Search results for ""author albert"
John Wiley & Sons Inc Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism
"Professor Wittkower's....studies of humanist architecture are masterpieces of scholarship."-Sir Kenneth Clark, Architectural Review. A fourth edition of the forty-year-old classic. Focusing on the principal architects of that time-from Alberti to Palladio-this bestselling classic explains the true significance of certain architectural forms, bringing to light the connections between the architecture and culture of the period. With publication scheduled to coincide with that of Architectonics of Humanism, this important reference is superbly reproduced in a new, large square format. The late RUDOLF WITTKOWER was a college professor and eminent scholar residing in London, England.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Contemporary Peruvian Narrative and Popular Culture: Jaime Bayly, Iván Thays and Jorge Eduardo Benavides
The first book-length study of modern Peruvian narrative and its resurgence in the 1990s, focussing on Jaime Bayly, Iván Thays and Jorge Eduardo Benavides. This book provides the first look at the dynamic resurgence of Peruvian narrative since the late 1990s. Talk-show host Jaime Bayly's seven novels have scandalized Lima's society with their treatment of homosexuality and haveattracted record sales throughout the Spanish-speaking world with their exciting re-creation of Lima slang and focus on McOndo themes. University lecturer Iván Thays has vigorously opposed this light narrative by providinga "high" cultural alternative. His three novels have played an important role in the regeneration of Peruvian culture since the fall from power of President Alberto Fujimori. Madrid-based Jorge Eduardo Benavides' narrative has offered an aesthetically challenging and explicitly politicized alternative. His marrying of aesthetics and politics stands in importance alongside Mario Vargas Llosa and José María Arguedas in terms of the mediation between cultureand politics in Peru since the 1930s.. ROBERT RUZ completed his PhD at Cambridge University under the supervision of Geoffrey Kantaris. En este libro se ofrece la primera perspectiva del dinámico resurgimiento que ha experimentado la narrativa peruana desde finales de la década de los noventa. Las siete novelas de Jaime Bayly, presentador de televisión, han escandalizado a la sociedad limeña debido al tratamiento que en ellas se da al tema de la homosexualidad y han generado un récord de ventas por todo el mundo de habla hispana debido a su apasionante recreación del argot limeño y a su concentración en los temas del grupo McOndo. El profesor de universidad Iván Thays se ha opuesto firmemente a esta literatura light, ofreciendo en su lugar una alternativa culta. Sus tres novelas han desempeñado un importante papel en la regeneración de la cultura peruana desde la caída del poder del Presidente Alberto Fujimori. La narrativa de Jorge Eduardo Benavides, radicado en Madrid, ha presentado una alternativa estéticamente estimulante y explícitamente politizada. Por lo que respecta a la mediación entre la cultura y la política en el Perú desde la década de los años treinta, la labor de unificación de la estética y la política de Benavides se halla, en cuanto a importancia, al nivel de Mario Vargas Llosa y José Marí
The Catholic University of America Press Spirituality in Architectural Education: Twelve Years of the Walton Critic Program at The Catholic University of America
How does spirituality enter the education of an architect? Should it? What do we mean by 'spirituality' in the first place? Isn't architectural education a training ground for professional practice and, therefore, technically and secularly oriented? Is there even room to add something as esoteric if not controversial as spirituality to an already packed university curriculum? The humanistic and artistic roots of architecture certainly invite us to consider dimensions well beyond the instrumental, including spirituality. But how would we teach such a thing? And why, if spirituality is indeed relevant to learning architecture, have we heard so little about it?Spirituality in Architectural Education addresses these and many other important philosophical, disciplinary, pedagogic, and practical questions. Grounded on the twelve-year-old Walton Critic Program at the Catholic University of America School of Architecture and Planning, this book offers solid arguments and insightful reflections on the role that "big questions" and spiritual sensibility ought to play in the architectural academy today. Using 11 design studios as stopping grounds, the volume takes the reader into a journey full of meaningful interrogations, pedagogic techniques, challenging realizations, and beautiful designs. Essays from renowned architects Craig W. Hartman, Juhani Pallasmaa, Alberto Campo Baeza, Claudio Silvestrin, Eliana Bórmida, Michael J. Crosbie, Prem Chandavarkar, Rick Joy, Susan Jones, and Daniel Libeskind open new vistas on the impact of spirituality in architectural education and practice. All this work is contextualized within the ongoing discussion of the role of spirituality and religion in higher education at large. The result is an unprecedented volume that starts a long-awaited conversation that will advance architectural schooling. ACSA Distinguished Professor Julio Bermudez, with recognized expertise on spirituality in architecture, will be the guide in this fascinating and contemplative journey.
Penguin Books Ltd Selected Poems
The writing of Fernando Pessoa reveals a mind shaken by intense inner suffering. In these poems he adopted four separate personae: Alberto Caeiro, Alvaro de Campos, Ricardo Reis and himself, using them to express 'great swarms of thought and feeling'. While each personae has its own poetic identity, together they convey a sense of ambivalence and consolidate a striving for completeness. Dramatic, lyrical, Christian, pagan, old and modern, Pessoa's poets and poetry contribute to the 'mysterious importance of existence'.
Vendome Press Interiors Styled by Mieke ten Have
Leading interiors stylist Mieke ten Have shares her techniques for teasing out the elements of a home that make it compelling, beautiful, and alive How does a renowned stylist approach personalizing a space? In this beautiful new book, Mieke ten Have identifies and explains the four principal elements that she always takes into account: Color Theory, Pattern Play, Wild and Tame, and Flowers for Living. She illustrates each of these principles with images of rooms that she has styled for such noted designers as Stephen Sills, Mario Buatta, Alberto Pinto, Rita Konig, and Victoria Hagan in a wide variety of homes and locations. Then Mieke demonstrates how she applies these concepts, season after season, in her own country home, the Barn. Rich, atmospheric images by photographer Frank Frances document the evolution of the house, capturing the distinctive light, mood, colors, tonality, and textures of each season. Both aspirational and inspirational, Interiors: St
Figure 1 Publishing Early Snow: Michael Snow 1947–1962
Michael Snow (1928–2023) was one of Canada’s greatest living artists, and one of the most significant figures in twentieth-century Canadian art. Despite his longstanding international acclaim, the nascent stages of Snow’s career are comparatively underexamined. Early Snow focuses on the creative heights Snow had already reached by the age of thirty-three: wide-ranging achievements in painting, drawing, sculpture, foldage, cinema, and photography. Even as a young man, Snow’s catholic interests in art and literature contributed to an uncanny ability to create profoundly original works of art.In Early Snow, James King (Michael Snow: Lives and Works, 2019) delves into Snow’s formative years and provides close readings of dozens of the artist’s works, placing them in the context of influences that include modern European art (Paul Klee, Ben Nicholson, Alberto Giacometti) and contemporary American art (Willem de Kooning, Conrad Marca-Relli, Donald Judd, Marcel Duchamp). The artworks featured here can be seen as a blueprint for Snow’s later career, but ultimately, King argues, the work created during this era is about transformation.
