution to the international nuclear debate.
National Geographic Maps Canadian Rockies: Destination Map
National Geographic's Canadian Rockies Destination Map strikes the perfect balance between map and guidebook and is an ideal resource for touring this culturally and geographically unique region. Canada's share of the Rocky Mountains averages approximately 100 miles across (160 kilometers) and runs from Waterton Lakes National Park on the Alberta-Montana border northwest toward the Yukon territory. DestinationMaps are condensed guide books that are an ideal resource for touring such culturally and geographically unique regions. Printed on waterproof and tear-resistant material.
Rocky Mountain Books Waterfall Hikes in the Canadian Rockies Volume 2
The third title in a growing series of full-colour guidebooks featuring hikes and walks to some of the most beautiful waterfalls in western Canada.Waterfall Hikes in the Canadian Rockies Volume 2 is the exciting continuation of Steve Tersmette's exploration of waterfalls in the Canadian Rockies. This comprehensive guide details more than 70 waterfalls in the Alberta and British Columbia Rockies, encompassing an area north of the Trans-Canada Highway to Valemount, and includes the many iconic national and provincial parks that straddle the Continental Divide. Highlighted by stunning photography and hand-drawn maps, this second volume will take all levels of hikers to even more gorgeous destinations. Areas covered include: Mount Robson Provincial Park Jasper National Park David Thompson Country The Front Ranges Banff National Park The Icefields Parkway This family-friendly hiking guidebook offers
Boydell & Brewer Ltd John Gower in England and Iberia: Manuscripts, Influences, Reception
Essays shedding fresh and significant light on Gower's poetry, major and minor, as it was received, read, and re-produced in England and in Iberia from the fourteenth to the twentieth centuries. John Gower's great poem, the Confessio Amantis, was the first work of English literature translated into any European language. Occasioned by the existence in Spain of fifteenth-century Portuguese and Spanish manuscripts ofthe Confessio, the nineteen essays brought together here represent new and original approaches to Gower's role in Anglo-Iberian literary relations. They include major studies of the palaeography of the Iberian manuscripts;of the ownership history of the Portuguese Confessio manuscript; of the glosses of Gowerian manuscripts; and of the manuscript of the Yale Confessio Amantis. Other essays situate the translations amidst Anglo-Spanish relations generally in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries; examine possible Spanish influences on Gower's writing; and speculate on possible providers of the Confessio to Philippa, daughter of John of Gaunt and queenof Portugal. Further chapters broaden the scope of the volume. Amongst other topics, they look at Gower's use of Virgilian/Dantean models; classical gestures in the Castilian translation; Gower's conscious contrasting of epic ideals and courtly romance; nuances of material goods and the idea of "the good" in the Confessio; Marxian aesthetics, Balzac, and Gowerian narrative in late medieval trading culture between England and Iberia; reading the Confessio through the lens of gift exchange; literary form in Gower's later Latin poems; Gower and Alain Chartier as international initiators of a new "public poetry"; and the modern sales history of manuscript and earlyprinted copies of the Confessio, and what it reveals about literary trends. Ana Sáez Hidalgo is Associate Professor at the University of Valladolid, Spain; R.F. Yeager is Professor of English and World Languagesand chair of the department at the University of West Florida. Contributors: María Bullón-Fernández, David R. Carlson, Siân Echard, A.S.G. Edwards, Robert R. Edwards, Tiago Viúla de Faria, Andrew Galloway, Fernando Galván, Marta María Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Mauricio Herrero Jiménez, Ethan Knapp, Roger A. Ladd, Alberto Lázaro, María Luisa López-Vidriero Abelló, Matthew McCabe, Alastair J. Minnis, Clara Pascual-Argente, Tamara Para A. Shailor, Winthrop Wetherbee
Yale University Press By the Rivers of Babylon
A profound and genre-defying work of literature about love, death, and illness from one of Portugal’s most celebrated writers “One of the essential writers of our tormented times.”—Alberto Manguel, Times Literary Supplement “Little prepares one for this extraordinary book, in which each chapter, covering a single day, and lasting a single sentence, offers a teeming stream of consciousness. . . . Even pain is alive, and alive is the word for this book, alive and enduring.”— Michael Autrey, Booklist Incapacitated after the removal of a malignant tumor, the narrator, António, spends his days in a Lisbon hospital enduring the humiliations of severe illness. As he drifts in and out of consciousness, he revisits fragments of his life and the people who passed through it. He recalls the village where he lived as a child near the Mondego River amid the eucalyptus and pines, his parents and grandparents and their tight-knit community of potato farmers and tungsten miners, and the woman he loved—an unexpected polyphony of voices and places sounding in sharp counterpoint to debilitating pain. By the Rivers of Babylon conjures the past and the present all at once, revealing the power of memory to embolden us in the face of extraordinary suffering. This is António Lobo Antunes’s homage to the beauty of a cherished life in its confrontation with imminent death.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Silicon Germanium: Technology, Modeling, and Design