D&B Publishing When Running Was Young and So Were We: Collected Works of a Sportswriter from the Golden Age of American Running
For many years Jack Welch wrote for Running magazine and Track & Field News, chronicling the extraordinary developments of running during the 1970s, 80s and 90's. When Running Was Young and So Were We is based on his columns from this period and is a unique book - telling the story of how running became a way of life for millions. * It's a book about excellence, inspiration and greatness. Not just what it takes to cross the finish line first, but also the lessons learned along the way. * It's a sports book - offering an up-close and personal look at Olympic greats, big races and long runs. * It's a training book - outlining many of the techniques and strategies that make you a winner, on and off the field of competition. * It's a celebration of the human spirit - examining what happens when both great athletes and keen amateurs are driven to challenge their own personal limits. What do greats like Alberto Salazar, Joan Benoit, Dick Beardsley, Mary Decker and Steve Prefontaine all have in common? Read their stories and be inspired!
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Globalisation, Development and Transition: Conversations with Eminent Economists
This unique book provides a comprehensive survey of the major economic issues that have helped shape the modern world. It includes discussions of the latest research findings in the international economic development literature and scrutinises some of the most important debates in contemporary economics. Brian Snowdon examines the many controversies relating to long-run growth and development, problems of transitions from socialism to capitalism, international competitiveness and the impacts of globalisation.To shed light on these critical issues Brian Snowdon interviewed eleven leading economists who are featured in this book: Daron Acemoglu, Alberto Alesina, Padma Desai, William Easterly, Stanley Fischer, Janos Kornai, Michael Porter, Dani Rodrik, Jeffrey Sachs, Xavier Sala-i-Martin and Jeffrey Williamson.Globalisation, Development and Transition provides an all-encompassing guide to the contemporary literature on economic development and related fields, as well as an extensive and up-to-date list of references. It will be an essential resource for all scholars and students of economics, especially those with an interest in economic growth and development, economic history, trade and globalisation, and the economics of transition.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Globalisation, Development and Transition: Conversations with Eminent Economists
This unique book provides a comprehensive survey of the major economic issues that have helped shape the modern world. It includes discussions of the latest research findings in the international economic development literature and scrutinises some of the most important debates in contemporary economics. Brian Snowdon examines the many controversies relating to long-run growth and development, problems of transitions from socialism to capitalism, international competitiveness and the impacts of globalisation.To shed light on these critical issues Brian Snowdon interviewed eleven leading economists who are featured in this book: Daron Acemoglu, Alberto Alesina, Padma Desai, William Easterly, Stanley Fischer, Janos Kornai, Michael Porter, Dani Rodrik, Jeffrey Sachs, Xavier Sala-i-Martin and Jeffrey Williamson.Globalisation, Development and Transition provides an all-encompassing guide to the contemporary literature on economic development and related fields, as well as an extensive and up-to-date list of references. It will be an essential resource for all scholars and students of economics, especially those with an interest in economic growth and development, economic history, trade and globalisation, and the economics of transition.
McGill-Queen's University Press The Methodist Church on the Prairies, 1896-1914: Volume 41
The Methodist Church met the challenge with a centralized polity and a cross-class, gender-variegated, evolving religious culture. It relied on wealthy laymen to raise special funds, while small gifts fed its regular funds. Young bachelors from Ontario and Britain filled the pastorate, although low pay, inexperience, and poor supervision caused many to quit. Membership growth was slow due to low population density and church-resistant elements in the Methodist population (bachelors, immigrant co-religionists, and transients), and missions to non-Anglo-Saxon immigrants in Winnipeg, Edmonton, and rural Alberta spread Methodist values but gained few members. In The Methodist Church on the Prairies, 1896-1914, the first scholarly study of church history in the prairie region, George Emery uses quantitative methods and social interpretation to show that the Methodist Church was a cross-class institution with a dynamic evangelical culture, not a middle-class institution whose culture was undergoing secularization. He demonstrates that the Methodist's achievement on the prairies was impressive and compared favourably with what Presbyterians and Anglicans achieved.
Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A. Das de guerra diario de Bagdad
En la madrugada del 20 de marzo de 2003, varias explosiones en el corazón de Bagdad anuncian que la guerra contra Irak ha comenzado. No por esperado el inicio de la ofensiva militar para derribar a Saddam Husein deja de sacudir al mundo, a los iraquíes y a los dos centenares de periodistas extranjeros que, desde varias semanas antes, se encuentran allí. A partir de ese momento, y durante veintiún días, los informadores tratarán de contar al mundo cómo viven y qué sienten los iraquíes asediados por las bombas estadounidenses y la represión del régimen de Saddam.Días de guerra. Diario de Bagdad es un relato pormenorizado de la invasión: qué pasó, cómo se supo, cómo se contó, qué se quedó en el tintero; una crónica bélica que incluye las vivencias de tres reporteros con amplia experiencia en el Mundo Árabe y en conflictos armados.Ángeles Espinosa, del diario El País, Alberto Masegosa, de la agencia Efe, y Antonio Baquero, de El Periódico de Catalunya, no sólo trabajaron juntos duran
El deseo de los accidentes
El matrimonio de Blanca, policía antidisturbios, y Alberto, profesor de Historia en un instituto, no pasa por su mejor momento a pesar de que acaban de ser padres. Después de su baja maternal, Blanca vuelve al trabajo, pero nada es como antes: siente que ya no está en forma y no puede dejar de pensar en su pequeña. El primer día la envían a cubrir la seguridad de un partido de la Champions, pero el fallo en el tiro de una bala de goma en una de las cargas policiales provocará que esa noche acabe de manera trágica. Este fatídico accidente supondrá el descenso a los infiernos de Blanca, que entrará en una espiral de destrucción con consecuencias devastadoras.Con una sensibilidad extraordinaria para transmitirnos las emociones de unos personajes totalmente humanos, este thriller psicológico con tintes de domestic noir nos habla sobre el lado más oscuro del matrimonio, los conflictos de la maternidad, las consecuencias de seguir nuestros instintos y la obsesión por la búsq
Qué ocurriría si los principales acontecimientos políticos y culturales de los primeros cuarenta años del agitado siglo XX español tuviesen lugar en un par de meses, si en pocas semanas sucedieran los asesinatos a tiros de los políticos Canalejas y Eduardo Dato, el atentado del anarquista Mateo Morral con una bomba lanzada en un ramo de flores al paso del cortejo nupcial del rey Alfonso XIII y la sublevación militar de 1936 que dio paso a la guerra civil?La respuesta está en la lectura de esta trepidante novela en la que los personajes secundarios son los grandes escritores Valle-Inclán, Rubén Darío, Baroja, Alberti, Miguel Hernández o Machado y el protagonista un joven aristócrata, Álvaro de Foxá, que se interna en la vida bohemia soñando ser poeta y deseando iniciarse en el amor para descubrir en la realidad a la Golfemia, comprobando que la poesía y el amor son siempre postergados por la necesidad y por la irrupción de las convulsiones políticas.