"An excellent introduction to the SiGe BiCMOS technology, from the underlying device physics to current applications." -Ron Wilson, EETimes "SiGe technology has demonstrated the ability to provide excellent high-performance characteristics with very low noise, at high power gain, and with excellent linearity. This book is a comprehensive review of the technology and of the design methods that go with it." -Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli Professor, University of California, Berkeley Cofounder, Chief Technology Officer, Member of Board Cadence Design Systems Inc. Filled with in-depth insights and expert advice, Silicon Germanium covers all the key aspects of this technology and its applications. Beginning with a brief introduction to and historical perspective of IBM's SiGe technology, this comprehensive guide quickly moves on to: * Detail many of IBM's SiGe technology development programs * Explore IBM's approach to device modeling and characterization-including predictive TCAD modeling * Discuss IBM's design automation and signal integrity knowledge and implementation methodologies * Illustrate design applications in a variety of IBM's SiGe technologies * Highlight details of highly integrated SiGe BiCMOS system-on-chip (SOC) design Written for RF/analog and mixed-signal designers, CAD designers, semiconductor students, and foundry process engineers worldwide, Silicon Germanium provides detailed insight into the modeling and design automation requirements for leading-edge RF/analog and mixed-signal products, and illustrates in-depth applications that can be implemented using IBM's advanced SiGe process technologies and design kits. "This volume provides an excellent introduction to the SiGe BiCMOS technology, from the underlying device physics to current applications. But just as important is the window the text provides into the infrastructure-the process development, device modeling, and tool development." -Ron Wilson Silicon Engineering Editor, EETimes "This book chronicles the development of SiGe in detail, provides an in-depth look at the modeling and design automation requirements for making advanced applications using SiGe possible, and illustrates such applications as implemented using IBM's process technologies and design methods." -John Kelly Senior Vice President and Group Executive, Technology Group, IBM
Princeton University Press Spin Dictators: The Changing Face of Tyranny in the 21st Century
A New Yorker Best Book of the YearA Foreign Affairs Best Book of the YearAn Atlantic Best Book of the YearA Financial Times Best Politics Book of the YearHow a new breed of dictators holds power by manipulating information and faking democracyHitler, Stalin, and Mao ruled through violence, fear, and ideology. But in recent decades a new breed of media-savvy strongmen has been redesigning authoritarian rule for a more sophisticated, globally connected world. In place of overt, mass repression, rulers such as Vladimir Putin, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and Viktor Orbán control their citizens by distorting information and simulating democratic procedures. Like spin doctors in democracies, they spin the news to engineer support. Uncovering this new brand of authoritarianism, Sergei Guriev and Daniel Treisman explain the rise of such “spin dictators,” describing how they emerge and operate, the new threats they pose, and how democracies should respond.Spin Dictators traces how leaders such as Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew and Peru’s Alberto Fujimori pioneered less violent, more covert, and more effective methods of monopolizing power. They cultivated an image of competence, concealed censorship, and used democratic institutions to undermine democracy, all while increasing international engagement for financial and reputational benefits. The book reveals why most of today’s authoritarians are spin dictators—and how they differ from the remaining “fear dictators” such as Kim Jong-un and Bashar al-Assad, as well as from masters of high-tech repression like Xi Jinping.Offering incisive portraits of today’s authoritarian leaders, Spin Dictators explains some of the great political puzzles of our time—from how dictators can survive in an age of growing modernity to the disturbing convergence and mutual sympathy between dictators and populists like Donald Trump.
Publicacions de la Universitat de València El planeta dels simis
Hay seres humanos en otro lugar, diferente de la nuestra galaxia? Es la pregunta que se hacen los pasajeros de una nave espacial que sobrevuela un planeta cercano a Betelgeuse: se divisan ciudades, carreteras curiosamente parecidas a las de nuestra Tierra. Después de haberse puesto, los tres hombres descubren que el planeta está habitado por simios. Estos los capturarán y se dedicarán a experimentar con ellos. Ante los simios, tendrán que confirmar su humanidad. Con millones de ejemplares vendidos en todo el mundo, reeditado ininterrumpidamente desde su primera aparición y adaptado en el cine, El planeta de los simios, la obra mundialmente conocida de Pierre Boulle, es uno de los grandes clásicos de la ciencia-ficción y de la novela de aventuras. Esta versión, traducida por Juli Avinent, incluye un texto introductorio de Alberto Giráldez sobre la experimentación con animales.