Acantilado Hormigas salvajes y suicidas
A mediados de diciembre de 2007 Gustavo Braudel y su hija Albertine, a quienes ya conocemos por anteriores obras de A. G. Porta, participan en la operación hsys (Hormigas Salvajes y Suicidas), según se desprende del relato que ésta ofrecerá al coronel Francisco Resano: A veces una no sabe, querido coronel, por qué echa de menos una época que en su momento no le pareció mejor que cualquier otra,pero a la que, sin embargo, le tiene un aprecio especial, posiblemente debido a las circunstancias que concurrieron en ella, a las personas que me rodeaban y, tal vez, a que pronto vayan a cumplirse cinco años y todavía no haya podido pasar página. Entonces le prometí un informe de la operación [?] en la que participaron el inspector de policía José Blaya y el también policía Lalo Lucena, ambos jubilados, sinque durante este tiempo haya conseguido escribir una sola palabra. La impresionante trama de personajes, construida minuciosamente con un profundo sentido narrativo, y el estilo depur
University of British Columbia Press Pinay on the Prairies: Filipino Women and Transnational Identities
For many Filipinos, one word – kumusta, how are you – is all it takes to forge a connection with a stranger anywhere in the world. In Canada’s Prairie provinces, this connection has inspired community building and created both national and transnational identities for the women who identify as Pinay. This book is the first to look beyond traditional metropolitan hubs of settlement to explore the migration of Filipino women in Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. Based on interviews with first-generation immigrant Filipino women and temporary foreign workers, this book explores how the shared experience of migration forms the basis for new identities, communities, transnational ties, and multiple levels of belonging in Canada. A groundbreaking look at the experience of Filipino women in Canada, Bonifacio’s work is simultaneously an investigation of feminism, migration, diaspora, and the rubric of multiculturalism in a global era.
University of British Columbia Press Empowering Electricity: Co-operatives, Sustainability, and Power Sector Reform in Canada
Canada is known for being an energy-producing nation – with much attention being paid to the Alberta tar sands and their large carbon footprint. This book looks at a very different part of the Canadian energy sector: the hundreds of renewable energy co-ops that have sprung up across the nation. These co-ops are democratically structured, community-based organizations that use sun, wind, rivers, tides, and plant and animal waste as sources of local power generation.Empowering Electricity offers an illuminating analysis of these co-ops within the context of larger debates over climate change, renewable electricity policy, sustainable community development, and provincial power-sector ownership. It looks at the conditions that led to this new wave of co-operative development, examines their form and location, and shines a light on the promises and challenges accompanying their development.
Pajama Press A Brush Full of Colour: The World of Ted Harrison
Now in an updated edition with revised back matter, the quintessential picture-book biography of Ted Harrison (1926–2015) Ted Harrison’s brightly coloured and wildly imaginative paintings set in the Yukon have become synonymous with the North. His instantly-recognizable images of the land of the midnight sun hang in galleries and private collections around the world. But how did a boy who grew up in a drab mining town in northeast England become one of Canada’s most beloved and decorated artists? A Brush Full of Colour is the story of a boy whose passion for learning would save him from a life in the coalmines. The books by the American writer Jack London and Canadian poet Robert Service fired his imagination with scenes of the wilderness and the Klondike Gold Rush. He trained as an artist, and a stint in the British Intelligence Service allowed him to travel. But Ted never stopped dreaming of the North, and when he saw an advertisement for teachers in Northern Alberta, he jumped at the chance to emigrate to Canada, where the biggest adventure of his life would begin. Margriet Ruurs and Katherine Gibson trace the life of Ted Harrison and the influences that would lead to his unique style as an artist. Filled with full-colour examples of his vivid art, and with a foreword written by Ted Harrison himself, this nonfiction picture book will provide inspiration for a new generation of budding artists.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Integrated Urban Water Management: Humid Tropics: UNESCO-IHP
Excess water in the urban environment results in flooding,which causes structural damage, risks to personal safety and disruption to city life. Water is also a major contributory factor for disease transmission as well as being the medium for transport of many pollutants. These problems are of increasing concern due to climate changes and are particularly apparent in the humid tropics. Integrated Urban Water Management in the Humid Tropics – the output of a project by UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme on the topic – focuses on engineering aspects related to water supply, wastewater and stormwater management in the humid tropics. Flood control is dealt with a specific emphasis on reducing vulnerability to flood disasters in urban areas.The book also addresses environmental health concerns related to the different components of the urban water system and strategies for their control. The volume provides illustrations of different aspects of integrated water management in the urban environment by drawing upon a set of case studies – predominantly from South America.Urban Water Series - UNESCO-IHP, ISSN 1749-0790Following from the Sixth Phase of UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme (2002–2007), the Urban Water Series – UNESCO-IHP addresses fundamental issues related to the role of water in cities and the effects of urbanization on the hydrological cycle and water resources. Focusing on the development of integrated approaches to sustainable urban water management, the Series should inform the work of urban water management practitioners, policy-makers and educators throughout the world.Series EditorsCedo Maksimovic, Imperial College, London, United KingdomJ. Alberto Tejada-Guibert, International Hydrological Programme, UNESCO, Paris, France
Doubleday Canada All the Rage
A Canadian playwright's rise to fame amid the terrors of the AIDS era.Brad Fraser suffered an impoverished and abusive childhood, living with his teenage parents in motel rooms and shacks on the side of the highway in Alberta and Northern British Columbia. He grew to be one of the most celebrated, and controversial, Canadian playwrights, his work produced to acclaim all over the world. All the Rage chronicles Brad Fraser's rise as he breaks with his past and enrolls as a performing arts student. He is pulled into the newly developing Canadian theatre scene, where he shows great promise. But his early career is one of challenge after challenge, some of which result from his upbringing and prejudice against his queerness. But just as many challenges arise from his combative personality and willingness to challenge the establishment. Few Canadian artists have been as abrasive, notorious and polarizing as Fraser was in his youth.Woven through this tale
Dalkey Archive Press Best European Fiction 2019
Now in its tenth year, Best European Fiction continues to be an essential resource for readers, critics, and publishers interested in contemporary European literature. This year’s anthology brings together some of the most exciting prose writing in Europe today, by writers such Alberto Olmos, Lars Petter Sveen, Xabier López López, Teolinda Gersão, and Ádám Bodor. Ranging from the firmly well-established to rising young writers never before translated into English, the stories of Best European Fiction 2019 are bound to provoke and delight.