Verso Books In Broad Daylight: Movies and Spectators After the Cinema
From plasma screens to smartphones, today moving images are everywhere. How have films adapted to this new environment? And how has the experience of the spectator changed because of this proliferation? In Broad Daylight investigates one of the decisive shifts in the history of Western aesthetics, exploring the metamorphosis of films in the age of individual media, when the public is increasingly free but also increasingly resistant to the emotive force of the pictures flashing around us. Moving deftly from philosophy of mind to film theory, from architectural practice to ethics, from Leon Battista Alberti to Orson Welles, Gabriele Pedullà examines the revolution that is reshaping the entire system of the arts and creativity in all its manifestations.
Penguin Books Ltd Self-Portrait
In this remarkable autobiography, Man Ray - painter, photographer, sculptor, film maker and writer - relates the story of his life, from his childhood determination to be an artist and his technical drawing classes in a Brooklyn high school, to the glamorous and heady days of Paris in the 1940s, when any trip to the city 'was not complete until they had been "done" by Man Ray's camera'. Friend to everyone who was anyone, Ray tells everything he knows of artists, socialites and writers such as Matisse, Hemingway, Picasso and Joyce, not to mention Lee Miller, Nancy Cunard, Alberto Giacometti, Gertrude Stein, Dali, Max Ernst and many more, in this decadent, sensational account of the early twentieth-century cultural world.
Editorial Gustavo Gili, S.L. Fotografiar del natural
Fotografiar del natural es la primera recopilación en un único volumen de los textos más emblemáticos de Cartier-Bresson, entre los que se encuentran Los europeos y El instante decisivo, uno de sus escritos más conocidos que supuso un punto y aparte en la carrera del fotógrafo. Este volumen reúne también sus relatos de viajes a Moscú o China, y artículos dedicados a sus amigos André Breton, Alberto Giacometti o Jean Renoir. Todos ellos destilan la misma intensidad e inmediatez visual que caracteriza a la obra del fotógrafo francés, y han convertido este libro en un clásico imprescindible de cualquier biblioteca de fotografía.
Duke University Press Experimenting with Ethnography: A Companion to Analysis
Experimenting with Ethnography collects twenty-one essays that open new paths for doing ethnographic analysis. The contributors—who come from a variety of intellectual and methodological traditions—enliven analysis by refusing to take it as an abstract, disembodied exercise. Rather, they frame it as a concrete mode of action and a creative practice. Encompassing topics ranging from language and the body to technology and modes of collaboration, the essays invite readers to focus on the imaginative work that needs to be performed prior to completing an argument. Whether exchanging objects, showing how to use drawn images as a way to analyze data, or working with smartphones, sound recordings, and social media as analytic devices, the contributors explore the deliberate processes for pursuing experimental thinking through ethnography. Practical and broad in theoretical scope, Experimenting with Ethnography is an indispensable companion for all ethnographers. Contributors. Patricia Alvarez Astacio, Andrea Ballestero, Ivan da Costa Marques, Steffen Dalsgaard, Endre Dányi, Marisol de la Cadena, Marianne de Laet, Carolina Domínguez Guzmán, Rachel Douglas-Jones, Clément Dréano, Joseph Dumit, Melanie Ford Lemus, Elaine Gan, Oliver Human, Alberto Corsín Jiménez, Graham M. Jones, Trine Mygind Korsby, Justine Laurent, James Maguire, George E. Marcus, Annemarie Mol, Sarah Pink, Els Roding, Markus Rudolfi, Ulrike Scholtes, Anthony Stavrianakis, Lucy Suchman, Katie Ulrich, Helen Verran, Else Vogel, Antonia Walford, Karen Waltorp, Laura Watts, Brit Ross Winthereik
Walker Books Ltd It Could Be Worse
Could it get any worse? Two shipwrecked sailors have different views of an absurd series of dilemmas in a wry, visually lavish tale for pessimists and optimists alike.As a pair of shipwrecked sailors float on what’s left of their ship, Albertini is none too happy. The rain, he observes, is unfair enough. Then the flying fish appear overhead – the ones with the sick stomachs. And the singing mermaids, leaving infernal earworms in their wake. There’s the ghost ship full of pirates and the ark teeming with ravenous beasts. But no matter how bad the situation seems, George, cheerfully playing his harmonica, reminds his friend it could always be worse. Ahhhh! But hang on ... is that a giant whale with an overpowering case of tuna breath? Delightfully detailed illustrations add visual comedy to a meditation on tough times that shows that even the worst days can turn around – especially with friends.