White Pine Press The Abduction
Winner of an Albertine and FACE Foundation grant. The Abduction details the terror and sorrow surrounding the abduction of Maram Al-Masri's only child by her then husband who fled to Syria, where due to the patriarchal nature of society and the social/political problems she was unable to fight for custody.The Abduction refers to an autobiographical event in Maram Al-Masri's life. When, as a young Arab woman living in France, she decides to separate from her husband with whom she has a child, the father kidnaps the baby and returns to Syria. Al-Masri won't see her son for thirteen years. This is the story of a woman denied the basic right to raise her child. These are haunting, spellbinding poems of love, despair, and hope, a delicate, profound and powerful book on intimacy, a mother's rights, war, exile, and freedom. Maram Al-Masri embodies the voice of all parents, who one day, for whatever the reason, have been forcibly separated from their loved ones. She writes about the status of women, seeking to reconcile her role as a mother with her writing work. The terrible war that has devastated her native country since 2011 has painfully affected her. Also included in The Abduction is The Bread of Letters, comprised of two poems addressing the act of writing: "Isn't the act of writing / an outrageous act in itself? Writing / is getting to know / one's innermost thoughts. / Yes, I am scandalous / because I show my truth and my nakedness of woman. / Yes I am scandalous / because I scream my pain and my hope, / my desire, my hunger and my thirst." For Al-Masri, writing is a vital and deeply human need: "When I write what I feel, I'm afraid of nothing. Poetry is my freedom and touches me where it lands most deeply. It offers me life vibration, the flush of a river, where feet and dreams meet." The Guardian described her as "a love poet whose verse spares no truth of love's joys and mercilessness."
Astiberri Ediciones La sombra sobre Innsmouth
La sombra sobre Innsmouth, obra del escritor estadounidense H. P. Lovecraft uno de los maestros indiscutibles de la literatura de terror de todos los tiempos continúa, con ilustraciones del dibujante gallego Alberto Vázquez, la colección Clásicos Ilustrados de Astiberri, donde una novela completa o, como en este caso, una recopilación de relatos de un autor de referencia de la literatura, es interpretada gráficamente por un dibujante de cómics con una serie de ilustraciones distribuidas alo largo del libro principalmente a toda página.
Edition Axel Menges Francesco di Giorgio Martini's Fortress Complexes
Text in English & German. Francesco di Giorgio Martini's fortress complexes, created at the end of the Quattrocento, continue to look experimental and highly speculative half a millennium later by their semiotic character. They represent an extreme of European architectural history, occupying a position where architecture and sculpture cannot be sharply distinguished any longer. The alien-looking creations represented in this book have their origins in a particular historic situation: the emergence of firearms in the 14th century and their spread in the 15th century had shifted the balance of warfare in favour of the attacking side, against which the defensive structure had not yet found a remedy. Enter Francesco di Giorgio Martini (1439 to 1502) at this point, a native of Siena and one of the Quattrocento's highly versatile artists. He worked mainly in Federico da Montefeltro's Urbino, and left behind a body of work that included painting -- the three famous prospects of ideal cities in Berlin, Baltimore and Urbino are attributed to him -- sculpture -- primarily his imposing reliefs -- and architecture -- here he was definitely the outstanding figure between Alberti and Bramante. His achievements as an engineer are equally impressive, and his elaborate designs for machines strongly influenced those of Leonardo da Vinci. He was a true Renaissance uomo universale, though, despite of his voluminous and influential theoretical work, less in the sense of a humanist homme de lettres than as an all-round artist. Francesco's sacred and secular structures are classicist and austere in nature, yet his fortress structures look as if, moving beyond all functional concerns, he is exploiting the newness of the task, the lack of any tried and tested technical solutions and the removal of all typological boundaries to give his architectonic fantasies free rein, resulting in an apotheosis of the new, the unfamiliar and the alien. This book is an attempt to understand the strangely grandiose semiotic character of these structures. In doing so, it poses the question of what strategies can be used when seeking a shape for buildings for which there is no precedent.
Johns Hopkins University Press Poverty, Inequality, and Democracy
The rise of populism in new democracies, especially in Latin America, has brought renewed urgency to the question of how liberal democracy deals with issues of poverty and inequality. Citizens who feel that democracy failed to improve their economic condition are often vulnerable to the appeal of political leaders with authoritarian tendencies. To counteract this trend, liberal democracies must establish policies that will reduce socioeconomic disparities without violating liberal principles, interfering with economic growth, or ignoring the consensus of the people. "Poverty, Inequality, and Democracy" addresses the complicated philosophical and moral issues surrounding the distribution of economic goods in free societies as well as the empirical relationships between democratization and trends in poverty and inequality. This volume also discusses the variety of welfare-state policies that have been adopted in different regions of the world. The book's distinguished group of contributors provides a succinct synthesis of the scholarship on this topic. They address such broad issues as whether democracy promotes inequality, the socioeconomic factors that drive democratic failure, and the basic choices that societies must make as they decide how to deal with inequality. Chapters focus on particular regions or countries, examining how problems of poverty and inequality have been handled (or mishandled) by newer democracies in Latin America, Eastern Europe, Africa, and Asia. Poverty, Inequality, and Democracy will prove vital reading for all students of world politics, political economy, and democracy's global prospects. Contributors include: Dan Banik, Nancy Bermeo, Dorothee Bohle, Nathan Converse, Alberto Diaz-Cayeros, Francis Fukuyama, Bela Greskovits, Stephan Haggard, Ethan B. Kapstein, Robert R. Kaufman, Taekyoon Kim, Huck-Ju Kwon, Jooha Lee, Peter Lewis, Beatriz Magaloni, Mitchell A. Orenstein, Marc F. Plattner, Charles Simkins, Alejandro Toledo, and Ilcheong Yi.
Imperial College Press Nonlinear And Adaptive Control: Tools And Algorithms For The User
This book summarizes the main results achieved in a four-year European Project on nonlinear and adaptive control. The project involves leading researchers from top-notch institutions: Imperial College London (Prof A Astolfi), Lund University (Prof A Rantzer), Supelec Paris (Prof R Ortega), University of Technology of Compiegne (Prof R Lozano), Grenoble Polytechnic (Prof C Canudas de Wit), University of Twente (Prof A van der Schaft), Politecnico of Milan (Prof S Bittanti), and Polytechnic University of Valencia (Prof P Albertos).The book also provides an introduction to theoretical advances in nonlinear and adaptive control and an overview of novel applications of advanced control theory, particularly topics on the control of partially known systems, under-actuated systems, and bioreactors.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Transnationalism in Contemporary German-Language Literature
Investigates the concept of transnationalism and its significance in and for German-language literature and culture. Transnationalism has become a key term in debates in the social sciences and humanities, reflecting concern with today's unprecedented flows of commodities, fashions, ideas, and people across national borders. Forced and unforced mobility, intensified cross-border economic activity due to globalization, and the rise of trans- and supranational organizations are just some of the ways in which we now live both within, across, and beyond national borders. Literature has always been a means of border crossing and transgression-whether by tracing physical movement, reflecting processes of cultural transfer, traveling through space and time, or mapping imaginary realms. It is alsobecoming more and more a "moving medium" that creates a transnational space by circulating around the world, both reflecting on the reality of transnationalism and participating in it. This volume refines our understanding of transnationalism both as a contemporary reality and as a concept and an analytical tool. Engaging with the work of such writers as Christian Kracht, Ilija Trojanow, Julya Rabinowich, Charlotte Roche, Helene Hegemann, Antje Rávic Strubel, Juli Zeh, Friedrich Dürrenmatt, and Wolfgang Herrndorf, it builds on the excellent work that has been done in recent years on "minority" writers; German-language literature, globalization, and "world literature"; and gender and sexuality in relation to the "nation." Contributors: Hester Baer, Anke S. Biendarra, Claudia Breger, Katharina Gerstenberger, Elisabeth Herrmann, Christina Kraenzle, Maria Mayr, Tanja Nusser, Lars Richter, Carrie Smith-Prei, Faye Stewart, Stuart Taberner. Elisabeth Herrmann is Associate Professor of German at Stockholm University. Carrie Smith-Prei is Associate Professor of German at the University of Alberta. Stuart Taberner is Professor of Contemporary German Literature, Culture and Society at the University of Leeds and is a Research Associate in the Department of Afrikaans and Dutch; German and French at the University of the Free State, South Africa.
City Lights Books Poems of Fernando Pessoa
"At last, at last, at last, Pessoa again! More Pessoa! One of the very great poets of the twentieth century, again and more! And one of the fascinating figures of all literature, with his manifold identities, his amazing audacities, his brilliance and his shyness. I think I have under control the reluctance I feel in having to share Pessoa with the public he should have had all along in America: until now, only the poets, so far as I can tell, have even heard of him, and delighted and exulted in him. He is, in some ways, the poet of modernism, the only one willing to fracture himself into the parcels of action, anguish, and nostalgia which are the grounds of our actual situation." --C. K. Williams "Pessoa is one of the great originals (a fact rendered more striking by his writing as several distinct personalities) of the European poetry of the first part of this century, and has been one of the last poets of comparable stature, in the European languages, to become known in English. Edwin Honig's translations of Spanish and Portuguese poetry have been known to anyone who cares about either, since his work on Lorca in the forties, and his Selected Poems of Pessoa (1971) was a welcome step toward a long-awaited larger colection." -- W. S. Merwin "Fernando Pessoa is the least known of the masters of the twentieth-century poetry. From his heteronymic passion he produced, if that is the word, two of our greatest poets, Alberto Caeiro and Alvaro de Campos, and a third, Ricardo Reis, who isn't bad. Pessoa is the exemplary poet of the self as other, of the poem as testament to unreality, proclamation of nothingness, occasion for expectancy. In Edwin Honig's and Susan Brown's superb translations, Pessoa and his "others" live with miraculous style and vitality." --Mark Strand Fernando Pessoa is Portugal's most important contemporary poet. He wrote under several identities, which he called heteronyms: Albet Caeiro, Alvaro de Campos, Ricardo Reis, and Bernardo Soares. He wrote fine poetry under his own name as well, and each of his "voices" is completely different in subject, temperament, and style. This volume brings back into print the comprehensive collection of his work published by Ecco Press in 1986.
Duke University Press Collective Situations: Readings in Contemporary Latin American Art, 1995–2010
In Collective Situations scholars, artists, and art collectives present a range of socially engaged art practices that emerged in Latin America during the Pink Tide period, between 1995 and 2010. This volume's essays, interviews, and artist's statements—many of which are appearing in English for the first time—demonstrate the complex relationship between moments of political transformation and artistic production. Whether addressing human rights in Colombia, the politics of urban spaces in Brazil, the violent legacy of military dictatorships in the region, or art’s intersection with public policy, health, and the environment, the contributors outline the region’s long-standing tradition of challenging ideas about art and the social sphere through experimentation. Introducing English-language readers to some of the most dynamic and innovative contemporary art in Latin America, Collective Situations documents new possibilities for artistic practice, collaboration, and creativity in ways that have the capacity to foster vibrant forms of democratic citizenship. Contributors Gavin Adams, Mariola V. Alvarez, Gustavo Buntinx, María Fernanda Cartagena, David Gutiérrez Castañeda, Fabian Cereijido, Paloma Checa-Gismero, Kency Cornejo, Raquel de Anda, Bill Kelley Jr., Grant H. Kester, Suzanne Lacy, Ana Longoni, Rodrigo Martí, Elize Mazadiego, Annie Mendoza, Alberto Muenala, Prerana Reddy, Maria Reyes Franco, Pilar Riaño-Alcalá, Juan Carlos Rodríguez
Guggenheim Museum Publications,U.S. Giacometti
This comprehensive survey of the work of the Swiss-born modern master Alberto Giacometti offers a fresh and incisive account of his entire creative output. Published on the occasion of Giacometti’s first major museum presentation in the U.S. in over a decade, the volume brings together nearly 200 sculptures, paintings and drawings to trace the artist’s wide-ranging and hugely innovative engagement with the human form across various mediums. While Giacometti may be best known for his distinct figurative sculptures that emerged after World War II, including a series of elongated standing women, striding men and expressive busts, this volume devotes equal attention to the artist’s early and midcareer development. It explores his lesser-known engagement with Cubism and Surrealism as well as African, Oceanic and Cycladic art, which preceded his shift to figuration, while also highlighting his remarkable talents as a draftsman and painter alongside his sculptural oeuvre. Of particular focus is Giacometti’s studio practice, which is examined through rarely seen plaster sculptures that highlight the artist’s working process, in addition to ephemera and historical photographs documenting his relationship with the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum – which hosted the artist’s first U.S. exhibition, in 1955 – and with New York City.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Inspired Home: Interiors of Deep Beauty
The Inspired Home: Interiors of Deep Beauty opens the door to twenty-five of the most beautiful homes in the world-ones owned by top interior designers, fashion designers, artists, and stylists-to reveal how simple principles borrowed from nature can inspire gorgeous, innovative interiors that both calm and embolden us. To create this unique volume, Karen Lehrman Bloch interviewed renowned aesthetes with homes all over the world, including interior designers Juan Montoya, Darryl Carter, and Vicente Wolf; fashion designers Donna Karan, Alberta Ferretti, and Consuelo Castiglioni; stylist Lori Goldstein; and artist Michele Oka Doner. The direct and practical advice featured inside, along with a wealth of extraordinary photographs of the homes, teaches us how to feel visually, understand color and texture, and find objects, new and used, with a sense of life. An inspired home, Bloch reveals, fulfills our physical and spiritual needs, provides an enduring sense of rejuvenation and pleasure, and is both easily attainable and timeless.