WW Norton & Co Classic Hikes of North America: 25 Breathtaking Treks in the United States and Canada
Classic Hikes of North America is a beautifully photographed and eminently practical account of the best backcountry journeys in the United States and Canada. Peter Potterfield, an experienced hiker and photographer, has analyzed and graded these spectacular wilderness experiences with both beginners and avid hikers in mind. Included in the book is helpful information, such as: level of difficulty, trail conditions, recommended seasons, potential hazards and difficulties, resource information, and detailed maps of hiking routes. Illustrated with more than 200 color photographs and hiking directions, here is inspiration and information in a single volume. There are routes in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, the Big Beaver–Little Beaver Loop in the North Cascades National Park of Washington State, and the Slate Range in the Canadian Rockies, Alberta and British Columbia, and many more. These are journeys to dream on, and Potterfield puts them within reach of any aspiring hiker.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Constitutions and Gender
The idea that constitutions are gendered is not new, but its recognition is the product of a revolution in thinking that began in the last decades of the twentieth century. As a field, it is attracting scholarly attention and influencing practice around the world. This timely Handbook features contributions from leading pioneers and younger scholars, applying a gendered lens to constitution-making and design, constitutional practice and citizenship, and constitutional challenges to gender equality rights and values. Offering cutting-edge perspective on the constitutional text and record of multiple jurisdictions, from long-established to newly emerging democracies, Constitutions and Gender portrays a profound shift in our understanding of what constitutions stand for and what they do. Its central insight is that democratic constitutions must serve the needs and aspirations of all the people, and constitutional legitimacy requires opportunities for participation in both the fashioning and functioning of a country's constitution. This challenging assessment is of relevance to scholars and practitioners of law and politics, and gender and feminism as well as practitioners and advisers involved in constitution-making.Contributors include: C. Albertyn, M. Allen, D. Anagnostou, B. Baines, J. Bond, J. Bond, M. Davis, R. Dixon, K. Gelber, B. Goldblatt, H. Irving, V. Jackson, J. Kang, W. Lacey, S. Millns, C. Murray, R. Rubio-Marin, A. Stone, S. Suteu, S. Williams, J. Vickers, C. Wittke
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Kumasi Realism, 1951 - 2007: An African Modernism
& Western approaches to Africa's visual culture have until recently separated 'traditional' from 'modern' as if the two categories had no common ground, and as if only the former was authentically African. Yet 'tradition' is also an active process of handing on, one subject to evolution, development and history. This book explores a burgeoning body of West African artistic production that draws upon photography, advertising, graphic design, European art history and Ghanaian history and culture. As such it constitutes an envisioning of a local modernity centred upon Kumasi, a vibrant trading city at the centre of local, national and international networks, whether historical, economic, political, educational, religious or aesthetic. The art described here, whatever its immediate purpose, reflects and interprets this intense and unique local context. Among the Ghanaian painters discussed are E.V. Asihene, Grace Kwami, E.K.J. Tetteh, Ablade Glover, Ato Delaquis, B. Offei Nyako, Atta Kwami, kari'kacha seid'ou, Bob Acheampong and many others whose practice was college based. Kwami also discusses the art and lives of Kumasi's leading sign painters - King Samino (King Samino Sign Art Services), Alex Amofa (Supreme Art Works), Kwame Akoto (Almighty God Art Works), Isaac Azey Otchere (Azey Alberto Art Sign Service), and Isumaila Moro (Iss Hi-Tech Prints) - thereby exploring the interrelationship of two entwined traditions, two art worlds of modern painting centred at either the university and/or the signpainter's workshop.
University of Nebraska Press Jail Sentences: Representing Prison in Twentieth-Century French Fiction
A long list of canonical writers in Western literature have experienced incarceration and have subsequently written celebrated works about the imprisoned and the condemned. The French tradition is no exception: writers who produced noteworthy texts while incarcerated or who later wrote about their experiences in prison are found on the literary-historical landscape from the medieval era through the twentieth century. Prison writing by inmates, former guards, chaplains, teachers, and doctors is firmly established as part of the fabric of popular culture and has long attracted the attention of culture critics and scholars. Nevertheless, scant analysis exists of the prison novel—a literary genre that, as Andrew Sobanet argues in Jail Sentences, uses fiction as a documentary tool. Its narrative peculiarities, which are the main subjects of Sobanet’s study, include the use of autobiographical and testimonial techniques to critique the penitentiary system. Jail Sentences is the definitive study of the legacy of the Western tradition of prison writing in twentieth-century French literature. Although Sobanet focuses primarily on French writers—Victor Serge, Jean Genet, Albertine Sarrazin, and François Bon—his keen sense of literary dialogue pulls into the orbit of his study an international corpus of work, from Dostoyevsky to Malcolm X. Jail Sentences arrives at a coherent definition of the genre, whose unique conventions stem from the innermost regions of our understanding of stories, truth, fiction, and belief.