Duke University Press Latinx Lives in Hemsipheric Context
This special issue investigates the intersections among Latinx, Chicanx, ethnic, and hemispheric American Studies, mapping the history of Latinx and Latin American literary and cultural production as it has circulated through the United States and the Americas. The issue comprises original archival research on Latinx print culture, modernismo, and land grabs, as well as short position pieces on the relevance of “Latinx” both as a term and as a field category for historical scholarship, representational politics, and critical intervention. Taken as a whole, the issue interrogates how Latinx literary, cultural, and scholarly productions circulate across the Americas in the same ways as the lives and bodies of Latinx peoples have moved, migrated, or mobilized throughout history. Contributors: Elise Bartosik-Vélez, Ralph Bauer, Rachel Conrad Bracken, Anna Brickhouse, John Alba Cutler, Kenya C. Dworkin y Méndez, Joshua Javier Guzmán, Anita Huizar-Hernández, Kelley Kreitz, Rodrigo Lazo, Marissa K. López, Claudia Milian, Yolanda Padilla, Juan Poblete, David Sartorius, Alberto Varon
Birlinn General The Greatest Show on Earth: The Inside Story of the Legendary 1970 World Cup
Shortlisted for the Sunday Times Football Book of the Year 2022 One of the Financial Times Top 5 Best Sports Books of the Year The 1970 World Cup is widely regarded as the greatest ever staged, with more goals per game than any World Cup since. But more than just the proliferation of goals was the quality of the overall football, as some of the finest teams ever to represent the likes of West Germany, Peru, Italy and England came together for a tilt at the world title. But at the heart of the tournament were Brazil; captained by Carlos Alberto and featuring legends like Pelé, Gérson, Jairzinho, Rivellino and Tostão, the 1970 Seleção are often cited as the greatest-ever World Cup team. Using brand new interviews alongside painstaking archival research, Andrew Downie charts each stage of the tournament, from the preparations to the final, telling a host of remarkable stories in the players’ own words. The result is an immediate, insightful and compelling narrative that paints a unique portrait of an extraordinary few weeks when football hit peaks it has seldom reached since. This is Mexico 1970. Welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth.
Bonnier Books Ltd I Said No Thanks: The Autobiography
Nacho Novo is the most revered foreign player Rangers have had since iconic figures like Brian Laudrup and Jorg Albertz. He became an instant favourite with the Ibrox faithful in the summer of 2004 when he famously rejected overtures from arch-rivals Celtic and signed for Rangers. Now, as he closes in on six years at Rangers, "I Said No Thanks" tells Nacho Novo's story in an explosive and controversial book that pulls no punches. Novo charts his journey from his upbringing in Spain to the streets of Kirkcaldy and Dundee as he made his name in Scottish football. There's the family tragedy that changed his life. He reveals the real reasons he said 'No Thanks' to Celtic - a decision that defined his life. And he tells the full inside story of the managers he has worked with, the glory goals that have clinched SPL titles and UEFA Cup glory, the fall-outs and the controversy as well as revealing for the first time the shocking stories behind life in Glasgow as one of the few players to have split the football-mad city in two. "I Said No Thanks" is a no-holds-barred insight into life as an Old Firm star.
Stanford University Press Voice and Vote: Decentralization and Participation in Post-Fujimori Peru
In the months following disgraced ex-President Alberto Fujimori's flight to Japan, Peru had a political crisis on its hands. The newly elected government that came together in mid-2001 faced a skeptical and suspicious public, with no magic bullet for achieving legitimacy. Many argued that the future of democracy was at stake, and that the government's ability to decentralize and incorporate new actors in decision-making processes was critical. Toward that end, the country's political elite devolved power to subnational governments and designed new institutions to encourage broader citizen participation. By 2002, Peru's participatory decentralization reform (PDR) was finalized and the experiment began. This book explores the possibilities and limitations of the decision to restructure political systems in a way that promotes participation. The analysis also demonstrates the power that political, historical, and institutional factors can have in the design and outcomes of participatory institutions. Using original data from six regions of Peru, political scientist Stephanie McNulty documents variation in PDR implementation, delves into the factors that explain this variation, and points to regional factors as prime determinants in the success or failure of participatory institutions.
The University of Chicago Press Commercial Visions: Science, Trade, and Visual Culture in the Dutch Golden Age
Entrepreneurial science is not new; business interests have strongly influenced science since the Scientific Revolution. In Commercial Visions, Daniel Margocsy illustrates that product marketing, patent litigation, and even ghostwriting pervaded natural history and medicine - the "big sciences" of the early modern era - and argues that the growth of global trade during the Dutch Golden Age gave rise to an entrepreneurial network of transnational science. Margocsy introduces a number of natural historians, physicians, and curiosi in Amsterdam, London, St. Petersburg, and Paris who, in their efforts to boost their trade, developed modern taxonomy, invented color printing and anatomical preparation techniques, and contributed to philosophical debates on topics ranging from human anatomy to Newtonian optics. These scientific practitioners, including Frederik Ruysch and Albertus Seba, were out to do business: they produced and sold exotic curiosities, anatomical prints, preserved specimens, and atlases of natural history to customers all around the world. Margocsy reveals how their entrepreneurial rivalries transformed the scholarly world of the Republic of Letters into a competitive marketplace. Margocsy's highly readable and engaging book will be warmly welcomed by anyone interested in early modern science, global trade, art, and culture.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon In Statu Nascendi – Journal of Political Philosophy and International Relations, Volume 3, No. 2 (2020)
In Statu Nascendi is a peer-reviewed journal that aspires to be a world-class scholarly platform encompassing original academic research dedicated to the circle of Political Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Theory of International Relations, Foreign Policy, and the political Decision-making process. The journal investigates specific issues through a socio-cultural, philosophical, and anthropological approach to raise a new type of civic awareness about the complexity of contemporary crisis, instability, and warfare situations, where the stage-of-becoming plays a vital role. Issue 2020:2 comprises, amongst others, the following interviews & articles: Clarity is what I seek first: An interview with Professor Tamara Albertini by Piotr Pietrzak, Andrea Giuseppe Ragno: Reinventing Politics: An Epistemic Conversion of Information Technologies, Koumparoudis Evangelos: Information Society and a New Form of Embodiment. Iga Kleszczyńska: The Analysis of the Economic and Political Determinants of the Venezuelan Presidential Crisis since 2019; Attila Mezei: Balance of Power and the 21st Century Iron Law of International Relations or an Outdated Idea; Bálint László Tóth: North-South Railway Construction Projects in the Visegrád Four Countries (V4). Spillovers of Central East European Intergovernmental Transport Development Initiatives.
New York University Press Unbecoming Blackness: The Diaspora Cultures of Afro-Cuban America
2014 Runner-Up, MLA Prize in United States Latina and Latino and Chicana and Chicano Literary and Cultural Studies In Unbecoming Blackness, Antonio López uncovers an important, otherwise unrecognized century-long archive of literature and performance that reveals Cuban America as a space of overlapping Cuban and African diasporic experiences. López shows how Afro-Cuban writers and performers in the U.S. align Cuban black and mulatto identities, often subsumed in the mixed-race and postracial Cuban national imaginaries, with the material and symbolic blackness of African Americans and other Afro-Latinas/os. In the works of Alberto O’Farrill, Eusebia Cosme, Rómulo Lachatañeré, and others, Afro-Cubanness articulates the African diasporic experience in ways that deprive negro and mulato configurations of an exclusive link with Cuban nationalism. Instead, what is invoked is an “unbecoming” relationship between Afro-Cubans in the U.S and their domestic black counterparts. The transformations in Cuban racial identity across the hemisphere, represented powerfully in the literary and performance cultures of Afro-Cubans in the U.S., provide the fullest account of a transnational Cuba, one in which the Cuban American emerges as Afro-Cuban-American, and the Latino as Afro-Latino.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Wings of Angels: A Tribute to the Art of World War II Pinup & Aviation Vol.2
A beautifully presented, two-volume collection, uniquely chronicling the story and history of the most recognizable aircraft of World War II and the pinup girls whose images graced these legendary warbirds. Flying into combat with our boys, inspiring and providing our U.S. soldiers with sweetly seductive reminders of home, these pinups are a reminder of the All American good life GIs were fighting for. For the first time, Michael Malak has merged classic 1940s style Hollywood photographs in black and white and sepia recreations for the vintage at heart, as well as full color HDR (High Dynamic Range) photographs for the modern art lover. This book takes the viewer through the history of these magnificent warbirds and the role they played in World War II, and provides detailed, factual information about each of them courtesy of the Yanks Air Museum, home of these exquisite warbirds. Several world renowned pinup artists of today, such as Greg Hildebrandt, have contributed their time and talent to take part in this project, providing original artwork for Wings of Angels in the tradition of legendary pinup artists Gil Elvgren and Alberto Vargas.
El poeta es un fingidor antología poética
Pessoa es, con Camoens, el escritor portugués que más ha trascendido fuera de su país. Además de un gran poeta, Pessoa fue también un extraordinario prosista y, sobre todo, un pensador, agudo, profundo y original. Los biógrafos y demás estudiosos de Pessoa no suelen olvidar su declaración de que, desde su infancia, gustaba el poeta de rodearse de personajes ficticios de su invención, en los que él mismo veía el origen remoto de los heterónimos. Esta edición ofrece, en versión bilingüe, una amplia selección de sus tres principales heterónimos: Alberto Caeiro, Ricardo Reis y Álvaro de Campos, así como de Pessoa " êle mesmo " .
Editorial Bruño No digas que estás solo Bachillerato Comunidad de Madrid
Begoña y Alberto trabajan como becarios para televisión; un trabajo rutinario y aburrido; hasta que un día les encargan un reportaje sobre los pueblos abandonados del Pirineo aragonés. Allí se trasladan, a Cotela, un buen lugar para filmar con tranquilidad el abandono en que han quedado los muros caídos por la podredumbre y el olvido. Pero inesperadamente, uno tras otro, se van sucediendo hechos inexplicables, escalofriantes. Una extraña presencia les acecha. Un alma asesina parece latir en la aldea.
Royal British Columbia Museum Plant Technology of the First Peoples of British Columbia
“This excellent field guide to many plants native to British Columbia emphasizes the traditional technological uses of plant materials by the First Peoples of the region…. This well-organized, clearly written book contains a wealth of fascination information for both the ethnobotanist and the interested layperson.” – Nikki Tate-Stratton, Canadian Book Review AnnualIn her third ethnobotany handbook, Nancy Turner focuses on the plants that provided heat, shelter, transportation, clothing, tools, nets, ropes, containers—all the necessities of life for First Peoples. She describes more than 100 of these plants, their various uses and their importance in the material cultures of First Nations in British Columbia and adjacent lands in Washington, Alberta, Alaska and Montana. She also shows how First Peoples have used plant materials to make decorations, scents, cleaning agents, insect repellents, toys and many other items.
Duke University Press Marshall Plan Modernism: Italian Postwar Abstraction and the Beginnings of Autonomia
Focusing on artwork by Lucio Fontana, Alberto Burri, and Piero Manzoni, Jaleh Mansoor demonstrates and reveals how abstract painting, especially the monochrome, broke with fascist-associated futurism and functioned as an index of social transition in postwar Italy. Mansoor refuses to read the singularly striking formal and procedural violence of Fontana's slit canvasses, Burri's burnt and exploded plastics, and Manzoni's "achromes" as metaphors of traumatic memories of World War II. Rather, she locates the motivation for this violence in the history of the medium of painting and in the economic history of postwar Italy. Reconfiguring the relationship between politics and aesthetics, Mansoor illuminates how the monochrome's reemergence reflected Fontana, Burri, and Manzoni's aesthetic and political critique of the Marshall Plan's economic warfare and growing American hegemony. It also anticipated the struggles in Italy's factories, classrooms, and streets that gave rise to Autonomia in the 1960s. Marshall Plan Modernism refigures our understanding of modernist painting as a project about labor and the geopolitics of postwar reconstruction during the Italian Miracle.
University of Nebraska Press The Greater Plains: Rethinking a Region's Environmental Histories
The Greater Plains tells a new story of a region, stretching from the state of Texas to the province of Alberta, where the environments are as varied as the myriad ways people have inhabited them. These innovative essays document a complicated history of human interactions with a sometimes plentiful and sometimes foreboding landscape, from the Native Americans who first shaped the prairies with fire to twentieth-century oil regimes whose pipelines linked the region to the world.The Greater Plains moves beyond the narrative of ecological desperation that too often defines the region in scholarly works and in popular imagination. Using the lenses of grasses, animals, water, and energy, the contributors reveal tales of human adaptation through technologies ranging from the travois to bookkeeping systems and hybrid wheat. Transnational in its focus and interdisciplinary in its scholarship, The Greater Plains brings together leading historians, geographers, anthropologists, and archaeologists to chronicle a past rich with paradoxical successes and failures, conflicts and cooperation, but also continual adaptation to the challenging and ever-shifting environmental conditions of the North American heartland.
University of Nebraska Press The Greater Plains: Rethinking a Region's Environmental Histories
The Greater Plains tells a new story of a region, stretching from the state of Texas to the province of Alberta, where the environments are as varied as the myriad ways people have inhabited them. These innovative essays document a complicated history of human interactions with a sometimes plentiful and sometimes foreboding landscape, from the Native Americans who first shaped the prairies with fire to twentieth-century oil regimes whose pipelines linked the region to the world.The Greater Plains moves beyond the narrative of ecological desperation that too often defines the region in scholarly works and in popular imagination. Using the lenses of grasses, animals, water, and energy, the contributors reveal tales of human adaptation through technologies ranging from the travois to bookkeeping systems and hybrid wheat. Transnational in its focus and interdisciplinary in its scholarship, The Greater Plains brings together leading historians, geographers, anthropologists, and archaeologists to chronicle a past rich with paradoxical successes and failures, conflicts and cooperation, but also continual adaptation to the challenging and ever-shifting environmental conditions of the North American heartland.
Duke University Press Gramsci in the World
Antonio Gramsci's Prison Notebooks have offered concepts, categories, and political solutions that have been applied in a variety of social and political contexts, from postwar Italy to the insurgencies of the Arab Spring. The contributors to Gramsci in the World examine the diverse receptions and uses of Gramscian thought, highlighting its possibilities and limits for understanding and changing the world. Among other topics, they explore Gramsci's importance to Caribbean anticolonial thinkers like Stuart Hall, his presence in decolonial indigenous movements in the Andes, and his relevance to understanding the Chinese Left. The contributors consider why Gramsci has had relatively little impact in the United States while also showing how he was a major force in pushing Marxism beyond Europe—especially into the Arab world and other regions of the Global South. Rather than taking one interpretive position on Gramsci, the contributors demonstrate the ongoing relevance of his ideas to revolutionary theory and praxis. Contributors. Alberto Burgio, Cesare Casarino, Maria Elisa Cevasco, Kate Crehan, Roberto M. Dainotto, Michael Denning, Harry Harootunian, Fredric Jameson, R. A. Judy, Patrizia Manduchi, Andrea Scapolo, Peter D. Thomas, Catherine Walsh, Pu Wang, Cosimo Zene
New York University Press Latino/a Popular Culture
Scholars from the humanities and social sciences analyze representations of Latinidad in a diversity of genres Latinos have become the largest ethnic minority group in the United States. While the presence of Latinos and Latinas in mainstream news and in popular culture in the United States buttresses the much-heralded Latin Explosion, the images themselves are often contradictory. In Latino/a Popular Culture, Habell-Pallán and Romero have brought together scholars from the humanities and social sciences to analyze representations of Latinidad in a diversity of genres—media, culture, music, film, theatre, art, and sports—that are emerging across the nation in relation to Chicanas, Chicanos, mestizos, Puerto Ricans, Caribbeans, Central Americans and South Americans, and Latinos in Canada. Contributors include Adrian Burgos, Jr., Luz Calvo, Arlene Dávila, Melissa A. Fitch, Michelle Habell-Pallán, Tanya Katerí Hernández, Josh Kun, Frances Negron-Muntaner, William A. Nericcio, Raquel Z. Rivera, Ana Patricia Rodríguez, Gregory Rodriguez, Mary Romero, Alberto Sandoval-Sánchez, Christopher A. Shinn, Deborah R. Vargas, and Juan Velasco. Cover artwork "Layering the Decades" by Diane Gamboa, 2002, mixed media on paper, 11 X 8.5". Copyright 2001, Diane Gamboa. Printed with permission.
Archaeopress Ricerche Archeologiche a Sant’Andrea di Loppio (Trento, Italia): L'Area della Chiesa
Fifteen centuries ago, the island of Saint Andrew (Isola di Sant’Andrea), located in the basin of Lake Loppio, drained in 1956, was the seat of a fortified settlement, and in the Middle Ages a church dedicated to St. Andrew was built on its top. After sporadic discoveries beginning in the 19th century, in 1998 the Archaeology Department of the Rovereto Civic Museum began a research and study project on the site, comprising a series of summer excavation campaigns. The archaeological investigations, completed in 2017, have brought to light a multi-layered archaeological site with finds ranging from the prehistoric age to Late Antiquity, medieval times and even until the First World War. While the first volume (published in 2016) was about the results of the research concerning the 5th-7th century castrum, this second work takes into consideration the results of the archaeological research in the area of the church (Sectors C and C1). Contains contributions by Milena Anesi, Maurizio Battisti, Cinzia Borchia, Roberto Cabella, Florence Caillaud, Sabrina Calzà, Claudio Capelli, Simone Cavalieri, Anna Maria Fioretti, Luca Gardumi, Stefano Marconi, Marco Morghen, Michele Piazza, Alberta Silvestri, Eleonora Tomasini, Fabiana Zandonai.
McGill-Queen's University Press Legislated Inequality: Temporary Labour Migration in Canada
Historically, Canada has adopted immigration policies focused on admitting migrants who were expected to become citizens. A dramatic shift has occurred in recent years as the number of temporary labourers admitted to Canada has increased substantially. Legislated Inequality critically evaluates this radical development in Canadian immigration, arguing that it threatens to undermine Canada's success as an immigrant nation. Assessing each of the four major temporary labour migration programs in Canada, contributors from a range of disciplines - including comparative political science, philosophy, and sociology - show how temporary migrants are posed to occupy a permanent yet marginal status in society and argue that Canada's temporary labour policy must undergo fundamental changes in order to support Canada's long held immigration goals. The difficult working conditions faced by migrant workers, as well as the economic and social dangers of relying on temporary migration to relieve labour shortages, are described in detail. Legislated Inequality provides an essential critical analysis of the failings of temporary labour migration programs in Canada and proposes tangible ways to improve the lives of labourers. Contributors include Abigail B. Bakan (Queen's University), Tom Carter (University of Manitoba), Sarah D'Aoust (University of Ottawa), Christina Gabriel (Carleton University), Jill Hanley (McGill University), Jenna Hennebry (Wilfrid Laurier University), Christine Hughes (Carleton University), Karen D. Hughes (University of Alberta), Jahhon Koo (McGill University), Patti Tamara Lenard (University of Ottawa), Laura Macdonald (Carleton University), Janet McLaughlin (Wilfrid Laurier University), Delphine Nakache (University of Ottawa), Jacqueline Oxman-Martinez (Universite de Montreal), Kerry Priebisch (University of Guelph), Andre Rivard (University of Windsor), Nandita Sharma (University of Hawaii), Eric Shragge (Concordia University), Denise Spitzer (University of Ottawa), Daiva Stasuilus (Carleton University) Christine Straehle (University of Ottawa), Patricia Tomic (University of British Columbia, Okanagan), Sarah Torres (University of Ottawa), and Richard Trumper (University of British Columbia, Okanagan).